7 Shaheen, R
7 Shaheen, R
7 Shaheen, R
With the widespread use of mobile phones, researchers now have a golden opportunity to study
their impact on education. This isn't just relevant to English language learning; it affects
education as a whole. Sarhandi et al., (2022). The number of mobile phone users worldwide
has exploded in recent years. The growing use of mobile devices, especially by younger people
(Franklin, 2011), has fuelled a new way to learn languages: Mobile Assisted Language
Learning (MALL) (Stockwell, 2010). MALL takes advantage of this mobile trend by letting
people learn languages whenever and wherever they want (Hockly, 2013). This flexibility
makes MALL a powerful form of language learning with technology, offering a distinct
advantage over traditional methods.
The widespread use of English in business, education, and technology has created a huge
demand for learning it. This has led to the development of increasingly effective methods and
tools for English language learning. Mobile devices, being affordable and readily available,
have become a powerful modern solution for learners, especially in developing economies
(lower-middle and upper-middle income).
Assistant Professor, Institute of English, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan.
Lecturer, Institute of English, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan.
Subject Specialist, Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Community College Khairpur Mir’s, Sindh,
Pakistan. Email: drowsylaked_eye@yahoo.com
Copyright: ©This is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.
Compliance with ethical standards: There are no conflicts of interest (financial or non-financial). This study did not receive any funding.
102 Journal of Asian Development Studies Vol. 13, Issue 2 (June 2024)
A recent study by Rashid (2017) highlights some concerns with how English is currently taught
in Pakistan. The report suggests a need for more creativity and qualified teachers, which might
be leading to lower student success (Rashid, 2017). Dumanig (2017) further explore this issue,
pinpointing outdated teaching methods, rote memorization, overcrowded classrooms, and
uninspired curriculum as key problems. They even suggest that both teachers and students
struggle with motivation in this current system.
There's a growing interest in using mobile devices to address the weaknesses in how English
is taught in Pakistan, especially for practising outside of class (Dumanig & David, 2017).
Studies suggest these devices create a more engaging and real-world learning environment
compared to traditional classrooms. This extra practice can lead to better performance in class.
Learners themselves see mobile devices as valuable tools for independent learning, allowing
them to find information, communicate, collaborate, and essentially take charge of their own
learning experience (Farley et al., 2015). The affordability, portability, durability, user-
friendliness, and interactive features of mobile devices make them particularly well-suited for
language learning. While mobile devices hold promise for improving English learning in
Pakistan, there are roadblocks to getting them into classrooms (Abbas & Asif, 2012). A big
reason is that many teachers need to be more comfortable using technology for teaching. They
might need more training or resources to learn new instructional methods. Other factors include
a focus on memorization for exams and school rules that might limit the use of new tools. Even
students themselves might need to realize how mobile devices can help them learn English
Problem Statement
This study explores how university students at Shah Abdul Latif University (SALU) in Sindh,
Pakistan, utilize mobile devices for English language learning. The student population
represents diverse educational backgrounds and a wide range of English proficiency levels,
from low-beginner to high-advanced. The research aims to identify demographic factors
influencing students' use of mobile devices for language learning. Students' existing mobile
device skills for general purposes may not translate directly to maximizing the benefits of
MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) practices. Furthermore, the study seeks to
investigate whether MALL can impact students' beliefs and attitudes towards using mobile
devices for language learning, potentially influencing the frequency of their MALL
Research Questions
1. What are the digital practices of university students both inside and outside the classroom?
2. What are the effects of MALL on learners’ attitudes towards, beliefs about, and use of
smartphones for autonomous language learning?
Literature Review
A literature review serves as the foundation for new research by examining relevant past studies
(Ahmad et al., 2023; Kalhoro et al., 2023; Maitlo et al., 2024). It establishes the core concepts
of the research and explains how it contributes to existing knowledge (Maitlo et al., 2023;
Ahmad et al., 2022). Essentially, it clarifies the research topic's connection to previous work in
the field (Soomro et al., 2023).
