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Ogie Yudha Herlangga

Faculty of Language and Arts, Yogyakarta State University

The background of this research is doubts about the use of Mobile-Assisted
Language Learning (MALL) and microlearning materials in English courses that
provide English language provision for specific purposes. The Service Program of
the Ministry of Information and Communication appointed a professional training
institute LBI (Les Bahasa Inggris.com) to organize English for tourism training for
tourism activists and stakeholders throughout Indonesia. LBI course institutions in
practice use the Mobile-Assisted Language Learning platform and combine it with
microlearning material as a medium and training method. Mobile-Assisted Language
Learning and microlearning materials provide a new teaching paradigm that allows
knowledge and information to be broken down into small pieces and conveyed to
students. Microlearning materials can make the material studied easy to understand
and remember.

This study aims to determine whether Mobile-Assisted Language Learning and

microlearning materials affect English language proficiency in English for tourism
training participants and analyse the most dominant factor. The population in this
study were English for tourism training participants held by the LBI course institute
in collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Communication. The samples
taken were 167 respondents. Data collection was carried out using the online survey
method through a questionnaire filled out by the training participants. Then the data
were analysed using multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the research
results, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning and microlearning materials have an
effect on English language proficiency.

Keyword: Microlearning content, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning

(MALL), language proficiency.
In the era of Society 5.0, it enables modern-based science such as IoT, AI and
robots to make human life easier to fulfil their needs more comfortably and
effectively. Changes in this era occur very quickly, thus affecting the social
environment, the world of work, and even personal life. The need to learn faster
becomes a very important and urgent matter to improve one's quality of life (T. Hug,
2005). Conventional and traditional learning that exists today is still not able to direct
students towards creativity and innovation. This is because the old learning methods
have not been able to motivate students to discover and learn new things. Apart
from that, conventional and traditional methods are also very easy to forget.
According to (Hug et al., 2004) there is data that the traditional learning process
can reduce students' attention from 12 to 8 seconds when the traditional method
mode is adapted. This is because the average student's attention decreases.

Microlearning is a teaching method that is closely related to e-learning, which places

knowledge material in small fragments so that students can easily understand it.
There are lots of media on the internet where everyone can access the benefits of
microlearning, starting from reading and watching video content on the web or other
learning applications. The most interesting thing is that almost all smartphone
devices that everyone must have can access information. Microlearning really allows
students to be able to admission learning materials and any data anytime, anywhere
and in the format they need. Apart from that, in the microlearning method, the
speed of learning greatly benefits students. They can access as much learning
content as they need with very flexible time. The microlearning method can provide
new knowledge and skills needed by students in finding an answer or solving a
problem according to their wishes. Although most of the microlearning material is
related to language learning (Cates, 2017) in the last decade it has also been
expanded into other learning fields. However, a good learning approach and
interesting content are not enough in today's digital era. Teaching English also needs
to be collaborated with technology. The phenomenon of the development of gadgets
and cell phones in the last three years can be used as a medium for learning English.

The presence of a cell phone or cell phone makes users feel comfortable when
working and studying. In the world of education, the presence of this device makes
the teaching and learning process easy (Nurhayati, 2020) Especially with this
pandemic, lecturers and students are forced to study.. and work at home (WFH) or
work from anywhere (WFA). This trend will occur in the future. In the field of
teaching English, MALL is currently being widely used both formally and informally.
Furthermore, (Miangah, 2005) said that MALL allows students to learn independently
without time constraints.

Being able to communicate effectively in English especially for tourism purposes

requires more than just the ability to construct grammatical phrases. It also requires
other related skills, such as the ability to communicate with tourists, the ability to
present and describe tourist attractions, persuade others and negotiate (Freeman,
2016) The need for English proficiency is projected to grow every year as the world
of global tourism develops. Workers without adequate English proficiency may find
it very difficult to advance their careers.

