Unpacked Grade 10 Learning Competencies For English
Unpacked Grade 10 Learning Competencies For English
Unpacked Grade 10 Learning Competencies For English
The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of
Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of
World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts,
CONTENT STANDARD also how to use strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts,
different forms of modals, reflexive and intensive pronouns.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
Reading Listening Viewing Vocabulary Literature Writing & Oral Language & Grammar
Week Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Development Composition Fluency Awareness
EN10RC-Ia-2.15.2 EN10LC-Ia-11.1 EN10VC-Ia-1.4/2.4 EN10V-Ia-13.9 EN10LT-Ia-14.2 EN10WC-Ia-12.1 EN10OL-Ia-3.14 EN10G-Ia-27
Determine the effect Get information that Determine how the Differentiate Explain how the Identify features of Identify the factors of Use reflexive and
of textual aids like can be used in connected events formal from elements specific to a persuasive texts. public speaking. intensive pronouns.
advance organizers, everyday life from contribute to the informal selection build its
Week 1 titles, non-linear, news reports, totality of the material definitions of theme.
illustrations, etc. on speeches, informative viewed. texts.
the understanding of talks, panel
the texts. discussion, etc.
*Identify the *Quote inspirational *List down significant *Define the terms *Recall and identify *Define persuasive *Define public *Define pronouns.
different graphic lines from previous events in the material formal and the elements of a texts. speaking. *Define reflexive
organizers used in speeches listened to. viewed. informal. short story. *Write a persuasive *State the and intensive
understanding texts. *Explain the *Relate the *Identify the *Use the elements to text about how to characteristics of pronouns.
Unpacked *Identify the information taken experiences of a features of formal come up with a stop bullying. public speaking. *Differentiate
characters in the from the speech. normal person to the and informal texts. theme. *Discuss factors reflexive and
myth using a experiences of the *Identify the features affecting public intensive pronouns.
character map. character in the of the elements of a speaking. *Use reflexive and
material viewed. short story. intensive pronouns
in the sentence.
EN10RC-Ib-2.15.2 EN10LC-Ib-4 EN10VC-Ib-1.4/2.4 EN10V-Ib-13.9 En10LT-Ib-2.2 EN10WC-Ib-12.1 En10OL-Ib-3.15 EN10G-Ib-27
Determine the effect Determine the Determine how the Differentiate Explain how the Identify features of Describe and Use reflexive and
of textual aids like implicit and explicit connected events formal from elements specific to a persuasive texts. interpret the ethics of intensive pronouns.
advance organizers, signals, as well as contribute to the informal genre contribute to (Unpacked-Module public speaking. (Unpacked-Module
titles, non-linear, non-verbal, used by totality of the material definitions of the theme of a 1-Week 1-WC) 1-Week -G)
Week 2 illustrations, etc. on the speaker to viewed. texts. particular literary
the understanding of highlight significant (Unpacked-Module selection.
the texts. points. 1-Week 1-V) (Unpacked-Module 1-
Week 1-LT)
Express appreciation
for sensory images
*Use a semantic *Define implicit and *Enumerate events *Write the formal/ *Identify different *Compose a *Share ideas about *Write an essay
web showing the explicit signals and from the material informal definition literary genre. persuasive text from ethics in public using reflexive and
defenses of the verbal and non-verbal viewed that show of the given texts. *Name the different a given situation. speaking. intensive pronouns.
characters. terms. discrimination. literary devices. *Deliver the
*Classify implicit *Quote lines from the *Identify the theme of persuasive text
Unpacked from explicit signals material viewed that a particular literary composed applying
and verbal from non- express ways of selection. the ethics of public
verbal in the material overcoming speaking.
listened to. challenges. **List down the
sensory images from
the text.
**Describe objects,
situations, feelings,
etc. using sensory
*Illustrate the *Select implicit and *Identify the *Use the words *Illustrate the *Define the terms *Identify the *List down words
strengths and explicit signals from challenges expressed formally and/or importance of the opinion or assertion. different techniques and expressions that
weaknesses of the the material listened from the material informally defined elements to the *Identify the in effective public emphasize a point.
character using a to that highlight viewed. in the sentence. theme of a selection. features of an speaking. *Distinguish words
Venn Diagram. significant points. *Explain the opinion or assertion *Watch a video clip and expressions that
Unpacked consequences of **Recall literary statement. on effective public emphasize a point.
extreme hatred if not devices. *Distinguish speaking. *Construct
overcome. **Identify the literary statement of opinion sentences with
devices used in the or assertion from strong and weak
selection. the text. points.
