§1 Algebraic Manipulations
There are rarely systematic ways to solve general equations or systems of equations, like
those exhibited with linear equations or quadratics. However, many contest equations are
contrived in a way such that they are made easy with careful manipulations. Thus, being
familiar with some of the more common algebraic tricks can go a long way to solving
general classes of equations.
Due to this unit’s open ended nature, we don’t really have many rigorous theorems.
However, there are a number of important ideas to keep in mind when solving algebraic
• Often times, an equations problem will not ask you to solve for each variable,
rather an expression containing them, such as their sum. In this case, it is rarely
necessary to actually solve for each individual variable. Use the answer form to
your advantage when solving, and try to transform what you are given to what you
• Remember your factorizations so you can spot factorable expressions when working
with big algebraic expressions. (e.g. The expression a3 + b3 + c3 − 3abc looks a lot
more tenable when we realize it is (a + b + c)(a2 + b2 + c2 − ab − ac − bc))
• Know common substitutions associated with certain conditions. For example, when
given xyz = 1, a common substitution would be to set x = ab , y = cb , z = ac . Solving
for a, b, c (up to scaling) can then get us x, y, z.
There exist many other useful, though less common substitutions, such as xyz =
x + y + z + 2 =⇒ ∃ a, b, c such that x = b+c c+a a+b
a , y = b , z = c . It’s not necessarily
worth memorizing these, but just be on the lookout for substitutions like these that
transform messy conditions into easier ones (or eliminate constraints like xyz = 1
Adithya B., Brian L., William W., Daniel X. (4/29) Equations
§2 Polynomials
We begin with the simplest type of equations: polynomials. While there are several
theorem regarding the roots of polynomials (such as the Rational Root Theorem or
Descartes’ Rule of Signs), we’ll focus on techniques that apply to a broader range of
problems: substitution, factoring, and the like.
Example 2.1
Solve 64x6 + 64x5 − 320x4 − 448x3 − 80x2 + 4x + 1 = 0.
Solution. Note that if we substitute u = 2x, we will decrease all the coefficients while
still keeping them integers. We get the new equation is
Now, note that this sequence of coefficients is symmetric, so we center the degrees of the
coefficients about 0, so we divide by u3 . Now, we get
3 1 2 1 1
u + 3 + 2 u + 2 − 20 u + − 56 = 0
u u u
Now, note that each of these terms may be expressed in terms of v = u + u1 . Thus, we
(v 3 − 3v) + 2(v 2 − 2) − 20v − 56 = 0
so v 3 + 2v 2 − 23v − 60 = 0. Now, we test possible values of v until we see that
(v + 3)(v + 4)(v − 5) = 0
−3± 5
√ √
Thus, we have u + 1
u = −3, −4, 5, so u = 2 , −2 ± 3, 5±2 21 , so
√ √ √
−3 ± 5 −2 ± 3 5 ± 21
x= , , .
4 2 4
1000x6 − 1
x + 10x3 + 100x5 = x · .
10x2 − 1
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This is great, because the other two terms have a factor of 1000x6 − 1 :
2000x6 − 2 = 2(1000x6 − 1)
(1000x6 − 1)(20x2 + x − 2)
6 5 3 6 x
2000x +100x +10x +x−2 = (1000x −1) 2 + = .
10x2 − 1 10x2 − 1
so the two real roots of the polynomial come from the second factor, which are
√ √
−1 ± 12 + 4 · 20 · 2 −1 ± 161
= .
40 40
So the answer is −1 + 161 + 40 = 200.
§3 Combining Equations
When faced with systems of equations, it can be useful to consider all of the equations as
a whole. Instead of focusing on each equation individually and trying to solve it, we can
try combining the given equations in a clever way that either directly gives us an answer
or creates cleaner equations to solve.
Solution. We should first ask ourselves how we are going to get the desired answer. In
this case, multiplying the equations we have may seem like a good idea since we can
easily get x5 , however we also get a coefficient of a2 which is hard to convert to an a.
Instead, since we are given a “sequence” of equations of the form axn + by n , we should
think about how to get from axn + by n to axn+1 + by n+1 . Naively, we can try to multiply
the first expression by (x + y) and see what we get. This gives
This is really good, since we know a lot of values of axn + bxn , so we should be able to
set up a system to find x + y and xy. In particular, substituting in n = 2, 3 gives
Adithya B., Brian L., William W., Daniel X. (4/29) Equations
a2 + b2 + c2 = 3
a3 + b3 + c3 = 7
Find a7 + b7 + c7 .
