Componentloss Watermark
Componentloss Watermark
Componentloss Watermark
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4 authors, including:
Math Bollen
Luleå University of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Kazi Main Uddin Ahmed on 04 July 2019.
Abstract—In the context of modern information technology cooling infrastructure [5], [6]. However, most of the literature
(IT) industry, cloud computing is gaining popularity for big data focuses on modelling and analyzing subsystems of a data
handling. Therefore, IT service providers like Google, Facebook center, e.g. uninterrupted power supply unit (UPS), power
and Amazon are expanding their technical resources by building
data centers to improve the data processing and data storage distribution unit (PDU), Computer room air handling system
facilities under cloud service pattern. However, data centers (CRAH) etc, as independent entities without considering the
consume a large amount of electrical energy. In recent years, influences they have on the electrical energy consumption of
a lot of research has been done to reduce the electrical energy other parts of the data center [7], [8].
consumption of data centers by high performance computing. This paper presents the models of above-mentioned mod-
However, very few researchers have focused on the electrical
energy consumption by the electrical components inside the ules for a data center with N server racks. Detailed energy
data center. In this paper, a component based electrical energy consumption modelling for each component as well as the
consumption modelling approach is presented to identify the interactions between all components are presented to identify
losses of different components as well as their interactions component losses of the internal grid of data center. Unlike
to the total electrical energy consumption of the data center. existing research, the presented modular simulation model is
The electrical energy consumption models of servers and other
components are presented as a function of server utilization. independent of the main source of electricity and can take
Index Terms—server utilization, component loss modelling, different design structures of data centers into account to
PDU and UPS, data center. provide hourly electrical energy consumption profiles for each
component. The same modelling approach can be utilized in
I. I NTRODUCTION renewable integrated microgrid interfaces for simulation.
With the rapid development of cloud computing and data
storage, data center technologies have become the main con- II. DATA CENTER MODELLING IN LITERATURE
cern part of innovation for IT industries. Thus the performance Numerous academic studies and industrial white papers
improvement is not the only requirement for data centers describe the electrical energy consumption models of indi-
deployment, a lot of attention is being paid for data centers vidual data center subsystems. [9] presented the component
electrical energy consumption [1]. A recent study shows that based energy consumption model of the data center for the
the data centers worldwide consumed 270 TWh of electrcial first time, shown in Fig. 1. A comparison of the energy
energy in 2012 and this consumption had a Compound Annual consumption level of different components is shown in Table I
Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.4% from 2007 to 2012 [2]. A [5]. Although IT loads and cooling stand for almost 86% of the
typical data center may consumes thousand times higher en- energy consumption in Table I, losses in power conditioning
ergy than households, e.g. Barcelona Supercomputing Center equipment and network equipment (13%) also affect the effi-
(a medium-size data center) pays an annual bill of about e1 ciency [10]. Other studies have focused on understanding the
million for its electrical energy consumption of 1.2MW, which thermal implications of data center design [10], [11]. Energy
is equivalent to 1, 200 households [3]. Against the background consumed by the lighting facilities are reported to be negligible
of a growing energy consumption of data centers, the Nordic in most of the literature [9], [11]. As sophisticated power
region has attracted significant data center investments. For management features proliferate, the dynamic range of data
example, after Google and Facebook entered the region in center power drawn (as a function of utilization) is increasing,
2009 and 2011, the Nordic countries have become a preferred and interactions among power management strategies across
site location by an increasing number of data center investors. subsystems grow more complex. However, few attempts have
A report by Business-Sweden estimates that the Nordics by been made to identify the component-based losses of data
2025 could attract investments for data centers in the order centers, which is presented in this paper.
of e2-4 billion. This is based on the forecast of worldwide The next section will describe a detailed model of the
demand for data center services corresponding the data center IT equipment with server rack fans, power conditioning
investments of the Nordic countries [4]. Considering those equipment and different cooling systems. In Section IV, the
facts, researchers have paid much attention to the problem of simulation results will be discussed and analyzed to identify
enhancing data center efficiency including data scheduling and the amount of consumption of different components. Section
V will conclude the paper with recommendations to reduce Pstatic = a2 Tdie + a3 Tdie (3)
the losses of the data center.
Compared with the CPU energy consumption, other parts of
server like memory units, power supply and hard disk drives
consumes few percentage of server power (1.5%, 4.5% and
8% of CPU energy consumption, respectively) [12]. Thus the
total consumed energy of the CPU (which accounts for most
of the generated CPU heat) is assumed to be equal to the total
energy consumption by IT loads (4).The die temperature, Tdie
of any processor depends on the design fabrication process
Fig. 1: Power consumption in data center model [9] and efficiency of the heatsink on top of that. Based on the
empirical values given in [12], depending on server utilization
Tdie varies between 70°C to 95°C. Thus a linearized model of
TABLE I: Component based energy consumption individual server power can be derived as a function of server
utilization, as (5). Regarding the idle power, Pidle , an IT load
Servers Cooling Power Cond. Eqip. Network Eqip. Lighting
56% 30% 8% 5% 1% scheduling approach (PowerNap) has been proposed in [14],
which is out-of-scope for this paper.