EN10RC-Id-2.15.2 EN10LC-1d-4.1 EN10VC-Id-25 EN10V-Id-13.9 EN10LT-1d-2.2 EN10WC-Id-12.2 EN10OL-Id-3.16.1 EN10G-Id-26
Determine the effect Single out direct Express insights based Differentiate Explain how the Formulate a Employ the Use words and
of textual aids like and indirect signals on the ideas formal from elements specific to a statement of techniques in public expressions that
advance organizers, used by a speaker. presented in the informal genre contribute to opinion or assertion. speaking in a sample emphasize a point.
Week 4 titles, non-linear material viewed. definitions of the theme of a (Unpacked-Module public speaking (Unpacked-Module
illustrations, etc. on words. particular literary 1-Week 3-WC) situation. 1-Week 3-G)
the understanding of (Unpacked-Module selection. (Unpacked-Module 1-
the text. 1-Week 1-V) (Unpacked-Module 1- Week 1-3-OL)
Week 1-LT)
EN10LC-Id 2.2.2
Explain the literary
devices used.
(Unpacked-Module 1-
Week 3-LT)
*Create a chart *Define direct *Reflect and share a *Give examples of **Create a graphic *Select statements *Deliver a sample *Compose a two-
showing one’s and indirect particular situation/ terms from the organizer showing the in the text speech on public paragraph
strengths and signals. experience in real life. featured text that literary devices used in expressing an speaking observing persuasive essay
Unpacked weaknesses as *Discuss direct *Connect the are formally and the selection. opinion or the techniques. using words and
compared with the and indirect conflicts/events in real informally defined. assertion. expressions that
characters in the signals. life to the material emphasize a point.
myth. *Give examples viewed.
of direct and
indirect signals.
EN10RC-Ie-2.15.2 EN10LC-Ie-14.1 EN10VC-Ie-25 EN10V-Ie-13.9 EN10LT-Ie-2.2 EN10WC-Ie-12.2 EN10OL-Ie-3.16.1 EN10G-Ie-26
Determine the effect Point out the Express insights based Differentiate Explain how the Formulate a Employ the Use words and
of textual aids like effectiveness of the on the ideas formal from elements specific to a statement of opinion techniques in public expressions that
advance organizers, devices used by the presented in the informal genre contribute to or assertion. speaking in a sample emphasize a point.
titles, non-linear speaker to attract material viewed. definitions of the theme of a (Unpacked-Module public speaking (Unpacked-Module
illustrations, etc. on and hold the words. particular literary 1-Week 3-WC) situation. 1-Week 3-G)
Week 5 the understanding of attention of the (Unpacked-Module selection. (Unpacked-Module 1-
a text. listener. 1-Week 1-V) (Unpacked-Module 1- EN10WC-Ie-12.3 Week 1-3-OL)
Week 1-LT) Compose a
persuasive text of
EN10LT-Ie-2.2.3 three paragraphs
Determine tone, expressing one’s
mood, technique, and stand on an issue.
purpose of the (Unpacked-Module
author. 1-Week 1-WC)
*Explain the *Identify devices *List down ideas *Define terms by **Define tone, mood, *Write a short *State the *Write an essay
challenges and used by a speaker to taken from the giving formal and technique, and paragraph knowledge, skills, using words and
conflicts experienced attract and hold the material viewed informal purpose of the author. expressing an and attitude of 21st expressions that
Unpacked by the character
EN10RC-If-21 attention of the
EN10LC-If-14.2 *Brainstorm
EN10VC-If-25 and definitions.
EN10V-If-13.9 EN10LT-If-2.2 opinion or assertion.
EN10WC-If-12.3 century learner.
EN10OL-If-3.16.1 emphasize a point.
