Escope An Energy Efficiency Simulator For Internet Data Centers 2023 MDPI
Escope An Energy Efficiency Simulator For Internet Data Centers 2023 MDPI
Escope An Energy Efficiency Simulator For Internet Data Centers 2023 MDPI
Escope: An Energy Efficiency Simulator for Internet
Data Centers
Jun Liu 1 , Longchuan Yan 1 , Chengxu Yan 2 , Yeliang Qiu 2 , Congfeng Jiang 2, * , Yang Li 1 , Yan Li 1
and Christophe Cérin 3
1 State Grid Co., Ltd., Information Communication Branch, Beijing 100761, China
2 School of Computer Science and Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
3 IUT de Villetaneuse, Département d’Informatique, University of Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, LIPN/CNRS
UMR 7030, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +86-159-6810-0618
Abstract: Contemporary megawatt-scale data centers have emerged to meet the increasing demand
for online cloud services and big data analytics. However, in such large-scale data centers, servers of
different generations are installed gradually year by year, making the data center heterogeneous in
computing capability and energy efficiency. Furthermore, due to different processor architectures,
complex and diverse load dynamic changing, business coupling, and other reasons, operators pay
great attention to processor hardware power consumption and server aggregation energy efficiency.
Therefore, the simulation and analysis of the energy efficiency characteristics of data center servers
under different processor architectures can help operators understand the energy efficiency charac-
teristics of data centers and make the optimal task scheduling strategy. This is very beneficial for
improving the energy efficiency of the production system and the entire data center. The Escope
simulator designed in this study can simulate the online quantity (placement strategy) of different
types of servers in the data center and the optimal operating range of the servers. The purpose of this
is to analyze the energy efficiency characteristics of all servers in the data center and provide data
center operators with the energy efficiency and energy proportionality characteristics of different
servers, improve server utilization, and perform reasonable scheduling. Through the simulation
Citation: Liu, J.; Yan, L.; Yan, C.; Qiu,
experiment of Escope, it can be proved that running the server at the highest energy efficiency point
Y.; Jiang, C.; Li, Y.; Li, Y.; Cérin, C. or running the server under full load cannot improve the energy efficiency of the entire data center.
Escope: An Energy Efficiency The simulation algorithm provided by Escope can select the optimal set of servers and their corre-
Simulator for Internet Data Centers. sponding utilization. Escope can set up a variety of simulation strategies, and data center operators
Energies 2023, 16, 3187. https:// can simulate data center energy efficiency according to their own needs. Escope can also calculate the power cost savings of introducing new servers in the data center, which provides an essential
Academic Editors: Dimitrios reference for operators to purchase servers and design data centers.
I. Doukas and Antonios
Marinopoulos Keywords: data center; power consumption; energy proportionality; energy efficiency
to enhance the utilization of modern data center clusters [6,7]. However, it is not easy
to deploy different types of applications to increase server utilization without affecting
application performance. Their coexistence is a dilemma because it attempts to improve
resource utilization while the performance of online services declines as resource utilization
increases. Moreover, oversupply of peak power usage, fluctuating data traffic, and multi-
level power transmission infrastructure in large data centers can lead to serious power
budget fragmentation and inefficient power utilization [8].
Therefore, improving the energy efficiency of data centers has become one of the
main goals of data center construction and operation. Servers are the most essential
infrastructure of data centers, and their energy efficiency (EE) and energy proportionality
(EP) have become hot research topics in academia and industry. If the energy efficiency of
data center servers can be improved, the overall data center energy efficiency will also be
effectively improved.
Data center energy efficiency indicators play a very important role in data center
construction and operation management. Nowadays, there are a variety of evaluation
indicators for data center energy efficiency in the industry. Power efficiency (power us-
age effectiveness, PUE) is one of the most important indicators to evaluate data center
energy efficiency. PUE represents the ratio of total data center energy consumption to IT
equipment energy consumption. The total energy consumption of a data center includes
IT equipment energy consumption, cooling energy consumption, and lighting energy con-
sumption, among other things. The energy consumption of IT equipment includes server
energy consumption, network equipment energy consumption, and storage equipment
energy consumption.
This study is mainly based on the energy efficiency characteristics of the servers in the
data center. Improving the energy efficiency of all servers in the data center is also the top
priority for maintaining the high energy efficiency of the data center. The energy efficiency
of the data center is defined as Formula (1), where Ttotal represents the total number of
tasks that the data center can handle, and Ptotal represents the total power consumption of
all running servers in the data center:
The energy efficiency of this data center is expressed as the number of load tasks per
watt and increasing the size of this metric means that when the number of tasks in the
data center is fixed, the data center PUE is reduced by reducing the power consumption of
IT devices.
The higher the energy efficiency of a data center or server, the more tasks that can be
completed per watt of electricity. The energy efficiency indicator on a single server is often
used to describe the ratio of server performance to power consumption under a certain
utilization rate. Jiang [15] et al. found that the current peak energy efficiency of servers has
shifted from 100% utilization level to 70–80% utilization level, which shows that it is more
energy-saving to keep each server running within its energy efficiency peak range than at
100% utilization level. Figure 1 shows the energy efficiency of a server released in 2019
under different utilization rates. It can be seen that under different utilization rates, servers
exhibit different energy efficiency characteristics.
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 3 of 21
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16, 3187
3187 3 3of
of 21
Figure 1. The relationship between a server utilization rate and energy efficiency released in 2019.
Figure 1. The relationship between a server utilization rate and energy efficiency
efficiency released
released in
in 2019.