Therefore, it is very important to have proficiency in English, especially in the world

of tourism. To find out the correlation of English competence with microlearning
content and Mobile-Assisted language learning platforms, the authors conducted
this research study at an English language course institution called LBI (Les Bahasa
Inggris.com) in collaboration with the ministry of communication and information.
In the training held, LBI uses the concept of Mobile-Assisted language learning
platform which can be accessed by participants throughout Indonesia with
microlearning content. The focus of the training is to improve English language skills
for tourism activists in areas that have attractive tourism potential throughout
Indonesia. One main research question guides this study: What is the impact of
using microlearning content and Mobile-Assisted language learning platforms on
English language proficiency?

Some researchers have conducted studies on microlearning, Mobile-Assisted

Language Learning (MALL) and language proficiency but differ in purpose and
methodology. In this study the researchers wanted to examine the relationship
between microlearning, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning and English language
proficiency, furthermore this research was entitled "The impact of microlearning
content and Mobile-Assisted Language Learning Platform on English language
proficiency”. This study intentions to analyse the association among these variables.
Several similar studies that have been studied by previous researchers are as

First, research was conducted by (Sirwan Mohammed et al., 2018) This research is
classroom action research that,. aims to analyze the effectiveness of microlearning
in improving students' learning abilities. The result is that by using microlearning
techniques, the effectiveness and efficiency of learning can be increased.
Microlearning can improve the learning abilities of GPA students.

The second research was conducted by (Giurgiu, 2017) In this study, microlearning
was used in video form. Researchers introduce microlearning in the form of videos
to others in terms of explaining examples of the potential and demands of
microlearning economic experiences. The results of this study microlearning
materials in video format can be applied well in language classes.

Other studies showed some different results, some improvements and evaluations
must be made in the microlearning method. (Baumgartner et al., n.d.) shows the
suitability of microlearning with the general taxonomic framework of thinking, the
purpose of this research is to try to face some new differences in the field of
education in one classification and look for the reasons behind the need for an
approach theory for the classification of the field. The results in this study, the
authors suggest adapting the communicative action developed by Jurgen Habermas
in his work to make improvements and more detailed evaluations in the use of

Based on some of the research above, the author eats to examine the other side of
micro learning and Mobile-Assisted Language Learning from the different problem
and paradigm. This study aims to determine whether Mobile-Assisted Language
Learning and microlearning materials affect English language proficiency in English
for tourism training participants and analyses the most dominant factor
Materials and Methods
The method used in this research is ex post facto quantitative research. The
treatment in the ex post facto study had occurred before the researcher did it, so
the researcher did not control the treatment. In this study, researchers will find out
the English language proficiency of students who are influenced by microlearning
content and mobile assisted language learning platforms.

The population taken in this study were all participants in the Bakti Kominfo English
Tourism Program organized by the LBI English Course in collaboration with the
Ministry of Information and Technology who have received English training from
2020 to 2022. The total number of participants in one training sulcus is 1000 people
with an average Each class has approximately 30 students from all cities in
Sample can be interpreted as part of the population from which the data will be
collected (Arikunto, 2006) To measure how many minimum samples are needed,
the researcher uses the Slovin formula with an error level of 10%. From calculations
with the Slovin formula, a sample size of 167 people is obtained to represent 1000
There are two operational definitions of variables in this study. Mobile-Assisted
Language Learning Platform (X1), microlearning content (X2) and English Language
Proficiency (Y) as dependent variable. based on the connection of these variables
can be described in the subsequent model:


X1 = Mobile-Assisted language Learning Platform
X2 = Microlearning content
Y = English language proficiency
Conceptual Framework
Based on several theories that have been described in this study related to
microlearning content and mobile assisted language learning platforms will affect
English language proficiency. In this case, to facilitate understanding of the theory
above, it will be described in the following chart:
Picture 1
Research Plan Conceptual Framework

The impact of microlearning content and Mobile-Assisted

Language Learning Platform on English language proficiency

Microlearning Content Mobile-Assisted Language

- Greeting - Videos explanation
- Introducing yourself - Audio recording
- Describing tourist attraction - Online PPT material
- Handling guest’s complaint - PDF material
- Giving suggestion - Self reflection
- Giving direction - Quiz