Compare new Determine the roles Express insights based Differentiate Explain how the Compose a Employ the Use modals.
insights with of discourse markers on the ideas formal from elements specific to a persuasive text of techniques in public
previous learning. (e.g. conjunctions, presented in the informal genre contribute to three paragraphs speaking in a sample
gambits, adverbs) in material viewed. definitions of the theme of a expressing one’s public speaking
Week 6 signaling the words. particular literary stand on an issue. situation.
functions of (Unpacked-Module selection. (Unpacked-Module (Unpacked-Module 1-
statements made. 1-Week 1-V) (Unpacked-Module 1- 1-Week 1&2-WC) Week 1-3-OL)
Week 1-LT)
Determine tone,
mood, technique, and
purpose of the
(Unpacked-Module 1-
Week 5-LT)
*List down the *Define discourse *List down ideas taken *Define terms by *Create a diagram *Compose a *Use techniques in *Define modals.
previous insights markers. from the material giving formal and presenting the persuasive text from public speaking Explain the function
from the text read *Identify discourse viewed. informal connectivity/ a given situation. through. of modals in the
and relate them to markers and its *Brainstorm and definitions. importance of sentence.
real life situations. functions. organize thoughts elements to building *Classify modals
*Use discourse based on the material the theme of the according to
markers in retelling viewed. selection. function.
Unpacked material listened to. *Visualize the hardest
point of life from the **Identify the tone,
material viewed. mood, technique, and
*Cite influential and purpose used by the
positive traits based author in a particular
from the material literary selection.
viewed that a
person must
En10RC-Ig-21 EN10LC-Ig-8.7 EN10VC-Ig-1.5/2.5 EN10V-iG-13.9 EN10LT-1g-2.2 EN10WC-1g-12.3 En10OL-1g-3.16.1 EN10G-1g-3.6
Compare new Make generalizations. Draw generalizations Differentiate Explain how a Compose a Employ the Use modals.
insights with and conclusions based formal and selection may be persuasive text of techniques in public (Unpacked-Module
previous learning. on the material informal influenced by culture, three paragraphs speaking in a sample 1-Week 6-G)
Week 7 viewed. definitions of history, environment expressing one public speaking
words. or other focus. stand on an issue. situation.
(Unpacked-Module (Unpacked-Module (Unpacked-Module 1-
1-Week 1-V) 1-Week 1&2-WC) Week 1-3-OL)
*Identify the *Discuss what *Define generalization *Develop a *Name important *Write a persuasive *Apply techniques in *Construct
challenges met by generalization is. and conclusion. paragraph using events, people or text stressing on the public speaking sentences using
the characters and *Enumerate ways on *Identify the process the words phenomena from the importance of through a panel modals.
compare them with how to make in making formally/informally text. winning over discussion.
Unpacked the challenges generalizations. generalization/ defined. *Evaluate the challenges.
experienced by the *Construct conclusion. qualities/traits of the
characters in the generalizations based main character in the
previous texts read. on a material listened reading text.
*Identify significant *Discuss the *Identify the *Define technical *Use the elements to *Define *Recall and define *Review main rules
information in linear different listening relevance of the ideas and operational come up with a argumentative the prosodic features of subject-verb
and non-linear texts. strategies. to the material. terms. theme. essay. of speech. agreement,
*Interpret the *Cite important *Explain the *Identify the *Identify the parts *Articulate words capitalization,
Unpacked significant details from importance of the characteristics of and features of an following the prosodic punctuation, etc.
information through the listening ideas to the material. technical and argumentative features of speech.
story map, timeline, text. operational essay.
chart, etc. definitions.
EN10RC-IIb-11.2 EN10LC-IIb-15.1 EN10VC-IIa-3.8 EN10V-IIa-13.9 EN10LT-IIa-14.2 EN10WC-IIb-13.2 EN10OL-IIa-5 EN10G-IIa-29
Explain illustrations Assess the Assess the Give technical and Explain how the Formulate claims of Employ appropriate Observe correct
from linear to non- effectiveness of a effectiveness of the operational elements specific to a facts, policy, and pitch, stress, grammar in
Week 2 linear texts and vice- material listened to ideas presented in the definitions. selection builds its value. juncture, intonation, making definitions.
versa. taking into account material viewed taking (Unpacked-Module theme. etc. (Unpacked-Module
the speaker’s into account its 2-Week 1-V) (Unpacked-Module 1- (Unpacked-Module 2- 2-Week 1-G)
purpose. purpose. Week 1-LT) Week 1-O)
*Interpret the *Identify the purpose *Relate life in the *Recognize *Make a diagram *Define facts, policy *Deliver a speech *Apply the grammar
meaning/message of of the material Medieval Age from the technical and showing elements of a and value. using the prosodic rules discussed in
the illustrations. listened to. material viewed. operational story in connection to *Classify claims as features of speech. the previous lesson.