Solution. This ideas in solution should seem familiar to the solution of Example 3.1.
Let Sn = an + bn + cn . The first step is to notice that Sy is going to be hard to calcu-
late by manipulating the given equations. We need some sort of general manipulation
we can use to get to S7 . Therefore, the idea is took for some sort of recursion for Sn .
We are given the initial terms S1 , S2 , and S3 , so we can calculate S7 if we have a recursion.
To create a term of the form an+1 , we want to multiply an by a, so one common idea
may be to multiply an + bn + cn by a + b + c. We obtain,
Sn (a + b + c) = Sn+1 + (an b + an c + bn a + bn c + cn a + cn b)
We want to somehow express the second term in terms of previous Si . Then, we notice
that we will get terms of that form if we multiply Sn−1 by ab + bc + ca. Therefore, we
get from expansion
7 − 3abc = 4 =⇒ abc = 1.
Now, our recursion becomes Sn+1 = Sn + Sn−1 + Sn−2 . From the given values, we have
S4 = 11, S5 = 21, S6 = 39, and S7 = 71.
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a2 + ab + b2 = 1 + i
b2 + bc + c2 = −2
c2 + ca + a2 = 1
Solution. Like the previous question, we should note that we are asked to find (ab+ac+bc)2
instead of a, b, c. What this most likely means is that a, b, c are quite difficult to find.
Expanding, we see that we want to find
The easiest way to get an expression with the a2 bc terms is to just multiply two of the
expressions we are given. For example,
Recall, though, that we want to preserve symmetry, since both our expressions, and our
desired result are symmetrical. We can do this by adding this result with our other two
similar products. Namely,
= (a4 +b4 +c4 )+3(a2 b2 +a2 c2 +b2 c2 )+(a3 b+b3 a+a3 c+c3 a+b3 c+c3 b)+3(a2 bc+ab2 c+abc2 )
Now, let’s try to address the annoying a4 and a3 b terms. Note that these terms all appear
(a2 + ab + b2 )2 = a4 + b4 + 2a3 b + 2ab3 + 3a2 b2
So, if we try a similar symmetric sum as before, note that
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Note: It looks like the last step was a bit magical, as not only did everything we didn’t
want cancel out, but we were left with exactly our final answer. Of course, we knew from
the beginning this would happen, as this is a contest question, and thus there must exist
a certain level of artificiality in order for this question to work, since general systems of
quadratics are quite difficult to solve.
In this case, however, there is a deeper idea behind just the random algebraic iden-
tity we obtained. For the interested reader, note that a2 + ab + b2 looks a lot like Law
of Cosines when the angle is 120◦ . See if you can find a geometric interpretation of the
§4 More Systems
xyz = 8
x y + y z + z 2 x = 73
2 2
Solution. The ugliest expression in this system is the last one, so let’s expand it to see if
it is simplifiable. Expanding, we get
x2 y + y 2 z + z 2 x + x2 z + y 2 x + z 2 y − 6xyz = 98
As the equations are cyclic, we can assume that x = y. Now, the first two equations
x2 z = 8, x3 + x2 z + z 2 x = 73
The second equation rearranges as z 2 = 65 2
x − x , and substituting into the first equation
yields 65x − x = 64. This is a quadratic in x3 which yields
3 6
x3 = 1, 64 =⇒ x = 1, 4
Note: Though this example is easier than the other ones, it demonstrates the importance
of knowing factorizations. After we get x2 y + y 2 z + z 2 x = xy 2 + yz 2 + zx2 , there are ways
to show that we must have two of them are equal with inequalities, but you can save
yourself a lot of time by quickly recognizing that the expression is actually factorable.
§5 A Tricky Example
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Solution. The key to this problem is to try to preserve symmetry for as long as possible.
