SSM Users Guide
SSM Users Guide
SSM Users Guide
User’s Guide
© Copyright 2010 Hewlett-Packard
Development Company, L.P.
About This Guide
This guide provides a functional overview of System Software Manager and a comprehensive guide to
its installation, configuration, and implementation.
Text Conventions
COMMANDS, FOLDER NAMES, and DRIVE LETTER Commands, folder names, and drive letter designators are
DESIGNATORS shown in uppercase.
“literal value” Command line text that appears inside quotation marks should
be typed exactly as shown, including the quotation marks.
iv About This Guide
Table of contents
3 Package deployment ..................................................................................................... 10
Can I use SSM to deploy customized software updates? ............................................................. 10
What is a CVA file? ............................................................................................................... 10
Additional requirements for software packages .......................................................................... 10
Post-operating system silent installation ....................................................................... 10
Detectable deliverable version .................................................................................. 11
Controlled reboot of system ...................................................................................... 11
Installation recovery ................................................................................................. 11
Installation mechanism must support upgrades ............................................................ 11
Customized packages must reside in a unique subfolder of the rile store ........................ 11
Adding custom packages ........................................................................................................ 49
File store examples .................................................................................................. 49
1 Getting started
● Deploy software update packages and system ROM updates from a single file store to multiple
desktop, workstation, and notebook computers simultaneously
● Run reports to compare software updates awaiting deployment against machines on the network,
so that you can identify those PCs in need of updates
SSM complements software delivery products by making it easy to create distributable update
packages and target those update packages to the applicable systems.
SSM can be integrated with a variety of software installation and delivery mechanisms, such as the use
of a logon script, software distribution application such as Altiris Deployment Solution, e-mail, or local
Download the latest version of System Software Manager from Software
updates (SoftPaqs) supported by SSM are easily identified by this icon:
System requirements
Table 1-1 Minimum Hardware and Software
Server Client
Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional, Windows Vista™, or Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Professional x64,
Windows 7 Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows PE*
*BIOS setting management is supported under Windows PE. SSM version 2.00 does not support BIOS Flash under Windows
PE. To flash the BIOS under Windows PE, use the latest version of HPQFlash 3.x series. HPQFlash 4.0 does not support
Windows PE.
2. Run the SSM SoftPaq to extract the SSM program and support files to a directory.
3. Create and share a directory on the server to be used as the file store. (Example: c:\SSMFS
shared as \\MyServer\SSMFS.)
NOTE: To help organize the file store, create subfolders with meaningful names to hold each
SoftPaq, such as \\MyServer\SSMFS\Video\Intel Extreme 2\sp27392.exe.
5. Place all SSM-supported SoftPaq files in the file store created in step 3. Each customized package
must be located in separate subdirectories. Refer to Package deployment on page 10 for more
information about Custom Packages.
6. On each client computer, run SSM in Update Mode by specifying the UNC path to the filestore on
the command line:
This step updates the system software (BIOS and drivers) on the client according to the contents of
the filestore.
7. A log file of actions performed may be viewed in the user’s TEMP directory. A quick method to
view the log file on the client system is to click Start > Run, then enter %temp%\
8. Review the log file to view the list of software applicable to the system, updates performed, and
any errors. If no errors are found, the log file does not include an Error section. Refer to Log file
description on page 21 for more information.
Components of SSM
This section covers the various SSM modules and their functions. There are two modes of operation:
Administrative Mode on page 5 and Update Mode on page 8. Refer to Modes of operation
on page 5 to determine which mode is most appropriate for your purposes.
If SSM is running in Update Mode and a UID is not present in the file store, SSM scans the file store
and build a temporary UID. Having a UID in the file store reduces network traffic and improves
performance by condensing the relevant file store information into a single file.
The file CCMCVAResults.XML contains the UID data in a different format for use with HP Client
A stand-alone utility used to create, save, and deploy BIOS configuration settings. This utility replaces
the /REPSET functionality of SSM which is being deprecated. Refer to BIOS configuration utility
on page 14 for more information.
Components of SSM 3
Features of SSM
Device driver updates
When searching for updates, SSM detects the current installed hardware configuration and selects only
the appropriate drivers for installation. The file store may contain multiple video, NIC, and audio
drivers, but SSM installs only the appropriate updates.
NOTE: HP recommends that all BIOS firmware updates use HPQFlash as the install mechanism. SSM
now supports running HPQFlash and passes setup password, if any, in an encrypted file.