MALL in Pakistan
To address the increasingly complex needs of students, educators must continually refine their
teaching methods. To achieve this, schools should offer teachers regular chances to improve
their professional expertise. Naz et al. (2023) studies show that integrating mobile technology
into education can significantly improve learning outcomes, which in turn fuels economic
growth and better living standards. Shamsi (2021) research in India investigated how mobile
phones could improve English speaking and listening skills, which are crucial for many
104 Journal of Asian Development Studies Vol. 13, Issue 2 (June 2024)
professions but often need to be addressed in traditional teaching methods. Bellarman argues
that written tests overemphasize writing skills and that mobile phones could be used in
classrooms to enhance speaking and listening. Additionally, effective teaching strategies are
key to maximizing the benefits of mobile learning, as it is student-centred and engaging.
Teachers will see the biggest benefit from professional development when they can directly
apply what they learn in the classroom (Sarhandi et al., 2016).
Pakistan, a lower-middle-income country in Asia, provides a relevant example. With 90%
mobile network coverage and a booming mobile phone industry, Pakistan offers a landscape
ripe for mobile learning. The number of mobile phone users is rapidly increasing across all
demographics, making Pakistan the 10th country in the world with the most mobile phone
subscribers. This widespread access to mobile technology positions Pakistan to potentially
leverage mobile learning for educational improvement.
Research Methodology
Research methodology is the roadmap of the research study. It outlines the systematic plan the
researcher follows to collect, analyse, and interpret data to answer research questions (Soomro
et al., 2023).
This study combines quantitative (surveys) and qualitative (in-depth interviews) methods to
explore how students with varying English skills use mobile devices for language learning. The
researchers aim to identify student perceptions of mobile learning effectiveness, their reasons
for mobile use during and outside of class, and the types of mobile tools they find most
beneficial (games, websites, etc.). Unlike previous research that focused on specific apps or
measured learning outcomes, this study prioritizes understanding student perspectives on the
broader range of mobile learning possibilities.
This study investigates the general mobile usage habits of 40 university students and how they
perceive mobile technology might improve their language skills. The participants come from
various academic backgrounds, including English literature, linguistics, economics,
psychology, and science. The group is evenly divided by gender (20 male, 20 female) and age
range (20-23 years old). All participants have studied English from tertiary (post-secondary)
education through university and share Sindhi as their native language.
The researchers used a two-week data collection process in two stages. The first stage focused
on quantitative data and involved a 5-point Likert scale survey administered to all 40
participants. This survey explored student perceptions of how they use their mobile devices for
language learning, regardless of their academic major. The second stage aimed to gather
qualitative data through semi-structured interviews with 10 participants. Conducted on campus
in classrooms, these interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analysed thematically,
lasting around 10 minutes each. The interviews focused on participants' mobile usage habits,
internet access frequency, and the types of applications they chose for language learning. The
quantitative data was analysed in tables using MS Excel.
Quantitative Results
Table 1: What do you think, using digital tools can significantly enhance your learning experience?
Response Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly agree 14 16.5% 16.5% 16.5%
Agree 15 17.6% 17.6% 34.1%
Neutral 2 2.4% 2.4% 36.5%
Disagree 6 7.1% 7.1% 43.5%
Strongly 3 3.5% 3.5% 47%
Total 40 100% 100% 100%
106 Journal of Asian Development Studies Vol. 13, Issue 2 (June 2024)
The table shows how the 40 participants responded to a statement on a 5-point Likert scale.
Here's a breakdown of the responses: Strongly Agreed (16.5%): 14 participants strongly agreed
with the statement, which represents 16.5% of the total participants and 16.5% of those who
responded (valid percent). Agreed (17.6%): Another 15 participants agreed with the statement,
making up 17.6% of the total participants and contributing to 34.1% of the total responses
(cumulative percent). Neutral (2.4%): Only 2 participants were neutral, accounting for 2.4% of
all participants and valid responses (cumulative percent reaches 36.5%). Disagreed (7.1%): 6
participants disagreed, representing 7.1% of all participants and valid responses (cumulative
percent becomes 43.5%). Strongly Disagreed (3.5%): The remaining 3 participants strongly
disagreed, making up 3.5% of all participants and valid responses. This brings the total
cumulative percent to 100%. Overall, the results show that more participants agreed (32.1%)
or strongly agreed (16.5%) with the statement than disagreed (7.1%) or strongly disagreed
(3.5%). However, a significant portion (2.4%) remained neutral.