First, note that adding 1 to each of the fractions on the left makes them a lot simpler, so
let’s break up the −4 on the RHS to do that. We get
x x x x
+ + + = x(x − 11)
x − 3 x − 5 x − 17 x − 19
Zero definitely isn’t going to be the largest real solution to this equation, so we can safely
divide by x as well. Now, the resultant expression is a quintic, which is unfortunately
unsolvable generally. However, in this case, we have symmetry on our side. Note that
both the LHS and RHS are ”centered” around x − 11. So, if we make the substitution
y = x − 11, our equation becomes
1 1 1 1
+ + + =y
y+8 y+6 y−6 y−8
Now, if we group together similar terms on the left, we get
2y 2y 1 1 1
+ 2 = y =⇒ 2 + 2 =
y2 − 64 y − 36 y − 64 y − 36 2
This is a quadratic now, which we can solve, but let’s continue our symmetry argument.
The LHS is now symmetric around y 2 − 50, so if we let z = y 2 − 50, we get
1 1 1
= + =⇒ z 2 − 196 = 4z
2 z − 14 z + 14
√ p √
Quadraticpformula gives z = 2 + 200, so back substituting gives y = 52 + 200 =⇒
x = 11 + 52 + 200. So, our answer is 200 + 52 + 11 = 263.
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§6 Problems
Problem 6.1 (2020 CMIMC Algebra #1). Suppose x is a real number such that
x2 = 10x + 7. Find the unique ordered pair of integers (m, n) such that x3 = mx + n.
Problem 6.2 (Brilliant). Suppose that a and b are real numbers such that ab = 3 and
7 6 −a6 b+b7
a2 + b2 = 8. Find the value of a −aba+b .
Problem 6.3 (2000 AIME I #7). Suppose that x, y, and z are three positive numbers
that satisfy the equations xyz = 1, x + z1 = 5, and y + x1 = 29. Then z + y1 = m
n , where
m and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n.
Problem 6.4 (2010 AIME I #9). Let (a, b, c) be the real solution of the system of
equations x3 − xyz = 2, y 3 − xyz = 6, z 3 − xyz = 20. What is the greatest possible value
of a3 + b3 + c3 ?
Problem 6.5 (2018 CMIMC Algebra #5). Suppose that a,b, and c are nonzero real
numbers such that
1 2 7 1
bc + = ca + = ab + = .
a b c a+b+c
Find a + b + c.
Problem 6.6 (1989 AIME #8). Assume that x1 , x2 , . . . , x7 are real numbers such that
Find the value of 16x1 + 25x2 + 36x3 + 49x4 + 64x5 + 81x6 + 100x7 .
Problem 6.8 (2020 CMIMC Algebra #8). Compute the positive difference between the
two real solutions to the equation
(x − 1)(x − 4)(x − 2)(x − 8)(x − 5)(x − 7) + 48 3 = 0.
Problem 6.10 (AoPS). Let a, b, c be the real roots of x3 − 4x2 − 32x + 17 = 0. Solve
for x in √ √ √
3 3
x − a + x − b + 3 x − c = 0.
Problem 6.11 (2010 HMMT Algebra #5). Suppose that x and y are complex numbers
such that x + y = 1 and x20 + y 20 = 20. Find the sum of all possible values of x2 + y 2 .
Problem 6.12 (2019 CMIMC Algebra #6). Let a,b, and c be the distinct solutions to
the equation x3 − 2x2 + 3x − 4 = 0. Find the value of
1 1 1
+ + .
a(b2 + c − a ) b(c + a − b ) c(a + b2 − c2 )
2 2 2 2 2 2
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Problem 6.13 (2010 HMMT Algebra #7). Let x, y, z, a, b, c be nonzero complex numbers
such that x + y + z = 67 and xy + yz + xz = 2010. Given that
b+c c+a a+b
= a, = b, = c,
x−3 y−3 z−3
Find the value of xyz.
Problem 6.14 (2013 HMMT Algebra #8). Let x, y be complex numbers such that
x2 +y 2 x4 +y 4 x6 +y 6
x+y = 4 and x3 +y 3 = 2. Find all possible values of x5 +y 5 .
Problem 6.15 (EGMO 2019/1). Find all triples (a, b, c) of real numbers such that
ab + bc + ca = 1 and
a2 b + c = b2 c + a = c2 a + b.
Problem 6.16 (Mexico 2011/3). Let n be a positive integer. Find all real solutions
(a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) to the system:
a21 + a1 − 1 = a2
a22 + a2 − 1 = a3
a2n + an − 1 = a1
Problem 6.17 (2006 Putnam B1). Show that the curve x3 + 3xy + y 3 = 1 contains only
one set of three distinct points, A, B, and C, which are vertices of an equilateral triangle,
and findits area.