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Faba Bean2023

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TABLE CONTENTS………………………………………………………………….…………I


1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………….…1
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS…………………………………………….…………….....3
2.1 Descriptions of study Areas…………………………………………………….…………..…3
2.2 Description of Materials………………………………………………………………………3
2.3 Experimental Layout…..............................................................................................................4
2.4 Data collection………………………………………………………………...………………4
2.5 Statistical Analysis……….……………………………………………………………….…...5
2.5.1 Stability Analysis………………………………………………………………………...….5 AMMI Analysis……………………………………………………………………….…..5 GGE Biplot Analysis…………………………………………………………….………..6
3. RESULT AND DISCUSION………………………………………………………...………..6
3.1 Analysis of Variance………………………………………………………………..…………6
3.2 Correlation of yield and yield related characters………………………………………….…..9
3.3 The AMMI Model………………………………………………………………………...….12
3.4 Evaluation of Varieties Based on GGE-bi-plot Model………………………………….….……13
3.5 Evaluation of Environments Based on GGE-biplot………………………………….………14
3.6 Genotypes by Environment Interaction (GEI) Biplot Analysis……………………...………15
4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION………………………………...…………..14
5. REFERENCES………………………………………………………………...……………..15


Garoma Firdisa1* Mohammed Tesiso1 and Gebeyehu Chala1

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO), Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC),
Bedele, Ethiopia. P.O.Box. 167.
Corresponding author email: garomafirdisa21@gmail.com

A field experiment was carried out at Chora, Dabo Hana and Didesa districts in Buno Bedele
zone of south western Oromia, Western Ethiopia, for two consecutive seasons (2021 to 2022
G.C) under rain fed conditions. The objective of the study was to evaluate and select best
performing faba bean varieties. Twelve Faba bean varieties including the local check were
evaluated in randomized complete block design (RCBD) in three replications. The data on days
to 50% flowering, days to 90% maturity, plant height, number of pods per plant, number of seed
per pod and grain yield were collected. The collected data were subjected to analysis of variance
using R- software. Combined analysis of variance revealed that there was significant difference
for all studied traits except days to 50% flowering number of pods per plant and number of seeds
per pod, however, there were significant differences among varieties for all traits in each
location. The highest grain yield was recorded from Walki (32.17 Qt ha -1), followed by Hachalu
(30.40 Qt ha-1) while local check was the lowest yielder which is 16.74 Qt ha -1. Regarding the
plant height, Hachalu possessed the tallest among the others which is 154.20cm and local check
was records the shortest in height which is 133.01cm. Regarding maturity Gabalcho variety was
the early mature and Alloshe was the latest mature one. Highly significant and positive
association of grain yield with plant height and number of pods per plant were found. AMMI
model shows that environment accounted 39.90%, GXE 3.89%, genotype 11.26% of the total
variation. The high percentage of environment is an indication that the major factor that
influence yield performance of Faba bean is the environment. The first IPCAs is the most
accurate model that could be predicted the stability of the genotype and explained by IPCA-I
(2.95%) and IPCA-II (0.90%) of GEI. According to GGE- Biplot and mean yield results revealed
that Walki and Hachalu varieties are the most stable varieties across test locations. Therefore,
these two were recommended for the study area and similar agro-ecologies.
Key words: Faba bean, Vicia faba, grain yield, randomized complete block design (RCBD)

Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is also referred to as broad bean, horse bean or field bean (Sainte,
2011). Faba bean is produced throughout the world in different agro-ecological regions in which
China followed by Ethiopia, Australia, United Kingdom, France and Egypt are the leading
producers (FAOSTAT, 2018). Ethiopia is the leading producer of faba bean in Africa (Akibode
and Maredia, 2011) and the crop is the leading pulse crops in the country (Temesgen and
Aemiro, 2012). Ethiopia is one of the largest faba bean producing country in the world next to
China (Hebblethwaite et al., 1993). It is a major food and feed legume because of the high
nutritional value of its seeds. In Ethiopia, it was with other food legumes covers about covered
15.17 % (1,863,445.42 hectares) of the grain crop area and 11.89% (about 27,510,311.88
quintals) of the grain production was drawn from the same crops. It accounts 4.67 % (about
574,060.45 hectares). The production obtained from faba bean was 4.08% (about 9,439,641.70
quintals) of the grain production. In Oromia Faba bean production is 218,457.78 ha with
5,134,525.76 quintals and 23.50 Qt/ha average yield productivity (CSA. 2020). In Buno Bedele
zone the 2894.57 ha of total area production with 63,929.52 Qt and average yield productivity
22.09 Qt/ha (CSA, 2020). Regardless of its significance, national as well as regional average
yield is low; 16.44 qt/ha and 15.68 qt/ha, respectively (CSA, 2020). Ethiopia is probably one of
the primary centers of diversity for faba bean. Although the small seeded type of the Ethiopian
faba bean is not well studied, there are some reports of tremendous diversity in protein content,
chocolate spot and leaf rust resistance IBC (2008).

In addition, it is grown in pockets in the rest of the country's high land and semi-high land
regions with altitudes ranging from 1800-3000 meters above sea level. It is widely used for food
and has high protein content (MOA, 2012). Pulses complement cereals as a source of protein and
minerals as they provide 15-40% of protein (Monti and Grillo, 1983). Pulses have slowly
digestible carbohydrates, high fiber and protein contents, and moderate energy. The amount of
protein in pulses is about 17–35% on a dry weight basis (Mc Crory et al., 2010). Pulses can play
a significant role in improving smallholders’ food security as an affordable source of protein in
fact; pulses make up around 15% of the average Ethiopian diet (IFPRI, 2010).

This crop is very much important in the highlands and midlands of South western part of Oromia
in Ethiopia since it fetches cash for the farming community and also serves as rotational crop
which play great role in controlling disease epidemics in areas were cereal mono cropping is
abundant. It plays a significant role in soil fertility restoration as a suitable rotation crop that
fixes atmospheric Nitrogen. Nationally important cereal crops like wheat, tef and barley were
used in crop rotation with (MOA, 2012). Generally, it was a crop of manifold merits in the
economic lives of the farming communities of highland and midland of Ethiopia. Genotypes
exhibit fluctuating yields when grown in different environments or agro-climatic zones. This
complication demonstrates the superiority of a particular genotype. Multi-environment yield
trials are crucial to identify adaptable high yielding cultivars and discover sites that best
represent the target environment (Dabessa, et al., 2016. And Yazici, et. al., 2017). Poor response
of genotypes to different environmental condition is the result of genotype and genotype by
environment interaction (GEI). Evaluating released varieties on different environmental
conditions which were released from different institution/ research centers/ is the good approach
in selection the best variety/ies which solve the limitation of improved seed distribution.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate improved soybean varieties that give best
yield for the study area and similar agro ecology.


2.1 Description of the study Area

The field experiment was conducted during the 2021 – 2022 G.C main cropping seasons for two
years at three districts of Buno Bedele Zone, South Western Oromia where is Faba bean widely
grown. The locations were Chora, Dabo Hana and Didesa districts. The detailed agro-ecological
conditions of the locations are presented in Table 1.
Table 1 Agro-ecological features of the experimental Locations

Locations Altitude Average Soil Type Geographical Coordinates Ave. Temp. (OC)
(m.a.s.l) Rainfall (mm) Latitude N Longitude E Max. Min.
Chora 2000 1440 Nitosols 8°19'60.00" 36°14'60.00" 25.5 12.5
Dabo Hana 1990 1945 Nitosols 8°55ʹ60 20” 36°26ʹ 19.00” 25.8 12.9
Didessa 2340 1000 Nitosols 8°04'60.00" 36°39'59.99" 28 13
Source: Zonal website

2.2 Materials

Eleven (11) Faba bean varieties were brought from HARC (EIAR) and SARC (OARI) with one
local check from the farmers total 12 varieties were evaluated as experimental materials.
Table 2 Description of Faba bean varieties used in the experiment

