Poli Case Digest 01.27
Poli Case Digest 01.27
Poli Case Digest 01.27
Petitioners, professors of law, law students and Issue 1: Whether RA 9522 is unconstitutional
a legislator, in their respective capacities as
"citizens, taxpayers" as the case may be, assail Ruling 1: No, RA 9522 is Not Unconstitutional
the constitutionality of RA 9522 on two principal RA 9522 is a Statutory Tool to Demarcate the
grounds, namely: (1) RA 9522 reduces Country’s Maritime Zones and Continental Shelf
Philippine maritime territory, and logically, Under UNCLOS III, not to Delineate Philippine
the reach of the Philippine state’s sovereign Territory.
power, in violation of Article 1 of the 1987
Constitution, embodying the terms of the Petitioners submit that RA 9522 "dismembers a
Treaty of Paris and ancillary treaties, and (2) large portion of the national territory" because
RA 9522 opens the country’s waters landward it discards the pre-UNCLOS III demarcation of
of the baselines to maritime passage by all Philippine territory under the Treaty of Paris
vessels and aircrafts, undermining Philippine and related treaties, successively encoded in
sovereignty and national security, the definition of national territory under the
contravening the country’s nuclear-free policy, 1935, 1973 and 1987 Constitutions. Petitioners
and damaging marine resources, in violation of theorize that this constitutional definition
relevant constitutional provisions. trumps any treaty or statutory provision
denying the Philippines sovereign control over
Petitioners, professors of law, law students and waters, beyond the territorial sea recognized at
a legislator, in their respective capacities as the time of the Treaty of Paris, that Spain
"citizens, taxpayers. As the case may be, assail supposedly ceded to the United States.
Petitioners argue that from the Treaty of Paris’ territorial waters (Article 2), the jurisdiction to
technical description, Philippine sovereignty enforce customs, fiscal, immigration, and
over territorial waters extends hundreds of sanitation laws in the contiguous zone (Article
nautical miles around the Philippine 33), and the right to exploit the living and non-
archipelago, embracing the rectangular area living resources in the exclusive economic zone
delineated in the Treaty of Paris. (Article 56) and continental shelf (Article 77).
Here, UNCLOS III has nothing to do with the Issue 2: Whether RA 9522 use of framework of
acquisition (or loss) of territory. It is a Regime Islands to determine the Maritime
multilateral treaty regulating, among others, Zones of the KIG and the Scarborough Shoal is
sea-use rights over maritime zones (i.e., the not consistent with the Philippine’s claim of
territorial waters [12 nautical miles from the Sovereignty over the Areas.
baselines], contiguous zone [24 nautical miles
from the baselines], exclusive economic zone
[200 nautical miles from the baselines]), and Ruling 2: No, RA 9522’s Use of the Framework
continental shelves that UNCLOS III delimits. of Regime of Islands to Determine the
UNCLOS III was the culmination of decades- Maritime Zones of the KIG and the Scarborough
long negotiations among United Nations Shoal is not Inconsistent with the Philippines’
members to codify norms regulating the Claim of Sovereignty Over these Areas.
conduct of States in the world’s oceans and
submarine areas, recognizing coastal and The configuration of the baselines drawn under
archipelagic States’ graduated authority over a RA 3046 and RA 9522 shows that RA 9522
limited span of waters and submarine lands merely followed the basepoints mapped by RA
along their coasts. 3046, save for at least nine basepoints that RA
9522 skipped to optimize the location of
On the other hand, baselines laws such as RA basepoints and adjust the length of one baseline
9522 are enacted by UNCLOS III States parties (and thus comply with UNCLOS III’s limitation
to mark-out specific basepoints along their on the maximum length of baselines). Under RA
coasts from which baselines are drawn, either 3046, as under RA 9522, the KIG and the
straight or contoured, to serve as geographic Scarborough Shoal lie outside of the baselines
starting points to measure the breadth of the drawn around the Philippine archipelago. This
maritime zones and continental shelf. Article 48 undeniable cartographic fact takes the wind out
of UNCLOS III on archipelagic States like ours of petitioners’ argument branding RA 9522 as a
could not be any clearer: statutory renunciation of the Philippines’ claim
over the KIG, assuming that baselines are
Article 48. Measurement of the breadth of the relevant for this purpose.
territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive
economic zone and the continental shelf. – The Petitioners’ assertion of loss of "about 15,000
breadth of the territorial sea, the contiguous square nautical miles of territorial waters" under
zone, the exclusive economic zone and the RA 9522 is similarly unfounded both in fact and
continental shelf shall be measured from law. On the contrary, RA 9522, by optimizing
archipelagic baselines drawn in accordance the location of basepoints, increased the
with article 47. (Emphasis supplied) Philippines’ total maritime space (covering its
internal waters, territorial sea and exclusive
Thus, baselines laws are nothing but statutory economic zone) by 145,216 square nautical
mechanisms for UNCLOS III States parties to miles.
delimit with precision the extent of their
maritime zones and continental shelves. In Further, petitioners’ argument that the KIG now
turn, this gives notice to the rest of the lies outside Philippine territory because the
international community of the scope of the baselines that RA 9522 draws do not enclose the
maritime space and submarine areas within KIG is negated by RA 9522 itself. Section 2 of the
which States parties exercise treaty-based rights, law commits to text the Philippines’ continued
namely, the exercise of sovereignty over
claim of sovereignty and jurisdiction over the Congress’ decision to classify the KIG and the
KIG and the Scarborough Shoal: Scarborough Shoal as "‘Regime[s] of Islands’
under the Republic of the Philippines
SEC. 2. The baselines in the following areas over consistent with Article 121"of UNCLOS III
which the Philippines likewise exercises manifests the Philippine State’s responsible
sovereignty and jurisdiction shall be observance of its pacta sunt servanda
determined as "Regime of Islands" under the obligation under UNCLOS III. Under Article
Republic of the Philippines consistent with 121 of UNCLOS III, any "naturally formed area
Article 121 of the United Nations Convention on of land, surrounded by water, which is above
the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS): water at high tide," such as portions of the KIG,
qualifies under the category of "regime of
a) The Kalayaan Island Group as islands," whose islands generate their own
constituted under Presidential Decree applicable maritime zones.
No. 1596 and
The MOA-AD is a result of various agreements As defined in the territory of the MOA-AD, the
entered into by and between the government BJE shall embrace the Mindanao-Sulu-Palawan
and the MILF starting in 1996; then in 1997, they geographic region, involving the present
signed the Agreement on General Cessation of ARMM, parts of which are those which voted in
Hostilities; and the following year, they signed the inclusion to ARMM in a plebiscite. The
the General Framework of Agreement of Intent territory is divided into two categories, “A”
on August 27, 1998. However, in 1999 and in the which will be subject to plebiscite not later than
early of 2000, the MILF attacked a number of 12 mos. after the signing and “B” which will be
municipalities in Central Mindanao. In March subject to plebiscite 25 years from the signing of
2000, they took the hall of Kauswagan, Lanao another separate agreement. Embodied in the
del Norte; hence, then Pres. Estrada declared an MOA-AD that the BJE shall have jurisdiction
all-out war-which tolled the peace negotiation. It over the internal waters-15kms from the
was when then Pres. Arroyo assumed office, coastline of the BJE territory; they shall also have
when the negotiation regarding peace in "territorial waters," which shall stretch beyond
Mindanao continued. MILF was hesitant; the BJE internal waters up to the baselines of the
however, this negotiation proceeded when the Republic of the Philippines (RP) south east and
government of Malaysia interceded. Formal south west of mainland Mindanao; and that
peace talks resumed and MILF suspended all its within these territorial waters, the BJE and the
military actions. The Tripoli Agreement in 2001 government shall exercise joint jurisdiction,
lead to the ceasefire between the parties. After authority and management over all natural
the death of MILF Chairman Hashim and Iqbal resources. There will also be sharing of minerals
took over his position, the crafting of MOA-AD in the territorial waters; but no provision on the
in its final form was born. internal waters.
