(@bohring - Bot) DPS - QP - MHT-CET MERGED
(@bohring - Bot) DPS - QP - MHT-CET MERGED
(@bohring - Bot) DPS - QP - MHT-CET MERGED
1. The least resistance that one can have from six 6. Two wires made of same material have lengths in
resistors of each 0.1 ohm resistance is the ratio 1 : 2 and their volumes are also in the
1) 0.167 2) 0.00167 same ratio. The ratio of their resistances is
3) 1.67 4) 0.0167 1) 4 : 1 2) 2 : 1 3) 1 : 2 4) 1 : 4
2. A metallic wire of resistance 20 ohm stretched until 7. In the circuit given below all resistances are of
its length is doubled. Its resistance is values 5 ohm each. The currents i1 and i2 given
1) 20 2) 40 3) 80 4) 60 that the e.m.f. of the cell is 11V are
3. A current of 4 ampere is passing through a
conductor which is having a potential difference
of 10 V . Its conductance is
1) 0.4 mho 2) 2.5 mho 3) 40 mho 4) 4 mho
4. Two wires made of same material have their
electrical resistances in the ratio 1 : 4. If their
lengths are in the ratio 1 : 2, the ratio of their
masses is 1) 0.6 A, 0.2A 2) 0.4A, 0.6A
1) 1: 1 2) 1 : 8 3) 8 : 1 4) 2 : 1 3) 0.8 A, 0.4A 4) 0.2A, 0.4A
5. The current 'i' in the circuit given aside is 8. The current in 2 ohms resistor in the circuit is
x y z
61. Angle between line and the plane 3x
(1) (2) 2 3 4
3 2
+ 2y – 3z = 4 is
(3) (4) None of these (1) 45° (2) 0°
56. The equation of the perpendicular from the point (3) 90° (4) cos–1 27 22
() to the plane ax + by + cz + d = 0 is
(1) a(x – a) + b(y – b) + c(z – g) = 0 62. The zero vector has
(1) no direction
x y z (2) direction towards a particular point
a b c (3) direction towards the origin
(3) a(x – a) + b(y – b) + c(z – g) = abc (4) indeterminate direction
(4) None of these
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
Which one of the following is correct
(1) two unit vectors are parllel
(2) two unit vectors are equal
69. If the position vectors of four points P, Q, R,S re-
spectively 2a + 4c, 5a + 3 3 b + 4c, – 2 3 b + c
(3) two unit vectors are equal when they are paral- and 2a + c then
(1) PQ || RS (2) PQ RS
(4) two unit vectors are equal in magnitude
64. If in a parallelogram PQRS, sides PQ and QR are
represented by vector a and b respectively then (3) PQ RS (4) none of these
the side represented by a + b is 70. If a, b, c, d are four linearly independent vectors
(1) PR (2) RS and xa + yb + zc + ud = 0, then
(3) QS (4) PQ (1) x + y + z + u = 0 (2) x + y = z + u
65. If G is the centroid of the ABC, then GB + GC (3) x + z = y + u (4) all correct
equals 71. The projection of vector i + 2j + 2k on x-axis is
(1) GA (2) AG (1) 2 (2) 1
(3) 2GA (4) AB
(3) 5 (4) 3
66. If ABCD is a rhombus whose diagonals cut at the
72. The unit vector perpendicular to both vectors a and
b is
origin O, then OA OB OC OD is equal to
a b
(1) a × b (2)
(1) AB AC (2) AB BC a.b
a b a .b
(3) | a b | (4) | a || b |
(3) 2( AC BD ) (4) 0
67. If 2i + 4j – 5k and i + 2j + 3k are two sides of a 73. For any three vectors a, b, c ; a × (b + c) + b ×(c +
parallelogram, then the unit vector along the diago- a) + c × (a + b) equals
nal determined by these sides is (1) a + b + c (2) [a b c]
(3i 6 j 2k )
(3) a × b × c (4) 0
(1) (2) i + 2j + 8k 74. For any two vectors a, b; {|a × b|2 + (a.b)2} + a2b2
( i 2 j 8k ) (1) a2 b2 (2) 2a2b2
(3) – i – 2j + 8k (4)
69 (3) 0 (4) none of these
68. If p.v. of vertices of a tetrahedron are i – j – k, –i + 75. If a, b, c are position vectors of the vertices of a
j – k, – i – j + k and i + j + k, then its centre is trirangle, then the area of the traingle is equal to
(1) origin (2) i + j + k 1
(1) [a b c]
i jk 2
(3) (4) none of these
4 1
(2) [b × c + c × a + a × b]
(3) a × (b × c)
(4) [b × c c × a a × b]
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
01-4 02-3 03-1 04-1 05-1 06-4 07-1 08-4 09-1 10-2
