Pola 1987 080250215
Pola 1987 080250215
Pola 1987 080250215
Previous kinetic studies in emulsion polymerization have almost always involved an assumption
of uniform distribution of free radicals in the latex particle. Such an assumption is not likely to
reflect reality in many systems that employ water-soluble initiators because the hydrophilic
end-group of the oligomeric free radical will preferentially stay in the surface layer of the particle.
This constrained end-group location would result in nonuniform distribution of free radicals in
the polymerizing latex particles. A Monte Car10 simulation of the growth of a single polymer
chain within the latex particle supports this hypothesis. Such a nonuniform distribution of free
radicals in the latex particle is expected to have an influence on reaction kinetics and product
properties. The mechanism for transport of free radicals out of polymerizing latex particles is
reexamined based on the proposed concept, and a modified expression for the desorption rate
constant is presented.
Emulsion polymerization is an important commercial technique used to
produce polymeric materials such as synthetic elastomers, coatings, adhesives,
and scientific and medical colloids. The process can be used to form high
molecular weight polymers at high rates in a low viscosity medium.
The main ingredients of an emulsion polymerization system include mono-
mer, dispersant, emulsifier, and initiator. Water is commonly used as the
dispersant. A water-insoluble monomer can be dispersed in water by means of
an oil-in-water emulsifier and polymerized with a water-soluble initiator. The
latex product is a colloidal dispersion of polymer particles that can often be
used without separation.
Harkins' postulated a reaction scheme in which emulsion polymerization
was divided into three distinct intervals: (1)nucleation of polymer particles in
the presence of both micelles and monomer droplets, (2) growth of polymer
particles in the absence of micelles, and (3) polymerization within the mono-
mer-swollen polymer particles in the absence of both micelles and monomer
Smith and Ewart2 treated the Harkins theory in a quantitative manner.
They developed the well-known steady-state recursion equation for calcula-
tion of the average number of free radicals per particle. They did not obtain a
general solution. However, three limiting cases were considered. Case 2,
sometimes called ideal emulsion polymerization, is based on the assumption
that two growing free radicals cannot exist in one polymer particle at the
same time because of the very rapid termination reaction.
Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry, Vol. 25, 617-635 (1987)
0 1987 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0360-3676/87/020617-19$04.~
r 0
Fig. 1. Monomer concentration profile in a latex particle.
BC 1: r = 0,d[M],/dr= 0
where M represents the monomer molecule, P, . and P,+l* are the free
radicals with n and n 1 monomer units, respectively, and K p is the
propagation rate constant. r is the radial distance from the center of the
particle, r, is the radius of the particle, A r is the shell thickness, [ M I , and
[ M ] , , are the monomer concentrations at r and r,, respectively, [ P . 3 is the
total free radical concentration in the particle, and Dp is the dh’usion
coefficient for the monomer molecule in the particle.
The solution to Equation (1) with the above boundary conditions can be
expressed as follows:
[M ]lp = sinh( +r’)/r’sinh( (P) (3)
[MI;= [Ml,/[Ml,s,
r’ = r/r,, and --/,r
(P =
/ -
+ 0,(cm2/sec)
T = 60°C.
K p = 1.76 X 10’ L/yl-sec.
[ P . 3, =-1.06 X 10- mol/L ( E = 0.5).
r, = 265 A.
+ Values Calculated for Vinyl Chloride Emulsion Polymerization
+ ~
T = 50°C.
K p = 1.00 x lo4 L/mol-sec.
[ P . 3, =-3.00 X mol/L (E = 0.127).
rs = 505 A.
Distribution of Free
= Radicals i n Particle
Diameter of Monomer Molecule = 14.8 A
Diameter of the Polymer Particle = 4 , 0 0 0 A
Fig. 4. Scaling calculations for the number average degree of polymerization in the cubic
lattice model.
in Figure 7 for the 40 x 40 X 40 lattice cube. Again, the solid line represents
the least-square best fit of p'(z) by an exponential function [eq. (5)] based on
43 simulations.