In aIn
Indata center,
aa data
data thethe
center, utilization
the utilization
of the
rate of servers
of the
the servers
serversis dynamic.
is dynamic.
dynamic. Simply
Simply comparing
comparing thethe
efficiency value
value of a
of server
a server under
under aa certain
certain utilization
energy efficiency value of a server under a certain utilization does not necessarily mean does
does not
not necessarily
necessarily mean
mean that
the server
the is is
server energy
is energy saving
saving inin
saving allall cases.
in all For
cases.For example,
For if aif server
example, aifserver has
a serverhas high
has energy
high effi-
energy effi-
at at
70% 70% utilization,
utilization, it does it does
not not necessarily
necessarily mean mean
that that
this this
ciency at 70% utilization, it does not necessarily mean that this server has high energy server
has has
high high
energy energy
even under
efficiency eveneven under
low underlowlow
In a dataIncenter
utilization. aIndata center
a data lowwith
center lowlow
with utilization,
many many
utilization, areservers
many idle. The
use of The
such use of
servers such
does servers
not does not
automatically automatically
improve the improve
idle. The use of such servers does not automatically improve the energy efficiency of the energy
efficiency ofefficiency
the data of
In center.
data cases,
center.In another
In thesecases, another
cases, is indicator
another needed
is needed to determine
the overallthe
to determine overall
the energy
overall energyof
the of
servers. the servers.
This This
indicator indicator
is called is called
energy energy proportionality
efficiency of the servers. This indicator is called energy proportionality (EP). Energy pro- (EP). (EP).
Energy Energy pro-
refers to the
portionality refers to the
refers change
change in server
energy energy
in server energy consumption with
with utilization
consumption withutilization
rate. It wasrate.
utilization It was
rate. by
It was
proposed by in 2007
Rysckbosch [16],in and
2007 its Formula
[16], and its(3) is as
proposed by Rysckbosch in 2007 [16], and its Formula (3) is as follows: follows:
(3) is as follows:
EPEP== 1=−11(𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎
−−((𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 −−
Area 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 )/𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 . . . (3) (3)
EP 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 −Area
real 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 ideal )/Area
𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 )/𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 ideal
TheTheserver with
server withthethe most
most ideal energy
ideal energy consumption
consumption curvecurvehashas thethe
following charac-
The server with the most ideal energy consumption curve has the following character-
teristics: Assuming
teristics: Assuming that the
that power
the power consumption
consumption of the
of ideal
the server
ideal server is 100
is W
100 under
W under fullfull
istics: Assuming that the power consumption of the ideal server is 100 W under full load
load (100%
load (100% utilization),
utilization), the power
the power consumption
consumption should be reduced equally with the re- re-
(100% utilization), the power consumption shouldshould
be reduced be reduced
with the with the
duction in the load,
in the and the power consumption at 80% load should be 80 W. WhenWhenisit is
in the load, andload, and the
the power power consumption
consumption at 80% load at should
80% load be should
80 W. When be 80itW. is completely
completely idle, it
idle, should be 0 W. At this time, the energy proportional property of thisthis
idle, it should beit0 should
W. At this be 0time,
W. Atthethis
the energy proportional
property of this property
server of is one,
serveris one, which
one, which is the ideal
is the energy
ideal energy proportional
proportional characteristic.
characteristic. However,
However, in actual
in actual
which is the ideal energy proportional characteristic. However, in actual scenarios, the
scenarios, the server stillstill
needs power consumption when it isitcompletely idle, so the en-en-
server still the
power needs
consumption power consumption
when when
it is completely is completely
idle, so the energy idle, so the
ergy consumption of the
ergy realreal
server is not proportional to thethe utilization rate. As Asshown
of theconsumption
real server is not of the server
proportional toisthe
not proportional
utilization rate. to As shown utilization
in Figure rate. shown
2, the Area real
in Figure
in Figure 2, the
2, Area
the real in Formula (3) represents the area between the real energy propor-
Area in Formula (3) represents the area between the real energy propor-
Formula (3) represents the area between the real energy proportional curve of the server
tional curve
tional curveof the server
of the server andandthetheabscissa;
ideally, Areaideal ideal
represents thethe
area between thethe
and the abscissa; ideally, Areaideal represents the areaAreabetween represents
the energy area between
proportional curve
energy proportional
and theproportional curve
abscissa. Thecurve and
valueand the
of EP abscissa.
from value
The value
0 to of EP ranges from
2. of EP ranges from 0 to 2. 0 to 2.
Normalized server power consumption
Normalized server power consumption
0% 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Server utilization(%)
Server utilization(%)
Figure 2. Energy
2. Energy efficiency
efficiency curve
curve of the
of the server
server with
with an EP
an EP value
value of 0.98.
of 0.98.
Figure 2. Energy efficiency curve of the server with an EP value of 0.98.
Wong explained the meaning of EP on paper [17]: the EP value represents the change
Wong explained thethe
explained meaning of EP on on
paper [17]: thethe
value represents thethe
in power consumption of ameaning of EP
server with paper
utilization; [17]:
the energy value represents
proportionality of datachange
in power
in consumption
powerhasconsumption of a server with utilization; the energy proportionality of data cen-
servers significantlyofimproved
a server with utilization;
in the the energy
past decade. Energyproportionality
data cen-
a great
ter ter
servers has
servers significantly
has power improved
significantly improved in the past decade. Energy proportionality has a a
impact on the consumption of in the past
servers. In decade. Energy proportionality
their experiments, Barroso et al.has[18]
great impact on on
great thethe
power consumption of servers. In their experiments, Barroso et al.
et [18]
that servers power consumption
with energy of servers.
proportionality In their
closer to experiments,
one can saveBarroso
more power,al. [18]
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 4 of 21
they recommend that optimizing energy proportionality should be the primary goal of
server design. Ryckbosch et al. [16] studied the situation in which servers with higher EP
values can save power consumption. Under 10−50% utilization, servers with higher EP
values can ideally save 34% of energy consumption. Therefore, energy proportionality is of
great significance to server research and design. Improving the energy proportionality of
the server can greatly reduce the power consumption of the server. As the server energy
proportionality (EP) increases, data centers have an increasing demand for peak energy
efficiency-aware scheduling.