11-3 12-3 13-2 14-2 15-4 16-2 17-2 18-1 19-4 20-3
26-3 27-3 28-4 29-3 30-2 31-2 32-3 33-4 34-2 35-3
36-4 37-2 38-4 39-2 40-4 41-3 42-4 43-3 44-4 45-1
51-1 52-3 53-2 54-4 55-2 56-2 57-3 58-4 59-2 60-2
61-2 62-4 63-4 64-1 65-2 66-4 67-1 68-1 69-1 70-4
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
01-4 02-3 03-1 04-1 05-1 06-4 07-1 08-4 09-1 10-2
11-3 12-3 13-2 14-2 15-4 16-2 17-2 18-1 19-4 20-3
26-3 27-3 28-4 29-3 30-2 31-2 32-3 33-4 34-2 35-3
36-4 37-2 38-4 39-2 40-4 41-3 42-4 43-3 44-4 45-1
51-1 52-3 53-2 54-4 55-2 56-2 57-3 58-4 59-2 60-2
61-2 62-4 63-4 64-1 65-2 66-4 67-1 68-1 69-1 70-4
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
1. Immediately fill in the particulars on this page of the Test Booklet with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen. Use of
pencil is strictly prohibited.
2. The test is of 90 min. duration.
3. The Test Booklet consists of 75 questions. The maximum marks are 100.
4. There are three parts in the question paper consisting of Physics, Chemistry, Maths having 25 questions
in each part. Each question in Physics and Chemistry is allotted 1 (one) mark and in Maths each
question is allotted 2 (two) mark for correct response.
1. An - particle moves from E to W in a magnetic 4. Two parallel, long wires carry currents i1 & i2
field perpendicular to the plane of the paper and (i1 > i2) when the currents are in the same direction, the
into the paper. The particle is deflected towards magnetic induction at a point midway between the two
a) East b) West c) South d) North wires is X. If the direction of i2 is reversed, the magnetic
2. The force acting on a charge ‘q’ moving with a induction becomes 2x, then i1/ i2 is
velocity V in a magnetic field of induction B is a) 1 b) 2 c)3 d)4
given by 5. A magnetic dipole placed in two perpendicular
magnetic fields B and B0 is in equilibrium making
q Vx B
a) b) an angle with B then.
Vx B q
a) B = B0 b) B cos = Bosin
c) q ( Vx B) d) (V . B)q c) B sin = Bo Cos d) B = Bo tan
3 A rectangular loop carrying current I is located near 6. When a current carrying coil is placed in a uniform
an infinite long straight conductor carrying current magnetic field of induction B, then a torque t acts
I as shown in the figure. The loop, on it. If I is the current, n is the number of turns
and A is the face area of the coil and the normal
to the coil makes an angle with B, Then
a) t = B I n A b) t = B I n A sin
c) t = B I n A cos d) t = B I n A tan
7. An ammeter has a resistance of G ohm and a range
a) remain stationary of ‘i’ ampere. The value of resistance used in
b) is attracted towards the wire parallel, to convert into an ammeter of range ‘ni’
c) is repelled away from the wire ampere is
d) will rotate about an axis parallel to the wire a) nG b) (n-1)G c) G/n d) G/n-1
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
A conducting circular loop of radius ‘r’ carries a
constant current ‘i’ It is placed in a uniform
14. A long straight thin conductor has a current of’i’
ampere. The magnetic induction B away from the
magnetic field B0 such that B0 is perpendicular to conductor at a distance ‘r’ from its axis varies as
the plane of the loop. The magnetic force acting on shown in
the loop is
a) i r Bo b) 2 ri Bo c) zero d) riBo
9. A coil of area A, turns N and carrying current i is
placed with its face parallel to the lines of magnetic
induction B. The work done in rotating the coil a) b)
through an angle of 1800 is
a) iNAB b) 2iNAB c) iNAB/2 d) zero
10. The intensity of magnetic induction at the centre of
a current-carrying circular coil is B1 and at a point
on its axis at a distance equal to its radius from the
centre is B2,thenB1/B2 is
1 1 c) d)
a) 2 2 b) c) d) 2
2 2 2
a) 1 i2 b) 1 i2 c) 1 i2
