Brochure PWC PDF
Brochure PWC PDF
Brochure PWC PDF
PwC Consulting
Consulting Services
PwC leverages unparalleled operational
capabilities to help clients rapidly close the
gap between ideas and results
Who We Are 4
Our Services 5
Operations Strategy and Transformation 6
Product Innovation and Development 7
Procurement and Sourcing 8
Production and Supply Chain Operations 9
Service Operations 10
Asset Lifecycle Management 11
Post-Merger Operations Integration 12
Contacts 13
We have the operations consulting scale to serve clients both globally and locally
Nor t h America
Operations 1,250
A si a
r esources Operations
Pa ci fic
r esources
r esources
La t in America
r esources
5. Service Operations
6. Asset Lifecycle Management
Tax Optimization
7. Post-Merger Operations Integration
What is it?
We work with clients to help design their operating model to deliver their business strategy, and then
make that operating model a reality. Business growth and profitability goals are the guiding beacon.
Insight is obtained into a variety of operations aspects: customers, processes, technology, information,
structure and people. Implementation is collaborative, multi-dimensional and driven to produce rapid
results. Practical and complete answers to the most complex business questions are enabled by our
deep industry and multi-functional experience.
What is it?
We work with clients to bring innovative business models, offerings, products, services and solutions
to market to meet their customers’ needs faster and more cost effectively than their competitors. By
enhancing innovation capabilities, bringing efficiency to the R&D process and improving the customer
ex perience, we help our clients grow and gain additional market share. Our depth across the spectrum
of innovation strategy, product/service strategy, development project execution, global development
operations, and product lifecycle management helps rapidly build the bridge from ideas to results.
Pr odu ct a nd Service
Or ga nizational and IT
Bu sin ess Innovation In n ovation a nd
En a blement
Dev elopment
Innovation Global
Innovation Portfolio Development PLM
Operating Development
Strategy Management Excellence Sys tems
Model Operations
Hel ping ou r Est a blishing the In cr easing Opt imizing Hel ping ou r
r esou rces, Hel pi ng ou r
cl i ents define n ew pr oduct i n n ovation cl ients select
or ga nization, cl ients define
pa ths to pr ofit growth a n d R&D and implement
pr ocesses, win ning
m or e by increasing foot print for opt imal PLM
m etrics and i n n ovation
pr ofitable dev elopment gr eater (pr oduct
ot h er elements a n d product
gr owth, from pr oductivity, a ccess t o l ifecycle
t o cr eate st r ategies,
cor e pr oduct m a naging m a rkets, m a nagement)
in cremental opt imize
dev elopment com pl exity idea s, and sy stems and
and por t folios
t o r a dical a n d r educing t a lent, and r ea lize rapid
br eakthrough a n d balance
bu siness t ime t o for cost a nd Ret urn on
in n ovations r oa dmaps
i n n ovation m a rket t a x efficiency In v estment
What is it?
We help clients transform procurement into a strategic, commercially focused function with strong,
cross-enterprise linkages and financial impact. We bring the analytical skills and category experience
to rapidly identify and realize cost savings while also improving service levels and mitigating risk. We
also guide clients through decisions and the implementation of mission-critical outsourced or shared
services and capital programs. Robust contract and supplier management capabilities help realize
sav ings, achieve the targeted service levels and manage risks proactively.
Bu si ness
St ra t egy Strategy Excellence
Procu remen t
Vi si on
Procu remen t St rategy
Ca t egory
St r ategy
St r ategic
Sou r cing Dem a nd
Risk Ma n a gement
Process Excellence
Con tract and Ma n a gement
Com pliance Su pplier
Ma nagement Ma n a gement
T r ansaction
Ma n a gement
Or ga nization
Da t a and Information
T echnol ogy
Infrastructure Excellence
Peopl e
Met ri cs
What is it?
We work with clients to help develop and implement production and supply chain strategies that
balance flexibility and cost goals while delivering superior performance and competitive advantage.
We help define and implement leading, technology-enabled planning capabilities that define customer
demand and align capacity across the enterprise and the extended supply chain. We help improve the
fulfillment of customer demand and returns on inventory. In the production area, we work to improve
the cost, service and quality of both in-house and outsourced operations. We help improve delivery
logistics (transportation, warehousing) while balancing cost and service objectives. In the often
neglected area of post-sales support, we work to lower cost and increase customer satisfaction by
improving field service, reverse logistics, spare parts and warranty/repair operations.
What is it?
In industries as diverse as healthcare, financial services and government, as well as the service
function of product companies, we help clients deliver the desired customer experience efficiently and
effectively. Customer interface, customer engagement, service delivery and back office operations are
harmonized to fulfill the service mission and drive customer loyalty, and are improved to do so cost-
effectively. The art and science of excellent service are enabled by our combined industry depth and
understanding of leading practices.
What is it?
We help clients improve their installed asset base and capital expenditures through capital portfolio
management, effective project selection, and robust strategies to operate and maintain assets. We
assist clients through the end-to-end process of planning, designing, procuring,
constructing/implementing, commissioning and decommissioning complex greenfield or brownfield
projects. We also help clients improve the upkeep and reliability of vital assets by applying leading
practices in identification, planning, scheduling and execution of maintenance activities. Our asset
management capabilities include fleet and realestate management.
What is it?
We assist clients identify and quantify synergies to create, monitor and execute their post-deal integration
plans and to outline and mitigate the integration / carve out risks. Our services embed a proven
methodology and an expansive set of process tools, templates, and guides to support the overall
integration / carve out.
Yudie Siswanto
+62 818 611840
This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for
consultation with professional advisors.
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