A Research Review On Comparative Analysis of Data Mining Tools, Techniques and Parameters
A Research Review On Comparative Analysis of Data Mining Tools, Techniques and Parameters
A Research Review On Comparative Analysis of Data Mining Tools, Techniques and Parameters
ISSN No. 0976-5697
Volume 8, No. 7, July – August 2017
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
Available Online at www.ijarcs.info
Dr. Anil Sharma Balrajpreet Kaur
Department of Computer Science and Applications, LPU, Department of Computer Science and Applications, LPU,
Phagwara 144411, Punjab Phagwara 144411, Punjab;
Abstract: Data mining is a process of exploring unexplored patterns from huge databases. This acts as a key to knowledge discovery which
provides a great support to business world and academia. To make this knowledge discovery happening various data mining tools are developed.
These tools provide interface to get data and to retrieve some interesting patterns out of it which are further useful to attain new knowledge.
There are variety of parameters defined in the literature which provide base for a tool to perform analysis and different tools are available to
perform these analysis. This is quite interesting to perform a comparative analysis of these tools and to observe their behavior based on some
selected parameters which will further be helpful to find the most appropriate tool for the given data set and the parameters. In this paper authors
did experiment with two different datasets on WEKA tool based on six parameters which illustrate disparity in the value with the type of dataset
namely balanced and unbalanced.
Keywords: Data mining; Data Mining Tools; Knowledge Discovery; WEKA; KNIME; Rapid Miner.
handle structured and unstructured data. There are some text parameters used for comparison are developer,
mining tools which are open sourced like orange[11], programming language, portability, interface, platform,
NLTK[12], Voyant[13] and ALchemy API[14]. IBM visualization, accuracy and time taken [34].The values of
company build smarter Apps with ALchemy language[15] these parameters are taken manually.
for semantic text mining[16] using Natural Language There are some unique parameters in all data mining tools.
Processing[17]. This application help company to For example, WEKA containing parameters for evaluation
understand worlds conversation, reports and photos. These i.e. correctly classified instances, incorrectly classified
tools are progressively adding new features to satisfy the instances, kappa statistics, mean absolute error, root mean
fast changing requirements of the user and to handle the data squared error, relative absolute error, root relative squared
complexity in a better way. It is quite difficult to add all the error[35]. The correctly classified instances provide
features in one tool so there are different categories of tools information regarding the accuracy in classification of
introduced [2][18]. classes. The F-measure combines precision and recall mean.
The accuracy addresses the quality or state of being correct
2. DATA MINING TECHNIQUES or correct value of calculation. Kappa statistics provide
measurement regarding multiclass and imbalanced class. It
There are many techniques of data mining like tells how your classifier perform with the input. Mean
classification, regression, clustering, summarization which absolute error measures the accuracy for continuous
have their own characteristics and limitations. variables. Root Mean squared error measures the average
Classification[2] classifies data into different classes. There magnitude of error[36]. The Orange tool uses parameters for
are many classification algorithms such as Decision tree evaluation such as test and score. Test score provide
[19], Naive Bayes[20], Generalized linear Model [21] and accuracy estimation through cross validation. Second
Support Vector Machine[22]. The classification is predictions which display predictions of models for an input
performed mainly on the basis of parameters i.e. accuracy dataset. Third confusion matrix which provide information
and confusion matrix [23][24]. This technique provide regarding classifier evaluation. Fourth , ROC analysis which
various applications in the field of customer interest, social display the receiver operating characteristics curve based on
network, medical and health care and many more [25]. the evaluation of classifier. Fifth, lift curve which construct
Regression[26] is used to map the relationship between two and display the curve from the evaluation of classifier[37].
variables. This is also represented in the map form and can The MATLAB tool uses parameters for evaluation such as
be used to check the result by comparing the distance of data accuracy, execution time and observation speed. The
points from regression line[2]. Profit, square footage, observation speed is a unique parameter for evaluation[34].
temperature, sales and distance are predicted through The Rapid Miner tool used parameters such as accuracy ,
regression. There are two formula's used for regression precision, Recall, AUC(Optimistic), AUC(neutral). The
statistics i.e. Root Mean Square Error(RMSE) and Mean rapid miner also contain performance vector for calculating
Absolute Error [26][27]. In Clustering[2], another data the performance values[40]. The KEEL tools have unique
mining technique; one performs the distribution of data features off/on line run of experiment setup which is new in
based on different categories. This technique provides the data mining tools. Some other unique parameters are
homogeneous data from huge amount of data. There are sequence or path analysis and error rate[42].