NOTE: HP recommends that you do not mix replicated setup changes with software updates that
include BIOS firmware updates. It is a best practice to perform each operation independently and
allow the system to be restarted between either operation. This procedure accommodates cases where
the internal structure of BIOS configuration setting information changes between BIOS revisions.
The SSM.EXE /REPSET command-line functionality has been deprecated. It is recommended to use the
stand-alone utility BiosConfigUtility.exe with the /SETCONFIG command-line switch to apply
BIOS settings outside of your typical SoftPaq deployment process.
Customized packages
If a particular SoftPaq does not contain the exact information or configuration information that is
desired, a customized package may be created. Create a subdirectory containing the customized
packages and package description file (.CVA). If the target system is out of date, SSM copies the files
from the file store to a temporary directory on the local system and installs the customized package.
Refer to Package deployment on page 10 for more information.
Administrative Mode
Use Administrative Mode to configure options to be used to simultaneously update multiple networked
client computers. Administrative Mode lets you do the following:
● Set specific runtime options for the utility when updating client computers
● Build the Update Information Database on the server (If a UID is present, it must be rebuilt each
time a SoftPaq is added or removed from the file store.)
1. Create a directory to be used as a file store (e.g., c:\\SSMFS). Updates will be stored in and
accessed from this directory by client computers. SSM shares this directory with read access to
5. Read the license agreement and click Next to proceed. A Welcome message displays a brief
introduction to the steps required to configure SSM using Administrative Mode.
6. Click Next. The location of the file store and default share name is displayed. Optionally, you
can specify a different file store and share name.
Administrative Mode 5
7. Click Next. A message appears to remind you to copy all SoftPaqs to the file store before
9. Click the check box next to each client option you want:
After applying updates, reboot the client computer so that updates take effect.
Display a status bar on client system so that individual users can see progress and completion
of updates.
Create a log file for each client on a centralized share. If checked, you are prompted to enter
the folder and share name for the centralized log files.
Apply updates to client system, even if the client system already has a newer version of the
software installed.
11. If you have opted to create a centralized log file share, you are prompted to enter the folder and
share name for the centralized log files. Click Next.
13. If you want to use a setup password for all client systems, click the check box and click Next. A
warning is displayed. Click OK. A message appears to prompt you to enter a setup password.
Setup passwords are used only for system ROM BIOS updates and system BIOS setting updates.
NOTE: If you specify a setup password, it must match any setup password already set on the
client computer, and all client computers must use the same setup password. It is a good idea to
record the password in a safe place for future reference. Additional passwords may be specified
on the SSM command line. SSM determines which password is the correct one to use.
When you enter setup password, make a note of the CapsLock key state. It is recommended that
CapsLock is turned OFF which can be confirmed by a warning balloon which pops up when the
password text box gets focus. Since SSM uses keyboard scan code encoding to save the
password string and CapsLock will enable Shift state of the keys pressed, this may cause issues by
including unsupported characters. Press the Shift key to explicitly enter capitalized alpha
characters or non-alpha special characters. Refer to BIOS configuration utility on page 14 for a
complete list of supported characters in setup password.
15. Click Next. Indicate if you want SSM to check the HP website for updated CVA files when
building the update information database. CVA files are occasionally updated on the HP website
NOTE: If you modify CVA files in the file store, either write-protect the CVA file or use the /
NOCVAUPDATE option to prevent overwriting the modified CVA file.
16. Click Build Database to begin building the software update database.
17. Click Finish to complete the process. SSM creates the SSM.BIN file.
You must rebuild the database each time you add or remove a SoftPaq from the file store.
Administrative Mode lets you rebuild the database manually. Refer to Update Information Database
(UID) performance considerations on page 7 for more information. The software update database
can be rebuilt quickly by executing the following from the command line:
SSM attempts to match EXE and CVA files in the file store. If a CVA file does not exist for a given
SoftPaq EXE file, SSM optionally attempts to download the CVA file from the website. SSM
then extracts the CVA from the SoftPaq.
SoftPaqs should be stored in the file store exactly as downloaded; they should not be run, or extracted,
within the file store. It is recommended that you put the SoftPaq files in subdirectories with meaningful
names, such as \\MyServer\SSMFS\Video Intel Extreme 2\sp27392.exe.
Customized packages should be extracted and stored in their own subfolder under the file store with a
CVA file. Refer to Custom CVA files on page 33 for detailed information on setting up a customized
CVA file.
