16 PF
16 PF
16 PF
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I.... 16 P.F. FORMB
WHAT TO DO : Inside this booklet are some questions to see what attitudes and interests you have. There are no "right"
and ''wrong" answers because everyone has the right to his own views. To be able to get the best advice from your
results, you will want to answer them exactly and truly.
Ifa separate "Answer Sheet" has not been given to you, turn this booklet over and tear offthe Answer Sheet on the'
back page.
Write your name and all other information asked foron the top line ofthe Answer Sheet.
First you should answer the four sample questions below so that you can see whether you need to ask anything
before starting. Although you are to read the questions in this booklet, you must record your answers on the answer
sheet (alongside the same number as in the booklet).
There are three possible answers to each question. Read the following examples and mark your answers at the top of
your answer sheet where it says "Examples." Fill in the left-hand box ifyour answer choice is the "a" answer, in
the middle box ifyour answer choice is the "b" answer and in the right-hand box ifyou choose the "c" answer.
In the last example there is a right answer-kitten. But there are few such reasoning items.
Ask now ifanything is not clear. The examiner will tell you in a moment to turn the page and start.
I. You are asked not to spend time pondering. Give the first, natural answer as it comes to you. Of course, the
questions are too short to give you all the particulars you
would sometimes like to have. For instance, the above question
asks you about "team games" and you might be fonder offootball than basketball. But you are to reply " for the
average game," or to strike an average in situations ofthe kind stated. Give the best answer you can at a rate not
slower than five or six a minute. You should finish in a little more than halfan hour.
2. Try not to fall back on the middle, ''uncertain" answers except when the answer at either end is really impossible
for you- perhaps once every four or five questions.
3. Be sure not to skip anything, but answer every question, somehow. Some may not apply to you very well, but
give your best guess. Some may seem personal; but remember that the answer sheets are kept confidential and
cannot be scored without a special stencil key.Answers to particular questions are not inspected.
4. Answer as honestly as possible what is true ofyou. Do not merely mark what seems ''the right thing to say" to
impress the examiner.
CopyrightC by TIie institute for Personality and Ablllty Tntlng, 1957, 1962, 1967. lntematlonal copyright In all counlrl•• under the Bame Union. Buenoa Arlee, Bllat.ral, a,d Unlveraal
Copyright Conventlona. All property righta ....,.,ed by the lnatltule of Personallty and Ablllty Tntlng. Inc. Champaign Hllnolt, U.S.A. Printed by India by The Psycho-Centre, G•19, H-81ock,
Saul, New Oalhl-110017
1. I have the instructions for this test clearly in mind. 12. I would ratherread a book on :
a. yes, b. uncertain, c. no. a. Great Religious Teachings,
b. uncertain,
2. I am ready to answer each question as truthfully as c. Our National Political Organizations.
a. yes, b. in between, c. no. 13. The topics on which I am ''touchy" or easily
annoyed are very few.
3. For a vacation I would rather go to : a. true, b. uncertain, c. false.
a. a busy holiday town,
b. something in between a. and c., 14. The abilities and characteristics inherited from the
c. a quiet cottage offthe beaten track. parents are more important than many people are
ready to admit.
a. true, b. In between, c. false.
4. When I'm in a small. cramped space (as on a crowded
elevator), I have an uncomfortable feeling of being
'shut in.' 15. I feel that routine jobs should always be completed,
a. never, b. rarely, c. occasionally. even when a bit of imagination shows it is not
a. true, b. uncertain, c. false.
5. I find myselfthinking over quite trivial troubles again
and have to make a real effort to put them out of my
mind. 16. Jokes about death are all right and normally in good
a. yes (true), taste.
b. occasionally, a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
c. no (false).
17. I like to be told the best way to do things instead of
finding out for my self.
6. Ifl know that another person's line of reasoning is in
error, I tend to : a. yes, b. uncertain, c. no.
a. keep quiet,
b. in between, 18. In the midst of social groups, I am nevertheless
sometimes overcome by feelings of loneliness and
c. speak out. worthlessness.
a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
7. Myideasappeartobe:
a. aheadofthetimes, 19. My memory does not change much from day to day.
b. uncertain, a. true, b. sometimes, c. false.
c. with the times.