different methods used in clustering such as partitioning
method, hierarchical method, density based method, grid 4. RELATED WORK
based method, model based method and constraint based
method [28]. There are various applications of clustering in In [35], the author highlighted the importance of WEKA
the field of marketing, biology, fraud detection, similar land tool which is a open source implemented in Java language.
identification[3]. In Summarization[2] one can make a WEKA is used for implementing the various data mining
compact description of any data. Summarization is done in techniques. The striking point in WEKA is its maintenance
the form of table. The summarization provides the and modification feature. In [36], the author provide orange
relationship between different type of data sets[29]. There tool working for text mining which is developed in C++. It
are two approaches for automatic summarization i.e. provides sieve diagrams and parallel diagrams. It is good in
extraction and abstraction. Extraction method work on context to run time and also decrease the error rate. In [38],
existing words, phrases or sentences in the original text to the author gives introduction about KNIME architecture and
form the summary. Abstractive method use natural language its functionalities. It is written in java. It provides an
generation techniques [30][31]. interface having analysis flow. It's framework is having
three parts: visual framework, modularity and easy
3. PARAMETERS expandability. It also have repository which having mining
algorithm, data transformation and data input and output.
Parameters provide information regarding the evaluation of This tool also integrates with different tools such as WEKA
techniques and tools. In data mining to examine the output , R-project and Jfree chart. In [39], the authors give
we need parameters. Its value provide information regarding introduction about NLTK (Natural Language Tool Kit).This
decision making[32]. The performance evaluation in data tool is scripted in python. It is basically used for text mining.
mining tools is done by different parameters. It provide The basic working of this tool is tagging, grammar and
information about how the input vary and also provide tokenization of word. Hidden Markov model and other
accuracy about the results[33]. There are so many language modelling is introduced in the tool. In [40], the
parameters used for testing but optimal parameter provide authors explains the working of AR Miner tool which is
accuracy regarding mining patterns. Some common based on association rule. This tool helps in decision making
process. The functions include data preparation and mining The performance measurements are taken on the basis of
association rules included negative items. The author also accuracy values. In the result, the 75% accuracy is there as
gives example of application of AR Miner. Author further compared to other algorithms. The process also contain the
emphasized that patterns can be generated from the negative removal of unigrams. In [50], the author introduces four
items also. In [41], the author give introduction about rough parameters for calculating the performance of data mining
set theory. The rough set theory is used for extracting tools. Performance factors include computational
decision rules from data sets. The author gives the example performance, functionality, usability and ancillary task
of rough set theory. In the example author taken four support. These all factors performance depends upon the
features and according to the if-else rules various results are quality of data. Computational performance indicates the
drawn. In [42], the author introduces the evolutionary tool ability to handle data in varieties. Functionality
methods and tools for classification of data i.e. KEEL tool describes how to solve different types of data mining
which is developed in java language. It provide good problems. Usability indicate how tool is used by user in
interface to the user. It consist of new analysis model and efficient way with functions. Ancillary task support provides
better than other tools. In [43], the author explains three functions like data cleaning, transformation, visualization
concepts in the paper. First, it shows the comparative study and other task. The author gives the result table in which
of data mining tools. Second, it explains about different they show the ANOVA test. In [51] the comparison is based
challenges in data mining tool. Third, it explains the on another two criteria between the five data mining tools
advantage of agent with data mining tools. The comparative The result analysis is based on two criteria i.e. first the user
study is based on portioning of dataset, scaling, selection, evaluation analysis and second is the technical evaluation
parameter optimization of machine type learning .the agent analysis. Different types of parameters are considered for
provide intelligence in the system. Different type of agents getting results. There are some participants invited for fulfil
are coordinate agent, clean agent, Reduction agent and the evaluation criteria. The participants give the rating from
transformation agent. These agents help in overcome the 0 to 10 to find the comparative result between these tools. In
challenges. results the author mentioned that the R studio is fail to
In [44], the author explains Tanagra, is a tool used for impress the participants while the other tool give better
different operations and it is used for diagram making. results. KNIME and Rapid Miner get better score than other
Tanagra is better in overcome the error rate. Tanagra is good tools. Weka tool is lacking the interface and feel outdated.
