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The purpose of this research is to find the level of racism that happened to African
American as seen in Selma movie. Further, the other purpose is to give the
reflection about the effect of the racism toward African-American people as
depicted in the movie. This research focused to examine the racism by using Jones’
and Day’s theory about the level of racism and on how the effect of racism itself.
Further, the researcher used qualitative-descriptive method and Mikos’ data
analysis for the movie. In this movie, the researcher finds the three levels of racism
have appeared. The racisms are institutionalized racism, personally mediated
racism and internalized racism. The first level which is institutionalized racism is
marked by the legitimize and systematic intimidation in voting booths. Further,
this racism gives positive and negative effect. Secondly, the personally mediated
racism also appeared and it is shown by the limitedness of public access, police
brutality and everyday avoidance towards black people. Thus, personally mediated
racism also gives positive and negative effect. The last level of racism which
appeared in this movie is internalized racism. This racism marked by the
acceptance of stigma from white people to black people. Additionally, this racism
only gives negative effect because it makes the victim of racism felt insecure,
unworthy, and disbelief towards themselves.
Key words: white people, black people, level of racism, effect of racism
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan tingkatan rasisme yang terjadi pada
Afrika Amerika dalam film Selma. Selain itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
memberikan gambaran akan dampak dari rasisme terhadap Afrika Amerika. Dalam
penelitian ini, peneliti fokus untuk menguji rasisme dengan menggunakan teori
tingkatan rasisme dari Jones dan Day serta fokus terhadap dampak dari rasisme itu
sendiri. Selanjutnya, peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif-deskriptif dan analisis
data untuk film berdasarkan Mikos. Dalam film ini, peneliti menemukan terdapat
tiga tingkatan rasisme yang muncul. Rasisme yang muncul ialah, institutionalized
racism yang ditandai dengan adanya legitimasi dan intimidasi secara sistematis
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pemilihan. Rasisme ini memberikan dampak positif dan negatif. Selain itu, personally
mediated racism juga muncul dalam film dan ditandai dengan keterbatasan akses,
kekejaman polisi dan pengasingan terhadap orang kulit hitam. Kemudian, rasisme
ini juga memberikan dampak positif serta negatif. Terakhir, tingkatan rasisme yang
muncul dalam film ini adalah internalized racism. Rasisme ini ditandai dengan
penerimaan stigma dari orang kulit putih terhadap orang kulit hitam. Rasisme ini
hanya memberikan dampak negatif karena tingkatan rasisme terakhir ini dapat
mempengaruhi cara berpikir korban. Sehingga korban merasa tidak aman, tidak
berharga, dan tidak percaya diri.
Kata kunci: kulit putih, kulit hitam, tingkatan rasisme, dampak rasisme
Social discrepancy already becoming a problem around the world. Thus, the
social discrepancy also could exist in places that have social and cultural diversity.
Racism is one of the causes of the social discrepancies that exists and it is becomes
an urgent concern for a long time. This topic has happened in around the world,
likewise in the United States. In the United States, racism based on race mostly
appeared between white people and black people. According to Smedley (2017),
racism is “refers for the action, practice or belief that human is divided according
to their races. Further, there is a clausal link between inherited physical traits and
traits of personality which made some races were treated differentially because of
the superior sentiment to others.” The racism that appears between whites and
blacks, mostly due to the superior sentiment of white people towards black people
of African American. The feeling of superiority from white people towards black
people leads the act of discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping.
The increase of African American in the United States turned out brings the
disadvantage for black people itself. For example, in the middle of the twentieth
century, black people had to struggle against racism in many aspects. The
segregation between black and white people could be seen from the public
facilities used by each community. There are the signs that used to signify which
community could use it, such as a sign “colored” which belongs to black people and
in the other hand, a sign “white only” belongs to white people. The "colored" sign
could be found in public transportation, canteen, toilet, and even in a library.