You must rebuild the database each time you add or remove a SoftPaq from the file store.
Administrative Mode lets you rebuild the database manually. If a database file does not exist, Update
Mode rebuilds the database each time SSM is run. This takes a little longer than running Update Mode
with a database in the file store. Refer to Update Mode on page 8 for more information. The
update database can be rebuilt by executing the following from the command line:
If the database is found, SSM copies it locally and uses it. If the database is not found, SSM builds a
temporary database. SSM scans the file store for EXE files and CVA files. For any EXE files that do not
have a corresponding CVA file, SSM then attempts to extract a CVA file. If the file store is across the
network, then this causes additional network traffic. Once all the CVA files have been extracted, SSM
creates a temporary database from the CVA files. After the update process is complete, the temporary
database is deleted.
Performs updates
SSM then compares the revision level of the possible updates to the existing software. Only those
update packages that are newer than what is currently installed are updated on the client system,
unless the /FORCE option is used. SSM executes the packages in the order in which they appear in the
database. Multiple file stores may be used to install packages in a particular order.
An optional progress indicator is displayed throughout the update process; do not restart the computer
while SSM is running, unless you are prompted to do so.
Update Mode 9
3 Package deployment
1. Create a CVA file for each deliverable and specify the required parameters in the CVA file.
2. Store the CVA file and related software components in a separate subfolder of the file store.
Installation recovery
Any installation mechanism provided must be able to gracefully recover from a failed installation (such
as not enough disk space, etc.), by exiting without requiring user interaction. The ability to log errors is
The BIOS configuration feature of SSM lets you create standard configuration settings and deploy them
across the enterprise. By creating a configuration text file with only the setting you want to change, you
can deploy it to all systems in the enterprise. If a particular system does not support the specified
setting, it will be ignored.
BIOS configuration is supported on most high end commercial HP desktops, notebooks, and
workstations. There are a few notable exceptions that do not support BIOS configuration, including
dx5150, xw5000, xw8000, D510 e-PC, TC1000, and TC1100. See the HP Product Compatibility link
at for detailed level of support for each system.
Replicated Setup
To create, save, and deploy the configuration settings, complete the following procedure:
1. Run the program BiosConfigUtility.exe provided in the SSM download package, using
the /GETCONFIG:CONFIG.TXT command-line parameter.
3. Edit the file CONFIG.TXT. Remove properties that you do not want to change and modify the
other properties.
The following CONFIG.TXT example shows a configuration file that changes some properties:
Boot Order
Network Controller
PnP Device#1
CD-ROM Drive
USB device
Cover Lock
Helpful hints
● The /SETCONFIG and /GETCONFIG functionality is supported on select commercial desktop,
mobile, and workstation systems. Supported settings vary by model.
● The settings are indented with a tab character. Indenting with space characters will not work.
● The exact strings for some boot devices may vary between models. For example, the network
controller for Boot Order was identified with the tag PNP Device #1 on 1998 model Deskpro EN
systems and Network Controller on newer systems. If your environment includes a mix of systems,
then ensure that all known values for a particular boot device are placed together in the list
relative to the next type of boot device. See the example above. Note that CD-ROM is specified
several different ways.
● Asset Tag and Ownership Tag cannot be set to empty strings through the replicated settings file
format. For platforms that support HP Client Management Interface (HP CMI), these settings can be
Replicated Setup 13
set to empty strings through WMI scripting. For more information on HP CMI, refer to
● It is recommended that you not mix replicated setup changes with software updates that include
BIOS firmware updates. It is a best practice to perform each operation independently and to
restart the system between either operation. This procedure accommodates cases in which the
internal structure of BIOS configuration setting information changes between BIOS revisions.
● The SSM.EXE /REPSET command-line functionality has been deprecated. It is recommended that
you use the stand-alone utility BiosConfigUtility.exe with the /SETCONFIG command-line
switch to apply BIOS settings outside of your typical SoftPaq deployment process.
● The /ADVANCED switch when used in conjunction with /GETCONFIG, will read the hidden
BIOS settings and write to the REPSET configuration file. The /ADVANCED switch can also be
used with /SETCONFIG to write hidden BIOS settings from the REPSET configuration file. It has
no effect on any other switches. For example:
NOTE: Execute BiosConfigUtility.exe with the /HELP option to display usage syntax.