classifier and can handle vast amount of data. In [45], the Each tool have their advantages and disadvantages the score
author give information regarding Data mining tools for criteria shows how much people feel comfortable with these
doing data mining process and finding new patterns. The tools. These two papers show the comparison based on user
SPSS tool is used for finding regression and correlation. The review as well as the working of tool.
author categorize the tool into nine types based on the suites, In [52] , the author take three different data mining
business intelligence packages, mathematical packages, classification method for comparison . The author used
integration packages and other libraries and solutions. In breast cancer dataset for finding the result. The Weka tool is
[46], the author take 3 tools i.e. WEKA, Tanagra and used for finding the result of classification . The three
Clementine. The author test four healthcare Dataset on these algorithm used as classifier are Decision tree, Bayes
tools. In the result the author took two parameters : accuracy classification and K- nearest neighbours . In this paper the
rate and error rate. Different techniques are applied on description about these algorithm are defined. The result
dataset to get the accurate rate and error rate percentage. In table is shown in the paper. There are different parameters
other paper [47], the comparison of data mining tools is taken for finding the comparative analysis. The Bayes
based on nine different types of data. The author used six Classification is best as it takes the less time i.e. 0.02 sec
algorithms for classification such as Naïve Bayes, support and also give accuracy of 95.9943 in classification. On the
vector machine, zero rule, one rule and decision tree. The basis of parameters Bayes Classification is best in
test conducted results that all the tools are good . The comparison with other classifiers. Same as the classification
performance of the tool is decrease and increase on the basis algorithm comparison there is a clustering algorithm
of datasets we are using. The WEKA tool is better in comparison in [53], the author give introduction about
classification as compared to other tools. The other different clustering algorithm present in WEKA tool. The
comparison is done in[48], the author used two data mining authors make a comparison table based on four things i.e.
tools i.e. Tanagra and WEKA. The dataset consist of 100 time to build a model, cluster instances, squared errors and
patients from research centre. The aim of data mining is to log likelihood by using WEKA tool. They used the data of
find out the relationship between diabetic patient and kidney egit software repositories. In the result the author show that
failure. Both the tools are used as classifier and C4.5 k-means algorithm is the best algorithm for clustering
algorithm is used for making decision tree. From the result it because it take less time to build a model and gives efficient
is found that the error rate of Tanagra is 11% and WEKA result as compared to other algorithm. The above two
error rate is 25%. From above papers the comparison result papers[52][53] the result is based on numerical value but in
show that WEKA tool is better than other tools in the field [54] the author focuses on four data mining algorithm K-
of classification technique. The time taken by WEKA is less NN, Naive Bayes classifier , Decision tree and C4.5. The
as compared to other tools but error rate is little high than author do the comparative analysis on the basis of theory,
Tanagra. In[49],the author check the accuracy about advantages, disadvantages and applications. The decision
complaint detection task. The authors take three data set in tree is based on if-then rules. The KNN is the oldest
which they had so many complaint review and non- algorithm . The naive Bayes is Simple and easy to
complaint reviews. The author chooses five algorithm for understand . C4.5 algorithm is mostly used for real life
test, one rule, conjunctive rule ,ridor, RIPPER and PART. problems. C4.5 algorithm provide decision tree for
visualizing the classification. In [55] the author gives the absolute error
comparison result of three data mining tools and a new Root relative 29.406% 61.101% 33.6353%
framework DMPML(Data Mining Preparation Markup
Language). The DMPML can stores directives and codified
data in an XML document. The result is based on two
parameters the creating of directed graphs and time
processing in output of data. The DMPML spend less time
in creating directed graph as compared to three data mining
tools but it take more time in processing the output data as
XML document. The DMPML requires less user interaction
as compared to other data mining tools. The results of this
paper gives appropriate difference between these tools and
DMPML framework. In [56] the author compare three tools
WEKA, Rapid Miner and KNIME on the basis of
parameters i.e. developer, programming language, released
date, license , availability , current version, areas , usability,
compatibility with database, platform supporting , flexibility
, visualization and GUI. In [57] the author used different
dataset and check the performance of K-means data
clustering and Naive Bayes data classification method. The
author use attribute selection technique for the improvement Figure 1: Graphical representation of Table 1
in accuracy by 3.49% and 2%. The parameters taken for The table shows the result of classification on different
checking the results are time, accuracy , precision and recall. parameters. The accuracy of three algorithms on iris dataset
The author shows the graph which give the accuracy and is same that means all three provide good result. The graph
many others results value with improvements. For further shows naive high result in root mean squared error and root
application the analysis is on the basis of medical dataset relative squared.