d) 1 i2 d) none of the above
i1 i1 i1 i1 18. A wooden piece floats half susmerged in a tub of
water. If the system is transferred to a lift ascend-
13. A current ‘i’ amp flows along an infinitely long ing with acceleration the wooden piece will:
straight thin conductor. Then the magnetic induction
a) sink a little more
at any point on the axis of the conductor is
b) rise a little
0 2i 0 i c) remain half submerged
a) infinity b) zero c)
4 r d) 4 r
d) will sink to the bottom
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
Water flows through a frictionless duct with a cross-
section varying as shown in figure. Pressure p at
points along the axis is represented by:
21. A water drop is divided into 8 equal droplets. The
pressure difference between the inner and outer
side of the big drop will be
a) same as for smaller droplet
b) 1/2 of that for smaller droplet
c) 1/4 of that for smaller droplet
d) twice that for smaller droplet
22. The depth of water at which an air bubble of radius
0.4 mm may ramain in equilibrium is
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
26. To suppress the dissociation of acetic acid, the 33. For which of the following aqueous solutions, the
compound to be added to it is normality and molarity are NOT same?
(a) sodium oxalate b) sodium acetate a) CH3CO2H b) H3PO2
(c) sodium carbonate d) sodium nitrate c) H3PO3 d) HNO3
27. Which of the following is correct? 34. For a solution of density, d in g/ml containing solute
of molecular weight W the molarity and molality
a) Ka (weak acid).Kb(conjugate weak base)= Kw
are related by:
b) Ka (strong acid). Kb(conjugate weak base) =Kw
c) Ka (weak acid). Kb ( weak base) = Kw d 1 W d 1 W
a) b)
d) Ka (weak acid). Kb(conjugate strong base) = Kw M m 1000 m M 1000
28. The solubility of a salt A2B3 in 1.0 x 10–3 M. Its W 1 d d W 1
solubility product is c) d)
M m 1000 m M 1000
a) 1.08 x 10–13 b) 1.08 x 10–15 35. An X molal solution in carbon tetrachloride show
c) 1.08 x 10–10 b) 1.08 x 10–17 the mole fraction of solute equal to 0.23527. The
29. A precipitate is formed when value of X is
a) The solution becomes saturated a) 1.55 b) 1.82 c) 2.00 d) 2.16
b) The ionic product is less than the solubility 36. When 200g of 10% solution was cooled part of
product the solute precipitated and the concentration of
c) The ionic product is nearly equal to the solubility solution become 6%. The mass of the precipitated
product solute is
d) The ionic product exceeds the solubility product a) 6.2 g b) 8.5 g c) 12.6 g d) 14.0 g
37. The solubility of a gas in water depends on
30. When equal volumes of the following solutions are
a) Nature of the gas b) Temperature
mixed, precipitation will occur only with :
c) Pressure of the gas d) All of these
K sp 1.8 x10 10 38. For the reaction N 2O4 ( g ) 2 NO2 ( g )
(a) 10 4 MAg and 104 MCl the relation connecting the degree of dissociation
( ) of N 2O4 ( g ) with the equilibrium constant K p
(b) 105 MAg and 105 MCl
(c) 10 6 MAg and 106 MCl
Kp / P Kp
(d) 10 10
MAg and 10
MCl (a) 4 K / P (b) 4 K
p p
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
56. A body of mass 6gm is in rectilinear motion accord-
51. Let the equation of a curve be ing to the law s 1 log e (t 1) (t 1)3
x a sin , y a 1 cos , .if (s is in cm and t is in sec’s) . The K.E of the body 1sec
changes at a constant rate K then rate of change after it begins to move is :
a) 234.75 ergs b) 468 ergs
of the slope of the tangent to the curve at
3 c) 468.75 ergs d) 350 ergs
is 57. x and y are the sides of two squares such
(a) 2k / 3 (b) k / 3 that y= x x . the rate of change of the area of
a) accelaration is directed towads x-axis the curve makes equal intercepts with the axes
b) x component of the acceleration varies as y-
component of the accelera tion 8