Unpacked *Describe the *Select lines from the *Connect the element definitions. the theme. to facts, policy, and
characters through a material listened to and theme of the *Distinguish value.
graphic organizer. prove its purpose. material viewed to technical from
another story. operational
EN10RC-11c-5.4 EN10LC-11c-15.2 EN10VC-11c-3.8 EN10V-11c- EN10LT-11c-2.2 EN10WC-11c-13.3 En10OL-11c-3.11 EN10G-11c-29
Present information Assess whether the Assess the 13.9: Explain how the Use patterns and Use the correct sound Observe correct
using tables, graphs speaker’s purpose is effectiveness of the Give technical and elements specific to a techniques of of English when grammar in
and maps. achieved or not. ideas presented in the operational genre contribute to developing an delivering impromptu making definitions.
material viewed taking definitions. the theme of a argumentative claim. and extemporaneous (Unpacked-Module
into account the (Unpacked-Module particular literary speech. 2-Week 1-G)
Week 3 purpose. 2-Week 1-V) selection.
(Unpacked-Module 1-
Week 1-LT)
Express appreciation
for sensory images
*Identify the *Point out the *View a material on an *State the *Recall and identify *Recommend other *Apply the prosodic *Point out details
features of an purpose of the issue. operational and the different senses. technique in features in delivering that make the text/s
argumentative speaker in his *Identify the issues technical terms **Point out the developing an a dialogue. ungrammatical.
Unpacked speech based on the speech. from the material from the text. sensory images from argumentative claim.
example. *Provide evidences viewed. *Substitute/ the text.
*Classify the whether the purpose *Discuss the purpose/ replace technical *Describe objects,
features of an is achieved or not. highlights/significance/ and operational situations, feelings,
argumentative lessons of the material terms with simple etc. using sensory
speech. viewed. terms for better images.
EN10SS-11d-1.5.2 EN10LC-11d-3.15 EN10VC-11d-26 EN10V-11d-13.9 EN10LT-11d-2.2 EN10WC-11d- En10OL-11d-3.11 EN10G-11d-29
Scan for needed Evaluate listening Detect bias and Give technical and Explain how the 1.6.3 Use the correct sound Observe correct
information. texts in terms of prejudice in the operational elements specific to a Acknowledge of English when grammar in
accuracy, validity, material viewed. definitions. genre contribute to citations by delivering impromptu making definitions.
adequacy and (Unpacked-Module the theme of a preparing a and extemporaneous (Unpacked-Module
relevance. 2-Week 1-V) particular literary bibliography. speech. 2-Week 1-G)
Week 4 selection.
(Unpacked-Module 1-
Week 1-LT)
Explain the literary
devices used.
(Unpacked-Module 1-
Week 3-LT)
*Define scanning as *Define *Define bias and *Give the *Recall different *Describe *Deliver a speech *Determine the
a reading skill. accuracy, validity, prejudice. technical and literary genre and its bibliography using the prosodic rules on defining
*Look for specific adequacy and *Identify/Point out operational elements. according to types. features of speech. terms.
details in a reading relevance. bias and prejudice in definitions of the *Identify different *Discuss the styles *Make correct
text. *Identify the features the material viewed. terms used. literary genre and its in making a definitions of terms
Unpacked of accuracy, validity, (Writing activity elements. bibliography. following the
adequacy and formulating *Point out the grammar rules.
relevance of the technical and elements and theme
reading text. operational of a short story.
definitions of
the given **Determine the
words.) literary devices used in
the selection.
Determine tone,
mood, technique, and
purpose of the
author. (Unpacked-
Module 1- Week 5-
*Recall the different *Define analytical *Recall situations of *Give the *Design a diagram Identify ways of *Identify the correct *List down words
purposes of an listening. biases and prejudices. technical and presenting the acknowledging stance and proper and expression that
author. *Identify significant *Discuss the different operational elements with sources. stage behavior. affirm or negate.
*Identify details that information from the forms of biases. definitions of the connection to the *Identify process of *Classify words and
Unpacked show the author’s text listened to. terms used. theme of the literary acknowledging **Point out the expressions that
purpose. (Use technical and selection. sources. importance of eye affirm or negate.
operational contact.
definitions through **Extract lines from **Identify
a dialogue.) the literary selection techniques in
that deals with tone, establishing eye
mood, technique and contact.
purpose of the author.
