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Micro Project

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Academic year: 2023-24


Program: ME Program code: ME3I

Course: TEN

Course code:-22337
This is to certify that Roll No. 2154, Roll No. 2153, Roll No. 2153, of 3rd
Semester of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Of Institute, SAHYADRI POLYTECHNIC (Code: 0108) has completed the
Micro Project satisfactorily in Subject –TEN (22337).

Place: Sawarde Enrollment no.23151020870


Date - Exam. Seat No.

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal


Sr. No G r o u p M e m b e r s Seat no R o l l N o Enrollment No

1 MOHITE SHREYAS SANDESH 2 1 5 4 23151020870
2 MAYURESH LAXMAN JALGANKAR 2 1 5 3 23151020875
3 SAI SURESH SHINDE 2 1 5 2 23151020900

Name of Guide: MAYANE V.

Abstract: With the advent of numerically controlled machine tools, the demand has grown for
some means to support this equipment. There has been growing need to have an apparatus that
can do faster first piece inspection and many times, 100% dimensional inspection. The
Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) plays a vital role in the mechanization of the
inspection process. Some of the CMMs can even be used as layout machines before
machining and for checking feature locations after machining. Coordinate measuring
machines are relatively recent developments in measurement technology. Basically, they
consist of a platform on which the work piece being measured is placed and moved linearly or
rotated. A probe attached to a head capable of lateral and vertical movements records all
measurements. Coordinate measuring machines are also called measuring machines. They are
versatile in their capability to record measurement of complex profiles with high sensitivity
(0.25 m) and speed. In this unit, we will discuss the principle and the working of a
Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM). Keywords: Tramming, Stylus, Axial length
measuring accuracy, Probe, DMIS.with the advent of numerically controlled machine tools,
the demand has grown for some means to support this equipment. There has been growing
need to have an apparatus that can do faster first piece inspection and many times, 100%
dimensional inspection. The Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) plays a vital role in the
mechanization of the inspection process. Some of the CMMs can even be used as layout
machines before machining and for checking feature locations after machining. Coordinate
measuring machines are relatively recent developments in measurement technology. Basically,
they consist of a platform on which the work piece being measured is placed and moved
linearly or rotated. A probe attached to a head capable of lateral and vertical movements
records all measurements. Coordinate measuring machines are also called measuring
machines. They are versatile in their capability to record measurement of complex profiles
with high sensitivity (0.25 m) and speed. In this unit, we will discuss the principle and the
working of a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM). Keywords: Tramming, Stylus, Axial
length measuring accuracy, Probe, DMI

coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is a device that measures the geometry of physical
objects by sensing discrete points on the surface of the object with a probe. Various types of
probes are used in CMMs, including mechanical, optical, laser, and white light. Depending on
the machine, the probe position may be manually controlled by an operator or it may be
computer controlled. CMMs typically specify a probe's position in terms of its displacement
from a reference position in a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system (i.e., with XYZ
axes). In addition to moving the probe along the X, Y, and Z axes, many machines also allow
the probe angle to be controlled to allow measurement of surfaces that would otherwise be
unreachable. The typical 3D "bridge" CMM allows probe movement along three axes, X, Y
and Z, which are orthogonal to each other in a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.
Each axis has a sensor that monitors the position of the probe on that axis, typically with
micrometer precision. When the probe contacts (or otherwise detects) a particular location on
the object, the machine samples the three position sensors, thus measuring the location of one
point on the object's surface. This process is repeated as necessary, moving the probe each
time, to produce a "point cloud" which describes the surface areas of interest. A common use
of CMMs is in manufacturing and assembly processes to test a part or assembly against the
design intent. In such applications, point clouds are generated which are analyzed via
regression algorithms for the construction of features. These points are collected by using a
probe that is positioned manually by an operator or automatically via Direct Computer
Control (DCC). DCC CMMs can be programmed to repeatedly measure identical parts; thus
an automated CMM is a specialized form of industrial robot.

Now a days Industries are leading to devolpe new technologies. And to improve the quality of
product, Inspection is must. The CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) is one of the way for
measuring the dimensions of manufacturing product to confirm that the product is
manuactured according to design or note. Earlier days the methods wich were used for
inpection or measurment were time consuming and they were not give accurate results. So the
productivity of products were decrease.

1. Main Structure The machine incorporates the basic concept of three coordinate axes so that
precise movement in x, y, and z directions is possible. Each axis is fitted with a linear
measurement transducer. The transducers sense the direction of movement and gives digital
display. Accordingly, there may be four types of arrangement Cantilever. The cantilever
construction combines easy access and relatively small floor space requirements. It is
typically limited to small and medium sized machines. Parts larger than the machine table can
be inserted into the open side without inhibiting full machine travel. Figure shows a cantilever
2. Bridge Type The bridge arrangement over the table carries the quill (z-axis) along the x-axis
and is sometimes referred to as a travelling bridge. It is claimed that the bridge construction
provides better accuracy, although it may be offset by difficulty in making two members track
in perfect alignment. This is by far the most popular CMM construction. Figure shows a
bridge structure.

