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Ancient Greece (Solo Enzo)

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Ancient Greece

Lessons Exercises
Enzo Cano Gafarot
Lesson 2
Explain the importance of
Zeus= He was important because he was considered as a good and he was the dad of gods
and goddess
Mount Olympus= It was important because it was the place were the most important gods
myth= This was important because thanks to this stories that people did for gods they
know the characteristics of a god and the fights they had.
Olympics= Thanks to the Olympic Games they made they could see with man, not woman
because they couldn’t participate, could became a good soldier.
Epic poem= thanks to the epic poems that were passed through generations they could
know about ancient heroes of Greece
fable= A fable was important because it always showed something to kids. In the last
sentence there was always something called moral that always explained what you should
not do
How were Greek religious beliefs and Greek
literature linked? Write your answers
Greek Religious Beliefs Greek Literarure

Thanks to the stories they made of gods they where able to

imagine their adventures and characteristics

The Myths stories they writhed where passed through

they were and both oralable
they where in to
the early years.
remember them andThey
the both honour the gods and goddesses. They
also have many thingsstories
they made behind them.
for Greeks
They writhed a lot about gods and goddesses and then they
give it to the next generation for them to know about them. So
literature created religion and literature can modify it

The Greeks created myths stories to explain the creation of the

world and of human beings.
Why was mythology important to the
lives of ancient Greeks?
Mythology was very important for Greeks people because they needed someone or something to
explain why where natural disasters happened, like per example the creation of the world and of
human beings...

What role did religious festivals play in

Greek life?
Greek people made a religious festival ones a month to honour gods and goddesses. This festival
consisted on having a hole day of holidays to pray a certain god. Every month they pray a
different the
godstories explained the creation of the world and human beings.

How are the Iliad and the Odyssey

Iliad people and Odyssey people they where connected because of war they made Iliad people.
An Iliad person kidnap a queen from the Odyssey so Odyssey people surround Iliad for nine
years to recuperate the Queen and capture the kidnapper
Critical Thinking
What lesson might the Greeks have
learned from the myth of Prometheus?

Prometheus was a good who stole the fire from the gods and gave it to
humans so they could also use it. Then gods punished him because gods
wanted the fire just for them. I think people could learn a lot of things from
this story. They could learn that stilling is not good or they could learn that
gods can also be bad and selfish.
Critical Thinking
In what key ways were the religions of
Egypt and Greece similar and different?
Different in Egypt Similar Different in Greece

Egyptians focused on actions rather than The Ancient Greek gods traits focused more
They believed in many gods
words to pray gods on creativity rather than physical works

They believed in honoring the gods

and keeping them happy

They both built special places for their

gods to live
Lesson 3
Explain the importance of
polis: Polis was important because it is want divided Greece in to different city-
states with different rules.
oligarchy: This political systems was important because it was the first one to not
be ruled by kings or monarchs.
aristocracy: This is another name for the upper class and nobles where important
because they thought their antecesores where heroes.
tyrant: This people was important because they gave voice to poor mases people
and created the direct democracy.
citizen: A citizen was important because if you were a citizen you could participate
in the government.
democracy: Thanks to democracy poor people could participate in the government.
In which form of government do the
fewest people share power?
Monarchy Oligarchy Democracy

A small group of citizens ruled the All citizens took part in the government
A king or queen ruled the government.
government. (but not all people were citizens).
as they were both oral in the early years. They both honour the gods and goddesses. They
also have many stories behind
Many kings or queens claimed that the
Aristocratic birth, wealth, or land
Neither wealth nor social status affected
gods gave them the right to rule. The ownership gave this group the right to
the right to make decisions.
monarch’s son usually was the next ruler. rule.

Lesson 4
The Persian Wars

Persia conquered much of Southwest Asia and a king and a a highly organized
government ruled the resulting empire. In 500 b.C. they conquered Anatolia
tha was a region with many Greek colonies. In 499 b.C some people of in
Anatatolia revolved again Persia so Athens send a ship to help them but it
didn’t work. Persia decided to punish Athens for interfering So in 490
Persians arrived near the Athens, on the plain of Marathon. Athens send a
message to Sparta but it was to late because Persian were greatly outnumbered
so they had to use a clever plan. Greeks surrounded them and attacked and
became I close fighting Greek could spread easily the Persians lost 6,400 men.
The Greeks lost only 192. Legens said that a man runed 25 miles from
Marathon to Athens so he could advise and Athens could win.
Greek Victory

