Factors Affecting Fitness Testing
Factors Affecting Fitness Testing
Factors Affecting Fitness Testing
Potential for inconsistency Different arm and leg lengths for different people Has to be done indoors in a dry environment
This tests only measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstrings, and is a valid measure of this
allowed, and whether the same procedures are followed each time. Most norms are based on no previous warm-up, though the best results will be achieved after a warm up or if the test is proceeded by a test such as the endurance test which can act as a warm up. If a warm up is used, it is important to have a standardized warm up and test order and repeat it for each test.
Must be calibrated Expensive to buy one
A skilful performer would
perform Can be performed anywhere Minimal Cost Many can do be tested at once Minimal equipment needed
have a better result than an average performer Tests general strength and not specific strength areas
A skilful performer would perform better than an average performer
Minimal cost if using cones Test can be performed anywhere More than one person can perform at a time
Also weather conditions and running surface can affect the results, and these conditions should be recorded with the results. If possible, set up the track with a crosswind to minimize the effect of wind.
Weather a warm up has been provided will affect results Only one person can perform at any time
Minimal equipment required- a marked metre wall will be fine Test can be performed in Heavy clothing could any environment inhibit a better performance