In naturalization proceedings, it is the burden of In 2008, the CENRO issued an order rejecting
the applicant to prove not only his own good petitioner’s MLA. It ruled that petitioner’s
moral character but also the good moral subsequent re-acquisition of Philippine
character of his/her witnesses, who must be citizenship did not cure the defect in his MLA
credible persons. This implies that such person which was void ab initio.
must have a good standing in the community;
that he is known to be honest and upright; that The Solicitor General contends that petitioner’s
he is reputed to be trustworthy and reliable; and argument regarding the retroactivity of R.A.
that his word may be taken on its face value, as 9225 is without merit.1âwphi1 It is contended
a good warranty of the applicant’s worthiness. that this Court’s rulings in Frivaldo v.
Commission on Elections19 and Altarejos v.
Commission on Elections on the retroactivity of While Section 2 declares the general policy that
one’s re- acquisition of Philippine citizenship Filipinos who have become citizens of another
to the date of filing his application therefor country shall be deemed "not to have lost their
cannot be applied to the case of herein Philippine citizenship," such is qualified by
petitioner. Even assuming for the sake of the phrase "under the conditions of this Act."
argument that such doctrine applies in the Section 3 lays down such conditions for two
present situation, it will still not work for categories of natural-born Filipinos referred to
petitioner’s cause for the simple reason that he in the first and second paragraphs. Under the
had not alleged, much less proved, that he had first paragraph are those natural-born Filipinos
already applied for reacquisition of Philippine who have lost their citizenship by
citizenship before he made the declaration in naturalization in a foreign country who shall
the Public Land Application that he is a re-acquire their Philippine citizenship upon
Filipino. Moreover, it is stressed that in taking the oath of allegiance to the Republic of
falsification of public document, it is not the Philippines. The second paragraph covers
necessary that the idea of gain or intent to injure those natural-born Filipinos who became
a third person be present. As to petitioner’s foreign citizens after R.A. 9225 took effect, who
defense of good faith, such remains to be a shall retain their Philippine citizenship upon
defense which may be properly raised and taking the same oath. The taking of oath of
proved in a full- blown trial. allegiance is required for both categories of
natural-born Filipino citizens who became
Issue: Whether the re-acquisition of Filipino citizens of a foreign country, but the
citizenship under RA 9225 has retroactive effect terminology used is different, "re-acquired" for
upon the time he filed the Miscellaneous Lease the first group, and "retain" for the second
Application when he declared that he was a group.
Filipino but when in fact he was a Canadian
citizen by naturalization. The law thus makes a distinction between those
natural-born Filipinos who became foreign
Ruling: No, the re-acquisition of Filipino citizens before and after the effectivity of R.A.
citizenship under RA 9225 has no retroactive 9225. Although the heading of Section 3 is
effect. R.A. 9225, otherwise known as the "Retention of Philippine Citizenship", the
"Citizenship Retention and Re- acquisition Act authors of the law intentionally employed the
of 2003, terms "re-acquire" and "retain" to describe the
legal effect of taking the oath of allegiance to the
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy.–It is hereby declared Republic of the Philippines. This is also evident
the policy of the State that all Philippine citizens from the title of the law using both re-
who become citizens of another country shall be acquisition and retention.
