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Pps - Risk Assessment

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:NAME WORKPLACE/TASK/ACTIVITY/PROCESS‫المعدة‬/‫العملية‬/‫المهمة‬/‫الموقع‬ DEPARTMENT/AREA( ‫المنطقة‬/‫)االدارة‬: ELECTRICAL(TESTING)

RA Number(‫)رقم تقييم المخاطر‬:
DATE( ‫ )التاريخ‬01/05/2024
RA TEAM(Names) (‫)أسماء فريق التقييم‬: NEXT REVIEW DATE(‫)تاريخ المراجعة القادم‬: 1/11/2024
1. Mohamed Abdelrazik - General Manager
2. Samah Mohamed - Managing Director Testing and pre commissioning
3. Mohamed Omar - Techanical Engineer
4. Emad Hamdy- W/S Supervisor
5.Rasha Atef - Project Coordinator


HAZARD IDENTIFICATION CONTROL Consequences X Likelihood = Risk Ranking

Risks Issue
Follow up
Workplace/Activity/ (Possible incident) by Whom
Risk CONTROLS / Yes/No Risk
No. Process/ HAZARD [What can go wrong] EXISTING CONTROLS Consequence Likelihood
(name) & Consequence Likelihood
Equipment/Materials (Accident/ill health to By When
persons, fire or property loss) CONTROLS
1 Obtain Permit to ● Unauthorized work ● Accident resulting ● Permit to Work shall be ● Site Manager, Supervising
Work to be performed serious injury or obtained as a pre-requisite Engineer, Foreman shall
within a defined death to worker to perform work designate a Permit
location and ● Significant property ● Work shall not be started Receiver competent
boundary and appurtenances until duly approved Permit to enough to take
● Uncontrolled damage Work is available at site and responsibility in securing
personnel entering ● Loss of production that Safety Toolbox meeting the Permit to Work
a restricted ● Significant cost due was conducted ● Permit Receiver shall be
location to damages ● A safe work practice shall be trained and authorized by
● Unidentified ● Governmental implemented to reduce the the Manager to receive a
hazards with violation possibilities of accident / Permit to Work
unplanned safety ● Environmental incident ● Permit Receiver shall be
mitigating complaint ● Permit Receiver and Permit responsible to oversee for
measures Issuer shall visit together at the safety of all workers
● Inadequate the site to ensure that under his Permit to Work
coordination and workplace hazards are ● Manager, Supervisor,
area control adequately identified and Foreman and all workers
protocol mitigating measure shall be shall adhere to all Supervisor &
established 5 2 10 requirements set forth in Engineer
Yes 3 2 6
● Permit to Work shall be the Permit to Work, Risk
displayed at the worksite Assessment, Method
● Permit Receiver shall not Statement, Job Safety
leave the area for the whole Procedure and other
duration of work relevant safety practices
● Work shall not proceed and standards
without the presence of ● All workers shall attend the
approved Permit to Work toolbox meeting on a daily
with the Permit Receiver basis conducted by the
overseeing the activity Supervising Engineer,
● Permit Receiver shall Foreman and Permit
account all workers under Receiver
his Permit to Work before ● All workers attending the
the start of work toolbox meeting shall sign
on the attendance sheet
attached to the specific
Permit to Work
2 Preparation of tools, ● Contact with sharp ● Sharp edges if not ● Valid permit to work should 3 2 6 ● Tool, materials and Supervisor & Yes 2 2 4
materials and edges identified and be obtained. equipment shall be Engineer
equipment ● Improper use of isolated causes skin ● Tool box talk should be identified and selected
personal protective laceration and cuts conducted prior the work prior the actual Testing
equipment ● Wearing inadequate commence. and Pre-commissioning
● Working in PPE may cause ● Appropriate personal ● Foreman shall take the
awkward position physical injuries protective equipment should lead in selection of tool
● Not observing be available like coverall, and materials
proper posture safety shoes, hand gloves, ● All tools and equipment to
could cause muscle eye protection, and etc. be use shall be in good
spasm and body ● Observe proper posture and working condition
pain natural working position inspected by competent
● Tools and equipment shall person
inspected by competent
● Tools that will be used for
the Test and Pre-
commissioning shall be
calibrated and certified by
third party as required

3 Mobilization of ● Unsecured tools, ● Unsecured/ ● Observe speed limit within ● Provide trained flagman/
testing equipment to equipment & overloading could the vicinity around of banks man to guide
Substation building materials cause collapse or substation vehicles used to mobilize
● Over speeding fall of materials ● Materials should to be testing equipment
● Adverse weather ● Over speeding/ may secured properly during ● Install barricade around
condition cause damage of mobilization by providing the vehicle when
● Uneven surfaces equipment, adequate binder without unloading the equipment
● Workers struck by property/materials damaging the equipment ● When the equipment
transport vehicle and injury of a ● Mobilization of materials on weighed more than 30 kg,
person normal weather condition lifting equipment shall be