a) (0, 4) (8/3, 0) b) (0, 0) 4,
c) x-component of the velocity is zero 3
d) acceleration of the point at any instant varies 8 8
as the distance from the axis of y c) , 0 0, 4 d) 0, 0 , 4
3 3
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
The point at which the tangents to the curve
ax 2 2hxy by 2 1 is parallel to y-axis are
68. Let ‘f’ be an increasing function on [a,b] and ‘g’
be a decreasing function from [a,b] then on [a,b],
a) fog is a decreasing function
a) (0, 0)
b) gof is an increasing function
b) where hx + by = 0 meet it
c) fog is an increasing function
c) where ax + hy = 0 meet it
d) none of these
d) where ax + by = 0 meet it
63. Equation of the tangent line at origin to the curve 69. Given the function f x x 2 .e2 x , x 0 . Then
x 2 x y a 2 x y 0 is f x has the maximum value equal to
a) x y 0 b) x y 1
a) e2 b) 2e
c) x 0 d) y 0
c) e1 d) none of these
64. The point at which the tangent to the curve
y x3 is parallel to the chord through the points 70 The greatest value of the function
c) s x : x 1 d) s x : x 1
YashPatil TG-
If f x
1 cos t dt , x 0, 2 ; f x
c) x d) none of these
74. The greatest distance of the point P(10,7) from
the circle x 2 y 2 4 x 2 y 20 0 is
a) 10 b) 15
c) 5 d) none of these
75. The maximum value of f x on
1 4x x2
[-1,1] is:
1 1
a) b)
4 3
1 1
c) d)
6 5
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
01-c 02-c 03-b 04-c 05-b 06-b 07-d 08-c 09-b 10-a
11-d 12-c 13-b 14-d 15-c 16-d 17-a 18-c 19-a 20-b
26-b 27-a 28-a 29-d 30-a 31-b 32-c 33-c 34-a 35-c
36-d 37-d 38-c 39-b 40-b 41-a 42-c 43-a 44-c 45-c
51-d 52-c 53-c 54-a 55-a 56-c 57-c 58-a 59-a 60-d
61-b 62-d 63-b 64-a 65-b 66-c 67-b 68-a 69-a 70-a
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
1. Immediately fill in the particulars on this page of the Test Booklet with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen. Use of
pencil is strictly prohibited.
2. The test is of 90 min. duration.
3. The Test Booklet consists of 75 questions. The maximum marks are 100.
4. There are three parts in the question paper consisting of Physics, Chemistry, Maths having 25 questions
in each part. Each question in Physics and Chemistry is allotted 1 (one) mark and in Maths each
question is allotted 2 (two) mark for correct response.
1. The equation of a progressive wave is
x 4. Sound does not exhibit the property
y 0.05sin 200t where x,y are in metres a) Reflection b) Refraction
c) Diffraction d) Polarization.
and t is seconds, then 5. If L is the length of a stretched wire, T is tension in
A ) velocity of wave is 100 ms–1 the wire, e is linear density of wire, the frequency
B) maximum velocity of particle in the wave is 10 of transverse vibrations of stretched wire is pro-
ms–1 portional to
C) wavelength of wave is 4 m a) L1T 1/2 e -1/2 b) L-1T -1/2e -1/2
a) only A and C are true b) only B and C are true c) L-1T 1/2e -1/2 d) L1/2T1e -1/2
c) only A and B are true d) A,B,C are true 6. The speed of sound in a medium does not change
2. If phase of the particle A at time ‘t’ s is greater with the change of
than phase of next particle B at that time. The a) Frequency b) Wave length
direction of travel of wave is c) Pressure d) Density.
a) B to A 7. The interference phenomenon can take place
b) A to B a) In transverse wave
c) Parallel to line BA b) In longitudinal wave
d) Perpendicular to line BA. c) In electromagnetic waves
3. The essential properties of a medium for the propa- d) In all waves
gation of mechanical waves are. 8. Doppler shift in frequency does not depend upon
a) Inertia and mass a) The frequency of wave produced
b) Inertia and elasticity b) The speed of the source
c) Elasticity and volume c) Distance between source and observer
d) Inertia and volume. d) The speed of the observer.