Table 2: Which method do you think is best to learn language using traditional methods
(textbooks, paper notes) rather than digital tools?
Response Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly agree 12 14.1% 14.1% 14.1%
Agree 21 24.7% 24.7% 38.8%
Neutral 3 3.5% 3.5% 42.4%
Disagree 3 3.5% 3.5% 45.9%
Strongly 1 1.2% 1.2% 47%
Total 40 100% 100% 100%
This data shows how 40 participants responded to a statement on a 5-point scale. Slightly less than half
(24.7%) agreed with the statement, while another 14.1% strongly agreed, making a total of 38.8% who
indicated some level of agreement. There was a neutral group of 3.5%, and a small group (also 3.5%)
who disagreed with the statement. The remaining 3.5% strongly disagreed. Overall, the results suggest
that the statement was met with a lukewarm level of agreement, with a significant portion (38.8%) leaning
towards positive responses, but also a notable presence of those who disagreed (7%) or were neutral
Table 3: Do you use digital tools (e.g., apps, websites) for studying or practicing English outside of
Response Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly agree 10 11.8% 11.8% 11.8%
Agree 19 22.4% 22.4% 34.1%
Neutral 0 0.0% 0.0% 34.1%
Disagree 7 8.2% 8.2% 42.4%
Strongly 4 4.7% 4.7% 47%
Total 40 100% 100% 100%
This data shows how 40 participants responded to a statement on a 5-point scale. A little less than a quarter
of the participants (22.4%) agreed with the statement, and another 11.8% strongly agreed, resulting in a
total of 34.1% who expressed some level of agreement. There were no participants who remained neutral
107 Journal of Asian Development Studies Vol. 13, Issue 2 (June 2024)
on this issue. A small group (8.2%) disagreed with the statement, while an even smaller group (4.7%)
strongly disagreed. Overall, the findings suggest a moderate level of agreement with the statement. While
there wasn't a strong majority in favour, there were more participants who agreed than disagreed. It's worth
noting that there was a complete absence of neutral responses, indicating a clearer opinion on this
particular statement compared to others that may have been presented.
Table 4: Do you use digital tools (e.g., apps, websites) for learning purposes inside the classroom?
Response Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid Strongly agree 5 5.9% 5.9% 5.9%
Agree 18 21.2% 21.2% 27.1%
Neutral 4 4.7% 4.7% 31.8%
Disagree 5 5.9% 5.9% 37.6%
Strongly 8 9.4% 9.4% 47%
Total 40 100% 100% 100%
This data shows a mixed response from 40 participants on a 5-point Likert scale statement. Only a small
portion (5.9%) strongly agreed with the statement, and another 21.2% agreed, bringing the total agreement
to 27.1%. There was a neutral group of 4.7%. However, a nearly equal number (9.4%) strongly
disagreed, with another 5.9% simply disagreeing. This pattern suggests the statement was somewhat
divisive, with as many participants leaning towards disagreement (14.1%) as those who agreed (27.1%).
The presence of a neutral group (4.7%) further indicates that some participants may have been unsure
about the statement or felt it needed more nuance.
Table 5: Do you recommend MALL apps to other students who want to learn English on their
Response Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly agree 11 12.9% 12.9% 12.9%
Agree 13 15.3% 15.3% 28.2%
Neutral 3 3.5% 3.5% 31.8%
Disagree 7 8.2% 8.2% 40.0%
Strongly 6 7.1% 7.1% 47%
Total 40 100% 100% 100%
The data shows a somewhat divided response from 40 participants on a 5-point Likert scale statement.
While over a quarter of the participants (12.9% strongly agreed and 15.3% agreed) indicated some level
of agreement, a significant portion (8.2% disagreed and 7.1% strongly disagreed) expressed disagreement.
There was also a small neutral group (3.5%). Overall, this suggests a lukewarm reception to the statement.
There wasn't a clear majority on either side (agreement or disagreement), and a small number of
participants were unsure about how to respond.