● Passing to uneven ● Use and pass in a stable used
Supervisor &
surfaces may cause access 4 2 8 ● Commissioning Engineer Yes 3 2 6
fall of materials and ● Closed supervision by the shall be responsible in
overturning of engineer, supervisor or ensuring that driver will
equipment foreman must be observed transport the testing
● Vehicular accident ● Unload equipment in a equipment in most safest
resulting significant designated area manner
damage to ● Designate spotter or escort
equipment and vehicle when transporting
serious injury to critical testing equipment
worker ● Guide workers at the
location where transport
vehicle will pass
● Vehicle driver shall exercise
defensive driving technique
and shall not rush or exceed
proper speed
4 Review of drawings ● Ergonomics ● Body sprain ● Contractor shall establish a ● Only authorized personnel
and as-built plans hazards ● Chronic war room to where review of can enter the war room
for the planning of ● Awkward musculoskeletal documents is undertaken ● Make a borrowers log
commissioning positioning disorder ● War room shall be equipped book to monitor the loaned
Supervisor &
● Inadequate ● Loss or damage to with table, ergonomic chair, 3 3 9 documents Yes 2 2 4
storage of property storage cabinet and etc.
materials ● Commissioning Engineer
shall be responsible in
proper storage of documents
5 Visual check and ● Opening of panel ● Hand laceration or ● Only competent person shall ● Commissioning Engineer
inspection of all board cut, bruise, open the panel board or shall closely monitor the
electrical equipment ● Pinch point contusion electrical equipment personnel performing
● Caught in between ● Head injury or ● Commissioning team who visual inspection
panel board door bruise will conduct the visual ● Safety Officer shall
● Congested head inspection shall not monitor compliance and
room simultaneously check same provide advice to pre-
● Overhead hazard equipment to avoid contact commissioning team as
with each other necessary
● Verify that equipment is safe ● Limit the number of
Supervisor &
to open without the 2 5 10 personnel who will conduct
Yes 4 2 8
requirement to wear arc visual inspection
flash rated clothing
● Workers shall wear
appropriate PPE with clear
safety glass, hardhat when
conducting visual inspection
● Hardhat and Safety glass
shall be worn as mandatory
PPE when opening panel
● Use of ● Body sprain or back ● Use standard ladder when ● Conduct housekeeping on
substandard injury accessing elevated spaces the area to be inspected
elevated platform ● Accident resulting ● Ladder to be use shall not day before the activity
● Fall from elevated injury to worker electrical conductor ● Remove obstruction and
Supervisor &
platform ● Ill health ● Ladder shall be capable to 2 3 6 unnecessary materials on Yes 2 2 4
● Slip, trip and fall on carry 4x the weight of the the access and on the
same level user equipment to be inspected
● Ladder shall be used by one ● Ladder or working platform
personnel at a time used in energized
● Ladder or working platform equipment shall be
shall be adequate to reach adequately grounded or
area for inspection earthed
● Full body harness shall be ●
worn if personnel is exposed
to a fall of more than 1.8
● Inadequate ● Eye strain ● Electrical equipment to be ● Lighting shall be installed
illumination ● Visual impairment inspected shall be provided day before the actual
● Poor visibility with adequate lighting inspection date
system ● Lighting shall be adequate
● Electrical spaces without to provide illumination to
permanent lighting shall be the point of visual Supervisor &
installed with temporary 4 3 12 inspection Engineer
Yes 3 3 9
lighting ● Flash light can be used
● Worker shall only wear clear during inspection to some
safety glass, dark glass is congested spaces
not allowed inside the
● Contact with ● Electric shock ● Perform lockout/tagout to ● When opening electrical
electricity ● Injury to worker de-energized electrical panel board of more than
● Shock hazard ● Ill health equipment 600V AC, qualified
● Energized ● Damage to property ● Test the equipment, cable or personnel within limited
electrical ● Fire due to short wire for potential stored approach boundary shall
equipment/panel circuit energy wear arc rated clothing as
● Notify affected personnel recommended by NFPA
when performing 70E Supervisor &
lockout/tagout 3 2 6 ● Assess the approach Engineer
Yes 3 2 6
● Personnel shall not touch boundary before allowing
energized equipment personnel from come
● Only authorized personnel closer to electrical
shall open the energized equipment
● When using stick, it shall be
of non-conductor materials
6 Earth/Grounding ● Improper handling ● Damage to asset ● Install barricade around the ● Toolbox meeting shall be
survey and testing of testing and equipment testing area including the conducted by the
equipment ● Electric shock, skin earth matting being tested competent person on a
● Handling of tools, burn and provide adequate safety daily basis emphasizing Supervisor &
