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JSA 03 Manual Excavation and Trenching

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Manual Excavation and Trenching

Name Date Signature Badge No.
Prepared & Reviewed : (Position)

Prepared By: KAES HSE Manager.

Reviewed By: KAES Project Manager
Reviewed and Approved By; SAPMT
References (e.g. SA CSM, GI’s, other SA standards, etc.):
GI 2.100 - Work Permit System,
GI 6.007 - Reporting of Contractor On-Job Injuries/Occupational Illnesses,
GI 6.030 - Traffic Control and Vehicle Safety,
GI 7.025 - Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification,
GI 7.026 Crane and Heavy Equipment Incident Reporting Procedures,
GI 7.027 Crane Suspended Personnel Platform (Man basket) Operations.
GI.7.028 Crane Lifts: types and Procedure
GI.7.029 Rigging Hardware and Requirements
GI.7.030 Inspection and Lifting Requirements for Elevation and Lifting Equipment
Gl.1021.000 - Street and Road Closure - Excavation, Reinstatement & Traffic Controls,
GI 150.002 - Basic Life Support (BLS) Heart saver Automated External Defibrillator (AED)/Standard First Aid (SFA) and First Aid Kit,
GI 151.006 - Implementing the Saudi Aramco Environmental Health Code,
GI 430.001 - Implementing the Saudi Aramco Hazardous Waste Code.

SAES-A-100 Surveying Coordinates and Datum’s

SAES-A-111 Borrow pit requirements,
SAES-A-114 Excavation and backfill,

Applicable Industry codes and standards (ASTM).

SA Construction Safety Manual (SACSM),

SA Safety Handbook, Minimum Safety Rules,
SA Safety Management System (SASMS).

