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Server Installation and Administration


Version 9.6

April 2014
This document applies to ARIS Version 9.6 and to all subsequent releases. Specifications
contained herein are subject to change and these changes will be reported in subsequent release
notes or new editions.
Copyright © 2010 - 2014 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG USA Inc.,
Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates and/or their licensors.
The name Software AG and all Software AG product names are either trademarks or registered
trademarks of Software AG and/or Software AG USA Inc. and/or its subsidiaries and/or its
affiliates and/or their licensors. Other company and product names mentioned herein may be
trademarks of their respective owners. Detailed information on trademarks and patents owned by
Software AG and/or its subsidiaries is located at http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/.
Use of this software is subject to adherence to Software AG's licensing conditions and terms.
These terms are part of the product documentation, located at
http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/ and/or in the root installation directory of the
licensed product(s).
This software may include portions of third-party products. For third-party copyright notices and
license terms, please refer to "License Texts, Copyright Notices and Disclaimers of Third Party
Products". This document is part of the product documentation, located at
http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/ and/or in the root installation directory of the
licensed product(s).
Server Installation and Administration Guide

1 General Notices .................................................................................................... 1

2 Installation ........................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Available Setups .......................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 ARIS Connect Server Installation (Windows Operating System)............. 5
2.1.2 ARIS Design Server Standalone Installation (Windows Operating
System) ........................................................................................... 9
2.1.3 ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager Server Installation (Windows
Operating System) .......................................................................... 12
2.1.4 ARIS Publisher Server Installation (Windows Operating System) ......... 14
2.1.5 ARIS Remote Installations (Windows Operating System) ...................... 16
2.1.6 Installing ARIS on a Linux Operating System ...................................... 17
2.2 Using Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server instead of the Standard Database
System .................................................................................................... 19
2.2.1 Customize the Oracle Database ........................................................ 19
2.2.2 Customize the Microsoft SQL Server System ....................................... 21
2.3 Using Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server for ARIS Publisher Server ...................... 26
2.3.1 Use Oracle Database (Tomcat).......................................................... 26
2.3.2 Use Microsoft SQL Database ............................................................. 29
2.3.3 Change Database Connection Parameters .......................................... 31
2.4 Update Installation .................................................................................... 32
2.5 Back up and Restore Data .......................................................................... 35

3 Tenant Management ............................................................................................ 37

4 User and License Management .............................................................................. 38

4.1 Log into the Administration as superuser ...................................................... 39
4.2 Change Passwords ..................................................................................... 40
4.3 Import License .......................................................................................... 40
4.4 Create Users ............................................................................................. 41
4.5 Create Users Groups .................................................................................. 42
4.6 Import Users and User Groups from LDAP .................................................... 42
4.7 Assign Users to User Groups ....................................................................... 43
4.8 Assign Privileges ........................................................................................ 43
4.9 Start ARIS ................................................................................................ 44
4.10 Create Databases ...................................................................................... 44
4.11 Assign Database specific Privileges and Pilters ............................................... 44
4.12 What License and Function Privileges can be Assigned? .................................. 46
4.12.1 License Privileges ............................................................................ 46
4.12.2 Function Privileges within the Administration ...................................... 48
4.12.3 Function Privileges within ARIS ......................................................... 49

5 Customizing ....................................................................................................... 51
5.1 Administration Tools .................................................................................. 51
5.1.1 Administration ................................................................................ 51
5.1.2 Command Line Tools for the Administration ........................................ 52
5.1.3 ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) ............................................................. 61
5.1.4 ARIS Server Administrator .............................................................. 101

Server Installation and Administration Guide

5.2 Logging ................................................................................................... 102

5.3 Configure Single Sign-On........................................................................... 103
5.4 ARIS Connect ........................................................................................... 109
5.5 ARIS Publisher/ARIS IT Inventory ............................................................... 109
5.5.1 IT Inventory - User Management, License and Permissions.................. 109
5.5.2 Modify Configuration....................................................................... 110
5.5.3 Logging ........................................................................................ 119
5.6 Process Governance .................................................................................. 120
5.6.1 Provide Executable Governance Process ............................................ 120
5.6.2 ARIS Process Board ........................................................................ 120
5.7 Process-driven Management for SAP® Solutions........................................... 124
5.7.1 Required Software/SAP® systems .................................................... 124
5.7.2 Requirements and privileges in the SAP® system ............................. 125
5.7.3 Provide SAP® JCo for Process-driven Management for SAP® Solutions
................................................................................................... 128
5.7.4 Provide SAP® JCo for Download Clients ............................................ 129
5.7.5 Provide SAP® JCo for Locally Installed Clients ................................... 130
5.7.6 Provide SAP® JCo for server LOCAL ................................................. 131
5.7.7 Customizing Features ..................................................................... 131

6 Data migration from ARIS version 9.x to ARIS version 9.6 ...................................... 147

7 Data Migration from ARIS version 7.2 to ARIS version 9.x ....................................... 148
7.1 Migration of ARIS with a Local User Administration ....................................... 148
7.2 Migration of ARIS with LDAP Integration ...................................................... 149
7.3 Migration of ARIS with Process Governance without Central User
Management ............................................................................................ 149
7.4 Migration of ARIS with Process Governance with Central User Management ... 150
7.5 Migration of ARIS document storage Data .................................................... 150
7.6 Migration of Databases, Configuration Elements and Scripts........................... 151

8 Notes on Data Security Observance ...................................................................... 152

8.1 Server Administrator ................................................................................. 152
8.2 ARIS Administrator ................................................................................... 155

9 Basic Troubleshooting ......................................................................................... 156

9.1 No Access to ARIS .................................................................................... 156
9.2 ARIS clients Cannot Perform Connections to Servers Using SSL ...................... 156
9.3 Server Started but No Access to ARIS ......................................................... 157
9.4 Components do Not Start .......................................................................... 157
9.5 Resolving Port Conflicts ............................................................................. 157

10 Known Restrictions ............................................................................................. 159

10.1 Update Setup ........................................................................................... 159
10.2 Process Governance .................................................................................. 159
10.3 Right-to-left (RTL) .................................................................................... 160
10.4 Tenant Names .......................................................................................... 160

11 Support ............................................................................................................ 161

12 Glossary ........................................................................................................... 162

Server Installation and Administration Guide

1 General Notices
This manual describes the settings and features as they were at the time of print.
In this document, file names and user-defined content are formatted and identified as follows:
 File names, keyboard entries etc. are shown in bold.
 Entries with user-defined content are highlighted in <bold and enclosed in angle
 Optional ACC command parameters are highlighted in (round brackets followed by)?

Warnings are highlighted.

Since manual and software are subject to different production cycles, the description of settings
and features may differ from actual settings and features. Information about discrepancies is
provided in the Readme file that accompanies the product. Please read this file and take the
information into account when installing, setting up, and using the product.
In general, it is advisable to use up-to-date hardware taking into account the number of users
who will be accessing the ARIS. For information about hardware and software requirements,
please refer to the ARIS Platform Matrix document (see installation media or download it
Please consider the legal notices http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/.
If you are about to install all technical and/or business system functions without the services of
Software AG, you require extensive knowledge of the system to be installed, its intended
purpose, the target systems, and their various dependencies. Due to the number of platforms and
interdependent hardware and software configurations, we can only describe specific installations.
It is not possible to document all settings and dependencies.
When you combine various technologies, please observe the manufacturers' instructions,
particularly announcements concerning releases on their Internet pages. We cannot guarantee
proper functioning and installation of approved third-party systems and do not support them.
Always follow the instructions provided in the installation manuals of the relevant manufacturers.
If you experience difficulties, please contact the relevant manufacturer.
If you need help installing third-party systems, please contact your local Software AG sales
organization (https://empower.softwareag.com). Please note that this type of
manufacturer-specific or customer-specific change is not subject to the standard Software AG
software maintenance agreement and that these changes can only be performed if you requested
and agreed on them.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2 Installation
This chapter describes all one-node server installation procedures using the setup programs.
For all other installation scenarios e.g. multi-node systems for a larger distributed scenario and
higher availability please contact your local Software AG sales organization (page 161).
To avoid redundancies this document does not re-iterate information available in other
documents. For more details please review the following documents (see installation media or
download them http://aris.softwareag.com/ARISDownloadCenter/ADCDocumentationServer):
 For information about hardware and software requirements, please refer to the ARIS
Platform Matrix document
 The client installation is described in the ARIS Client Installation Guide.
 For an overview on features and functionalities, please refer to the Product Functionality
Matrix document
 For an overview on supported interfaces, methods, languages, and compatibilities, please
refer to the Technical Product Matrix document

Please consider the legal notices http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/.

Depending on the desired installation scenario, you first need to customize your database
management system. If you use the standard database system just run the setup programs to
install the servers you require. It is assumed that you perform the installation using the start.exe
startup file as an administrator. You can also start individual installation programs via the
corresponding Setup.exe.
If you are about to use all ARIS server types in your system, ARIS Connect Server, ARIS Design
Server, ARIS Publisher Server and ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager Server must be installed on
different machines. You can only install one server on one machine.
ARIS Agent must be provided for Linux systems (page 17). For local installations under Windows
ARIS Agent will be installed automatically. To perform remote installations (page 16) please first
run the ARIS Agent setup on the remote servers.
Please refer to the chapter Administration (page 51) to obtain information on additional settings
required for using ARIS.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2.1 Available Setups

ARIS Connect Server Setup (page 5)

This setup will install ARIS Agent, ARIS Connect Server containing ARIS Design Server,
standard database system, ARIS Connect Viewer, ARIS Connect Designer and ARIS
download clients and provide the default tenant. The functionalities ARIS Connect
workflows‚ Share model, Change request and Approve model are available using an ARIS
Connect Server license. For full ARIS Process Governance functionality you need to purchase and
import an ARIS Process Governance Server license.
The installation procedures are available for a Windows operating system (page 5) or a Linux
operating system (page 17). If you use your Oracle database system or your Microsoft SQL
database system please make sure to customize your operating database system (page 19)
before starting the ARIS setup.
Please install an ARIS Client if you would like to manage server data using ARIS Server
Administrator (page 101).

ARIS Design Server Setup (standalone) (page 9)

This setup will install ARIS Agent, ARIS Design Server, standard database system and
ARIS download clients and provide the default tenant.
The installation procedure is available for a Windows operating system (page 9) or a Linux
operating system (page 17). If you would like to use your Oracle database system or your
Microsoft SQL database system you need to configure your operating database system (page 19)
before starting the ARIS setup.
Please install an ARIS Client if you would like to manage server data using ARIS Server
Administrator (page 101).

ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager Server Setup (page 12)

This setup will install ARIS Agent, ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager Server and ARIS
document storage.
The installation procedure is available for a Windows operating system (page 14). If you would
like to use your Oracle database system or your Microsoft SQL database system you need to
configure your operating database system (page 19) before starting the ARIS setup.
If you are using ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager already you can connect the existing ARIS
document storage and the ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager User Management to the active ARIS
Connect Server or ARIS Design Server.

ARIS Publisher Server Setup (page 14)

This setup will install ARIS Agent and ARIS Publisher Server.
The installation procedure is available for a Windows operating system (page 14) or a Linux
operating system (page 17).

Server Installation and Administration Guide

The standard installation uses a Derby database system and Apache Tomcat Web Application
Server. With this test system, only one user can access a Publisher export. Swim lane models
cannot be exported using a Derby database. If you are installing ARIS Publisher Server on a Linux
operating system you cannot use a Derby database.
For a productive system, a larger number of users and on a Linux system, you need an Oracle
database system or a Microsoft SQL database system that must be configured for ARIS
Publisher Server (page 26) before starting the ARIS setup. These systems are not included in the
package. Depending on the ARIS Publisher Server license purchased (page 116), these systems
enable all users to simultaneously work on exports.
For demonstration reasons (laptop) we also recommend the ARIS client installation including the
server LOCAL (see Client Installation Guide).

Installing ARIS on a Linux Operating System (page 17)

Before installing ARIS Connect Server, ARIS Design Server or ARIS Publisher Server on a Linux
operating system you must provide ARIS Agent to your Linux Debian or Red Hat system. To allow
customizing activities additionally provide ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC). Use the *.deb files for
Debian systems and *.rpm files for Red Hat systems. After you have copied and installed the files
start the remote installation from a Windows system.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2.1.1 ARIS Connect Server Installation

(Windows Operating System)
This procedure describes the installation that can be performed under a Windows operating
system. To perform remote installations (page 16) please first run the ARIS Agent setup on the
remote servers.
This setup will install ARIS Agent, ARIS Connect Server containing ARIS Design Server,
standard database system, ARIS Connect Viewer, ARIS Connect Designer and ARIS
download clients and provide the default tenant. The functionalities ARIS Connect
workflows‚ Share model, Change request and Approve model are available using an ARIS
Connect Server license. For full ARIS Process Governance functionality you need to purchase and
import an ARIS Process Governance Server license.
The installation procedures are available for a Windows operating system (page 5) or a Linux
operating system (page 17). If you use your Oracle database system or your Microsoft SQL
database system please make sure to customize your operating database system (page 19)
before starting the ARIS setup.
Please install an ARIS Client if you would like to manage server data using ARIS Server
Administrator (page 101).
If you run report scripts that process large quantities of database items, we recommend a 64-bit
Windows installation. In general, it is advisable to use up-to-date hardware taking into account
the number of users who will be accessing the ARIS. For information about hardware and
software requirements, please refer to the ARIS Platform Matrix document (see installation
media or download it
Please consider the legal notices http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/.

If you would like to import the license file right now please make sure to have the file saved on
this computer. Otherwise the license must be imported using the Administration.

1. Start the ARIS Connect Server installation.
2. Install ARIS Connect Server on the active computer.
3. Specify the port numbers to be used.
4. Select the suitable system settings option. You need to take the RAM required and the number
of users who will be accessing the ARIS Server into account to ensure optimum load
distribution and better protection against failure. For a productive system it is recommended
to select the Medium number of users or High number of users option.
For demonstration reasons (laptop) we recommend the option Small number of users.
(page 78)

Server Installation and Administration Guide

5. Select the database system. If you do not check Standard please make sure the database
system has been customized (page 19) before running this setup.
6. After the database system has been customized, select the database management system
and the JDBC driver.
7. Enter the connection parameters. Please use the database name, the application user and the
schema names selected during customizing.
ORACLE (page 21)

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Microsoft SQL (page 24)

8. Enter the SMTP mail processing parameters.

If you do not do so ARIS will not work properly due to the missing mailing functionality.
You can configure SMTP mail processing (page 76) any time. Some parameters can also be
edited in the Administration (page 51) of this server. Please refer to the Administration online
9. Only if your mail server requires SMTP authentication check the option SMTP authentication
and enter user name and password.
If you enter these parameters but your mail server does not require SMTP authentication, the
connection will be rejected.
10. If you are about to use a proxy server please enter all proxy processing parameters. They can
also be entered using the Administration (page 51) of this server. Please refer to the
Administration online help.
11. Start the installation process.
12. Once after the installation process is completed configure the system (page 51).
13. Click Start > All Programs > ARIS > Administration > Start ARIS Connect Server. This
process will take a while. You can monitor the start process.
14. Click Start > All Programs > ARIS > Administration > Start ARIS Cloud Controller and
enter list to check the status of the processes.
15. After ARIS Connect is running open your browser and enter localhost/umc or <IP address
or fully-qualified host name>/umc. The login dialog opens.
16. Enter the user name superuser and the password superuser. The administration opens.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

17. Click Logout.

18. Send the URL <IP address or fully-qualified host name>/umc to the ARIS administrator.
ARIS Connect Server is installed, customized and running.
You can stop ARIS Connect server using the Stop ARIS Connect Server link in the Windows
start menu or enter stopall in the ARIS Cloud Controller.
The administrator must import licenses, create users and user groups and assign privileges and
licenses (page 38) for the default tenant. If you have created additional tenants (page 37) users
and licenses must be manages for each tenant. If an ARIS Design Server license is imported
instead of an ARIS Connect license, ARIS Connect functionality will not available.
Update installations are available (page 32). Components will be stopped. After the system has
been updated all components will be started automatically.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2.1.2 ARIS Design Server Standalone Installation

(Windows Operating System)
This procedure describes the installation that can be performed under a Windows operating
system. To perform remote installations (page 16) please first run the ARIS Agent setup on the
remote servers.
This setup will install ARIS Agent, ARIS Design Server, standard database system and
ARIS download clients and provide the default tenant.
The installation procedure is available for a Windows operating system (page 9) or a Linux
operating system (page 17). If you would like to use your Oracle database system or your
Microsoft SQL database system you need to configure your operating database system (page 19)
before starting the ARIS setup.
Please install an ARIS Client if you would like to manage server data using ARIS Server
Administrator (page 101).
If you run report scripts that process large quantities of database items, we recommend a 64-bit
Windows installation. In general, it is advisable to use up-to-date hardware taking into account
the number of users who will be accessing the ARIS. For information about hardware and
software requirements, please refer to the ARIS Platform Matrix document (see installation
media or download it
Please consider the legal notices http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/.

If you would like to import the license file right now please make sure to have the file saved on
this computer. Otherwise the license must be imported using the Administration.

1. Start the ARIS Design Server installation.
2. Install ARIS Design Server on the active computer.
3. Specify the port numbers to be used.
4. Select the suitable system settings option. You need to take the RAM required and the number
of users who will be accessing the ARIS Server into account to ensure optimum load
distribution and better protection against failure. For a productive system it is recommended
to select the Medium number of users or High number of users option.
For demonstration reasons (laptop) we recommend the option Small number of users.
(page 78)
5. Select the database system. If you do not check Standard please make sure the database
system has been customized (page 19) before running this setup.
6. After the database system has been customized, select the database management system
and the JDBC driver.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

7. Enter the connection parameters. Please use the database name, the application user and the
schema names selected during customizing.
ORACLE (page 21)

Microsoft SQL (page 24)

8. Enter the SMTP mail processing parameters.

If you do not do so ARIS will not work properly due to the missing mailing functionality.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

You can configure SMTP mail processing (page 76) any time. Some parameters can also be
edited in the Administration (page 51) of this server. Please refer to the Administration online
9. Only if your mail server requires SMTP authentication check the option SMTP authentication
and enter user name and password.
If you enter these parameters but your mail server does not require SMTP authentication, the
connection will be rejected.
10. If you are about to use a proxy server please enter all proxy processing parameters. They can
also be entered using the Administration (page 51) of this server. Please refer to the
Administration online help.
11. Start the installation process.
12. Once after the installation process is completed configure the system (page 51).
13. Click Start > All Programs > ARIS > Administration > Start ARIS Design Server. This
process will take a while.
14. Click Start > All Programs > ARIS > Administration > Start ARIS Cloud Controller and
enter list to check the status of the processes.
15. After <abs> is running open your browser and enter localhost/umc or <IP address or
fully-qualified host name>/umc. The login dialog opens.
16. Enter the user name superuser and the password superuser. The administration opens.
17. Click Logout.
18. Send the URL <IP address or fully-qualified host name>/umc to the ARIS administrator.
The ARIS Design Server is installed, customized and running.
You can stop ARIS Design Server using the Stop ARIS Design Server link in the Windows start
menu or enter stopall in the ARIS Cloud Controller.
The administrator must import licenses, create users and user groups and assign privileges and
licenses (page 38) for the default tenant. If you have created additional tenants (page 37) users
and licenses must be manages for each tenant.
Update installations are available (page 32). Components will be stopped. After the system has
been updated all components will be started automatically.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2.1.3 ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager Server Installation (Windows

Operating System)
This procedure describes the installation that can be performed under a Windows operating
system. To perform remote installations (page 16) please first run the ARIS Agent setup on the
remote servers.
This setup will install ARIS Agent, ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager Server and ARIS
document storage.
The installation procedure is available for a Windows operating system (page 14). If you would
like to use your Oracle database system or your Microsoft SQL database system you need to
configure your operating database system (page 19) before starting the ARIS setup.
In general, it is advisable to use up-to-date hardware taking into account the number of users
who will be accessing the ARIS. For information about hardware and software requirements,
please refer to the ARIS Platform Matrix document (see installation media or download it
Please consider the legal notices http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/.
If you require different installations, please refer to your local Software AG sales organization
(page 161). Please note that this type of manufacturer-specific or customer-specific change is not
subject to the standard Software AG software maintenance agreement and that these changes
can only be performed if you requested and agreed on them.

If you would like to import the license file right now please make sure to have the file saved on
this computer.

1. Perform the ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager Server installation.
2. Install the server on the active computer.
3. Select the modeling approach you wish to install for ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager.
Attention: You cannot change the modeling approach after installation is complete.
4. If you change the default port numbers please enter free numbers to prevent port conflicts
(page 157).
5. Specify the mail server parameters for outgoing mails. Enter the name of the mail server and
the default e-mail address, if this information is already available.
6. If you enable the event processing and enter all server parameters ARIS Risk & Compliance
Manager will receive e.g. WebMethods events and handle them.
7. Select the database system. If you do not check Standard please make sure to have the
database system customized (page 19) before running this setup.
8. Select the suitable installation option. You need to take the memory requirement into account
to ensure optimum load distribution and better protection against failure.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

The option Small reserves 1 GB for the application.

The option Medium reserves 4 GB for the application.
The option Large reserves 24 GB for the application.
9. Start the installation process.
10. Once after the installation process is completed click Start > All Programs > ARIS >
Administration > Start ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager. This process will take a while.
11. After ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager Server is running open your browser and enter
localhost/umc or <IP address or fully-qualified host name>/umc. The login dialog
12. Enter the user name system and the password manager. The administration opens.
13. Click Logout.
14. Send the URL <IP address or fully-qualified host name>/umc to the ARIS administrator.
ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager Server is installed and running.
You can stop the server using the Stop ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager link in the Windows
start menu.
The administrator must import licenses, create users and user groups and assign privileges and
licenses (page 38) for the default tenant. If you have created additional tenants (page 37) users
and licenses must be manages for each tenant.
If you already use ARIS Connect and have installed ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager later you
can reconfigure (page 77) your ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager component to your productive
ARIS Connect Server or ARIS Design Server installation. This will make ARIS Risk & Compliance
Manager available for all users of your productive system and only one ARIS document storage
will be in use.
Update installations are available (page 32). Components will be stopped. After the system has
been updated all components will be started automatically.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2.1.4 ARIS Publisher Server Installation

(Windows Operating System)
This procedure describes the installation that can be performed under a Windows operating
system. To perform remote installations (page 16) please first run the ARIS Agent setup on the
remote servers.
This setup will install ARIS Agent and ARIS Publisher Server.
The installation procedure is available for a Windows operating system (page 14) or a Linux
operating system (page 17).
The standard installation uses a Derby database system and Apache Tomcat Web Application
Server. With this test system, only one user can access a Publisher export. Swim lane models
cannot be exported using a Derby database. If you are installing ARIS Publisher Server on a Linux
operating system you cannot use a Derby database.
For a productive system, a larger number of users and on a Linux system, you need an Oracle
database system or a Microsoft SQL database system that must be configured for ARIS
Publisher Server (page 26) before starting the ARIS setup. These systems are not included in the
package. Depending on the ARIS Publisher Server license purchased (page 116), these systems
enable all users to simultaneously work on exports.
For demonstration reasons (laptop) we also recommend the ARIS client installation including the
server LOCAL (see Client Installation Guide). If you are about to use your Oracle database
system or your Microsoft SQL database system you need to configure your operating database
system (page 26) before starting the ARIS setup.
In general, it is advisable to use up-to-date hardware taking into account the number of users
who will be accessing the ARIS. For information about hardware and software requirements,
please refer to the ARIS Platform Matrix document (see installation media or download it
Please consider the legal notices http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/.
If you require different installations, please refer to your local Software AG sales organization
(page 161). Please note that this type of manufacturer-specific or customer-specific change is not
subject to the standard Software AG software maintenance agreement and that these changes
can only be performed if you requested and agreed on them.

Make sure to have the ARIS Publisher Server license file saved on this computer.

1. Perform the ARIS Publisher Server installation.
2. Install ARIS Publisher Server on the active computer.
3. Select the ARIS Publisher Server to be installed.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

4. If you retain the settings of the installation program, the context path and the free port
(19990) to the web server are entered automatically.
5. Select the suitable installation option. You need to take the memory requirement into account
to ensure optimum load distribution and better protection against failure.
The option Small is recommended for a single installation for demonstration purposes e. g. on
a laptop (32-bit VM; 1 GB for the application, 256MB for Derby).
The option Medium reserves 3 GB for the application and 512MB for Derby. The use of Oracle
or Microsoft SQL Server is recommended.
The option Large reserves 8 GB for the application and 1 GB for Derby. The use of Oracle or
Microsoft SQL Server is obligatory.
6. If you use Process Governance please specify the integration parameters.
The Process Governance module and the Start governance process pop-up menu are
only available in the Publisher exports if a Process Governance license is available for the
connected ARIS Connect Server or ARIS Design Server and all Process Governance integration
parameters have been entered during the ARIS Publisher Server setup process.
7. Select the database system. If you do not check Standard please make sure to have the
database system customized (page 19) before running this setup.
8. Start the installation process.
9. Once after the installation process is completed configure the system (page 51).
10. Click Start > All Programs > ARIS > Start ARIS Publisher Server.
11. After ARIS Publisher Server is running open your browser and enter http://<IP address or
fully-qualified host name>:<port number>/businesspublisher, e.g.
12. Start the Administration (page 39) of the ARIS Connect Server or ARIS Design Server and
import the ARIS Publisher Server license file.
After the installation, reports are run by ARIS Publisher Server. You can additionally install a
Report Server to optimize system performance when running reports. To install an ARIS Publisher
Report Server start this setup again and select the ARIS Publisher Report Server to be installed.
After you have installed ARIS Publisher Report Server, exports are managed by ARIS Publisher
Server and reports are run by ARIS Publisher Report Server.
If you already use ARIS Connect or ARIS Design Server and have installed ARIS Publisher Server
later you can force ARIS Publisher Server to use the Administration of your productive ARIS
Connect Server or ARIS Design Server (page 111) installation. Only in this case ARIS document
storage will be available if customized (page 113).
You may change the standard database connection parameters (page 31).
Update installations are available (page 32). Components will be stopped. After the system has
been updated all components will be started automatically.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2.1.5 ARIS Remote Installations (Windows Operating System)

Before installing servers remotely on a Windows operating system or a Linux operating system
you must provide ARIS Agent to your remote servers.

