Beacon Rules Tri
Beacon Rules Tri
Beacon Rules Tri
The game ends when you've searched the entire sector,
when you've run out of fuel, when you’re run out of
cards to draw, or when you have your answers. But you
never will. There's always more signal in the noise.
This game has taken significant mechanical inspiration
from Alone Among the Stars, The Black Hack, and The
Wretched, with setting, style, and technology
inspiration from TTRPGs like Mothership and Stars
Without Number and video games like No Man's Sky and
Elite Dangerous.
You'll begin in the center of your hex map — draw a If you reveal the Joker card, draw another card. If If you’re scanning multiple message beacons in the
star. This is the System Star for the first System the next card is red, proceed onto the next hex — you same hex, you can wait until all words have been
you'll explore. Now, generate the rest of the sector have avoided the danger. If the card is black... revealed before attempting to parse the meaning.
— For each of the 6 hex sides on the System Star
hex, roll 1D6. If you roll greater than or equal to Your ship shuts down and your vision stretches out as At the end of the game, bring all of the messages
4, draw another System Star that many hexes away. the world is pulled apart, yanked towards an together and try to weave a narrative between them.
invisible center. The game ends. What meaning can you Write as much or as little as you'd like.
The hexes immediately surrounding a System Star have make as you approach black oblivion where not even a
the potential to be worlds where beacons can be star shines?
found and decrypted. These will be generated when
you enter the System Star hex of each System. Do not reshuffle drawn cards back into the deck.