Moreover, the discrimination which motivated by racism between white and black
people also appeared in the law sector. One discrepancy between white and black
people in the law sector is right to vote. Due to the unequal policy, the black people
had to fight for their rights even though many obstacles that must be through by
the community. Additionally, the experiences that have been through by black
people that already mentioned above also influenced the development of African
American literature. The existence of social discrepancy between white and black
people has been widely adopted into work. This is proved by a lot of novels, poetry,
and even
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movie that based on the historical event that reflected what happened to blacks,
how black people were treated and how the blacks fought for their rights. One of
the movies that are depicted the racism and racial discrimination against black
people is Selma which is directed by Ava DuVernay.
In addition, after watching the Selma movie, the researcher found some
interesting points which the director and screenwriter were trying to convey to the
viewer. By used the point of view from Dr. Martin Luther King and several black
people, the director tried to portray the racism which happened at that time.
Therefore, by using the theory level of racism by Jones and Day, the researcher
tried to find out the level of racism depicted in the movie. Besides, the researcher
also tried to find out the effect of racism itself, especially toward the victim, in this
case, is the black people.
2. African-American Criticism
African American literature influenced by the historical event that happens to
black American. As Tyson stated, “critics agree that African American literature has
focused on a number of recurring historical and sociological themes, all of which
reflect the politics of black American experience.”Thus, this criticism is also
focused on correcting the misinterpretation towards African American (385).
Moreover, this criticism also has its characteristic in order to create the sense of
continuity with the past. The characteristics that can be found in this criticism is
the characters includes local healer, religious leader and even the folk hero (Tyson
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c. Internalized Racism
Internalized racism is the last level of racism, Jones stated that this racism is,
“defined as acceptance by members of the stigmatized races of negative
messages about their own abilities and intrinsic worth. It is characterized by
their not believing in others who look like them, and not believing in themself”
(1213). Therefore, Day stated, “internalized racism happens when the
stigmatized race believes what society has assumed about them, and they act
according to the stigma around them . . . Races accept the limitations placed on
them by others and do not believe in themselves.” Thus, this racism has
appeared between the people who stigmatized by negative messages and makes
them not believe in their own- self or the other people who look like them
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matter becoming the reason why the black people were trying to get their
rights. The aim in fight for their rights is to make the changes and to end the
discrimination that has been experienced by black people for a long time.
b. Violence
In addition, violence is also a part of negative effect from racism. The
differences of racial ethnic could lead to act of hate crimes which is violence.
As Fledmeyer stated “that racial and ethnic segregation contributes to the
elevated rates of homicide among both Latinos and African Americans and that
the effects for both groups are mediated by concentrated disadvantage” (qtd.
in The Impact of Racism and Violence on Communities 9).
c. Inferiority Complex
As Wits stated “the building up of inferiority complex results in conflicts where
it develops hate among different racial circles which limits the sharing of ideas
between colleagues of different races” (qtd. in Effects of Racial Discrimination
on Society) Further, the inferior complex is created by the stress and
experiences that has been through by the victim of racism. It is stated by Fuller
in her article The Other Side of Racism, “the trauma may result in experiencing
symptoms of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, feelings of humiliation,
poor concentration, or irritability.”
In this part, the researcher presents some method in order to accomplish the
research which is presented as following:
1. Research Design
This research included as qualitative descriptive research, because the analysis
is form of word which is describing, analyzing, and interpreting. As according to
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3. Data Collection
In order to compile the data, the researcher did some steps in data collection on
movie. The first step is done by watching the movie entitled Selma which is
directed by Ava DuVernay. Then, after watching the movie, the researcher took
some notes and gathered the data which included event that reflected the racism
and the effect in the movie. Next, the researcher re-watched the movie and took
some data that may have missed. The last step in data collection is, the researcher
did the re- checked the data.
4. Triangulation
Thus, in this thesis, the researcher uses theoretical triangulation which is theory
of Racism by Giddens and Smedley. This research also uses the theory level of
racism by Jones and Day and this research also uses the effect of racism based on
several experts.
5. Data Analysis
The data analysis used in this thesis is according to Mikos. Mikos stated that to
analyse the movie there are 14 steps that useful for the researcher (420-421), each
step explained are: (1) The development of a general cognitive purpose. In this
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1.1 Level of Racism
1.1.1 Internalized Racism
The first level of racism that appeared in this movie is institutionalized racism.