1. Start the ARIS Agent setup on the server that will be used for remote installation. Tis will
provide ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61) on this machine.
2. Start the server installation from any Windows system.
3. Select the remote installation option and enter the name of the remote server.
4. If you have changed the remote access password (page 67) you must enter the new password
using the option Enter changed remote access password.
5. Once after the installation process is completed configure the system (page 51).
6. Start the server (Start > All Programs > ARIS > Administration). This process will take
a while.
7. Click Start > All Programs > ARIS > Administration > Start ARIS Cloud Controller and
enter list to check the status of the processes.
8. After the server is running open your browser and enter <IP address or fully-qualified
host name>/umc. The login dialog opens.
9. Enter the user name superuser and the password superuser. The administration opens.
10. Click Logout.
11. Send the URL <IP address or fully-qualified host name>/umc to the ARIS administrator.
The Server is installed, customized and running.
You can stop enter stopall in the ARIS Cloud Controller.
The administrator must import licenses, create users and user groups and assign privileges and
licenses (page 38) for the default tenant. If you have created additional tenants (page 37) users
and licenses must be manages for each tenant.
Update installations are available (page 32). Components will be stopped. After the system has
been updated all components will be started automatically.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2.1.6 Installing ARIS on a Linux Operating System

Before installing ARIS Connect Server, ARIS Design Server or ARIS Publisher Server on a Linux
operating system you must provide ARIS Agent to your Linux Debian or Red Hat system. To allow
customizing activities additionally provide ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC). Use the *.deb files for
Debian systems and *.rpm files for Red Hat systems. After you have copied and installed the files
start the remote installation from a Windows system.
In RedHat and centos systems *.rpm files will perform these actions automatically:
 /etc/sysctl.conf

if "kernel.shmmax < 629145600" then "kernel.shmmax = 629145600"
if "max_file_max < 200000” then "fs.file-max = 200000"
 /etc/security/limits.d/40-aris.conf

$max_file_max = "ulimit –n"

If "$max_file_max > 2^20" then max_file_max = 2^20
aris soft nofile $max_file_max
aris hard nofile $max_file_max
aris soft nproc unlimited
aris hard nproc unlimited
 /etc/pam.d/su

session required pam_limits.so

As the internal ARIS user running all components has no root privileges all privileged ports
(<1024) cannot be used. To run ARIS under a privileged port you need to redirect the ports (page

1. Copy the file aris-cloud-agent_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT_amd64.deb or
aris-cloud-agent-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm from the installation media to the hard drive of
your Linux system.
This file provides ARIS Agent. ARIS Agent is needed to perform a remote ARIS Connect Server
or ARIS Design Server installation.
2. To allow enhanced customizing of ARIS copy the file
aris-acc_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT_amd64.deb or aris-cloud-agent-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm
from the installation media to the hard drive of your Linux system.
This file provides ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
3. Depending on the files you have copied and the type of the Linux system enter the relevant
command to install the files:
dpkg –i aris-cloud-agent_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT_amd64.deb
This command installs ARIS Agent to your Debian system.
dpkg –i aris-acc_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT_amd64.deb

Server Installation and Administration Guide

This command installs ARIS Cloud Controller (/bin/acc.sh) to your Debian system.
rpm –i aris-cloud-agent-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm
This command installs ARIS Agent to your Red Hat system.
rpm –i aris-acc-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm
This command installs ARIS Cloud Controller (/bin/acc.sh) to your Red Hat system.
4. If you are not about to use the standard database system, please make sure to customize your
Oracle or Microsoft SQL database system (page 19) before starting the ARIS Server
installation. For an ARIS Publisher Server installation the customizing is mandatory as the
standard database system Derby cannot be used.
5. Start the installation of ARIS Connect Server (page 5), ARIS Design Server (page 9) or ARIS
Publisher Server (page 14) from a Windows system.
6. Select the remote installation option and enter the name of your Linux system.
7. If you have changed the remote access password (page 67) you must enter the new password
using the option Enter changed remote access password.
8. Once after the installation process is completed configure the system (page 51).
9. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (acc.sh) and enter startall. This process will take a while.
10. Enter list to check the status of all components.
11. After all processes are running open your browser and enter localhost/umc or <IP address
or fully-qualified host name>/umc. The login dialog opens.
12. Enter the user name system and the password manager. The administration opens.
13. Click Logout.
14. Send the URL <IP address or fully-qualified host name>/umc to the ARIS administrator.
The ARIS Server is installed, customized and running.
You can stop enter stopall in the ARIS Cloud Controller.
The ARIS administrator should immediately change the password superuser to prevent
unauthorized access. The name superuser cannot be changed. Also the password manager of
the system user system should be changed.
The administrator must import licenses, create users and user groups and assign privileges and
licenses (page 38) for the default tenant. If you have created additional tenants (page 37) users
and licenses must be manages for each tenant.
To uninstall ARIS from a Debian system enter dpkg –-purge aris-acc or dpkg –-purge
aris-cloud-agent. To uninstall ARIS from a Ret Hat system enter rpm –e aris-acc or rpm –e
Update installations are available (page 32). Components will be stopped. After the system has
been updated all components will be started automatically.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2.2 Using Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server instead of the Standard

Database System
Please customize the Oracle (page 19) or the Microsoft SQL Server (page 21) database
management system before starting one of the following server setups:
 ARIS Connect Server setup (page 5)
 ARIS Design Server setup (page 9)
 ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager Server setup (page 12)
 Update setup (page 32)

Before performing an ARIS Publisher Server setup please customize the Oracle (page 26) or the
Microsoft SQL Server (page 29) database management system for ARIS Publisher Server.

2.2.1 Customize the Oracle Database

In this chapter the customizing of an Oracle database is described for a Microsoft Windows
operating system. To customize the system on a Linux operating system please use the sh files
instead of the bat files.
If you run ARIS based on Oracle as the database management system, you need to create an
application user (page 21) and create an empty schema for each tenant (page 21) before starting
the ARIS Server setup (page 2).
If you need help in setting up your database system, please contact Software AG
(https://empower.softwareag.com). Please note that this service is not subject to the standard
Software AG software maintenance agreement and that these changes can only be performed if
you requested and agreed on them. For information about hardware and software requirements,
please refer to the ARIS Platform Matrix document (see installation media or download it
Please consider the legal notices http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/.
To customize the system you need the following components:
 An operating Oracle database.
 The ojdbc6.jar driver. You can download this driver from the Oracle Web Site to a directory of
your choice.
 SQL scripts and all additional files. These scripts and files are located on the installation
medium (Add-ons\DatabaseScripts\Oracle) or they can be downloaded from the ARIS
Download Center
 Ensure that SQL*PLUS is available.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

If you are about to update your ARIS 9.x version using an Oracle database you must upgrade
your database schema first before starting the server. Otherwise your runtime environment and
data might be harmed and the application may not work anymore.
To do so please use the files on you installation medium under
Add-ons\DatabaseScripts\Oracle\Design&ConnectServer. Base requirement for this
configuration is a correct configured envset.bat.
Execute the cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat file for MS Windows operating system or
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.sh file for a Unix operating system.
This has to be executed for each tenant separately. Call the file directly on a computer where an
Oracle client is installed in the following syntax:
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat <tenant_name>, e.g.
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat default
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat myprojecttenant. Configure envset.bat

Before you create an application user (page 21) and create an empty schema (page 21) to store
the data of one tenant each you may change the default settings.
1. Edit the file envset.bat to specify the connection data of the Oracle instance:
SET CIP_ORA_BIN_PATH=<path to sqlplus.exe>
SET TARGET_HOST=<target_>host> (fully qualified name or IP address)
SET TARGET_PORT=<target_port> (e.g. 1521)
SET TARGET_SERVICE_NAME=<target_service_name> (e.g. the database name ARIS)
2. Edit the following line to change the name of the application user:
3. With the next two lines you specify the DBA user:
4. If your data table space name is different from ARISDATA respectively TEMP for temp table
space, then edit these lines:
After you have saved the changes you can create the application user (page 21).

Server Installation and Administration Guide Create the Application User

The application user is the oracle user connecting ARIS and the Oracle database. The default user
name is ARIS9. You can change the user name and the password. Therefore you need to
configure the envset.bat (page 20) file before creating the application user.
Run the script cip_create_app_user.bat.
The application user has been created.
This user name and the corresponding password be must be entered during the ARIS Server
setup (page 2) process. Create an Empty Schema for Each Tenant

Two schemes are mandatory. One for the master tenant and one for the default tenant. The
names, e.g .aris_master and aris_default can be modified. The names must be entered later
during the ARIS Server setup (page 2) process. If you need additional tenants (page 37) you
must create additional schemes.
Create the schema objects. Please run these commands for each schema name aris_master,
aris_default and additional tenants.
Run the script cip_create_schema_for_tenant.bat and pass the schema name as parameter,
cip_create_schema_for_tenant.bat aris_master (mandatory)
cip_create_schema_for_tenant.bat aris_default (mandatory)
cip_create_schema_for_tenant.bat <oracle schema name for additional tenant>
If the schema already exists it will be dropped and recreated.
Start the ARIS Server setup (page 2) process, select the database management system ORACLE
and the JDBC driver.
After you have set up the schema you need to assign the tenants (page 74) to additionally created
schemes only.

2.2.2 Customize the Microsoft SQL Server System

If you run ARIS Connect Server, ARIS Design Server or ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager Server
based on Microsoft SQL Server as the database management system, you need to configure the
envset.bat file (page 23) and install the database (page 24) using the script files before starting
the ARIS Server setup (page 2). You can also setup the database (page 24) and create an empty
schema for each tenant (page 24) manually.
If you need help in setting up your database system, please contact Software AG
(https://empower.softwareag.com). Please note that this service is not subject to the standard

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Software AG software maintenance agreement and that these changes can only be performed if
you requested and agreed on them. For information about hardware and software requirements,
please refer to the ARIS Platform Matrix document (see installation media or download it
Please consider the legal notices http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/.
To customize the system you need the following components:
 An operating Microsoft SQL Server database.
 The Microsoft JDBC Driver sqljdbc4.jar. You can download this driver from the Microsoft Web
Site to a directory of your choice.
 SQL scripts and all additional files. These scripts and files are located on the installation
medium (Add-ons\DatabaseScripts\MSSQL) or they can be downloaded from the ARIS
Download Center

Server Installation and Administration Guide Configure envset.bat

Before you install the database (page 24) to store the data of one tenant each you may change
the default settings.
Edit the file envset.bat to specify the connection data of the Microsoft SQL instance:
REM If you use named instances then append a "\" and the name of your instance
REM The login name
REM The remainder of this script is not intended to get customized.
After you have saved the changes, please install the database (page 24).

Server Installation and Administration Guide Install the Database Automatically

After you have configured the envset.bat file (page 23) you need to execute the inst.bat file.
This will create the database including the two mandatory tenants and the application user.
If you need additional tenants please use the create_schema_for_tenant.bat file. After you
have set up the schema you need to assign the tenants (page 74) to additionally created schemes
only. If you do not use the scripts you can also setup the database (page 24) and create an empty
schema for each tenant manually (page 24). Setup Database Manually

Only if you did not use the envset.bat (page 23) and inst.bat (page 24) files, please setup the
database manually. In this example the database e.g. CIP has been created. Instance and
Database must have a collation with a _CI_ in its name, e.g. Latin1_General_CI_AI.
1. Turn on Snapshot-Isolation and READ COMITTED mode:
2. Create a login ARIS9 and the user ARIS9 in this database:
GO Create an Empty Schema for Each Tenant Manually

Only if you did not use the envset.bat, inst.bat and the create_schema_for_tenant.bat files,
please create additional schemes manually. Two schemes are mandatory. One for the master
tenant and one for the default tenant. The names, e.g. aris_master and aris_default can be
modified. The names must be entered later during the ARIS Server setup (page 2) process. If you
need additional tenants you must create additional schemes.
Create the schema objects and a user that controls the schemes. The naming convention for that
user is <user name>_<database name>_<schema name>. Grant the privilege to
impersonate on that new schema and user to the user.
Please run these commands for each schema name aris_master, aris_default and additional

Server Installation and Administration Guide

USE [<database name>]
CREATE SCHEMA [<database name>_<schema name>]
CREATE USER [<user name>_<database name>_<schema name>] WITHOUT LOGIN
ALTER USER <user name>_<database name>_<schema name> WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA =
<database name>_<schema name>
GRANT CONTROL ON SCHEMA :: [<database name>_<schema name>] TO [<user
name>_<database name>_<schema name>]GRANT IMPERSONATE ON USER::<user
name>_<database name>__<schema name> TO ARIS9
GRANT CREATE TABLE TO [<user name>_<database name>_<schema name>]
GRANT CREATE VIEW TO [<user name>_<database name>_<schema name>]
GRANT CREATE FUNCTION TO [<user name>_<database name>_<schema name>]
In this example the database CIP is used. The schema name is CIP_MASTER and the user
name is ARIS9.
Start the ARIS Server setup (page 2) process, select the database management system
Microsoft SQL and the JDBC driver.
After you have set up the schema you need to assign the tenants (page 74) to additionally created

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2.3 Using Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server for ARIS Publisher Server
Before performing an ARIS Publisher Server setup please customize the Oracle (page 26) or the
Microsoft SQL Server (page 29) database management system for ARIS Publisher Server.
If you install a database yourself, always follow the instructions provided by the respective
manufacturer, or contact your local Software AG sales organization (page 161). Please consider
the legal notices http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/.
You may change the database connection parameters (page 31).

2.3.1 Use Oracle Database (Tomcat)

Please adjust your system as required to run ARIS Publisher Server in combination with Apache
Tomcat Web application server and an Oracle database.

 You have created an Oracle database and configured it as follows. If you install a database
yourself, always follow the instructions provided in the Oracle Installation Guide. We
recommend that you use two separate Oracle databases for ARIS Design Server and ARIS
Publisher. This keeps the two systems from competing for resources, and you achieve better
performance and higher availability.
 Use of the database character set AL32UTF8 is mandatory.
 We recommend a block size of 8K.
 query_rewrite_enabled=true
 query_rewrite_integrity=trusted
 You have created two table spaces: ARISBPDATA (for table data) and ARISBPINDEX (for
index data). To use other names or existing table spaces, you must customize the
configuration file webappserver.cfg (see below). We recommend that you set the table
spaces for automatic, unlimited growth. Otherwise, you run the risk of completely exhausting
the memory in the table spaces, which may cause important functions of ARIS Design Server
and ARIS Publisher to fail. If the option for automatic growth is not set, regular monitoring
(e.g. weekly) of the Oracle instance is required to ensure that the table spaces are manually
increased on time.
 You have created an Oracle user that ARIS Publisher can use to connect to the database. The
name of the Oracle user is assumed to be ARISBP. You can select any password. Enter it -
coded or unencoded - in the configuration file <Installation
path>\server\bin\work\work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
l>\base\webapps\businesspublisher\WEB-INF\Resources.xml (see below). If you prefer
another name, change the name there as well:

Server Installation and Administration Guide

 The Oracle user must have the following privileges

 We recommend that you turn off the Oracle recycle bin because large quantities of tables
accumulate there when exports are deleted.
 To encrypt passwords use the ARIS Server Administrator (page 101) command encrypt.

1. Open the file Resources.xml in the ARIS Publisher Server installation directory.
2. Ensure that the following entries are specified:
<Context path="/businesspublisher" docBase="installation path>/businesspublisher/"
debug="0" reloadable="false" crossContxt="true">
<Resource name="jdbc/businesspublisherdb" auth="Container"
maxActive="30" maxIdle="30" maxWait="1000" initialSize="10"
<!-- Configure the DBCP (database connection pool) with these values. For an explanation
of these values, go to:

username="ARISBP" password="ARISBP" <!-- where you use the Oracle user

name and password
(see Prerequisites)> -->
url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ARISBP" <!--
url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:port:sid where you replace hostname,
port, and sid in the URL as appropriate-- >
validationquery="Select 1 from dual"/>
3. Open the file ARIS Publisher Server installation directory..\webappserver.cfg.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

4. Ensure that the following entries are correctly specified:

<bp-oracle tablespace-data="ARISBPDATA" tablespace-index="ARISBPINDEX" />
If you have decided to use other table space names (see Prerequisite), please specify them
5. Ensure that the database connection is set for Oracle here:
O" />
6. Ensure that the JDBC driver ojdbc6.jar exists (download from Oracle Web Site) in the ARIS
Publisher Server installation directory ..\lib.
We recommend using JDBC driver version, otherwise, database errors may occur. You
may change the database connection parameters (page 31).

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2.3.2 Use Microsoft SQL Database

Please adjust the system as required to manage ARIS Publisher Server in combination with a
Microsoft SQL Server database. For additional information about Microsoft SQL Server, visit

 The file create_db.sql (installation media) is copied to a directory of your choice. This script
can be modified according to your security guide lines.
 You have installed Microsoft SQL Server under Microsoft Windows. Microsoft SQL Server is
not included in the package.
 You have downloaded the SQL Server JDBC driver (jTDS.jar or sqljdbc4.jar) from the
Microsoft Download Center to a directory of your choice.
 To encrypt passwords use the ARIS Server Administrator (page 101) command encrypt.

1. Open the Server properties dialog.
2. On the Security tab, select the SQL Server and Windows authentication mode option.
3. Create a database using the script create_db.sql.
a. Open the script for editing.
b. Adjust the path to the database file. Ensure that the path has been created before you run
the script.
If you specify or encode the database name, user name, and password you must also
customize the configuration files <Installation
path>\server\bin\work\work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
l>\base\webapps\businesspublisher\WEB-INF\Resources.xml and webappserver.cfg.
c. Ensure that Latin1_General_CI_AI sorting is selected for the COLLATE statement.
The script creates the specified data groups. If you have changed the names in the script,
you must also change them in the configuration file Resources.xml.
ARISBPDATA: contains all database objects
ARISBPINDEX: contains all index data
d. Copy the required JDBC driver (see prerequisite) to the Tomcat installation directory under
4. Customize the configuration file Resources.xml as follows:
If you use jTDS.jar:
<Resource name="jdbc/businesspublisherdb"
maxActive="100" maxIdle="20" maxWait="1000"
username="<enter username>"
password="<enter password>

Server Installation and Administration Guide

validationquery="Select 1 "/>
If you use sqljdbc4.jar:
<Resource name="jdbc/businesspublisherdb"
maxActive="100" maxIdle="20" maxWait="1000"
username="<enter username>"
password="<enter password>"
validationquery="Select 1 "/>
5. Customize the configuration file ..<ARIS Publisher Server installation
Ensure that the entries in the following line are correct:
<bp-mssql schema="ARISBPDATA" filegroup-data="ARISBPDATA"
filegroup-index="ARISBPINDEX" />
If you have changed the names in the script, you must adjust them here.
6. Ensure that the database connection is set for MSSQL.
" />
You may change the database connection parameters (page 31).

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2.3.3 Change Database Connection Parameters

After the installation of ARIS Publisher Server you might change the database connection
This example shows the affected parameters when using an Oracle system with a ARIS Publisher
Server installation for a medium number of users.

The following values will be changed within the businesspublisher_m component:
 <DBMS-Hostname>=ora-server.domain.tld
 <TCPIP-PORT>=1521
 <DBMS-USERNAME> (and Schema)=ARISBP95
 Tablespace-Name for Data=ARISBP9DATA
 Tablespace-Name for Index=ARISBP9INDEX

To change the settings in the server configuration please follow this procedure:
1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61) on your ARIS Publisher Server.
2. To stop all components, enter:
stop all
3. Reconfigure the businesspublisher component, enter:

e. g.:

Please make sure to place a plus-character (+) in front of each property to be changed.
4. Start all components, enter:
start all
The properties have been changed.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2.4 Update Installation

ARIS Connect Server, ARIS Design Server and ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager Server

Before updating please read the known restrictions page (page 159).
The update installation setup is available for one-node server installations only. All components
and the default tenant's system database will be updated and migrated. All other tenants must be
updated manually (page 73).
Scheduled reports as well as ACC enhancements concerning SSL, SAP® JCo and ODBC drivers
will be lost and must be reconfigured manually.
If you have changed the remote access password (page 67) please change the password to
g3h31m before starting the update. You need the superuser's password for each tenant.
After you have updated (page 32) ARIS Connect a re-indexing will take place after the first log in
for each database. Using large databases this may take some time. It is recommended to
re-index all databases for each tenant (page 73) before users have access to ARIS Connect.
To update customized installations e.g. multi-node systems please contact your local Software
AG sales organization (page 161).

Systems with Process Governance

When upgrading from ARIS version 9.5, you must migrate your Process Governance data
(page 59).

Using the Standard Database System

To update the installed version 9.5 using the standard database system please run the current
ARIS installation program. The update can be performed on the operating system. Outdated
components will be stopped, updated and restarted automatically.
1. Back up all tenants (page 35).
2. Start the update setup.
3. Update all other tenants (page 73).
4. Reconfigure ACC enhancements.
5. Re-index databases (page 73).
Please make sure to update locally installed clients too.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Using Oracle or Microsoft SQL as Database System

To update your installation:
1. Back up all tenants (page 35).
2. Customized the Oracle system.
If you are about to update your ARIS 9.5 version using an Oracle database you must upgrade
your database schema first before starting the server. Otherwise your runtime environment
and data might be harmed and the application may not work anymore.
To do so please use the files on you installation medium under
Add-ons\DatabaseScripts\Oracle\Design&ConnectServer. Base requirement for this
configuration is a correct configured envset.bat.
Execute the cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat file for MS Windows operating system or
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.sh file for a Unix operating system.
This has to be executed for each tenant separately. Call the file directly on a computer where
an Oracle client is installed in the following syntax:
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat <tenant_name>, e.g.
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat default
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat myprojecttenant.
3. Start the update setup.
4. Update all other tenants (page 73).
5. Reconfigure ACC enhancements.
6. Re-index databases (page 73).
It is not possible changing the database system using the update setup. To change the database
1. Back up all tenants (page 35).
2. Uninstall ARIS.
3. Customized the Oracle or Microsoft SQL database system.
If you are about to update your ARIS 9.5 version using an Oracle database you must upgrade
your database schema first before starting the server. Otherwise your runtime environment
and data might be harmed and the application may not work anymore.
To do so please use the files on you installation medium under
Add-ons\DatabaseScripts\Oracle\Design&ConnectServer. Base requirement for this
configuration is a correct configured envset.bat.
Execute the cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat file for MS Windows operating system or
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.sh file for a Unix operating system.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

This has to be executed for each tenant separately. Call the file directly on a computer where
an Oracle client is installed in the following syntax:
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat <tenant_name>, e.g.
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat default
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat myprojecttenant.
4. Start the ARIS Server setup and select the desired database system.
5. Restore data (page 35).
6. Update all other tenants (page 73).
7. Reconfigure ACC enhancements.
8. Re-index databases (page 73).

ARIS Publisher Server

If the database system had been changed from Derby to Oracle you cannot update the installed
version 9.0.
After you have updated the ARIS Publisher Server you must import the ARIS Publisher Server
license again.

Update Linux Installation

Red Hat
rpm –Uvh aris-*.rpm
dpkg –i aris-*.deb

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2.5 Back up and Restore Data

Before you perform an update installation (page 32), please make sure to save all tenant's data
before starting the setup process. Administrators can save tenant data in different ways. Using
the ACC command backup tenant (page 69) will save all data of that tenant at once. Tenants
can easily be restored using the restore tenant (page 70) command.
Scheduled reports as well as ACC enhancements concerning SSL, SAP® JCo and ODBC drivers
cannot be backed-up and must be reconfigured manually after an update.
You can also save data individually:


On the Administration tab, using the Backup functionality.

In ARIS Server Administrator, using the Backup or backupasn commands.
If the size of the backup file (ADB) exceeds 2 GB, errors may occur when restoring the file.


On the Administration tab with the function Export in the pop-up menu for a filter
(individual backup).
In ARIS Server Administrator, using the backupsystemdb command.

Method, configuration, and queries

In ARIS Server Administrator, using the backupsystemdb command.


On the Administration tab with the function Export in the pop-up menu for a script (individual
In ARIS Server Administrator, using the backupsystemdb command.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Queries and ad hoc analyses

On the Administration tab with the function Back up analysis data.

When you perform an update installation, add languages, or uninstall a component, the relevant
files and directories are backed up automatically. A selection of files is listed here to provide
examples for client installations:
 <ARIS installation directory>\backup<date>
 <ARIS installation directory>\html
 <ARIS installation directory>\script

For server installations:

 <ARIS installation directory>\server\backup
 <ARIS installation directory>\server\data (saved databases after uninstallation)
 <ARIS installation directory>\server\sysconfig
 <ARIS installation directory>\server\templates

Server Installation and Administration Guide

3 Tenant Management
After the installation of ARIS Connect or ARIS Design Server the default tenant is available. If
you need additional tenants to provide different sets of databases, users, configurations or ARIS
methods you can easily create tenants.
If you do not use the standard database system, please make sure to create additional schemes
in your Oracle (page 21) or Microsoft SQL database management system (page 24) and you have
assigned the tenants (page 74) to these schemes.
Administrators can manage tenants in different ways:
 Create tenants using ACC (page 68)
 Backup tenants using ACC (page 69)
 Restore tenants using ACC (page 70)
 Copy tenants using ACC (page 71)
 Delete tenants using ACC (page 72)
 Update a tenant using ACC (page 73)
 Advanced tenant management using ACC (page 100)
 Tenant management using command line tools (page 53)

Please make sure to manage (page 38) users and licenses for all tenants.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

4 User and License Management

For all ARIS products users are managed centrally within the Administration. The role specific
data access is handled by license privileges and function privileges managed within the
Administration and database specific privileges and filters associated to users and user groups.
These privileges and filters are managed within ARIS for each database of a tenant.