earth spikes, ● Inappropriate test sign to communicate activity 5 2 10 the risk involve on the Engineer
Yes 3 3 9
wiring result and hazards involve activity and its mitigating
● Slip, trip and fall ● Accident resulting ● Only competent person shall measure to eliminate or
injury to worker conduct earth/grounding minimize the impact
testing ● Tools, earth spikes and
● Competent person shall other equipment shall be
closely communicate with inspected by competent
the assistant to avoid person before using to the
contact with electricity site
● Tools, earth spikes and
wiring shall be handled in a
manner to avoid damage
and incurred injury
● Wear appropriate hand
gloves when installing earth
● Implement proper cable
management to avoid
dangling, short circuit,
damage to wire and tripping
● Struck by moving ● Vehicular accident ● Establish equipment access ● Site management plan
equipment and ● Accident resulting and shall be free from any shall be prepared,
vehicle Injury to personnel obstruction approved and
● Property damage of ● Designate parking area implemented to avoid
adjacent structure ● Designate location for property damage and
or appurtenances unloading of materials personnel accident Supervisor &
● Designate spotter and 4 3 12 Engineer
Yes 2 3 6
flagman to guide all
equipment and personnel
● Workers shall wear properly
the high visibility vest
● Exposure to ● Heat exhaustion ● Adjust work timing and ● Provision of air-
extreme ● Heat cramps exposure of the workers to conditioned shelter if
environmental ● Heat stress extreme environmental needed
temperature ● Ill health to temperature ● Provide appropriate
(outside areas personnel ● Allow frequent rest time if clothing during hot
more than needed weather
50deg.C) ● Provide rest shelter with ● Establish a complete heat Supervisor &
shade near to the workplace 3 3 9 illness prevention program Engineer
Yes 4 2 8
● Provide supplemental ● Safety awareness /
hydration powder or liquids training related to heat
● Reminds to drink plenty of stress, etc.
● Taking or recording the heat
index at the workplace
● Provide a drinking water
cooler at site
7 Testing of inter- ● Inadequate ● Accident resulting ● Activity shall be ● Commissioning Engineer
panel bus wiring, warning notification serious injury or disseminated to all affected shall be responsible on a
insulation testing ● Lack of information death to other workers day before the proper information
using 500V Megger worker actual testing dissemination
● Warning notice shall be
posted on a strategic Supervisor &
3 3 9 location of the building day Engineer
Yes 2 3 6
before the actual testing
indicating start and end
date, exact location of the
testing indicated on a floor
● Opening of panel ● Damage to panel ● Commissioning Engineer ● Panel board back cover
door or back cover door and cover shall identify the exact bus shall be stored safely
● Opening wrong ● Hand injury wiring and its exact extent of without creating
electrical resulting from testing obstruction to access
equipment improper use of ● Only competent person shall ● Toolbox meeting shall be
panel door key open the panel board or conducted by the
electrical equipment using competent person on a
approved tool daily basis emphasizing
● Verify right panel board to be the risk involve on the
open with its label activity and its mitigating
● Verify that equipment is safe measure to eliminate or
to open without the minimize the impact
necessary to wear arc flash ● Tools, and other Supervisor &
rated clothing 5 1 5 equipment shall be Engineer
Yes 2 2 4
● Use right tool to open the inspected by competent
back cover of panel board person before using to the
● Commissioning Engineer
shall closely monitor the
testing of inter-panel bus
● Safety Officer shall
monitor compliance and
provide advice to pre-
commissioning team as
● Pinch point ● Hand laceration or ● Workers shall wear ● Foreman or
Supervisor &
● Caught in between cut, bruise, appropriate PPE when 3 2 6 Commissioning Engineer Yes 2 2 4
panel board door contusion removing the panel board shall closely monitor the
● Congested head ● Head injury or back cover activity
room bruise ● Assign adequate number of
● Overhead hazard worker to manually lift the
back cover
● Hardhat and Safety glass
shall be worn as mandatory
PPE when opening panel
● Improper handling ● Damage to asset ● Commissioning Engineer ● Toolbox meeting shall be
of testing and equipment shall identify the exact conducted by the
equipment ● Electric shock, skin location where the testing competent person on a
● Handling of tools burn equipment be installed daily basis emphasizing
● Slip, trip and fall ● Inappropriate test ● Affected area shall be the risk involve on the
result adequately barricaded with activity and its mitigating
● Accident resulting safety sign to communicate measure to eliminate or
injury to worker activity and hazards involve minimize the impact
● Adequate safety sign to be ● Tools, earth spikes and
posted at the adjacent other equipment shall be
Supervisor &
equipment 3 4 12 inspected by competent
Yes 5 2 10
● Only competent person shall person before using to the