Varieties Altitude ranges (m.a.s.l) Year of Release Source

Alloshe 1800-2600 2017 SARC/OARI
Dagaga 1800-2600 2002 HARC/EIAR
Dosha 1800-2600 2009 HARC/EIAR
Gabalcho 1800-2600 2006 HARC/EIAR
Hachalu 1800-2600 2010 HARC/EIAR
Mosisa 1800-2600 2013 SARC/OARI
Moti 1800-2600 2006 HARC/EIAR
Moyibon 1800-2600 2019 SARC/OARI
Obse 1800-2600 2007 HARC/EIAR
Tosha 1800-2600 2019 SARC/OARI
Walki 1800-2600 2008 HARC/EIAR
Local 1800-2600 NA Farmer
Note: SARC = Sinana Agricultural Research Center, HARC = Holeta Agricultural Research
Center, EIAR = Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research Institute, OARI= Oromia
Agricultural Research Institute

2.3 Experimental Layout
These materials were randomly assigned to the experimental block and the experiment was laid
out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The spacing
between blocks and plots was 1m and 0.5m, respectively. The gross size of each plot was 6m 2
(2.5m X 2.4m) having six rows with a row-to-row spacing of 40cm. Planting was done by
keeping the distance between plants to the spacing of 10cm. NPS fertilizer was applied at the rate
of 100kg ha-1 at the time of planting. All other recommended agronomic management practices
were applied properly

2.4 Data collection

Days to 50% seed emergence: Days to emergence was recorded as number of days from
planting to the time when 50% of the seedlings in plots through visual observation.
Days to 50% flowering: this was determined by counting the number of days from planting to
the time when first flowers appeared in 50% of the plants in a plot.
Days to physiological maturity: it was determined as the number of days from planting to the
time when 90% of the plants started senescence of leaves and pods started to turn black.
Plant height (cm): it was measured at physiological maturity from the base to the tip of a plant
randomly in harvestable rows using meter tape and averaged on a plant basis.

Number of pods per plant: it was recorded based on five pre-tagged plants in each net plot area
at harvest and the average was taken as number of pods per plant

Number of seeds per pod: the total number of seeds in the pods of five plants was counted and
divided by the total number of pods to find the number of seeds per pod.
Grain yield (kg ha-1): Plants harvested from the four central rows and for aboveground dry
biomass were threshed to determine grain yield, and the grain yield was adjusted to the moisture
content of 10%.
Adjusted Grain Yield = (100-MC) X Unadjusted Yield
Disease Data (Scoring scale): Disease data of important Faba bean diseases like chocolate spot,
Aschochyta blight and Rust were collected based on 1-9 scale following Little and Hills (1978);
where 1 stands for immune, 2 for highly resistant, 3 for resistant, 4 for moderately resistant, 5
and 6 for moderately susceptible, 7 for susceptible, and 8 and 9 highly susceptible.

2.5 Statistical Analysis

Analysis of variance was done using Genstat 18 th edition software and R- software. Mean
separations were estimated using Least Significant Difference (LSD) for the comparison among
the experimental varieties at 0.05 probability level. Combined analysis of variance for both
years and seasons was done to test the response of varieties to both environment and seasons
after testing the homogeneity of the data.

2.5.1 Stability Analysis

Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) model and Genotype Main Effect
and Genotype x Environment Interaction Effect (GGE) biplot analysis were used to determine
the effects of GEI on yields. These analyses were performed using R software (Pachecoetal,
2015). AMMI Model

Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) is one of most widely used model
to explain G×E interaction of multi-environment genotype trial and categorizing the genotypes
into narrow or wider adaptation (Crossa et al., 1990). The AMMI analysis uses analysis of
variance (ANOVA) followed by a principal component analysis applied to the sums of squares
allocated by the ANOVA to the GEI (Kempton, 1984).
The AMMI Model Equation is: Ῡijk =μ+Gi +Ej +Σmk=1 λkαikγjk +Рij

