Unit 6
Unit 6
Unit 6
6.0 Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Data and Data Processing
6.2.1 Data and Information : Meaning
6.2.2 Data Processing
6.3 Data Processing System
6.4 Methods of Processing Data
6.4.1 Manually
6.4.2 Mechanically
6.4.3 Electromechanically
6.4.4 Electronically
6.5 Developments in Data Processing
6.6 Basic Data Processing Operations
6.6.1 Information Processing Cycle
6.6.2 Data Processing Activities
6.7 Data Storage Hierarchy
6.8 Modes of Data Processing
6.8.1 Interactive Processing
6.8.2 Batch Processing
6.8.3 On-line Processing
6.8.4 Multi-access and Time-sharing System
6.8.5 Distributed Processing
6.9 Advantages of Data Processing
6.10 Summary
6.11 Answers to Self Check Exercises
6.12 Keywords
6.13 References and Further Reading
After reading this Unit, you will be able to:
• describe the basic concepts of data processing;
• define the terms data, data processing and data processing system;
• learn about the role of computers in data processing and the basic structure
of a computer based data processing system;
• learn about different methods of processing data and the developments
taking place in this direction;
• describe the five basic data processing operations; and
• discuss the different modes of data processing.
176 Organisations come into existence to meet particular needs and to fulfill certain
objectives. All organisations, large or small, depend on reliable and up-to-date
information; but as organisations grow in size and complexity – in terms of Data Processing
their activities, the number of employees involved, the amount of money
expended, the number of suppliers and customers – the collection, storage and
retrieval of information needs to be formalised. A common approach to coding,
with agreement on the meaning of codes, is necessary; the source and
availability of information needs to be known; and above all, the correct
information needs to be made available at the right time for decisions to be
The operations of a digital computer are carried out by logic circuit and data is
input stored and processed and transmitted to other humans or another computer.
In this Unit, you will be introduced to certain basic concepts of data processing
in computer systems. You will learn how computers can be used to process
data. The need for converting facts into useful information is not a phenomenon
of modern life. Throughout history, and even prehistory, people have found it
necessary to sort data into forms that were easier to understand. For example,
the ancient Egyptians recorded the ebb and flow of the Nile River and used
this information to predict yearly crop yields. Today, computers convert data
about land and water into recommendations to farmers on crop planting.
Mechanical aids to computation were developed and improved throughout the
seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. Modern computers are
marvels of an electronics technology which can process data with great speed
and accuracy. Information is accurate when it is free of errors. Inaccurate
information can result from the use of inaccurate data. In the world of computers,
the acronym GIGO refers to the use of inaccurate data. It stands for Garbage-
In, Garbage-Out. If incorrect data (garbage) is put into the computer, the
information the user gets from the computer will also be incorrect (garbage).
Batch introduces a time-lag into the processing cycle but also introduces some
useful controls e.g. checking that a batch contains the required number of
documents helps to detect and correct document loss.
ii) Check your answer with the answers given at the end of this Unit.
6.4.1 Manually
Originally, all data was processed manually (by hand). Even prehistoric cave
dwellers kept records by drawing pictures and symbols on cave walls to record
such information as the number of animals they had killed for food. Throughout
history, people have processed data manually. When small amounts of data
are involved, this is often the most efficient method. You are processing data
manually when you take notes in class and when you write a check to pay a
By 3500 B.C., the Babylonians were using clay tablets to record information
and to improve communications. About the same time, the Egyptians developed
papyrus (a crude type of paper) and the calmus (a sharp pen) for use in recording
information. One of the first calculating devices was the abacus. Prior to this
century, most data processing was done manually and main tools used to process
data were pens, pencils, rulers, journals, and ledgers.
6.4.2 Mechanically
Use of a manual typewriter is an example of processing data mechanically (by
machine). The typewriter, first introduced in the early 1900s, is a mechanical
recording device which increased writing speeds and improved legibility.
Blaise Pascal, a Frenchman, led the way in mechanical processing with his
development in 1642 of the first mechanical adding machine, called Pascal’s
In the early 1800s Charles Babbage, an English inventor and mathematician,
decided to build a machine that could solve mathematical equations. He
designed a model of what he called a Difference Engine on paper. Then he
went on to design the Analytical Engine in 1856, another mechanical machine
capable of performing even more complex mathematical calculations. The
device contained the major elements found in modern digital computers: an
input device, a processing unit, a control unit, a storage unit, and an output
device. Due to these important contributions, Charles Babbage is now
recognised as the “Father of the Computer”. Following World War I,
customised accounting machines appeared. Most were designed for specific
Introduction to Computer purposes, such as recording retail sales or calculating a payroll, and they even
allowed the user to combine processing steps.