deemed not to have lost their Philippine
citizenship under the conditions of this Act. In fine, for those who were naturalized in a
foreign country, they shall be deemed to have
SEC. 3. Retention of Philippine Citizenship.–Any re-acquired their Philippine citizenship which
provision of law to the contrary was lost pursuant to CA 63, under which
notwithstanding, natural-born citizens of the naturalization in a foreign country is one of the
Philippines who have lost their Philippine ways by which Philippine citizenship may be
citizenship by reason of their naturalization as lost. As its title declares, R.A. 9225 amends CA
citizens of a foreign country are hereby deemed 63 by doing away with the provision in the old
to have reacquired Philippine citizenship upon law which takes away Philippine citizenship
taking the following oath of allegiance to the from natural-born Filipinos who become
Republic. naturalized citizens of other countries and
allowing dual citizenship, and also provides
Natural-born citizens of the Philippines who, for the procedure for re-acquiring and
after the effectivity of this Act, become citizens retaining Philippine citizenship. In the case of
of a foreign country shall retain their Philippine those who became foreign citizens after R.A.
citizenship upon taking the aforesaid oath. 9225 took effect, they shall retain Philippine
citizenship despite having acquired foreign Evan
citizenship provided they took the oath of ● Philippine Agila Satellite v Lichauco, G.R.
allegiance under the new law. No. 134887 (2006)
The Doctrine of State Immunity PASI, claiming that the offer was without its
knowledge and that it subsequently came to
learn that another company whose identity had
o Suits vs the Philippine State not been disclosed had submitted a bid and won
the award for orbital slot 153ºE, filed on January
23,1998 a complaint7before the Regional Trial
Court (RTC) of Mandaluyong City against relation to orbital slot 153º East Longitude; one
Lichauco and the "Unknown Awardee," for for declaration of nullity of award, seeking to
injunction to enjoin the award of orbital slot nullify the alleged award of orbital slot 153º East
153ºE, declare its nullity, and for damages. Longitude; and one for damages against
Lichauco herself.
PASI filed on February 23, 1998 a complaint
before the Office of the Ombudsman against As stated earlier, it is when the acts done in the
Secretary Josefina Trinidad Lichauco. In his performance of official functions by an officer of
affidavit-complaint, de Guzman charged the government will result in a charge against or
Lichauco with gross violation of Section 3(e) of financial liability to the government that the
Republic Act No.3019, otherwise known as the complaint must be regarded as a suit against the
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, as State itself. However, the distinction must also
amended, reading:(e) Causing any undue injury be raised between where the government official
to any party, including the Government, or concerned performs an act in his/her official
giving any private party any unwarranted and jurisdictional capacity and where he
benefits, advantage or preference in the performs an act that constitutes grave abuse of
discharge of his official, administrative or discretion tantamount to lack of jurisdiction. In
judicial functions through manifest partiality, the latter case, the Constitution itself assures the
evident bad faith or gross inexcusable availability of judicial review, and it is the
negligence. This provision shall apply to officers official concerned who should be impleaded as
and employees of officers or government the proper party- defendant or respondent.
corporations charged with the grant of licenses
or permits or other concessions. Because a As to the first two causes of action, the Court
prejudicial question was found by the ruled that the defense of state immunity from
Evaluation and Preliminary Investigation suit do not apply since said causes of action
Bureau (EPIB), the criminal suit was dismissed cannot be properly considered as suits against
and reconsideration was denied by Order dated the State in constitutional contemplation. These
July 17, 1998. Hence, PASI is in petition for causes of action do not seek to impose a charge
review on certiorari, arguing that the or financial liability against the State, but merely
Ombudsman erred in dismissing the complaint. the nullification of state action. The prayers
attached to these two causes of action are for the
Issue: revocation of the Notice of Bid and the
nullification of the purported award, nothing
Whether or not the suit is against the state. more. Had it been so that petitioner additionally
sought damages in relation to said causes of
Ruling: action, the suit would have been considered as
one against the State. Had the petitioner
The hornbook rule is that a suit for acts done in impleaded the DOTC itself, an unincorporated
the performance of official functions against an government agency, and not Lichauco herself,
officer of the government by a private citizen the suit would have been considered as one
that would result in a charge against or financial against the State. But neither circumstance
liability to the government must be regarded as obtains in this case.