108 Journal of Asian Development Studies Vol. 13, Issue 2 (June 2024)
Table 6: Is MALL an effective approach for improving your English language skills through your
Response Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly agree 12 14.1% 14.1% 14.1%
Agree 24 28.2% 28.2% 42.4%
Neutral 1 1.2% 1.2% 43.5%
Disagree 2 2.4% 2.4% 45.9%
Strongly 1 1.2% 1.2% 47%
Total 40 100% 100% 100%
This data shows how 40 participants responded to a statement on a 5-point Likert scale. The majority of
participants (36.3%) indicated some level of agreement with the statement. This breaks down to 14.1%
who strongly agreed and 24.2% who agreed. There was a very small neutral group (1.2%). Only a
minimal number of participants disagreed (2.4%) or strongly disagreed (1.2%) with the statement, with a
cumulative total of disagreement at 3.6%. Overall, the results lean towards agreement with the statement.
There was a clear majority who agreed (over a third of participants) and very few who disagreed.
However, it's important to note that a small portion of the participants remained neutral, indicating they
may have been unsure about the statement or felt it needed more clarification.
Table 7: What do you think, MALL apps have increased the frequency with which you use your
smartphone for language learning purposes?
Response Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly agree 16 18.8% 18.8% 18.8%
Agree 17 20.0% 20.0% 38.8%
Neutral 0 0.0% 0.0% 38.8%
Disagree 7 8.2% 8.2% 47.1%
Strongly 0 0.0% 0.0% 47%
Total 40 100% 100% 100%
This data shows a positive response from 40 participants on a 5-point Likert scale statement. Nearly a
quarter of the participants (18.8%) strongly agreed with the statement, and another 20% agreed. This
means a total of 38.8% of participants expressed some level of agreement. Interestingly, there were no
neutral responses in this case. Disagreement, however, was present with 7 participants (8.2%) simply
disagreeing. Notably, there were no participants who strongly disagreed. Overall, the findings suggest a
clear lean towards agreement with the statement. There was a combined positive response (strong
agreement and agreement) from over a third of the participants, with no strong disagreement and a
complete absence of neutral responses. This suggests a more definitive response compared to some of the
other statements that may have been presented.
109 Journal of Asian Development Studies Vol. 13, Issue 2 (June 2024)
Table 8: Is using mobile assisted language learning (MALL) have made you more interested in
learning English on your smartphone?
Response Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly agree 9 10.6% 10.6% 10.6%
Agree 13 15.3% 15.3% 25.9%
Neutral 6 7.1% 7.1% 32.9%
Disagree 8 9.4% 9.4% 42.4%
Strongly disagree 4 4.7% 4.7% 47%
Total 40 100% 100% 100%
The results for this particular statement show a somewhat mixed response from the 40 participants. While
over a quarter (25.9%) indicated agreement (10.6% strongly agreed and 15.3% agreed), there was also a
notable presence of disagreement (9.4% disagreed and 4.7% strongly disagreed) totalling 14.1%. An
additional 7.1% of participants were neutral. This suggests the statement wasn't entirely clear-cut, with
some participants finding it agreeable and others disagreeing. The presence of a neutral group further
highlights that some participants may have been unsure about how to respond or felt the statement needed
more nuance.
Qualitative Results
Table 9: What kinds of applications do you use on your phone?
Participants Majors Answer
Respondents 5 Economics Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, Google
Respondents 5 Statistics Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, Google
Respondents 5 English Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, Google
Respondents 5 Zoology Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google Scholar
Respondents 5 Chemistry Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok,
Respondents 5 IR Google Drive, Excel, Instagram, Google
Respondents 5 Physics Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Games
Respondents 5 Education YouTube, Banking App, Google, Instagram
The table summarizing student phone applications reveals a strong preference for social media.
Most students reported using Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter regularly, with a smaller
portion utilizing educational apps. YouTube was another popular choice. Notably, the table
only captures downloaded apps and doesn't include pre-installed ones like banking or trading
apps. This suggests the data reflects students' deliberate choices for downloaded apps,
highlighting their focus on social media and entertainment over dedicated learning tools.
Table 10: Does seeing English content in media applications motivate you to learn
Respondents Majors Response
Respondents 5 Economics Certainly, reading, writing, vocabulary
Respondents 5 Statistics Certainly, speaking, words, listening.
