Proven Ens Beaudin Winter 2013
Proven Ens Beaudin Winter 2013
Proven Ens Beaudin Winter 2013
268 Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology | Vol. 37, N0. 4, Winter 2014
The Language Profile of School-Aged Children with FASD
Revue canadienne d’orthophonie et d’audiologie | Vol. 37, N0. 4, hiver 2014 269
The Language Profile of School-Aged Children with FASD
low doses of prenatal alcohol consumption, and large age Group, 2009). As a collective, the Manitoba FASD Centre1
ranges, may have contributed to the inconclusive findings. selected the CELF-4 as one of the assessment tools to
evaluate language and communication.
The literature examining language development in
children with FASD has not used consistent methodologies Current Study
or instruments, nor have the existing studies applied
The specific goals of this research study were to: 1)
consistent methods of diagnosing FASD (there is variation
determine if there are significant differences across age
between and sometimes within countries). As the field can
groups for the different measures derived from the CELF-4;
still be considered to be in its infancy, inconsistencies should
2) examine if there are significant difference in diagnosis
be expected. Even so, language deficits in children with
for the different measures derived from the CELF-4; and 3)
FASD are regularly reported. Several different language
to analyze if there are significant differences in sex for the
tests (e.g. Test of Language Development-Primary-4th
different measures derived from the CELF-4.
edition, (Newcomer & Hammill, 2008) and Comprehensive
Receptive Expressive Vocabulary Test-2nd edition (Wallace
& Hammill, 2002)) have been utilized in studies and it is
unclear how comparable those results are to the CELF-4 Procedures. A retrospective chart review was conducted
(Adnams et al., 2007; Aragon, et al., 2008; Carney & Chermak, of 124 children between the ages of 5 and 18 years that had
1991; Coggins et al., 2007; Kodituwakku et al., 2006; Wyper been assessed over a five and a half year period (January
& Rasmussen, 2011). Assuming a broad level of similarity, it 2005 to October 2010) at the Manitoba FASD Centre. The
is not surprising that the literature indicates a widespread Manitoba FASD Centre assessments adhere to the Canadian
range of language and communication deficiencies in guidelines for FASD diagnosis (Chudley et. al., 2005) and
children with FASD. Knowing that language will likely be all participants were administered the CELF-4 as part
an issue for a child with FASD means that the role of S-LP of the communication domain assessment. A diagnosis
in assessing and developing individual programming is was only made collectively following the completion of
critical. Improved identification of language strengths and assessments from a multidisciplinary team including an
limitations through yearly assessments using a standard S-LP, occupational therapist, psychologist, developmental
protocol will allow for a strengths-based approach for pediatrician, and a geneticist. This is not a “blind” approach
a child with FASD. To encourage greater consistency in as clinicians are aware that they are assessing a child
evaluation of language and communication abilities, Pan who may have FASD. However, having multiple members
contribute to the final decision increases objectivity. The
Canadian consultations were held to identify standardized
subjects of this chart review were all assessed by the same
tools and diagnostic categories.
S-LP. Ethics approval was obtained for this study by the
In 2007, Pan Canadian consultations resulted in a list of Health Research Ethics Board, University of Manitoba.
standard tools appropriate for the assessment of children
Participants. A database was created by the S-LP team
between 4 to 18 years of age when an FASD diagnosis is
at the Manitoba FASD Centre in 2005, consisting of
being considered. The four tools identified for evaluating
demographic information and scores of various language
language and communication for children aged 6 to 11
assessment instruments. Individuals assessed between
years included: 1) the Clinical Evaluation of Language
January 2005 and October 2010 were extracted for the study
Fundamentals -4th edition (CELF-4) (Semel, Wiig, & Secord,
by the principal investigator. To be included in the sample,
2003); 2) the Test of Narrative Language (Gillam & Pearson,
participants needed to: a) be aged 5 to 18 years, b) have
2004); 3) the Test of Problem Solving 3 Elementary -3rd
the language portion of CELF-4 completed, c) be English
edition (Bowers, Huisingh, & LoGiudice, 2005); and 4) the
speaking, d) have been assessed by the same S-LP, and e)
Pragmatics Profile subtest from the CELF-4. For children
have received an FASD diagnosis based on the Canadian
ages 12 to 18 years, the three standard set of core language
Guidelines. If data were missing from any component of the
tests included: 1) the CELF-4; 2) Test of Problem Solving
CELF-4 language assessment, the individual was excluded
2 Adolescents (Bowers, Huisingh, & LoGiudice, 2007); and
from the study. Of the 1078 children evaluated by the S-LP,
3) the CELF-4 Pragmatics Profile (Canada NorthWest
124 (11.83%), met the inclusion criteria.