20. I believe in complaining to the waiter or manager ifl
8. I am not much given to cracking jokes and telling am served poor food in a restaurant.
amusing stories. a. yes, b. uncertain, c. no.
a. true, b. in between, c. false.
21. Forrelaxation I prefer:
9. It is better to live to a ripe old age than to be worn out a. sports or games,
with good services for one's community.
b. uncertain,
a. true, b. in between, c. false.
c. debates and intellectual games.
24. In going places, eating, working, etc., I : 35. Sometimes I feel that I don't do so well a,
socially, because I'm unsure ofmyself.
•• seem to rush from one thing to another,
b. ln between, a. true, b. in between, c. ti
c. go on In a deliberate, methodical way.
36. I enjoy getting into conversation, and I
chance go by to speak to a stranger.
25. I feel restless as ifl want something but do not know
what. a. true, b. in between,
a. very rarely, b. occasionally ,c. often.
37. The newspaper headline that would in
(End, column 1 on answer sheet.) more is :
a. "Religious Leaders Discuss a Unified
26. In a factory, it would be more interesting to be in
charge of: b. uncertain,
a. mechanical matters, c. "Improvements in Production and
b. uncertain, Marketing."
c. interviewing and hiring people.
38. I doubt the honesty of people who are mon,
27. lwouldprefertoreadabookon: than I would expect them to be.
a. travel in outer space, a. true, b. in between,
b. uncertain,
c. education within the family. 39. My advice for people is:
a. goaheadandtry;itwon'thurt!
28. Which of the following words is not the same kind as b. in between,
the others? c. think it over first; don't make
a. dog, b. bird, C. cow. yourseH!
29. Ifl had my life to live over again, I would: 40. ltismoreimportantforme:
a. plan it differently, a. to express myseHfreely,
b. uncertain, b. in between,
c. want it much the same. c. to have good relations with other
30. In making decisions in my life and work, I was never 41. I enjoy daydreaming.
troubled by lack of understanding on the part ofmy a. yes, b. uncertain,
a. true, b. in between, c. false.
42. I like a job that presents me with
decisions rather than one with
31. I like to avoid saying unusual things that embarrass answers.
people. a. true, b. uncertain,
a. true, b. in between, c. false.
43. I have a feeling that my friends don
32. If I had a gun in my hand that I knew was loaded, I much as I need them.
would feel nervous until I unloaded it. a. true, b. uncertain,
a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
44. If somebody thought badly of~
33. I greatly enjoy playing practical jokes with no malice about this:
in them. a. hardly ever,
a. true, b. in between, c. false. b. occasionally,
c. quite often.
34. People use up too much of their leisure in neighborly
duties and helping with local affairs.
45. I have had accidents because I was
a. yes, b. uncertain, c. no.
a. hardly ever,
b. in between,
c. several times.
46. In my newspaper, I like to see : 57. It is more importantto:
a. discussion of basic social issues in the modern a. get along smoothly with people,
world, b. in between,
b. in between, c. get your own ideas put into practice.
c. good coverage of all local news.
58. lbelievein :
47. I finds books more entertaining than companions. a. the motto "laugh and be merry" on most
a. yes, b. in between, c. no. occasions,
b. in between,
48. However difficult and unpleasant the obstacles I c. being properly serious in everyday business. f
always persevere and stick to my original intentions.
a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
59. When given a set of rules, I follow them when
personally convenient, rather than exactly to the
49. My nerves get on edge, so that certain sounds for letter.
example, a screechy hinge, are unbearable and give a. true, b. uncertain, c. false.
me the "shivers."
a. often, b. sometimes, c. never.
60. In my social relations, I am sometimes troubled by a
sense ofinferiority, for which there is no real cause.
50. I often feel quite tired when I get up in the morning. a. true, b. in between, c. false.
a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
53. Which one of the following three numbers does not 64. No one would really like to see me in trouble.
, ' belong with the others? a. true, b. uncertain, c. false.
a. 7, b. 9, c. . 13.
65. It is more important for a man to be concerned about:
54. "Dog" is to "bone" as "cow" is to : a. the basic meaning of life,
a. milk, b. grass, c. salt. b. uncertain,
c. making a good income for bis family.