6.4.3 Electromechanically
Both mechanical and electronic devices are used to process data
electromechanically. Unlike a mechanical device, a truly electronic device
does not have internal moving parts.
Professor Howard Aiken of Harvard University built an electromechanical
machine in 1944. This machine, called the Mark I, contained both mechanical
and electronic parts. Data was stored electronically inside the machine with
the use of electromagnetic relays. Mathematical calculations, however, were
performed by the machine’s internal mechanical counters. This machine was
the largest electromechanical calculator ever built. It used over 3000 electrically
actuated switches to control its operations. Although its operations were not
controlled electronically, Aiken’s machine is often classified as a computer
because its instructions, which were entered by means of a punched paper
tape, could be altered. Many machines used today are electro-mechanical. For
example most computer printers contain both mechanical and electronic parts.
6.4.4 Electronically
A computer is an electronic device that contains no internal moving parts. It
consists electronic circuitry carefully designed to allow data to be processed
by directing the flow of electricity through the circuitry using tiny “on” and
“off” switches.
Even as the Mark I computer was being constructed, work was underway to
introduce electronics into the design of computers. Dr. John Atanasoff, a
professor of physics at lowa State College, developed an electronic machine
to solve certain mathematical equations. This machine was called the Atanasoff-
Berry Computer, or ABC, after Atanasoff and his assistant, Clifford Berry. It
used 45 vacuum tubes for internal logic and capacitors for storage.
In 1946, J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly built the first all-electronic
computer, called the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And
Calculator).It was developed as a result of a military need. The ENIAC took
up the wall space in a 20 × 40 foot room and used 18,000 vaccum tubes.
Though, it was fully electronic, the ENIAC had two major shortcomings: it
could store and manipulate only a very limited amount of information, and its
programs were wired on boards. These limitations made it difficult to detect
errors and to change the programs.
In recent years, several technological improvements have resulted in the
development of modern digital computers with tremendous capabilities.
Self Check Exercises
2) List the four methods of data processing.
3) Briefly discuss the primary historical contributions of Pascal, Babbage,
Eckert and Mauchly, and Atanasoff and Berry to data processing.
Note: i) Write your answers in the space given below. Data Processing
ii) Check your answers with the answers given at the end of this Unit.
Regardless of the method used, all information processing follows the same
basic information processing cycle, shown in Figure 6.4. When using a
computer, data must first be input, or entered, into the computer where it is
then processed into information. After processing, the resulting information
is obtained via an output device, such as a monitor or printer. The information
may also be stored for future use.
Input P
In this Unit you have learnt some basic concepts concerning data processing
in computer systems. You studied about the origin of data processing and the
various technical developments that led to the widespread use of digital
computers in business and industry. You also learnt about the various methods
of data processing viz., manual, mechanical, electro-mechanical and
electronical. You also studied about data processing, tracing its history till
date. You also learnt about the basic data processing operations, which are
inputting, storing, processing, outputting, and controlling. Information
processing follows an information processing cycle in which data is input,
processed, stored and output. You studied various data processing activities
like capturing of input data, manipulating the data and managing the output
results. You learnt about data storage hierarchy and various modes of data
Batch Processing : Computer jobs are grouped together, stored
in the computer and run one at a time.
Bit : Abbreviated from of Binary digit. A
smallest unit of information or storage
represented in the memory as 0 or 1
Byte : Group of 8 bits is normally called a byte.
Generally, a character is represented in one
Code : A set of rules outlining the way in which
data may be represented; also, rules used
to convert data from one representation to
another. To write a program or routine.
Computer Network : A collection of large and small computers,
data communication equipment and
computer terminals which allow a number
of users to access a number of mainframe
Data : Raw facts relating to some event.
Database : A stored collection of the data that are
needed by organisations and individuals
to meet their information processing and
retrieval requirements.
Direct Processing : The technique of directly locating,
retrieving, and updating and a file record
without the need to read preceding or
succeeding the records.
Interactive Computing : Direct conversation between a user and the Data Processing
computer they are using.