EN10RC-IIf-13.1 EN10LC-IIf-13.2 EN10VC-IIf-26 EN10V-IIf-13.9 EN10LT-IIf-2.2 EN10SS-IIf-1.6.6 EN10OL-IIf-3.8 EN10G-IIf-28
Read closely to get Employ analytical Detect bias and Give technical and Explain how the Use quotation marks Observe the correct Use words and
explicitly and listening in problem prejudice in the operational elements specific to a or hanging stance and proper expressions that
implicitly stated solving. material viewed. definitions. genre contribute to indentations for stage behavior as affirm or negate.
information. (Unpacked-Module 2- (Unpacked-Module the theme of a direct quotes. deemed necessary. (Unpacked-Module
Week 5-VC) 2-Week 1-V) particular literary 2-Week 5-G)
selection. EN10OL-IIf-2.6.2
Week 6 (Unpacked-Module 1- Establish eye contact.
Week 1-LT)
Determine tone,
mood, technique, and
purpose of the
author. (Unpacked-
Module 1-
Week 5-LT)
*Recall previous *Justify the *Express insight about *Analyze the *Design a diagram *Identify ways of *Identify the correct *Use affirmative
ideas about implicit correctness of biases and prejudices correctness of the presenting the acknowledging stance and proper and/or negative
and explicit information from the based on the ideas technical or elements with sources. stage behavior. expressions in
signals/information. material listened to. presented. operational connection to the *Identify process of sentences.
Unpacked *Identify explicitly *Justify biases and definitions used of theme of the literary acknowledging *Determine the
and implicitly stated prejudices from the the text. selection. sources. importance of eye
information in the material viewed. contact.
material read. *Make an analysis of a *Identify techniques
particular literary in establishing eye
selection focusing on contact.
the use of tone, mood,
technique, and
purpose of the author.
EN10RC-11g-13.1 EN10LC-11g-13.3 EN10VC-11g-27 EN10V-11g-13.9 EN10LT-11g-2.3 EN10WC-11g- En10F-11g-3.7 EN10G-11g-28
Read closely to Detect biases and Use previous Give technical and Draw similarities and 1.6.5 Demonstrate Use words and
get explicitly and prejudices experiences as operational differences of the Use in-text citations. confidence and ease expressions that
Week 7 implicitly stated (Unpacked-Module 2- scaffold to the definitions. featured selections in of delivery. affirm or negate.
information. Week 6-VC) message conveyed by (Unpacked-Module relation to the (Unpacked-Module
(Unpacked-Module a material viewed. 2-Week 1-V) theme. (Unpacked- 2-Week 5-G)
1-Week 2& 3-LC)) Module 1-
Week 8-LT)
*Categorize implicit *Recall definitions of *Distinguish the *Analyze the *Define similarity *Define in-text *Recall techniques in *Write a paragraph
and explicit biases and events from the appropriateness of and difference. citation. delivering a speech. using expressions
statements. prejudices. material viewed. the technical or *Identify similarities *Identify the in-text *Suggest strategies that affirm or
*Prove the validity *Share examples and *Classify events as operational term and differences citation styles. to confidently deliver negate.
Unpacked of implicitly and instances of biases experienced in real life used in a text. from the featured *Compose sentences a speech.
explicitly stated and prejudices. situation. text. using in-text citation. *Deliver lines from
information. *Write down *Explain the the text with
instances of biases similarities and confidence and ease.
and prejudices from differences of the
the material viewed. featured selection.
*Generalize the theme
of the featured
*Define evaluation. *Recall definition of *Identify and compare *Compose a *Identify the types of *Recall the parts *Differentiate *Describe in details
*Identify process generalization. previous experiences paragraph using conflicts. and features of an impromptu from a particular
and forms of *Define to a new experiences technical and *Suggest solution to argumentative extemporaneous image/object using
evaluation. exaggeration. conveyed in the operational terms. resolve one’s conflict. essay. speeches. expressions of
*Explain rubric, *Give examples of material viewed. *Dramatize real-life *Identify the *Identify the basic affirmation or
Unpacked criteria and other unsupported situations about mechanics in writing characteristics of negation.
forms for evaluation. generalizations and resolving one’s an argumentative impromptu and
*Rate a particular exaggerations. conflict. essay. extemporaneous
movie, story, and *Identify *Apply the writing speeches
other listening texts unsupported mechanics in writing *Deliver impromptu
using set of generalization and an argumentative and extemporaneous
criteria/forms of exaggerations from essay. speeches with ease
evaluation. the text listened to. and confidence.