55. Changes in weather don't usually affect my
efficiency and mood. 66. Being indoors long, away from the fresh outdoors,
a. true, b. in between, c. false. makes me feel bored.
a. always, b. sometimes, c. hardly ever.
56. In a strange city, I would:
a. walk wherever I liked, 67. I get unusual ideas about all sorts ofthings-too many
b. uncertain, to put into practice.
a, true, b. sometimes, c. false. ·
c. avoid the parts of the town said to be
68. My spirits generally stay high, no matter how much
trouble I meet.
a. true, b. in between, c. false.
69. I have difficulty falling asleep at night through · 81. It embarrasses me to have servants waiting on
worrying about an unfortunate incident. a. yes, b. In between, e. no,
a. often, b. occasionally, c. seldom.
82. When friends are in a lively conversation, I:
70. I would rather see:
a. prefer sometimes to be a shrewd listener,
a. • clever movie farce or skit on the society of
b. In between,
b. In between, c. get more remarks in than most people.
c. a good movie of hardy, pioneering days.
83. I like being in the middle of a great deat
excitement and bustle.
7.1. My friends probably think it is hard to get to know me
really well. a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
.. yes, b. In between, c. no.
84. At work it is really more important to be
with the right people than to do a first-rate job.
72. I solve a problem better by:
a. true, b. in between, c. falae.
a. studying It alone,
b. In between,
85. If people in the street, or in a store, watch me, I
c. discussing lt with others. slightly embarrassed.
a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
73. When quick decisions must be made, I :
a. rely on calm, logical, and objective reasoning, 86. My ideas can't always be easily put into w
b. In between, don't cut into a conversation as readily u.
c. become tense and excitable, unable to think people do.
clearly. a. true, b. in between, c.
74. I sometimes find quite useless thoughts_ and 87. I am always interested in mechanical
memories straying through my mind. example, in cars or airplanes.
a. yes, b. In between, c. no. a. yes, b. in between, c.
75. I never find myself so annoyed in discussions that I 88. It is mainly the fear ofbeing caught that
can't control my voice. people from dishonest or criminal acts.
a. true, b. uncertain, c. false. a. yes, b. in between, c.
(Elld, col1llllll 3 oa auwer sheet.)
89. There are really more nice
76. When traveling, I would rather look at the scenery objectionable people in the world.
than talk to people. a. yes, b. uncertain,
a. true, b. uncertain, c. false.
90. Careless folks who say ''the best
77. Is "lose" a better opposite to "reveal" than "hide"? free" usually haven't worked to getm
a. yes, b. uncertain, a. true, b. in between,
c. no.
78. "Black" is to "gray'' as "pain" is to : 91. In a committee, ifpeople just talk with
the point, I :
a. sprain, b. ache, c. Itch. a. urge them to get to the point,
b. uncertain,
79. I find it hard to "take 'no' for an answer," even when I
know I'm asking the impossible. c. do what's practical to keep b
a. true, b. In between, c. false.
92. A person whose ambitions hurt and
80. I am often hurt more by the way people say things
friend may still be considered an o
than by what they say. citizen. ·
a. true, b. In between, c. false. a. yes, b. In between,
93. When one small thing after another goes wrong, I : 105. In an average day, the number of problems I meet
a. go on as usual, that I can't solve on my own is :
b. in between, a. hardly one,
c. feel overcome. b. In between,
c. more than half a dozen.
94. 1 am troubled by feelings of guilt or remorse over
quite small matters. 106. lfl disagree with a superior on his views, I usuaJly :
a. yes, often b. sometimes, c. no. a. keep my opinion to myself,
b. uncertain,
95. It would be better if everyone got together in public c. tell him that my opinion differs.
worship regularly.
a. true, b. in between, c. false.
107. I avoid any embarrassing topic in talking with
members ofthe opposite sex.
96. In planning social outings, I : a. true, b. in between, c. false.
a. am always happy to commit myselfentirely,
b. in between, 108. I am not reaJly successful in dealing with people.
c. like to reserve the right to cancel my going. a. true, b. uncertain, c. false.
97. Many people talk over their problems and ask advice 109. I enjoy giving my best time and energy to :
ofme when they need someone to talk to. · a. my home and the real needs of my friends,
a. yes, b. in between, c. no. b. in between,
c. social activities and personal hobbies.