To determine which BIOS Settings are supported on other hardware, run the program
BiosConfigUtility.exe provided in the SSM download package, using the /
GETCONFIG:CONFIG.TXT command line parameter.
HP Client Manager
There are several common methods used to integrate SSM into commercial software distribution
systems. The first and easiest is to use HP Client Manager (HPCM) by Altiris. This free platform
management solution has fully integrated SSM directly into the product. For a free download, visit
HPCM is a scalable solution that provides the ability to schedule delivery of SoftPaqs to applicable
systems throughout the enterprise with an easy-to-use interface. Low bandwidth connections and seldom-
connected systems are supported with bandwidth throttling and check-point restarting.
Another option is to use the commercial software distribution system to execute SSM remotely without
copying the files to the target system. For this method to be efficient, ensure that SSM has been run in
Administrative Mode to create an Update Information Database file (SSMCVA.MDB) in the filestore.
Otherwise, SSM may have to copy each SoftPaq over the network to the target system to extract the
SoftPaq information (CVA) file to determine the SoftPaq properties. Another drawback of this method is
that some software deployment applications can only launch programs in the context of the local system
account which does not have domain network file share rights. The /INSTALL command line
parameter is also recommended with this method to prevent SSM.CAB from being copied over the
network with each run.
For more information, see the HP Client Manager Product Guide on the website at
Altiris Deployment Solution can be used to copy an SSM file store to be repackaged and deployed
through Deployment Server. For more information, see the Rapid Install User Guide on the Altiris
support documentation website at
SSM /AM_BLD_DB (to rebuild the database from the command line) where the current directory is the
root of the file store
Update Mode
SSM <file store UNC path> /parameters
SSM executes in Update Mode when it is launched with the file store path as a parameter and /
AM_BLD_DB is not specified.
/CANCEL: <Numeric Value>[,MODEM] U Allows a user to cancel an update. Enables a BEGIN and
CANCEL button on the client screen. The numeric value is a
timeout in seconds before SSM starts the update process. The
MODEM flag allows this to take effect only when a modem
connection is detected, and is intended for supporting mobile
/DoNotSetPasswordFromBinFile or / U If a system does not have a setup password then the password
NOBINPWD provided in Administrative Mode that is stored in the SSM.BIN
file will be used only to unlock the hardware for updates and
will not be used to install a setup password on systems that do
not have one. Options specified on the command line
override the SSM.BIN file options.
/LOG: <path> U Specifies a UNC path location of the client log file and debug
trace file if /DEBUG is specified. The command line
parameter overrides UNC path specified in Administrative
Mode. The filename will be appended automatically, based
on the computer name.
/NEWSETUPPASSWORD:”pwd” or / U Specifies the new setup password. This modifies any existing
NSPWD:”pwd” passwords. If a password is on the system, the correct
password must be provided by using the /
/NOCVAUPDATE or /NU A Used with /AM_BLD_DB. Tells SSM to not check the HP FTP
site for CVA updates.
/REPSET: <Path and Filename> U Specifying this command line switch causes SSM to copy the
appropriate file to the local client and utilize the Replicated
Setup/Security Settings component to configure the client with
these settings. The SSM.EXE /REPSET command-line
functionality has been deprecated. It is recommended that you
use the stand-alone utility BiosConfigUtility.exe with
the /SETCONFIG command-line switch to apply BIOS
settings outside of your typical SoftPaq deployment process.
/RUNONCE U Causes SSM to clear itself from the RUNONCE registry key.
This command line switch is used as part of a preinstall
/TIMEOUT: <Numeric Value> or / U Overrides the SSM default timeout of fifteen (15) minute
TO:<Numeric Value> before aborting execution of a deliverable. The numeric value
is the number of minutes for SSM to wait before killing the
update packages installer.
/TITLE:<"Title"> or /TI:<"Title"> U Specifies the title for the slider bar dialog box (must be
specified in quotes).
/USEINSTALLPATH:<path> U Specifies a folder from where SSM will expand and run each
SoftPaq installation. By default, SSM expands the SoftPaq to a
temporary folder in Windows Temp location and cleans up
the folder after installation. By specifying /USEINSTALLPATH,
SSM will expand each SoftPaq to a subfolder and execute its
silent install command from this location and will not delete
this folder after installation. If the path contains spaces, be
sure to enclose the argument in quotation marks, for
example, /USEINSTALLPATH:”C:\SSM SWSetup”.
