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Unit-3 (BT)

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UNIT - 3

The Ethiopian Empire From 1906 - 1935

3.1. Internal and External Challenges
A) Internal Problems :

In 1906, Emperor Menelik II suffered a stroke and his right hand man Ras Mekonnen Wolde Mikael

( was expected to become Menelik 's successor) died. This event led to;

• Problem of succession / power struggle in the palace

• Political instability in the empire

B) External Challenge

The Tripartite Treaty (December 1906)

- Was signed by Britain, France and Italy in order to partition Ethiopia in to their spheres of influence.

- Factors that led them to sign it were:

a) The internal political uncertainty of Ethiopia following the illness of Menelik.

b) The opening of the German legation in Addis Ababa in 1905.

c) They were in vigorous competition for spheres of influence in the Horn of Africa.

- It posed an imaginable danger on the independence of Ethiopia.

- It remained on paper. Ethiopia didn't disintegrated.

♦ Measures taken by Emperor Menelik in order to solve the internal and external problems :

1) He wrote a letter of rejection to the Tripartite signatories.

2) He established the Council of Ministers in October 1907.

-This was in order to insure the normal running of his government (stablize his empire)

3) He announced his grandson, Lij Iyasu, as his heir /successor and Ras Tessema Nadew as regent to Iyasu in May 1909.

- This was in order to solve the problem of succession to the throne.

፨ Empress Tayitu was not happy with the selection of Lij Iyasu because she had no blood or marriage relation to him which

might affect her and her family's role in the future politics of Ethiopia.

-Tayitu preferred Zewditu Menelik to Lij Iyasu to the Imperial throne because Zewditu was married to Tayitu's nephew,

Ras Gugsa Wolle Bitul.

Power Struggle Between Empress Tayitu and the Shoan Nobility

The Ethiopian Empire, 1906- 1935. BAYE T.

The major source of conflict b/n Tayitu and the Shoan nobility was her policy of "Shum shir" (promotion and demotion)

- She promoted her relatives and closer allies to high ranking positions, while she dismissed or demoted her political opponents

including the Council of Ministers. This measures threatened the political supremacy of the Shoan nobility

- Ras Mikael (father of Lij Iyasu) allied with the Shoan nobility in order to defend the position of his son.

- In 1910, Tayitu was removed from government duties and limited to taking care of her dying husband.

፨ In 1913, Menelik died and Tayitu was exiled to Entoto where she stayed until her death in 1918.

The Reign of Lij Iyasu (r. 1913 - 1916)

- Ras Tessema Nadew died in 1911 and Lij Iyasu declared that he could lead the country by himself.

- The uncrowned young monarch, Lij Iyasu introduced many modern reforms. He;

• Revised the traditional methods of tithe (Asrat) collection.

• Outlawed the traditions of Lebashay and Quragna systems.

- Lebashay - was method of criminal (thief) detection.

- Quragna - was a system by which an accused and the accuser were chained together until justice was given.

• Established a modern municipal police consisting of former soldiers that served as Italian colonial troops in Libya

nicknamed Trunbulle.

• Formed a separate department of education that had formerly been attached to Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

• Introduced an auditing system meant to protect public property.

• Followed a more liberal policy towards Ethiopian Muslims. The rights of Muslims better respected under Lij Iyasu's rule.

The Downfall of Lij Iyasu

A)External Factors: Opposition that came from Britain, France and Italy due to;

a) His closer relation with Germany and O. Turkey, major enemies of the above 3 powers ( Allies) in WWI.

b) His moral and material support to the Somali nationalist S. M Abdel Hassen, who had waged a war of resistance

against British and Italian colonialism in Somalia.

B) Internal Factors

- Opposition that came from the old Shoan nobility /old officials and palace guards of Menelik and Ethiopian Orthodox Church

• The Old Shoan nobility opposed him due to;

- His political measures (Shumshire policy). He dismissed the old nobility and replaced them with his young friends and

The Ethiopian Empire, 1906- 1935. BAYE T.

relatives to key positions.

- The coronation of his father Ras Mikael as Nigus of Norther Ethiopia (wollo, Tigray, Begemidr and Gojjam) was the

the most serious political threat to the Shoan nobility.

- His attitude towards the old nobility, he had no respect for them.

- His personal weaknesses, polygamous marriage, lack of attention to gov't affairs in A.A.

፨ His pro- Muslim policy was interpreted as his abandonment of Christianity, an attempt at weakening the Orthodox Church.

፨ The 1916 Coup:

- was arranged by the old nobility to depose Lij Iyasu, while he was on his usual visit to Harar &Jigjiga.