a suit against the State itself, although the latter
has not been formally impleaded. However, The doctrine, as summarized in Shauf v. Court
government immunity from suit will not shield of Appeals states: “While the doctrine appears
the public official being sued if the government to prohibit only suits against the state without
no longer has an interest to protect in the its consent, it is also applicable to complaints
outcome of a suit; or if the liability of the officer filed against officials of the state for acts
is personal because it arises from a tortious act allegedly performed by them in the discharge of
in the performance of his duties. their duties. The rule is that if the judgment
As earlier noted, the complaint alleges three against such officials will require the state itself
causes of action against Lichauco: one for to perform an affirmative act to satisfy the same,
injunction against her performing any act in such as the appropriation of the amount needed
to pay the damages awarded against them, the engineer)
suit must be regarded as against the state itself o It was approved by the Secretary of Public
although it has not been formally impleaded. It Works and Communications.
must be noted, however, that the rule is not so
all-encompassing as to be applicable under all May 5 1967: a canvass or public bidding was
circumstances.” conducted.
o The committee on award accepted the bid of
It is a different matter where the public official is the Singkier Motor Service [owned by
made to account in his capacity as such for acts respondent Felipe Singson] for the sum of
contrary to law and injurious to the rights of P43,530.00.
plaintiff. As was clearly set forth by Justice
Zaldivar in Director of the Bureau of it was approved by the Secretary of Public
Telecommunications, et al. vs. Aligaen, etc., et Works and Communications
al.: “Inasmuch as the State authorizes only legal
acts by its officers, unauthorized acts of the Secretary sent a letter-order to the Singkier
government officials or officers are not acts of Motor Service, Mandaue, Cebu requesting it to
the State, and an action against the officials or immediately deliver the items listed therein for
officers by one whose rights have been invaded the lot price of P43,530.00.
or violated by such acts, for the protection of his
rights, is not a suit against the State within the It would appear that a purchase order signed
rule of immunity of the State from suit. In the by the District Engineer, the Requisitioning
same tenor, it has been said that an action at law Officer and the Procurement Officer, was
or suit in equity against a State officer or the addressed to the Singkier Motor Service.
director of a State department on the ground
that, while claiming to act for the State, he Voucher No. 07806 reached the hands of
violates or invades the personal and property Highway Auditor Sayson for pre-audit.
rights or the plaintiff, under an unconstitutional o He then made inquiries about the
act or under an assumption of authority which reasonableness of the price.
he does not have, is not a suit against the State o After finding from the indorsements of the
within the constitutional provision that the State Division Engineer and the Commissioner of
may not be sued without its consent.' The Public Highways that the prices of the various
rationale for this ruling is that the doctrine of spare parts are just and reasonable and that the
state immunity cannot be used as an instrument requisition was also approved by no less than
for perpetrating an injustice. the Secretary of Public Works and
Communications with the verification of V.M.
RATIONALE: Secarro, a representative of the Bureau of
When a public officer acts without or in excess Supply Coordination, Manila, he approved it for
of jurisdiction, any injury caused by him is his payment in the sum of P34,824.00, with the
own personal liability and cannot be imputed to retention of 20% equivalent to P8,706.00.
the State. (p.34, Political Law, Isagani Cruz)
His reason for withholding the 20%
equivalent to P8,706.00 was to submit the
Joyce voucher with the supporting papers to the
● Sayson v Singson 54 SCRA 282) Supervising Auditor, which he did.
Issue: Whether the DOTC can invoke the State The Constitution identifies the limitations to
immunity. the awesome and near-limitless powers of the
State. Chief among these limitations are the
Ruling: No, the State through then DOTC may principles that no person shall be deprived of
not be sued without its consent. This life, liberty, or property without due process of
fundamental doctrine stems from the principle law and that private property shall not be
that there can be no legal right against the taken for public use without just
authority which makes the law on which the compensation. These limitations are enshrined
right depends. This generally accepted principle in no less than the Bill of Rights that guarantees
of law has been explicitly expressed in both the the citizen protection from abuse by the State.