EN10RC-IIh-2.22 EN10LC-IIh-15.3 EN10VC-IIh-27 EN10V-IIh-13.9 EN10LT-Iii-19 EN10WC-Iii-13 EN10OL-Iii-1.15 EN10LC-IIh-15.3
Evaluate text Determine Use previous Give technical and Evaluate literature as Compose an Make and deliver Use words and
content, elements, unsupported experiences as operational a vehicle of expressing argumentative impromptu and expressions that
Week 9 features, and generalizations and scaffold to the definitions. resolving conflicts essay. extemporaneous affirm or negate.
properties using a exaggerations. message conveyed by (Unpacked-Module between and among (Unpacked-Module speeches with ease (Unpacked-Module
set of criteria a material viewed 2-Week 1-V) individuals or groups. 2-Week 1-WC) and confidence. 2-Week 5-G)
(Unpacked-Module 2-
Week 8-LT)
*Prepare criteria or *Compare and *Identify and *Use technical and *Define culture, *Develop an *Differentiate *Criticize a certain
other forms for contrast unsupported compare previous operational terms history and argumentative essay impromptu from situation using
evaluation to generalizations and experiences to new in writing an environment. applying the extemporaneous expressions of
evaluate a text. exaggeration. experiences conveyed argumentative *Identify the culture, discussed writing speeches. affirmation or
Unpacked *Construct in the material viewed. essay. history and mechanics. *Identify the basic negation.
statements of *Visualize the effects environment featured characteristics of
unsupported of the events from the in the text/selection. impromptu and
generalizations and material viewed. *Infer the different extemporaneous
exaggerations. culture, history and speeches.
environment featured *Deliver impromptu
in the text/selection. and extemporaneous
speeches with ease
and confidence.
*Recall historical *Discuss the text *Recognize the *Propose another *Define and discuss *Identify the different *Define modifiers.
events happened in comprehensively. issue/s present in the definition of culture, history and types of speech. *Differentiate
the material read. *Interpret the material viewed. words. environment reflected *Differentiate giving single-word
*Cite lines from the essential parts of the *Classify issues and *Create a in the selection. toast and delivering modifiers, modifying
text that connects to material. concerns from the vocabulary map *Determine the speech according to clauses and phrases.
the historical *Summarize briefly material viewed as to from the words presence of other purpose. *Identify structures
background in the the material listened weight. used in the text. factors to consider in a *Identify language of modification
Unpacked selection. to. *Recommend literary selection. structure of giving (adjective and
probable solution/s to *Connect the influence toast and delivering adverb).
the issues and of culture, history, speech.
concerns present in environment and other
the material viewed. factors to the
significance of the
EN10RC-IIIf-2.18 EN10LC-IIIf-3.13 EN10VC-IIIf-23 EN10V-IIIf-13.9 EN10LT-IIIf-3 EN10SS-IIIf-1.6.3 EN10OL-IIIf-3.9 EN10G-IIIf-30
Express the personal React to the falsity or Share viewpoints Give expanded Explain how a Acknowledge Use the correct and Use structures of
significance of the soundness of an based on the ideas definitions of selection may be sources by appropriate language modification.
selection to the argument. presented in the words. influenced by culture, preparing a when giving a toast (Unpacked-Module
Week 6 reader (reader- materials viewed. history, environment, bibliography. or a tribute to 3-Week 5-G)
response). or other factors. someone and when
delivering welcome
and closing remarks.
(Unpacked-Module 3-
Week 5-OL)
*Identify particular *Differentiate sound *Recognize the issues *Define *Restate in own words *Define *Deliver a speech *Describe
events in the information/ and concerns context clue. the definition of bibliography. with correct and image/objects using
selection related to statements from false presented in the *Use context culture, history and *Identify format for appropriate language modifiers.
human experiences. information/ material viewed. clues to define environment and its bibliography writing. use.
*Relate these events statements. *Interpret the issues meaning of words. contribution.
to reader’s personal *Classify information and concerns *Improve the idea of
Unpacked experiences. as to sound or false. presented. the discussion on the
*Summarize the strength of the
events in the material influence of the
viewed from simple to environment, history
the most complicated. or other factors in
the selection.