Power (KW)
Electrical power required to transfer the heat Pheat from the
server room is derived in (17), where the idle power of the
idle can be considered as 7% to 10% of Pmax .
CRAH unit, PCRAH sf 9
PCARH = PCRAH + Pheat (17) 24 48 72 96 120 144 168
Power (MW)
as air-conditioning system for the server room, while CRAH
systems condition the air by direct energy exchange from the 46.5
air to a chiller. Considering a CRAC most of the consumed
energy is used to drive the condenser or the air conditioning 46.4
(AC) system. Based on experimental data presented in [18] 24 48 72 96 120 144 168
the energy consumed by CRAC is written as (18). The idle Time (hr)
power consumed by the CRAC unit, PCRAC idle depends on the Fig. 2: Comparison of IT loads and Server fan consumption
maximum load of the data center (10% ∼ 30% of Psmax f ).
The total power consumed by the server farm, obtained
idle from (10), is depicted in Fig. 2. This server farm consumes
PCRAC = PCRAC + ((1 +COP) × Pheat ) (18)
on average 55.54 MW. However, the box plot shown in Fig. 4
where COP is the condenser performance coefficient which gives more information about the fluctuation in the consump-
varies between 3 to 6; the higher values denote higher effi- tion pattern, which is important to control power conditioning
ciency of the condenser. equipment (UPS, PDU). In Fig. 4, the median consumption
value remains almost constant (around 55.55 MW) during the
week, while showing more at the beginning of the week
A. Server loads and related losses (55.6 MW). This type of characteristics is very common in
As a use-case study we assume a data center with a server special community based data center, e.g. data center hospital,
farm consisting of 40,000 server racks, which is a moderate university or government data center. Apart from that, the
size compared to the existing tech-giants [16]. Additional bottom part of each box, which is 25% of the server farm
energy consumption from office buildings, lighting systems power consumption, remains almost the same for each day.
and security systems to facilitate the operation of data center is However, the upper edge of the box, which shows the 75%
not considered in this study. Each of those racks contains, 16- consumption level, varies between 55.65 MW to 55.55 MW
Blade server with typical computational resources described during the week. This analysis shows that there is always a
in Section III and 10 cooling fans to manage the sufficient base-load to support the computational workload, which varies
air flow into the racks (considering Dell PowerEdge M1000e) depending on the CPU utilization. These variations affect the
[19]. Based on the data analyzed in [20] for different server losses of the power conditioning equipment 13) (14).
racks, we choose power consumption for each rack varying Considering the losses of the electrical equipment (UPS and
between 750 W (at idle mode) to 1500 W (at peak load). PDS), which directly relate to the total server farm power
Regarding the utilization of servers, it is also assumed that consumption, as mentioned in (13) (14), hence related with
the server clusters are homogeneous and load is balanced, total server farm utilization. The total losses of UPS and PDU
as mentioned in Section III-A. We used random generated as a function of total utilization are shown in [18], which has
server utilization factors for each server, to calculate the been used to calculate those losses for our case study. It is
power consumption of CPUs and fans of the racks in (1) - (7). assumed that PDUs and UPSs are loaded uniformly where
each PDU is connected with 10 server racks and each UPS
The total consumption pattern of the IT loads and fans over supports 10 PDUs [9].
a week time is shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. Rack mounted fans Fig. 5 is showing the power losses of a single PDU com-
consume around 9 MW while IT loads consume 46.5 MW on pared with a single UPS. A single PDU is more energy
average over a week. Within this time period, fluctuations with efficient than the UPS, because of the built-in power electronic
some peaks are being observed for both cases; peaks in IT converters in the UPS that consume more than the PDU.
loads correlate with peaks of fan consumption as shown in However, total PDU loss is higher than the total UPS loss
Total Sever Farm Power 2000
1 6 12 18 24
55.4 Time (one day)
Fig. 6: Total Losses of electrical equipment
24 48 72 96 120 144 168
Time (hr) every CRAH system is supposed to utilize chillers to circulate
Fig. 3: Total IT Load variation within a Week the chilled water within the data center. Although, the power
consumed by a CRAC unit is higher than CRAH, power
Daily Variation in Server Farm Consumption consumption of a CRAH unit with a chiller cumulatively is
almost the same as CRAC, as shown in Fig. 8. In Fig. 8,
55.7 power consumption of different cooling system components
are compared with the amount of heat generated from the rack
Power (MW)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 31 6.96
30.8 6.92
as depicted in Fig. 6. Considering the uniform distribution,
the total number of PDU is ten times higher than the number 30.7 6.9
of UPS, which results in the PDUs to be the most energy
consuming power conditioning equipment. 30.6 6.88
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