- On September 27,1916, He was excommunicated by Abune Matheos and officially deposed.

፨ The Battle of Mieso (1916)

- was fought b/n the forces of Lij Iyasu and the Shoan nobility.

- Lij Iyasu was defeated & fled to wollo,then he became fugitive until he was captured in Tigray in1921.

፨ The Battle of Segele (October 27,1916)

- Nigus Mikael fought the Shoan nobility in attempt to restore his son Lij Iyasu to power.

- Nigus Mikael was defeated and captured. Nigus Mikael died in prison two years later.

• The bloody coup against Lij Iyasu , ended up with the restoration of Shoan political supremacy.

• On February 11,1917, the coup makers (Shoan nobility) proclaimed Princess Zewditu Menelik as Queen of Kings

and Ras Tafari Mekonnen as heir to the throne and regent.

The Diarchy ( 1917 - 1930)

፨ The Diarchy refers to the period of dual rule in Ethiopian politics b/n 1917 and 1930.

፨ The main Features of the Diarchy :

- Two centers of power existed i.e. Zewuditu and Tafari.

- At the beginning, it was a period of political stability and the unity of shoan forces.

- The Council of Minister was recognized under the chairman of Ft. HabteGiorgis Dinagde (the war minister)

- Persistent power struggle b/n two political groups, Traditionalist and Progressive groups.

Traditionalists. Progressives

- represented by Zewditu. - represented by Ras Tafari Mekonnen.

- Consisted of old shoan nobility & EOC. - commercial strata, young, educated & enlightened nobility.

- Defended old socio-political religious system. - critisized old feudal order,heavy taxation, gabar

The Ethiopian Empire, 1906- 1935. BAYE T.

- opposed to the growing power of Ras Tafari system, corruption, etc.

- >> >> modernization, extensive foreign relation - prime- movers of progressive ideas.

& foreign investment in Ethiopia.

♦Important Events in Ras Tafari's Rise to Power

1) The removal of Council of Ministers in 1918. Ras Tafari dismissed C.M except the war minister, Ft. Habtegiorgis Dinagde

- The ministers were removed through underground agitation against their corruption and the public demonstration of

the Mehal Sefari, who were soldiers & civil servants closely attached to the palace.

- The Council of Ministers was replaced by the Crown Council- an advisory body staffed by Ras Tafari's favourites & allies.

2) The capture of Lij Iyasu in 1921. Lij Iyasu was imprisoned first in Fiche and thenhe was transferred to Garamulata where

he stayed until his death in 1936.

3) Ras Tafari established printing press and expanded modern education .

4) In 1923, he won Ethiopia 's admission to the League of Nations.

- As a precondition to her membership, he issued an anti slavery and slave trade decree in the same year.

5) In 1924, He and his nobility made extensive tour in Europe. This gave him a wider exposure to western civilization and

and popularity in many countries.

6) In 1926, the natural death of Ft. Habtegiorgis & Abune Matheos (serious obstacles to Ras Tafari to power)

7) In 1928,The unconditional surrender of Dj. Balcha Safo, governor of Sidamo.

8) In 1928, the submission of Dj. Aba Wukaw, commander of palace guards.

9) In October 1928, Ras Tafari was crowned Nigus, with the demand of Mehal Sefari, by Empress Zewditu.

10) The battle of Anchim ( March 31,1930)

- Ras Gugsa Wolle, governor of Begemidir and ex-husband of Zewditu was defeated and killed by

by the forces of Ras Tafari.

11) The death of Empress Zewditu on April 2,1930.

፨ Finally, on November 2, 1930, Nigus Tafari was crowned Emperor Haile Sellassie I.

3.2. The Emergency of Autocracy in Ethiopia (1930-35)

Autocracy refers to a political system in which power has virtually concentrated in the hands of one ruler.

- The ruler exercise unlimited power, highly centralized system of rule.

- Eg. The government of Emperor Haile Sellasie I.

፨ New and Modernization Reforms

The Ethiopian Empire, 1906- 1935. BAYE T.

- Emperor Haile Sellasie I introduced many changes and reforms aimed at laying the foundation for an

autocratic state. These were:

A) He introduced a written Constitution in 1931.

፨ The internal and external reasons for its introduction were the need for :

- Regulating the relation b/n the monarchy (HS) and the nobility.

- keep fair rule and guarantee justice for the people.

- Establishing friendly relation with foreign powers.

፨ The 1931 constitution : Was the first written constitution in Ethiopia.

• was drafted by Bejerond Tekle Hawariyat T/Mariam.

• served as a legal basis of the incipient autocratic state of Haile Sellasie

• Gave extended power to Emperor Haile Sellasie.