*Justify that such
influence from the
selection relates to the
real situation.
*Categorize the impact
of the culture, history
and environment’s
influence in the
selection as to the
minimal or
*Support the ideas in *Describe the *Write a *Point out the *Critique a *Deliver a speech *Write a speech
the text by giving personal significance paragraph using conflicts between particular speech observing correct using the structures
personal insights. present in the examples/ individuals or following the criteria stage behavior, of modification.
material viewed. explaining a groups/nature from given. enunciation, and
*Discuss the idea process. the literature. expressions.
brought by personal *Express solution to
Unpacked significance in the the identified
material viewed. conflict/s.
*Compare and *Design steps in
contrast one’s resolving conflict/s
personal experience in between
relation to the individuals/groups/
material viewed. nature in a literature.
*Identify various *Identify strategies *Gather new *List *Identify the genre *Define cohesion *Define Campaign *Identify language
locational skills. on simplifying, information from the technical of a particular literary and coherence Speeches specific to
*Locate reorganizing, video in terms of its terms used in selection. *Identify and *Identify features of campaigns and
important/relevant synthesizing and contents’ accessibility research. *Recall the elements discuss the Campaign Speeches advocacies
details from the evaluating and effectiveness. *Look for the used in a literary principles of *Compare campaign
material read. information to *Point out the meaning of the selection cohesion and speech to other forms
expand, review or accessibility and terms in the *Point out the literary coherence of speech
Unpacked update information. effectiveness of the dictionary. device present in the
*Rephrase information presented *Recognize selection.
information or in the material viewed. technical terms *Prove that elements
statements from the *Design a concept used in research. are specific to a genre
text listened to. map to effectively and contribute to the
*Expand/Update convey the theme of a literary
ideas based from information presented selection by giving
the material listened in the material viewed. reasons.
EN10SS-IVb-1.7 EN10LC-IVb-3.18 EN10VC-IVb-15 EN10V-IVb-30 EN10LT-IVb-2.2 EN10WC-IVb- EN10OL-IVb-3.8.1 EN10G-IVb-32
Get vital information Get different Compare and contrast Get familiar with Explain how the 14.1.2 Show courtesy and Observe the
from various viewpoints on various the contents of the technical terms elements specific to a Use a variety of politeness when language of
websites on the local or global issues. materials viewed with used in research genre contribute to informative, delivering campaign research,
internet. outside sources of the theme of a persuasive, and speeches campaigns, and
Week 2 EN10LC-IVb-16.1 information in terms particular literary argumentative advocacies
Distinguish the of accessibility and selection writing techniques
important points effectiveness.
from less important EN10LT-IV-b-2.2.2
ones in any listening Explain the literary
text. devices used.
*Familiarize various *Share background *List the important *Write down *Determine the *Identify variety of *Identify the Do’s *Identify language
websites on the knowledge/ideas details that happened sources of contribution of the informative, and Don’ts in specific to
internet. about local or global in the material viewed. information in genre to develop the persuasive, and delivering speeches campaigns and
*Identify issues. *Interpret meaningful making a theme of a particular argumentative advocacies
appropriate websites *Identify specific dialogues from the research. literary selection. writing techniques
for a specific source issues happening material viewed and *Define primary *Identify the literary
of information. locally or globally in analyze the and secondary device used by the
Unpacked *Source out vital the material listened accessibility and sources of author in a literary
information from the to. effectiveness of its information. selection.
appropriate websites content. *Differentiate *Give a wholesome
on the internet. *Identify *Role play an primary and idea to modify the
characteristics/ important scene secondary sources theme of a particular
features of important conveyed in the of information. literary selection.
points from less material viewed. *Compare the given
important points. idea to own idea to
determine the validity
of truth expressed in a
literary selection.
*Recall *Identify the *Define reality and *Interpret the *Give an overview of *Define cohesion *Use language
processes/steps in significant/important fantasy. meaning of terms the elements and coherence specific to
drawing conclusions. issues presented in *Identify the elements in research. present in a *Identify and campaigns and
*Use details of facts the text listened to. showing reality and *Define in own selection. discuss the advocacies.
to draw conclusions *Explain issues fantasy from the words the *Point out the principles of
Unpacked from the material discussed in the text. material viewed. meaning of theme of a selection. cohesion and
read. *Relate how these technical terms in *Evaluate the coherence
elements affect one’s research. effectiveness of the *Identify variety of
viewing habit. literary device used informative,
in a selection in persuasive, and
building argumentative
its theme.
writing techniques.