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
L is length of the stretched wire whose two ends 18. The equation of the displacement of two particles
are fixed. If V is the velocity of transverse wave making SHM are represented by y1 = a
along this wire then, its minimum frequency is sin t & Y2 = a cos t The phase
a) 2V/L b) V/L c) V/2L d) V/4L difference of the velocities of the two particles is
10. is maximum wavelength of a transverse wave
that travels along a stretched wire whose two ends
a) b) c) d)
are fixed. The length of that wire is 2 2
a) 2 b) c) /2 d) 3 /2 19. At t = 0, the displacement of a particle in S.H.M.
11. A travelling wave along a stretched string is given is half
its amplitude.
Its initial2phase
by Y = A sin (Kx- t) the maximum velocity of a a) rad b) rad c) rad d) rad
particle is 20. The6 percentage3change in the 3 time period
2 of a
a) A b) / K c) d / dk d) x/t seconds pendulum when its amplitude is reduced
12. The equation of a stationary wave in a medium is by 30% is
a) 45% b) 0% c) 27% d) 70%
given as y sin t cos kx . The length of a loop
21. The time period of a loaded spring on earth is 6s.
in fundamental mode is On the surface of moon, the time period of the
2 K same loaded spring will be
a) b) c) d)
2K K K a) 6 s b) 6 6 s c) 1s d) 6s
13. A stretched string of length 1 m has a frequency of 22. A body executing SHM has a total energy E.
256 Hz. If length of the string is decreased by
0.36m, then the frequency will be. When its kinetic energy is , the displacement
a) 200Hz b) 400Hz c) 100Hzd) 512Hz 4
14. The equation of a travelling wave is of the particle is ( a is amplitude)
y = a sin 2 [t-(x/5)], then the ratio of maximum 3a 3a
particle velocity and wave velocity is a) a b) a/2 c) d)
2 4
2 a 2 a a 23. For a particle in SHM the K.E. at any instant is
a) b) c) d) 2a 5
5 5 5 given by K=Ko Cos2 t . The total energy of
15. If a particle is executing SHM, with an ampli- SHM is
tude A, the distance moved and the displace- a) Ko b) 2Ko c) Ko/2 d) 4Ko
ment of the body in a time equal to its period are 24. The work done by the tension in the string of a
a) 2A, A b) 4A, 0 c) A,A d) 0, 2A simple pendulum in one complete oscillation is
16. A particle is in SHM. Then the graph of its accel- equal to
eration as a function of displacement is a) Zero
a) circle b) total energy of the pendulum
b) hyperbola c) P.E. of the pendulum
c) straight line with negative slope d) K.E. of the pendulum
d) straight line with positive slope 25. The relation between time t and distance x is
17. For a particle in S.H.M. the amplitude and maxi- t ax 2 bx where a and b are constants. The
mum velocity are A and V respectively. Then its acceleration is
maximum acceleration is a) 2av 3 b) 2av 2
a) V2/2A b) V2A c) V2/A d) V/A. c) 2abv 2 d) 2bv 3
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
26. In presence of acid, hydrolysis of methyl cyanide 32. When carbon dioxide is passed through an
ethereal solution of CH 3MgBr and the product
a) acetic acid b) methylamine is treated with mineral acid, we get
c) methyl alcohol d) formic acid a)Ethanal b) Ethanol
27 Hydrolysis of benzonitirile by dilute HCl yields c) Ethanoic acid b) Propanone
a) aniline b) benzoic acid 33. Which of the following has maximum boiling
c) benzamide d) benzaldehyde point?
b) pure acetic acid at 00C 36. Hydrogenation of benzoyl chloride in the presence
c) acetic acid mixed with methanol of Pd and BaSO4 gives
d) pure acetic acid at 16.60C a) Benzyl alcohol b)Benzaldehyde
30. Which of the following does not contain a
c)Benzoic acid d)Phenol
carboxyl group?
a) picric acid b) aspirin 37. The compound which can form intramolecular hy-
drogen bond is
c) benzoic acid d) asthenic acid
a) m-Hydroxybenzaldehyde
31. Which of the following has the maximum acidic b) Salicyaldehyde
a) o-nitrobenzoic acid b) m- nitrobenzoic acid c) Benzaldehyde
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
Formaldehyde solution on evaporation of dryness
45. Which of the following is most reactive towards
nucleophilic addition reaction?