English Language Proficiency

- Accuracy
- Fluency
- Complexity
- Suitability
- capacity

The Hypothesis of this study can be framed as follows:

1. There is an influence of microlearning content on English language proficiency.
2. There is an influence of the mobile assisted language learning platform on English
language proficiency.
3. There is an influence of microlearning content and mobile assisted language
learning platforms on English language proficiency.
In this study, questionnaire instruments were used. participants in this case the
training participants were given a number of written questions which were sent via
online media then the participants sent back the questions that had been given by
the researcher.
In this study the data obtained were the results of filling out the questionnaire which
was distributed to the respondents. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively
using multiple linear regression with the help of Windows SPSS version 25. The data
processing techniques were carried out in the following way:

a. Validity and Reliability Test

According to Ghozali (2005), to measure a valid questionnaire question or not, a
validity test is needed. A question that uses measurement by the questionnaire
is considered valid while the reliability for measuring a questionnaire question is
an indicator of a variable. The conclusion is that if the respondent's answers are
considered stable enough in collecting data from a period of time then the
questionnaire can be said to be valid and reliable
b. Classical Assumption Test
There are several ways to perform the classical assumption test. They are the
second normality test the multicollinearity test and the third the
heteroscedasticity test. First, the normality test, this type of test is used to
measure a regression model, whether it is normally distributed or not.
Furthermore, the multicollinearity test in this case has the aim of knowing the
relationship between variables in a regression. the assumption of this type of
exam is that there is no relationship between the independent variables. and the
last is the heterogeneity test function of this test is to investigate the dissimilarity
of variables from a study if in a study the results are fixed then it is called
homogeneous but if the results are very different then it is called heterogeneous.
c. Multiple Linear Regression Test
If there are two or more variables and a researcher wants to predict whether the
situation will increase or decrease, the thing to do is to do a multiple linear
regression analysis. The thing that needs to be underlined is that to carry out this
analysis the number of variables must be two or more variables
d. Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is carried out to obtain the results of the relationship between
the two variables, how does one variable influence another variable. This method
is carried out individually and is not bound by other variables. The T test serves
to make observations, how far a variable influence and explains other variables.
While the F statistic test will show the relationship of all variables in a research
model can jointly affect other dependent variables (Ghozali, 2005)

Results and Discussion

The results of quantitative testing conducted by researchers indicate that the
indicators are valid. This is based on the r calculated value is greater than the r table
value of 0.201. On the other hand, the results of the alpha reliability test also refer
to the same result that all types of variables tested have a large alpha coefficient,
in this case above 0.60. based on the statistical analysis, it can be concluded that
each variable tested has good reliability.

In observing the graph, it can be seen that several dots spread around the line.
From these observations it can be concluded that the regression model used in this
study meets the assumption of normality. Then, other results show that the VIF is
less than 10 days. This refers to a result that the data is free from multicollinearity

The results of the statistical regression analysis above are concluded and
summarized in a table below
Table 1
Results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and t Test
B Std. Beta t Sig
Constant 4.670 1.892 3.878 0.000
Mobile- 0.216 0.056 0.284 3.210 0.002
Learning (X1)
microlearning 0.311 0.080 0.344 3.371 0.001
content (X2)

F 62.768 T tabel
Sig F 0.000 1.622

From the calculation results of table 1, the regression equation can be displayed
as follows:
Y = X1 (3.210) + X2 (3.371)
Mobile-Assisted Language Learning, and microlearning content on English
language proficiency for English for tourism program training participants
The Mobile-Assisted Language Learning variable and microlearning content have
a positive relationship to the English language proficiency variable, meaning that
the better the Mobile-Assisted Language Learning and microlearning content,
the higher the level of English language proficiency. The variable Mobile-Assisted
Language Learning (X1) has the greatest influence on English language
proficiency with a regression coefficient of 0.344, followed by brand competence
(X2) with a regression coefficient of 0.323.