<path to SSM file store > U Path for the SSM Update Information Database (UID). This can
be a fully-qualified Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path
or a path that is relative to the location of SSM.exe.
A log file in HTML format is created for tracking purposes. By default, the log is stored in the temporary
folder on the client system, unless a different location is specified in the command line. If the Create
centralized logfile share option is selected when running Administrative Mode, the log is copied to the
specified logfile share on the server. It is named according to the name of the client computer and has
an .HTM extension. Creation of the log file can be suppressed altogether.
● Date and time the log file was generated, the name of the computer that the update was
performed on, the version of SSM and the command line used.
● Possible Updates: Lists the device identifiers and update packages that have been found in the
database that could potentially be updated on the client system.
● Updates: Lists the devices and update packages used to update the client system.
● Errors: Lists errors that occurred during the detection and upgrade process. This section of the log
is generated only if errors occurred.
● Client Information: Lists the Machine ID, system ROM version, system serial number and Asset Tag
● Detected Devices: Lists any PCI or Plug and Play device IDs found in the system, along with ROM
name and date and system identifier.
Refer to the log file to get the system ID information when generating CVA files.
For example, if DOMAIN\Jsmith is the current user on a Windows Vista machine named COMPUTER1,
then the log file will be located in the file C:\Users\JSMITH\AppData\Local\TEMP
The system environment variables TEMP and COMPUTERNAME are useful for locating the log file.
Log file example
This log file shows SSM updating the ROM on an HP Compaq dc7900 system.
● Parameters: /TEMP:"C:\Users\ADMINI~1.NN\AppData\Local\Temp\SSMAFBE.tmp" /
SSMFS:"C:\dc7900" /SSMPATH:"C:\dc7900" . /a
Possible Updates
● Update 1: HP Compaq Business Desktop System BIOS (786G1 BIOS) - Version: 1.23 A
Updates Performed
● Update 1: HP Compaq Business Desktop System BIOS (786G1 BIOS) - Version: 1.23 A
(SP47156.CVA Syntax v.:Success (Return code=0x0))
Client Information
● System Version:
● Device 0: "*ISATAP\0000","isatap.{BD8B9A30-A39E-4778-BB60-0EA04F5BE859}","Net"
● Device 1: "ACPI\FixedButton\2&daba3ff&1","@machine.inf,%acpi\fixedbutton.devicedesc
%;ACPI Fixed Feature Button","System"
● Device 7: "ACPI\PNP0000\4&269b4552&0","@machine.inf,%*pnp0000.devicedesc
%;Programmable interrupt controller","System"
● Device 8: "ACPI\PNP0003\1","@machine.inf,%*pnp0003.devicedesc%;Advanced
programmable interrupt controller","System"
● Device 9: "ACPI\PNP0100\4&269b4552&0","@machine.inf,%*pnp0100.devicedesc%;System
Sometimes it is necessary to modify a package description (.CVA) file to meet specific needs. This
section defines the more relevant fields used by SSM. CVA files may be modified for existing SoftPaqs
or for customized packages. A customized package is a directory in the file store that contains a CVA
file and the files the package setup files.
● If a customized package is created, remove the SoftPaq= line from the CVA file.
● For a non-SoftPaq customized package, all files in the directory and subdirectory of the CVA are
transferred as a unit during installation. Do not put customized packages in the top level of the file
● If the CVA file and setup files are packaged with Packaged For The Web to create a single
package file, the CVA filename must be the same as the Packaged for the Web file name.
CVA syntax
[CVA File Information]
[Software Title]
[US.Software Description]
Version=<oftware Version>
Revision=<Software Revision>
[Operating Systems]
<OS code>=<Minimum Service Release on which the package works on this OS>
[System Information]
[Install Execution]
Field definitions
[CVA File Information]
This field has no effect on SSM functionality; however, if used properly, keeps track of changes made
to the CVA file. The value is an integer that can be increased incrementally each time changes are
made to the CVA file.
[Software Title]
[US.Software Description]
Version=<Software Version>
This is a free-form text value. It usually follows the form: <Major version>.<Minor version>
Revision=<Software Revision>
The revision of the software. If the revision of the software is irrelevant, then leave this key empty.
The pass/build number of the software. If the pass/build number information is irrelevant, then leave
this key empty.