FASD Research Group, 2009). Although the CELF-4 does
have certain limitations in that it does not assess social Of the 124 children that met the criteria for the chart review,
language, problem solving or written language abilities, 23 (18.5%) had a diagnosis of pFAS and 101 (81.5%) had a
the Pan Canadian consultations with other S-LPs working diagnosis of ARND. No participants had a diagnosis of FAS.
in FASD diagnostic clinics determined that the CELF-4 Of the total group, 78 (62.9%) of the subjects were male and
was acceptable and appropriate to effectively test the 46 (37.1%) were female. Two-thirds of the sample (n=83) was
communication domain (Canada NorthWest FASD Research based in an urban setting and one-third (n=41) had some
270 Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology | Vol. 37, N0. 4, Winter 2014
The Language Profile of School-Aged Children with FASD
form of intervention (e.g., consultation or direct therapy) Analysis. The CELF-4 data were analyzed using SPSS
with S-LP services prior to the assessment. With regards to (v.11.0). Frequency distributions were examined to identify
alcohol use, 47 (39.7%) of the biological mothers used alcohol and address potential outliers. In order to address the
only, 15 (12.1%) used a combination of alcohol and tobacco, first objective of this study, the evaluation of language
and 62 (50.0%) reported using alcohol and other substances abilities, cross-tabulations were completed to provide
such as cocaine or marijuana. Family structure varied; half the results by age group, including the core language
of the participants lived in foster care (n=63; 50.8%) with the score (total test score), and indices measuring receptive
remainder of the sample living with: 1) biological parent(s) language, expressive language, language content, language
(n=25; 20.2%); 2) an extended family member (n=27; 21.7%); structure, and language memory. Parametric tests (t-tests
or 3) an adoptive family (n=9; 7.3%). All of individuals in the and ANOVAs) were conducted to assess the significance of
sample spoke English as their first language, with a small between group differences. For example, it was important
proportion also speaking a second language (7.3%) (see Table to determine if scores differed significantly by sex of
1). The demographics of the sample were consistent with the participant as well as by age of participant. The second
population seen at the Manitoba FASD Centre. objective of the study was to describe strengths and
limitations based on the CELF-4 total and index scores.
Measure. The CELF-4 is the third revision of The Clinical
To address this objective, age group results were plotted
Evaluation of Language Fundamentals that was originally
to determine performance differences among age groups
published in 1980 (Semel, Wiig, & Secord, 2003). It is
and to compare each age group in the diagnosed sample to
an individually administered clinical tool used in the
results for the general population. For all statistical tests, a
identification, diagnosis and follow-up evaluation of
level of significance of p<0.05 was chosen.
language and communication disorders in individuals 5 to
21 years old. Two separate test forms are used for individuals
aged 5 to 8 and 9 to 21 years. These test forms are then
differentiated by a variety of sub-tests which lead to further The CELF-4’s Core Language Index Score provides a broad
divisions in the age groupings: 1) 5 to 8 years; 2) 9 years; 3) assessment of an individual’s overall language performance.