User management within the Administration

The Administration is a tool managing users, user groups, privileges, licenses, documents, and
configurations for each tenant (page 37) affecting all ARIS products. This ensures the single
sign-on for various ARIS products. Users can also be created using an LDAP system.
Administration is available for users holding the User management and License management
function privilege. Initially only the superuser and system system users are available. These
users are able to manage users for all tenants of your system (page 38). Users can also be
manages using the Administration's command line tools (page 52).
If you are about to manage users within the Administration please make sure to have the ARIS
Risk & Compliance Manager Server reconfigured (page 77) and that you have forced ARIS
Publisher Server to use the specific Administration (page 111).
Administrators must perform these actions in order to allow access to ARIS:
1. Change the passwords of the superuser user and the system user. (page 40)
2. Import the license if it has not been imported during the setup process. (page 40)
3. Create users (page 41) or import (page 42) them from the LDAP system.
4. Create user groups (page 42) or import (page 42) them from the LDAP system.
5. Assign users to user groups. (page 43)
6. Assign privileges. (page 43)
Further information is available in the <:admin>'s online help (<User name> > Help).
All users and user groups managed in the Administration are available in every existing or future
database of this tenant. In each database product specific privileges must be assigned in ARIS
(page 44). To do so, please also refer to the ARIS online help chapter Manage users.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

User management within ARIS

While creating a database all users and user groups are imported from the Administration. To
control data access and role specific actions administrators need to assign privileges and filters
for each database. The server LOCAL can only be used by the system user.
Please make sure to have managed users and licenses before you manage users in ARIS.
These actions can be performed by all users holding the function privileges Database
administrator and User management.
1. Create databases (page 44).
2. Assign database specific privileges and filters. (page 44)
3. Provide the URL <IP. address or fully-qualified host name>/#<Tenant>/home, e.g.
http://aris.connect.sag/#default/home to all users using ARIS Connect.
All authorized users have access to licensed ARIS products.
Privileges and filters must be assigned for each additional database.

4.1 Log into the Administration as superuser

The Administration is a tool to manage users, user groups, privileges, licenses, documents, and
configurations for each tenant (page 37) of all ARIS products. This ensures the single sign-on for
various ARIS products. Users can also be created using an LDAP system. Administration is
available for users holding the User management and License management function
privilege. After the installation only the administrators superuser or system can login.
ARIS also provides a set of command-line tools (page 52) that can be used to perform
administrative operations.

1. Click the link localhost/umc or <IP address or fully-qualified host name>/umc. The
login dialog of the Administration opens.
2. Enter the user name superuser and the password superuser.
3. Select the tenant.
4. Click Log in.
The Administration opens.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

4.2 Change Passwords

Change the superuser user's and the system user's passwords. This will provide unauthorized
actions within the system. These users are created automatically for each tenant. The system
user holds all function privileges and access for all databases. The superuser user holds all
privileges to allow user and license management.
1. Log into the Administration of the ARIS Server as superuser (page 39).

2. Click User management, and select Users. The list of users is displayed.
3. Enter superuser into the search box. The search result is shown.
4. Click superuser. The user data (details) is displayed.

5. Click Edit.
6. Enable the Change password check box. The Password and Confirm password boxes are
7. Enter a new password, and reenter it. If you want to use the webMethods integration,
passwords may not contain a colon.
8. Click Save.
9. Change the system user's password too
The passwords is changed. The users receive e-mail notifications.

4.3 Import License

Import the license if it has not been imported during the setup process. Users can also be
manages using the Administration's command line tools (page 52).
1. Log into the Administration of the ARIS Server as superuser (page 39).

2. Click Licenses.

3. Click Import license file. The Upload license file dialog opens.
4. Select the relevant license file.
5. Click Upload. The license file is transferred. If an ARIS Design Server license is imported
instead of an ARIS Connect license, ARIS Connect functionality will not available.
If you need additional license keys later, simply import the new license file as described above. To
display imported license files, click the relevant license, and select Open license file.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

4.4 Create Users

You need to create users if you do not use a LDAP system (page 42). Users can also be manages
using the Administration's command line tools (page 52).
1. Log into the Administration of the ARIS Server as superuser (page 39).

2. Click User management, and select Users. The list of users opens.

3. Click Add user.

4. Enter the user name, first and last name, e-mail address, if applicable, and password. If a user
that already exists in the LDAP system is created, the user name must match. The e-mail
address is transferred automatically. For the other specifications you can enter any characters
you wish because this information will automatically be transferred from the LDAP system
after the user is created.
5. The user name does not necessarily have to correspond to a person's first or last name. In
many cases, a randomly selected character string is used, or an abbreviation of the first
and/or last name.

6. Click Save. The detail view of the user is displayed.

7. Assign a user group to the user, if required.
8. Click Associated user groups.

9. Click Edit association. The Associate user groups dialog opens.

10. Enable the check boxes of the relevant items in the Available items box, and click Add.
The items are transferred to the Assigned items box.
To remove items from the Assigned items box, disable the check boxes of the relevant items
in this box, and click Remove.

11. Click Save.

12. Enable the required function and license privileges for the user under Privileges.
The user is created with the corresponding user group and privilege assignments. The user
cannot be created if a mandatory field was not filled out or a user name was entered that is
already in use by another user in the system. LDAP users are indicated by the LDAP user

Server Installation and Administration Guide

4.5 Create Users Groups

You need to create users groups if you do not use a LDAP system (page 42). Users can also be
manages using the Administration's command line tools (page 52).
1. Log into the Administration of the ARIS Server as superuser (page 39).

2. Click User management, and select Users groups. The list opens.

3. Click Add user group.

4. Enter the name of the user group and an optional description.

5. Click Save. The detail view is displayed.

6. Assign users to the group, if required.
7. Click Associated users.

8. Click Edit association. The Associate users dialog opens.

9. Enable the check boxes of the relevant items in the Available items box, and click Add.
The items are transferred to the Assigned items box.
10. To remove items from the Assigned items box, disable the check boxes of the relevant items
in this box, and click Remove.

11. Click Save.

The user group is created.

4.6 Import Users and User Groups from LDAP

You can import users from the LDAP system into the Administration. Users can also be manages
using the Administration's command line tools (page 52).
1. Log into the Administration of the ARIS Server as superuser (page 39).

2. Click User management, and select Users or User groups. The list of users or user
groups is displayed.

3. Click Additional functions.

4. Click Start LDAP import. The button is active only if an LDAP system is configured on the
5. Select the filter.
6. Click OK.
The users or user groups are transferred from the LDAP system according to the selected filter.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

4.7 Assign Users to User Groups

Users holding identical privileges can be handled easily within user groups.
1. Log into the Administration of the ARIS Server as superuser (page 39).

2. Click User management, and select User groups.

3. Click Associated users.

4. Click Edit association. The Associate users dialog opens.

5. Enable the check boxes of the relevant items in the Available items box, and click Add.
The items are transferred to the Assigned items box.
6. To remove items from the Assigned items box, disable the check boxes of the relevant items
in this box, and click Remove. To assign all available items, click Add all, and click Remove
all to remove all assignments. To assign all available items, click Add all, and click Remove
all to remove all assignments.

7. Click Save.
The users are assigned to the user group.

4.8 Assign Privileges

Function privileges (page 48) define the role of a user or a user group as they control the actions
a user can perform. License privileges (page 45) define the set of ARIS products and views a user
1. Log into the Administration of the ARIS Server as superuser (page 39).

2. Click User management, and select Users or User groups. The list opens.
3. Select an item. The detail view is displayed.
4. Click Privileges > Function privileges.
Function privileges define the role of a user or a user group as they control the actions a user
can perform. The current assignment is displayed.
5. Enable the check boxes of the function privileges to be assigned.
6. Click License privileges. License privileges define the set of ARIS products and views a user
can log into. The current assignment is displayed.
7. Enable the check boxes of the license privileges to be assigned.
The user/user group holds the selected set of privileges. If users have assigned a privilege
directly and via associated user groups, this is detected automatically so that the user only uses
one license.
Database specific function privileges (page 49) must be assigned for each database (page 44).

Server Installation and Administration Guide

4.9 Start ARIS

After ARIS Connect or ARIS Design Server is installed ARIS is available as download client.
1. Open your browser and enter <IP address or fully-qualified host
name>/#<tenant>/home. The login dialog opens.
2. Enter the user name system and the password you have recently changed (page 40).
3. Click Log in.
4. Click the user name system > Download clients. The product page opens.
5. Start ARIS Architect/Designer.
6. Log in as system user.
ARIS is starting.

4.10 Create Databases

All databases will be available using this tenant. All users holding the function privilege Database
administrator can perform this action.
1. Start ARIS. (page 43)

2. Click ARIS > Administration, or ARIS > Explorer.

3. Click Navigation in the bar panel if the Navigation bar is not activated yet.

4. In the Explorer tree, click your connection to the ARIS Server and select New >
5. Enter a name. Do not use any special characters.
6. Enable the Versionable check box if you want the content of the new database to be
7. Click OK. The database is created and displayed in the Navigation bar, either as a
non-versionable or versionable database.
All users and user groups are automatically transferred from the Administration.

4.11 Assign Database specific Privileges and Pilters

Access privileges and filters define the user's role for each database. This action can be performed
by all users holding the function privilege User management.

1. Click ARIS > Administration.

2. Log in to the database as system user or a user holding sufficient privileges.

3. Click Navigation in the bar panel if the Navigation bar is not activated yet.

4. Click Users on User groups in the Navigation bar.

5. In the table, right-click the user or user group, and select Properties.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

6. Click Access privileges on the Selection tab. Access privileges regulate individual access to
each database.
7. Select the users/user groups for which you want to assign privileges. You can assign Read (r),
Write (w), and Delete (d) access privileges. The Version (v) access privilege is available for
versionable databases only.
8. Select the required access privileges in the Privileges field.
9. If you click the Pass on privileges button, the privileges selected in the Privileges box are
applied to all subgroups. This also applies to all new subgroups created below this group in the
10. Click Function privileges on the Selection tab. For users to be able to perform certain
actions, they need the corresponding function privileges in each database. You can assign
function privileges via user groups, as well.
11. In the Assign column, click the relevant function privileges.
Users holding the Administration's Database administrator function privilege will become
system users in every database. They hold all function privileges of a database and can access
all database groups.
12. You cannot change function privileges for system users. Only system users can check the
System user check box. This user has all function and access privileges.
13. Click Method filter on the Selection tab. Filters enable users to log in with a particular filter to
only provide them with the needed ARIS method content.
14. In the Assign column, click the relevant filters.
15. Click OK.
The selected privileges and filters are assigned. Users can now log in.
Privileges and filters must be assigned for each additional database.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

4.12 What License and Function Privileges can be Assigned?

Privileges provide users with ARIS products and specific functions.

4.12.1 License Privileges

License privileges provide users with specific products and components. You can assign the
following license privileges to users or user groups. The product-specific privileges must be
assigned in the respective ARIS product.
 ARIS Architect
Develop, model, analyze, control, and manage the company-wide process architecture.
 ARIS Access
Access to ARIS data and repository content through external applications.
 Business Strategy
Develop high-quality software with consistent processes by integrating business processes
and UML.
 Enterprise Architecture Management
Create a uniform inventory of systems and technologies to align business requirements
with IT changes.
 Process Governance
Design and deploy BPM governance processes to coordinate, automate, and monitor BPM
 SAP®
Support SAP®projects by means of business blueprints, test design, and the
implementation of processes, and by providing a connection from ARIS to SAP®Solution
Manager and SAP NetWeaver® Business Warehouse.
 Simulation
Identify process bottlenecks and run what-if analyses in order to obtain valuable decision
support for process improvement programs.
 webMethods integration
Share business processes with IT in an automated manner so that they can be
implemented and optimized.
 ARIS Optimizer
Calculate meaningful business process data and plan the operational structure and process
organization based on these calculations.
 ARIS Connect Designer
Create, modify, and maintain models in the Web browser and make them available in the

Server Installation and Administration Guide

 ARIS Connect Viewer

Read ARIS Connect content.
 ARIS Designer
Provide models for business process management, which covers aspects such as business
processes, business organization, data modeling, IT landscape, and workflow.
 Business Strategy
Develop high-quality software with consistent processes by integrating business processes
and UML.
 Enterprise Architecture Management
Create a uniform inventory of systems and technologies to align business requirements
with IT changes.
 SAP®
Support SAP®projects by means of business blueprints, test design, and the
implementation of processes, and by providing a connection from ARIS to SAP®Solution
Manager and SAP NetWeaver® Business Warehouse.
 ARIS Connect user
Create, edit, and display dashboards and data feeds.
 ARIS Connect Viewer
Display dashboards and data feeds.
 RCM Administrate & Operate
Carry out all administrative and operative tasks in ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager.
 RCM Contribute
Add and edit additions to existing objects in ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager.
 ARIS Smart Input
Record data for processing with ARIS Optimizer or record the duration of processes.
 ARIS UML Designer
Use ARIS UML Designer to integrate business processes and UML in software development
processes, and develop and provide high-quality software.
 ARIS Access
Access to ARIS UML data and UML repository content through external applications.
 ARIS Viewer
Display processes.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

4.12.2 Function Privileges within the Administration

Function privileges within the Administration provide users with specific functions and control
their privileges across the database. You can assign the following function privileges to users or
user groups within the Administration. The product-specific privileges must be assigned for each
database in ARIS.
 Analysis publisher
Publish and delete analyses and queries.
 Analysis administrator
Manage the analysis database. Publish and delete analyses and queries.
 User management
Manage users, user groups, and privileges in the Administration.
 <_col> administrator
Manage private groups and moderate user's articles classified as questionable.
 Dashboard administrator
Manage server settings, dashboards, data feeds, and data source connections of ARIS
 Database administrator
Manage the tenant's databases. Users holding this function privilege are system users.
System users hold all function privileges of a database and can access all database groups.
 Document management
Manage documents and document versions, directories, and privileges of ARIS document
 Configuration administrator
Manage the tenant's configuration. Import and export configuration files such as filters and
 License management
Import, export, and delete licenses in Administration.
 PPM user
Use PPM.
 Portal administrator
Specify which databases are published with which version for the process portal, and manage
settings for the corporate design.
 Process Governance administrator
Manage Process Governance processes.
 Publisher administrator
Generate, update, and delete ARIS Publisher exports.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

 RCM administrator
Run the semantic check reports, export and import scripts relevant for ARIS Risk &
Compliance Manager in ARIS, and manage ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager.
 Server administrator
Manage the Design server component ofARIS Connect Server or ARIS Design Server.
 Script administrator
Manage the tenant's report scripts and macros.
 Technical configuration
Configure the system, e.g., LDAP, SMTP, and import and export configuration files in
Administration, as well as manage documents.

4.12.3 Function Privileges within ARIS

You can use the function privileges to provide users with specific functionality and thus control
their authorizations within databases. Function privileges are assigned on the properties pages of
users or user groups.
 Show user management
Displays the User database item on the Administration tab. Users with this function privilege
cannot create or delete users/user groups.
 User management
Displays the User and the User groups database items on the Administration tab.
Users with this function privilege can:
 assign method filters
 assign function privileges
 assign access privileges
 specify default method filters
Users can only assign privileges which they have themselves.
 Change management
Users with this function privilege can:
 modify proposals
 propose and modify measures
 specify end dates for measures
 set priorities
 define persons responsible

Server Installation and Administration Guide

 Database management
Users with this function privilege can:
 edit database attributes
 create, modify and delete languages
 Database export
Users with this function privilege can:
 transfer database content to other databases (merge)
 export and import database content.
 Method changes
Users with this function privilege can change the color or line weight of objects in models by
changing the Fill color, Line color, Line style, and Weight boxes on the Format >
Representation > Object appearance page.
As a result, only the appearance of this object occurrence differs from the default appearance
defined in the ARIS Method.
To change the ARIS Method you need the configuration and method management
 Prefix management
Users with this function privilege can manage database prefixes and change this attribute for
all database items for which they have the Write access privilege.
Prefixes of a database are managed on the Administration tab on the Identifier properties
page. By assigning a particular prefix to a user, you can identify the users who have created
database items.
 Font format management
Users with this function privilege can create, change, or delete font formats in the database on
the Administration tab.
 Lock permanently
Users with this function privilege can lock group content, objects, and models during Release
Cycle Management. Permanently locked database items are displayed, but they can only be
edited by the user who locked them. This user and system users can remove the lock.
 Attribute formatting
Users with this function privilege can format attributes.
 Report automation
Users with this function privilege can run reports as scheduled reports. The group Scheduled
reports is displayed in the Explorer tree.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

5 Customizing
This chapter provides information on configuring your system. For information about hardware
and software requirements, please refer to the ARIS Platform Matrix document (see
installation media or download it
After the installation you may need to customize the system.
If you use standard license without extension packs the system will work without customization.
For some extension packs, e.g. for Process-Driven Management for SAP® Solutions (page 124)
you must customize ARIS depending on the functionality to be provided. You can also change
settings entered during the setup process using the administration tools (page 51).
After you have customized the system administrators need to create users and user groups in the
Administration and assign privileges and licenses (page 51).

5.1 Administration Tools

For administration please use the tools described in this chapter.

5.1.1 Administration
The Administration is a tool to manage users, user groups, privileges, licenses, documents, and
configurations for each tenant (page 37) of all ARIS products. This ensures the single sign-on for
various ARIS products. Users can also be created using an LDAP system. Administration is
available for users holding the User management and License management function
privilege. After the installation only the administrators superuser or system can login.
ARIS also provides a set of command-line tools (page 52) that can be used to perform
administrative operations.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

5.1.2 Command Line Tools for the Administration

Administration is a tool to manage users, user groups, privileges, licenses, documents, and
configurations for all ARIS products. This ensures the single sign-on for various ARIS products.
Users can also be created using an LDAP system.
ARIS also provides a set of command-line tools that can be used to perform administrative
There are always at least two tenants, the tenant default and the tenant master. Most
command-line operations require user authentication. The provided user must have sufficient
permissions to perform the requested operation, e.g. a tenant create, read, update or delete can
only be performed by administrators of tenant master.
 The Administration must be running.
 The command-lint tools must be executed in the following path:
<ARIS installation path>/server/bin/work/work_umc<size>*/tools/bin.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Password Encryption

There are many places where one might want to use and store a password. The y-password.bat
can be used to encrypt these passwords. Run it without argument to see the usage instructions.

1. Open a command prompt (Start > Run > cmd).
2. Type y-password.bat <option> <password>
3. Cut the encrypted password and paste it to your configuration file.
There will be the following output:
[CLI] Setting verbosity level... [VALUE: 0=OFF]
[CLI] Plain: <password>
[CLI] Encrypted: f4a28327ad2f0c87336dd74fe0a70c39
General usage

Options Description
-?, -h, --help Show help
Default: false

Commands Description
encrypt encrypts the password

y-password.batl encrypt aris
[CLI] Setting verbosity level... [VALUE: 0=OFF]
[CLI] Plain: aris
[CLI] Encrypted: f4a28327ad2f0c87336dd74fe0a70c39

Server Installation and Administration Guide Tenant Management

The batch file y-tenantmgmt.bat can also be used to manage tenants. Run it without argument
to see the usage instructions.
Using some advanced ACC commands (page 80) makes it possible to create a tenant, import a
license and migrate or restore a database in one step (page 100). If you do not use the standard
database system, please make sure to create additional schemes in your Oracle (page 21) or
Microsoft SQL database management system (page 24) and you have assigned the tenants (page
74) to these schemes.

 ARIS Connect Server Installation
Users need the function privileges license management, user management, user
management configuration.
 ARIS Design Server Standalone Installation
Users need to login as superuser or they need either an ARIS Architect license or an ARIS
UML Designer license. For local systems they need to login as system user system.

1. Open a command prompt (Start > Run > cmd).
2. Type y-tenantmgmt.bat without parameters to display the help.
General usage

Options Description
-?, -h, --help Show help, default: false

-s, --server URL of the server, e.g. http://my_host_url

Commands Description Parameters

createTenant Creates a new --user (-u) <USERNAME> (mandatory)
tenant. --password (-p) <PASSWORD> (mandatory)
--tenant (-t) <TENANTNAME> (mandatory)
--arisservicePassword (-arisservicep) <PASSWORD>
--superuserPassword (-superuserp) <PASSWORD>
--systemPassword (-systemp) <PASSWORD>

listTenants Lists all existing --user (-u) <USERNAME> (mandatory)

tenants. --password (-p) <PASSWORD> (mandatory)

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Commands Description Parameters

getTenant Prints --user (-u) <USERNAME> (mandatory)
information --password (-p) <PASSWORD> (mandatory)
about a tenant.
--tenant (-t) <TENANTNAME> (mandatory)

deleteTenant Deletes an --user (-u) <USERNAME> (mandatory)

existing tenant. --password (-p) <PASSWORD> (mandatory)
--tenant (-t) <TENANTNAME> (mandatory)

createUser Creates a new --user (-u) <USERNAME> (mandatory)

user. --password (-p) <PASSWORD> (mandatory)
--tenant (-t) <TENANTNAME> (mandatory)
--affectedUser (-au) <NEWUSERLOGIN> (mandatory)
--affectedPassword (-ap) <NEWUSERPWD>
--affectedFirstName (-af) <NEWUSERFIRST>
--affectedLastName (-al) <NEWUSERLASTNAME>
--affectedEmail (-ae) <NEWUSEREMAIL>
--affectedDescription (-ad) <NEWUSERDESCR>

getUser Prints --user (-u) <USERNAME> (mandatory)

information --password (-p) <PASSWORD> (mandatory)
about a user.
--tenant (-t) <TENANTNAME> (mandatory)
--affectedUser (-au) <USERLOGIN> (mandatory)

updateUser Updates an --user (-u) <USERNAME> (mandatory)

existing user. --password (-p) <PASSWORD> (mandatory)
--tenant (-t) <TENANTNAME> (mandatory)
--affectedUser (-au) <NEWUSERLOGIN> (mandatory)
--affectedPassword (-ap) <NEWUSERPWD>
--affectedFirstName (-af) <NEWUSERFIRST>
--affectedLastName (-al) <NEWUSERLASTNAME>
--affectedEmail (-ae) <NEWUSEREMAIL>
--affectedDescription (-ad) <NEWUSERDESCR>

deleteUser Deletes an --user (-u) <USERNAME> (mandatory)

existing user. --password (-p) <PASSWORD> (mandatory)
--tenant (-t) <TENANTNAME> (mandatory)
--affectedUser (-au) <USERLOGIN> (mandatory)

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Commands Description Parameters

importConfig Updates --user (-u) <USERNAME> (mandatory)
configuration of --password (-p) <PASSWORD> (mandatory)
--tenant (-t) <TENANTNAME> (mandatory)
--file (-f) <CONFIGFILE>

assignLicense Assigns a license --user (-u) <USERNAME> (mandatory)

to a user. --password (-p) <PASSWORD> (mandatory)
--tenant (-t) <TENANTNAME> (mandatory)
--license (-l) <PRODUCTCODE> (mandatory)
--affectedUser (-au) <USERNAME> (mandatory)

exportConfig Exports --user (-u) <USERNAME> (mandatory)

configuration of --password (-p) <PASSWORD> (mandatory)
--tenant (-t) <TENANTNAME> (mandatory)
--file (-f) <CONFIGFILE>

importLicense Imports license --user (-u) <USERNAME> (mandatory)

files for a tenant --password (-p) <PASSWORD> (mandatory)
--tenant (-t) <TENANTNAME> (mandatory)
--file (-f) <LICENSEFILE>

unassignLicense Removes a --user (-u) <USERNAME> (mandatory)

license from user. --password (-p) <PASSWORD> (mandatory)

--tenant (-t) <TENANTNAME> (mandatory)

--license (-l) <PRODUCTCODE> (mandatory)
--affectedUser (-au) <USERNAME> (mandatory)

After creating a tenant, you have to import the relevant license and create the users. You can do
so from command line or via graphical user interface Administration.
It is recommended to change the password of the default user system immediately after the

The following line creates a tenant with name Test. Please pay attention to the order.
y-tenantmgmt.bat -s http://my_aris_host.com -t test createTenant -u system -p manager
The following line creates a new tenant with name test01 and initial system user password abc.
Please pay attention to the order.
y-tenantmgmt.bat -s http://my_aris_host.com -t test01 createTenant -u system -p
manager -systemp abc
The following line prints information of the default tenant.
y-tenantmgmt.bat -s http://my_aris_host.com -t default getTenant -u system -p manager

Server Installation and Administration Guide

The following line updates the configuration of default tenant.

y-tenantmgmt.bat -s http://my_aris_host.com -t default importConfig -f
sldapconfig.properties -u superuser -p superuser
The following line assigns a license configuration to the user my_user.
y-tenantmgmt.bat -s http://my_aris_host.com-t default -assignLicense au my_user -l
YCZUS -u system -p manager

Server Installation and Administration Guide LDAP Synchronization

The batch file y-ldapsync.bat can be used to synchronize the Administration with LDAP. Run it
without argument to see the usage instructions.

1. Open a command prompt (Start > Run > cmd).
2. Type y-ldapsync.bat -s <http://host_url> -t <tenant name> <command> -u <user
name> -p <password>
Users are synchronized or imported from an LDAP system.
General usage

Options Description
-?, -h, --help Show help

-u User name of the relevant user.

-p Password of the relevant user.

-f LDAP search filter

-s, --server URL of the server, URL of the server, e.g. http://my_host_url

-t, --tenant Tenant name


Commands Description
importUsers Imports users from an LDAP system, the spelling is case sensitive.

importGroups Imports a hierarchy from an LDAP system, the spelling is case sensitive.

syncUsers Synchronizes existing users with an LDAP system, the spelling is case

syncGroups Synchronizes existing groups with an LDAP system, the spelling is case

Example 1
y-ldapsync.bat -s http://my_aris_host.com -t default importUsers -u system -p manager -f
[CLI] Setting verbosity level... [VALUE: 0=OFF]
[CLI] Importing users... [TENANT: 30ff3081-aa9e-33e7-a7d7-5f9d00ae89ee, FILTER:

Server Installation and Administration Guide

[CLI] Users successfully imported. [TENANT: 30ff3081-aa9e-33e7-a7d7-5f9d00ae89ee, COUNT:

[CLI] CN=myuser,OU=Users,DC=mydomain

Example 2
Import all users from an LDAP system.
y-ldapsync.bat -s http://my_aris_host.com -t default importUsers -u system -p manager -f
(cn=*) Data Migration

Run it without arguments to see usage instructions. In case of a data import, the target database
has to be empty. Run it without argument to see the usage instructions.

1. Open a command prompt (Start > Run > cmd).
2. Type y-datadump.bat -s <http://host_url> -t <tenant name > <command> -u
<user name> -p >password> -f <dump file>
In this case, there is a dump file written that contains the database content. There will the
following output:
[CLI] Setting verbosity level... [VALUE: 0=OFF]
[CLI] Exporting data... [TENANT: 30ff3081-aa9e-33e7-a7d7-5f9d00ae89ee, FILE: C:\out.zip]
[CLI] Data successfully exported. [TENANT: 30ff3081-aa9e-33e7-a7d7-5f9d00ae89ee]
General usage

Options Description
-?, -h, --help Show help

-f File name of the dump file.

