16PF Catell
16PF Catell
16PF Catell
16 PF
WRAT TO D0 : lnsido this booklet Are scme questions to see what attitudes and
interests you have. There are 1o "right" and "wrong" Answers becausefrom everyone
get the best. advice your
has the right to his own views. To be al.le to
results, you will want to answer them exactly and truly.
you, turn this booklet over
If a separate "Answer Sheet" has not been given to
and tear off the Answer Sheet on the back page.
for on the top line of the
Write your name and all other information asked
Answer Sheet.
80 that ou can see
First you should answer the four sample questions below you are o read the
whether you need to ask anything before starting. Although
the Answer sheet
questions in this booklet, you must record your answers on
(alongside the same number as in the booklet),
There are three possible answers to each question. Read the following examples and
answer sheet where it seys "Examples." Fill in
mark your answers at the top of your box is your
the left-hand box if your answer choice is the "a" answer, in the middle "c answer.
answer choice is the b answer, and in the right-hand box if you choose the
1. Ilike to watch team games. 3. Money cannot bring happiness.
&. yes, b. occasionaliy, c. no. a. yes (true), b. in between. C. no (alse).
51. If I had to choose, I would rather be : 63. If someone got mad at me, I would
&. aforester, a. try to calm him down,
b. uncertain, b. uncertain,
c. a high school teacher. C. get irritated.
64. When Iread an unfair magazine article, I ike
52. For special holidays and birthdays, I :
more inclined to forget it than to feel
a. like to give personal presents, "hitting back.
b. uncertain,
c. feel that buying presents is a bit of a. true, b. uncertain, c. false.
a nuisAnce.
65. My memory tends to drop a lot of
unimportant, trivial things, for example,
53. "Tired" is to "work" as "proud is tw : nameg of streets or stores 'n town
a. smile, b. success, c. happy. &. yes, b. in between, c. no.
54. Which of the following items is different in 66. I could enjoy the life oi arn animal doctor.
kind from the others? handling disease and surgery of animals.
a. candle, b. moon, c. electric light. a. yes, b. in between, C. no.
55. I have been let down by my friends : 67. I eat my food with gusto, not always so
& hardly ever, carefully and properly:as some people.
a. true, b. uncertain, c. false.
b. occasionally,
C. quitea lot.
68. There are times when I don't feel in the right
56. I have some characteristics in which I feel mood to see anyone.
definitely superior to most people. a. very rarely,
& yes, b. uncertain, C. no. b. in between,
C. quite often,
57. When I get upset, I try hard to hide my
feelings from others. 69. People sometimes warn me that I show my
a. true, b. in between, c. false. excitement in voice and manner too obviously.
&. yes, b. in between, c. no.
58. I like to go out to a show or entertainment :
a. more than once a week (more than 70. As a teenager, if Idiffered in opinion from my
parents, I usually :
average), a. kept my own opinion,
b. about once a week (average), b. in between,
C. less than once a week (les8 than C. accepted their authority.
71. I would prefer to have an office of my own,
59. I think that plenty of freedom is more not sharing it with another person.
important than good manners end respect for a. yes, b. uncertain, C. no.
the law.
72. I would rather enjoy life quietly in my own
a. true, b. uncertain, c. false. way than be admired for my achievements.
60. I tend to keep quiet in the presence of senior &. true, b. uncertain, c. false.
persons (people of greater experience, age, or 73. I feel mature in most things.
a. true, b. uncertain, c. false.
&. yes, b. in between, C. no.
61. Ifind it hard to address or recite to a large 74. Ifind myself upset rather than helped by the
kind of criticism that many people offer one.
group. a. often, b. occasionally, c. never.
&. yes, b. in between, c. no.
75. I am always able to keep the expression of my
62. I have a good sense of direction (find it easy to feelings under exact control.
tell which is North, South, East, or West) &. yes, b. in between, c. no.
when in a strange place.
a. yes, b. in between, C. no, (End, column 9 on answer sheet)
members of my family,
89. Business superiors orwith me ouly when there
76. In starting a useful in vention,Iwould prefer : as a rule, find fault
R. Working on it in the laboratory, is rea! cause.
between, c. false.
b. uncertain, a. true, b. in
c. sclling it topeople. dislike the way some
90. In streetg or stores, I
77. "Surprise" is to "strange" as "fear" is to : persons stare at people.
c. no.
a. brave, b. anxious, c. terribl. &. yes, b. ia between,
prefer to :
78, Which of the following fractions is not in the 91. On a long journey, I would interesting,
same class as the others? a. read something profound, but
&. 3/7, b. 3/9, c. 3/11. b. uncertain, casually with
c. pas8 the time talking
a fellow pas9enger.