10 to 12 years; and 4) 13 to 21 years (See Table 2). Following No significant differences were found based on age of the
the test administration, there are two important score participants (see Table 3). In this sample, two-thirds of the
categories. The first is the ‘Core Language Score’, which is participants (n= 84; 67.7%) received a severity rating of severe.
a measure of the general language ability that quantifies a Approximately 10% of the sample (n=12; 9.7%) received a
child’s overall language performance. The second important severity rating of moderate, 11 (8.9%) received a severity
category includes the ‘language indices’. There are five rating of mild, and 17 (13.7%) received a severity rating of
language indices that provide additional details on language average. The “communication brain domain” would be
and communication and are calculated using 15 sub-test considered impaired if children receive a rating of severe,
scaled scores (see Table 3). in that it is two standard deviations below the mean or
there is a discrepancy of at least one standard deviation
The CELF-4 classifies language delay using the following between subtests with domains. Although there was slight
severity rating scale: severe (standard scores < 70); moderate variation by indices, the trend was that the majority of the
(standard scores between 71- 77); mild (standard scores sample had some level of language delay with the greatest
between 78-85); average (standard scores between 86-114); proportion being severely delayed.
and above average (standard scores >114) (Semel, Wiig, &
Secord, 2003). As stated earlier, the Canadian Guidelines When examining chi-square results by age groups and index
require impairment in three different domains before a categories, the Receptive Language Index Scores varied
diagnosis can be considered. The “communication brain significantly by age group (p<0.01) as did the Language
domain” would be considered impaired if children receive a Structure Index Scores (p=0.02). The 5 to 8-year-olds had
rating of severe, in that it is two standard deviations below the highest average scores (higher scores indicates lower
the mean. For example, when using the CELF-4, a severity severity) in all three index categories yet the scores still
rating below a standard score of 70 indicates a severe indicated moderate to severe language difficulties. The
impairment, and thus the communication domain would average scores across all age groups and indices ranged from
be identified as a significant deficit when considering for 60.2 to 76.6, again indicating severe language issues. There
an FASD diagnosis. While internal consistency reliability appears to be a complex pattern emerging. The highest
estimates for the CELF-4 vary depending on the age group scores, indicating better performance, were seen in the
and subtest (α ranges from 0.77 to 0.92) they have shown youngest group. In the 9 year-olds, there is a dip in scores
adequate stability across time for all age bands (Semel, Wiig, which is followed by somewhat higher measures for the
& Secord, 2003). older group (see Table 4).
Revue canadienne d’orthophonie et d’audiologie | Vol. 37, N0. 4, hiver 2014 271
The Language Profile of School-Aged Children with FASD
As the sample contained participants who could be communication impairment as the focus is on the child’s
classified into dichotomous groups, t-tests were used to other areas of difficulties (ie. poor attention span, sleep
determine if there were differences in scores by diagnosis. difficulties, behavioural issues, etc.). The results from this
Although the scores for the pFAS sample (n=23) were study clearly suggest that language services need to be
consistently lower in all indices than those of the ARND viewed as a necessity given the needs of the population.
population (n=101), these differences were not statistically For example, a child who has access to language services
significant (Table 5). prior to the assessment may not receive a different
diagnosis but could have improvements in his or her
Finally, the test scores were also not statistically significant
language capabilities overall.
for differences by sex for all sub-groups. It also means that
language scores did not vary a great deal when comparing Second, a factor linked to lower scores on the CELF-4 was
children with different diagnoses. For example, a female age. Our sample indicated that younger children scored
with pFAS was not likely to have a significantly higher or better than older children. The literature, however, is not
lower score that a male with ARND. clear on whether language performance changes over
time, the direction of the change, or if language remains
Discussion stable. Davies et al. (2011) did note a consistent performance
This study examined the use of a standardized decrease in language testing over time. Wyper & Rasmussen
comprehensive language assessment tool, the CELF-4, for (2011) cites literature differentiating language deficits in
evaluation of the language abilities in children diagnosed both older and younger children; older children with FAS
with FASD between the years 2005 and 2010. It is the first showed deficits most specifically in syntax whereas younger
study to comprehensively examine language development children have more global language deficits. The concern
in a large cohort of school age children formally diagnosed is that language testing does not happen frequently
with FASD and using the Canadian guidelines. As such, it enough to ascertain changes in language development. In
represents an important contribution to what is known addition, it is unclear what factors, if any, may be impacting
about FASD, communication, and language measurement. language development. If there is a common trajectory,
Although it has been the perception that individuals with is it a product of environment, the nature of FASD, or a
FASD have higher expressive language skills relative to their unique combination as Coggins and his colleagues suggest
receptive language skills, this study did not support this (2007). For the S-LP, these factors should be considered,
perception. One key finding was that the majority of the giving way to annual testing and documentation
clinical sample had language deficiencies: over 65% of the on social environmental factors. Future research,
sample showed severe impairment and an additional 16% including longitudinal studies, could further impact our
of the sample demonstrated a core language deficit that understanding if comparisons would be made between the
ranged from mild to moderate. Another key finding was that developmental trajectories of typically developing children
age seemed to be an important factor in some indices of to those with FASD in similar social environments.