-s, --server URL of the server, URL of the server, e.g. http://my_host_url

-t, --tenant Tenant name


Server Installation and Administration Guide

Commands Description
export Exports all data of the specified tenant to a data dump file. Currently, a dump
contains the following information:
 tenant
 users
 groups
 user-group assignments
 profile pictures (optional)
 permissions, dependent on the privileges of the user who enters the
 licenses, dependent on the privileges of the user who enters the command
 configuration, dependent on the privileges of the user who enters the

The data is stored in JSON format and packed into an encrypted ZIP file. The
ZIP file can be restored using the same command line tool.

migrate Migrates data from central user management version 1.x to version 2.x. A
dump file is used to perform this migration.

1. All entities are assigned to default.

2. Organizational units are converted to user groups.
In case of name conflicts, a unique suffix is appended to the group name.
The suffix format conforms to the format used by other ARIS products.
3. User passwords are decrypted and re-hazed using K hashing mechanisms.
4. User flag active for process automation is migrated to permissions.
5. User flag process administration is migrated to permissions.

import Imports a data base dump from a file.

In this example, data are exported into a dump file.
y-datadump.bat -s <http://host_url> -t default export -u system -p manager -f out.zip

Server Installation and Administration Guide

5.1.3 ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC)

ACC is a command line tool that allows advanced customizing of ARIS Server Components
(page 80).
To start ACC under a Windows operating system click Start > All Programs > ARIS >
Administration > Start ARIS Cloud Controller.
To start ACC under a Linux operating system run the acc.sh file. ACC is available if you have
copied and installed the files aris-acc_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT_amd64.deb or
aris-cloud-agent-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm depending on the Linux operating system (page 17).
Enter help or help <command> help to get information about the usage of the commands.
Enter list to monitor the status of all components (runnables). This example shows ACC of an
ARIS Connect Server installation for a medium number of users.
ACC+ arisserver>list
15 installed runnables.
zoo_m : STARTED
postgres_m : STARTED
postgresECP_m : STARTED
couchdb_m : STARTED
cloudsearch_m : STARTED
elastic_m : STARTED
adsadmin_m : STARTED
umcadmin_m : STARTED
loadbalancer_m : STARTED
abs_m : STARTED
apg_m : STARTED (com.aris.age.age-run-prod-9.0.0-RC30-Trunk-SNAPSHOT)
copernicus_m : STARTED
octopus_m : STARTED
ecp_m : STARTED
simulation_m : STARTED
ACC+ arisserver>
The status of all components represented by their instanceIDs are listed. Possible states are:

Server Installation and Administration Guide

The component state is not yet known. This state is shown directly after the agent was
The component is currently not running.
The component is starting, but this process is not complete yet.
The component is running.
The component is stopping, but this process is not complete yet.
This component has and crashed. The agent will attempt to automatically restart the
component momentarily.
Component has crashed. The agent has given up trying to restart the component.

If a component does not start properly please read the Basic Troubleshooting chapter
(page 156).

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Components of all ARIS Servers

This table lists all components run by ARIS Design Server (Design), ARIS Connect Server
(Connect), ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager ( ARCM), ARIS Publisher Server (Publisher) and the
locally installed server installed by the ARIS Client Setup (LOCAL) for a medium number of users
installation. That's why all instanceIds end with _m. Installations for a small or a large number of
users are typified with _s or _l.
Components run by the server LOCAL are not accessible by ACC. This server is only available in
combination with ARIS Client installations.

InstanceId Component Design Connect ARCM Publisher LOCAL


Components run by different server types

zoo_m Service registry x x x x

postgres_m Standard database x x x x

postgresECP_m Collaboration x

couchdb_m Document storage x x x


cloudsearch_m Search engine x x x x

elastic_m Document storage x x x x


adsadmin_m Document storage x x x

umcadmin_m Administration x x x x

loadbalancer_m Load balancer x x x x

abs_m Design server x x x

apg_m Process governance x x

copernicus_m Portal server x x

octopus_m Analysis server x x x

ecp_m Collaboration server x x x

simulation_m Simulation x x x

businesspublisher_ Publisher server x


arcm_m ARIS Risk & x

Manager server

Server Installation and Administration Guide Start / Stop Components

The start modus had been selected during the setup process. If you have chosen the option Start
automatically all components will be started in the right order.
Components can also be started and stopped independently but most components will not work
on their own. You must start all needed components in the right order.
 Enter startall.
All components are starting in correct order. To monitor the process enter list.
 Enter start <instanceId>, e.g. start abs_m.
The modeling component is starting.
 Enter stopall.
All components are stopping. To monitor the process enter list.
 Enter stop <instanceId>, e.g. stop abs_m.
The modeling component is stopping.

If you run ARIS on a laptop (8 GB) for demonstration reasons you might stop components you do
not need (page 78) to ensure more memory for the system. Provide Additional Memory

If you have performed an installation for a small (s), medium (m) or large (l) number of users you
can provide additional memory for the modeling and governance components.

1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
2. Enter reconfigure <instanceId> +JAVA-Xmx="<amountOfMemory>".
The affected components will be started after the settings have been updated.

 reconfigure abs_s +JAVA-Xmx="1024m"
The memory settings for the modeling component of an s installation will be increased to max.
1024 MB (32 bit).
 reconfigure abs_m +JAVA-Xmx="1G"
The memory settings for the modeling component of an m installation will be increased to
 reconfigure apg_m +JAVA-Xmx="2G"
The memory settings for the governance component of an m installation will be increased to

Server Installation and Administration Guide Make SSL Certificate Available

By default, the load balancer is set to allow both unencrypted HTTP (port 80) and encrypted
HTTPS/SSL (port 443) access. For SSL the SSL certificate has to fit to the load balancer's host
name otherwise clients in particular web browsers will complain about an invalid certificate. Some
might not work at all.

Obtaining a valid certificate

To use SSL you need to get a valid certificate signed by a certificate authority (CA) for the server
on which the load balancer is running. Please make sure that the certificate is compatible with the
Java version of all ARIS clients.
 You can buy a certificate from an official CA. Most clients in particular browsers will trust
certificates signed by such a CA.
 If your company uses own CA get a certificate from this CA and add this CA to the trust store
of all clients.

Adding a valid certificate to the load balancer

Your certificate should consist of two parts the private key used to encrypt information sent back
to the client (file extension .key) and the server certificate (file extension .crt).
1. Put these two files into a ZIP file.
2. Copy this ZIP file to a location that can be accessed by ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC).
3. Start the ACC (page 61).
4. Stop (page 64) the component load balancer.
5. Enter the ACC command enhance <instanceID of the load balancer component> with
sslCertificate local file "<path to the ZIP file>".
If the instanceID of the load balancer is loadbalancer_m and your certificate ZIP file is
located at c:\temp\lbcert.zip enter the ACC command enhance loadbalancer_m with
sslCertificate local file "c:\\temp\\lbcert.zip".
Notice the double backslashes. Alternatively, use single forward slashes, e. g.

6. Start (page 64) the component load balancer again.

The SSL certificate is available.
If ARIS clients cannot perform connections to servers using SSL certification you need to provide
an additional certificate (page 156).

Server Installation and Administration Guide Redirect Ports

If you have performed an ARIS installation on a Linux operating system (page 17) the internal
ARIS user running all components has no root privileges. So all privileged ports (<1024) cannot
be used. To run ARIS under a privileged port a user with root privileges must redirect the ports,
e.g. the HTTP port 80 or the HTTPS port 443.

1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
2. Relative to your Linux system you need to redirect different ports one after another.
Enter the commands using the following syntax:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport <port number to redirect> -j
REDIRECT --to-ports <port number>
This example redirects port 80 to port 1080.
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports
3. Redirect other ports.
4. Enter startall.
ARIS components run using the redirected ports.
If components do not start up properly, please resolve possible port conflicts (page 157).

Server Installation and Administration Guide Change the Default Remote Access Password

The remote access user has access to ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC). You should change the default
password g3h31m to prevent unauthorized access.

1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
2. Change the password:
set password = "<enter the new password>"
3. Restart ACC. The Password has been changed.
4. If you use the start icon for ARIS Cloud Controller (Start > All Programs > ARIS >
Administration > ARIS Cloud Controller) please also change the password command line
parameter within the ACC shortcut:

If you run an ARIS Server setup after you have changed the default password please use the
option Enter changed remote access password and enter the new password.
If you run an update setup (page 32) please change the password to G3h31m before starting the

Server Installation and Administration Guide Create a Tenant

After the installation of ARIS Connect or ARIS Design Server the default tenant is available. If
you need additional tenants to provide different sets of databases, users, configurations or ARIS
methods you can easily create tenants. You can also create tenants using the Administration's
command line tools (page 53). Using some advanced ACC commands (page 80) makes it possible
to create a tenant, import a license and migrate or restore a database in one step (page 100).

If you do not use the standard database system, please make sure to create additional schemes
in your Oracle (page 21) or Microsoft SQL database management system (page 24) and you have
assigned the tenants (page 74) to these schemes.

1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
2. Enter:
create tenant <tenant name>
e. g.:
create tenant test01
The tenant test01 will be created.
3. The administrator must import licenses, create users and user groups and assign privileges
and licenses (page 51) for the test01 tenant.
4. Start a ARIS client and log in using this tenant. The syten database will be created for that
The tenant is created and can be backed up (page 69).

Server Installation and Administration Guide Back up a Tenant

You can back up a tenant using the ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC). Please note that no user can
work on this tenant during the backup process. The backup contains the following data:
 All databases
 All user data (Administration)
 All ARIS document storage data including all access rights
 All ARIS Design Server or ARIS Connect server data
It is recommended to stop the apg_<s, m or l> (page 64) component before backing up
 All ad hoc analyses and queries

Scheduled reports as well as ACC enhancements concerning SSL, SAP® JCo and ODBC drivers
will not be backed up.

 ARIS Connect Server Installation
Users need the function privileges license management, user management, user
management configuration and database administration.
 ARIS Design Server Standalone Installation
Users need to login as superuser or they need either an ARIS Architect license or an ARIS
UML Designer license and the database administration function privilege. For local
systems they need to login as system user system.
 Make sure to have been logged into an ARIS client using this tenant.

1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
2. Enter
backup tenant <Tenant Id> to <pathToBackUpFile> username=<Superuser of the
Administrator> password=<Superuser password>.
The backup is started. The complete backup is written to one single zip file.
You can restore (page 70) this tenant using this file. Using the restore tenant command will
copy the content to an existing tenant.
You can manage tenants also using the Administration's command line tools (page 53).

Server Installation and Administration Guide Restore a Tenant

You can restore a tenant or copy the content of this tenant (page 71) to a different ARIS server.
You need to have access to the relevant back-up zip file containing the data of a tenant:
 All databases
 All user data (Administration)
 All ARIS document storage data including all access rights
 All ARIS Design Server or ARIS Connect server data
 All ad hoc analyses and queries

Scheduled reports as well as ACC enhancements concerning SSL, SAP® JCo and ODBC drivers
will not be restored.
Please note that all current data of a running tenant are deleted and replaced by the data of the
backup file and that no user can work on this tenant during the restore process.

 You need access to the relevant back-up zip file
 ARIS Connect Server Installation
Users need the function privileges license management, user management, user
management configuration and database administration.
 ARIS Design Server Standalone Installation
Users need to login as superuser or they need either an ARIS Architect license or an ARIS
UML Designer license and the database administration function privilege. For local
systems they need to login as system user system.

1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
2. Enter
restore tenant <Tenant Id> from <pathToBackUpFile> username=<Superuser of the
Administrator> password=<Superuser password>.
The tenant will be restored.
Current data will be deleted and replaced. No user can work with this tenant during the restore
You can manage tenants also using the Administration's command line tools (page 53).

Server Installation and Administration Guide Copy a Tenant to a different Server

You can copy the content of a backed up tenant to a different ARIS Connect Server or ARIS Design
Server. You need to have access to the relevant back-up zip file containing the data of a tenant:
 All databases
 All user data (Administration)
 All ARIS document storage data including all access rights
 All ARIS Design Server or ARIS Connect server data
 All ad hoc analyses and queries

Scheduled reports as well as ACC enhancements concerning SSL, SAP® JCo and ODBC drivers
will not be copied.

 You need access to the relevant back-up zip file
 ARIS Connect Server Installation
Users need the function privileges license management, user management, user
management configuration and database administration.
 ARIS Design Server Standalone Installation
Users need to login as superuser or they need either an ARIS Architect license or an ARIS
UML Designer license and the database administration function privilege. For local
systems they need to login as system user system.

1. Create a tenant (page 68) on the ARIS server where the tenant will be copied to and import
the licenses (page 51).
2. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
3. Enter:
restore tenant <Tenant Id> from <pathToBackUpFile> username=<Superuser of the
Administrator> password=<Superuser password>.
All data of the backup file will be copied to the new tenant. Current data will be deleted except the
name of the new tenant.
No user can work with this tenant during the restore process.
You can manage tenants also using the Administration's command line tools (page 53).

Server Installation and Administration Guide Delete a Tenant

If you delete a tenant all information will be lost:
 All databases
 All user data (Administration)
 All ARIS document storage data including all access rights
 All ARIS Design Server or ARIS Connect server data
 All ad hoc analyses and queries

 ARIS Connect Server Installation
Users need the function privileges license management, user management, user
management configuration and database administration.
 ARIS Design Server Standalone Installation
Users need to login as superuser or they need either an ARIS Architect license or an ARIS
UML Designer license and the database administration function privilege. For local
systems they need to login as system user system.

1. Back up (page 69) the tenant in order to restore (page 70) data.
2. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
3. Enter:
delete tenant <Tenant Id> username=<Superuser of the Administrator>
password=<Superuser password>.
Deletes the specified tenant and all its associated data from the system. User name and password
of an administrative user have to be specified using the parameters master.tenant.user.name
and master.tenant.user.pwd, respectively.
If the optional force keyword is used, the security question Are you sure? is overridden, i.e., the
tenant and its data is deleted without further notice.
You can manage tenants also using the Administration's command line tools (page 53).

Server Installation and Administration Guide Update the System Database

If you have updated (page 32) your installation you must update all tenant's system databases.
Only the default tenant's system database was affected by the update. If you do not update
system databases all updates concerning e.g. reports, macros, semantic checks, will not be

 ARIS Connect Server Installation
Users need the function privileges license management, user management, user
management configuration and database administration.
 ARIS Design Server Standalone Installation
Users need to login as superuser or they need either an ARIS Architect license or an ARIS
UML Designer license and the database administration function privilege. For local
systems they need to login as system user system.

1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
2. Enter
invoke updatesystemdb on abs_<s, m or l> tenant.name=<tenant name>
tenant.user.name=superuser tenant.user.pwd="<superuser's password>"
The system database of this tenant will be updated and migrated. Reindex Database

After you have updated (page 32) ARIS Connect a re-indexing will take place after the first log in
for each database. Using large databases this may take some time. It is recommended to
re-index all databases for each tenant (page 73) before users have access to ARIS Connect.

 ARIS Connect Server Installation
Users need the function privileges license management, user management, user
management configuration and database administration.
 ARIS Design Server Standalone Installation
Users need to login as superuser or they need either an ARIS Architect license or an ARIS
UML Designer license and the database administration function privilege. For local
systems they need to login as system user system.

1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
2. Enter
invoke maintainAll on abs_<s, m or l> tenant.name=<tenant name>
tenant.user.name=superuser tenant.user.pwd="<superuser's password>"

Server Installation and Administration Guide

The database will be re-indexed. Configure the Database Connection for Additional


Assign Tenant to Database Schema

After you have created an empty Oracle (page 24) or Microsoft SQL (page 21) schema for an
additional tenant the tenant must be assigned to the database schema.
1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
2. Discover the database db service ID (<dbserviceID>):
list external services
3. Assign a tenant to the additional schema:
assign tenant <tenant name> to service <dbserviceID> com.aris.cip.db.schema
=<schema name>
Please make sure to enter the tenant name in lower-case characters only.
4. Create the new tenant:
create tenant <tenant name>
The new tenant is available on ARIS Design Server. If you are about to use this tenant on a ARIS
Connect Server, you must create the technical user and assign the tenant to the administration

Create the technical user and assign the tenant to the service
To make this tenant available on a ARIS Connect Server you must create the technical user and
assign the tenant to the Administration service.
1. you must create the technical ARIS user:
enhance umcadmin_<s, m or l> with createUser trigger only options
tenant.name=<tenant name> tenant.user.name=superuser
tenant.user.pwd=<superuser's password>
affected.user=aris_tech_user_ecp_<tenant name> affected pwd=<tenant name>
2. Assign the tenant to the Administration service:
assign tenant <tenant name> to service umc<dbserviceID>
ecpTechnicalUserName=aris_tech_user_ecp_<tenant name>
ecpTechnicalUserPassword=<tenant name>
The new tenant is available on ARIS Connect Servers.

Additional Settings

To enable validationQuery for external DB connections (Oracle & Microsoft SQL) please use the
correct validation query for the DBMS.
For Oracle use:
"select 1 from dual"
For Microsoft SQL use:

Server Installation and Administration Guide

"select 1"
During registration of external service add parameters e. g. for Oracle:
validationQuery="select 1 from dual" testOnBorrow=true,
register external service db
driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" username="<cip_app_user>"
password="<cip_app_pwd>" maxIdle=15 maxActive=100 maxWait=10000
removeAbandoned=false removeAbandonedTimeout=600 logAbandoned=true
defaultAutoCommit=false rollbackOnReturn=true host=<target_host>
port=<target_port> jmxEnabled=true validationQuery="select 1 from dual"
After the external service was already registered, e .g. for Oracle, update the external service
driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" username="<cip_app_user>"
password="<cip_app_pwd>" maxIdle=15 maxActive=100 maxWait=10000
removeAbandoned=false removeAbandonedTimeout=600 logAbandoned=true
defaultAutoCommit=false rollbackOnReturn=true host=<target_host>
jmxEnabled=true validationQuery="select 1 from dual" testOnBorrow=true

Enable validationQuery for external PostGreSQL connection

reconfigure <postgres_runnable> dbsp.validationQuery="select 1"
The database connection is configured.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Configure SMTP Mail Server Connection

If you did not enter the SMTP server connection parameters during the setup process of a
previous ARIS version you need to register your SMTP server manually.
1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
2. Enter:
register external service smtp host="YourMailServerAdressWithDomain" port=25
3. Check that setting entering:
list external services
4. Set a sender's address. You can do that via this URL
5. Click SMTP in the dropdown box to see all parameters of that section, double click the
following parameter and enter your mail server address:
6. If you have installed ARIS Design Server, just restart the server entering:
7. When all components are stopped enter:
8. If you use ARIS Connect Server you need to set your SMTP server for the Collaboration
component. Enter:
reconfigure ecp_<s, m or l> +smtphost="<YourMailServerAddress>" +smtpport=25
9. Verify that setting:
show instance ecp_<s, m or l>
10. Restart the server entering:
11. When all components are stopped enter:
SMTP mail server configuration is set.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Use existing ARIS Document Storage and

Administration for ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager
After you have installed ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager this installation uses a separate set of
components, e. g. Administration or ARIS document storage. This means that the administrator
has to manage users and documents. If you already use ARIS Connect and have installed ARIS
Risk & Compliance Manager later you can reconfigure your ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager
component to your productive ARIS Connect Server or ARIS Design Server installation. This will
make ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager available for all users of your productive system and only
one ARIS document storage will be in use.
1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (page 61) on your ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager server.
2. To stop all components enter:
stop all
3. To reconfigure ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager and force that component to use the
Administration of your ARIS Connect Server or ARIS Design Server installation, enter:
reconfigure arcm_<s,m or l> +zookeeper.connect.string="<ARISServer>\\:2181"
4. To start the ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager component again, enter:
start arcm_<s,m or l>
ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager is now accessible via the ARIS Connect Server or ARIS Design
Server name, e.g. http://arisserver/arcm by all users managed within the Administration of
your productive system.
To ensure more memory for the ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager system you can shut down all
other components (page 78) or remove (page 80) them.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Shut down components

If you run ARIS Connect Server all components are started even if your current license does not
include some component’s functionality. You can stop those components that are not necessarily
needed to ensure more memory for the system. Please make sure to turn them on again before
you import a new license including additional functionality.
If you have added an ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager installation to your productive ARIS
system and have reconfigured the arcm_<s, m or l> component (page 77) you might shut down
all other components of your ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager installation.
Instead of turning off components manually (page 64) you may automate this process.
Turn off auto-start as general setting for all components in the ACC configuration and then turn
auto-start on only for those components essentially needed to run ARIS Connect. In this example
simulation_<s, m or l>, octopus_<s, m or l> and apg_<s, m or l> will be switched off.

Set the auto-start flag

To set the auto-start flag true e.g. for the component zoo_l you need to enter:
set zoo_s property autostart=true
Use the show instance command do see the current setting:
ACC+ n1>show instance zoo_l
ID: zoo_s state:STARTED
Configuration parameters:
server=sbrvblulinsrv01:2888:3888, sbrvblulinsrv02:2888:3888

START command was issued at 01.11.2013 08:31:43

Average startup time: 2767msec
Autostart: ON
Desired state: STARTED
ACC+ n1>

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Run ARIS Connect Server with essentially needed components only

This example of ACC commands turns auto-start in ACC off (is a default setting by setup). Then
auto-start is turned on only for essential components and turned off for unneeded components:
set autostart.mode=autostart.flag
set zoo_l property autostart="true"
set postgres_l property autostart="true"
set postgresECP_l property autostart="true"
set couchdb_l property autostart="true"
set cloudsearch_l property autostart="true"
set elastic_l property autostart="true"
set adsadmin_l property autostart="true"
set umcadmin_l property autostart="true"
set loadbalancer_l property autostart="true"
set abs_l property autostart="true"
set apg_l property autostart="false"
set copernicus_l property autostart="true"
set octopus_l property autostart="false"
set ecp_l property autostart="true"
set simulation_l property autostart="false"
Important to know is that the above behavior only works when the ARIS agent is starting
(Windows Service). So you need to enter stopall and restart ARIS agent (Windows Service) to
see the effect.
Please note that startall overrules all of the above changes, hence, starts all components. This is
an advantage to quickly get the full scope again.

Run ARIS Connect Server as ARIS Design Server

You can also run ARIS Connect Server start up as ARIS Design Server:
Auto-start is turned on only for 13 components of ARIS Design Server:

set autostart.mode=autostart.flag
set zoo_l property autostart="true"
set postgres_l property autostart="true"
set postgresECP_l property autostart="false"
set couchdb_l property autostart="true"
set cloudsearch_l property autostart="true"
set elastic_l property autostart="true"
set adsadmin_l property autostart="true"
set umcadmin_l property autostart="true"
set loadbalancer_l property autostart="true"
set abs_l property autostart="true"
set apg_l property autostart="true"
set copernicus_l property autostart="true"
set octopus_l property autostart="true"
set ecp_l property autostart="false"
set simulation_l property autostart="true"

Server Installation and Administration Guide Remove unneeded components

If you have added an ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager installation to your productive ARIS
system and have reconfigured the arcm_<s, m or l> component (page 77) in order to use the
ARIS Connect server's or ARIS Design Server's Administration, you might shut down all other
components (page 78) of your ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager installation or remove them from
your installation.
If you do so please make sure that no data have been stored within the ARIS Risk & Compliance
Manager server. Deconfiguring a component will lead to a data loss.
1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (page 61) on your ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager server.
2. To stop all components enter:
stop all
3. Deconfigure all components one after the other except arcm_<s,m or l>, enter:
deconfigure zoo_<s,m or l>
4. After you have deconfigured all unneeded components please start the ARIS Risk &
Compliance Manager component again, enter:
start arcm_<s,m or l>
Only the arcm_<s,m or l> component is running on this ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager server. Advanced Configuration using ACC

Using ACC commands will deeply affect your system. If you do so without the services of Software
AG, you require extensive knowledge of the system. According to the standard Software AG
software maintenance agreement in this case we cannot guarantee proper functioning.
ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) can be used in three modes:
 Interactive mode (default)
ACC runs with an interactive shell, allowing you to manually issue commands.
 Batch mode
Activated by specifying a command file with the -f command line parameter (see ACC
command line parameters below). ACC will execute the commands in the file in the given
sequence and exit after execution or if one of the commands fails.
A command file line starting with a # will be interpreted as a comment line and ignored by
 Command mode
You can directly pass a single command to ACC as a command line parameter. The command
will be executed and ACC will exit afterwards.
When passing commands directly as an ACC command line parameter, you have to be careful
when escaping strings in your command, e.g. double-quote-delimited parameters. The
operating system command shell will consume the double quotes, leaving your string
parameter unescaped. So please escape the quote characters.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

If you issue the command in command mode, e. g.:

set remote.repository.url="http://something.com/repo"
You should enter:

acc.bat -h localhost -u <remoteAccessPassword> set

If you enter:

acc.bat -h localhost -u <remoteAccessPassword> set

ACC will return an error message, e. g.:

line 1:52 mismatched character '<EOF>' expecting '\n'

Invalid or erroneous command "set
remote.repository.url=http://something.com/repo ": line 1:30 extraneous input
':' expecting EOF
Use "help" to display a list of available commands.

Connecting to ACC Nodes

When starting ACC in one of the three usage modes without any additional command line
parameter, it will by default not have any connection to any cloud node. There are three options
to specify nodes you want to control with ACC:
 You can use the add node command to put the individual cloud nodes under ACC's control.
 Alternatively, you can list all your cloud nodes in a node file and pass this file to the ACC with
the \-n (or --nodefile) command line option.
 If you only want to connect to a single node and issue commands there, you can also use the
ACC's -h (or --host) command line option to directly specify the host or IP name of the node
you want to control with ACC.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Command Line Parameters and Commands

Command Line Parameters

If <Command> is specified, ACC is started in command mode (i.e., only the command passed on
the command line is executed ACC will exit afterwards).

acc <parameters> [<Command>]

Switch Value Description

-?, --help Show command line parameter help

-c, --config Relative or Path to a configuration file. A configuration file is basically a

absolute path to template, but may only contain a subset of ACC
a config file configuration commands, in particular the register app
type and set acc cfg commands. If no configuration file is
specified, ACC will look for a file named acc.cfg in the
current working directory.

-f, --file Relative or Use this parameter to start ACC in batch mode, executing
absolute path to the commands in the given command file.
a command file. Put the path in double quotes if the path contains any

-s, --silent - (toggle) When using ACC in batch mode, this switch enables silent
Default = off mode, i.e., the output of the commands is suppressed.

any ACC To pass a command for running ACC in command mode.


-h, --host String (IP or The host name or IP address of the single cloud node on
Hostname) which you want to issue commands. ACC is invoked with an
implicit add node command using the given host name
followed by a set current node command. The logical node
name used is the first part of the host name if a host name
was used as parameter, or the first part of the host name
determined by a reverse name lookup if an IP address was
used as parameter.