The Mobile-Assisted Language Learning variable and microlearning content have

a positive relationship to the English language proficiency variable, meaning that
the better the Mobile-Assisted Language Learning and microlearning content,
the higher the level of English language proficiency. The variable Mobile-Assisted
Language Learning (X1) has the greatest influence on English language
proficiency with a regression coefficient of 0.359.

The Effect of Mobile-Assisted Language

Learning The results of testing with SPSS obtained for Mobile-Assisted Language
Learning obtained that the regression coefficient value has a positive direction
and t count = 0.210 with a significance level of 0.002. Based on the maximum
significance limit, which is 0.05 and with a smaller significant value, namely
0.002, it can be concluded that the hypothesis which states that Mobile-Assisted
Language Learning has a significant effect on English language proficiency really
has an effect on trust in brand based on the maximum significance limit, which
is 0.05 and with a smaller significant value, namely 0.002, it can be concluded
that the hypothesis which states that Mobile-Assisted Language Learning has a
significant positive effect on English language proficiency. The better and
frequently used, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning, the higher the level of
English language proficiency.
The effect of microlearning content
The t test results with SPSS obtained for the microlearning content variable, the
regression coefficient value has a positive direction and t count = 3.371 with a
significance level of 0.001. Because the significance value is less than 0.05,
namely 0.001, the hypothesis which states that micro learning content has a
significant effect on English proficiency is acceptable. Meanwhile, the direction
of the positive regression coefficient means that microlearning content has a
significant positive effect on English language proficiency. The better the
microlearning content, the higher the level of English language proficiency.

On the other hand, Based on the outcomes of data processing, the calculated F
is 61,786 with a significance level of 0.000. The significance value is less than
0.05 and the F count > F table (2.71). it is said that Mobile-Assisted Language
Learning and microlearning content together have a significant effect on variable
English language proficiency.

The coefficient of determination (R2) essentially measures how far the model's
ability to explain the variation in the dependent variable. Based on the results of
calculations using the SPSS program, it can be shown that the adjusted R Square
value is 0.657. So it can be seen that 65.7% of English language proficiency is
influenced by Mobile-Assisted Language Learning and microlearning content.
While 34.3% is influenced by other factors not included in this study.

This study purposes to determine the effect of Mobile-Assisted Language
Learning and microlearning content variables on English language proficiency in
English for tourism program training participants. From the regression results it
results that the two independent variables have a positive effect on English
language proficiency which can be shown as follows: From the results of data
analysis and discussion that has been carried out in this study, it can be
concluded that: (1) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning variable has a positive
effect and significant to English language proficiency. This means that the more
Mobile-Assisted Language Learning, the higher the level of English language
proficiency. In addition, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning is one of the factors
that can improve English language proficiency. Meanwhile, the effect of Mobile-
Assisted Language Learning on English language proficiency is the highest
among the other variables, with a regression coefficient of 0.344. (2) The
microlearning content variable has a positive and significant effect on English
language proficiency. This means that the better and more often the use of
microlearning content, the higher the level of English language proficiency. In
addition, microlearning content is one of the factors that can improve English
language proficiency. And the effect of microlearning content on English
language proficiency itself is second, with a regression coefficient of 0.323.

The t test shows that partially or individually: Mobile-Assisted Language

Learning, brand competence and microlearning content are significant to English
language proficiency, with a significance value of 0.002 each; and 0.001. Which
can be said to be significant if the significance value is less than 0.05 (<0.05).
While the F test obtained a significant level of 0.000. Based on these results, the
regression prototypical in this study can be used to predict the level of English
language proficiency or it can be said that the Mobile-Assisted Language
Learning and microlearning content variables together have a significant effect
on the English language proficiency variable. because F count is greater than F
table (62.768 > 2.71) and the significance value is less than 0.005 (0.000
<0.005). The results of the analysis on the coefficient of determination test
showed that the value of the adjusted R square was 0.657. This means that
65.7% of English language proficiency is influenced by Mobile-Assisted
Language Learning and microlearning content
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