the CELF-4: the Receptive and Expressive Language Index
Third, a small proportion (13.7%) of the clinical sample was
Scores showed significant difference by age as did Language
considered “typical” based on this language assessment,
Structure Index Scores. The youngest group consistently
a finding that warrants further examination. Other
had the strongest results in all three subtests. A third key
researchers have noted similar findings and have reported
finding was that there were no significant differences in
no significant differences in controls and FASD cases
language scores when comparing children diagnosed with
(Kodituwakku et al., 2006). One study reported one-third
pFAS and ARND. This is a critical finding that warrants
of their clinical sample achieved language scores within
more investigation, particularly with a sample that includes
the expected range of language performance (Coggins et
children with FAS. In addition to profiling the language
al., 2007). However, it should be noted that the limitations
scores of FASD children, this study identified several
of the CELF-4 may not have captured weaknesses in
interesting findings that warrant further discussion.
written language or social language use. Future research
First, a particularly troubling finding was that should include an examination into the proportion of
approximately 85% of the sample had some level of FASD children who have typical language development. It
language impairment with almost 70% presenting with may be that certain protective factors are common in that
severe language deficits. However, we found that only particular population. Streissguth (2003) has posited that
33% of the entire sample had previously received some at least six protective factors are associated with lower
form of speech and language intervention. This lack of rates of secondary disabilities in the FASD population:
service provision may be the result of individuals involved living in a stable nurturing home of good quality, not
with the child not recognizing the significance of their having frequent changes of household, not being a victim
272 Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology | Vol. 37, N0. 4, Winter 2014
The Language Profile of School-Aged Children with FASD
of violence, having received disability services, and having Guidelines—only about 10% of any clinical sample will
been diagnosed before the age of 6 years. Measuring those be diagnosed with FAS (Coggins et al., 2007) —having
factors could implicate practice. Knowing what contributes the diagnosed population limited to children with either
to typical development would both assist in determining ARND or pFAS was limiting. It may be that due to the
deficiencies in social environments and improve models of more prominent dysmorphia present in children with FAS,
assessment and diagnosis. It also highlights the importance diagnoses occur before five years of age. Expanding the
of large scale data collection for each clinical assessment, inclusion criteria to include pre-school children may have
to enable research to conduct multi-factorial studies to captured FAS children differently. Additional limitations
better understand both strengths and challenges as well as were that the study was unable to determine impact of
promote evidence informed best practice for S-LPs. co-morbid diagnoses (such as ADHD), social-economic
backgrounds, or home/family environment (e.g., adopted,
Since none of the children in the present sample had foster homes, etc). It also would have been useful to
FAS, we became differently focused on the ARND and complete a multi-factorial analysis that incorporates the
pFAS scores in order to better understand if differences impact of socioeconomic status. The information on family
by diagnosis were apparent. We found that there were type is useful in that regard but not a direct proxy. At the
few differences between the scores of participants with time of the study, however, the Manitoba FASD Centre did
either ARND or pFAS; language and communication not collect data on socioeconomic status. Finally, the study
seemed similar regardless of diagnosis. To the best of our did not have a typical control group of children from similar
understanding, prior research has not explored language by socio-economic backgrounds.