operate the insulation tester site
● Competent person shall
closely communicate with
the assistant to
● Implement proper cable
management to avoid
dangling, short circuit,
damage to wire and tripping
● Contact with ● Electric shock, skin ● Review line diagram of bus ● Notify affected personnel
electricity burn wiring to ensure that only when performing
● Shock hazard ● Injury to worker specific bus wiring will be lockout/tagout
● Energized ● Ill health energized during the ● When opening electrical
electrical ● Damage to property insulation testing panel board of more than
equipment/panel ● Fire due to short ● Perform lockout/tagout on 600V AC, qualified
circuit the equipment that might be personnel within limited Supervisor &
energized during the testing 3 2 6 approach boundary shall Engineer
Yes 2 2 4
● Test the equipment, cable or wear arc rated clothing as
wire to ensure zero potential recommended by NFPA
energy 70E
● Adequate safety sign shall ● Assess the approach
be posted at the adjacent boundary before allowing
equipment personnel from come
● Personnel shall not touch closer to electrical
energized equipment equipment
● Commissioning Engineer
shall ensure that there shall
be no unnecessary
personnel within the affected
area during the testing
● Inadequate ● Eye strain ● Electrical equipment to be ● Lighting shall be installed
illumination ● Visual impairment tested shall be provided with day before the actual
● Poor visibility adequate lighting system testing date
● Electrical spaces without ● Lighting shall be adequate
permanent lighting shall be to provide illumination to
Supervisor &
installed with temporary 2 4 8 the point of visual
Yes 3 2 6
lighting inspection
● Worker shall only wear clear ● Flash light can be used
safety glass, dark glass is during inspection to some
not allowed inside the congested spaces
8 Testing of Multi Core ● Inadequate ● Accident resulting ● Activity shall be ● Commissioning Engineer
cables and insulation warning notification serious injury or disseminated to all affected shall be responsible on a
resistance test using ● Lack of information death to other workers day before the proper information
1000V Megger worker actual testing dissemination
● Warning notice shall be
posted on a strategic Supervisor &
2 4 8 location of the building day Engineer
Yes 3 2 6
before the actual testing
indicating start and end
date, exact location of the
testing indicated on a floor
● Pinch point ● Hand laceration or ● Workers shall wear ● Arrange testing equipment
● Congested head cut, bruise, appropriate PPE when going in a manner that worker
room contusion to the congested areas maintains its natural back
● Overhead hazard ● Head injury or ● Assign adequate number of curve and not over
● Ergonomic hazard bruise worker to manually lift the bending down the floor
● Body sprain or back cable ● Foreman or
Supervisor &
injury ● Hardhat and Safety glass 3 4 12 Commissioning Engineer Yes 3 2 6
shall be worn as mandatory shall closely monitor the
PPE when opening panel activity
board ● Place testing equipment
on a table fitted
ergonomically to the
● Improper handling ● Damage to asset ● Only competent person shall ● Toolbox meeting shall be
of testing and equipment operate the insulation tester conducted by the
equipment ● Electric shock, skin ● Commissioning Engineer competent person on a
● Handling of tools burn shall identify the exact daily basis emphasizing
● Slip, trip and fall ● Inappropriate test location where the testing the risk involve on the
result equipment be installed activity and its mitigating
● Accident resulting ● Affected area shall be measure to eliminate or
injury to worker adequately barricaded with minimize the impact
safety sign to communicate ● Tools and other equipment
Supervisor &
activity and hazards involve 2 5 10 shall be inspected by
Yes 3 2 6
● Commissioning Engineer competent person before
shall closely communicate using to the site
with the assistant to avoid ● Post adequate safety sign
contact with electricity to the adjacent equipment
● Implement proper cable so that other worker will be
management to avoid warned
dangling, short circuit,
damage to wire and tripping
● Contact with ● Electric shock, skin ● Review line diagram of multi- ● When opening electrical
electricity burn core cables to ensure that panel board of more than
● Shock hazard ● Injury to worker only specific cables will be 600V AC, qualified
● Energized ● Ill health energized during the personnel within limited
electrical ● Damage to property insulation testing approach boundary shall
equipment/panel ● Fire due to short ● Perform lockout/tagout on wear arc rated clothing as
circuit the equipment that might be recommended by NFPA
energized during the testing 70E
● Test the equipment, cable or ● Assess the approach
wire to ensure zero potential boundary before allowing
energy personnel from come
● Notify affected personnel closer to electrical Supervisor &
when performing 4 3 12 equipment Engineer
Yes 4 2 8
● Adequate safety sign shall
be posted at the adjacent
● Personnel shall not touch