-p, --port Positive integer The port of Acc's REST API on the single cloud node on which
1 - 65535 (Port) you want to issue commands, see -h switch.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Switch Value Description

-u, The user name to Used to specify the user name to use when connecting
--username use when directly to an agent with enabled authentication using the -h
connecting command-line option *.*
directly to an
agent with the -h

-pwd, The password to Used to specify the password to use when connecting
--password use when directly to an agent with enabled authentication using the -h
connecting command-line option *. * If a user name is specified (with
directly to an -u) but this option is not given, ACC will prompt you for the
agent with the -h password.

-n, --nodefile Relative or File containing the list of nodes that are part of this cloud.
absolute path to Allows factoring out of node-specific infos (i.e., host
a node file. names/IPs and ports) of the template, thereby making
templates reusable in different environments without any
Put the path in double quotes if it contains any whitespace.
Two formats are supported: The old format, where every
node is given on a separate line using the syntax
<nodeName>=<ipOrHostName> ['@' <agentPort>]
or the new format, where the file only contains add node

-ssl, --use-ssl true/false or Specify a value of true or on to connect to an agent using

on/off SSL/HTTPS for its REST API.

-ig, - (toggle) If set, processing of a command file will continue even if one
--ignore-error Default=off of the contained commands fails.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

ACC Commands

The commands can be grouped into five categories:

 Node management commands allow adding or removing nodes to the ACC's control.
 Zookeeper ensemble management commands allow adding or removing Zookeeper instances
to different nodes.
 Lifecycle commands allow controlling the lifecycle of runnables on the respective node.
 Agent configuration commands allow setting and getting the configuration parameters of the
agent on the respective node.
 ACC configuration commands allow changing the configuration of ACC itself, e.g., to register
application types or set other configuration parameters

In addition a number of special commands exist when using the ACC in interactive mode.
Commands can optionally be prefixed with a node specification (on [node] <nodeName>)
referred to as <nodeSpec> in the syntax description of the commands (page 95) to send them to
a node other than the current node.set current node

Command and Syntax Description

list nodes Lists the currently registered cloud nodes.
list nodes

show nodes Shows details of the specified node.

show node <nodeName>

Add node Registers a new cloud node with the given IP or hostname
Add node <nodeName> node with ACC under the given logical node name. Allows to
<ipOrHostName> (@ optionally specify the port of the REST API of this node's
<agentPort>)? (<username>
<password>?)? agent if it isn't using the default.

remove node Deregisters the cloud node with the given logical node name.
remove node <nodeName>

add zk instance Adds a new zookeeper (ZK) instance to the cloud's zookeeper
<nodeSpec>? add (zk| ensemble on the specified node or to the current node, if no
zookeeper) (master| node name is specified. Allows to optionally specify the
observer)? instance? (using
instanceId? <instanceId>)? instanceId to be used for the new zookeeper instance. If none
is specified, ACC will automatically choose an instanceId.
Note that the change is not submitted directly, but only with
the separate commit zk changes command.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Command and Syntax Description

remove zk instance Removes a zookeeper instance from the cloud's zookeeper
<nodeSpec>? remove (zk| ensemble. The zookeeper instance to be removed can be
zookeeper) instance? identifier either by specifying the node name and the
(instanceId? <instanceId>)?
|\t remove (zk| zookeeper) instanceId of the zookeeper instance or the myId of the
instance? (myId? <myId>) zookeeper instance.

show zk changes Shows the currently pending changes of the zookeeper

show pending?(zk | zookeeper) ensemble that will happen when using the commit zk
(change | changes) changes command.

commit zk changes Commits all currently pending changes of the zookeeper

commit pending? (zk | ensemble.
zookeeper) (change | changes)
validate zk changes Validates the currently pending changes of the zookeeper
validate pending? (zk | ensemble.
zookeeper) (change | changes)
discard zk changes Discards all currently pending changes of the Zookeeper
discard pending? (zk | ensemble.
zookeeper) (change | changes)
list zk instance Lists all Zookeeper instances of the ensemble with their
list (zk | zookeeper) configuration.
list runnables Lists all runnables that are configured on the specified node
list (instances | runnables) or the current node, if no node name is specified.

configure Configures a new runnable with the given group ID, artifact
<nodeSpec>? configure ID, and version using the given instance ID. Configuration
<groupId>.<artifactId> parameters can be specified as key-value pairs (or list of
<version> <instInstancId>
(<key> <value> (, <value>)*)* comma-separated values). Values can be either Integers,
(enhance with <enhancement> identifiers (i.e., strings starting with a letter or the
(, <enhancement>)*)?
underscore character ('_'), and containing only letters, digits,
dashes ('-') or the underscore character ('_')), or Strings
(i.e., arbitrary sequences of characters, delimited by
double-quotes ('')). Further, enhancements can be specified.

start Starts the runnable with the given instance ID on the

<nodeSpec>? start specified node (or the current node, if no node name is
<instanceId> specified).

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Command and Syntax Description

stop Stops the runnable with the given instance ID on the specified
<nodeSpec>? stop node or the current node, if no node name is specified.
kill Kills the runnable with the given instance ID on the specified
<nodeSpec>? kill node or the current node, if no node name is specified.
reconfigure Reconfigures the runnable with the given instance ID on the
<nodeSpec>? reconfigure specified node (or the current node, if no node name is
<instanceId> (+? <key> specified. As with the configure command, configuration
<value> (, <value>)* | -
<key>)* parameters can be specified as key-value pairs (or list of
comma-separated values). Values can be either Integers,
identifiers (i.e., strings starting with a letter or the
underscore character ('_'), and containing only letters, digits,
dashes ('-') or the underscore character ('_')), or Strings
(i.e., arbitrary sequences of characters, delimited by
double-quotes ('')). Reconfigure will reset any existing
parameterization of the runnable to only contain those
key-value pairs passed to it. Optionally, reconfigure can also
be used to only modify or remove selected key value pairs. Do
this by prefixing each key-value pair with a + character. Use
a key only, prefixed with a -, to unset any value already set
for that key.

deconfigure Deconfigures (i.e., removes) the runnable with the given

<nodeSpec>? deconfigure instance ID from the specified node (or from the current
<instanceId> node, if no node name is specified).
WARNING: You will lose any persistent data stored by this

show instance Shows details of the configuration of the runnable with the
<nodeSpec>? show (runnable | given instance ID on the specified node (or the current node,
instance) <instanceId> (cfg | if no node name is specified).
config | configuration)

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Command and Syntax Description

update Updates the runnable with the given instance ID on the
<nodeSpec>? update (force | specified node (or the current node, if no node name is
check only?)? <instanceId> specified) to the specified version. The runnable needs to be
(to? <version>)?
stopped for updating. If no version is given and application
type exists fitting the runnable, it will update it to the version
specified by the application type if the version of the
application type is newer than the version of the runnable. If
check only is specified, the command will only check if an
update would be performed for the runnable. If the force
option is used, the command will not ask the user for
confirmation of the update.

startall Starts all runnables on the specified node (or the current
<nodeSpec>? startall node, if no node name is specified) that are not currently in

stopall Stops all runnables on the specified node (or the current
<nodeSpec>? stopall node, if no node name is specified) that are currently in
STARTED state.

killall Kills all runnables on the specified node (or the current node,
<nodeSpec>? killall if no node name is specified) that are currently not in
STOPPED or DOWN state.

deconfigureall Deconfigures (i.e., removes) all runnables on the specified

<nodeSpec>? deconfigureall node (or the current node, if no node name is specified) that
are currently in STOPPED or DOWN state.
WARNING: You will lose any persistent data stored by any of
the deconfigured runnables!

updateall Updates all currently not running runnable on the specified

<nodeSpec>? updateall node (or the current node, if no node name is specified) to the
latest version. The latest version is determined based on the
registered application types as described for update
command. If check only is specified, the command will only
check if an update would be performed for the runnables. If
the force option is used, the command will not ask the user
for confirmation of the update.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Command and Syntax Description

reset node Resets the specified node (or the current node, if no node
<nodeSpec>? reset | reset name is specified). This means that any process that has
node <nodeName> been started directly or indirectly by the agent is killed, all
runnables are deconfigured, and the agent is reset.
WARNING: You will lose all persistent data stored by all
runnables on the node!

restart agent Restarts the agent on the specified node (or the current node,
<nodeSpec>? restart agent if no node name is specified).

show agent Shows the configuration parameters of the cloud agent on the
<nodeSpec>? show agent (cfg | specified node (or the current node, if no node name is
config | configuration) specified).

set agent Sets the specified configuration parameter of the cloud agent
<nodeSpec>? set <key> <value> on the specified node (or the current node, if no node name is
(, <value>)* specified) to the given value (or list of comma-separated
values). Values can be either Integers, identifiers (i.e.,
strings starting with a letter or the underscore character ('_'),
and containing only letters, digits, dashes ('-') or the
underscore character ('_')), or Strings (i.e., arbitrary
sequences of characters, delimited by double-quotes ('')).

get agent param Gets the specified configuration parameter of the cloud agent
<nodeSpec>? get <key> on the specified node (or the current node, if no node name is

set current node Sets the node with the given node name as the cloud
set current node <nodeName> controller's current node, i.e., the which is used for all
commands without an explicitly specified node.
on [node] <nodeName> Commands can optionally be prefixed with a node
specification referred to as <nodeSpec> in the syntax
description of the commands to send them to a node other
than the current node.set current node

help Shows the list of available commands or detailed information

help (<command> | of the specified command.
exit Exits the ACC.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Command and Syntax Description

wait for Instructs the cloud controller to wait until the specified
<nodeSpec>? wait for (<state> runnable instance has reached one of the specified runnable
((, | or) <state>)*) of states. Optionally, a timeout (in milliseconds) can be
<instanceId> (timeout
<INT>)? specified. If the runnable instance does not reach one of the
specified desired states after this time, processing will stop
with an error.

register app type Allows to register a runnable (i.e., a specific group and
register (app | application ) artifact ID) in a specific version under a logical name, the
type <appTypeId> application type ID. The application type ID can later be
<version> <portSpec>* referenced in configure commands to more conveniently
(defaults (<key> <value> ( , configure a new instance of this runnable.The command also
<value>)*)+ )?
allows to specify default configuration parameters which are
added to the configure command of any runnable of that
application type that is later configured.Further, it is possible
to add port specifications, telling the agent which parameters
of the runnable represent network ports.

deregister app type Removes the registered application type with the given
deregister (app | application application type ID.
) type <appTypeId>?
list app instances Lists all instances of the specified application type across all
list (app | application) type nodes.
<appTypeId> instances?
list app types Lists all registered application types.
list (app | application)
show controller Shows the current value of all ACC configuration parameters.
show (acc | controller) (cfg
| config)
set controller Sets the ACC configuration parameter <key> to the given
set (acc | controller) (cfg | <value>.
config) <key> <value> ( ,
get controller cfg parameters Gets the value of the ACC configuration parameter <key>.
get (acc | controller) (cfg |
config) <key>

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Command and Syntax Description

create tenant Triggers the creation of a new tenant including any additional
create tenant <tenantId> associated activities (e.g., restoring of demo content
(<key> <value> (, <value>)*)* etc.).User name and password of an administrative user have
to be specified using the parameters
master.tenant.user.name and master.tenant.user.pwd,
respectively. An initial password of the new tenant's system
user can be specified with the parameter tenant.user.pwd. If
it is not specified, the password will be manager.

backup tenant Performs a backup of all data of the specified tenant to the
backup tenant <tenantId> (to specified location. A user name and password of a user in the
<path>)? (<key> <value> (, respective with sufficient administrative privileges in all
applications needs to be specified using the parameters
username and password, respectively. If the target path
specified is an existing directory, the name of the backup file
will be generated automatically and put into this directory. If
the target path is an existing file, the user will be required to
confirm overwriting of this file. If the directory of the target
file does not exist, it will be created.

restore tenant Performs a restore of all data of the specified tenant from a
restore tenant <tenantId> file in the specified location. A user name and password of a
from <path> (<key> <value> (, user in the respective with sufficient administrative privileges
in all applications needs to be specified using the parameters
user name and password, respectively.

delete tenant Deletes the specified tenant and all its associated data from
delete tenant <tenantId> the system. User name and password of an administrative
user have to be specified using the parameters
master.tenant.user.name and
master.tenant.user.pwd, respectively.
Warning: If the optional force keyword is used, the security
question Are you sure? is overridden, i.e., the tenant and its
data is deleted without further notice. force?

list tenants Lists all currently registered tenants.

list tenants
list Lists the current assignments of services to tenants.
list services for (tenants | Optionally, a <tenantId> can be specified to show only the
tenant <tenantId>) assignments for this tenant.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Command and Syntax Description

assign tenant to service Assigns the service instance with the specified <serviceId> to
assign tenant? <tenantId> to the tenant with the given <tenantId>. Optionally,
service? <serviceId> parameters relevant for this tenant-2-service mapping can be
(<key> <value> (,
<value>)*)* specified.

unassign tenant from service Removes the existing service-to-tenant assignment between
unassign tenant? <tenantId> the service with the specified <serviceId> and the tenant
from service? <serviceId> with the given <tenantId>.

set tenant data Allows to set (or unset) tenant data for the specified tenant,
set tenant <tenantId> data optionally for the specified application or service type.Tenant
(for (app | application | data is a set of key-value pairs that is stored individually for
services) (<serviceType> |
<appType>))? (+? <key> each tenant for a specific application or service type using the
<value> (, <value>)* | - optional for application or for service clause, respectively, or
independently from a specific application or service type by
omitting this clause. Several key-value pairs can be
specified in one command. Any already existing value for a
specified key is overwritten with the new value. By prefixing a
key with -, any value already set for that key can be unset.
Any key-value-pair that is not explicitly set or unset will
remain unchanged.

get tenant data Allows to get the value for the tenant data item with the
get tenant <tenantId> data specified key for the specified tenant, optionally for a specific
(for (app | application | application or service.Tenant data is a set of key-value pairs
services) (<serviceType> |
<appType>))? <key> that is stored for individually for each tenant a specific
application or service type using the optional for application
or for service clause, respectively, or independently from a
specific application or service type by omitting this clause.

show tenant data Displays all tenant data values for the specified tenant,
show tenant <tenantId> data optionally for a specific application or service.Tenant data is a
(for (app | application | set of key-value pairs that is stored individually for each
services) (<serviceType> |
<appType>))? tenant for a specific application or service type using the
optional for application or for service clause, respectively, or
independently from a specific application or service type by
omitting this clause.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Command and Syntax Description

set system config Allows to set (or unset) system configuration values.System
set system (config | cfg | configuration values are key-value pairs that are stored for
configuration) (+? <key> the entire installation (i.e., independently from specific
<value> (, <value>)* | -
<key>)* applications or tenants). Several key-value pairs can be
specified in one set system config command. Any already
existing value for a specified key is overwritten with the new
value. By prefixing a key with -, any value already set for that
key can be unset. Any key-value-pair that is not explicitly set
or unset will remain unchanged.

get system config Allows to get the system configuration value with the
get system (config | cfg | specified key.
configuration) <key>
show system config Displays all system configuration data values that are
show system (config | cfg | currently configured.
register external service Registers an external service of a given service type (e.g.
register external? service external DBMS, SMTP server, HTTP proxy) with its
<serviceType> (<key> <value> configuration parameters within the system.
(, <value>)*)*
list external service Lists all external (or non-managed) services currently
list external? services registered with the system.

show external service Displays the details of an external service currently

show external? service registered with the system.
deregister external service Removes a registered external service from the system.
deregister external? service
update external service Updates the configuration parameters of an already
update external? service registered external service.
<serviceId> (<key> <value> (,
list tenants for services Lists the current assignments of tenants to services.
list tenants for (services | Optionally, a <serviceId> can be specified to show only the
service <serviceId>) assignments for this service.

get runnable property Gets the specified property value of the specified runnable on
<nodeSpec>? get (runnable | the specified node (or the current node, if no node name is
instance)? <instanceId> specified).
property <key>

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Command and Syntax Description

set runnable property Sets the specified property value of the specified runnable on
<nodeSpec>? set (runnable | the specified node (or the current node, if no node name is
instance)? <instanceId> specified) to the given value.
property (<key> <value> (,
enhance runnable Retroactively enhances an already configured runnable with
<nodeSpec>? enhance the specified enhancement(s). Note that depending on the
<instanceId> with type of the enhancement and the runnable, it might be
<enhancement> (,
<enhancement>)* necessary to restart the runnable for the enhancement to
become effective.

enhance any instance Invokes an enhancement on a single instance of the specified

enhance any (<state> ((, | or) application type. This is useful for enhancements that will not
<state>)*)? <appTypeId> affect the instance, but the application as a whole.
instance with <enhancement>
(, <enhancement>)*
invoke Allows to invoke an operation on the specified runnable,
<nodeSpec>? invoke optionally passing parameters for the invocation as key-value
<operation> on <instanceId> pairs. In addition, files can be specified as additional input to
(<key> <value> (, <value>)* |
<invocationFile>)* the operation. These files can be taken from the
repositor(y/ies) configured for the respective agent or can be
local files on the machine where the ACC is executed.

invoke any Allows to invoke an operation on any runnable of the specified

invoke <operation> on any application type, optionally passing parameters for the
(<state> ((, | or) invocation as key-value pairs.In addition, files can be
<state>)*)? <appTypeId>
instance (<key> <value> (, specified as additional input to the operation. These files can
<value>)* | be taken from the repositor(y/ies) configured for the
respective agent or can be local files on the machine where
the ACC is executed.pPtionally, the desired state(s) the
runnable on which the invocation should be done can be

register global enhancement Registers a new global enhancement with <ID>, i.e., an
register global? enhancement enhancement that will be added to all runnables configured
<ID> <enhancement> afterwards.

deregister global Deregisters the existing global enhancement with ID <ID>.

deregister global?
enhancement <ID>
list global enhancement Lists all global enhancements currently registered with the
list global? enhancements cloud controller.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Command and Syntax Description

zk create Creates a new zookeeper node with the given path, creating
(zk | zookeeper) create any non-yet existing parent nodes in the path. Optionally, the
<absoluteZookeeperPath> node's payload can be specified as a string. It is not possible
(payload <STRING> )?
to set binary payloads with this command.

zk ls Lists the children of the zookeeper node with the given path.
(zk | zookeeper) ls
zk get Retrieves the payload of the zookeeper node with the given
(zk | zookeeper) get path. The payload is displayed as a string, which makes this
<absoluteZookeeperPath> method unsuitable for binary payloads.

zk delete Deletes the zookeeper node with the given path. Deletion of
(zk | zookeeper) force? a node is only successful, if the node does not have any child
delete nodes.By using the force keyword, you can delete entire

zk update Changes the payload of the zookeeper node with the given
(zk | zookeeper) (set | path to the specified string. It is not possible to set binary
update) payloads with this command.
(payload <STRING> )?
zk dump Prints the entire zookeeper content to screen.
(zk | zookeeper) dump

Server Installation and Administration Guide Glossary: Syntax Description

Description of used expressions:

Absolute path
('/' | '\' | [A-Z] ':') <relativePath>
An absolute path starting with either a forward or backward slash (on Linux) or a file letter (on
Windows), where the individual path steps are separated by either forward or backward slashes.

ACC locale file

local file <key> (<relativePath> | <absolutePath>)
Uses a file on the machine on which the ACC is running as input for an invoke command, by
specifying the file either as absolute path or as a path relative to the ACC's current working

Artifact enhancement
<groupId>.<artifactId> <version> (classifier <ID>)? type <ID>
Enhances a runnable with an artifact from the repository, by specifying the Maven-esque
groupdId, artifactId, version, type, and optionally the classifier, of the artifact.

Artifact file
file <key> <groupId> . <artifactId> <version> (classifier <classifier>)? type <type>
Uses an artifact from the repository as input for an invoke command, by specifying the
Maven-esque groupdId, artifactId, version, type, and optionally the classifier, of the artifact.

Enhancement point
The name of the runnable's enhancement point to which to send the file and the optional
parameters to be used for enhancement.

('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'_'|'-')*
An ID (identifier) is any string beginning with a letter or the underscore character (_), and
containing only letters, digits, the underscore character (_), or a dash character (-).

'-'? '0'..'9'+
A positive or negative Integer number.

Relative path
(<ID> | <STRING>) ( ('/' | '\') (<ID> | <STRING>))*
A relative path, where the individual path steps are separated by either forward or backward

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Repository file
file <key> <relativePath>
Uses a file from the repository as input for an invoke command, by specifying the file's path
relative to the repository's root.

'' ( <any character but '\\' or '' )* ''
An almost arbitrary sequence of characters, delimited by double quotes. To represent certain
special characters, you can use the common escape sequence via the backslash character (\),
e.g., for newline, \\ for a backslash, \t for a tabulator, \ to obtain a double-quote as part of the
string's content, etc.
Please find the description of used syntax entries in alphabetical order:

<absolute ZookeeperPath>
Absolute zookeeper path
('/' | '\' ) <relativePath>
A path in zookeeper.
Agent's Port number.
Application type
umc | abs | ads | apg | ecp | cop | ...
A technical application type as defined by the zookeeper component.

Application type ID
An application type ID is used to uniquely identify a registered application type on the cloud
controller. An application type ID can be any string without whitespace, starting with a letter or
underscore character (_), and containing only letters, digits, or underscore characters.

Artifact ID
The common Maven-esque artifact ID of the runnable.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

<enhancementPoint> (<artifactEnhancement> | <fileEnhancement> |
<localFileEnhancement>) (options ( <key> <value> (, <value>)*)+ )?
Enhance a runnable with a file. There are two ways to specify the source file, as Maven repository
artifact or as repository file. Optionally, parameters can be specified that are passed to the
runnable's corresponding enhancement point.

Group ID
<ID> (. (<ID>|<INT>))+)
The common Maven-esque group ID of the runnable, i.e., a sequence of identifiers separated by
dots (.).

Instance ID
An instance ID is used to uniquely identify a runnable within one node. An instance ID can be any
string without whitespace, starting with a letter or underscore character (_), and containing only
letters, digits, or underscore characters.

Invocation file
<artifactFile> | <repositoryFile> | <accLocalFile>
Specifies a file to be used as input for the operation. The file can be specified using Maven artifact
coordinates (GAV), as a relative path to a file in one of the repositories known to the respective
agent, or as a file local to the machine on which the ACC is running.

IP address or fully qualified name of the server to be connected.

<ID> (. (<ID> | <INT>))+
A key can be any identifier i.e. any string without whitespace, starting with a letter or underscore
character (_), and containing only letters, digits, or underscore characters or a dotted identifier,
i.e., a sequence of several identifiers integers as parts, separated by a . character, e.g.: ShortId,
ASimpleButLongerIdentifier12345, A.dotted.identifier.1

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Node name
A node name is a unique logical name given to a node registered by ACC. It can be any string
without whitespace, starting with a letter or underscore character (_), and containing only letters,
digits, or underscore characters.

Node specification
on <nodeName>
All zookeeper ensemble management, lifecycle and agent configuration commands can optionally
be prefixed with a node specification to send them to a node other than the current node or to
determine the node if no current node has been set.

The name of the operation to invoke.

Required user password. This might be the password of a remote access user (page 67), a
database user, the superuser or a system user.

Port specification
port <key> (<INT> | <INT>:<INT>) (',' (<INT> | <INT>:<INT>))* (default <INT>)?
A port specification declares that a the configure parameter <key> represents a port (or is a port
parameter for short). Individual or ranges of ports that are reserved for this port parameter can
be specified. Further, a default can be declared, which indicates the port that is used by the
runnable if no explicit value is specified for this port parameter during configure.

Service ID
A service ID is used to uniquely identify a service. It is assigned automatically by the system when
the service is registered. It can be used to refer to a specific service for updating or deregistering

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Service type
db | smtp | proxy | postgresql-ecp | elasticsearch | rs | ...
A technical service type as defined by the zookeeper component. A service type specifies the
type of an external or internal service to be registered.

The possible runnable lifecycle states.

Tenant ID
A tenant ID is used to uniquely identify a tenant. A tenant ID can be any string without
whitespace, starting with a letter or underscore character (_), and containing only letters, digits,
or underscore characters.

Required user name. This might be a remote access user (page 67), a database user, the
superuser or a system user.

<ID> | <INT> | <STRING>
A value can either be any identifier i.e., a string without whitespace, starting with a letter or
underscore character (_), and containing only letters, digits, or underscore characters, and
Integer number, or a string, i.e., an arbitrary, double-quote-delimited sequence of characters,
e.g.: ThisIsAnIdentifier435, _ThisIsAlsoAnIdentifier, 12345, This is also a valid value!.
The common Maven-esque version of the runnable.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Create a Tenant (advanced)

After the installation of ARIS Connect or ARIS Design Server the default tenant is available. If
you need additional tenants to provide different sets of databases, users, configurations or ARIS
methods you can easily create additional tenants.
Using some advanced ACC commands (page 80) makes it possible to create a tenant, import a
license and migrate or restore a database in one step. You can also create tenants using the
Administration's command line tools (page 53).
In this example the tenant test01 will be created and the license file U:/license.zip will be
imported. The ARIS user license (product code YAA) will be assigned to the system user. Also
the the database U:/publishedDatabase72.adb will be migrated/restored and renamed from
publishedDatabase72 to publishedDatabase.

If you do not use the standard database system, please make sure to create additional schemes
in your Oracle (page 21) or Microsoft SQL database management system (page 24) and you have
assigned the tenants (page 74) to these schemes.

1. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
2. Create tenant runnable types:
This is a list of groupId.artifactId for all runnable types that should have the create tenant
enhancement triggered by the create tenant command. In this case we need four tenant
runnable types calling the Administration forcing the tenant enhancement points
createTenant, importLicense, assignLicense and createTenant. Additionally we need
teo tenant runnable types calling the modeling component forcing the tenant enhancement
points migrateDB and renameDB.
enter, e.g.:
set acc config
3. Create tenant enhancement points:
This is a list of enhancement points that are used to trigger create tenant. Please make sure
that in step 2 for each tenant enhancement point the corresponding runnable type has been
created in the right order.
enter, e.g.:
set acc config

Server Installation and Administration Guide

4. Create tenant enhancement file by runnable type:

For each runnable type affected by create tenant this parameter holds the relative path to the
file in the repository or the absolute local file path to use during enhancement. So the first
value of this parameter will be used to create tenant enhance the first runnable type, then the
file for the runnable type. Fill gaps i.e. for runnable types that need create tenant triggered,
but don't need a file for it with empty strings or -,e.g.:
set acc config
5. Create the tenant, enter:
create tenant <tenant name> license=<license> rename.olddbname=<path to back up
file of database to be migrated/restored> rename.newdbname=<new name of the
migrated/restored database>
e. g.:
create tenant test01 license="U:/license.zip"
rename.olddbname=publishedDatabase72 rename.newdbname=publishedDatabase
The tenant test01 will be created and the license file U:/license.zip is imported. The ARIS user
license (product code YAA) is assigned to the system user. Also the the database
U:/publishedDatabase72.adb will be migrated/restored and renamed from
publishedDatabase72 to publishedDatabase.
The administrator must create users and user groups and assign privileges and licenses (page 51)
for the test01 tenant.