Institutionalized racism is indicated as the inequality for certain races to access the
goods, facilities and even opportunities. Moreover, this movie is about the social
discrepancy between white people and black people. This movie takes place in the
middle 20th century, which at that time the social inequality became an important
concern to black people. Due to social inequality, black people had limited access to
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voting rights. Related to the concern, black people demanded their right to vote.
The movie is focused on how black people threatened by white people and the law
at that time. In the movie, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is one of the activists who
demanded black people rights. As the activist who talked about the equal rights for
black people, King had an opportunity to meet President at that time.
President : So... I wanna help. Tell me how.
King : Well, Mr. President, I’m here to speak specifically about the
denial of basic American right for the Negro citizen. The right to vote.
President : Well, uh... technically...
King : Technically, we already have it. Yes, Mr. President. But, we both know
in the South, black voters are kept off the rolls and out of the voting booths
by systematic intimidation and fear,Mr.President. (00:10:22 – 00:11:26
/ Selma)
As the activist for black people, King had an opportunity and a chance to meet
President Johnson who led the United States at that time. King welcomed by
President Johnson and Mr. White; the adviser of President at that time. However,
the President already knew the purpose of King’s visit. Before talked about the
issue, the President praised King for what he had done and President also told King
how fortunate he was to has the activist like King in his tenure. The
institutionalized racism can be indicated by King’s dialogue. King was trying to
explain the concern that had already happened in the South towards black people.
As the fundamental level of racism, the institutionalized racism is restrained the
black people from getting the right to vote. Thus, it can be seen from King's "black
voters are kept off the rolls and out of the voting booths by systematic
intimidation and fear, Mr. President." The intimidation and fears haunted the
black voters. It happen because black voters right to vote was cumbered.
Therefore, King was demanding for black voters right, which he wanted to Negroes
right to vote is unencumbered. However, even after King’s explanation, the
President could not easily accept King’s order in consideration of the law which
could not easily to be changed.
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Man : Get up now, I ain’t got all day. You work for Mr. Dunn down at the
rest home ain’t that right?
Annie : Yes.
Man : Wonder what old Dunn’ll say when I tell him one of his gals is
down here stirring a fuss.
Annie : I ain’t here stirring no fuss. I’m just here trying to register to vote.
It’s all right this time.
Man : It’s right when I say it’s right. (00:06:41 – 00:07:28 / Selma)
The officer seems to lack of respect towards Annie. He even threatened Annie,
if he would tell Mr. Dunn, which is Annie’s boss. The lack of respect did not stop
there, it continued until Annie gave up. Even though Annie was telling him if she
just wants the acceptance of registration to vote, the officer asked Annie the
Constitution’s preamble and continued asking until Annie could not answer it, then
her registration got rejected by the officer. In this event, Annie hardly got the
acceptance from the officer. It seems that the officer was making everything
complicated for Annie. The personally mediated racism is indicated by the way the
officer talking to Annie. Besides that, the personally mediated racism could be seen
in the Officer’s dialogue, “Wonder what old Dunn’ll say when I tell him one of
his gals is down here stirring a fuss” and “It’s right when I say it’s right.” The
lack of respect and poor services become the indicator of this racism. Thus, this
racism is shown by the way the officer made everything complicated to Annie.
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John : Well, may be not, Reverend. But we’re still here. (00:29:11-
00:29:28 / Selma)
Even though SCLC and SNCC was the community who had similar purposes,
these two groups could not blend easily. The suspicions towards each other could
be seen in this event. Each member of the community asked each achievement.
However, as the group who had grown up men, SCLC was one-step ahead
comparing to SNCC. The meeting room was fierce for a second; each member of
each group doubted each achievement. The room became quiet after King spoke
and persuade James and John about how the movement would proceed. The
internalized racism is identified by seeing how James react to SCLC members. It
could be seen that James was not believed to the other people, even though the
SCLC member is defending the same thing as the SNCC did. This matter is
strengthened by James's dialogue, "you want us to bring our people in, but
you’re not giving anything in return. Now, we are asking for some kind of
commitment here." The doubting from James toward SCLC has happened because
James was worried and he does not believe King.