Field definitions 35
<FileName>=<Path Information>, <Major Version>, <Minor Version>, <Major
Revision>, <Minor Revision>[, OS Target]
To allow SSM to determine if a specific package version is installed on a system, the package must
have a significant file that will always be present and that will always have the correct version in its
resource header (this file may, for example, be the main .EXE file, .DLL, or .SYS file). Any time the
version and revision of a package change, the value in the resource header of this significant file MUST
also change.
SSM uses this information to determine whether the version of the software update is newer than the
version installed on the client computer. Therefore, the [DetailFileInformation] section needs to
describe the file that contains the version information in the resource header.
To determine the version of the package programmatically, the major and minor version as well as
major and minor revision numbers must be entered, separated by commas. This information is the same
information contained in the VS_VERSION_INFO field located in the [File Version] section of the
significant file. The DWORD value for major and minor revision is located in the [File Version]
section and is listed as hex numbers in the form 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000. The version
information needs to be entered in this format. For example, a significant file with file version
would translate to 0x0001,0x0002,0x0003,0x0028.
Value Description
<WINDIR> The main Windows folder on the target system (e.g., C:\WINDOWS or C:
<WINSYSDIR> The Windows system folder on the target system (e.g., C:\WINDOWS
<WINDISK> The drive letter of the disk containing the Windows folder (e.g. C:).
<WINSYSDISK> The drive letter of the disk containing the Windows System folder (e.g. C:).
<PROGRAMFILESDIR> The Program Files folder on the target system (e.g. C:\PROGRAM FILES).
<COMMONFILESDIR> The Common Files folder on the target system (e.g. C:\PROGRAM FILES
<FONTDIR> The folder on the target system where the Windows fonts folder is located
<WINSYSDIRX86> The Windows system folder Vista 64-bit systems (e.g. C:\Windows
<WINSYSDISKX86> The drive letter of the disk containing the Windows System folder on 64-bit
system (e.g. C:).
<DRIVERSX86> The Windows drivers folder Vista 64-bit systems (e.g. C:\Windows
<PROGRAMFILESDIRX86> The Program Files folder for 32-bit applications installed on a 64-bit target
system (e.g. C:\Program Files(x86)\).
<COMMONFILESDIRX86> The Common Files folder for 32-bit applications installed on a 64-bit target
system (e.g. C:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files).
For the Windows 7/Vista ATI Graphics Controller drivers, this section would look like this:
A ROM version is designated with the name of the file to be the name of the ROM image CAB file and
the version in the form:
<ROM>.CAB=ROM,<ROM Family>,<Month>,<Day>,<Century>,<Year>
NOTE: The version values are in decimal, whereas the version values for applications are in "0x__"
hex format.
Additionally, SSM supports the definition of multiple DetailFileInformation sets based on the operating
system target for a software update. This functionality is intended to make it easier to create single
software packages and CVAs that span multiple OS platforms within an environment. The example
below checks for two distinct binary files based on the operating system that SSM is running on.
This key contains a comma-delimited list of languages that the software supports. Each language is
specified by a 2-character code; for example, US is US English, IT is Italian. This key lets SSM know on
which localized operating systems this software can be installed.
Field definitions 37
Language abbreviations for use in custom CVA files
0x0411 JP Japanese
0x0412 KR Korean
0x0419 RU Russian
0x041B SL Slovak
0x041E TH Thai
0x0000 US Default
[Operating Systems]
Field definitions 39
This section lists operating systems for which the software is intended on which it can run. Each
operating system is specified by its code as follows (each code is a unique version of the operating
NONE (OS-independent)
Packages must also specify the minimum version service pack release. For example, a driver may only
work on Windows Vista Enterprise Service Pack 1 or higher, in which case the CVA file would contain
WV32EN=SP1. A value MUST be present after the equal sign for each operating system. There
should be only ONE entry for each operating system.
If the software is OS-independent, as would be the case for ROMPaqs, there should be only one entry
in this section:
[System Information]
SysID{AnyUniqueTag}=<System ID>
SysName{AnyUniqueTag}=<Marketing name>
The SysID{AnyUniqueTag} key (where n is a number, 1 through n, assigned to each SysID and
SysName pair) specifies a System ID information for each computer on which software updates are to
be deployed. System ID may be specified in either of two formats, system ID hexadecimal format, or
SMBIOS format. The hexadecimal format is 0xXXXX. For example, the system ID of HP Compaq
dc7900 Convertible Minitower PC system is 0x3032. The hexadecimal machine ID is listed in the
SSM log file.