5.1.4 ARIS Server Administrator

ARIS Server Administrator is available if you have installed an ARIS client. You can use ARIS
Server Administrator commands to manage the ARIS databases of a server or back up and
restore the server configuration, for example. The program is a console application and runs in
the command prompt. The individual commands of the program are supplied as command line
parameters. The program provides information on the success and effect of each command
You can start ARIS Server Administrator from any client computer and access the databases on
the server:
1. Click Start > Programs > ARIS > Administration > ARIS Server Administrator 9.6 if
you accepted the program group suggested by the installation program. The command
prompt opens and ARIS Server Administrator is launched in interactive mode.
2. Establish a connection to the server using the server command:
syntax: server <server name>:<port number> <tenant> <user name> <password>
example: server localhost:80 default system manager
ARIS Server Administrator is connected to the server.
Enter help or help <command> to get information about the usage of the commands.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

5.2 Logging
If problems occur during operation, please stop all components (page 64), ARIS servers and your
local ARIS client and execute the <path to server installation
directory>\support\collectLogFiles.bat file. All ARIS log files will be collected and saved as a
ZIP file.
All activities of components are recorded in the log directories of the server installation directory.
If problems occur during operation, you can use the log files to find and resolve errors. If you
cannot solve the problems and have a maintenance agreement, please send an error description
and the entire contents of the log and config directories as ZIP files to your local Software AG
sales organization.
The log files are located in the directory <path to installation directory>\.
 .server\bin\work\<instanceid>\base\logs\
e.g. C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.0\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\base\logs
 .\server\acc\log\
 .\server\logs\
 .\server\bin\log\

The activities of ARIS clients are recorded under <system drive>:\Documents and
Setup activities are logged using the file %temp%\ARIS_install_log.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

5.3 Configure Single Sign-On

If you are using MS Active Directory Domain Services, you can configure SSO (single sign-on).
This enables access to all ARIS components as soon as a user has logged in once to the domain.
Single Sign-On in ARIS is based on Kerberos. Kerberos is a network authentication protocol that
allows nodes to communicate over a none-secure network to prove their identity interrelated in a
secure manner by using a symmetric key cryptography during certain phases of authentication.
Kerberos is the de facto standard authentication protocol used in MS Acitve Directory
environments. It is designed to provide a strong authentication for client/server applications, like
web applications where the browser is the client. It is also the recommended way to authenticate
users in a MS Windows network and it replaces the outdated and relatively insecure NT LAN
Manager (NTLM). Besides this, it is widely used in UNIX environments and there exist
implementations for every major platform.
Please contact you LDAP administrator before you change any configuration.

 Users who want to work with SSO have a valid user account in the Microsoft Active Directory
Domain Services.
 The users exist in the Administration.
 Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services supports a Kerberos-based authentication
(default) and the service principal name of ARIS Connect server is entered in the following
format: HTTP/<hostname>, e.g. HTTP/mypc01.my.domain.com.

 The client computers and servers are connected to the same MS Active Directory Domain
 The browser used supports a Kerberos-based authentication.
 The browser has been configured accordingly.

The following steps must be taken to use SSO:

1. A technical user must be created in the MS Active Directory.
2. A Service Principal Name must be registered on the technical user.
3. The Single Sign-On configuration options must be set in the Administration.
4. The client application must be configured to use Single Sign-On.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Creating a technical user

A technical user is used to validate Kerberos tickets against the Microsoft Active Directory. This
user must be created in the Microsoft Active Directory and a keytab file must be created for this
A keytab file contains a list of keys and pricipals. It is used to log on the technical user to the
Microsoft Active Directory without being prompted for a password. The most common use of
keytab files is to allow scripts to authenticate against the Microsoft Active Directory without
human interaction or storing a password in a plain text file. Anyone with read permission on a
keytab can use all of the keys containsed so you must restrict and monitor permissions on any
keytab file you create. The keytab must be recreated when the password of the technical user
A keytab file can be created by passing the following parameters to the JRE command line tool
ktab -a <TECHUSER_USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME> -n 0 -append -k umc.keytab - e.g. ktab
–a aristechuser@MYDOMAIN.COM –n0 –append –k umc.keytab.

Configuration options in Administration

You need to configure SSO for the servers.

1. Open the Administration.
2. Select Configuration.
3. Switch to User management settings.
4. Select Kerberos/SPNEGO.
5. To activate SSO, find the string
Set this configuration key to true.
6. Select
and upload the Kerberos configuration by clicking into the field.
In case the Kerberos configuration file is not available, create a new one. Name it e.g.
krb5.conf, add the following lines and adapt the configuration to your requirements.
default_tgs_enctypes = des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc des3-cbc-sha1 aes128-cts
aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes256-cts aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 rc4-hmac
arcfour-hmac arcfour-hmac-md5
default_tkt_enctypes = des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc des3-cbc-sha1 aes128-cts
aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes256-cts aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 rc4-hmac
arcfour-hmac arcfour-hmac-md5
permitted_enctypes = des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc des3-cbc-sha1 aes128-cts
aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes256-cts aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 rc4-hmac
arcfour-hmac arcfour-hmac-md5
7. Upload this file.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

8. In the Administration, upload the generated Kerberos key tab file by clicking into the field
9. In the Administration, find the following string and and configure the username of the
technical user.
If the service principal name in the keytab is e.g. mypc01@MY.DOMAIN.COM then the
values of the properties com.aris.umc.kerberos.servicePrincipalName must contain the
service principal name specified in the keytab.
10. In the Administration, find the following string and and configure the realm for the Kerberos
service. Enter the fully qualified name of the domain in uppercase.
The values of the properties com.aris.umc.kerberos.realm must contain the fully qualified
domain name - e.g. MYDOMAIN.COM.
11. In the Administration, find the following string and configure the fully qualified name of the
KDC to be used:
12. Optional: In the Administration, find the following string and define the list of IP addresses
for which you want to enable SSO (whitelist):
Each entry in the list must begin in an individual line:
#Allow all IPs
13. Optional: In the Administration, find the following string and configure the debug mode for
Kerberos operations:
The following can be configures in the Administration.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Client configuration

Configure the browser settings to allow SSO. SSO has been tested using the following browsers:
 Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 6 or higher)
 Firefox
 Google Chrome
 Apple Safari (für Mac OS)

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Microsoft Internet Explorer supports Kerberos authentication only if the ARIS Connect server is a
component of your local intranet.

1. Launch Microsoft Internet Explorer.
2. Select Tools > Internet Options.
3. Activate the Security tab and click Local Intranet.
4. Click the Sites button and then the Advanced button.
5. Add the URL for the ARIS Connect server that has been configured for SSO. Add both the DNS
host name and the IP address for ARIS Connect Server.
6. Disable Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone.
7. Click Close and then OK.
8. Click the Custom level button and make sure that no user-defined settings impede your new
9. Scroll to the User Authentication section. Check whether Automatic logon only in
Intranet zone is activated.
10. Click OK to close the dialogs.
11. Close and restart Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Mozilla Firefox
In Mozilla Firefox, you can define trusted pages via the computer name, IP address, or
combinations of both. You can also use wildcards.

1. Launch Mozilla Firefox.
2. Enter about:config in the address bar and press the Enter key. If a message is displayed,
confirm it.
3. Enter network.negotiate in the Filter bar and press the Enter key.
4. Double-click network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris.
5. Enter the computer name or IP address of the ARIS Connect server that has been configured
for SSO and click OK.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

6. Close and restart Mozilla Firefox.

If you want to use a stronger encryption than AES 128bit and if this is legally permitted in your
country, replace the supplied JCE policy files of the JDK for ARIS Connect server with the Java
Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 6
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html. This allows
an unlimited key length.
If you cannot replace the policy files, but still want to use SSO, you must use a procedure that is
supported by JDK for the encryption of Kerberos tickets (e.g., AES 128bit).

Google Chrome
Kerberos can be enabled by passing a comma-separated list of permitted URLs via the
authentication server whitelist command line switch. For example pass in the following options
that any URL ending in mydomain.suffix.com is permitted.
Without the * prefix, the URL has to match exactly. MS Windows only: If the command line switch
is not present, then the permitted list automatically contains all URLs of MS Internet Explorer local
intranet zone.

Apple Safari (for Mac OS X)

Apple Safari supports Kerberos and requires no configuration to use this feature. Safari relies on
Mac OS X support for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Kerberos standard for
authentication to connect to single sign-on-enabled services. Please note that the Mac OS X
computer needs to be bound to the MS Active Directory domain to allow single sign-on.

Optional: JRE (ARIS/Designer)

Please note that this is only necessary if Sinlge Sign-On is not working in ARIS/Designer.
In order for Java to recognize a Kerberos environment, extra configurations may be needed on
the client side. The following steps must be taken to set these configurations:
There are two ways to inform a Java application about realm and KDC. These are:
1. By a Kerberos configuration file (krb5.ini)
This file should contain the realm info and the host name of the KDC. The location of this file
can be specified via system property java.security.krb.conf. By default, Java tries to locate the
file in the following locations (ordered):

a. %JAVA_HOME%/lib/security/krb5.conf
b. %WINDOWS_ROOT%/krb5.ini
2. By the system properties java.security.krb5.realm and java.security.krb5.kdc.
In JRE 7, when neither of the above two ways is used, Java tries to fetch the realm and KDC
settings using the Domaine Name Service. An SRV (Service) Resource Records is used to
indicate the host name and port number to contact for the KDC service, optionally with
weighting and priorization.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

By default, newer versions of Windows do not allow Java to access the session key of a
Ticket-Granting Tickets (TGT). The key is required to acquire additional service tickets. To
allow this access, one needs to set the following registry key on the client, see Java Bug
 Windows XP and 2000:
 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Kerberos
 Value Name: allowtgtsessionkey
 Value Type: REG_DWORD
 Value: 0x01
 Windows 2003, Vista, 7:
 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\Parameter
 Value Name: allowtgtsessionkey
 Value Type: REG_DWORD
 Value: 0x01
The client application tries to acquire the TGT from the following locations (ordered):

a. A file-based Java credentials cache (located in %USERPROFILE%\krb5cc_<USERID>

in Windows).
b. The native credentials cache (Local Security Authority for Windows).
If there is no native cache on the client, one can make use of an LSA-less approach by
initializing the Java credentials cache with kinit.exe (JRE) as follows.
Run kinit.exe before running the Java application. This will create a credentials cache file
in %USERPROFILE%\krb5cc_<USERID> which can then be used in step a. Tickets
available in the file cache can be listed using klist.exe (JRE).
There is no way to tell Java to lookup the TGT from the native cache first. One needs to
make sure that file %USERPROFILE%\krb5cc_<USERID> does not exist when the
native cache should be used. This file is usually generated by kinit.exe (JRE).

Server Installation and Administration Guide

5.4 ARIS Connect

Please make sure not to change the configuration files of ARIS Connect Server.
To customize ARIS Connect Server, please contact Software AG
(https://empower.softwareag.com). Please note that this service is not subject to the standard
Software AG software maintenance agreement and that these changes can only be performed if
you requested and agreed on them.

5.5 ARIS Publisher/ARIS IT Inventory

This chapter describes the system configuration. For information about hardware and software
requirements, please refer to the ARIS Platform Matrix document (see installation media or
download it http://aris.softwareag.com/ARISDownloadCenter/ADCDocumentationServer).
Please consider the legal notices http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/.
The operating systems depend on the database systems used.
Network connection
 Web application server to database server: Integration in a 1000 MBit network
 Client connection: Internet connection

5.5.1 IT Inventory - User Management, License and Permissions

To create IT Inventory you need to create specific users and user groups and provide the needed
licenses in the Administration and provide access rights in the database. You can do this manually
or use the import file.

 Ensure that you have installed ARIS Design Server/ARIS Connect server and ARIS Publisher
 You need an ARIS Publisher Server license including the IT Inventory extension pack and the
number of users.

Import users and user groups using the import file

1. Open the Administration (<IP address or fully-qualified host name>/umc).
2. Import the configuration file umcDataExport_with_IT_Inventory_without_keys from
the installation source. IT Inventory specific users and user groups will be created
3. Assign the license ARIS Publisher to IT Inventory users, e. g. in the UMG demo database to
peter and gunnar .
4. Publish the database.
IT Inventory is created.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Create users and user groups manually

If you did not use the import file please follow this description.
1. Open the Administration (<IP address or fully-qualified host name>/umc).
2. Create the user groups IT Architects, IT Inventory, Process Manager and System
3. Create IT Inventory specific users. In the UMG demo database for example: user peter,
password peter, mail peter.brown@umg.com, and user gunnar, password gunnar, mail
4. Assign IT Inventory users, e.g. peter, gunnar to user groups Process Manager and
System Responsible.
5. .Assign the user system to the user group IT Architects.
6. Assign the license ARIS Viewer to IT Inventory users, e. g. peter and gunnar.
7. Set the access privileges for IT Inventory database user groups, for example UMG demo
for IT Architects: read on 4. IT Systems,
for IT Inventory: read + write on all groups, exclude groups containing secret data.
for Process Manager: read on 4. IT Systems, read + write on all groups,
for System Responsible: read + write on 4. IT Systems, read on all groups.
8. Publish the database.
IT Inventory is created.

5.5.2 Modify Configuration

This chapter describes how to customize ARIS Publisher Server according to your needs.
ARIS Publisher is integrated in the Administration tab of ARIS. Administrators can create
exports of ARIS databases after having installed an ARIS Publisher Server.

After the standard installation ARIS Publisher Server runs the reports executed from Publisher
exports. You can additionally install an ARIS Publisher Report Server to optimize the system

If you retain the settings of the installation program when you use the standard installation of
ARIS Publisher Server, the context path and the free port to the Web server are entered
Additional modification is required for Process-driven Management for SAP® Solutions
(page 146).

Server Installation and Administration Guide Use Administration for User Management

After you have installed ARIS Publisher Server this installation uses a different user management
as other ARIS Servers using the Administration. This means that the publisher server
administrator has to manage users separately and ARIS document storage will not be available in
publisher exports. If you already use ARIS Connect or ARIS Design Server and have installed
ARIS Publisher Server later you can force ARIS Publisher Server to use the Administration of your
productive ARIS Connect Server or ARIS Design Server installation.

In the file..<ARIS installation path>\server\bin\work\work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
l>\base\webapps\businesspublisher\config\webappserver.cfg, change the value of the
LoginModuleSection to UMCLogin:
<LoginModuleSection value="UMCLogin"/>
Publisher users are authenticated via Administration and ARIS document storage will be available
if it has been connected to the ARIS Publisher Server (page 113). Configure a connection to SAP® systems

If you want to run transactions from a Publisher export and open the project documentation from
SAP® Solution Manager, you need to customize the configuration file.

 You have access privileges for the ARIS Publisher Server installation directory.
 Ensure that the users have been created in the SAP® system and have RFC privileges (page
The special SAP® ports sapgw00 3300/tcp and sapdp00 3200/tcp must be enabled in
the Windows Services file of the client computer (C:\Windows/ system32/ drivers/
etc/services). In general, these ports are entered automatically during SAP GUI installation.
 If you use server groups for access (SAP® routers), you need to enter the SAP® ports
manually in consecutive sequence. By default, the syntax for a port number is as follows 3300
plus the <SAP® system number> will be used. If, for example, the system number is 03,
the port number 3303 must be entered. Entries that have not been entered in consecutive
sequence are ignored.

If the dialog is not displayed correctly when starting SAP® transactions from a Publisher export,
open the Java Control Panel and disable the Enable the next-generation Java Plug-in check
box under Java Plug-in on the Advanced tab.

1. Open the file in the ARIS Publisher Server installation directory <ARIS installation
path>\ARIS9.6\server\bin\work\work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
l>\base\webapps\businesspublisher\config\webappserver.cfg with a text editor.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

2. Find the <sap_connectivity> tag.

3. Set the value <switch value="on"/> to provide the pop-up menus Run transaction and
Solution Manager documentation.
4. Save the changes and restart ARIS Publisher Server.
After you exported the database content, users can run SAP® transactions, for example. Connect Process Governance

You can start governance processes from a Publisher export and provide feedback. The Process
Governance module and the Start governance process pop-up menu are only available in the
Publisher exports if a Process Governance license is available for the connected ARIS Connect
Server or ARIS Design Server and all Process Governance integration parameters have been
entered during the ARIS Publisher Server setup process. If you use anonymous login Process
Governance is not available. Activate/deactivate ARIS Rocket Search

If you have run an update installation, the ARIS Rocket Search is available to you only after you
have adapted the configuration file.

In the file..<ARIS installation path>\server\bin\work\work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
l>\base\webapps\businesspublisher\config\webappserver.cfg, add.
<engine value="on"/>
You can reactivate the previous standard search by setting the engine value to off. Show all groups in the Explorer tree

By default, only groups containing at least one item are displayed in exports. To display empty
groups as well in the Explorer tree, change the corresponding setting in the configuration file.

1. Open <ARIS installation path>\server\bin\work\work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
l>\base\webapps\businesspublisher\config\webappserver.cfg and change:
<switch value="off"/>
<switch value="on"/>
2. Restart ARIS Publisher Server.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Configure automatic e-mailing

If you reset passwords, for example, automatic e-mails containing the initial passwords are sent
to the appropriate users.

1. Open <ARIS installation path>\server\bin\work\work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
l>\base\webapps\businesspublisher\config\webappserver.cfg and configure the mail
server settings under <bpadmin>.
2. Restart ARIS Publisher Server. Connect document management systems (DMS)

If you want to connect document management systems, copy the configuration file
SpringCRModule.xml to the installation directory of your ARIS Publisher Server.

 You have set up ARIS document storage within the Administration of the connected ARIS
Connect Server or ARIS Design Server.
 ARIS Publisher users are managed within the Administration (page 111).

1. Copy the file <ARIS installation path>/server/bin/work/work_abs_<s, m or
l>/base/webapps/abs/config/SpringCRModule.xml from the connected ARIS Connect
Server or ARIS Design Server to <ARIS installation
path>/server/bin/work/work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
2. Configure the adsProviderConfig property in the SpringCRModule.xml file.
3. Specifiy the URL of a valid ARIS document storage server instance. This must be the same
instance that the ARIS Connect Server orARIS Design Server refers to. This property must not
be empty.
4. Restart ARIS Publisher Server.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Change e-mail address (Contact [Webmaster])

By default, an example address is used for the Contact [Webmaster] function in the Explorer

1. Open the file <ARIS installation path>/server/bin/work/work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
l>/base/webapps/businesspublisher/layouts/default/ config/layout.cfg.xml and change the
address in the <responsible email="name@company.com"/> entry.
2. Restart ARIS Publisher Server. Change e-mail address (Contact [Process manager])

Web export users can send feedback to process managers with the Contact [Process
manager] function in the Explorer module. By default, the address specified for the current
user is used here.
In order to use the e-mail address specified in the Person responsible model attribute, please
do the following:

Make sure that the Person responsible model attribute is specified for each process with the
correct e-mail address.

1. Add 1584 to <attr feedbackAttributeNr> in the file <ARIS installation
path>/server/bin/work/work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
2. Restart ARIS Publisher Server.
If you use a user-defined attribute type to specify the e-mail address of a process manager, we
recommend that you define it independent of the language. This ensures that an e-mail address
is automatically entered in all languages. Please enter the GUID instead of the attribute type
number for user-defined attribute types. You can find the GUID on the properties page of the
attribute type Administration tab (Conventions > Method > Attribute types).

Server Installation and Administration Guide LDAP user management

If you do not use the Administration of your productive system (page 111) you can manage user
authentication via an LDAP. To map LDAP user groups to ARIS user groups, you need to
customize the configuration file.

1. Open <ARIS installation path>\server\bin\work\work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
l>\base\webapps\businesspublisher\config\webappserver.cfg and specify the required
<ldap> settings.
2. Restart ARIS Publisher Server.

If your LDAP server is set up so that it allows anonymous authentication (unauthenticated bind
mechanism), users may be able to log in without a password.
You can use the administration interface for exports to encrypt (page 115) the password of the
LDAP user specified here. Copy the encrypted password to this file and restart the server. Encrypt LDAP password

If users are authenticated via LDAP, a default user and the related password must be entered in
the configuration file webappserver.cfg. To prevent misuse, you can encrypt this password and
enter it in the configuration file.
1. Log in to the Publisher export.
2. Click Information and select the Encrypt LDAP password link in the Other box.
3. Enter the password to be encrypted, and click Encrypt LDAP password.
4. Copy the encrypted password to the clipboard.
5. Open the file <ARIS installation path>/server/bin/work/work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
l>/base/webapps/businesspublisher/config/webappserver.cfg and find <ldapdefaultpwd
value="password"/> and paste the copied password as a value between the quotation
6. Find <ldappwdcrypted value="false"/> and change the value from false to true.
7. Restart ARIS Publisher Server.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Update license

The license for ARIS Publisher Server also controls the number of users who can simultaneously
access a Publisher export.
If the license was not imported during the setup process you must copy it as ZIP file with identical
name to the directory:
<ARIS installation path>/server/bin/work/work_businesspublisher_<s, m or l>/base/webapps
/businesspublisher/config/license and restart ARIS Publisher Server.
Please make sure to import the updated ARIS Publisher Server license also into the ARIS Connect
Server or the ARIS Design Server the ARIS Publisher Server is connected to.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Configure matrix

In the Matrix module, you can create matrices of one or several models. This allows you to
examine various aspects of object relations. You can configure (page 117) the selection of
available aspects, the objects (object families) used in aspects, and the graphical representation.
The following configuration files control matrix functions and layout:

File Description
aspect_matrix.xml Defines the object types included in the aspects. Please refer
to the Method help (Help/Method help) for the API names of
object types.

connectionTypeFamilies.xml Defines connection families that are included in aspects.

templates.xml Defines the model and connection types included in aspects.

Similar connection types are grouped into families. The
families are defined in the file

If you change the configuration file, please note the XML structure. Please use the default layout
of the matrix as a guide.
We recommend that you ask ARIS Customized Solutions to change your configuration.

1. Open the relevant configuration file under.<ARIS installation
path>/server/bin/work/work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
l>/base/webapps/businesspublisher/views/matrix and change it according to your
2. Exit and then restart ARIS Publisher Server.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Configure navigation carousel

To display the navigation carousel in exports, a structuring model must be modeled in the
Ensure that the configuration file <ARIS installation
path>\server\bin\work\work_businesspublisher_<s, m or l>\base\webapps
\businesspublisher\layouts\default\config\aspectOrientedEntry.cfg.xml is configured for
evaluation (page 118) of the structuring model. This setting is selected by default. You do not
have to customize this file unless it has been changed after installation.

Ensure that the values of the keys are specified as follows:
<aoeDefinition exportName="*"
Changes to this file take effect immediately without restarting ARIS Publisher Server.
You can also offer the navigation carousel without a structuring model. ARIS Customized
Solutions will be pleased to help you with the implementation. Display news

The News section in the Home module is used in the standard export as an example. If you have
knowledge of RSS feed and XML programming, you can insert links in this area.

Open the file <ARIS installation path>/server/bin/work/work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
l>/base/webapps/businesspublisher/layouts/default/config/layout.cfg.xml, and enter the URL
for your RSS feed in the <news basename="news"> area.
<news basename="news">
<!-- TODO synchronize access to feed-xml -->
<url proto="http"
location="<Your URL, e. g.
proxyAdress="<Your proxy address, e.g. "hades.company.com">"
proxyPort="<Your proxy port>"
The News area can be customized to meet your requirements. ARIS Customized Solutions will be
pleased to help you with the implementation. For example, you can keep a list of links to the
models or objects that have been changed or created since a specific date.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Configure views for models

The number of views available to users as links in the Contents module varies according to the
system configuration and model types. Administrators can change the links available for
If you change configuration files, please note the XML structure. We recommend that you ask
Software AG (https://empower.softwareag.com) to change your configuration.

1. Open the file <ARIS installation path>/server/bin/work/work_businesspublisher_<s, m or
l>/base/webapps/businesspublisher/views/visualisation/default_visualisation.xml and
change the file according to your requirements.
2. Exit and then restart ARIS Publisher Server. Change icons

Icons are used for linked files saved in the icons subdirectory of your ARIS Publisher Server
installation directory. Icons of Microsoft Office products and many other applications and
systems, e.g., Windows system files, Web environment, Acrobat Reader, audio, video, Lotus
Notes, etc., are displayed automatically. For these applications, you do not need any icons in the
directory mentioned above unless you want to use your own icons.
You can change icons or add new ones. To create and edit icons in ICO format, you need a suitable
application. Assign file names that conform to the extension of the relevant application.
To create icons that represent bitmap graphics, Lotus Notes or text files, for example, save the
graphics under the names bmp.ico, nsf.ico, and txt.ico.

5.5.3 Logging
Activities such as imports from ARIS IT Inventory, as well as errors are logged in different files
depending on the component, e.g. inventoryImport-<Version.Build>_0.log. If problems
occur during operation, you can use the log files to find and resolve errors. If you cannot solve the
problems and have a maintenance agreement, please send an error description and the entire
contents of the log and config directories as ZIP files to your local Software AG sales
organization. The log file names and the logging configuration are defined in the file. <ARIS
installation path>/ARIS9.6/server/bin/work/work_businesspublisher_<s, m or l>/base/logs and

Server Installation and Administration Guide

5.6 Process Governance

This chapter describes the configuration of Process Governance.

5.6.1 Provide Executable Governance Process

You can provide executable governace processes for users who use ARIS without Process
Governance extension pack.

You have access to a zipped file containing the relevant governance process.

Copy the zipped file containing the relevant governance process to the autodeployment folder
on an ARIS Design Server or ARIS Connect server instance.
<ARIS Design Server installation
All the tenants of this ARIS Design Server or ARIS Connect server can now use the deployed
governance process.
If you are using several ARIS Design Server or ARIS Connect server instances that should provide
the same governances process, you have to copy this zipped file to the autodeployment folders of
all instances.