energized equipment
● Commissioning Engineer
shall ensure that there shall
be no unnecessary
personnel within the affected
area during the testing
● Inadequate ● Eye strain ● Electrical equipment to be ● Lighting shall be installed
illumination ● Visual impairment tested shall be provided with day before the actual
● Poor visibility adequate lighting system testing date
● Electrical spaces without ● Lighting shall be adequate
permanent lighting shall be to provide illumination to
Supervisor &
installed with temporary 2 3 6 the point of visual
Yes 2 2 4
lighting inspection
● Worker shall only wear clear ● Flash light can be used
safety glass, dark glass is during inspection to some
not allowed inside the congested spaces
● Use of ● Body sprain or back ● Use standard ladder when ● Conduct housekeeping on
substandard injury accessing elevated spaces the area to be inspected
elevated platform ● Accident resulting ● Ladder to be use shall not day before the activity
● Fall from elevated injury to worker electrical conductor ● Remove obstruction and
platform ● Ill health ● Ladder shall be capable to unnecessary materials on
● Slip, trip and fall on carry 4x the weight of the the access and on the
same level user equipment to be inspected
● Ladder shall be used by one ● Ladder or working platform Supervisor &
personnel at a time 6 2 12 used in energized Engineer
Yes 3 3 9
● Ladder or working platform equipment shall be
shall be adequate to reach adequately grounded or
area for inspection earthed
● Full body harness shall be ●
worn if personnel is exposed
to a fall of more than 1.8
9 Check of batteries ● Incompetent ● Electrocution ● Workers performing the ● SEC requirement: Workers
and chargers worker ● Accident resulting battery charging shall be involve shall be trained by
● Inappropriate tools serious injury or competent in doing the job the manufacturer or vendor
● Accumulation of death to worker ● Regular document review and certified to conduct
hazardous/ toxic ● Property damage and verification should be charging and discharging of
gas ● Inhalation of fumes done battery
● Equipment failure causes dizziness, ● Closed supervision by the ● Supervising Engineer and
● Over charging irritation of throat, commissioning engineer, Foreman shall ensure that Supervisor &
● Alarm and Sensor passage way, supervisor or foreman must 4 2 8 workers performing the job Engineer
Yes 3 2 6
monitoring system chronic disease or be observed at all times are competent and certified
is not working fatality while charging is ongoing by the manufacturer
● Poor supervision/ ● Equipment failure ● ● SEC required full
incompetency of will result to fire and ● Interval battery test and supervision by the
personnel explosion measurement shall be done Commissioning Engineer at
as per manufacturer’s all times while activity is
recommendation ongoing
● Worker conducting the test ● SEC requirement: Battery
and measurement shall charging and discharging
wear PPE as required by the shall not be allowed without
manufacturer with arc flash the presence and
rated clothing supervision of
● Check all wiring and commissioning engineer or
connection of battery Engineer in charge for the
charger and make sure all whole duration of the
are intact and properly activity
secured ● Any source of naked flames
● All equipment should have and sparks should be
an emergency stop button prohibited, prevented inside
● Special personal protective battery room
equipment must be ● Ensure no power
observed like anti-static interruption during the
clothing, rubber gloves, whole operation
respiratory equipment, clear ● Ensure to maintain required
goggles and etc. and sufficient room
● First aid kit should be temperature, lighting,
available with adequate ventilation and exhaust
quantity of medicines system as per
● Only non-sparking tools manufacturers design
must be use inside battery
● Ensure fire suppression
equipment is working and
readily available in strategic
location at all times
● Limit the duration of stay of
personnel inside the battery
● Frequent rotation of workers
● Inappropriate tools ● Using inappropriate ● Check visually the physical ● Regular training should be
● Inadequate PPE tools could cause appearance of the battery given to personnel
● Untrained personnel short circuit and case for signs of bulging, ● Close supervision by
equipment failure spillage before allowing engineer or foreman
● Wearing inadequate anyone to touch or open should be observe
Supervisor &
PPE may cause ● Check for air concentration 5 2 10 ● Rotation of personnel shall Yes 3 2 6
physical injuries inside the battery room be done specially at night
● Mobilizing untrained before allowing personnel to ● Workers rendering
personnel could enter maximum of 10 hours of
cause accidents ● Use calibrated and duty shall be relieved and
appropriate gas testing will be allowed to work the
equipment following day
● Test the battery as per
● Observe the “use the right
tool” rule
● Appropriate personal
protective equipment should
be observed like coverall,
hand gloves, eye protection,
and etc.