Where: Ῡijk. = the yield of the ith genotype in the jth environment, Gi = the mean of the ith
genotype minus the grand mean, Ej = the mean of the jth environment minus the grand mean, λk
= the square root of the Eigen value of the kth IPCA axis, αik and γjk = the principal component
scores for IPCA axis k of the ith genotypes and the jth environment, Рij = the deviation from the
model GGE- Biplot
The GGE concept was used to visually analyze the METs data. This methodology uses a biplot
to show the factors (G and GE) that are important in genotype evaluation and that are also the
source of variation in GEI analysis of METs data (Yan W and Hunt LA. 2001). The GGE-biplot
shows the first two principal components derived from subjecting environment centered yield
data (yield variation due to GGE) to singular value decomposition (Yan W. et. al., 2000).


3.1 Analysis of Variance

Combined analyses of data from Dabo Hana district, Didesa district and Chora district showed
significant varietal differences (p ≤ 0.01) in yield Qt/ha (Table 3).
Table 3 shows anova of grain yield across the location, years (loc), variety, location*variety, and
year*variety (loc). The varieties were evaluated based on yield and other agronomic traits. The
varieties revealed significant variation for grain yield (Table 3). Even though, the location effect
revealed that highly significant variation (p ≤ 0.01) for grain yield. But, loc*variety showed a
non-significant difference for grain yield. Concerning year*variety (loc), the grain yield showed
a significant variation (p ≤ 0.05). This indicates that the varieties responded differently to the
tested locations and year for yield or the varieties respond genotype by interaction for grain
yield. So, this combined analysis indicates that we could do more stability analysis.
Days to Maturity (Days)

Analysis of variance revealed that days to 50% maturity had significant (P< 0.05) effect at each
location. Gabalcho (105.32days) variety is matured early compared to others and Alloshe
variety is the latest in maturity (121.11days). However, no significant difference was observed
with Moti (106.41), Moyibon, Obse, Dosha and Tosha (Table 4). The result is disagree with the
finding of Ashenafi and Mekuria (2015) and Tafere et al. (2012) who reported that Moti was the
early maturing genotype; whereas Gebelcho was late maturing variety. Early maturing varieties
are the most adaptable varieties and have advantage over the late maturing varieties in areas
where rain starts late and withdraws early.

Plant Height (cm)

The highest plant height was recorded in Hachalu (154.20cm) followed by Mosisa (150.35cm).
This result was disagree Tafere et al. (2012) who reported Dosha was the tallest in plant height.
It may be due to the fact that plant height is highly affected by the genetic make of the varieties.
Moreover, Talal and Munqez (2013) reported that plant height was significantly affected by faba
bean accessions. (Table 4)

Grain Yield (Qt/ha)

The combined analysis revealed that Faba bean varieties were significant (p≤0.001) (Table 4).
The highest seed yield (Qt/ha) was observed from variety Walki (32.17 Qt ha-1) followed by

Hachalu (30.40 Qt ha-1) and the lowest seed yield was observed from variety Local check
(16.74kg/ha), and similar results were reported by Ashenafi and Mekuria (2015) at Sinana and
Agarfa areas.
This result is in disagree with the finding of Gereziher et al (2018), which reported that
significant differences were observed in seed yield (kg/ha) in tested Faba bean varieties and
accordingly, Dosha shows that 38.91 Qt ha-1) kg/ha. Similarly, Yirga and Zinabu 2019 reported
that variety Dosha was highest in terms of mean yield (2197.9kg/ha).
Crop yield is one of the most important agronomic traits since it is related to cost effectiveness
and food security (Gelin et al., 2004). As a result, the varieties such Walki, and Hachalu
preferred, due their association with high yield.