and communication dataset[58][59]. In [58] the author take
patient dataset for checking the best classification method Table 2: Result of WEKA with Unbalanced dataset
for medical decisions. The author use WEKA tool for Algorithms Naive SMO Classification
classification results. There are 10 classifier used for Bayes Tree
comparing the results . The author had taken 8 parameters Correctly 90.771% 98.5981% 98.59%
for comparing the classification results. The parameters are classified
TPrate, FPrate, precision, recall , F-measure, ROC area and Incorrectly 9.229% 1.4019% 1.41%
time taken . After comparison Bayes Net give the best classified
classification results with TPrate and other parameters. In Kappa 0.0695 0 0
[59] the author take 2 tools KNIME and Rapid Miner and
check their accuracy based on some experimental model. Mean 0.7083 0.014 0.0276
The author provide KNIME tool workflows and results in error
the form of Pareto chart and bar charts. The experiment
Root Mean 0.2724 0.1184 0.1176
design is to evaluate the data mining tool based on both Squared
quantitative and qualitative approaches . The author also error
analyzed tool on the basis of workload size.
Relative 375.1873% 48.5564% 95.7636%
Root 231.6779% 100.6843% 99.9943%
In experiment analysis two dataset was used. One is Iris[60] relative
and other is unbalanced[61] dataset. Iris dataset consist of squared
three different types of irises i.e. setosa, versicolor and
virginica petal and sepal length. Iris set is a multivariate
The above table shows SMO and classification tree
dataset. Second is unbalanced dataset is a dataset which
algorithm give more accurate result as compared to Naive
contain one classes values in majority and other in minority.
WEKA results with Iris dataset
Table1: Result of WEKA
Algorithms Naive SMO Classification
Bayes Tree
Correctly 96% 96% 96%
Incorrectly 4% 4% 4%
Kappa 0.94 0.94 0.94
Mean 0.286 0.288 0.035
absolute error
Root Mean 0.1386 0.1486 0.1586
Squared error
Relative 6.4429% 52% 7.8705
The above graph show the concluded result . There are three
parameters which show huge difference in values i.e., Kappa
statistic, Relative absolute error and root relative squared.
The type of data effects the value of parameters in the
efficiency. The naive Bayes accuracy value get decreased
with unbalanced dataset . this show that this algorithm is not
good for unbalanced dataset as compared to classification
tree and SMO.
S.No Findings
1. More emphasis is given to the manual comparison of
data mining tools and there is hardly any literature
found which focuses on the testing comparison.
2. New algorithm implementation is needed with rule
mining to make better decision making tree.
3. Rough set theory of classification technique with fuzzy
set can give better results in rule structuring algorithm.
4. The evolutionary algorithm with heuristic techniques
such as simulated annealing and tabu search can
provide better results in classification.
Figure 2: Graphical representation of Table 2 5. The three main algorithms (KNN, Naive Bayes and
decision tree) take approximate the same amount of
The above graph shows Naive Bayes provide high result in time with defined set of parameters such as correctly
root mean squared error and root relative squared but less classified, TP rate, FP rate and F-measure. There is a
scope to check the efficiency of these algorithms by
accuracy. The naive Bayes algorithm provide good result in taking new parameters which will help to find better
balanced dataset and its accuracy become less in unbalanced algorithm for data mining technique.
dataset. The SMO and classification provide better result in 6. Continuous update and improvement is required in
unbalanced dataset as well as iris dataset. data mining tools due to rapid change in the variety
and volume of data. More parameters should be
included to compare data mining tools in context to
performance, functionality and usability.
7. Feature selection method of WEKA tool which is used
to filter attributes can be further enhanced by adding
more filtering parameters to get better results in
8. There is a lack of powerful and generalized data
mining tools for multidimensional dataset such as
images and videos as there is no literature available on
the same.
9. There are various tools comparison with various
datasets but there is issue regarding the compatibility
of dataset with tools so there is need to find the effect
of dataset on tools are required to test as future work.
10. There is a need to improve error rate in WEKA and
classifier improvement in TANAGRA. The WEKA
give 25% error rate and TANAGRA take more time
for classification [47].
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