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Terakreditasi Sinta 4 Violence
In the movie, the violence act could be seen in several events. The first violence
act that appears in the movie is when King and his colleagues made a visit in a
hotel. However, the hotel is just for white people. So, King’s visit made white
people in the hotel shocked. However, the negative effect of racism could be seen
in this event, especially when King was inside and getting punched by a white man.
King : It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m okay.
Abernathy : This way, Dr. King
King : That white boy can hit. (00:15:34 – 00:16:01 / Selma)
Through this scene, the negative effect of racism could be seeing by the way
the white man act. The alibi of the white man was to introduce himself, but in the
end he punched King in face out of blue and without any reason. However, as the
leader of SCLC, King had to be wise and stay calm. Moreover, by seeing on how
King’s reaction there was the acceptance of the man’s behavior. The acceptance
could be seen by King’s reaction after getting punched by the white man, “That
white boy can hit.” Nonetheless, the violation or hate crimes toward black people
was not right and it could be indicated as the negative effect of racism.
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In this movie, some of inferiority complex appear in some scenes. The first
inferiority complex that researcher found in this movie is indicated when King and
several black people imprisoned because for the accusation making fuss in front of
Selma Courthouse. Even though Abernathy was trying to comfort King, King still
felt guilty and insecure about his own race. The inferiority complex could seen in
the dialogue below:
King :Yeah, but what is the prize, friend? We fight to have a seat at
whatever table we want. How does it help a black man to be
able to eat at a lunch counter if he doesn’t earn enough to buy
burger? Or worse yet, can’t even ... can’t even read the menu
‘cause there was no Negro school where he’s from. What’s that?
That equality? (00:37:38 - 00:38:18 / Selma)
Based on King’s dialogue above, it could be seen that if King felt inferior with
his own race. He felt that the march will now work. Moreover, based on King’s
dialogue, unconsciously King was receiving the negative stigma from the society.
The distrust toward his own race, made King felt weak and had thought that the
march is vain.
Selma movie is directed by Ava DuVernay, succeeded to reflect the racism that
happened in the United States especially in the South in the middle twentieth
century. This movie is influenced by African-American literature, which is focused
on a number of recurring historical and sociological themes. Further, based on the
findings and analysis of the previous subchapter, the researcher found that the
three levels of racism are reflected in this movie. The racism is divided into three
levels, there are; institutionalized racism, personally mediated racism, and
internalized racism. Institutionalized racism becomes the first level of racism that
appears in the movie. This racism is marked by the legitimize of limitedness for
voting rights in Selma at that time. The negative effect of this racism is the
emergence in disfavor the society. Whereas the positive effect of is black people
started to fight for the equal right.
Moreover, personally mediated racism also appears in this movie. This second
level of racism is often conceived by the brutality of white police officers toward
the black protesters. Besides that, racism is also depicted as the hate crimes which
was thrown by white people to black people. The hate crime is in the form of daily
avoidance in public areas and the violent act to black people. As the feature of
personally mediated racism, the failure of communicating also appears in the
movie. Hereafter, this racism also brings negative and positive effects on black
people. In addition to the two levels of racism above, internalized racism is the
most prominent compared to the other racism above. Internalized racism only
gives the negative effect on the people who experienced it, especially black people.
Besides, the researcher also found out that the one positive effect of racism which
is awaken the motivation and responsibility in certain place such as workplace did
not appear in the movie. It is because overall the setting of place in the movie was
taken in society and it potrays the racism in society, not the working place.
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After analyzing the data, the researcher finds there are three levels of racism
that appears in the movie. Three levels of racism are; the levels are
institutionalized racism, personally mediated racism, and internalized racism. Each
level of racism, which appears in the movie has affected the black people in the
movie. The personally mediated racism and institutionalized racism caused
positive and negative effect while internalized racism only gives negative effects.
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