Disease Reaction
The three fungal diseases, chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae), ascochyta blight (Ascochyta fabae)
and rust (Uromyces viciae-fabae) can lead to very significant loss in yield and seed quality if
susceptible varieties are cultivated and disease is not managed effectively with regular
application of fungicides Hanounik, S.B. and Robertson, L.D. (1989). Chocolate spot (Botrytis
fabae) this is a serious disease of faba beans in wet seasons and can cause serious yield loss. The
leaf symptoms are small, brown spots that merge and produce large, black blotches if high
humidity prevails, Lane A. and Gladders P. (2000).
Variable diseases chocolate spot and rust severity scores (1-9) scale were recorded as Little and
Hills (1978), for all tested varieties of faba bean in three locations. Almost all of the varieties
tested across three locations exhibited immune to moderately susceptible (2-5) reactions to
important diseases indicating that they could be used as a source of gene for resistance in
breeding programs Table 4. Some of the tested varieties were resistant to disease such as
Chockolate spots. However, the varieties showed resistance reaction to chocolate spot; indicating
that yield loss could be caused during heavy infestation. Therefore, source of resistance for these
diseases should be sought and utilized in breeding programs.

Table 3 Combined mean ANOVA of 12 Faba bean varieties for grain yield in Qt ha -1 in 2022-
2023 main cropping season
SOV DF SS MSS F value Pr(>F)
Treatment 11 4062.30 369.30 6.45 4.441e-09 ***
Location 2 14406.60 7203.30 125.73 < 2.2e-16 ***
Year 1 2250.00 2250.00 39.27 2.373e-09 ***
Trt*Loc 22 1400.10 63.60 1.11 0.06794ns
Trt*Year 11 1212.60 110.20 1.92 0.03843 *
Loc*Year 2 1.00 1.00 0.018 0.04355*
Trt*Loc*Year 22 408.80 37.20 0.65 0.03527*
Residuals 192 10999.60 57.30
Note: Trt = Treatment, Loc = Location, * = significant at 0.05, ** = significant at 0.01, *** = highly
significant at 0.001 probability level,

Table 4 Combined mean performance of different Faba bean varieties for yield and yield related
traits across years and locations.

Varieties DTF (days) DTM (days) PLH (cm) NP/PL NS/P GY(Qt/ha) YAd. % Dis.r
Alloshe 43.14 121.10a 149.3ab 16.47 3.06abc 30.25ab 80.70 3r
Dagaga 42.95 115.10bc 148.8ab 18.73 3.09abc 28.25abc 68.75 4mr
Dosha 40.86 118.56ab 149.9ab 15.03 3.10ab 28.13abc 68.04 4mr
Gabalcho 40.57 105.32d 143.8abc 16.32 2.87bc 23.13c 38.17 4mr
Hachalu 40.86 111.21c 154.2a 18.87 3.15ab 30.40ab 81.60 5ms
Mosisa 40.57 119.54ab 150.3ab 17.87 3.05abc 29.82ab 78.14 3r
Moti 39.43 118.12ab 148.4ab 15.16 3.04abc 27.16abc 62.25 4mr
Moyibon 39.57 118.20ab 143.9abc 14.44 2.94bc 24.84bc 48.39 4mr
Obse 40.25 118.10ab 141.1bc 14.83 3.10ab 23.95c 43.07 4mr
Tosha 42.14 117.90 145.6ab 17.85 3.04ab 26.90abc 60.69 4mr
Walki 41.32 115.84bc 143.4abc 19.71 3.29a 32.17a 92.17 3r
Local 42.05 119.11ab 133.0c 15.36 2.75c 16.74d - 5ms
GM 42 116.55 145.98 16.45 3.04 26.81
LSD (0.05) 4.2 4.61 12.34 2.58 3.02 5.64
CV % 29.5 26.5 21.92 29.8 20.01 29.60
P-value NS ** * NS * **
**Note: DTF= Days to Flowering, DTF= Days to Maturity, PLH= Plant height (cm), NP/PL= Number
of pod per Plant, NS/P= Number of seed per Pod, GY=Grain Yield, YAd=Yield Advantage, GM= Grand
mean, LSD= Least significant different, CV= Coefficient of variation, NS= Non-significant, *=significant
at P<0.05 level, **=highly significant
3.2 Correlation of yield and yield related characters

Grain yield showed highly significant and positive association with plant height and number of
seed per pod (Table 5). These findings are in line with the findings of Abdelmula and Abuanja
(2007) who reported significant and positive correlation of seed yield with plant height and
number of seed per pods. Plant height is highly significantly and negatively associated with days
to flowering and days to maturity which disagree with Ashenafi and Mekuria (2015). Hence,
faba bean production and productivity could be improved by selecting faba bean yield traits like
number of seed per pod and plant height.