(2) Flexibility: Escope allows for a variety of simulation strategies, and data center
operators can simulate energy efficiency according to their own needs;
(3) Depth: Through Escope’s simulation experiments, it has been shown that improving
energy efficiency in data centers is not simply a matter of running servers at their
highest energy efficiency point or running servers at full load. Escope’s simulation
algorithm can select the optimal set of servers and their corresponding utilization
levels to achieve optimal energy efficiency.
The organizational structure of this paper mainly consists of the following parts:
Section 1 explains the concepts related to data center energy efficiency. Section 2 introduces
the current relevant research content, while Section 3 expands on the key designs and
algorithms of Escope. Section 4 experiments with the Escope simulator and evaluates its
role. Finally, the discussion and summary are presented.
2. Related Studies
In order to design a green data center with ideal PUE, many researchers have designed
various data center simulation tools. Table 1 shows a comparative analysis of the different
simulation tools. Before 2009, distributed system simulators were less frequently used in
cloud computing environments, so Buyya et al. [19] and Calheiros et al. [20,21] proposed
CloudSim. This simulation software can produce seamless modeling and simulation of
cloud computing and their upper-layer application characteristics. CloudSim supports
simulation of cloud computing infrastructure and management services, so users can use
CloudSim to study specific system problems. CloudSim also introduced the simulation
of virtualized data centers and used NetworkCloudSim to expand the functions to better
support the simulation of internal communication in the data center [22]. However, the
scalability of CloudSim is poor, and experiments prove that the CloudSim simulator will
encounter various failures during the submission of the job.
In order to reduce or even eliminate the shortcomings and faults in CloudSim, many
researchers [23–30] improved the CloudSim simulator. For example, Li et al. [25] designed
the simulator DartCSim+, which supported power-aware network simulation. In order
to solve transmission failures caused by migration or network failures, DartCSim+ uses
a resubmission mechanism based on packet transmission. Bux et al. [26] solved the in-
homogeneity problem of CloudSim. On the basis of CloudSim, they added a process of
modeling instability in the cloud environment. It could simulate dynamic changes in
runtime performance and sudden changes during task execution issued by the failure.
In addition, Guérout and Monteil et al. [27] and others added a new patch of DVFS to
CloudSim, so that CloudSim could use DVFS to perform energy-aware simulation experi-
ments. Chen and Deelman et al. [28] et al. pointed out that ignoring the system failure and
overhead in the simulation workflow would have a significant impact on the simulation
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 6 of 21
experiment results, so they proposed WorkflowSim, which can be used to simulate the
workflow in a distributed environment. Wickremasinghe [29,30], also from the Buyya
team, proposed the visualization simulator CloudAnalyst, based on CloudSim. The main
purpose of the simulator was to achieve optimal scheduling of the data center under the
current configuration conditions. CloudAnalyst was designed directly based on CloudSim
and expanded some of CloudSim’s functions. It could be used to learn the behavior of
large-scale internet applications in the cloud computing environment and quickly conduct
simulation experiments. Kecskemeti [31] introduced a unified model of resource sharing
and a hierarchical energy monitoring framework, thus solving the scalability problem
of CloudSim.
Based on CloudSim, Tian et al. [32] developed the lightweight visual cloud computing
simulator CloudSched, which could support simulation modeling of large-scale cloud
computing applications. Using this simulator, users can customize their information,
data center information (number and location, etc.), resources, and other information
and simulate basic indicators such as data center response time and processing requests.
However, the simulator cannot simulate the amount of power consumption of the data
center. The MDCSim simulator [33] simulates the power consumption of the data center
and can model the characteristics of various devices (servers, switches, etc.) in the data
center. MDCSim can avoid building and processing similar simulation objects one by one,
so the required simulation time is significantly shortened, and the scalability is significantly
improved. CloudSim and MDCSim are event-based simulators. Their simulation accuracy
is insufficient. The MDCSim simulator is a commercial product, and its working principle
cannot be understood due to the lack of public source code. In order to improve the
simulation accuracy, Kliazovich [34] proposed a new simulator, GreenCloud, which is a
packet-level cloud data center simulator designed to evaluate the energy consumption cost
of data center operation. This simulator is an extension of the network simulator NS2 [35].
It mainly focuses on evaluating the power consumption of cloud communications and
provides a fine-grained power modeling and simulation tool for cloud data centers. Its key
advantage is that it fully supports the TCP/IP protocol model. For fine-grained simulation
of data center power consumption, DCWorms [36] provides simulations of data center
energy consumption, including energy consumption of cooling and ventilation systems
and energy consumption modeling of CPU, memory, and network in servers.
In order to support elastic cloud infrastructure simulation, Sriram [37] proposed the
SPECI simulation tool. It allows simulation of the performance and behavior of data centers
and simulates the functions and code of large data centers according to input size and
the middleware design strategy. SPECI consists of two packages: one for building data
center layouts and topologies and the other for executing experimental components, so it
has good scalability. Unlike the simulators introduced above, which are software-based
simulators, OpenCirrus [38,39] is an open cloud computing simulator based on software
and hardware, designed to support server design and management research in data centers.
