last 20 years.
Communication is vital to
organizations—it’s how we At NASA, success depends on
coordinate actions and achieve strong communication.
goals. It is defined in Webster’s
dictionary as a process by which In business, poor
information is exchanged communication costs money
between individuals through a and wastes time. One study
common system of symbols, found that 14% of each
signs, or behavior. We know workweek is wasted on poor
that 50% to 90% of a manager’s communication (Armour, 1998).
time is spent communicating In contrast, effective
(Schnake et al., 1990), and communication is an asset for
communication ability is related organizations and individuals
to a manager’s performance alike. Effective communication
(Penley et al., 1991). In most skills, for example, are an asset
work environments, a for job seekers. A recent study
miscommunication is an of recruiters at 85 business
annoyance—it can interrupt schools ranked communication
workflow by causing delays and and interpersonal skills as the
interpersonal strife. But, in some highest skills they were looking
work arenas, like operating for, with 89% of the recruiters
rooms and airplane cockpits, saying they were important
communication can be a matter (Alsop, 2006). On the flip side,
of life and death. good communication can help a
company retain its star
So, just how prevalent is employees. Surveys find that
miscommunication in the when employees think their
workplace? organizations do a good job of
keeping them informed about
You may not be surprised to matters that affect them and
learn that the relationship when they have access to the
between miscommunication and information they need to do their
negative outcomes is very jobs, they are more satisfied
strong. Data suggest that with their employers.
deficient interpersonal
communication was a causal The Communication Process
factor in approximately 70% to
Communication fulfills three
main functions within an
1. Coordination
2. Transmission of
3. Sharing emotions and
The coordination of effort within
an organization helps people
work toward the same goals.
Transmitting information is a
vital part of this process.
Sharing emotions and feelings
bonds teams and unites people
in times of celebration and
crisis. Effective communication
helps people grasp issues, build
rapport with coworkers, and
achieve consensus.