In p'( Z) = - 2.0141 - 1.64012 (5)
Comparing Figures 6 and 7, it can be seen that the shape of p' is more flat
than that of p. This is simply because the number of lattice volume units of
the outer layer of the cube is greater than that of the inner layer.
d- 0 43sDmATIa.ls
t j w
Q 2-
2 I I I I I I
As discussed previously, free radicals that enter polymer particles from the
aqueous phase contain end-groups that are usually hydrophilic. The distribu-
tion of free radicals in the latex particles, in a stochastic sense, will certainly
depend on how strongly these end-groups are held at the particle surface.
Other factors such as particle size, monomer-to-polymer ratio (conversion
levels), chain transfer reactions, and molecular diffusion phenomena will also
influence the distribution of free radicals in the polymer particles.
For simplicity, the present Monte Car10 calculations use a cubic model to
represent the spherical latex particle. The influence of geometry on the
calculation of the distribution of free radicals in the latex particle (i.e., edge or
corner effects) introduced by the cubi,cmodel can be reduced by increasing the
dimensions of the cubic lattice. The proposed model does not include a
stochastic distribution for the free radical chain length at which a chain
transfer reaction occurs. Furthermore, it does not take into account the
movement of monomer molecules and polymer segments by diffusion in the
cubic lattice. These considerations can be incorporated into the model for
future calculations. The model is based on uniform distributions (in a stochas-
tic sense) of monomer and polymer in the particle, but free radical penetration
is assumed to occur only via the propagation reaction, with segmental diffu-
sion presumed to be small during the life of a normal radical.
Determination of the distribution of free radicals in the polymer particles
quantitatively can be very important for understanding reaction kinetics and
product properties. One significant problem in which the distribution of free
radicals in the latex particles is important involves grafting reactions. An
example of a grafting reaction is the polymerization of styrene in the presence
influence on the particle size distribution of the latex product. This has been
demonstrated by Poehlein et al.6*7
Ugelstad and Hansen" considered that a monomer-unit free radical gener-
ated by a chain transfer reaction inside the latex particle could diffuse
through the particle to the interface and desorb into the aqueous phase. They
further assumed that the monomer-unit free radical concentration at the
interface was in equilibrium with that in the aqueous phase immediately
outside the latex particle. In addition, the monomer-unit free radical con-
centration in the aqueous phase at infinite distance from the latex particle
was assumed to be zero. Based on the consideration of diffusion with chemical
reaction in a spherical polymer particle, they derived an expression for the
desorption rate constant, KA as shown below;
K i m 3( 4 a/3)2'3D, Dp
KA= -
K; aDp+ D,
0 2 - 1 1 .o
Particle Particle
Center Surface
Fig. 8. Distribution of monomer-unit free radicals in latex particles. (a) Uniform distribution;
(b) nonuniform distribution.
(e.g., at high conversion). The reason for this is that, as discussed above, free
radicals are not uniformly distributed throughout the latex particle, and,
consequently, the concentration profile of the monomer-unit free radical
generated by chain transfer reaction of the free radical to a monomer molecule
is also most likely to be nonuniform in the latex particle. This nonuniform
distribution of monomer-unit free radicals in the latex particle will certainly
influence the desorption mechanism. The following derivation for the mono-
mer-unit free radical desorption rate constant is based on the physical picture
of curve b in Figure 8.
First, i t is assumed that the propagation reaction and chain transfer
reaction are irreversible and second order. Furthermore, the monomer-unit
free radical concentration at the interphase is assumed to be in equilibrium
with that in the aqueous phase just outside the particle. The monomer-unit
free radical concentration in the aqueous phase at infinite distance is also set
to zero. For isothermal conditions at steady state, the rate of diffusion into a
differential element less the rate of diffusion out will equal the rate of
disappearance of reactants within the element. Hence, the monomer-unit free
radical mass balance may be written as,
BC 1: r = 0, d[M.],/dr = 0
BC 2: r = rs,
where iE is the average number of free radicals per particle, NAv is Avogadro's
number, and up is the volume of a single latex particle. The term (1 - K,JK,)
in eq. (9) represents the fraction of free radicals in the particle that are larger
than the monomer-unit free radical.