All other applicable Saudi Aramco Programs, Processes, Procedures, and Standards including Schedule “D” of the Contract shall be strictly followed during
the execution of site activities.
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KAES CSSP, HIP, ERP, EMP etc. HAZARD LEGEND: A=high category, B=medium category, C=low category
. Sequence of Hazard
Potential Hazards Corrective Action/Recomendation Action By
No. Steps Ranking
1.1.1 Ensure Interface managers (KAES and SSEM
together with the permit Issuer and receiver shall
conduct joint site inspection and identify all the
B 1. WP Issuer
hazards associated in the work place and provide 2. KAES Work Permit
control measure prior to issue a Work Permit. Receiver
1.1.2 Issue correct type of work permit specific for 3. Site
1.1 Miscommunication/
the task to be performed. engineer/Constructi
Wrong Type of Work
Site preparation Permit.
1.1.3 Work Permit Receiver shall be SA certified. on manager
1. 1.1.4 Ensure all workers shall be undergo Safety
and Mobilization 4. Safety officer
Orientation prior to mobilized at site.
1.1.5 JSA shall be discuss and explain to all workers
Materials & involved on this activity.
Equipment) 1.1.6 Daily toolbox talk and weekly talk shall be
by supervisor or foreman and assisted by safety
1.2.1 All Worker should wear Complete PPE’s and
wear P22 dust mask.
1.2.2 Identified first aider to be on site. 1. WP Issuer
1.2 Physical injuries during 1.2.3 Heat stress index to be on site 2. KAES Work Permit
loading unloading 1.2.4 Provide adequate water and ice to the work site B Receiver
materials by during hot season. 3. Site
manual handling 1.2.5 Provide rest & cool down areas. engineer/Constructi
Muscular skeletal 1.2.6 Wear jackets, hand gloves, bonnets etc. to make on manager
injuries due to poor you feel lesser colder and avoid frostbites. 4. Safety officer
posture 1.2.7 During break times, head for shelter that will
protect you from wind and rain.
1.2.8 Work area to be free of obstruction & walk
paths around site are clear
1.2.9 All personnel shall undergo internal
Induction and Saudi Aramco Safety Orientation.
1.2.10 WPR, KAES key personnel and other qualified
person shall be present while preparation in
1.2.11Report incidents and near misses immediately
to supervisor
2.1.1 Always stay at safe distance from moving trucks
and working machinery.
2. 2.1.2 Deploy flagman to control unauthorized entry. 1. Construction
Removal of Existing 2.1 Struck-by, caught-in B
2.1.3 Wear disposable dust mask for respiratory manager
Gravel above the between to equipment/ damage
ground. (manually
protection. 2. Site Supervisor
above existing utilities
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HAZARD LEGEND: A=high category, B=medium category, C=low category
and mechanical using Dusty/Physical Injury due to 2.1.4 Wear job required personal protective equipment. 3. Work permit
JCB or Bobcat) Vibration/Improper or 2.1.5 Operator shall be certified by approved 3rd party receiver
miscommunication between Provider by SA, trained and competent to operate 4. Safety Officer
operator and banksman or according to the type of equipment was written on 5. Operator/flagman
spotter/Blind Spot area his ID or certificate
2.1.6 Check operation of controls, lights and warning
signals before working.
2.1.7 Travel up or down slopes and curve where
possible, and avoid sharp turns.
2.1.8 Fire Watchman and fire extinguisher should be
available at site.
2.1.9 Ensure operator and banksman or spotter shall be
trained for proper communication.
2.1.10 Ensure spotter shall kept always safe distance and
do not across or stand along the way of
2.1.11 Ensure PWAS is working
2.1.12 Ensure equipment in good condition with valid
3rd party inspection sticker
2.1.13 Install barricade and warning signages around the
excavation and trench.
2.1.14 Kept spoil soil at least 2 feet or more away from
the edge of trench
3.1.1 Ensure all activities inside the Plant perimeter
shall have proper coordination between Interface A 1. Construction
Manual Excavation 3.1 Physical Hazard (hand Manager of KAES and S.S.E.M. manager
3. and Trenching Work injury, back injury) during 3.1.2 Ensure Interface managers (KAES and SSEM 2. Site Supervisor
manual excavation/ together with the permit Issuer and receiver shall 3. Work permit
conduct joint site inspection and identify all the receiver
Damage above/underground hazards associated in the work place and provide 4. Safety Officer
utilities and facilitate control measure prior to issue a Work Permit. 5. Operator/flagman
(communication 3.1.3 PTW shall be obtained prior to start the work
cables/electrical or Plant Work Permit Receiver shall be available at site at
existing cables and pipes) all times.
3.1.4 All workers involve this activity shall be aware
Excavation collapse can cause what is the hazards associated in the work place.
of falls or materials, equipment 3.1.5 Operator shall be certified by approved Saudi
or workers. Aramco 3rd party provider (SPSP)
Damage hand tools 3.1.5 Ensure all workers at site shall wore a complete
Improper access PPE’s(Hard hat, Safety goggle, safety shoes, shirt
with long sleeves with safety reflectorized vest and
working gloves)
3.1.6 If there is underground utilities cable detector shall
be available at site and ensure existing
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HAZARD LEGEND: A=high category, B=medium category, C=low category
underground utilities shall be identified prior to
3.1.7 Mechanical excavators shall not be used until all
underground utilities and installations have been
exposed by hand digging using plastic shovel.
3.1.8 For excavations greater than 2.4 m (8 ft) deep in
Type A, B or C soil, excavation plan (e.g, shoring
design calculations and drawings) shall be
developed by a competent civil Engineer.
3.1.9 Ensure the working areas free of any
3.1.10 Apply Proper Sloping, Benching and Shoring
shall be applied to avoid excavation side
3.1.11 Ensure Pre-Excavation checklist approved by
SAPO and attached with work permit.
3.1.12 Daily excavation inspection checklist filled by
competent civil supervisor.
3.1.13 Ensure PWAS (Proximity Warning Alarm
3.1.14 Install in all moving equipment & Reverse
alarm & horn in good working condition.
3.1.15 Positive key isolation device to lock the
equipment cabin for preventing unauthorized
3.1.16 No mechanical excavation allowed if there is
existing live pipeline, electrical lines or other
plant utilities present. Minimum allowable
distance for mechanical excavation 10 Feet
3.1.17 A properly completed Confined Space Entry
Permit shall be obtained to enter excavations
equal to or greater than 1.2 m (4 ft.) deep.
3.1.18 Appropriate warning signs and barricade to be
install around the excavation.
3.1.19 Trained flagman or spotter shall be assigned.
3.1.20 No any mechanical equipment used to excavate.
3.1.21 Ensure when working near on the road traffic
control shall be implemented and install signages,
safety cone and assign flagman to control the
movement of vehicle near on the working area.
3.1.22 Trained Fire watchman shall be assigned and fire
extinguisher should be available at site.
3.1.23 Ensure daily inspection and monthly color coding
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HAZARD LEGEND: A=high category, B=medium category, C=low category
of tools shall be implemented.
3.1.24 All hand tools shall be in good condition and
remove all damage tools.
4.1.1 Vehicle speed shall be as slow as possible to
4. Dust on the roads 4.1 Poor visibility hazard. minimize excessive dust. B 1. Construction
Health hazard. 4.1.2 Water sprinkling shall be made in working areas to manager
Traffic hazard. prevent dust. 2. Site Supervisor
4.1.3 Doors and windows of site offices shall be kept 3. Work permit
closed to prevent dust accumulation. receiver
4.1.4 Goggles shall be provided and worn by employees 4. Safety Officer
during sand storm conditions.
4.1.5 Location of sandblasting operations shall be as
remote as possible from other work areas.
5.1.1 All waste materials (e.g. scraps, debris, electrical
5. House Keeping and 5.1 Improperly handling & wire) shall be immediately removed in the work
DISPOSAL OF disposal of waste. Uncollected area and contained in waste receptacles. B 1. Construction
WASTE waste 5.1.2 Waste materials shall be properly disposed on manager
MATERIALS sanitary landfills approved by the Saudi Aramco. 2. Site Supervisor
5.1.3 Maintenance liquid wastes such as used oils will 3. Work permit
be stored in a closed, watertight and leak proof receiver
containers so designed for the purpose and 4. Safety Officer
bonded to 120% of the container volume with
impervious plastic or similar lining the bund.
5.1.4 Each storage container of used oil waste will be
plainly labelled with appropriate warning notices
i.e. 'Used Oil-Combustible', etc. Containers'
storage area shall be isolated or free from
potential sources of ignition or open flame and
shall be plainly identified with warning notices.
5.1.5 Execute every day before and after
6.1 Heat Rash Heat Rash Heat 6.1.1 Provide adequate water and ice to the work site
6. Heat Stress Cramps Heat Cramps during hot season. 1. Construction
Heat Syncope (light headed > 6.1.2 Provide rest & cool down areas. manager
faint) Heat Syncope (light headed > 6.1.3 In cold weather Wear jackets, hand gloves, 2. Site Supervisor
faint) bonnets etc. to make you feel lesser colder and 3. Work permit
Heat Exhaustion avoid frostbites. receiver
Heat Exhaustion 6.1.4 During break times, head for shelter that will 4. Safety Officer
Heat Stroke protect you from wind and rain.
6.1.5 In hot weather drink plenty of water, and take
break in regular intervals and follow the heat
index chart.
6.1.6 When the air temperature is less than 37°C