a) Trioxane a) CH 3CHO b) CH 3COCH 3
b) Para formaldehyde
c)Formalin c) CH 3COC2 H 5 d) CH 3CH 2CHO
41. In the reaction, 48. Which of the following is most difficult to oxidise?
a) Ethanal b) Butanal
C6 H 6 CO HCl
X HCl the
AlCl3 c)Propanone d) Propanal.
compound X is 49. One mole of an organic compound requires half
a) C6 H 5CH 3 b) C6 H 5CH 2Cl mole of oxygen to give an acid. The compound
may be
c) C6 H 5CHO d) C6 H 5COOH a) Alcohol b) Ketone
42. At room temperature, formaldehyde is c)Aldehyde d) Ether.
a) gas b) liquid 50. Cannizzaro reaction involves
c) solid d) none of the above. a) Oxidation
43. Reaction between diethyl cadmium and acetyl b) Reduction
chloride leads to the formation of
c) Both oxidation and reduction
a) dimethyl ketone b) ethylmethyl ketone
d) Decarboxylation.
c) diethyl ketone d) acetaldehyde
44. When calcium benzoate is distilled with calcium
formate, the product is
a) benzaldehyde b)benzophenone
c) phenol d) benzoic acid
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
01-B 02-B 03-B 04-D 05-C 06-A 07-D 08-C 09-C 10-C
11-A 12-B 13-B 14-B 15-B 16-C 17-C 18-D 19-A 20-B
26-A 27-B 28-A 29-D 30-A 31-A 32-C 33-D 34-C 35-A
36-B 37-B 38-B 39-B 40-C 41-C 42-A 43-B 44-A 45-A
51-D 52-A 53-C 54-C 55-D 56-A 57-A 58-B 59-A 60-C
61-D 62-C 63-D 64-D 65-A 66-B 67-C 68-A 69-A 70-C
YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
1. The neck and bottom of a bottle are 3 cm and 15 cm in radius respectively . If the cork is pressed
with a force 12 N in the neck of the bottle, then force exerted on the bottom of the bottle is
(A) 30 N (B) 150 N (C) 300 N (D) 600 N
2. Two identical containers A and B with frictionless pistons contain the same ideal gas at the same
temperature and the same volume V. The mass of the gas in A and m A and that in B is mB . The gas
in each cylinder is now allowed to expand isothermally to the same final volume 2V. The changes in
the pressure in A and B are found to be P and 1.5 P respectively . then
(A) 4mA 9mB (B) 2mA 3mB (C) 3mA 2mB (D) 9mA 4mB
3. A vessel contains 1 mole of O2 gas (molar mass 32) at a temperature T. The pressure of the gas in P.
An identical vessel containing one mole of He gas (molar mass 4) at a temperature 2T has a pressure
of (A) P/8 (B) P (C) 2P (D) 8P
4. When a crest of one wave coincides with a trought of the other wave the resultant amplitude is
minimum at the point then that point looks...
(A) dark (B) bright
(C) either dark or bright (D) none of these
5. For minima to take place between two monochromatic light waves of wavelength , the path
difference should be
(A) n (B) (2n-1) /4 (C) (2n-1) /2 (D) (2n-1)
6. When two indentical capacitors are charged individually to different potentials and then connected in
parallel, after disconnection from the source
(A) net charge = sum of initial charges
(B) net potential difference sum of individual initial potential difference
(C) net energy stored sum of individual initial energy
(D) all of these
8. The electrostatic energy stored in the 1 litre volume of air when it is placed in uniform electric field
of intensity 103 V/m is
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YashPatil TG- @bohring_bot
(A) 44.25 109 J (B) 4.425 109 J (C) 44.25 106 J (D) 44.25 105 J
9. A capacitor has capacity ‘C’ filled with air. If air is replaced by a dielectric of value K then the new
capacity will be:
(A) KC (B) K2C (C) K2C (D) K/C
10. A steady current is passing through a linear conductor of non-uniform cross-section. The net quantity
of charge crossing any cross-section per second is
(A) independent of area of cross-section
(B) directly proportional to the length of conductor
(C) directly proportional to the area of cross-section
(D) inversely proportional to the length of conductor.