The simulator has three main goals: to promote system-level research on cloud computing;
to encourage new cloud computing applications and application-level research; and to
provide experimental data sets to supply open API for cloud computing development.
The difference between the energy efficiency simulator designed in this research and
the above data center simulation is that Escope mainly simulates the energy efficiency
of the data center. By simulating data center energy efficiency, data center throughput,
server power consumption, and power distribution, optimized algorithms are used to
simulate and evaluate data center energy efficiency. It can also help data center operators
master the energy efficiency characteristics of each server, as a means to better perform
task scheduling.
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 7 of 21
Storage Interface
Mysql Redis
Data Interface
Monitor Benchmark Model VM Power Model
The Physical Layer interface
Figure3.3. Escope
Figure Escopearchitecture.
(1) Escope
Escope integrates
integrates the
the monitoring
monitoring solution
solution for
for large-scale
large-scale distributed
distributed clusters
clusters inin the
open-source framework Zabbix, which can collect runtime data of all
open-source framework Zabbix, which can collect runtime data of all servers in the servers in the
cluster, including
including temperature,
temperature, CPU CPU utilization,
utilization, memory
memory utilization,
utilization, server
server power
consumption, memory power consumption, and power
consumption, memory power consumption, and power management unit management unit (PMU)
(PMU) in-
information. Monitoring
formation. Monitoring items
items cancan be added
be added at anyat time
any time according
according to thetoneeds
the needs
of us-
(2) Escope provides aa load
Escope provides loadmodel,
commonly used
used loads
loads in
in the industry. Users only need to enter information such as memory
the industry. Users only need to enter information such as memory utilization, disk utilization,
disk I/O,network
I/O, and and network I/O,Escope
I/O, and and Escope will automatically
will automatically completecomplete
the testthe
theon the
designated physical machine to obtain data information. The generated
nated physical machine to obtain data information. The generated data will support data will
the data the dataenergy
center centerefficiency
energy efficiency simulation;
(3) For cloud computing operators, Escope provides a VM power consumption model,
(3) For cloud computing operators, Escope provides a VM power consumption model,
which can automatically estimate the VM power consumption based on the system
which can automatically estimate the VM power consumption based on the system
information collected on the server;
information collected on the server;
(4) In addition to automatically testing the energy efficiency of the server according to the
(4) In addition to automatically testing the energy efficiency of the server according to
load model, Escope can also automatically obtain the server configuration and energy
the load model, Escope can also automatically obtain the server configuration and
energy efficiency information (such as SPECpower) disclosed by each website to es-
tablish a server energy efficiency information database;
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 8 of 21
(2) Then, users enter the selection parameters, the selector selects the server according
to the parameters and builds the data center to be simulated. The parameters can be
server type, server release year, server quantity, and CPU type;
(3) Next, the user inputs a simulation strategy, which can be to limit the total power
consumption of the data center or the throughput that the data center needs to achieve.
The goal of the simulator is always to select the server and its utilization rate under
the existing simulation strategy to maximize the energy efficiency of the data center,
thereby maximizing the throughput and energy efficiency of the data center;
(4) Finally, when the simulation is completed, the simulator will send the results to the
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 Web server in JSON format and generate a corresponding result report. The web
interface will display different types of simulation result data and charts according to
the simulation result, which is convenient for users to view and analyze the data.
(4)Simulation results
Simulation Program
Data Acquisition Interface
(3)Data center
servers information (2)Selection
(1)Server (1)Server
information information
Crawler Program
Figure 4. Escope
4. Escope Simulation
Simulation Process. Process.
3.3. Energy Efficiency Simulation Algorithm for the Data Center
(1) The First, users
Escope collect
energy information
efficiency about the
simulation algorithm server’s
needs to solveenergy efficiency, ei
a combinatorial
ing from
optimization some
problem. web sites
Assuming that the (SPECpower,
data center has xfor example)
servers with differentor by entering cus
tions, the number of servers in each configuration is n, and there are N servers in total. Each
formation through a web interface;
server can run underutilization j (j = 1, 2, 3 . . . 10, representing 10% to 100% utilization).
(2) Then, users enter the selection parameters, the selector selects the ser
x j=10
to the parameters and max ∑ii=
builds=1 ∑the
j=1 qdata
ij ni ci , center to be simulated. The para
The data center power minimization algorithm is shown in Algorithm 2. The bestValue
in the algorithm represents the minimum power consumption required by the data center
when the data center throughput is T.
Based on Algorithms 1 and 2, users can calculate the optimal value under the data
center’s total power consumption or throughput limit. Assuming that the set of servers
selected by Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2 is S, Algorithm 3 can output the optimal server
combination and the specific utilization rate of these servers according to bestvalue [i, j].
The two-dimensional array utl [i, j] represents the utilization rate selected by the server ni
under the limit j, and the utilization rate ranges from 10% to 100%. When bestvalue [i, L] is
greater than bestValue [I − 1, L], server ni will join the server set S, and the utilization rate
of server ni will be recorded at this time. When the simulated data center is too large, the
two-dimensional array bestvalue [i, j] may cause memory overflow. When j exceeds the
threshold (the size of the threshold is related to the size of the JVM), Escope will divide a
large knapsack problem into multiple small knapsack problems for simulation calculation,
and the segmentation accuracy will be lost (less than 1%). Although the accuracy is reduced,
it ensures that Escope can simulate data centers of any size. Users can freely adjust the
threshold according to the configuration of the computer running Escope, thus ensuring
the scalability of Escope.