98. If my friends leave me out of something they are
110. When I wish to impress people favorably with my
a. make a fuss, personality, I :
b. in between, a. nearly always succeed,
c. take it calmly, thinking they have some reason. b. sometimes succeed,
c. am generally uncertain of success.
99. In some moods I'm easily kept from working by
distractions and daydreams.
111. lprefertohave:
a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
a. a large circle of acquaintances,
b. uncertain,
100. I don't form immediate likes and dislikes for people I
have just met. c. just a few, well-tried friends.
a. true, b. uncertain, c. false.
112. It would be more interesting to be a philosopher than
(End, column 4 on answer sheet.) a mechanical engineer.
a. true, b. uncertain, c. false.
IO I. I'd enjoy more being:
a. a business office manager,
113. ltend to be critical ofother people's work.
b. uncertain,
a. yes, b. occasionally, c. no.
c. an architect.
102. "April" is to "March" as ''Tuesday" is to:
114. I enjoy planning carefully to influence my
a. Wednesday, b. Friday, c. Monday. associates so that they will help me in achieving my
103. Which of the following words does not belong with a. true, b. in between, c.false.
the others?
a. wise, b. lovely, c. kind. 115. I think I am more sensitive than most people to the
104. I cross the street to avoid meeting people I don't feel artistic quality ofmy surroundings.
like seeing. a. yes, b. uncertain, c. no.
a never, b. seldom, c. sometimes.
116. !dY friends think I am slightly absent-minded and 128. Which of the following words does not bel
unpractical. the others?
L yes, b. uncertain, c. no. a. hum, b. speak,
l l 7· With acquaintances I prefer to :
L keep to matter-of-fact, impersonal things, 129. Mod~~ life has too many annoying frus1rad
b. In between, restnct10ns.
c. chat about people and their feelings. a. true, b. in between,
118. I am.sometimes so very happy that I get afraid my 130. I feel ready for life and its demands.
happmess cannot last. a. always, b. sometimes, c.
a. true, b. in between, c. false. ever.
119. I ?Ccasionally have periods of feeling depressed, 131. I honestly think I am more planful en
nuserable, and in low spirits for no sufficient reason. ambitious than many perhaps eq~y
a. yes, people.
b. in between, c. no.
a. yes, b. occasionally,
124. When pushed and overworked, I suffer from 136. In joining a new group, I seem to fit in·.
indigestion or constipation. a. yes, b. uncertain,
a. occasionally, b. hardly ever, c. never.
137. I greatly enjoy the racy and slap-stick h
125. Ifsomeone annoys me, I : some television shows. ·
a. can keep it to myself, a. yes, b. in between, C.
b. in between,
c. must speak to someone else "to let offsteam." 138. I wouldratherreadabout:
a. the discovery ofvery old Indian pain
(End, column 5 on answer sheet.) b. uncertain,
c. Indian murders.
126. It would be more interesting to be an insurance
salesman than a farmer.
a. yes, b. in between, c. no. 139. In ordinary difficulties, I generally keepupb
a. yes, b. uncertain,
127. "Statue" is to "shape" as "song" is to :
a. beauty, b. notes, c. tune.
am less interested in being practically and 152. "Combine" is to "mix" as "team" is to:
140. 1
financially successful than in seeking artistic and c. game.
a. crowd, b. army,
spiritual truths. 153. "Clock" is to "time" as "tailor" is to :
a. true, b. in between, c. false.
a. tape measure, b. scissors, c. cloth.
rather read:
141. I would 154. I have difficulty in following what some people are
a. 8 good historical novel, trying to say because of their odd use of common
b. in between, words.
c. an essay by a scientist on harnessing world a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
155. Prosecuting lawyers are mainly interested in:
142. In discussing art,
religion or politics, I seldom get so a. making convictions, regardless ofthe person,
involved or excited that I forget politeness and
b. uncertain,
human relations.
a. true, b~ uncertain, c. false. c. protecting the innocent.
146. When I do what I want, I find I'm generally: 159. When I do something, my main concern is that:
a. understood only by close friends, a. it is really what I want to do,
b. in between, b. uncertain,
c. doingwhatmostpeopletbinkisO.K. c. there will be no bad results for my associates.