EN10RC-IVg- EN10LC-IVg-16.2 EN10VC-IVg-15 EN10V-IVg-30 EN10LT-IVg-3 EN10SS-IVg-1.6.3 EN10OL-IVg-3.10 EN10G-IVg-32
2.12: Draw React to the falsity or Compare and contrast Get familiar with Explain how a Acknowledge Use appropriate Observe the
conclusions from the soundness of an the contents of the technical terms selection may be sources by preparing multimedia resources language of
set of details. argument. materials viewed with used in research. influenced by culture, a bibliography. that accompany research,
outside sources of history, environment, language. campaigns, and
Week 7 information in terms or other factors. EN10SS-IVg-1.6.4 advocacies.
of accessibility and Use writing
effectiveness. conventions to
*Identify the *State the contents of *Identify technical *Identify the culture, *Identify the basic *Identify appropriate *Identify language
characteristics of a the material viewed. terms used in history, environment rules in preparing a multimedia resources specific to
sound or false research. or other factors bibliography as an aid in the use campaigns and
argument. *Use the present in the *Prepare a of language. advocacies
*Distinguish sound technical terms in selection. bibliography entry.
from false argument. sentences. *Discuss the factor
Unpacked *Formulate sound or that has greater
false argument. influence in the
*Relate such influence
from the selection to
the real life situation.
*Identify main ideas *Identify features of *Evaluate the unity of *Point out the *Deduce the theme of *Identify features of *Identify language
from supporting songs, poems, plot, setting and importance of the selection. Campaign Speeches specific to
details. plays, etc. characterization in a knowing the *Explain similarities on Advocacies, Social campaigns and
*Analyze the *Give examples of material viewed. meaning of and differences and Issues and Concerns advocacies
connection of details songs, poems, plays, *Distinguish the technical terms compare these to *Compose Campaign
in the statement. etc. purpose of the writer used in research. the real-life Speeches on
*Determine the in the material viewed. experiences. Advocacies, Social
emotions evoked *Assess whether the *Discriminate between Issues and Concerns
from text listened to. purpose of the writer positive and negative
is in line with the unity values.
*Write a reflection
Unpacked of plot, setting and based on the theme of
characterization of the the selection.
material viewed.
EN10RC-IVi-10.2 EN10LC-IVi-3.14 EN10VC-IVi-6.1 EN10V-IVi-30 EN10LT-IVi-21 EN10SS-IVi-2.3 EN10F-IVi-1.16 EN10G-IVi-32
Distinguish between Summarize important Evaluate how the Get familiar with Evaluate literature as Compose a Deliver self- Observe the
general and specific points discussed in elements that make technical terms an instrument to research report on composed campaign language of
statements. the text listened to. up reality and used in research. express and resolve a relevant social speeches on research,
Week 9 fantasy affect conflicts within, issue. advocacies, social campaigns, and
viewing habit. between, and among issues and concerns. advocacies.
EN10VC-IVi-30 societies.
Assess one’s viewing
Unpacked *Define general and *Identify important *List down reality and *Demonstrate *Explain how conflicts *Compose Campaign *Use language
specific statements. details discussed in fantasy conveyed in knowledge in within, between and Speeches on specific to
*Recognize general the text listened to. the material viewed. giving the among societies can Advocacies, Social campaigns and
and specific *Differentiate reality meaning of be resolved through Issues and Concerns advocacies
statements in the and fantasy presented technical terms in literature.
text read. in the material viewed. research. *Distinguish the
*Interpret the strength and type of
meaning of literature in expressing
technical terms in and resolving
research through conflict/s.
sentences and
Unpacked (with Module No., Week No. & Domain) – Basic skills are unpacked like recalling previous knowledge, giving of the definitions and giving of examples.
* - Unpacked competency/ies for the first competency of a particular domain in a week.
** - Unpacked competency/ies for the second competency of a particular domain in a
Pilar C. Bangay
Lilibeth A. Dagalea
Ednalyn E. Basañez
Jovie R. Cruz
Benmer F. Mohammad
Maria Victoria V. Balaga
Norhedgil B. Palec