Column Type The column type machine is commonly referred to as a universal measuring
machine rather than a CMM. These machines are usually considered gage room instruments
rather than production floor machine. The direction of movements of the arms is as shown in
Figure. The constructional difference in column type with the cantilever type is with x and y-
axes movements.

Gantry In a gantry type arrangement, arms are held by two fixed supports as shown in Figure.
Other two arms are capable of sliding over the supports. Movements of the x, y and z-axes are
also as shown in Figure. The gantry type construction is particularly suited for very large
components and allows the operator to remain close to the area of inspection.
Inductive and Optical Transmission Probes: Inductive and optical transmission probes have
been developed for automatic tool changing. Power is transmitted using inductive linking
between modules fitted to the machine structure and attached to the probe. Figure shows a
schematic of the inductive transmission probe. The hard-wired transmission probe shown is
primarily for tool setting and is mounted in a fixed position on the machine structure.
Motorized Probe

Motorized probe, 48 positions in the horizontal axis, 15 in the vertical axis can be
programmed for a total of 720 distinct probe orientations. Figure shows some typical
applications for motorized probe. It shows that with a range of light weight extensions, the
head can reach into deep holes and recesses. The second diagram shows that head of the probe
is sufficiently compact to be regarded as an extension of the machine quill. This enables the
inspection of complex components that would otherwise be impossible or involve complex
Multiple Styluses Probe Heads

Its Wide ranges of styli have been developed to suit many different gaging applications. Some
of the different styli available are shown mounted on a multiple gaging head in Figure. The
selection of stylus is done based on the application for which the probe is to be used.
Programming/Measurement with the CMM: Step 1: Home the CMM – establishes global
coordinate system (Xm Ym Zm) Step 2: Qualify the Tip (Calibration of probe tip with respect
to probe head) compensates for tip diameter Step 3: Align the Part – establishes a local
coordinate system on the part (Xw Yw Zw) Step 4: Measure the Part Step 5: Representation of
measurement results after coordinate transformation into w/p related coordinates system.

Advantages CMM has got a number of advantages. The precision and accuracy given by
a CMM is very high. It is because of the inherent characteristics of the measuring
techniques used in CMM. Following are the main advantages that CMM can offer:

Flexibility: CMMs are essentially universal measuring machines and need not be dedicated to
any particular task. They can measure almost any dimensional characteristic of a part
configuration, including cams, gears and warped surfaces. No special fixtures or gages are
required. Because probe contact is light, most parts can be inspected without being clamped to
the table. Reduced Setup

Time: Part alignment and establishing appropriate reference points are very time consuming
with conventional surface plate inspection techniques. Software allows the operator to define
the orientation of the part on the CMM, and all subsequent data are corrected for
misalignment between the parts-reference system and the machine coordinates. Single Setup
Most parts can be inspected in a single setup, thus eliminating the need to reorient the parts
for access to all features.

Improved Accuracy: All measurements in a CMM are taken from a common geometrically
fixed measuring system, eliminating the introduction and the accumulation of errors that can
result with hand-gage inspection methods and transfer techniques.

Reduced Operator Influence: The use of digital readouts eliminates the subjective
interpretation of readings common with dial or vernier type measuring devices. Operator
“feel” is virtually eliminated with modern touch-trigger probe systems, and most CMMs have
routine measuring procedures for typical part features, such as bores or center distances. In
computer assisted systems; the operator is under the control of a program that eliminates
operator choice. In addition, automatic data recording, available on most machines, prevents
errors in transcribing readings to the inspection report. This adds up to the fact that less skilled
operators can be easily instructed to perform relatively complex inspection procedures.

Improved Productivity: The above-mentioned advantages help makes CMMs more

productive than conventional inspection techniques. Furthermore, productivity is realized
through the computational and analytical capabilities of associated data-handling systems,
including calculators and all levels of computers.

In this paper, coordinate measuring machines are discussed. The paper begins with a
description of its part. Next to this, the principle of operation and the working of a coordinate
measuring machine are discussed. Special consideration in case of coordinate measuring
machines and the possible sources of errors in measurement are also noted down. The paper
finishes with the discussion of the advantages of a coordinate measuring machine.
[1] Weckenmann, A, Estler, T, Peggs, G., McMurtry, D. (2004), “Probing systems in
dimensional metrology”, CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 53 (2), 657-684.

[2] Ali, S.H.R. (2010), “Two dimensional model of CMM probing system.” Journal of
Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems, 4 (2), 3-7.

[3] Stefan, R.R., “Basic Principles of Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM).”

[4] W. P. van Vliet, P. H. J. Schellekens, “Accuracy Limitations of Fast Mechanical Probing”

Annals of the CIRP 45(1) 483-487

[5] A. Weckenmann, T. Estler, G. Peggs, D. McMurtry, “Probing Systems in Dimensional

Metrology” Annals of the CI


Sign of the student Sign of the faculty

Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project
Academic Year: 2023-24 Name of the Faculty: MAYANE V.
Course: TEN Course code: 22337
Semester: III

Title of the project:

Comments/suggestions about team work /leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)

Marks out of 6 for performance in group activity Marks out of 4 for performance in oral/ presentation
(D5 Col.8) (D5 Col.9)
Roll Student Name Total out of 10

(Signature of

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