147. I tend to get over-excited and "rattled" in upsetting 160. I think most stories and movies should teach us a
situations. goodmoral.
a. yes, b. in between, c. no. a. true, b. in between, c. false.
148. I make a point of not being absent-minded or 161. Starting conversations with strangers :
forgetful ofdetails. a. is rather difficult for me,
a. yes, b. in between, c. no. b. in between,
c. never gives me the least trouble.
149. A near-accident, or even a lively argument,
sometimes leaves me shaky and exhausted, so that I 162. Upsetting the dignity of teachers, judges and
can't settle down to what I was doing. "cultured" people always amuses me.
a. true, b. in between, c. false. a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
150. I fmd my feelings boiling up inside: 163. On television, I would rather watch :
a. rarely, · b. occasionally, c. quite often. a. a great concert artist,
(End, column 6 on amwer sheet.) b. uncertain,
c. a practical, informative program on new
I 51. For a pleasant hobby I would rather belong to : Inventions.
a. a photography club,
b. uncertain,
c. a debating society.
164. I get irritated by people who adopt morally superior l 76. I would enjoy better:
attitudes. a. being In charge ofchUdren'• games,
L yes, b. tn between, c. no. b. uncertain,
16S. I would rather spend time enjoying: c. helping a watchmaker.
L a game ofcards with a congenial group,
b. uncertain, 177. "Justice" is to "laws" as "idea" is to:
c. the beautiful things In an art gallery. a. words, b. feelings, c.
166. I sometimes hesitate to use my own ideas, for fear
they might be impractical. 178. Which of the following words does not belong
the others?
a. yes, b. in between, c. no. a. second, b. once, c.
167. I am always polite and diplomatic with unreasonable,
unimaginative people and do not believe in showing 179. I would prefer go lead:
up how narrow-minded they are. a. the same kind oflife I now lead,
a. true, b. in between, c. false. b. uncertain,
c. a more sheltered life, with fewer dlfflcultte.J
168. I would rather live in an-up-and-coming town than in face.
a quiet country village.
a. true, b. uncertain, c. false. 180. I believe that the most important thing in life is
what I like.
169. When I differ with someone on social views, I like : a. yes, b. uncertain, c. no.
a. to find out basically what our difference
means, 181. My speaking voice is :
b. uncertain,
a. strong, b. in between,
c. just to reach some practical solution,
satisfactory to both.
182. I like acting on impulses ofthe moment, even·
land me in later difficulties.
170. I think people should hesitate longer before they
condemn the wisdom ofthe past a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
a. yes, b. uncertain, c. no.
183 I am well described as a happy-go-lucky, no
171. I get as many ideas from reading a book myself as person.
from discussing its topics with others. a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
a. yes, b. in between, 184. I greatly dislike the sight ofdisorder.
c. no.
172. Some people criticize my sense ofresponsibility. a. true, b. uncertain, C.
a. yes, b. uncertain, c. no.
185. I always check very carefully the condition in
173. lwouldratemyself: borrowed property is returned, to me or by me
a. an alert, practical person,
a. yes, b. in between, c. no.
b. in between,
186. In social groups I am bothered by self-con.sci
c. more ofa dreamer. shyness.
a. never, b. sometimes, c. often. .
174. On occasions, my emotions and feelings "run away
187. I am sure there are no questions that I have
a. true, b. uncertain, c. false. answered properly.
a. yes, b. uncertain, c. no.
175. I feel so furious I want to slam a door, and maybe
break a window:
a. very rarely, (Ead or teet.)
b. occasionally,
c. fairly frequendy.
(Ead, eolam■ 7 • auwer ueet.)