11. For driving a current of 2 A for 6 minutes in a circuit, 1000 J of work is to be done. The e.m.f. of the
source in the circuit is
(A) 1.38 V (B) 1.68 V (C) 2.04 V (D) 3.10 V
12. Two batteries of e.m.f. 4 V and 8 V with internal resistances 1 and 2 are connected in a circuit
with a resistance of 9 as shown in figure. The current and potential difference between the points P
and Q are
(A) 1/3 A and 3 V (B) 1/6 A and 4 V (C) 1/9 A and 9 V (D) 1/2 A and 12 V
15. A proton moving with a velocity 2.5 × 107 m/sec, enters a magnetic field of intensity 2.5 T making
an angle 30o with the magnetic field. The force on the proton is :
(A) 3 × 10–12 N (B) 5 × 10–12 N (C) 6 × 10–12 N (D) 9 × 10–12 N
16. At neutral point, the horizontal component of the magnetic field due to a magnet is
(A) equal to earth’s horizontal magnetic field
(B) in the same direction of the earth’s horizontal magnetic field
(C) in the opposite direction of the earth’s horizontal magnetic field
(D) both ‘a’ and ‘c’
17. At the magnetic north pole of the earth, the value of horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field
and angle of dip are, respectively
(A) zero, maximum (B) maximum, minimum
(C) maximum, maximum (D) minimum , minimum
18. The magnitude of induced e.m.f. produced in a coil when a magnet is inserted into it does not depend
upon the
(A) magnetic moment of the magnet (B) speed of approach of magnet
(C) number of turns in the coil (D) resistance of the coil
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19. A coil of wire is held with its plane horizontal to the earth’s surface and a small bar magnet is
dropped vertically down through it. The magnet will fall with
(A) Constant acceleration more than ‘g’ (B) Constant acceleration equal ‘g’
(C) Constant acceleration less than ‘g’ (D) Non-uniform acceleration
20. Dead beat galvanometer works on the principle of
(A) eddy current (B) self inductance
(C) mutual inductance (D) magnetic effect of electric current.
21. The capacitive reactance is 20 , when the frequency is 100 Hz. Find the reactance, when frequency
is 150 Hz.
(A) 12 (B) 12.5 (C) 12.3 (D) 13.3
22. Photoelectric work function of a metal is 1eV. Light of wavelength = 3000 A0 falls on it. The
photoelectrons come out with velocity
(A) 10 metre per second (B) 103 metre per second
(C) 104 metre per second (D) 106 metre per second
23. When the light of wavelength 300 nm (nanometer) falls on a photoelectric emitter, photoelectrons
are liberated. For another emitter, however, light of 600 nm wavelength is sufficient for creating
photoemission. What is the ratio of the work functions of the two emitters?
(A) 1:2 (B) 2:1 (C) 4:1 (D) 1:4
24. In an expt. a charged oil drop is subjected to a horizontal elec. field of 2 NC –1 and the drop moves
with a velocity making an angle of 450 with the horizontal. If the weight of the drop is W, the elec.
charge on the drop is :
(A) 2W (B) W (C) W/2 (D) W/4
25. A proton and an electron are moving with same horizontal velocity and enter a uniform magnetic
field of induction B acting normally to the plane of paper. The radii of curvature of the circular arcs,
if m1 and m2 are their masses respectively will be :
(A) m1 / m 2 (B) m2/m1 (C) m1/m2 (D) m2/m1
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30. Which one of the following orders represents the correct sequence of increasing bacis nature of the
given oxides?
(A) K 2O Na2O Al2O3 MgO (B) Al2O3 MgO Na2O K 2O
(C) MgO K 2O Al2O3 Na2O (D) Na2O K 2 O MgO Al2O3
32. What is the enthalpy of dissociation of HA from the equations gives beow?
I) HA OH H 2O A ; H x
II) H OH H 2O; H y
(A) x y (B) x y (C) x y (D) x y
36. In the reaction, R CH CH 2 C , C is
(A) n-propyl alcohol (B) isopropyl alcohol
(C) primary alcohol (D) Secondary alcohol
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37. In the reaction CH 3 CH 2 CH CH 2 A B, B is