1973 and the present Constitutions. But as the
principle itself implies, the doctrine of state Consequently, our laws require that the State’s
immunity is not absolute. The State may waive power of eminent domain shall be exercised
its cloak of immunity and the waiver may be through expropriation proceedings in court.
made expressly or by implication. Whenever private property is taken for public
use, it becomes the ministerial duty of the
Over the years, the State’s participation in concerned office or agency to initiate
economic and commercial activities gradually expropriation proceedings. By necessary
expanded beyond its sovereign function as implication, the filing of a complaint for
regulator and governor. The evolution of the expropriation is a waiver of State immunity.
State’s activities and degree of participation in
commerce demanded a parallel evolution in the If the DOTC had correctly followed the regular
traditional rule of state immunity. Thus, it procedure upon discovering that it had
became necessary to distinguish between the encroached on the respondents’ property, it
State’s sovereign and governmental acts (jure would have initiated expropriation proceedings
imperii) and its private, commercial, and instead of insisting on its immunity from suit.
proprietary acts (jure gestionis). Presently, state The petitioners would not have had to resort to
immunity restrictively extends only to acts jure filing its complaint for reconveyance.
imperii while acts jure gestionis are considered
as a waiver of immunity.
o Suits vs Foreign States
Here, the DOTC encroached on the respondents’
properties when it constructed the local Evan
telephone exchange in Daet, Camarines Norte. ● Arigo v Swift, G.R. 206510 (2014)
The exchange was part of the RTDP pursuant to
the National Telephone Program. We have no Facts:
doubt that when the DOTC constructed the
encroaching structures and subsequently ● A petition for the issuance of a Writ of
entered into the FLA with Digitel for their Kalikasan with prayer for the issuance
maintenance, it was carrying out a sovereign of a Temporary Environmental Order
(TEPO), otherwise known as the Rules ● The USS Guardian is an Avenger-class
of Procedure for Environmental Cases, mine countermeasures ship of the US
involving violations of environmental Navy.
laws and regulations in relation to the
grounding of the US military ship USS ● In December 2012, the US Embassy in
Guardian over the Tubbataha Reefs. the Philippines requested diplomatic
clearance for the said vessel "to enter
● Tubbataha is composed of two huge and exit the territorial waters of the
coral atolls - the north atoll and the Philippines and to arrive at the port of
south atoll. The reefs of Tubbataha are Subic Bay for the purpose of routine
considered part of Cagayancillo, a ship replenishment, maintenance, and
remote island municipality of Palawan. crew liberty.”
● Tubbataha was declared a National ● While transiting the Sulu Sea, the ship
Marine Park by virtue of Proclamation ran aground on the northwest side of
No. 306 issued by President Corazon C. South Shoal of the Tubbataha Reefs. No
Aquino on August 11, 1988. cine was injured in the incident, and
there have been no reports of leaking
● Tubbataha was inscribed by the United fuel or oil.
Nations Educational Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a ● U.S. 7th Fleet Commander, Vice
World Heritage Site. It was recognized Admiral Scott Swift, expressed regret
as one of the Philippines' oldest for the incident in a press statement.
ecosystems; an example representing
significant on-going ecological and ● US Ambassador to the Philippines
biological processes; and an area of Harry K. Thomas, Jr., "reiterated his
exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic regrets over the grounding incident and
importance. assured Foreign Affairs Secretazy Albert
F. del Rosario that the United States will
● On April 6, 2010, Congress passed provide appropriate compensation for
Republic Act (R.A.) No. 10067,3 damage to the reef caused by the ship.”