• Reserved the Imperial throne only for the family of Haile Sellasie and his descendants.

• Established a bicameral (two house) parliament; Chamber of Senate and Chamber of Deputies.

• Highly reduced the political power of the hereditary nobility of provinces.

• Consisted of the rights and duties of citizens, but it remained on paper.

• Was chiefly aimed at legitimizing the autocratic rule of Emperor Haile Sellasie I.

B) Administration Reform. Emperor Haile Sellasie I:

- Adopted a policy of monarchical control over provinces.

- Removed local hereditary chiefs and replaced them by his loyal appointed officials.

eg. Wollo (1916), Begemidr (1930), Gojjam (1932), Jimma (1933) lost their autonomy.

- Tigray was the only region that was allowed to continue to be ruled by its own hereditary chiefs.

C) Expansion of Modern education: was intended to produce the necessary educated manpower for

improvement of its bureaucracy.

D) Economic Reform: - The government of Haile Sellasie:

- Centralized financial resources in order to revitalize the economy.

- Centralized and made reforms in the collection of the two major sources of State 's income ;

i. Land tax - Fixed taxes in cash at the rate of 30 MTT/ gasha ( 40 hectares of land) -1935.

- land sale became a common practice which reduced peasants to landless tenants.

ii. Income on goods: - Traditional customs posts were reduced in number.

- The gov't established its own customs posts.

E) Military Reform: - The government of Haile Sellasie :

The Ethiopian Empire, 1906- 1935. BAYE T.

- Created a national army by eliminating regional forces, one after the other.

- Reorganized military training.

eg. In 1930, training of the Imperial Bodyguard by Belgian officers .The troops of the Imperial

Bodyguard were the most privileged ground troops in the country.

- Holeta Genet Military Academy - was established in 1934.

• Was the first modern military academy in Ethiopia for the training of officers.

• Instructors of the officers' school came from Sweden.

• Was closed due to the Italo-Ethiopian war in 1935.

3.3 The Socio - Economic Developments (1906- 1935)

፨ In the 1st three decades of the 20th.century, Ethiopia saw wide range of socio-economic developments.

1) The development of urbanization. This was due to:

a. The territorial expansion of Menelik. Garrison centers gradually evolved into Ketemas/towns.

b. The completion of the Djiboutia -A.A railway. A number of railwaystations grew into big commercial

centers eg. Dire Dawa, Miesso, Nazreth (Adama), Modjo and Debre Zeit ( Bisheftu)

፨ The Djibouti -A.A. railway:

• Contributed to the development of urbanization.

• Brought about the revival of external trade through Djibouti.

• Channel for the introduction of foreign technology, ideas and culture.

• facilitated transportation and efficient administration in the regions along the railway .

♥ The Establishment of Addis Ababa

• A.A. was founded by Empress Tayitu Bitul in 1886. And Menelik made it capital city of Ethiopia.

• Factors for the development of A.A. as a permanent capital were:

- The relative peace and stability that followed the Adwa victory

- Establishment of different settlements. Job seekers, foreign nationals, diplomats, merchants

- Establishment of churches, markets and other modern institutions.

- The completion of the Djibouti - A.A. railway (1917)

- The introduction of Eucalyptus tree (by Menelik from Australia)

2) The growth of trade and business activities . The ruling class involved in it.

- Money lending, hotel, taxi transport, cinema, banking, etc.

The Ethiopian Empire, 1906- 1935. BAYE T.

- The external trade was dominated by foreign merchants ( Indians, Armenians, and Syrians)

3) Attempts at eradicating slave trade and gebbar system. Slave trade was abolished, while gebbar system was modified.

- Privatization and sale of land, cash payment of taxes and tribute, accumulation of capital, etc.

4) The introduction of Modern institutions

፨ Communications : Telephone, telegraph, postal services were introduced in the late 19th c.

፨ Transportation: Motor car(1904), railway (1917), aeroplane (1929),etc.

፨ Social services: Bank -Bank of Abbysinia in 1905, - Hospital -Menelik II hospital in 1910.

- Modern school - Menelik II school in 1908, - Hotel - Etege (Tayitu) hotel

- Cinema, Water pump, grinding mill, electricity, printing press, and different

Small scale industries and public services were introduced.

፨ Modern technology was imported from advanced countries. It was not the outcome of indigenous

inventions because: - There was no incentive for creativity

- Craftsmen(the main agents of technical innovations) were ostracized, looked down

upon,and associated with evil spirits and practices by traditional Ethiopian society.

The Ethiopian Empire, 1906- 1935. BAYE T.

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