Table 5 Pearson’s correlation coefficient among Faba bean yield and yield related traits

Traits DF DM PLH NP/PL NS/P GY (Qt/ha)

DF 1
DM 0.342588** 1
PLH -0.5171** -0.30731** 1
NP/PL -0.398** -0.19103* 0.235282* 1
NS/P -0.20677* -0.16139ns 0.349637** 0.264742* 1
GY (Qt/ha) -0.1161ns -0.071ns 0.489036** 0.34205** 0.239432* 1
Note: *, ** Significantly correlated at 5 and 1% probability levels, respectively. NS: Non
significant; PH: plant height (cm); NPP: number of pods per plant; NSP: Number of seeds per
pod; GY: Grain yield (Qt ha-1)

3.3 The AMMI Model

The mean squares for all varieties evaluated under different environmental condition for grain
yield are presented in Table 6. The result indicated that differences among all varieties were
significant (P ≤ 0.05). Variation due to genotypes by environments interaction was significant for
the studied traits, indicated that genotypes differ genetically in their response to different
environment. The genotypes by environments interaction was significant effect on the grain
yield, which explained 3.89 % of the total variation whiles the varieties, contributed 11.26 the
variation. However, large portion (39.90%) of the total variation was attributed to the
environmental effect which indicates that the major factor that influence yield performance of
Faba bean is the environment.
Significant percentage of genotypes by environments interaction was explained by IPCA-1
(2.95%) followed by IPCA2 (0.90%). Accordingly, Gauch and Zobel (1996) recommended that
the most accurate model for AMMI can be predicted by using the first two PCAs. The genotypes
by environments interaction components were smaller relative than to the genotype components
and if they were related to predictable environment factor (such as geographic areas, major pest
problems,) the breeder searches for a genotype to must the specific requirements of that
environment while the interaction is small and unpredictable (micro climatic or yearly variation
in weather and management practices) the breeder searches for a genotypes that has general
adaptability and unversed performance over the range environments.

Table 6 AMMI for grain yield of 12 Faba bean varieties

SOV Degree of freedom Sum Square Mean Square Ex. Sum square
ENV 2 14412.64 7206.32** 39.90
REP(ENV) 9 195.45 21.72ns 0.54
GEN 11 4068.32 369.82** 11.26
GEN:ENV 22 1406.11 63.91** 3.89
IPCA1 12 1065.86 88.82** 2.95
IPCA2 10 325.69 32.57* 0.90
Residuals 207 1301.57 6.29 3.60
Total 273 36120.64 132.31
Note: SOV=source of variation, ENV. = environment; GEN=genotype, GEN * ENV= Genotype by
environment Interaction, IPCA= Interaction Principal Component Analysis. **=significance at P< 0.01
probability level, *=indicates significance at P< 0. 05 probability level

3.4 Evaluation of Genotypes based on GGE-Bi plots

Stability can be identified using concentric circles and also ideal genotypes are at the center of
the concentric circle i.e., high mean yield and stable genotype. The ideal genotype is the one that
with the highest mean performance and absolutely stable (Yan and Kang, 2003). Hence, the
GGE bi plots shows that Hachalu (5) is an ideal genotype, with other genotypes, Walki(11),
Mosisa(6), and Alloshe(1) are desirable varieties as they are closer to the ideal genotype on the
bi plot. The varieties Gabalcho(4) and Local check (12) are the most undesirable genotypes as
they are too far to the ideal genotype on the bi plot. Similar result was reported by Farshadfar et
al., 2012) (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Ranking of the genotypes based on the ideal genotype