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HAZARD LEGEND: A=high category, B=medium category, C=low category
(99°F), fans or portable air movers may be used
to reduce heat stress by increasing the air flow in
the work area adequate supply of potable
drinking water and ice
will be supplied to employees as per project
standards. Workers must be encouraged to drink
plenty of waters as often as they need. Area HSE
Staff will monitor the adequacy of the supply and
status of all drinking station.
6.1.7. The risk to be assessed as per the demand of all
jobs and monitored with control strategies for hot
6.1.8. Increase the frequency and length of rest breaks,
the daily work schedule is to be posted in the heat
stress shelters and notice boards in multiple
6.1.9 Provide adequate amount of wholesome drinking
water near work place.
6.1.10 KAES and sub-contractor to provide industrial
type Fans in each rest shelter for cooling.
6.1.11 Reduce work activity levels to reduce the amount
of metabolic heat internally generated by a
worker. e.g., confined space, welding, working at
height, etc.
6.1.12 KAES and Subcontractors shall provide cool,
fresh water to all locations in volumes that
exceed local water usage levels at all times
Drinking water shall be stored and dispensed in
clean, clearly; labelled [Drinking Water Only]
containers kept in shaded areas by KAES and
Subcontractors and shall be changed daily. Water
shall be stored in clean tanks, properly
disinfected, and insulated such to avoid excessive
temperatures. Lids must be taped, and date and
time of delivery of the water recorded on the
6.1.13 Ice water and cool water must be supplied to all
shelters and work areas. Ice must be produced
and handled in accordance with food standards of
6.1.14 Delivery vehicles shall carry prominent signage
indicating the purpose of the vehicle
6.1.15 Delivery vehicles will have a planned delivery
schedule, designated drive / water handler and a
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HAZARD LEGEND: A=high category, B=medium category, C=low category
delivery log check sheet be maintained in each
6.1.16 Employee shall take long break during peak
summer months (Starting from 15 June to 15
September) from 12:00pm to 15:00 as per the
Saudi Govt. Labor Law (No employee is
permitted to work under direct sun light during
12:00pm to 15:00pm) from mid of May to mid
of September.
6.1.17 Employee will work maximum in day shift 08
hours of every day and 03 hours break in the
6.1.18 Employees can work 30 to 45 minutes of every
hour with 15 minutes spent at rest in the shade,
but if the weather condition high we should give
more time rest to all workers whose working
unshaded areas
6.1.19 If at any time during the course of work, an
employee feels signs or symptoms of heat
disorder, they will be immediately be moved to
shaded area and consume liquids. Supervisor
will ensure sufficient cold water and/or low
sugar electrolyte replacement is available.
6.1.20 Supervisor and Safety officer will monitor the
task force for signs and symptoms of heat stress.
7. Emergency 7.1 Serious incident, 7.1.1 Call at Saudi Aramco emergency number 911 and
Reporting Personnel serious report emergency such as;
injuries, fatality or Tell two times, “this is an emergency C 1. Construction
property damage ““this is an emergency” manager
Tell your name and SA ID number 2. Site Supervisor
Tell the location and type of emergency. 3. Work permit
Tell how many personnel are injured receiver
Tell what kind of emergency help is 4. Safety Officer
required (ambulance or fire truck)
8. Evacuation 8.1 Fire or explosion, 8.1.1 In case of emergency follow the following steps
major spillage, release Stop all activities: 1. Construction
of toxic gas Shutdown work equipment C manager
Evacuate to the safe area 2. Site Supervisor
Roll call is taken to ensure all workers are present 3. Work permit
No one allowed return to work until notification receiver
received from SA that it is safe to do so. 4. Safety Officer