1. I like to watch team games. 3. Money cannot bring happiness. 1 □ □ □ ANSWER SHEET: THE 16 P F TEST, FORM ( A ORB)
a. yes, b. occasionally, c. no. a. yes(true), a b C
b. in between, 2 □ Name RAW
2. I prefer people who: c. no (false). a
C First Middle Last SCORE
a. are reserved, 4. "Women" is to "child" as "cat" Is to: 3 D □ □ Sex AGE DATE
b. (are) in between, a. kitten, b. dog, C. baby. a b C (Write M or F) (Nearest Year) *
c. Make friends quickly. 4 □ □ □
b C b b b b b C b C b
1 [] D D 26[] D 51 [] D 76 [] D 101[] 126[]D D 151[] D D 176[] D [] IA
b b □ C b □ b b C b C b C b C
D □
2[] [] 27[] 52[]
□ 77[]
D D D D 6 D 102[] D D 127[]D D 152[] D D 177[] 0 D
a C b C b C C
C b C
30 rj 28[] 53[]
□ b b b C IB
78 [] rj 6 103[] D D 128[] D D 153[] 0 D 178[] 0 D
b C b C b b b C b C
b a a b C
4[] D D 29[] D D 54[] D
6 79 [] D [] 104[] D [] 1290 D D 154[] D D 1790 0 D
b C b C b b C b C
b C b a a b C
s[] D D 30[] D D ss[] D
80 [] D 6 10s[] D D 130[] D D 1550 D D 1800 0 D
b C b C b C b C b C b C b C b
a a a C
6[] D D 31[] D 56[] D D 81[] D D 1060 D 1310 D D 1560 0 D 181[) 0 D
b C
C b C C
b a
DC b b
b C a C b C IF
7[] D D 32[] D D 57[] D D 82[] D D 101 □ D 132[] D 1570 D D 182[] 0 D
b C b C b C b C a b
b C a b C a b C
a[] D 33[) D ss [] D D 83[] D □ 1080 D 133[) D D 1580 0 1830 0 D
C a b
a b C a b C a □
b C a b C a b □
C a b C IG
9[] D D 340 D D 590 D D 840 D D 1090 D 1340 D D 1590 D D 1840 0 D
a b C a b C a b C a b C a □
b C a b C a b C a b C
10□ D D 350 D D 600 D D as □ D D 11 0 □ D D 1350 D D 160 0 0 0 1850 0 D
a b C b b C a b a b C a b C a b C a b C
11 □ D D 36[] 61[] D D 860 D 6 1110 D D 1360 D D 1610 D D 1860 0 D
a C ab C b C a b C a b C a b C
D □
a b C a b C II
12 □ D D 370D D 62[] D D 870 □ D 1120 D D 1370 D 1620 D D 1870 0 D
b C a b C b C b C a b C a b
C a b C
13[] D D 380 D D 63[) D D 88 [) D D 1130 D D 1380 D 0 163 0 D D
a b C a b C b C b C a b C a b C a b C
140 D □ 390 D D 64[] D D 89[) D D 1140 D D 139 0 D D 164 0 D D
b C a b C b b C b C a b C Do not right here
a b C
15[] D D 400 D D 65[] 90[] D D 115[) D D 1400 D D 1650 NORMS USED IM
D □ D D
a b C a b C b C b b C b C b
a C
160 D D 410 D D 66[] D D 91[] D [] 116[] D D 141 [] D 1660 0 D □ HS
a b C a b C b C b b C
C a b C
17 0 D D 42 0 D D 57[) D D 92[] D 6 117[) D D 142[] D D 167 0 D D □ Coll
a b C a b C b C b C b C b C b C
18 0 D D 43 0 D D 68 [] D D 93[] D D 118[] D D 143[) D 0 168[] lo
a b C b C b C b C a b C a b C
D D OGenPop
a b C
190 D D 44 [] D D 69[] D D 94[] D D 1190 D D 144 0 D D 1690
b b C b C b C a b C b C
a b C
20 [] D [] 45[] D D 70[] D D 95 [] D D 1 20□ D D 145 [] □A I QI
D D 110 □ D D 0B
b C b C b C b C b C a b C a b C OA+B
21[) D D 46[] D D 71 [) D D 96[] D D 121[] 146 0 171 0 I Qz
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* C opyright CC> 1956, 1957, 1 961 , 1962, 1967 b y t he Institute fo r Persona lity and a bility Testing, Inc., P.O. Box 1188, Champa lgh , llllnols , U.S.A 618~4 . AJI righ ts reserved, Prin ted I n In d ia by
The Psy c ho-Centr e, G-19, H -Block, S ake t, N e w D elhl-110017, P rinted In India.