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 11 of 21
Although the above algorithm can obtain the optimal solution of the combinatorial
optimization problem, its time complexity reaches O(n3 ), which requires more time to
simulate a large data center with a large number of servers. Therefore, this research also
integrates a simulated annealing algorithm (simulated annealing, SA) in Escope. The
simulated annealing algorithm is a method of seeking approximate solution optimization
problems based on a Monte Carlo design. The simulated annealing algorithm is essentially
a greedy algorithm. Because it adds random factors in searching for the optimal solution, it
has a certain probability to accept the sub-optimal solution, which may jump out of the
local optimal solution and reach the global optimal solution.
As shown in Figure 5, assuming that the minimum point C is the optimal solution, the
simulated annealing algorithm will continue to move to the right with a certain probability
after searching for the local optimal solution B. By moving to the right, there is a certain
probability that B and C can be skipped. Therefore, the local minimum B is jumped out,
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 and the optimal value C is reached. The probability of accepting the sub-optimal solution
13 of 21
adopts the metropolis criterion. As shown in Equation (6), the probability that the particle
tends to balance at temperature T is exp (−∆E/(kT)), where E is the internal value at
temperature T, ∆E
of the solution is the variable,
(whether and K iscondition
the restriction the Boltzmann constant.
exceeds the threshold); and gradually
attenuate t (recalculate
( the probability of accepting the sub-optimal solution). Finally, the
1 E( xnew < Eold )
server combination generated
E( xnewat
)<the end
E( xold ) of the algorithm is the approximate optimal (6)
lution. exp − T E( xnew ≥ E( xold ))
FigureFigure 5. Simulated
5. Simulated annealing
annealing algorithmalgorithm
to find the to find the
optimal optimal
value valuepoint).
(the lowest (the lowest point).
The simulated
Algorithm 4. Simulatedannealing algorithm
Annealing is shown in Algorithm 4. When it is used to
solve the combinatorial optimization problem in this section, the internal energy E can
Input: Data center server set 𝑁, Total throughput 𝑇,
be assumed as the data center throughput, and the temperature T can be simulated as
the temperature
control parameter 𝐼𝑡 , Annealing
t to performrate the
𝑎𝑓 , simulated
number of annealing
balances 𝑏 algorithm. First, starting
from the initial i and
Number of iterations 𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟 the initial value of the control parameter t, the current solution is
repeated to generate a new solution (delete or add a new server); calculate the objective
Output: Selected server set 𝑆
function difference (compared with the previous data center throughput); accept or discard
1: 𝒇𝒐𝒓of
iteration 𝑖 𝑖𝑛 (0,solution
the 𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟) ∶ (whether the restriction condition exceeds the threshold); and
2: 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑗 𝑖𝑛 (0, 𝑏)t (recalculate
attenuate ∶ the probability of accepting the sub-optimal solution).
3: the server combination
𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒() generated at the end of the algorithm is the approximate
optimal solution.
𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑟 =
4: The annealing rate𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚()
in the simulated annealing algorithm has an undeniable impact on
the 𝑆 of
= the
algorithm. Although the temperature drops too fast to reach stability
6: it𝒊𝒇will reduce the probability
𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡() > 𝑃: of obtaining the optimal solution. If the temperature
drops too slowly, the algorithm will take too much time. In this study, the experimental
7: 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒(𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑟)
annealing rate is 0.95. The more you set the number of balances, the fewer iterations
8: need, but
you 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑒
the time for a single iteration becomes longer. The setting of the initial
9: e𝒏𝒅will
𝒊𝒇 affect the search range of the solution. The higher the temperature, the
higher the quality of the final solution, but the algorithm will take longer. Compared
10: 𝒊𝒇 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒() >= 𝑛𝑜𝑤𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒:
with the knapsack algorithm, the simulated annealing algorithm can obtain sub-optimal
solutions, 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑒
but the time complexity is reduced to O (2x(log (n))2 ). We use two different
12: 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆:
algorithms in Escope to minimize power consumption for 10,000, 100,000, and
1 million servers. The input is the number of tasks that need to be processed. Algorithm 2 is
𝑀𝑎𝑡ℎ. 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚()
13: as Algorithm
labeled < 𝑀𝑎𝑡ℎ. 𝑒𝑥𝑝(
1, and Algorithm 4 Labeled as𝐼𝑡Algorithm ) 2. The experimental results
are shown in Table 2.
14: 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒇
15: 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓
16: 𝐼𝑡 = 𝐼𝑡 ∗ 𝑎𝑓
17: 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓
The annealing rate in the simulated annealing algorithm has an undeniable impact
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 13 of 21
Algorithm 1 has a smaller accuracy in the case of one million units. The reason is that
there are too many servers to be simulated, which requires decomposition and processing,
resulting in a decrease in simulation accuracy. On the other hand, Algorithm 2 has a faster
calculation time. In the case of a million scale, the speed is 68% higher than Algorithm 1,
but it also loses 6% accuracy.
Data center operators can choose different simulation algorithms according to their
needs. If a fast simulation is required and the optimal value is not required, then the
simulated annealing algorithm can be selected. If the optimal solution is needed, the
multiple knapsack algorithm can be used for simulation.
energy efficiency in the data center by simulating which servers were turned on and at
which utilization rate among the 6750 servers. The overview of the four different types of
data centers is as follows:
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 15 of 21
(1) Data center #1: the server can choose to run at any utilization;
(2) Data center #2: the server is always running at the highest energy efficiency;
(3) Data center #3: server utilization is less than 30%;
(4) In the simulation
Data center #4: theof this
runsdata center
at 100% #1 has no restrictions on server utilization,
and all servers can choose to operate at any utilization. Intuitively, as long as each server
In the simulation of this article, data center #1 has no restrictions on server utilization,
runs on servers
and all the highest
can EE, the data
choose centerat
to operate can achieve
any the highest
utilization. energyasefficiency,
Intuitively, long as eachso we set
runs on the highest EE, the data center can achieve the highest energy efficiency, so we by
data center #2 to verify whether this idea is correct. The server portfolio simulated set
data center #2 will all run at its highest EE utilization. Data center #3 simulates
up data center #2 to verify whether this idea is correct. The server portfolio simulated by a typical
#2 will allwhere
run atthe itsserver
highestusage rate is less Data
EE utilization. than 30%.