The fields represent the SMBIOS System (record type 1) and SMBIOS Baseboard (record type 2)
manufacturer, product, and version fields. Any blank field is considered a wildcard (*) "don't care." At
least one of the six fields must be non-blank. SMBIOS data is available in the SSM log file.
The SysName key specifies the Product Marketing Name, and associated models for each computer on
which software updates are to be deployed.
The SoftPaq number of the software. For custom packages delete this line.
Field definitions 41
This section lists the Device ID and the Marketing Names of devices with which the software deliverable
is associated, if any. In general, this section is required only for device driver software. PCI IDs may be
expressed in two, three, or four-part names that follow the convention in the Windows Registry (also
displayed in the SSM log file).
SSM searches the list of devices currently present in the system as noted by the SSM log file for the
specified <Device ID> substring. If the <Device ID> substring is not found in the list of devices on the
system, the deliverable is not a possible update for the system.
[Install Execution]
This field contains the relative path, within your package folder structure, of the installation program as
well as the command line parameters (if any) required to perform a silent installation of the software
while the OS is running. Enclose the relative path and filename in quote characters if long file name
path is used.
If there is questions of how SSM parsed the command line, use the /DEBUG switch then look in the log
file to see the exact command SSM executes.
SilentInstall=setup.exe -s
SilentInstall=disk1\setup.exe -s /parameter:"45x32"
Specify the delay needed for the install program to finish its operations. By default, SSM deletes the
install program and the temporary folder it is running from, right after the install program returns control
to SSM. It has been observed that in some cases, it causes problems with the install being incomplete.
This delay forces SSM to wait for a few seconds before it deletes the install executable. SSM limits the
delay to 10 seconds for any value greater than 10 seconds.
CVA Version=1
[Software Title]
[US.Software Description]
This package contains utilities that can be used to restore or update the system BIOS
on the supported desktop models with a 786G1 BIOS.
[Operating Systems]
[System Information]
- Updates the Disk Protection System (DPS) Self-Test to handle large capacity hard
drives (2 TB+) that require more than 255 minutes to complete the comprehensive
- Sets the internal USB port description to "not user visible." Internal USB devices are
no longer displayed as external devices.
[Install Execution]
SilentInstall="hpqflash\hpqflash.exe -s"
SSM is not a CVA verification tool, and only performs rudimentary checks on the validity of the data in
the CVA file. Refer to Error codes on page 50 for detailed information about error messages that
may be encountered related to the CVA file. If errors occur, SSM excludes that software component
from the Update Information Database (UID) and does not deploy it. SSM continues processing the next
CVA file. Use the /DEBUG command line option to record potential CVA file errors to the file
ERROR_LOG.TXT while building the database:
Errors 45
D Troubleshooting
Cause Solution
Silent installation programs for some drivers return a non-zero This is not necessarily an error.
return code upon completion. SSM expects a return code of
Cause Solution
Cause Solution
Driver was uninstalled before running SSM. Uninstalling the driver may not have deleted all of the driver
files from the hard drive. SSM tries to determine which version
is installed; remaining files may indicate that the driver is still
installed. Look for the file name in the
[DetailFileInformation] of the CVA file for driver
update. Delete the driver file from the hard disk.
Need to uninstall SSM. Delete SSM.EXE, SSM.CAB, and the file store.
Cause Solution
SSM components are only installed on client systems when To remove the client components, delete the SSM folder and
the /INSTALL switch is used. The components are stored in a all files within it.
folder named SSM on the same drive as the operating system.
46 Appendix D Troubleshooting
Deliverable does not appear as a Possible Update.
Cause Solution
CVA file is not SSM compliant. Rebuild the database with the /DEBUG switch: SSM.EXE c:
\Filestore /DEBUG /AM_BLD_DB, then examine the file
reject CVA files that do not have required fields.
One or more of the CVA fields do not match the current The list of Possible Updates is determined by matching the
system. system ID, operating system, language, and device IDs. Run
SSM with the /DEBUG switch and examine the SSMTRACE,
CVA and log files for clues to determine which field does not
E File store
\[file store]
The file store folder contains SoftPaqs (not expanded), CVA files, and (in some cases) configuration
files. For example:
For each customized deliverable, there must be a unique subfolder within the file store. Each subfolder
contains the individual components of the software deliverable and a customized CVA file. Refer to
Custom CVA files on page 33 for detailed information needed to create a customized CVA file.