In 480 B.C., Persia again invaded Greece but Greece city-states united and an
army of 300 Spartans guarded the narrow pass at Thermopylae to stop a
Persian army from reaching Athens. This army hold two days before the
Persians killed them all but their sacrifice gave the Athenians time to prepare
for battle. The Athens left their city and the battle took place in a narrow body
of water where the large Persian fleet could barely move. Greek ships sunk
about 300 Persian ships, and the war ended.
Sparta Information
Boys were encouraged to steal food.
Spartan men were required to stay fit and ready to fight from 20 years old until the age of 60.
The term "spartan" is often used to describe something simple or without comfort.
The Spartans considered themselves to be direct descendents of the Greek hero Hercules.
Spartans didn't study philosophy, art, or theatre, they studied war.
Laws were made by a council of 30 elders which included the two kings.
Spartan boys were trained to be soldiers from their youth. They were raised by their mothers until the age
of seven and then they would enter a military school called the Agoge. At the Agoge the boys were
trained how to fight, but also learned how to read and write.
Sparta entered its long-term decline after a severe military defeat by Epaminondas of Thebes at the Battle
of Leuctra. Despite their military might, the Spartans' dominance was short-lived: in 371 BC, they were
defeated by and their empire entered a long period of decline.
Sparta was a city-state located in the southeastern Peloponnese region of
ancient Greece. Sparta had many enemies such as the city-states of Athens and
Thebes because they conquered its neighbouring region of Messinia.
Bad Things Good Things
To surrender in battle was the most shameful Sparta was one of the most powerful city-states
thing that could happen to a man. Spartan in Ancient Greece. It is famous for its powerful
soldiers were expected to fight fearlessly and to army as well as its battles with the city-state of
the last man. Surrender was considered the Athens during the Peloponnesian War. Sparta is
symbol of cowardice, and warriors who far superior to Athens because their army was
voluntarily laid down their arms were so fierce and protective, girls received some
ashamed that they often resorted to suicide. education and women had more freedom than in
other poleis.
Resources of the Sparta information






Athens information
Athens is Europe’s oldest capital.
Athens has experienced almost every form of government.
The ancient Olympic games were never held in Athens.
Athens is the place where the first known democracy was created.
Athens represents millennia of architectural styles.
The marathon event was created for the modern Olympic Games held in Athens.
Many intellectual and artistic ideas where originally created there.
Slaves made up about a quarter of the working population on Athens. Most were people who had been
captured in warfare and sold to slave dealers. They were then put on sale in the slave market.
Athena was the Goddess of War, the female counterpart of Ares.
Athens was the largest and most powerful Greek state. It was a city with lots of beautiful
public buildings, shops and public baths. The people of Athens lived below the Acropolis.
Athens was not so focused on war and having a city-state based in constantly fitting so they
made a city-state focused on art and education.
Bad Things Good Things
The government was corrupted and dominated Athens was the largest and most influential of
by the elite of the city-state. That greed would the Greek city-states. It had many fine buildings
cause Athens to seek an empire through the and was named after Athena, the goddess of
Delian League which alienated its neighbors. wisdom and warfare. The Athenians invented
Another weakness of Athens was that it relied democracy, a new type of government where
heavily on its navy and did not have a strong every citizen could vote on important issues,
army. Their main problem where democracy, its such as whether or not to declare war. Athenians
leadership, and its arrogance. The democracy thought of themselves as the best city-state in all
produced many great leaders, but unfortunately, of ancient Greece. They believed they produced
also many bad leaders. Their arrogance was a the best literature, the best poetry, the best
result of great leadership in the Persian Wars, drama, the best schools and many other Greek
and it led to the end of Athenian power in city-states agreed with them.
Resources of the Athens information







Similarities & Differences
between Sparta and Athens
Mandatory Military service They both had an assembly Not as militarily based
Population of 100.000 people Military service was optional
8.000 man were free and the rest were slaves Population of 140.000 people
Dependent on agriculture More than 100.000 slaves
Contra was laid back They were popular and powerful city-states Dependent on agriculture and trade
Oligarchy (ruled by a few) Culture was looking forward
Two kings, five overseers, council, assembly Democratic government
Women were more independent Freeman were all male citizens
Aristocrats at the top, female in the middle,
Slaves were constantly rebelling
rank and thetes at the bottom.
They were in the Peloponnesian Language They were enemies between them Treated slaves the nicest
Strong army on land They were in the Delian League
Girls were well educated and treated more as
Strong Navy
Trained to dislike luxuries and fancy foods Girls received little formal education
Men lived most of their lives in military
They both had alliances Girls learned domestic arts
More focusing on raising strong individuals Enjoyed luxuries and good food
(Extra Unit) Lesson 2
and 3

Explain the importance of

Peloponnesian War: Sparta made a league composed of Peloponnesus city-

states and it was important because they use it to declare war on Athenians
and provoke the Peloponnesus war.
Plague: It was important because a plague exterminated one-third of it
population and army.
Truce: It is important because it is what Athenians made to try stopping the
Peloponnesus war but it didn’t work.

Answer to this questions

3. Why did smaller city-states resent Athenian control?
The small city-states started to resent Athenian control because they became
so powerful that they where scared if they will be invaded by them. They
started to get resent of Athens because when they had the power of the
Delian League they treated city-states as if they were conquer.
4. What was the Peloponnesian League and who led it?
It was a league composed of Peloponnesus city-states that was made to
declare war to Athenians. It was leaded by Sparta.
5. Why did the Greek city-states lose power after the Peloponnesian War?
Because after Athens lost all the city-states because of the war for 50 long
years they were tiered of fighting and lost power.

Explain the importance of

Catapult: It was important because they used it to throw stones at enemy

forces and city walls.
Alexander the Great: He was an important leader of the Macedonian empire
and he was important because he expanded a lot the empire in a short time.
Hellenistic: It was important because the Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian
styles and customs became known as Hellenistic culture.
Alexandria: It was important because it was the most famous of the
Hellenistic cities.

How did Alexander spread Greek

influence in new cities he founded?

Alexander conquers a lot of cities and in each of them he made colonies and
he also built cities based on Greek culture.

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