● Only certified and competent
personnel will engage the
● Provide adequate and safe
standing platform to reach
the battery for specific
gravity and other testing to
be conducted
10 GIS site test ● Inadequate ● Accident resulting ● Activity shall be ● Commissioning Engineer
(conduct test in warning notification serious injury or disseminated to all affected shall be responsible on a
accordance with the ● Lack of information death to other workers day before the proper information
work site test report) worker actual testing dissemination
● Warning notice shall be
posted on a strategic Supervisor &
3 2 6 location of the building day Engineer
Yes 2 2 4
before the actual testing
indicating start and end
date, exact location of the
testing indicated on a floor
● Pinch point ● Hand laceration or ● Workers shall wear ● Arrange testing equipment
● Congested head cut, bruise, appropriate PPE when going in a manner that worker
room contusion to the congested areas maintains its natural back
● Overhead hazard ● Head injury or ● Assign adequate number of curve and not over
● Ergonomic hazard bruise worker to manually lift the bending down the floor
● Body sprain or back cable ● Foreman or Supervisor &
injury ● Hardhat and Safety glass 4 2 8 Commissioning Engineer Engineer
Yes 3 2 6
shall be worn as mandatory shall closely monitor the
PPE when opening panel activity
board ● Place testing equipment
on a table fitted
ergonomically to the
● Worker shall avoid
repetitive motion and
awkward body posture
● Ergonomic Safety shall be
conducted to
● Improper handling ● Damage to asset ● Only competent and ● Toolbox meeting shall be
of testing and equipment qualified person shall be conducted by the
equipment ● Electric shock, skin involve on the testing activity competent person on a
● Handling of tools burn ● Commissioning Engineer daily basis emphasizing
● Slip, trip and fall ● Inappropriate test shall identify the exact the risk involve on the
result location where the testing activity and its mitigating
● Accident resulting equipment be installed measure to eliminate or
injury to worker ● Affected area shall be minimize the impact
adequately barricaded with ● Tools and other equipment
safety sign to communicate shall be inspected by
activity and hazards involve competent person before
● Commissioning Engineer using to the site
Supervisor &
shall closely communicate 3 3 9 ● Post adequate safety sign Yes 2 2 4
with the assistant to avoid to the adjacent equipment
contact with electricity so that other worker will be
● Implement proper cable warned
management to avoid
dangling, short circuit,
damage to wire and tripping
● Use hand held radio when
communicating between
workers from other location
of the equipment being
● Contact with ● Electric shock, skin ● Review line diagram and ● When opening electrical
electricity burn discuss accordingly to panel board of more than
● Shock hazard ● Injury to worker testing and pre- 600V AC, qualified
● Energized ● Ill health commissioning team to personnel within limited
electrical ● Damage to property ensure that only specific approach boundary shall
equipment/panel ● Fire due to short cables will be energized wear arc rated clothing as Supervisor &
circuit during the insulation testing 2 5 10 recommended by NFPA Engineer
Yes 4 2 8
● Perform lockout/tagout on 70E
the equipment that is not ● Assess the approach
involve and might be boundary before allowing
energized during the testing personnel from come
● Test the equipment, cable or closer to electrical
wire to ensure positive equipment
isolation with zero potential ● Conduct Lockout/Tagout
energy training to all workers
● Notify affected personnel involve or might be the
when performing affected person to have a
lockout/tagout common understanding on
● Adequate safety sign shall the system to be
be posted at the adjacent implemented
● Personnel shall not touch
energized equipment
● Commissioning Engineer
shall ensure that there shall
be no unnecessary
personnel within the affected
area during the testing
● Inadequate ● Eye strain ● Electrical equipment to be ● Lighting shall be installed
illumination ● Visual impairment tested shall be provided with day before the actual
● Poor visibility adequate lighting system testing date
● Electrical spaces without ● Lighting shall be adequate
permanent lighting shall be to provide illumination to
Supervisor &
installed with temporary 2 3 6 the point of visual
Yes 2 2 4
lighting inspection
● Worker shall only wear clear ● Flash light can be used
safety glass, dark glass is during inspection to some
not allowed inside the congested spaces
● Sudden and ● Accident resulting ● Ensure that neighboring ● If possible, there shall be
startling loud injury to worker workers present in the area no other workers in the
sound ● Fall from stationary are aware of the testing area except the testing
position activity that it generates loud and pre-commissioning
● Stress to worker sound personnel only
● Damage to property ● Maintain barricade around ● Place adequate safety
Supervisor &
the affected equipment 4 3 12 signage on the doors on
Yes 3 3 9
being tested the building to aware other
● Exposed workers shall wear workers
adequate hearing protection.