To locate errors:
If the search for the SSM.CAB file failed, SSM displays a message that the SSM.CAB file is required in
the file store folder and identifies the file store folder as: D:\SSMFILE STORE. Click Finish to
terminate and reinstall System Software Manager.
If SSM is executed on an unsupported operating system (Microsoft Windows 3.x or Windows NT®
Workstation 3.5X), SSM displays an error message and terminates.
Use the /DEBUG command line option to record potential CVA file errors to the file ERROR_LOG.TXT
while building the database:
All other errors are placed in the log file, and described in the table below.
SSM is for use on Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0 or You have tried to execute SSM on an unsupported operating
greater. - SSM Exit system (Windows 3. X or Windows NT 3.5 X).
Failed to initialize client information. SSM was unable to Detection failed. SSM was unable to obtain device
determine asset information on the client system. Device information on the client. This error indicates a driver
detection will fail, as well. interaction issue.
User does not have correct privileges to update system - SSM SSM was unable to elevate its privilege to perform updates.
Exit. The elevated privilege is achieved through the trusted client
portions of the administrative wizard.
SSM support CAB component not found - SSM Exit. SSM was unable to find the CAB support file and aborted
execution. This error does not occur if SSM is installed locally
through the /INSTALL command line switch.
Unable to extract cab file. The support CAB file is corrupted and cannot be expanded.
This error does not occur if SSM is installed locally through
the /INSTALL command line switch.
Cannot set the setup password with error code <value>. The value in this error message indicates the reason the setup
password could not be set. The lower byte of <value> is the
ROM return code. (80= Invalid password because it was too
long, 86=command not supported)
ROM Flash Error code <value> <symbol_name> SSM was unable to flash the system ROM. The error code
indicates the reason for the failure. This is sometimes the result
of incorrect passwords (F6 ERROR_LOCKING_MEMORY).
<Update Package Title> has no installer. The specified update package has a blank SilentInstall entry in
its CVA file.
Unable to open <SoftPaq Filename> SSM expands SoftPaq files before executing the installer for
the update. If that expansion fails, this message is entered in
the log file. If this is a custom deliverable, ensure that the
SoftPaq= line in the CVA file is removed.
Unable to expand ROMPaq <SoftPaq Filename> SSM is expecting a ROM BIOS SoftPaq, but was unable to
expand the files.
<Update Package Title>: Failed to terminate in a timely SSM waits 15 minutes before terminating an update
manner. package's installer. If the installer is terminated, this message
is entered into the log file.
<Update Package Title>: Returned exit code <value> This message is placed in the log when an update issues an
exit code that is non-zero.This may or may not represent a
failed install since many updates return non-zero exit codes.
The exit code is update-specific; refer to the documentation
provided with the update to determine what the exit code
<Update Package Title>: Failed to spawn command line This message indicates that the installer for the update failed
(<update package installer command line with arguments>) to execute properly, and may be corrupted.
with error (<value>)
Can't update the replicated setup settings. The setup password does not match. The replicated setup/
security settings module returns this message when the system
attempts to modify configuration settings on a client system
using an incorrect password.
Password is set, but no password provided in SSM.BIN. An attempt to flash the ROM BIOS failed.
RMSET File not found: <Filename> The file specified with the RMSET option was not found.
Failed to initialize client information. The required device driver could not be loaded and system
information could not be obtained. This may occur if there is a
driver version conflict or SSM does not have administrative
Internal errors
The error codes listed below are internal errors. If other error codes are observed in the error logs, it is
probably an error with the software installer or a CVA error.
CVA files are formatted like the INI files found in Windows. SSM uses standard Windows calls to read
the data from these files. Syntax errors in a heading or a tag field result in that field being ignored. A
syntax error in the data portion of the tag may result in improper execution of the deliverable or a
misspelled title in the log file.
A syntax error in the Language field or the Operating System fields results in the whole CVA file being
Key file path is invalid. DetailFileInformation Path for the key file is not provided or is
not valid.
Major version information is invalid. DetailFileInformation The major file version data was omitted.
Minor version information is invalid. DetailFileInformation The minor file version data was omitted.
Major revision information is invalid. DetailFileInformation The major file revision data was omitted.
Minor revision information is invalid. DetailFileInformation The minor file revision data was omitted.
Failed to commit transaction on record SSM was unable to add the data from
add. the current CVA file to the Update
Information Database. This is a
catastrophic error; you must delete the
Update Information Database and
attempt to rebuild it.