specific diagnosis which makes this result novel and worthy
of further exploration. It also has pragmatic implications Directions for Future Research. Future research on the
for assessment and therapy. Dysmorphology in FASD is language abilities of children with FASD would require
a contributor to the diagnosis of FAS and pFAS. Having more in-depth data pertaining to the language services
the physical traits of FAS and pFAS can provide outward children received. This data would allow for greater clarity
evidence of the brain disorder; children with FAS and on the role of S-LP in providing intervention. In addition,
pFAS may be differently supported as their disability is future studies should target children with FAS. Future
more recognizable. Because children with ARND appear research has many potential avenues. A longitudinal
methodology would be useful to understand changes
“typical”, there may be an assumption that language and
over time, the possible role or impact of environment, as
communication also follow along a “typical” trajectory.
well as the implications of socioeconomic status within
If children with ARND are not being recognized by
a changing demographic. Exploring language abilities as
parents and teachers as having language difficulties, they
opposed to deficiencies based on results of the subtest
are at greater risk for being misunderstood in both the
scores on the CELF-4 would also be an interest direction
classroom and home environment. Given the severity
with clinical application. Employing a qualitative analysis
of the language impairment in the non-dysmorphic
of children with typical communication behaviours would
diagnostic categories, there is no question that the non-
be an excellent way to explore less tangible variables
dysmorphic population needs the same level of support
that may impact language in a child with FASD. In depth
as those who are dysmorphic.
diagnostic assessment of multiple language areas is central
Limitations. This study contributes to the examination of to understanding the behavioural phenotype of school aged
language abilities and general language profile of school age children with FASD. Given that prenatal alcohol ingestion is
children with an FASD. The sample size of 124, collected over often paired with other teratogens, future research should
a five and a half year period, was appropriate to measure explore if language and communication outcomes vary by
significant differences. The CELF-4 is a validated tool and types of prenatal exposures.
useful in measuring communication capability. For the
scope of this study, it was a valuable tool in that it provided Conclusion
detailed data by age group pertaining to language strengths This study contributes to the emerging literature pertaining
and limitations in those children being assessed for FASD. to language and communication abilities in children with
One limitation, however, was that very few research studies FASD. This study revealed that children with FASD had
have utilized the CELF-4 instrument in analyses, making globally poor performances across expressive and receptive
comparisons limited in their specificity. This limitation language abilities, suggesting that language development is
impacts the study’s generalizability and applicability to significantly affected by prenatal alcohol exposure. The Core
populations outside of Canada. Additionally, none of the Language Index Scores of the CELF-4 showed almost 70%
children in the present sample had a diagnosis of FAS. of the participants received a language rating of “severe”
While FAS is not a common diagnosis with the Canadian (indicating significant communication impairments), about
Revue canadienne d’orthophonie et d’audiologie | Vol. 37, N0. 4, hiver 2014 273
The Language Profile of School-Aged Children with FASD
20% were rated as “mild”, and fewer than 15% had a rating children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Language Speech and
Hearing Services in the Schools, 38, 117-138.
of “average”. In addition, we found that language abilities
changed with age: The five to eight year old age group had Davies, L., Dunn, M., Chersich, M., Urban, M., Chetty, C., Olivier, L., & Viljoen,
D. (2011). Developmental delay of infants and young children with and
the highest average scores in all index categories, whereas
without fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in the Northern Cape Province,
the nine year olds consistently had the lowest average scores. South Africa. African Journal of Psychiatry, 14(4), 298-305.