79. Some people seem to igmore or avoid me,
although Idon't know why. dangerous, I
92. In a situation which may become speaking up
&. true, b. uncertain, c false. believe in making a fuss and
even if calmness and politeness are
80. People treat me less reasonably than my good &. yes, b. in between, c. no.
intentions deserve.
& often, b. occasionally, c never. me badly and show
93. Ir acqua1ntances treat
they dislike me:
81. The use of foul language, even when it is not &. it doesn't upset me a bit,
in a mixed group of men and women, b. in between,
disgusts me.
&. yes, b. in between, c. no.
c. Itend to get downhearted.
94. I fnd it embarrassing to have praise or
82. I have decidedly fewer friends than most compliments bestowed on me.
pople. a. yes, b. in between, c no.
&. yes, b. in between, c. no.
95. I would rather have a job with:
83. Iwould hate to be where there wouldn't be a &. a fixed, certain salary,
lot of people to talk to. b. in between,
a. true, b. uncertain, c. false. C. & larger salary, which dépended on my
constantly persuading people I am
84. People sometimes call me careless, even worth it.
though they think I'm a likable person.
8. yes, b. in between, c. ro. 96. To keep informed, I like:
a. to discuss issues with people,
85. "Stage-fright" u various social situations is b. in between,
something Ihave experienced : c. to rely on the actual news reports.
&. quite often,
b. occasionally, 97. Ilike to take an active part in social affairs,
c. hardly ever. committee work, etc.
a. yes, b. in between, C. no.
86. When I amn in a small group, I am content to
sit back and let others do most of the talking. 98. Ia carrying out a task, I am not satisfied unless
a. yes, b. in between, c. no. even the minor details are given close attention.
a. true, b. in between, c false.
87. Iprefer reading:
a. a realistic account of military or 99. Quite small setbacks occasionally irritate me
too much.
political battles, &. yes, b. in between, c. no.
b. uncertain,
C. a sensitive, imaginative novel. 100. Iam always a sound sleeper, never walking
or talking in my sleep.
88. When bossy people try to "push me around," I &. yes, b. in between, c. no.
do just the opposite of what they wish.
a. yes, b. in between, c. no. (End, olumn 4on anwor hoet)
113. ItIam guite sure that a person is unjust
101. It would be more interesting to work in a behaving selfishly, I show him up, even if it
business takes some trouble.
&. tallking to customers,
&. yes, b. in between, C. Do.
b. in between,
c. keeping office acoounts and records. 114. I so metimes make foolish remarks in fun, just
102. "Size" is to "length as "dishonest" is to. tosurprise people and see what they will say.
a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
&. prison, b. sin, c stealing.
115. I would enjoy being a ewspaper writer on
103. AB is to dc as SR is to : drama, concerts, opera, etc.
& P, b. pq, C. tu. &. yes, b. uncertain, c. no.
104. When people are unreasonable, Ijust : 116. I never feel the urge to doodle and fidget
& keep quiet, when kept sitting still at a meeting.
b. uncertain, a. true, b. uncertain, c. false.
c. despise them,
117. If someone te<ls me something which I know
105. If people talk loudly while Iam istening to is wrong, Iam more likely to say to myself:
music, I : a. He is a liar"
&. can keep my mind on the music and not b. in between,
be bothered, c. Apparently he is misinformned."
b. in between,
c. fnd it spols my enjoyment and annoys me. 118. I feel some puishment is coming to me even
when Ihave done nothing wrong.
106. 1 think I am better described as : & often, b. occasionally, C. never.
a. polite and quiet,
b. in between, 119. The idea that sickness comes as much from
c. forceful. mental as physical causes is much exaggerated
&. yes, b. in between, c. no.
107. Iattend social functions only when I have to,
and stay away any other time. 120. The pomp and splendor of any bag state cere
8. yes, b. uncertain, c.no.
mony are things which should be preserved.
&. yes, b. n between, c no.
108. To be cautious and expet ittle is better than to 121. It bothers me if people think I am being too
be happy at heart, always epecting success unconventional or odd.
&. true, b. uncertain, c.false. &. a lot, b. somewhat, c. not at alll.
109. In thinking of dificulties in my work, I:
122. In constructing something I would rather
&. try to plan ahead, before I meet them, work :
b. in between, a. witha committee,
C.aSune Ican handle them when they come. b. uncertain,
C. On my OWn.
110. I find it easy to mingle among people at a
social gathering. 123. Ihave periods when it's hard to stop a mood
a. true, b. uncertaia, c. false. of self-pity.
&. often, b. occasionally, c. never.
111, When a bit of diplomacy and persuasion are
needed to get people moving, Iam generally 124. Often I get angry with people too quickly.
the one asked to do it.
&. yes, b. in between, c. no.
&. yes, b. in between, c. no.