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HAZARD LEGEND: A=high category, B=medium category, C=low category
Supervisor responsible for explaining contents of this JSA
Name: Signature: Date:

Emergency Response Preparedness:

Nearest Emergency Assembly Point
Nearest Fire
Spill Kit?
Nearest First
Aid Kit?
Method of communicating an Radio Channel Phone
Air horn? Yes: No:
emergency? No: No:

Sign On: I confirm that the JSA has been explained and its contents are clearly understood and accepted. I also confirm that my required
qualifications to undertake this activity are current and approved. I clearly understand the controls in this JSA must be applied as documented;
otherwise work is to cease immediately and a review is to be completed and work can recommence.
Name Position Signature Date Employer

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HAZARD LEGEND: A=high category, B=medium category, C=low category
Sign On: I confirm that the JSA has been explained and its contents are clearly understood and accepted. I also confirm that my required
qualifications to undertake this activity are current and approved. I clearly understand the controls in this JSA must be applied as documented;
otherwise work is to cease immediately and a review is to be completed and work can recommence.
Name Position Signature Date Employer

“*Uncontrolled when saved or printed.” 9 of 11

HAZARD LEGEND: A=high category, B=medium category, C=low category
Sign On: I confirm that the JSA has been explained and its contents are clearly understood and accepted. I also confirm that my required
qualifications to undertake this activity are current and approved. I clearly understand the controls in this JSA must be applied as documented;
otherwise work is to cease immediately and a review is to be completed and work can recommence.
Name Position Signature Date Employer

“*Uncontrolled when saved or printed.” 10 of 11

HAZARD LEGEND: A=high category, B=medium category, C=low category
Sign On: I confirm that the JSA has been explained and its contents are clearly understood and accepted. I also confirm that my required
qualifications to undertake this activity are current and approved. I clearly understand the controls in this JSA must be applied as documented;
otherwise work is to cease immediately and a review is to be completed and work can recommence.
Name Position Signature Date Employer

“*Uncontrolled when saved or printed.” 11 of 11

HAZARD LEGEND: A=high category, B=medium category, C=low category

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