centerThis situation wastes
#3 simulates a typicala
lot of resources but is not completely useless. The servers selected in data
data center situation where the server usage rate is less than 30%. This situation wastes a center #4 will
run at resources
lot of 100% utilization,
but is notand the purpose
completely of theThe
useless. setting is toselected
servers verify whether running
in data center the
#4 will
server at 100% utilization is an optimal policy. No matter which simulation
run at 100% utilization, and the purpose of the setting is to verify whether running the strategy is
at 100%will select the
utilization is anbest combination
optimal policy. No of matter
under the current
simulation situation
strategy to
is used,
Escope will theselect
theefficiency of the data
best combination center while
of servers undersatisfying
the currentthe current to
situation strategy.
the energy efficiency of the data center while satisfying the current strategy.
4.1. Simulation of Maximum Throughput in Data Center with Limited Power Consumption
4.1. Simulation
Constrainedof Maximum Throughput
by data center power in Data Center with
infrastructure and Limited
cooling Power Consumption
conditions, data center
servers must operate
Constrained by under strict power
data center power infrastructure
restrictions. When the power
and cooling of all the data
conditions, servers on
the rack must
exceeds operate under
the rated strictlimit,
upper power therestrictions.
servers willWhen
power the power
out, whichof will
all the servers
affect the
on theoperation
stable rack exceeds
of thethe
datarated upper
center. limit, the
Therefore, theservers
limitedwill power
power out, which
consumption will prob-
poses affect
the stable operation of the data center. Therefore, the limited power consumption
lems for data center operators: When the total power of the data center is limited, which poses
types for data
of servers center
should dataoperators: When the
center operators total power
choose, and how of the
many data centershould
servers is limited,
in eachtypes
model? of servers shouldatdata
Furthermore, what center operators
utilization choose,
range shouldandthese
many servers should
keep maxim-
run in
izing theeach model? of
throughput Furthermore,
the data center?at what utilization range should these servers keep
maximizing the throughput of the data center?
In this section, several simulation experiments will be conducted on the four afore-
In this section, several simulation
mentioned data centers to explore the energy experiments
efficiencywill be conducted
operating range ofondifferent
the four types
mentioned data centers to explore the energy efficiency operating range
of servers in data centers under power constraints. The upper limit of the total power of different types
of servers in data centers under power constraints. The upper limit of the
each data center in the experiment is 100 KW to 1000 KW, and the increased step length is total power of
10 KW. data
Thecenter in the experiment
experimental results areisshown
100 KWintoFigures
1000 KW, and
6 and 7.the increased step length is
10 KW. The experimental results are shown in Figures 6 and 7.
#1 #2
#3 #4
Number of servers online
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Power consumption cap(Kw)
Figure 6.
6. Number
online for
for different
different data
data centers.
The simulation results of data center #1 and data center #2 are similar, but the through-
of data center #1 #1 is always
#2 greater than that of data center #2. The reason for this
is that although the simulation strategy of data center #2 always selects the server
#3 #4
utilization at the peak EE, in some cases, this choice does not maximize the total throughput.
For example, when the available power consumption is 200 W, the selected server running
at 8.E+09
100% utilization needs 200 W, and the server running at EE peak (assuming 80%) needs
W. Therefore, #1 will select 100% utilization, while # 2 will choose 80% utilization,
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Power consumption(Kw)
Number of servers online
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 15 of 21
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
so the remaining 20Power
W consumption
will be cap(Kw)
wasted. Obviously, since data center #1 can choose any
utilization rate and the simulated optimal combination of servers can maximize throughput,
Figure 6. Number of servers online for different data centers.
the throughput of data center #1 is always the largest.
#1 #2
1.E+10 #3 #4
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Power consumption(Kw)
The throughput of data center # 3 is much lower than that of other data centers,
indicating that traditional data centers waste resources when server utilization is less than
30%, thus reducing the throughput and energy efficiency of the entire data center. For
data center # 4, the number of servers online is always the lowest, because server power
consumption is always the highest at 100% utilization, so it is easy to reach the power limit.
This also verifies that the strategy of unplanned running servers at the highest utilization
does not improve the energy efficiency of the data center.
By analyzing the experimental results, the following conclusions can be drawn:
(1) Under the same power consumption limit, the number of online servers at peak energy
efficiency (data center #2) is about 29.86% higher than servers at 100% utilization (data
center #4), and the total number of tasks in the entire data center (ssj_ops) increased
by 7.17%;
(2) The number of servers in data center #1 is slightly lower than that in data center #2,
but the throughput is 2% higher than that of servers running at peak energy efficiency
utilization (data center #2).
(3) The server utilization rate of the traditional data center is lower than 30% (data center
#3), and the average throughput is 33% lower than that of data center #1. However,
the number of online servers has increased by 25% when compared to #1. The largest
number of online servers means that data center #3 has better redundancy, which can
ensure that the data center provides stable services.