If we understand this finding to describe a change over time,
Fried, P. A., O’Connell, C. M., & Watkinson, B. (1992). 60-72 month follow-up
the clinical ramifications are the need for frequent language of children prenatally exposed to marihuana, cigarettes, and alcohol.
testing over time coupled with programming consistent Pediatrics, 13, 383-391.
with a child’s changing needs. The small proportion of Gillam, R. B., & Pearson, N. A. (2004). Test of narrative language, Austin TX:
our sample that exhibited average language development Pro-ed.
was a significant finding and one that requires further
Greene, T., Earnhart, C. B., Martier, S., Sokol, R., & Ager, J. (1990). Prenatal
investigation. It is imperative that we better understand alcohol exposure and language development. Alcoholism: Clinical
drivers of success, whether they relate to a child’s context, Experimental Research, 14, 937-945.
resilience, or to other factors. This research contributes Jones, K., & Smith, D. (1973). Recognition of fetal alcohol syndrome in early
to the development of evidence-informed practice for infancy. Lancet, 2, 999-1001.
providing specific S-LP services as well as comprehensive Kodituwakku, P. W., Coriale, G., Fiorentino, D., Aragon, A. S., Kalberg, W.
rehabilitation services. Strategies to support children with O., Buckley, D.,… May, P. A. (2006). Neurobehavioural characteristics
of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in communities
FASD must target language and communication as part of a
from Italy: Preliminary results. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental
multidisciplinary collaborative community and educational Research, 30(9), 1551-1561.
supports for affected children and their families. With
Kodituwakku, P. W. (2009). Neurocognitive profile in children with fetal
the proper services in place, individuals with FASD can alcohol spectrum disorders. Developmental Disabilities Research
communicate to their fullest potential. Reviews, 15(3), 218-224.
Mattson, S. N., Riley, E. P., Gramling, L., Delis, D. C., & Jones, K. L. (1998). A
review of the neurobehavioral deficits in children with fetal alcohol
syndrome or prenatal exposure to alcohol. Alcoholism: Clinical and
Experimental Research, 22(2), 279-294.
Adnams, C. M., Sorour, P., Kalberg, W. O., Kodituwakku, P., Perold, M. D.,
Mattson, S. N., & Riley, E. P. (1999). Implicit and explicit memory functioning
Kotze, A.,… May, P. A. (2007). Language and literacy outcomes from
a pilot intervention study for children with fetal alcohol spectrum in children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure. Journal of
disorders in South Africa. Alcohol, 41(6), 403-414. International Neuropsychological Society, 5(5), 462-471.
Aragon, A., Coriale, G., Fiorentino, D., Kalberg, W. O., Buckley, D., & Gossage, Newcomer, P. L., & Hammill, D. (2008). Test of Language Development
J. P. (2008). Neuropsychological characteristics of Italian children with Primary-4th ed., Torrance, CA: Western Psychological Services.
fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental
Research, 32(11), 1909-1919. Public Health Agency of Canada (2005). FASD: A Framework for Action.
Retrieved from
Becker, M., Warr-Leeper, G. A., & Leeper H. A., Jr. (1990). Fetal alcohol ca/framework-eng.php
syndrome: A description of oral motor, articulatory, short term memory,
grammatical, and semantic abilities. Journal of Communication Schoenfeld, A. M., Mattson, S. N., Lang, A. R., Delis, D. C., & Riley, E. P.(2001).
Disorders, 23, 97-124. Verbal and nonverbal fluency in children with heavy prenatal alcohol
exposure. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 62, 239-246.
Bowers, L., Huisingh, R., & LoGuidice, C. (2007). Test of Problem Solving
Adolescent-2nd ed., East Moline, IL: LinguiSystems Inc. Semel, E., Wiig, E. H., & Secord, W. A. (2003). Clinical Evaluation of Language
Fundamentals-4th ed., San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.
Bowers, L., Huisingh, R., & LoGuidice, C. (2005). Test of Problem Solving
Elementary-3rd ed., East Moline, IL: LinguiSystems Inc. Streissguth, A. (2003). Fetal alcohol syndrome: A guide for families and
communities. Baltimore, Paul H. Brooks Publishing Company.