If sound exceeds 110 dB,
exposed worker shall wear
double hearing protection
● Exposure to SF6 ● Difficulty in ● Worker shall be aware of the ● Workers shall be trained
Supervisor &
gas through breathing signs of SF6 leakage and 3 2 6 on the hazards involve in
Yes 3 2 6
inhalation ● Asphyxiated make necessary action to the exposure to SF6 and
● Environmental ● Ill health stop the leakage measure to avoid the risk
release of SF6 ● Provide force ventilation ● Exposed workers shall
blower and make it ready in wear Oxygen gas badge to
case SF6 gas leaks determine if oxygen is at
● Use approve method to low concentration
conduct air and gas leakage
test for SF6 and other
pressurized vessel
● Exposure to ● Accident resulting ● Limit exposure of workers to ● Conduct toolbox meeting
pressurized vessel serious injury the pressure vessels and discuss hazards
and its component ● Property damage ● Ensure that all fittings intact involve in working with
● Struck by and installed properly pressurized vessel
pressurized hose ● Workers shall wear ● Unnecessary workers shall
Supervisor &
appropriate eyes and face 5 2 10 stay away from the area
Yes 3 3 9
protection when exposed to
compressed air systems
● Other workers shall maintain
a safe distance away from
the pressurized vessel
11 Transformer site test ● Inadequate ● Accident resulting ● Activity shall be ● Commissioning Engineer
and Shunt Reactor warning notification serious injury or disseminated to all affected shall be responsible on a
test ● Lack of information death to other workers day before the proper information
worker actual testing dissemination
● Warning notice shall be
posted on a strategic Supervisor &
4 3 12 location of the building day Engineer
Yes 2 3 6
before the actual testing
indicating start and end
date, exact location of the
testing indicated on a floor
● Improper handling ● Damage to asset ● Only competent and ● Toolbox meeting shall be
of testing and equipment qualified person shall be conducted by the
equipment ● Electric shock, skin involve on the testing activity competent person on a
● Handling of tools burn ● Commissioning Engineer daily basis emphasizing
● Slip, trip and fall ● Inappropriate test shall identify the exact the risk involve on the
result location where the testing activity and its mitigating Supervisor &
● Accident resulting equipment be installed 3 3 9 measure to eliminate or Engineer
Yes 4 2 8
injury to worker ● Affected area shall be minimize the impact
adequately barricaded with ● Tools and other equipment
safety sign to communicate shall be inspected by
activity and hazards involve competent person before
● Commissioning Engineer using to the site
shall closely communicate ● Post adequate safety sign
with the assistant to avoid to the adjacent equipment
contact with electricity so that other worker will be
● Implement proper cable warned
management to avoid
dangling, short circuit,
damage to wire and tripping
● Use hand held radio when
communicating between
workers from other location
of the equipment being
● Contact with ● Electric shock, skin ● Review line diagram and ● When opening electrical
electricity burn discuss accordingly to panel board of more than
● Shock hazard ● Injury to worker testing and pre- 600V AC, qualified
● Energized ● Ill health commissioning team to personnel within limited
electrical ● Damage to property ensure that only specific approach boundary shall
equipment/panel ● Fire due to short cables will be energized wear arc rated clothing as
circuit during the insulation testing recommended by NFPA
● Perform lockout/tagout on 70E
the equipment that is not ● Assess the approach
involve and might be boundary before allowing
energized during the testing personnel from come
● Test the equipment, cable or closer to electrical
wire to ensure positive equipment
isolation with zero potential ● Conduct Lockout/Tagout Supervisor &
3 3 9 training to all workers Engineer
Yes 2 3 6
● Notify affected personnel involve or might be the
when performing affected person to have a
lockout/tagout common understanding on
● Adequate safety sign shall the system to be
be posted at the adjacent implemented
● Personnel shall not touch