In order to determine [ P* I,, one must know [P . lPavand the distribution
function of free radicals in the latex particle under a certain reaction condi-
tion. In the present work, the 40 X 40 x 40 lattice cube that is equivalent to a
4000 A latex particle is chosen as the reference to calculate [P. 3,. Equation
(5) can be rewritten as follows:
where p: is the value of p'(z) at r,, and k is a constant. The values of p: and K
can be calculated directly by comparing eqs. (5) and (10). In this case, K has a
value of 1.64. The average of p’( z), ( p & ) then can be calculated according to
the following equation:
CP-I, - P:e.P(-kz)
P 1 * pav P ~ ~ X-
P kzav)
9 0.0
4.0 8.0
r ICMl
Fig. 9. Monomer-unit free radical concentration profiles in a latex particle.
4arsD,[M . p a v
= (18)
3 a [ ( l / k ’ - 2/k’2 - 2/k’3) - 2exp(-k’)/kr3]
Rearranging eq. (18) gives an expression for the desorption rate constant Kdm
for the monomer-unit free radical as shown in eq. (19):
KA= -
Kfm (4n/3)2’30w
K ; a [ ( l / k ’ - 2/k’2 + 2/kt3) - 2e~p(-k’)/k’~] (21)
where N is the latex particle concentration, and V, is the total volume of latex
particles per unit volume of aqueous phase. Equation (21) represents the
modified expression for the desorption rate constant that takes into account
the fact that both of the long chain free radicals and monomer-unit free
radicals are not distributed uniformly in the latex particle. The modified
desorption rate constant has a form similar to that developed by Ugelstad and
Hansen” and Harada and Nomura.lg Calculated desorption rate constants
using different equations [i.e., eqs. (6) and (21)] can be compared under the
same reaction condition. The parameters that are necessary for calculation are
obtained from the literature. The results are summarized in Table 111. Both
equations predict comparable results for a Dp value of 2 x cm2/sec. The
calculated desorption rate constant using eq. (6) is about 2.5 times greater
than the modified desorption rate constant. However, at a lower value of Dp
(2 X lo-’ cm2/sec), in which [M * I p shows a significant concentration gradi-
ent within the particle volume as illustrated in Figure 9, the calculated
Styrene Emulsion Polymerization
T = 60°C.
K,,,,= 8.80 X L/mol-sec.
KL = K , = 1.76 x lo2 L/mol-sec.
0, = 2.00 x cm*/sec.
a = 1300.
dmrption rate constant using eq. (6) is smaller than the modified desorption
rate constant. This result is not surprising because the desorption rate
constant developed in this work has taken into consideration the nonuniform
distribution of monomer-unit free radicals in the latex particle that will result
in a greater concentration gradient and hence a greater driving force for
dmrption at the interface.
Previous kinetic studies in emulsion polymerization have almost always
involved an assumption that free radicals are uniformly distributed in the
latex particle. This assumption is not likely to be valid for many emulsion
polymerization systems because initiators generate free radicals that are
hydrophilic and often ionic. Thus, the free radicals that enter the monomer-
swollen polymer particles are likely to be low molecular weight oligomers with
hydrophilic end-goups. These end-groups will have a strong tendency to stay
on the surface of the latex particles and thus constrain the movement of the
growing free radicals into the particle interior. A very simple model using
Monte Car10 technique has been developed to calculate the distribution of free
radicals in particles with the constraint that the end-groups of these growing
chains remain on the surface. Simulations with this model predict that free
radical concentrations will be statistically greater near the surface of the
particles. These results are in qualitative agreement with some experimental
results from grafting studies and from morphology studies in polystyrene and
poly(methy1 methacrylate) latexes. Such a nonuniform distribution of free
radicals in the latex particle could have a significant influence on reaction
kinetics and product properties. Based on the concept of nonuniform distri-
bution of free radicals in the latex particle, the kinetics of transport of free
radicals out of polymerizing latex particles has been reexamined, and a
modified expression for the dwrption rate constant has been presented. This
concept will be used to compute grafting efficiencies in two-phase particles in
future papers.
Financial support from the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CBT-8413987, from
the Petroleum Research Fund of ACS under Grant No. 3426-AC6, and from Georgia Institute of
Technology is gratefully acknowledged.
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