Canada Northwest FASD Research Group. (2009). Canadian Symposium:
Refining the evaluation and coidentification of the brain in persons Streissguth, A. P., Herman, C. S., & Smith, D. W. (1978). Intelligence, behavior
exposed to alcohol in gestation. Retrieved from http://www.canfasd. and dysmorphogenesis in the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A report on 20
ca/files/PDF/BrainSymposium_e-version_12-09.pdf patients. Journal of Pediatrics, 92(3), 363-367.
Carney, L. J., & Chermak, G. D. (1991). Performance of American Indian Sparks, S. N. (1984). Speech and language in fetal alcohol syndrome.
children with fetal alcohol syndrome on the Test of Language American Speech and Hearing Association, 26(2), 27-31.
Development. Journal of Communication Disorders, 24, 123-134.
Thorne, J., Coggins, T. E., Carmichael Olson, H., & Astley, S. J., (2007).
Chudley, A. E., Conry, J., Cook, J. L., Loock, C., Rosales, T., & LeBlanc, N. Exploring the utility of narrative analysis in diagnostic decision making:
(2005). Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Canadian guidelines for Picture-bound reference, elaboration, and fetal alcohol spectrum
diagnosis. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 172, S1-S21. disorders. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 50,
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274 Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology | Vol. 37, N0. 4, Winter 2014
The Language Profile of School-Aged Children with FASD
Alcohol Use
Alcohol and
4 7.4 8 42.1 10 35.7 13 56.5 35 28.2
other substances
Family Type
Preferred Language
English (other 5 9.3 2 10.5 1 3.6 1 4.3 9 7.3
languages spoken)
Revue canadienne d’orthophonie et d’audiologie | Vol. 37, N0. 4, hiver 2014 275
The Language Profile of School-Aged Children with FASD
Concepts and
Following Directions
Word Structure X
Recalling Sentences X X X X
Formulated Sentences X X X X
Word Definitions X
Concepts and
Following Directions
Sentence Structure X
Semantic Relationships X
Spoken Paragraphs
Word Structure X
Recalling Sentences X X X X
Formulated Sentences X X X X
Concepts and
Following Directions
Word Classes-Total X X X
Expressive Vocabulary X X
Word Definitions X X
Sentence Assembly X
spoken paragraphs
276 Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology | Vol. 37, N0. 4, Winter 2014
The Language Profile of School-Aged Children with FASD
Word Structure X
Recalling Sentences X
Formulated Sentences X
Sentence Structure X
Recalling Sentences X X X
Concepts and
Following Directions
Formulated Sentences X X X
Semantic Relationships X
Table 3: CELF-4 Clinical Tool Overview (Semel, Wiig & Secord, 2003)
Core Language Index measures general language ability and quantifies a student’s overall language performance. Each
(total test score) Composite Index Score consists of a different compilation of subtests to yield the standardized scores
Receptive Language Index measures overall ability to listen to and comprehend information
Expressive Language Index measures overall production of language and the ability to express thoughts, ideas and feelings
measures various aspects of semantic development, including vocabulary, concept and category
development, comprehension of associations and relationships among words, interpretation of factual
Language Content Index
and inferential information orally presented and the ability to create meaningful semantically and
syntactically correct sentences
LS: measures the receptive and expressive LM: measures the ability to recall spoken
components of interpreting and producing directions, formulate sentences with given
Language Structure (LS) &
sentence structures words, and identify semantic relationships. It also
Language Memory (LM)
provides a measure of the ability to apply working
memory to linguistic content and structure
Revue canadienne d’orthophonie et d’audiologie | Vol. 37, N0. 4, hiver 2014 277
The Language Profile of School-Aged Children with FASD
Age Standard Confidence
Index Category Standard p-value
Group Deviation Interval
Core Language Index Score 5-8 69.4 14.1 65.5 to 73.3 0.19
Language Structure Index Score 5-8 74.0 14.1 70.1 to 77.9 0.02
Language Content Index Score 5-8 74.1 11.6 71.0 to 77.3 0.20
278 Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology | Vol. 37, N0. 4, Winter 2014
The Language Profile of School-Aged Children with FASD
Revue canadienne d’orthophonie et d’audiologie | Vol. 37, N0. 4, hiver 2014 279