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Psy407 Handout 4

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Educational Psychology (PSY406) VU

Lesson 42

Preparing for Tests

Those students who prepare themselves to take tests for the purposes of examination and promotion tend
to perform better than those who do not take time out for such preparation.Proper preparation includes a
number of things that a student may undertake to perform well in a test.

 One such undertaking is getting familiarity with the test material.Those students who are
familiar, with the subject matter and have tackled similar materials in preparation, tend to
perform better than others.
 The other related matter apart with familiarity with subject in this regard, is being familiar with
the testing procedure.There are different testing procedures used by different teachers in
different subjects.If the student is well aware and familiar with those procedures apart from his
familiarity with the subject matter, then that procedural familiarity will help student perform
well in a standard test.
 Research shows that those students who have an extensive experience in taking standardized
tests, perform better in such test than others, all other factors, such as preparation, ability etc,
being equal.
 Research also shows that a high degree of self confidence helps student perform better in
tests.Conversely those students who have low confidence become fearsome, or those who panic
in an exam, tend to performance poorly.
 Familiarity with similar questions as included in the exam helps students to perform better than
not having familiarity with type of exam questions included in an exam.
 It is also shown during different experiments that brief orientation about how to take a test, and
how to take an exam helps students to perform better than before.
 A different set of training regimen may also help students to perform better in exams. One such
training module helps to improve general cognitive or thinking skills of students.Those with a
trained thinking skills perform better than others.
 Again training in problem solving is another way to improve test scores.Another way to improve
performance in exams is to teach or prepare students to carefully analyze questions at hand.This
is done by teaching students to carefully consider all aspects of a question and then choosing the
answer to it.
 Another technique is to see the relevant details and the irrelevant details of a question, and then
address only the relevant ones.
 Another important strategy in this regard is to avoid impulsive answers and to focus on relevant
materials to answer.
 And finally checking and rechecking the answer is an important strategy to improve examination

A portfolio is a systematic collection of work, often including work in progress, revisions, student self-
analyses and reflections on what the student has learnt. Written work or artistic pieces are common
contents of portfolios but students might also include graphs, diagrams, snapshots of displays, peer
comments or audio or videotapes, laboratory reports and computer programs, anything that demonstrates
learning in the area being taught and assessed.

The following steps may show how a portfolio may be created.

1. A student should be involved in selecting the pieces that will be included in the portfolio.
2. It should include information that shows the student’s self reflection and self criticism.
3. It should include a student’s, activities and his/her learning.
4. It should show self-growth, improvement in academics, and his school performance.
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Educational Psychology (PSY406) VU
Lesson 43

Planning for Testing

Research has shown a number of things about testing students for their academic achievement. Research
has also clarified three useful things about testing.

1. Frequent testing encourages retention of information on the part of the students.

2. Tests promote learning if they are given soon after the students have learnt something
3. Cumulative testing is a key to effective learning.

Cumulative testing refers to the fact when testing involves presently learned material and previously
learnt material.

Unfortunately, the curriculum in many schools is so full that there is little time for frequent test and

Categories of Tests
Teachers have two broad categories of choices available to them for testing students.
1. Objective testing
2. Essay testing

Objective Testing
Objective testing in relation to teaching in class means that the testing material is not open to many
interpretations. It is therefore not subjective, or open to different kinds of answers. Multiple choice
questions, matching exercises, true/false, short answers and fill in the blanks are all kinds of objective
testing. Scoring of these tests is relatively straightforward compared to the scoring of essay questions
because the answers are more clear-cut than essay answers.

Multiple Choice Tests

Multiple choice tests can assess not only recall or recognition, but they also require a student to apply
what he/she has learned. When writing a multiple choice test the aim of the teacher is to measure a
student’s achievement, and not his test taking or guessing skills.

Prerequisites for Objective Test Construction

Teachers must keep the following in mind when making up multiple choice exams.
1. Students should not be tested for their guessing skills.
2. Questions should be simple and clear.
3. The problem in the questions should be stated in positive terms and not in negative
4. Students should not be expected to make very fine choices and distinctions in answer
5. A teacher should avoid exact wording as found in the text book.
6. Categorical words such as always, only, never, should be avoided.
7. The teacher should avoid the over use of such phrases as “all of the above”, “none of the

Essay Testing

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Educational Psychology (PSY406) VU
The other choice in testing available to the teacher is using the essay type exam. Essay type exam
requires a student to create his/her own answers. However this kind of testing poses a difficulty to the
examiner that involves judging the quality of the answer.

Prerequisites for Essay-Type Test Construction

In essay type question, the student should be clearly know what elements he is expected to cover in the
answer. The student should know how extensive their answer should be and about how much time they
should spend on each question. Time factor in an essay type exam is of crucial importance. Thus
students should be given ample time to write the answer. However teachers must keep in mind that time
pressure increases a student’s anxiety. Therefore adequate time with frequent reminders during an exam
must be given to the students.

Educational experts agree that combining essay type with short answer, objective type materials may
help students to do well in exams.

Evaluating Essay Tests

One problem with essay type exam is the problem of subjectivity in scoring. It was found in various
researches that this problem of subjectivity in scoring was not confined to some subjects, but various
subjects. The main difficulties were the individual standards of the grader and the unreliability of scoring

Subjectivity in scoring can be avoided by: -

 Constructing a proper, good answer.
 Remembering that a good, model answer is one that contains clear statements.
 Marks may be given to good organization of the answer.
 A teacher can have the exam double checked by another teacher without telling him the
grades/marks already assigned by him.
 A teacher should make sure that while checking the papers he does not know to whom
the paper being checked belongs. Anonymity of the examinee ensures fairness in
marking on the part of the teacher.

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Educational Psychology (PSY406) VU
Lesson 44

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