otherwise known as the "Tubbataha
Reefs Natural Park (TRNP) Act of 2009" ● By March 30, 2013, the US Navy-led
"to ensure the protection and salvage team had finished removing the
conservation of the globally significant last piece of the grounded ship from the
economic, biological, sociocultural, coral reef.
educational and scientific values of the
Tubbataha Reefs into perpetuity for the ● The above-named petitioners on their
enjoyment of present and future behalf and in representation of their
generations." Under the "no-take" respective sector/organization and
policy, entry into the waters of TRNP is others, including minors or generations
strictly regulated and many human yet unborn, filed the present petition
activities are prohibited and penalized against US Respondents in their official
or fined, including fishing, gathering, capacities as US Navy Officers and PH
destroying and disturbing the resources Respondents, including President
within the TRNP. The law likewise Benigno S. Aquino III in his official
created the Tubbataha Protected Area capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the
Management Board (TPAMB) which AFP and others in their official
shall be the sole policy-making and capacities.
permit-granting body of the TRNP.
1. Whether or not the petitioners have resulting in the unfortunate grounding
legal standing to file the present of the USS Guardian on the TRNP was
petition. committed while they were performing
2. Whether or not this court has official military duties.
jurisdiction over the US respondents
who did not submit any pleading or Considering that the satisfaction of a
manifestation in this case. judgment against said officials will
3. Whether or not there is a waiver of require remedial actions
immunity from suit found in the VFA. and appropriation of funds by the US
4. Whether or not the present petition had government, the suit is deemed to be
become moot. one against the
5. Whether or not the present petition is US itself.
the proper remedy to assail the
constitutionality of VFA’s provisions. 3. NO. There is no waiver of immunity
from suit found in the VFA.
The waiver of State immunity under the
1. YES. The Petitioners have legal standing VFA pertains only to criminal
to file the present petition. jurisdiction and not to special civil
actions such as the present petition for
This Court ruled that not only do issuance of a writ of Kalikasan.
ordinary citizens have legal standing to
sue for the enforcement of 4. YES. The petition had become moot.
environmental rights, they can do so in
representation of their own and future This petition has become moot in the
generations. Their personality to sue in sense that the salvage operation sought
behalf of the succeeding generations can to be enjoined or restrained had already
only be based on the concept of been accomplished when petitioners
intergenerational responsibility insofar sought recourse from this Court.
as the right to a balanced and healthful
ecology is concerned. Still, petitioners are entitled to these
reliefs notwithstanding the completion
Needless to say, every generation has a of the removal of the USS Guardian
responsibility to the next to preserve from the coral reef.
that rhythm and harmony for the full
enjoyment of a balanced and healthful 5. NO. The present petition is not the
ecology. Put a little differently, the proper remedy to assail the
minors' assertion of their right to a constitutionality of VFA’s provisions.
sound environment constitutes, at the
same time, the performance of their As held in BAYAN (Bagong Alyansang
obligation to ensure the protection of Makabayan) v. Exec. Sec. Zamora,41 the
that right for the generations to come. VFA was duly concurred in by the
Philippine Senate and has been
2. NO. This court does not have recognized as a treaty by the United
jurisdiction over the US respondents States as attested and certified by the
who did not submit any pleading or duly authorized representative of the
manifestation in this case. United States government.
The US respondents were sued in their The VFA being a valid and binding
official capacity as commanding officers agreement, the parties are required as a
of the US Navy who had control and matter of international law to abide by
supervision over the USS Guardian and its terms and provisions.
its crew. The alleged act or omission
The Court cannot grant the additional
reliefs prayed for in the petition to order
a review of the VFA and to nullify Issue:
certain immunity provisions thereof.