Example for an autodepoyment folder


5.6.2 ARIS Process Board

ARIS Process Board is automatically installed when you install an ARIS Connect server or an ARIS
Design Server.

System requirements

For information about hardware and software requirements, please refer to the ARIS Platform
Matrix document (see installation media or download it

Server Installation and Administration Guide Configure selectable languages for ARIS Process Board

It is possible to specify which locales are displayed in the list of selectable languages.

1. Start (page 61) ARIS Cloud Controller.
2. Stop the relevant runnable, type e.g. stop apg_m.
3. Open the ARIS Process Board configuration file (e.g. <ARIS9.x installation
All supported locales are listed by default in the configuration file.
4. Remove the locales you do not want to use.
 If the configuration file contains the operating system's locale, it will be selected by
 If the configuration file does not contain the operating system's locale, the first locale
specified in the list will be selected.

5. Start the relevant runnable, type e.g. start apg_m.

If the configuration file does not contain any locales, the English (US) locale will be used by
default (the xml locales element is empty). Configure date format

You can format the date to the pattern defined in the locale specific attribute datePattern. In
case the locale specific attribute is not specified, the date format pattern is loaded from the
default date pattern tag of the locale. If both are not defined, the default pattern from the code is
1. Start (page 61) ARIS Cloud Controller.
2. Stop the relevant runnable, type e.g. stop apg_m.
3. Open the ARIS Process Board configuration file (<ARIS9.x installation
All supported locales are listed by default in the configuration file.
4. Define the date pattern for the relevant locale.
5. Start the relevant runnable, type e.g. start apg_m.
You have configured the date format.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

<!-- language configuration, first element is selected on UI -->

<locale language="en" country="US" name="English (United States)"

datePattern="dd.mm.yyyy" dateTimePattern="dd.mm.yyyy HH:mm:ss" />
<locale language="de" country="DE" name="German (Germany)"
datePattern="dd.mm.yyyy" dateTimePattern="dd.mm.yyyy HH:mm:ss" />
</locales> Customize ARIS Process Board

You can define colors, logos and other styles by changing customizable xml elements in the ARIS
Process Board configuration file tl-configuration.xml.

1. Start (page 61) ARIS Cloud Controller.
2. Stop the relevant runnable, type e.g. stop apg_m.
3. Open the <ARIS installation
rd\WEB-INF\tl-configuration.xml file with a text editor, e.g. C:\Program
4. Set the element styledeclarations active to true: <styledeclarations active="true">
5. Customize the colors, logos and styles. You can define different customizations for each
tenant. If you do not define a tenant, you customization is used for all tenants. If no
customization is defined, the default colors and styles are used.
Many components can be grouped to special color groups. Constants are introduced to the
XML file to define the color of a complete group of components.
6. Start the relevant runnable, type e.g. start apg_m.
You have defined colors, logos and other styles for ARIS Process Board.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Call ARIS Process Board

The following URL is used to call ARIS Process Board in the browser:
http://<server name>/processboard
If you have an e-mail integration, this link is automatically sent to a new user when activated. If
you do not use e-mails, you need to communicate the link to all users.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

5.7 Process-driven Management for SAP® Solutions

To be able to work properly with the products once they have been installed, please note the
 Ensure that the required software and SAP® systems are available (page 124).
 You need SAP® Java Connector (SAP® JCo) (page 128). This connector is used to create an
RFC connection to the SAP® system using SAP® access parameters. For licensing reasons, it
may not be installed automatically.
 When using ARIS Publisher, you must provide SAP® JCo and configure the connection to
SAP® systems (page 111).
 When using installed clients, you must provide SAP® JCo (page 130).

Depending on the features you provide, you must customize the system.
 Use SAP® synchronization (page 131)
 Use customizing transactions/views (page 134)
 Use ARIS Online Guide (page 136)
 Use BI Modeler (page 145)
 Use Publisher exports (page 146)
 Ensure that the users have been created in the SAP® system and have RFC privileges (page
The special SAP® ports sapgw00 3300/tcp and sapdp00 3200/tcp must be enabled in
the Windows Services file of the client computer (C:\Windows/ system32/ drivers/
etc/services). In general, these ports are entered automatically during SAP GUI installation.
 If you use server groups for access (SAP® routers), you need to enter the SAP® ports
manually in consecutive sequence. By default, the syntax for a port number is as follows 3300
plus the <SAP® system number> will be used. If, for example, the system number is 03,
the port number 3303 must be entered. Entries that have not been entered in consecutive
sequence are ignored.

5.7.1 Required Software/SAP® systems

Please ensure that a local SAP GUI for Windows installation exists on all client computers. To run
transactions, you need one of the following SAP systems in one of the following languages:
German (de), English (en), French (fr), Spanish (sp), or Japanese (ja):
 Local SAP GUI for Windows installation, version 7.1 to 7.3
 SAP R/3 4.6 c or d, 4.7
 ECC 5.0/ECC 6.0 (de, en, fr, sp, ja)
 SAP® JCo (page 128) on every client computer ARIS server and download client.
 Transfer the transport requests (synchronization (page 132) and customizing).

Server Installation and Administration Guide

For Solution Manager synchronization, you also need SAP Java Connector 3.07, or a higher 3.0x
version. It must be installed on your ARIS Design Server or local server.
To perform Solution Manager synchronization, you need SAP Solution Manager, version 4.0, 7.0
or 7.1, with the languages German (de), English (en), French (fr), Spanish (sp), and/or
Japanese (ja). Shortcuts are supported by SAP® synchronization. SAP® Solution Manager
provides these only in version 4.0 SP 15 or higher.

ARIS Online Guide

 Local SAP GUI for Windows installation, version 7.1 to 7.3

 SAP R/3 4.6 c or d, 4.7
 ECC 5.0/ECC 6.0 (de, en, fr, sp, ja)
or SAP® Solution Manager 4.0, 7.0 or 7.1

BI Modeler

The following adjustments are required:

 Transfer the current transport request.
 Ensure that the required software and SAP® systems are available.

System requirements
Please ensure that all computers meet the following requirements:
 Access to SAP BW 7.0 in German (de), English (en), or French (fr)
 The file saplogon.ini is available or SAP GUI for Windows is installed locally (version 7.1 to
 The transport request was transferred.

The SAP_BW_RFC object is required in the SAP® system. (page 128)
To download query files in PDF format and make them available in ARIS, please share a directory
that ARIS Design Server can also access.

5.7.2 Requirements and privileges in the SAP® system

To guarantee that the data transfer between ARIS and your SAP® systems works properly,
please consider the following points:
 Make sure that the users in the SAP® systems are created and have RFC privileges for the
SAP® synchronization and BI Modeler.
 Make sure that the SAP® ports sapgw00 3300/tcp and sapdp00 3200/tcp are unlocked
in the Services Windows file on the client computer (C:\Windows/ system32/ drivers/ etc/).
This enables RFC access. In general, these ports are entered automatically during SAP® GUI

Server Installation and Administration Guide

 If you access via server groups (SAP® router) you need to manually enter the SAP® ports in
consecutive order. The syntax for a port number is 3300 plus the used <SAP® system
number>. If, for example, the system number is 03 you need to enter 3303. Entries that are
not entered in consecutive order are ignored. Privileges for SAP® synchronization

In order for this function to be available you need to assign users to certain roles in the SAP®
system. The users then have the required authorizations. You need to assign the following roles.
 The predefined role SAP_SOLAR01_ALL
 The predefined role SAP_SMSY_ALL
 A role to be defined with RFC privileges

You can create the role to be defined using the PFCG transaction. Assign the authorization
objects S_RFC and S_RFCACL to the role.

Values for authorization object S_RFC

You can see all values to be defined in the following graphic.

Select the Execute activity in the ACTVT section.
The RFC_NAME section shows all names to be entered for the S_RFC authorization object of the
RFC object to be protected. You need to complete the framed entries SDIFRUNTIME, STFC, and

Server Installation and Administration Guide

In the RFC_TYPE section you must select the Function group type.

Values for authorization object S_RFCACL

The S_RFCACL authorization object requires all privileges.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Privileges for BI Modeler

The following example of an SAP® profile serves as an authorization basis.

5.7.3 Provide SAP® JCo for Process-driven Management for SAP®

If you use the SAP® synchronization, BI Modeler or Test Designer you need to provide SAP® JCo
3.0.x containing sapjco3.jar and sapjco3.dll in order to allow the program to connect to the
SAP® systems and provide all functions.
For licensing reasons, files of SAP® JCo may not be automatically installed during installation.
This action will provide sapjco3.jar for download clients, ARIS Design Server and ARIS Connect
Server automatically. Additionally all download client's users must copy the needed sapjco3.dll
file (page 129) to their local machines. For installed clients (page 130) and the server LOCAL
(page 131) the sapjco3.jar file and the sapjco3.dll file must be provided manually.

1. Download SAP JCo 3.0.x 32 bit version appropriate for your operating system and for the
runtime environment (JRE) used from the SAP Service Marketplace
(http://service.sap.com/connectors). If you are using a different operating system please
refer to the appropriate download package from SAP AG.
2. Save the zip file, e. g. d:/sapjco30P_9-10005326.zip.
3. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
4. Stop ARIS Design Server or ARIS Connect Server or enter stop <InstanceId for the
modeling component> to stop the modeling component abs_s, abs_m or abs_l.
<InstanceId for the modeling component> depends on the system settings of the
installation. To find out the correct entry please enter list and look for one of the entries
abs_s, abs_m or abs_l.
5. Provide sapjco3.jar for download clients and ARIS Design Server/ARIS Connect Server using
this command:

Server Installation and Administration Guide

enhance <InstanceId for the modeling component> with webappsClasspath local file
<path to the saved zip file>,
e. g.
enhance abs_s with webappsClasspath local file d:/sapjco30P_9-10005326.zip
6. Start <_abs_> or ARIS Connect Server or enter start <InstanceId for the modeling
component> e. g. abs_s, abs_m or abs_l.
sapjco3.jar will be available for download clients, ARIS Design Server and ARIS Connect Server.
All users of download clients must to copy SAP® JCo 3.dll (page 129). Please provide SAP®
JCo for installed clients (page 130) or the server LOCAL (page 131) too.
If you have correctly provided SAP Java Connector SAP JCo 3.0.x but have installed older
runtime libraries of Visual Studio 2005 C/C++, you may have to update
-40ff-b072-9112bab119c2) the Microsoft Active Template Library (ATL). Please consider the SAP
notes 1077727 and 1375494 on the SAP Service Marketplace

5.7.4 Provide SAP® JCo for Download Clients

If you use the SAP® synchronization, BI Modeler or Test Designer you need to provide SAP® JCo
3.0.x containing sapjco3.jar and sapjco3.dll in order to allow the program to connect to the
SAP® systems and provide all functions.
For licensing reasons, files of SAP® JCo may not be automatically installed during installation.
After the sapjco3.jar file was made available for download clients, ARIS Design Server and ARIS
Connect Server (page 128) all download client's users must copy the sapjco3.dll file (page 129)
to their local machines.

1. Make sure that a 32-bit JRE version is installed and in use.
2. Download SAP JCo 3.0.x 32 bit version appropriate for your operating system and for the
runtime environment (JRE) used from the SAP Service Marketplace
(http://service.sap.com/connectors). If you are using a different operating system please
refer to the appropriate download package from SAP AG.
3. Copy the file sapjco3.dll next to the Windows operating system libraries.
For information on the Windows operating system, refer to the table below. If you are using a
different operating system, such as Solaris, please refer to the appropriate download package
from SAP AG.
4. Restart the ARIS client.
If you have correctly provided SAP Java Connector SAP JCo 3.0.x but have installed older
runtime libraries of Visual Studio 2005 C/C++, you may have to update
-40ff-b072-9112bab119c2) the Microsoft Active Template Library (ATL). Please consider the SAP

Server Installation and Administration Guide

notes 1077727 and 1375494 on the SAP Service Marketplace


JCo and JRE Windows Processor DLL Windows installation directory

32-Bit 32-Bit x86 sapjco3.dll \system32

32-Bit 64-Bit x86 sapjco3.dll \SysWOW64

5.7.5 Provide SAP® JCo for Locally Installed Clients

If you use the SAP® synchronization, BI Modeler or Test Designer you need to provide SAP® JCo
3.0.x containing sapjco3.jar and sapjco3.dll in order to allow the program to connect to the
SAP® systems and provide all functions.
For licensing reasons, files of SAP® JCo may not be automatically installed during installation.

1. Download SAP JCo 3.0.x 32 bit version appropriate for your operating system and for the
runtime environment (JRE) used from the SAP Service Marketplace
(http://service.sap.com/connectors). If you are using a different operating system please
refer to the appropriate download package from SAP AG.
2. Copy the file sapjco3.dll next to the Windows system libraries. The ARIS client automatically
installs the 32-bit JRE version.
For information on JRE version and Windows system, refer to the table below. If you are using
a different operating system, such as Solaris, please refer to the appropriate download
package from SAP AG.
3. Copy the sapjco3.jar file to the <ARIS installation directory>\client\lib directory.
4. Restart the ARIS client.
sap Jco 3.0.x is available for this installed client. If you intend to use it together with the locally
installed server LOCAL the latter must be provided with the 64-bit version of the SAP®
JCosapjco3 file (page 131) as well.
If you have correctly provided SAP Java Connector SAP JCo 3.0.x but have installed older
runtime libraries of Visual Studio 2005 C/C++, you may have to update
-40ff-b072-9112bab119c2) the Microsoft Active Template Library (ATL). Please consider the SAP
notes 1077727 and 1375494 on the SAP Service Marketplace

JCo and JRE Windows Processor DLL Windows installation directory

32-Bit 32-Bit x86 sapjco3.dll \system32

32-Bit 64-Bit x86 sapjco3.dll \SysWOW64

Server Installation and Administration Guide

5.7.6 Provide SAP® JCo for server LOCAL

If you use installed clients were the sap Jco 3.0.x 32-bit version is already available (page 130),
and you intend to use them together with the locally installed server LOCAL the latter must be
provided with the 64-bit version of the sapjco3.jar file as well.
For licensing reasons, files of SAP® JCo may not be automatically installed during installation.

1. Stop the ARIS client.
2. Download SAP JCo 3.0.x 64 bit version appropriate for your operating system and for the
runtime environment (JRE) used from the SAP Service Marketplace
(http://service.sap.com/connectors). If you are using a different operating system please
refer to the appropriate download package from SAP AG.
3. Save the zip file.
4. Extract the sapjco3.jar file to the <ARIS client installation
NF\lib directory.
5. Copy the 64 bit version oft the sapjco3.dll into the deirectory <Windows installation
6. Start the ARIS client.
If you have correctly provided SAP Java Connector SAP JCo 3.0.x but have installed older
runtime libraries of Visual Studio 2005 C/C++, you may have to update
-40ff-b072-9112bab119c2) the Microsoft Active Template Library (ATL). Please consider the SAP
notes 1077727 and 1375494 on the SAP Service Marketplace

5.7.7 Customizing Features

Depending on the features you provide, you must customize the system. SAP® synchronization

SAP® synchronization is available to you for data synchronization between ARIS and SAP®
Solution Manager in both directions.
 If you want to run the SAP® synchronization you need SAP® Solution Manager and access to
the file saplogon.ini.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

 Ensure that the current transport request (page 132) has been imported in the SAP® Solution
Manager system that you want to use for synchronization.
 Ensure that the Web services (page 133) for the repository/scenario transfer are enabled in
your SAP® system and properly configured. Import transport request (synchronization)

To ensure that SAP® synchronization between ARIS and SAP® Solution Manager is available,
you must import (page 132) the current transport request in the SAP® Solution Manager system.
You find the transport request on the installation media. The function modules are created in the
/IDS/ARIS_SOLAR package.

1. Copy the file K<number>.<SAP® system SID> from the installation media to the directory
2. Copy the file R<number>.<SAP® system SID> from the installation media to the directory
\sapmnt\trans\data. The sapmnt directory usually corresponds to the directory
\usr\sap. If you cannot find the cofiles and data directories under the specified paths, you
can determine the correct path using the DIR_TRANS variable. To do this, log on to the
relevant SAP® Solution Manager system and execute transaction AL11.
To transfer the transport request to the SAP® system using the command line program
TP.EXE, enter the following commands in the specified sequence:
a. TP addtobuffer <SAP® system SID>K<number> [target system SID]
b. TP import <SAP® system SID>K<number> [client on target system]
You can also execute the transport request using the transaction STMS.

1. Log on to the relevant SAP® Solution Manager system as system administrator.
2. Execute transaction STMS. This takes you to the Transport Management System.
3. Click Import overview (F5).
4. Double-click the relevant SAP® Solution Manager system. This takes you to the import queue.
5. In the menu, select Extras > Other requests > Add. The Add transport request to
import queue dialog opens.
6. Enter <SAP® system SID>K<number> and confirm. You return to the import overview.
7. Select the transport request.
8. In the menu, select Request > Import. The Import request dialog opens.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

9. Activate the Options tab and check Ignore invalid component version.

10. Enter the relevant target client and confirm via F8 or Start import. Activate Web services

To properly transfer repositories and scenarios from the SAP® system to ARIS databases, you
must enable Web services.
Web services are services that provide functions usually via the Internet protocol http. Web
services are called via URL. A URL consists of a host, a port, and a path (URI) such as

<protocol type>://<host name>:<port number>/<URI>?sap-client=<CLIENT>
The host name could be solutionmanager, for example. The port number is 8000 and the path
(URI) is /sap/bc/solman/bpr. The client is the SAP® system client.
For SAP® Solution Manager 3.2, you need Support Package 06. Additional information is
available in the SAP® Service Marketplace.

1. Start SAP® Solution Manager and call transaction SICF.
2. Right-click default_host > sap > bc > solman, for example, and select Enable service.
When the service is enabled, additional subgroups are visible.
Enabling reveals the URI of the Web service. In this case, it is /sap/bc/solman/bpr. The
protocol type is http. If you right-click bpr and select Display service, the URI is displayed
in the ICF path box and the protocol type on the Service data/Security requirements tab.
The Default option corresponds to the protocol type http, while the SSL option corresponds
to the protocol type https. To use SSL, you need a valid certificate.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

You can also adjust the URL with the 'External aliases' function

1. Start SAP® Solution Manager, and call the SICF transaction.
2. Click the External aliases button.
3. Select a host and create a new external alias (F5). You can adjust the path in the External
alias box.
4. Activate the Service data tab. You can adjust the protocol type in the Security
requirements box.
The Default option corresponds to the protocol type http, while the SSL option corresponds
to the protocol type https. To use SSL, you need a valid certificate.
5. Activate the Target item tab. Select the bpr node for the Business Process Repository. The
previous steps revealed the protocol type and the path of the Web service URL.
6. Call the SMICM transaction to determine the port and host name. To list the available ports,
click Go to > Services in the main menu.
All ports for the different protocol types are displayed. If a protocol is missing or inactive
(Active column), inform your system administrator.
Use this information to form the URL. Start customizing transactions/views

To be able to start customizing transactions and call customizing views from ARIS, you must
import the current transport request into the SAP system. You find the transport request on the
installation media. The function module Z_VIEW_MAINTENANCE_CALL is created in the
function group ZARIS. This function group is assigned to the development class

1. Copy the file K<number>.<SAP system SID> from the installation media to the directory
2. Copy the file R<number>.<SAP system SID> from the installation media to the directory
The directory sapmnt normally corresponds to the directory \usr\sap. If you cannot find the
cofiles and data directories under the specified paths, you can determine the correct path
using the DIR_TRANS variable. To do this, log on to the relevant SAP system, and run
transaction AL11.
To transfer the transport request to the SAP system using the command line program TP.EXE,
enter the following commands in the specified sequence:
a. TP addtobuffer <SAP system SID>K<number> [target system SID]
b. TP import <SAP system SID>K<number> [client on target system]

Server Installation and Administration Guide

You can also execute the transport request using the transaction STMS:

1. Log on to the relevant SAP system as a system administrator.
2. Execute transaction STMS. This takes you to the Transport Management System.
3. Click Import overview.
4. Double-click the relevant SAP system. This takes you to the import queue.
5. In the menu, select Add-ons > Other requests > Append. The Append transport
request to import queue dialog opens.
6. Enter <SAP system SID>K<number> and confirm. You return to the import overview.
7. Select the transport request.
8. In the menu, select Request > Import. The Import request dialog opens.
9. Activate the Options tab and check Ignore invalid component version.

10. Enter the relevant target client and confirm via F8 or Start import.

Server Installation and Administration Guide ARIS Online Guide

SAP® system administrators can use ARIS Online Guide to make help on company-specific
transactions available for users of SAP® systems alongside the standard F1 help. For example,
ARIS Online Guide gives you access to documents that were created during customizing or later
to explain complex processes.
 If you plan to use ARIS Online Guide, you must publish your database using ARIS Publisher.
 ARIS Publisher Server must be configured (page 146).
 An executable version of the SAP® GUI and an approved Web browser must be installed.

Once you have executed the client setup and made the created HTML documents available in the
SAP® system, your SAP® system administrator must implement the transactions
/IDS/AOG_ADMIN, /IDS/AOG_USER, and ZEXTHLP in the SAP® system and adapt the Web
To do so, please adjust the following:
1. Import required function modules (page 136).
2. Modify program LSHL2U01 (page 138).
3. Specify settings (page 139). Transfer function modules

A transport request is executed to import the required function modules. The current transport
request is located on the installation medium in the directory specified.

1. Copy the file K<number>.<SAP® system SID> from the installation media to the directory
2. Copy the file R<number>.<SAP® system SID> from the installation media to the directory
\sapmnt\trans\data. The directory sapmnt normally corresponds to the directory
\usr\sap. If you cannot find the cofiles and data directories under the specified paths, you
can determine the correct path using the DIR_TRANS variable. To do this, log on to the
relevant SAP® system, and run transaction AL11.
To transfer the transport request to the SAP® system using the command line program
TP.EXE, enter the following commands in the specified sequence:
a. TP addtobuffer <SAP® system SID>K<number> [target system SID]
b. TP import <SAP® system SID>K<number> [client on target system]
You can also execute the transport request using the transaction STMS.

1. Log on to the relevant SAP® system as a system administrator.
2. Execute transaction STMS. This takes you to the Transport Management System.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

3. Click Import overview.

4. Double-click the relevant SAP® system. This takes you to the import queue.
5. In the menu, select Add-ons > Other requests > Append. The Append transport
request to import queue dialog opens.
6. Enter <SAP® system SID>K<number> and confirm. You return to the import overview.
7. Select the transport request.
8. In the menu, select Request > Import. The Import request dialog opens.
9. Activate the Options tab and check Ignore invalid component version.

10. Enter the relevant target client and confirm via F8 or Start import.
Then assign each of the transactions /IDS/AOG_ADMIN, /IDS/AOG_USER, and
ZEXTHLP a new or existing authorization object.
If you create any new authorization objects, you must include them in suitable authorization

Server Installation and Administration Guide Modify program LSHL2U01

After you have imported the required function modules, you must modify the SAP® standard
function HELP_START in program LSHL2U01.
This will provide the F1 help call of ARIS Online Guide. To do this, you need a developer key and
possibly an object key. You can obtain these keys via OSS.

1. If required, log on to the relevant SAP® system.
2. Execute transaction SE37.
DATA: l_error_msg LIKE iwerrormsg. " DHB
DATA: l_action LIKE sy-xcode. " *17i
DATA: exit_flg.
DATA: save_help_info_call LIKE help_infos-call.
DATA: ihelpinfo TYPE help_info.
DATA: lv_help_mode TYPE char1.
DATA: lv_window_name TYPE sydatar.
DATA: a_msgv1 LIKE help_infos-msgv1,
a_msgv2 LIKE help_infos-msgv2,
a_msgv3 LIKE help_infos-msgv3,
a_msgv4 LIKE help_infos-msgv4.
* help center
DATA: l_flag_hc_called TYPE as4flag. "note 1135202

*------- CALL MODIFICATION ARIS Online Guide

DATA: loaded TYPE c,
bothhelp TYPE c.

IF help_infos-call CN 'TMV' AND help_infos-call CO 'D' AND help_infos-object

i_program = help_infos-program
e_help_loaded = loaded
e_both_help = bothhelp.
IF bothhelp NE 'X' AND loaded = 'X'.
***************** end of insertion***************
---Additional code. ---
The F1 help call of ARIS Online Guide is available.
After you have imported support packages into the SAP® system, this modification may be
missing in some cases. The F1 help call of ARIS Online Guide is no longer available then. In this
case, modify LSHL2U01 again.

Server Installation and Administration Guide Specify settings

Once you have imported the required function modules and modified the SAP® standard function
HELP_START, you can use the transactions /IDS/AOG_ADMIN and /IDS/AOG_USER to
specify various settings for the ARIS Online Guide in the SAP® system.

What is the /IDS/AOG_ADMIN transaction used for?

SAP system administrators use the /IDS/AOG_ADMIN transaction to specify default settings
that all users of the client can adopt. Users can specify their own settings with the
/IDS/AOG_USER transaction.
 If you plan to make only the help from ARIS Online Guide available to the above user, enable
the Use ARIS Online Guide check box in the ARIS Online Guide - Administration
settings dialog.
 To provide user access to the ARIS Online Guide help in addition to the F1 help that is available
in the SAP system by default, enable the Show additionally default help check box.
 Enable the Publisher URL overwritable check box to authorize users to change the URL to
the Publisher export.
 Enter required information to access the Publisher export providing ARIS Online Guide.
 Publisher URL
URL to access the published database:
http://<servername>:<port number>/businesspublisher/link.do
e.g. http://aris1:19990/businesspublisher/link.do
 User name
User that is used for login to the Publisher export.
 Password
Password of the login user.
 Language-Key
Value of the LocaleID (page 141) key representing the interface language used in the
Publisher export.
e.g. 1031 = German, 1033 = English
 Profile-Hash
Value of ph key representing the profile used in the Publisher export, e.g. 0mhsu6i.
To determine the values of Profile-Hash and Language-Key open a model in the
Publisher export, right click and select Copy link.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

What is the /IDS/AOG_USER transaction used for?