Judging from the energy efficiency distribution of Escope’s selection of server col-
lections, the energy efficiency of servers released in recent years has been significantly
improved when compared to many years ago, and the average EE and EP have been greatly
improved. Table 3 shows the average EE and EP of different data centers when the power
consumption is limited to 1000 KW. Comparing the average EE values of data center #1 and
data center #2, it can be seen that it is a better strategy to choose a server with a high EE
value, but this is not always optimal. The largest EP is chosen in data center #2, because EP
represents the variation in server power consumption with utilization. Therefore, servers
with large EE may not have the largest EP, but servers with larger EPs tend to have a higher
EE value when working at low utilization (10−30%).
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 16 of 21
Table 3. The average EE and EP of the four data centers with a power limit of 1000 KW.
4.2. In thisof section,
Simulation the simulation
Power Minimization goal
with Data of all
Center four data
Throughput centers is to minimize dat
power When consumption while maximizing
the size and business of the data center dataare center
the throughput Inof
data t
center remainsof
throughput stable.
data centertheispower set from consumption
1 × 108 toof1the × 10 data centerawhen
10, with step the
size of 1 ×
throughput is fixed is also a key issue for improving the energy efficiency of the data
The simulation results are shown in Figures 8 and 9. For data center #4, the
center. In this section, the simulation goal of all four data centers is to minimize data center
of online
power servers while
consumption is always the lowest.
maximizing data centerThis is because
throughput. In running at 100%
the simulation, utilization
the total
server means
throughput of eachthatdatathecenter
server needs
is set from 1to ×consume
10 to 1 × 10 the, most
10 with a power
step sizeand
of 1 ×can
. t
tasks. However, maximum peak processing capacity does not imply highest ener
The simulation results are shown in Figures 8 and 9. For data center #4, the number of
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 online servers is alwaysdata the lowest. This 17 of 21
ciency. Therefore, center #4is has
an running
average at 100%
power utilization on the server
consumption increase
means that the server needs to consume the most power and can handle the most tasks.
(about 30 KW) when compared to data center #2, with the highest energy efficien
However, maximum peak processing capacity does not imply highest energy efficiency.
center. In this section, the simulation goal of all four data centers is to minimize data center
The data
maximizing anconsumption
has data average powerof
center throughput.
data centerincrease
In the simulation, the
#1 is reduced
total of 1.7% by 0.85% wh
30 KW) to
throughput ofdata
when center
data center #2. For
istosetdata the
1 × 10traditional
fromcenter #2,
8 to 1 ×with thedata
1010, with ahighest center
step size energy
of #3,
1 × 10 due to the
8.efficiency low resource
The The simulation
average energyresults are shown in Figures
consumption of data 8 and 9. For
center #1 data
is center #4, by
reduced the 0.85%
numberwhen compared to
of online
rate, the
is always
power consumption increased byon36% (about 200 KW) whe
data center #2. For thethetraditional This data
is because
centerrunning at 100%
#3, due utilization
to the low resourcethe utilization rate,
server to the
means other
that the serverthree
needs to high utilization
consume the most power data andcenters.
can handleHowever,
the most the number of onli
the average power consumption increased by 36% (about
tasks. However, maximum peak processing capacity does not imply highest energy effi-
200 KW) when compared to the
ers in data
other Therefore,
ciency. three high center #3
center #4 has dataincreased
an centers.
average power
by an
However, average
the number
of 45%
increase of online servers in data to oth
of 1.7%
when compared
(about KW) which
haswhen can
compared better
bytoan guarantee
data ofwith
center #2, the
45%thewhen quality
highest compared of service.
to other
energy efficiency data centers, which
zation. The average
can better energythe
guarantee consumption
quality of of data center #1 is reduced by 0.85% when com-
pared to data center #2. For the traditional data center #3, due to the low resource utiliza-
tion 3000
rate, the average power consumption increased by 36% (about 200 KW) when com-
#1 #2 #3 #4
pared to the other three high utilization data centers. However, the number of online serv-
ers in data
2500 center #3 has increased by an average of 45% when compared to other data
centers, which can better guarantee the quality of service.
Number of server online
#1 #2 #3 #4
Number of server online
1000 500
1.E+08 1.E+09 2.E+09 3.E+09 5.E+09 6.E+09 7.E+09 8.E+09 9.E+09 1.E+10
1.E+08 1.E+09 2.E+09 3.E+09 5.E+09 6.E+09 7.E+09 8.E+09 9.E+09 1.E+10
Throughput Throughput
800,000 #1 #2 #3 #4
Datacerner consumption(W)
0 600,000
1.E+08 1.E+09 2.E+09 3.E+09 5.E+09 6.E+09 7.E+09 8.E+09 9.E+09 1.E+10
Figure 9. 9.
Total server
Total powerpower
server consumption of differentof
consumption data centers.
different data centers.
Table 4 shows the release year of the server selected by data center #1 in the simula-
tion. It can be seen from the table that in order to achieve maximum energy efficiency, the
1.E+08 1.E+09 2.E+09 3.E+09 5.E+09 6.E+09 7.E+09 8.E+09 9.E+09 1.E+10
choice of the simulator is related to the server energy efficiency characteristics but not the
release year, which shows that Escope can choose the best server combination according
to different strategies.
Figure 9. Total server power consumption of different data centers.
Table 4. Release year and number of servers under 1 × 1010 throughput in data center #4.
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 17 of 21
Table 4 shows the release year of the server selected by data center #1 in the simulation. It
can be seen from the table that in order to achieve maximum energy efficiency, the choice of the
simulator is related to the server energy efficiency characteristics but not the release year, which
shows that Escope can choose the best server combination according to different strategies.
Table 4. Release year and number of servers under 1 × 1010 throughput in data center #4.