energized equipment
● Commissioning Engineer
shall ensure that there shall
be no unnecessary
personnel within the affected
area during the testing
● Exposure to ● Heat exhaustion ● Adjust work timing and ● Provision of air- Supervisor &
extreme ● Heat cramps exposure of the workers to 5 1 5 conditioned shelter if Engineer
Yes 2 2 4
environmental ● Heat stress extreme environmental needed
temperature ● Ill health to temperature ● Provide appropriate
(outside areas personnel ● Allow frequent rest time if clothing during hot
more than needed weather
50deg.C) ● Provide rest shelter with ● Establish a complete heat
shade near to the workplace illness prevention program
● Provide supplemental ● Safety awareness /
hydration powder or liquids training related to heat
● Reminds to drink plenty of stress, etc.
● Taking or recording the heat
index at the workplace
● Provide a drinking water
cooler at site
● Use of ● Body sprain or back ● Use standard ladder when ● Conduct housekeeping on
substandard injury accessing elevated spaces the area to be inspected
elevated platform ● Accident resulting ● Ladder to be use shall not day before the activity
● Fall from elevated injury to worker electrical conductor ● Remove obstruction and
platform ● Ill health ● Ladder shall be capable to unnecessary materials on
● Slip, trip and fall on carry 4x the weight of the the access and on the
same level user equipment to be inspected
● Ladder shall be used by one ● Ladder or working platform
personnel at a time used in energized
Supervisor &
● Ladder or working platform 3 2 6 equipment shall be Yes 2 2 4
shall be adequate to reach adequately grounded or
area for inspection earthed
● Full body harness shall be
worn if personnel is exposed
to a fall of more than 1.8
● Anchor lanyard on a fix
structure with a strength of
more than 5000 lbs.
12 Housekeeping ● Improper manual ● Muscular injuries ● Ensure to plan correct ● Provide material handling
handling/ lifting of (Back pain, strain, manual lifting procedures equipment for transport of
equipment and fractures) and body positioning before heavy and large materials
material ● Pinch/crash points the actual lift. / equipment.
resulting hand ● Only 20 kg allowed lifting by ● Inspection oh Material Supervisor &
injuries an individual. 3 4 12 Handling equipment prior Engineer
Yes 5 2 10
● Use buddy system if load to use
exceed. ● Provide Manual handling
● Use hand protection (cotton Training to the workers.
gloves minimum) during
handling of materials.
● Keep hands away from
pinch/crash points
● Ensure safe and clear
pathways before lifting.
13 Closing of Permit to ● Poor housekeeping ● Significant property ● Permit Receiver shall ● Permit Receiver shall
Work ● Undisposed waste and appurtenances ensure that housekeeping in account all worker under
materials damage done before, during and his Permit to Work and
● Unaccounted ● Governmental after the work ensure all have signed out
workers violation ● All waste materials on the attendance sheet
● Inadequate ● Environmental generated from the work and clear of the area
communication complaint shall be disposed properly ● Supervising Engineer and
● Poor storage of ● Loss of production and shall not be left Foreman shall adhere to
chemical, ● Accident resulting unattended at the worksite the proper housekeeping
flammable and serious injury or ● Mobile equipment shall and storage of materials at
combustible death to worker properly parked on a the designated location
Supervisor &
materials and etc. ● Significant cost due designated equipment 3 2 6 ● Site Manager shall be Yes 2 2 4
● Unattended unsafe to damages laydown responsible on the
condition ● All materials used at the site effective implementation of
● Unsecured such as chemicals, the Permit to Work
electrical flammable and combustible ● Permit Issuer shall visit the
equipment, materials shall be stored at work location to verify
energized the designated storage at good housekeeping was
equipment the end of each day conducted before closing
● Electrical equipment shall be the Permit to Work
properly secured,
distribution board closed
and padlocked

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