3.5 Evaluation of Locations based on GGE-Bi plots

The ideal test location the most representative of the locations (ability to represent the mega-
environment) and the most powerful to discriminate genotypes (ability to delineate the tested
genotypes). Naroui et al., (2013) reported that the ideal environment is the one located at the
center of the concentric circles, and it is possible to identify desirable environments based on
their closeness to the ideal environment. Mahdieh et al., (2016) reported that a testing location
has less power to discriminate genotypes when located far away from the center of the concentric
circle or to an ideal location.
Therefore, among the test locations, location Didesa which is nearest to into the center of
concentric circles was an ideal test location in terms of being the most representative of the
overall locations and the most powerful to discriminate the performance of the tested genotypes
and Dabo Hana was close to to the ideal location. While, Chora was detected as the weakest
location to discriminate genotypes due to the great distance from the ideal location (center of
concentric circles) (Figure 2). This result is not line with Yirga (2016) and Habte et al., (2019).

Figure 2 Ranking of the locations based GGE-Bi plot

3.6 The Which-Won-Where/What pattern

According to Yan et al., (2002), the polygon view of GGE bi plot indicates the best genotypes in
each environment and group of environments. In this situation, the polygon is formed by
connecting the genotypes that are farthest away from the bi plot origin, such that all the other
genotypes are contained in the polygon. In this case, the polygon connects all the farthest
genotypes and perpendicular lines divide the polygon into sectors. Sectors help to visualize the
mega-environments. This means that winning genotypes for each sector are placed at the vertex.
Polygon view of the Faba bean varieties tested at three locations presented in (figure 3).
Genotypes at the vertex of the polygon are either the best or poorest in one or more environments
(Alake et al., 2012). The genotypes found at the vertex of the polygon perform best in the
environments within the sector (Yan and Tinker, 2006). Six rays divide the bi plot in to six sector
and the locations fall in to three different mega-environments (Figure.3). Genotypes, Gabalcho
(4), Local check (12), Hachalu (5), walki (11) and Tosha (10) were the vertex genotypes. From
this figure, Walki and Hachalu (11, 4) best performers at Dabo Hanna and Didesa in the first
mega environment). From the figure, Gabalcho (4), local (12) and Tosha (10) had no
environment on the vertex. This indicates that genotypes in the vertex without environment
performed poorly in all the locations (Alake et al., 2012). However, genotypes within the
polygon, particularly those located near the bi plot origin were less responsive than the
genotypes on the vertices, and the ideal genotype would be the one closest to the origin
(Nwangburuka et al ., 2011). Therefore, varieties Moti (7), Moyibon (8), Alloshe(1) and Dosh(3)
were more stable (Figure.3)

Figure 3 Which-won-where and mega- environment.


The lack of best performing and high yielding variety is the main challenge for faba bean
production and productivity in Buno Bedele zone, south western part of Oromia. Twelve
varieties including the local check were evaluated for their adaptability, yield and yield related
traits. Walki variety was found to be the most adaptable and high yielding genotype followed by
The genotype and environment main effects (genotype and environment) and genotype x
environment interaction effect were significant on Faba bean varieties. Walki and Hachalu
varieties were the higher yielder than other varieties through the studied environments. However,
Local check had the lowest yield potential through the tested locations. AMMI model shows the
variation was largely due to environmental variation. The high percentage of environmental
variation is an indication that the major factor that influence yield performance of Faba bean is
the environment. Walki and Hachalu were plotted to the ideal varieties considered as desirable
varieties based on GGE biplot graph and stable varieties while Dosha (4) and Local check (12)
were far from the ideal varieties considered as most unstable varieties with poor performance
across locations.
Hence, faba bean production and productivity could be improved by using better yielding
varieties such as Walki and Hachalu. In addition, a strong and positive correlation between the
different traits and seed yield of faba bean could be used as a selection criterion in order to
improve faba bean production and productivity.


The authors would like to thank Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO) for their
financial support. In addition to this, they are sincerely grateful to the research members of crop
core process of Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC) for their support during the entire
period of the study.


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