Escope will use load generators to generate tasks that the data center needs to com-
plete.Escope willgeneration
The load use load generators to generate
result is shown tasks that
in Figure the data
10, which centerthe
shows needs to complete.
throughput of
The load generation result is shown in Figure 10, which shows the throughput of
the data center in a day. The maximum task volume of the data center is 6.0 × 10 , and the8 the data
center load
hourly in a day. The
in the daymaximum
is set to atask
stepvolume of theon
shape based data center is 6.0
SPECpower × 108 , and the hourly
load in the day is set to a step shape based on SPECpower modeling.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Figure Throughputof
10.Throughput ofthe
The simulation
The simulationresults
are shown
shown inin Tables
Tables 55 and
and 6.
6. The
of data
center #5isis7297,
electricity price of 1 CNY/kWh in China in 2019, small data center #6 compares
electricity price of 1 CNY/kWh in China in 2019, small data center #6 compares with data with
data center #5 by saving about CNY 1000 per day. Using the Escope simulation,
center #5 by saving about CNY 1000 per day. Using the Escope simulation, it takes 3418 it takes
3418 days to recover the cost of purchasing a new server by saving power.
days to recover the cost of purchasing a new server by saving power.
Table 5.
Table Simulation results
5. Simulation results of
of data
data center
center #5.
The larger the size of the data center, the greater the electricity consumption, the higher
the electricity price, and the faster the cost recovery will be. However, this number is only
a reference value for data center operators. Data center operators can simulate data center
energy efficiency by configuring different server combinations so as to choose the most
suitable server for their data center and reduce procurement costs.
5. Discussion
In practice, on the one hand, data center servers must run under strict power restric-
tions, and operators need to consider which types of servers should be selected and how
many servers should be run in each model; they also need to understand what utilization
range must be maintained to maximize the throughput of the data center. On the other
hand, when the size of the data center and the business is stable, the throughput of the
data center will remain stable. Minimizing power consumption in the data center when
throughput is fixed must also be considered. Escope can simulate the energy efficiency of
the data center. By entering the power consumption limit of the data center, we can simulate
the maximum throughput of the data center under this power limit. Simulations can also
be run to determine which servers should be started and what utilization range the servers
should be run in as a means to achieve the maximum throughput. At the same time, by
entering the number of tasks that the data center needs to handle, Escope can calculate the
minimum power consumption required by the data center server to handle these tasks. In
terms of specific algorithm selection, data center operators can choose different simulation
algorithms according to their needs. If a fast simulation is required and the optimal value
is not necessary, then the simulated annealing algorithm can be selected. If the optimal
solution is needed, multiple simulation algorithms can be selected. The backpack algorithm
is simulated.
6. Conclusions
This study starts with the reduction in data center power consumption; then, related
research on data center energy efficiency and energy proportionality are introduced. Subse-
quently, we develop the design and experimental analysis of the energy efficiency simulator
Escope, and now we can draw the following conclusions:
(1) The energy efficiency of the data center cannot be improved by running the server
at the highest energy efficiency point or by running the server under full load. The
simulation algorithm provided by Escope can select the optimal server set and their
corresponding utilization rate;
(2) Escope can set a variety of simulation strategies, and data center operators can simu-
late data center energy efficiency according to their own needs;
(3) When limiting the server utilization rate to less than 30%, almost all simulation
results of the server run at 30% utilization rate. This is because under the existing
architecture, the energy efficiency of the server at 30% utilization rate must be higher
than a utilization rate of less than 30%, so most of the selected servers run at 30%
utilization rate;
Energies 2023, 16, 3187 19 of 21
(4) Escope can calculate the electricity cost saved by introducing new servers in the
data center. This function provides an important reference for operators to purchase
servers and design data centers.
In addition to the data centers constructed in the study, operators can also build data
centers that conform to the actual situation. According to different management purposes,
the data center may have different operation strategies. Escope can simulate the energy
efficiency of the data center according to different strategies, help data center operators
understand the energy efficiency characteristics of the data center, and require the data
center task scheduler to make the best decision.
In future work, we plan to set up server performance data for more benchmark types
such as hybrid web server benchmarks and memory intensive benchmarks. Further, we
hope to allow users to customize the benchmark. We will add a monitoring system to
Escope, allowing Escope to automatically monitor server performance. Administrators
can test more benchmarks (rather than SPECpower only), and Escope can automatically
generate server performance data to bring the simulation closer to reality.
In addition, due to the fact that new applications of artificial intelligence require a large
amount of computing and storage resources to support their algorithms and models, these
resources need to be supported and maintained in data centers, resulting in significant en-
ergy consumption. In the future, we can further use CPU and GPU to accelerate simulation
calculations in data centers and improve simulation speed and accuracy. Quantum com-
puting, on the other hand, can better handle complex problems such as optimization and
derivation of artificial intelligence algorithms, thereby improving the level of intelligence
in data centers. By combining these tools, different data center scenarios can be simulated,
and future performance and energy costs can be predicted.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, C.J. and C.C.; methodology, C.J. and L.Y.; software, C.Y.
and Y.Q.; validation, J.L., Y.L. (Yan Li) and Y.L. (Yang Li); formal analysis, Y.L. (Yan Li) and Y.L. (Yang
Li); resources, L.Y.; data curation, C.Y.; writing—original draft preparation, C.J.; writing—review and
editing, L.Y.; visualization, J.L.; supervision, C.J.; project administration, L.Y.; funding acquisition, C.J.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Science and Technology Project of State Grid Corporation
of China (No. 52993920002M), and the Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61972118). The
funder was not involved in the collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data or manuscript.
Data Availability Statement: All data from the study are presented in the manuscript.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank all participants for their time and cooperation throughout
the study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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