Each of the client's users can use the /IDS/AOG_USER transaction to customize the settings
specified by the SAP system administrator with the /IDS/AOG_ADMIN transaction.
 If you only use the help from ARIS Online Guide, enable the Use ARIS Online Guide check
 To provide the ARIS Online Guide help in addition to the F1 help that is available in the SAP
system by default, enable the Show additionally default help check box.
 Enter required information to access the Publisher export providing ARIS Online Guide in the
ARIS Online Guide - User-specific settings dialog:
 Publisher URL
URL to access the published database:
http://<servername>:<port number>/businesspublisher/link.do
e.g. http://aris1:19990/businesspublisher/link.do
Users can change the URL only if the administrator has enabled the Publisher URL
overwritable check box in the ARIS Online Guide - Administration settings dialog.
 User name
User that is used for login to the Publisher export.
 Password
Password of the login user.
 Language-Key
Value of the LocaleID key representing the interface language used in the Publisher
e.g. 1031 = German, 1033 = English
 Profile-Hash
Value of ph key representing the profile used in the Publisher export, e.g. 0mhsu6i.
To determine the values of Profile-Hash and Language-Key open a model in the
Publisher export, right click and select Copy link.

If you have changed the default settings that the system administrator specified and want to
reactivate them, click on Restore default.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

What is the ZEXTHLP transaction used for?

Each of the client's users can use the ZEXTHLP transaction to activate the ARIS Online Guide the
next time F1 help is called.
If a user has executed this transaction and presses the F1 key, the ARIS Online Guide help is
displayed with the settings specified via the /IDS/AOG_ADMIN and /IDS/AOG_USER
transactions. If the user presses the F1 key again, the standard F1 help of the SAP system is
displayed again. System language and locale IDs

The locale ID (LCID (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/goglobal/bb964662.aspx)) designates a
language within a language group.
Language groups and code page are also represented by a number, e.g., code page=1252. The
language group is preceded by a minus sign (-), e.g., -1252.
The table shows a few examples. You can find more information at:

System language LCID

Afrikaans - South Africa 1078
Albanian - Albania 1052
Arabic - Algeria 5121
Arabic - Bahrain 15361
Arabic - Egypt 3073
Arabic - Iraq 2049
Arabic - Jordan 11265
Arabic - Kuwait 13313
Arabic - Lebanon 12289
Arabic - Libya 4097
Arabic - Morocco 6145
Arabic - Oman 8193
Arabic - Qatar 16385
Arabic - Saudi Arabia 1025
Arabic - Syria 10241
Arabic - Tunisia 7169
Arabic - U.A.E. 14337
Arabic - Yemen 9217
Basque - Spain 1069

Server Installation and Administration Guide

System language LCID

Belarusian - Belarus 1059
Bulgarian - Bulgaria 1026
Catalan - Spain 1027
Chinese - Hong Kong 3076
Chinese - PRC 2052
Chinese - Singapore 4100
Chinese - Taiwan 1028
Croatian - Croatia 1050
Czech - Czech Republic 1029
Danish - Denmark 1030
Dutch - Belgium 2067
Dutch - Netherlands 1043
English - Australia 3081
English - Belize 10249
English - Canada 4105
English - Caribbean 9225
English - Ireland 6153
English - Jamaica 8201
English - New Zealand 5129
English - South Africa 7177
English - Trinidad 11273
English - United Kingdom 2057
English - United States 1033
Estonian - Estonia 1061
Faeroese - Faeroe Islands 1080
Farsi - Iran 1065
Finnish - Finland 1035
French - Belgium 2060
French - Canada 3084
French - France 1036
French - Luxembourg 5132
French - Switzerland 4108
German - Austria 3079
German - Germany 1031
German - Liechtenstein 5127

Server Installation and Administration Guide

System language LCID

German - Luxembourg 4103
German - Switzerland 2055
Greek - Greece 1032
Hebrew - Israel 1037
Hungarian - Hungary 1038
Icelandic - Iceland 1039
Indonesian - Indonesia 1057
Italian - Italy 1040
Italian - Switzerland 2064
Japanese - Japan 1041
Korean - Korea 1042
Latvian - Latvia 1062
Lithuanian - Lithuania 1063
Norwegian - Norway (Bokmal) 1044
Norwegian - Norway (Nynorsk) 2068
Polish - Poland 1045
Portuguese - Brazil 1046
Portuguese - Portugal 2070
Romanian - Romania 1048
Russian - Russia 1049
Serbian - Serbia (Cyrillic) 3098
Serbian - Serbia (Latin) 2074
Slovak - Slovakia 1051
Slovene - Slovenia 1060
Spanish - Argentina 11274
Spanish - Bolivia 16394
Spanish - Chile 13322
Spanish - Colombia 9226
Spanish - Costa Rica 5130
Spanish - Dominican Republic 7178
Spanish - Ecuador 12298
Spanish - El Salvador 17418
Spanish - Guatemala 4106
Spanish - Honduras 18442
Spanish - Mexico 2058

Server Installation and Administration Guide

System language LCID

Spanish - Nicaragua 19466
Spanish - Panama 6154
Spanish - Paraguay 15370
Spanish - Peru 10250
Spanish - Puerto Rico 20490
Spanish - Spain (Modern Sort) 3082
Spanish - Spain (Traditional Sort) 1034
Spanish - Uruguay 14346
Spanish - Venezuela 8202
Swedish - Finland 2077
Swedish - Sweden 1053
Thai - Thailand 1054
Turkish - Turkey 1055
Ukrainian - Ukraine 1058
Vietnamese - Vietnam 1066

Server Installation and Administration Guide BI Modeler
To enable data exchange between ARIS and SAP NetWeaver® Business Warehouse, you must
import the current transport requests into the SAP system.
The files of the workbench transport request and the files of the customizing transport request are
located on the installation media.
If you re-import the transport request in order to update it, you should first delete the contents
of the following tables:

1. Import the workbench transport requests in the SAP system before importing the customizing
transport requests. To do this, perform the following steps:
2. Copy the file K<number>.<SAP system SID> to the directory \sapmnt\trans\cofiles.
3. Copy the file R<number>.<SAP system SID> to the directory \sapmnt\trans\data. The
directory sapmnt normally corresponds to the directory \usr\sap. If you cannot find the
cofiles and data directories under the specified paths, you can determine the correct path
using the DIR_TRANS variable. To do this, log on to the relevant SAP system, and run
transaction AL11.
To transfer the transport request to the SAP system using the command line program TP.EXE,
enter the following commands in the specified sequence:
a. TP addtobuffer <SAP system SID>K<number> [target system SID]
b. TP import <SAP system SID>K<number> [client on target system]
The transport request has been transferred.

Using STMS transaction

You can also execute the transport request using the transaction STMS.
1. Log on to the relevant SAP system as a system administrator.
2. Execute transaction STMS. This takes you to the Transport Management System.
3. Click Import overview.
4. Double-click the relevant SAP system. This takes you to the import queue.
5. In the menu, select Add-ons > Other requests > Append. The Append transport
request to import queue dialog opens.
6. Enter <SAP system SID>K<number> and confirm. You return to the import overview.
7. Select the transport request.
8. In the menu, select Request > Import. The Import request dialog opens.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

9. Activate the Options tab and check Ignore invalid component version.

10. Enter the relevant target client and confirm via F8 or Start import.
The transport request has been transferred. ARIS Publisher Server

If you use ARIS Publisher please make sure to configure the SAP connection (page 111).
Users accessing Publisher exports require a local SAP GUI for Windows installation (version 7.1 to
7.3) for the functionality Run transaction. Ensure that the file SAPLOGON.INI is available for
all users. Using the Web service URL, you can open the SAP documentation without SAP GUI

Server Installation and Administration Guide

6 Data migration from ARIS version 9.x to ARIS version 9.6

The Process Governance schema migration functionality is available starting from ARIS version
9.6. This data migration keeps the data stored in the database untouched. Only the database
schema is updated according to the data model changes in the new ARIS version 9.6.
You have to backup your system, then install (page 2) the new ARIS version and finally restore
you data again.

1. Create a migration directory on the local hard drive of your server with the ARIS installation,
e.g. migration_data. Backup and restore actions should be executed directly on the server.
2. Replace tools directory in the directory <ARIS
installationdirectory>\server\bin\work\work_apg<number>, e.g. C:\Program
Files\Aris9.5\server\bin\work\work_apg1 by tools directory from your installation
3. Backup your data for all tenants. Type <ARIS
p-all.bat or <ARIS
p-all.sh depending on your operating system, e.g. C:\Program
After a backup is finished, the you will find a separate ZIP archive for each tenant in the
migration directory. Each ZIP archive contains the data for a specific tenant.
4. Deinstall your old ARIS version and delete all remaining files of your old ARIS installation.
5. Install (page 2) the new ARIS version.
6. Restore the data for all available tenants. In your migration directory, type <ARIS
e-all.bat or <ARIS
e-all.sh depending on your operating system, e.g. C:\Program
7. Open the backup.log file in the logs subdirectory of your migration directory to check
whether the restore and migration of the data was successful. This file contains information
about each migration command and about the restore process.
All data of all tenants are migrated to the new ARIS version.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

7 Data Migration from ARIS version 7.2 to ARIS version 9.x

All data of earlier ARIS version have to be migrated to the new version of ARIS 9.6. There are
different migration scenarios:
 ARIS was used with a local user administration (page 148) in ARIS 7.2 and no Process
Governance was used.
 ARIS was used with LDAP integration (page 149).
 Process Governance was used without the central user management (page 149).
 Process Governance was used with the central user management (page 150).

1. Open a command line.
2. Type the following:
register global enhancement <a name for enhancement> <enhancement point> path
"com/dbmsvendor/jdbc/jdbc-driver/<the folder, where the driver is
located>/<jdbc-driver with version>.jar"
Your ARIS installation of version 9.x is now ready for the data migration.

In case the location of the JDBC driver you are currently using with a Postgres database in ARIS
version 7.2, type the following:
register global enhancement MSSQLEnhancement commonsClasspath path "C:\Program

7.1 Migration of ARIS with a Local User Administration

The user administration is now web based and users are no longer created directory in ARIS. You
have to migrate your local users to the Administration.

1. Back up the database in ARIS version 7.2.
2. Restore the database in ARIS version 9.x up to 9.5.
The users are added to the Administration and you can administrate them now there. All
passwords are deleted.
All user groups and permissions are transferred as far as the permissions and functional rights are
the same as in version 7.2. The user group names are composed of the database name and the
user group name.
You have to manually check whether the assignment of user groups and permissions are
migrated correctly and correct them manually if not.
In case you have a mixture of users who are administrated in the central user management of
ARIS version 7.2 and local users, please first refer to Migration of ARIS with Process Governance
with central user management (page 150).

Server Installation and Administration Guide

7.2 Migration of ARIS with LDAP Integration

In this case it does not matter whether Process Governance was used or not for the user
You can install the two ARIS versions in parallel and you have to migrate the users to the new
version. In ARIS version 9.x, only deploy and start newly created Governance processes.

 In case of having used Process Governance, make sure that there are no governance
processes running when migrating the databases.
 There will be only one tenant per LDAP server.

1. Back up the databases you want to migrate to make sure that you can import the process data
later on.
2. Configure your new system with LDAP. Activate the automatic import of users and user
3. Restore the databases.
Check whether the user credentials and assignment to user groups are correct.
You can start working with your new system.

7.3 Migration of ARIS with Process Governance without

Central User Management
It is important, that there are no Governance processes running when migrating the databases.
You can install the two ARIS versions in parallel and you have to migrate the users to the new
version. In ARIS version 9.x, only deploy and start newly created Governance processes.

1. Make sure, that there are no running Governance processes in the affected database.
2. Back up the database in ARIS version 7.2.
3. Restore the database in ARIS version 9.x up to 9.5.
All user groups and permissions are transferred as far as the permissions and functional rights are
the same as in version 7.2. The user group names are composed of the database name and the
user group name.
You have to manually check whether the assignment of user groups and permissions are
migrated correctly and correct them manually if not.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

7.4 Migration of ARIS with Process Governance with

Central User Management
You can install the two ARIS versions in parallel and you have to migrate the users to the new
version. In ARIS version 9.x, only deploy and start newly created Governance processes.

 You need to have access to the data of version 7.2 and version 9.x for the data migration.
Therefore you have to have installed both ARIS version 7.2 and version 9.x in parallel.
 You have enhanced (page 148) you ARIS version 9.x system with the relevant JDBC driver.

1. Back up the database in ARIS version 7.2.
2. Copy the JDBC driver in the ARIS 9.x installation folder under
You find this file in the ARIS 7.2 installation folder under ARISGE1.0\tomcat\lib.
3. Migrate the users from the central user management to the Administration using the batch file
4. Migrate the users from the central user management to the Administration using the batch file
y-datadump.bat (page 59).
5. Restore the database in ARIS version 9.x up to 9.5.
All user groups and permissions are transferred as far as the permissions and functional rights are
the same as in version 7.2. The user group names are composed of the database name and the
user group name.
You have to manually check whether the assignment of user groups and permissions are
migrated correctly and correct them manually if not.

7.5 Migration of ARIS document storage Data

You can migrate the ARIS document storage contents of version 7.2 to version 9.x.

 You need to have access to the data of version 7.2 and version 9.x for the data migration.
Therefore you have to have installed both ARIS version 7.2 and version 9.x in parallel.
 You have enhanced (page 148) you ARIS version 9.x system with the relevant JDBC driver.

1. Install (page 2) the ARIS version 9.x in parallel to your version 7.2.
2. Open a command prompt (Start > Run > cmd).
3. Navigate to the \\<ARIS installation folder\server\bin\work\work_<application
instance name>\tools\bin\ folder, e.g

Server Installation and Administration Guide

4. Type y-migration.bat <source folder> <target folder>.

The first parameter is the folder where the data of version 7.2 are located, the second
parameter is the folder for the version 9.x data.
y-migration.bat C:\program files\ARISGE10\data D:\program
The ARIS document storage data are migrated.

7.6 Migration of Databases, Configuration Elements and Scripts

With ARIS 9.x, you can easily migrate all your data from ARIS 7.2. It’s possible to import filters,
templates, reports, macros and databases with all users. User defined method extensions or
changes can be migrated via Export filter in 7.2 and Import filter in ARIS 9.x.
In ARIS 7.2 all users are managed inside a database. In ARIS 9.x all users, high level permissions
and licenses are managed centrally in the administration. With migration of a 7.2 database, all
users will be added into this administration. If there are users with the same name in different
databases, these conflicts must be solved in the administration after the migration. User groups
represent authorization within a database, therefore they are not consolidated via names like
users. User groups are identified via Database name and user groups name.

1. Back up the database in ARIS version 7.2.
In ARIS, using the backup functionality in the pop-up menu of a database. If the size of the
backup file (ADB) exceeds 2 GB, errors may occur during restoration.
2. Restore the database in ARIS version 9.x up to 9.5.
3. Export filters, templates and script files in ARIS version 7.2.
In ARIS, using the Export functionality in the pop-up menu for a filter (individual back up).
4. Import all files to ARIS version 9.x.
All data will be converted while restoring and importing.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

8 Notes on Data Security Observance

We do all we can to protect your data. Please ensure that ARIS is integrated correctly in your IT
In order for communication between ARIS servers and ARIS clients to proceed safely and reliably,
protect your system from unauthorized access with a firewall.
Certain topics pertain to server administrators. You need the relevant privileges for the
installation directory, in order to install and adjust the server configuration.
Other adjustments are carried out by system users or administrators in the Administration.

8.1 Server Administrator

Please consider all of the topics in the check list and make sure, that they are considered after the
 Block the access to the ARIS installation with a firewall.
 Allow users to only access via HTTP/HTTPS (default ports 80 and 443).
 Use a secure remote access mechanism (SSH, RDP) to work locally with ACC.
 Use the appropriate hardware and adhere to the system requirements.
 Start ARIS Agent 9.x under your own user account/user.
 Under Windows
 Create a new user account in the operating system and start the ARIS Agent 9.x service.
This user account has only limited privileges to operating system services, e.g., the file
system (see table) and user management.
 Remove this user from all user groups.
 Allow the login as a service.
 Enter your user name and password to login as a service.
 Assign access privileges as specified in the table.
 Under Unix/Linux please consider the same topics as mentioned for Windows. Start ARIS
Agent via shell. You might redirect ports (page 66).

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Make sure that the used OS user account can access only the specified directories.
The path data corresponds with Windows conventions. Slashes (/) are used as separators in

Directory/File Privilege
%TEMP% Read (r), execute (x),
write (w)
(pass on to files)

<ARIS installation directory>\server\bin\work\ Read (r) (pass on to

files and folders

<ARIS installation Write (w)

directory>\server\bin\work\work_abs_[s,m,l]\base\logs (pass on to files)

<ARIS installation directory>\ Write (w)

server\bin\work\work_abs_[s,m,l]\base\temp (pass on to files)

<ARIS installation Write (w)

directory>\server\bin\work\work_abs_[s,m,l]\base\work (pass on to files)

<ARIS installation
directory>\server\bin\work\work_abs_[s,m,l]\base\webapps\abs\lo Write (w)
g (pass on to files)

<ARIS installation Write (w)

directory>\server\bin\work\work_abs_[s,m,l]\base\fonts (pass on to files)

<ARIS installation Write (w)

directory>\server\bin\work\work_abs_[s,m,l]\base\temp (pass on to files)

Write (w)
<ARIS installation (pass on to files and
directory>\server\bin\work\postgres_[s,m,l]\pgworkdata folders)

<ARIS installation Write (w)

directory>\server\bin\work\work_cloudsearch_[s,m,l]\defaultLog (pass on to files)

Write (w)
<ARIS installation (pass on to files and
directory>\server\bin\work\work_cloudsearch_[s,m,l]\rsindex folders)

<ARIS installation Write (w)

directory>\server\bin\work\work_cop_[s,m,l]\base\logs (pass on to files)

Server Installation and Administration Guide

Directory/File Privilege
Write (w)
(pass on to files and
Create (c)
(pass on to folders)
Read (r)
(pass on to files)

<ARIS installation Delete (d)

directory>\server\bin\work\work_octopus_[s,m,l]\base\temp (pass on to folders and

Create (c)
<ARIS installation
directory>\server\bin\work\work_octopus_[s,m,l]\base\logs (pass on to folders)

<ARIS installation Write (w)

directory>\server\bin\work\work_octopus_[s,m,l]\base\webapps\o (pass on to files)

Write (w)
(pass on to files and
Create (c)
(pass on to folders)
Read (r)
(pass on to files)
Delete (d)
<ARIS installation (pass on to folders and
directory>\server\bin\work\work_simulation_[s,m,l]\base files)

<ARIS installation Write (w)

directory>\server\bin\work\work_simulation_[s,m,l]\base\logs (pass on to files)

<ARIS installation Write (w)

directory>\server\bin\work\work_mashzone_[s,m,l] (pass on to files)

 Enable SSL encryption (page 65)

Encrypt data transmission between ARIS Design Server and the ARIS clients.
 Use an LDAP system for user management
This ensures that your internal company password security guidelines are complied with.
 Pass on passwords in encrypted form only.
To encrypt passwords use the ARIS Server Administrator (page 101) command encrypt.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

8.2 ARIS Administrator

Please consider all of the topics in the check list and make sure, that they are considered after the
installation and creation of new databases.
 Change the remote access user's password

The remote access user has access to ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61). Change the
password (page 67).
 Change the system user's and the superuser's passwords 'manager' and 'superuser'
The system user has all access and function privileges for all database and is automatically
created with every database. The superuser has all privileges in the Administration. Change
the passwords in the user's profiles in the Administration.
 Create additional system users
System users have all function and access privileges in a database. To be on the safe side,
create additional system users besides the system system user. This way you can maintain
the database even if you forget the password for the system user (see help page Create
system user).
 Back up your data (page 35) regularly
Administrators can back up (page 69) all tenant data to a zip file.
Administrators have various options for backing up the data managed on a ARIS Connect
Server or an ARIS Design Server using ARIS Server Administrator (page 101).
Currently, Java can only process files of up to a maximum of 2 GB safely. Thus, errors may
occur with larger backup files (ADB) and during database recovery. If errors occur during
backup or while restoring please use the backup mechanism in your database management
system (DBMS).
 Version your database content
Versioning is used for versioning models. The benefit and purpose of archiving versions of
models is to allow different versions to be accessed.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

9 Basic Troubleshooting
If you face problems starting ARIS please read the following pages.

9.1 No Access to ARIS

You cannot access ARIS, even when using a browser on the same machine.
Use the Start ARIS Connect Server/Start ARIS Design Server link in the start menu. Be
patient, once the command completes, try accessing ARIS again.

9.2 ARIS clients Cannot Perform Connections to Servers Using SSL

A SSL certificate is available (page 65) but ARIS clients cannot be started using SSL certification.
This may happen due to ARIS clients using Java trust store having trouble verifying the certificate
An additional certificate needs to be made available for the load balancer.
1. Download the zip file of the certificate from a certificate authority, e.g. GlobalSign.
2. Start ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61).
3. Stop (page 64) the load balancer component.
4. Enhance the certificate using this command:
enhance <instanceID of the load balancer component> with sslCertificate local file
"<path to the downloaded zip file>"
5. Start (page 64) the load balancer component again.
The SSL certificate is available.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

9.3 Server Started but No Access to ARIS


After you have started the server (page 156) you still cannot access ARIS.


Open the ARIS Cloud Controller (ACC) (page 61) using the link in the start menu. Once the
prompt appears, type list. Check if all components are in state STARTED.
If the output of the list command shows one or more components in state STARTING please wait
a while and type list again.

9.4 Components do Not Start

Components still are in state STARTING.
Kill the component using the kill command. For example kill abs_m. Try starting it again with
the start command, e.g. start abs_m.
If the output of the list command shows one or more components in state FAILED or STOPPED.
Type startall. Once the command finishes give the components some time to complete startup
and type list to see their current state.

9.5 Resolving Port Conflicts

You have killed and restarted (page 157) a FAILED/STARTING component several times but it still
doesn't start up properly.
Port collisions are a common reason for components not starting up at all or not working properly.
Beware of port conflicts, e.g. web servers or programs like World Wide Web Publishing
Service or Routing and Remote Access might use the ports 80 and 443 by default.
1. Check the log files (page 102) for messages indicating port conflicts.
2. Find out the ports used by an ARIS component using the ACC (page 61) command show
instance <instanceId>,
ACC+ localhost>show instance abs_m
ID: abs_m state:STARTED
Configuration parameters:

Server Installation and Administration Guide


START command was issued at Jun 5, 2013 8:47:11 AM

Average startup time: 192915msec
Autostart: OFF
Desired state: STARTED
ACC+ localhost>

3. Use the Windows netstat command to find ports used by other programs:
netstat –ao |more

4. Look for lines containing the port number(s) of the component that is not starting up properly
and which have the state listening.
Sometimes, two programs might startup and use the same port. Only the first program will be
reachable via this port.
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 5524
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 4652
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 5968
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 3632
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 9740
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 6464
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 6836
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 6400
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 7156
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 2992
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 6836
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 3632
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 7922
TCP MCY137201:0 LISTENING 4094
5. Use Windows Task Manager to identify the program that is using that port.
After you have stopped the program causing the conflict or redirected ports (page 66), all ARIS
components will start up properly.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

10 Known Restrictions
In general, it is advisable to use up-to-date hardware taking into account the number of users
who will be accessing the ARIS. For information about hardware and software requirements,
please refer to the ARIS Platform Matrix document (see installation media or download it
Please consider the legal notices http://documentation.softwareag.com/legal/.
Despite the approval of our software for operation with the listed operating system versions and
other software and hardware requirements, we cannot exclude the possibility of problems arising
from unpredictable incompatibility issues with certain hardware/software combinations.

10.1 Update Setup

If you are about to update your ARIS 9.5 version using an Oracle database you must upgrade
your database schema first before starting the server. Otherwise your runtime environment and
data might be harmed and the application may not work anymore.
To do so please use the files on you installation medium under
Add-ons\DatabaseScripts\Oracle\Design&ConnectServer. Base requirement for this
configuration is a correct configured envset.bat.
Execute the cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat file for MS Windows operating system or
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.sh file for a Unix operating system.
cip_update_schema_for_tenant.bat myprojecttenant.
 Updating ARIS Connect Server version 9.0 using the setup is not possible.
 Scheduled reports must be recreated after the update. During the update setup, existing
scheduled reports will be deleted and must be recreated.
 If after the update of a custom configuration the help link doesn’t work anymore (404 error),
it can simply be fixed by modifying the useraction_default.xml file. The help url defined
there is similar to this:

and it should be changed to a version like this:

The connect directory is missing there. But you also can take a look at a similar, proper
configuration in the default configuration.

10.2 Process Governance

You can use Process Governance with up to 1000 process instances running in parallel. But the
number may differ depending on the complexity of the running process (e. g. self-created

Server Installation and Administration Guide

10.3 Right-to-left (RTL)

Right-to-left, top-to-bottom text is not officially supported. Arabic or Hebrew can be used with
ARIS 9.5, but not all functionality support Right-to-left.

10.4 Tenant Names

Please only use ASCII characters. Special characters and characters e. g. in Chinese, Cyrillic or
Arabic cannot be used.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

11 Support
If you have any questions on specific installations that you cannot perform yourself, contact your
local Software AG sales organization.

By Telephone

If you have a valid support contract, you can contact us internationally at:
The "+" stands for the prefix required in a given country to dial an international connection.
Example for dialing within Germany with a direct extension line:
00 800 2747 4357

By Web Interface

https://empower.softwareag.com (https://empower.softwareag.com)

Server Installation and Administration Guide

12 Glossary

Globally Unique Identifier (GUID).
The GUID is a character set that uniquely identifies elements worldwide.

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS).
This is a Java interface, which provides services for the authentication and for the access in Java
programs. JAAS supports a user based authentication.

One-Time-Pad (OTP).
This one-tine encryption is a symmetric encryption method to transfer messages. Its
characteristic is that the length of the encryption key is at least as long as the message itself.
OTP is considered information technology secure and cannot be broken.

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML).
XML framework to exchange authentication information. SAML provides features to describe and
transfer security based information.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
Security software to encrypt data that are exchanged between programs.

Single Sign-on.
Using SSO has the advantage that a user only has to log in once to the network. The user need
only one login name and password to access all computers, services and programs whose usage
is allowed.

Server Installation and Administration Guide

System Database
This database manages the content of the configuration and evaluations nodes displayed on
ARIS' Administration tab, e. g. filters, templates and font formates as well as ARIS method
content and scripts.
The database is created while the first user logs in using an ARIS client. This content is available
in all ARIS databases within this tenant.

A logical container into which users and groups are placed. It can represent a customer, a
department or another group of users. Tenants do not share any data.
Only users of tenant master are allowed to create, update or delete other tenants.

Transport Layer Security (TLS).
TLS is known under the name of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). It is an encryption protocol to
ensure a secure data transfer through the Internet.


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