Whether the petitioner Holy See is immune from
Conclusion: suit from its act of entering into a contractual
relations centering on the sale of lot to a private
The petition for the issuance of the person.
privilege of the Writ of Kalikasan is
hereby DENIED. Held:
Court reasoned further that if the chief executive When the petitioner, Rev. Elly Velez Pamatong,
of any municipality in the Philippines could filed his Certificate of Candidacy for Presidency,
forcibly and illegally take a private citizen and the Commision on Elections (COMELEC)
place him beyond the boundaries of the refused to give the petition its due course.
municipality, and then, when called upon to Pamatong requested a case for reconsideration.
defend his official action, could calmly fold his However, the COMELEC again denied his
hands and claim that the person was under no request. The COMELEC declared Pamatong,
restraint and that he, the official, had no along with 35 other people, as nuisance
jurisdiction over this other municipality, then candidates, as stated in the Omnibus Election
the more the writ of habeas corpus should be Code. The COMELEC noted that such
enforced. candidates “could not wage a nationwide
campaign and/or are either not nominated by a
Even if the party to whom the writ is addressed political party or not supported by a registered
has illegally parted with the custody of a person political party with national constituency.”
before the application for the writ is no reason Pamatong argued that this was against his right
why the writ should not issue. If the mayor and to “equal access to opportunities for public
the chief of police, acting under no authority of service,” citing Article 2, Section 26 of the
law, could deport these women from the city of Constitution, and that the COMELEC was
indirectly amending the Constitution in this assailing the September 29, 2011 Decision of the
manner. Pamatong also stated that he is the Court of Appeals (CA), in CA-G.R. CV No.
“most qualified among all the presidential 95414, which affirmed the April 25,
candidates” and supported the statement with 2008Decision of the Regional Trial Court, Imus,
his legal qualifications, his alleged capacity to Cavite (RTC). declaring the marriage of Daniel
wage national and international campaigns, and Lee Fringer (Fringer) and respondent Liberty
his government platform. Albios (Albios) as void from the beginning.
• Fringer (American citizen) and Albios
Whether or not COMELEC’s refusal of were married before Judge Ofelia I. Calo of the
Pamatong’s request for presidential candidacy, Metropolitan Trial Court, Branch 59,
along with the grounds for such refusal, violate Mandaluyong City (MeTC), as evidenced by a
the right to equal access to opportunities for Certificate of Marriage with Register No. 2004-
public service. 1588.3
● Republic v Albios, 707 SCRA 584 (2013)
Is a marriage, contracted for the sole purpose of
NATURE: This is a petition for review on acquiring American citizenship in consideration
certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules t of Court
of $2,000.00, void ab initio on the ground of lack
of consent? Neither can their marriage be considered
voidable on the ground of fraud under Article
45 (3) of the Family Code. Entering into a
HELD/RATIO: marriage for the sole purpose of evading
immigration laws does not qualify under any of
No. Under Article 2 of the Family Code for the listed circumstances. Furthermore, under
consent to be valid, it must be (1) freely given Article 4 7 (3 ), the ground of fraud may only be
and (2) made in the presence of a solemnizing brought by the injured or innocent party. In the
officer. But consent was not lacking between present case, there is no injured party because
Albios and Fringer. In fact, there was real Albios and Fringer both conspired to enter into
consent because it was not vitiated nor rendered the sham marriage.
defective by any vice of consent. Their consent
was also conscious and intelligent as they WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The
understood the nature and the beneficial and September 29, 2011 Decision of the Court of
inconvenient consequences of their marriage, as Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 95414 is
nothing impaired their ability to do so. That ANNULLED, and Civil Case No. 1134-06 is
their consent was freely given is best evidenced DISMISSEDfor utter lack of merit.
by their conscious purpose of acquiring
American citizenship through marriage. Such
plainly demonstrates that they willingly and
deliberately contracted the marriage. There was
a clear intention to enter into a real and valid
marriage so as to fully comply with the
requirements of an application for citizenship.
There was a full and complete understanding of
the legal tie that would be created between
them, since it was that precise legal tie which
was necessary to accomplish their goal.