peroxide aq.KOH
(A) Butan-1-ol (B) Butan-2-ol (C) Butan-1,2- diol (D) Butan-2.3- diol
39. Which one of the following compounds has the most acidic nature?
40. Addition of a small quantity of an acid or a base to an acid buffer will not change its pH at all, if
(A) pH pK a (B)
salt 1 (C) Both a and b (D) none of these
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
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(A) (B)
48. CH 3 CH CH 2 'x'
CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CHO
Here, ‘X’ as a process, is
(A) HBO (B) OMDM (C) Oxo process (D) Acidic hydration
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51. sin
x dx
A) 1 B) 1 C) 1 D) 1
2 2
x e x..... d y
53. If y e x e , then
y 1 y y
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1 y 1 y 1 y y 1
54. If y x x x ....... then equals
1 1 1
(A) 1 (B) (C) (D)
2y y2 2y 1
2 x
55. The largest interval lying in , , for which f x 4 x cos 1 1 ln cos x is defined, is
2 2 2
(A) , (B) , (C) 0, 2 (D) 0,
2 2 4 2
56. The equation of the normal to the curve y sin x at point ,0 is
(A) x y (B) x y (C) x y 0 (D) x y 0
57. The position vector of a point C with respect to B is i j and that of B with respect to A is
i j . The position vector of C with respect to A is
(A) 2i (B) 2i (C) 2 j (D) 2 j
58. The minimum value of P = 6x + 16y subject to constraints x 40, y 20, and x, y 0 is
(A) 240 (B) 320 (C) 0 (D) none of these
59. Let a , b and c be three non-zero vectors, no two of which are collinear and the vector a b is
collinear with c while b c is collinear with a ,then a b c
(A) a (B) b
(C) c (D) None of these
x 11 y 2 z 8
60. The length and foot of the perpendicular from the point (2, –1, 5) to the line are
10 4 11
(A) 14,(1, 2, 3) (B) 14,(1, 2,3)
(C) 14,(1, 2,3) (D) None of these
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dy y x
61. The solution of the differential equation is
dx y x
y y2 x2
(A) log e x 2 y 2 2 tan 1 c (B) xy x 3 c
x 2 2
x x
(C) 1 y 1 x c (D) y = x -2 loge y + c
y y
x 1 y 1 z 3 x 1 y 1 z 4
62. The lines and are
1 2 0 0 0 1
(A) parallel (B) coincident (C) skew (D) perpendicular
63. x( x 9
1 x9 1 1 x9 1 x9 1 1 x9 1
(A) log 9 c (B) log c (C) log c (D) log c
9 x 1 9 x9 9 x9 9 x9
64. If (4, 2, p) is the centroid of the tetrahedron formed by the points (k, 2, -1), (4, 1, 1), (6,2, 5) and
(3, 3, 3) then k + p =
17 5
(A) (B) 1 (C) (D) 5
3 3
65. If the line 2x + 3y = 5 and y = mx + c are co-incident then, m = ____ and c = ___
1 1 5 2 2 5
(A) m , c 4 (B) m , c (C) m , c 5 (D) m , c
3 2 3 3 3 3
units, then k =
A)5 B)6 C)7 D)8
x 3 , x 1
68. If f x 5x 1 , 1 x 3
x2 5 , x 3
Then correct statement is
A) f x is discontinuous at x = 1 B) f x is discontinuous at x = 3
C) lim f x lim f x D) f x is continuous both at x= 1 and 3
x 1 x 3
sin a 1 x sin x
, x0
69. If f x , x0
x3 / 2 1
, x0
Is continuous at x = 0, then the value of a is
1 1 3 3
A) B) C) D)
2 2 2 2
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71. The range of f x is
5 4 sin 3 x
1 1 1
A) ,3 B) ,1 C) 1,3 D) , 3,
3 3 3
73. Equation of the plane passing through A 2, 2, 2 , B 2, 2, 2 and perpendicular to x 2y 3z 7 is
A) 5x 2y 3z 0 B) 5x 2y 3z 7 0 C) 3x 2y 3z 8 0 D) 8x 2y 3z 0
x2 x 1
75. The range of is
x2 x 1
1 1 1
A) ,3 B) ,1 C) 1,3 D) (, ] [3, )
3 3 3
01 – 05 B C C A B
06 – 15 A B B A A A A B D B
16 – 25 D A D C A D D B C A
26 – 30 C C C B B
31 – 40 D C A C B D A A A C
41 – 50 B B D D C B D C C B
51 – 55 B A A D C
56 – 65 B A B D C A D C D D
66 - 75 C A D D B A D A C A
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