Respondents 5 English Certainly, listening
Respondents 5 Biology Not at all, can be listening
Respondents 5 Chemistry Certainly, vocabulary, reading
Respondents 5 Physics Certainly, grammar, reading, understanding
Respondents 5 Education Sometime
Respondents 5 Economics Certainly, vocabulary
110 Journal of Asian Development Studies Vol. 13, Issue 2 (June 2024)
The interview explored student motivation to learn English by asking if noticing English
content on their phones sparked their interest. This open-ended question invited positive or
negative responses. Students' motivations, as shown in their answers, were varied. Some felt
driven to interact in English without a dictionary, while others wanted to understand a wider
range of English materials. Notably, entertainment and personal communication were also cited
as motivators for learning.
The researcher interviewed 40 university students from various fields to understand their
mobile learning habits. The interview followed up on a previous survey with a 5-point Likert
scale. The first interview question focused on downloaded learning apps. Unlike a prior study
by Hao et al. (2021) that found students using mobile apps for learning, students in this study
mentioned popular general-purpose apps. This difference might be due to the diverse academic
backgrounds and busy lifestyles of the students, limiting their exploration of educational apps.
The interview also revealed that students who prefer using their phones in English are more
interested in language learning in general. While responses about learning preferences
(textbooks vs. smartphones) were mixed, most students seemed more engaged with mobile
learning when the content aligned with their interests. This suggests higher motivation
compared to traditional classroom learning. The interview results regarding Mobile Assisted
Language Learning (MALL) were positive. Students saw MALL as an effective and convenient
way to learn English, particularly for vocabulary development and comprehension through
media exposure. However, students primarily used dictionary apps for longer passages while
relying on Google Translate for short sentences despite its potential inaccuracies. This suggests
a preference for MALL when learning vocabulary in context but a reliance on faster options
like Google Translate for quick comprehension. Overall, the interview data suggests student
interest in mobile learning but highlights limitations in app usage and a focus on receptive skills
development through MALL.
Moreover, the researcher explored how technology can motivate students to learn English.
Participants expressed interest in using English through technology, particularly for interactive
purposes like texting. This aligns with Korkmaz's findings (2015), which showed that students
showed positive attitudes towards mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) due to its
motivational impact and ability to support learning inside and outside classrooms. Engaging
visuals and explanations were found to be particularly motivating. The research highlights the
potential of combining technology and language learning, both in and out of the classroom.
This approach can enhance student language development. The data suggests that exposure to
English and acknowledging areas for improvement contribute to students' willingness to learn.
The survey results also indicate a positive agreement on the importance of learning English.
Furthermore, students perceive mobile learning as more memorable, accessible, and
entertaining, making them more receptive to future MALL learning opportunities.
This study explored the perceptions of students towards MALL, which is meant to utilize
mobile phones rather than teaching or providing education using mobile phones. The study was
carried out with 40 students from different faculties. The outcomes of the study revealed that
the participants showed high agreement with the survey items. This means that most of the
students think that mobile phones can be effective in language learning. Moreover, they are
also interested in using mobile applications; however, they do give their attention when they
come across English content. As pointed out from descriptive statistics, majoring in various
fields of study was not a significant variable, which was an unexpected result of the study. In
111 Journal of Asian Development Studies Vol. 13, Issue 2 (June 2024)
contrast, the effect of gender variables was not denied. In other words, female students show a
higher interest in using, utilizing, and taking advantage of mobile phones for language learning.
The study's findings might raise awareness about mobile technologies' contributions and
pedagogical formation. The necessities of modern education must be incorporated both inside
and outside the classroom. According to the qualitative and quantitative data, one of the
findings of this study is that learners are more connected to language learning, mostly when
they are attracted to the topic or the content.
The researchers, by involving students from various universities, can gather data from a
more diverse population. This helps ensure findings aren't specific to just one institution
and can be applied more broadly to universities in general.
Captures Different Students from universities often have distinct student demographics.
Including students from other institutions allows us to analyse how factors like
socioeconomic background or academic focus might influence perceptions of MALL.
Highlights Similarities and Differences to see if there are any significant variations in how
students from private and public university’s view MALL. It might reveal factors specific
to the university type that influence these perceptions.
Understanding how students from both public and private backgrounds perceive MALL
can provide a more comprehensive picture of student experiences with mobile language
learning tools.
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