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Mastertop 1207 Tds

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MasterTop® 1207

High build, solvent-free epoxy coating for concrete floors


MasterTop 1207 is a two component, solvent-free • Excellent wear and abrasion resistance
epoxy floor coating system, which provides • Solvent-free
hardwearing, abrasion-resistant flooring system. • Slip resistance finish available
MasterTop 1207 is applied to produce a textured or • Easily applied
slip-resistant finish. • Textured high gloss finish
MasterTop 1207 also provides a high build pigmented • Good general chemical resistance
sealer as a topcoat for MasterTop 1240 to provide a • Limited maintenance
decorative and easy to clean floor. • Attractive and serviceable colours


MasterTop 1207 has good wear and abrasion
MasterTop 1207 is supplied in 5kg units.
resistance and is suitable for use in many industrial
applications. It can be used as a surface coating where
a hygienic and high gloss appearance is required.
Also, it can also provide an anti-slip finish which is MasterTop 1207 is available in a wide range of
suitable for use in wet areas. colours: light grey; mid grey; dark grey; blue, beige
MasterTop 1207 provides impermeable protection and red.
against common oils, greases, lubricants, aviation
fuels or oils such as Skydrol. In addition, it offers good
general chemical resistance, but as in all corrosive
situations, a full analysis of operating and exposure 7 days (ASTM C579)
conditions is required, followed by reference to 60N/mm2
chemical resistance data to ensure product suitability. Compressive Strength ASTM D695 – 85N/mm2
(ASTM C580) 30N/mm2
Flexural Strength ASTM D790 – 55 Mpa
(ASTM C 307)15 N/mm2
MasterTop 1207 is used extensively in the
Tensile Strength ASTM D 638 – 30 Mpa
following industries:
(BS 1881) 2.5 N/mm2
• Pharmaceutical and other medical Bond Strength
laboratory situations (Concrete Failure)
• Food processing and production – including Shore D Hardeness 74 (ASTM D 2240)
dairies, bakeries, mills and confectioners GUIDE TO APPLICATION
• Beverage production – including soft SURFACE PREPARATION:
drinks manufacture All contamination must be removed and a
• Industrial and commercial kitchens sound, clean substrate is exposed.
• Engineering – including aircraft hangars, car Mechanical means of preparation (such as light grit
production facilities and maintenance areas blasting, high pressure water jetting or grinding) are
• Warehouses – for installations with a preferred, followed by the removal of dust and other
loose debris, using an industrial vacuum.
medium frequency and volume of traffic
A clean prepared surface will ensure adhesion between
substrate and coating and will improve the long-term
The ideal surface profile for the application of
MasterTop 1207 is the texture of medium grit sand

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MasterTop® 1207
Ensure that the concrete is at least 28 days old. Do not To avoid colour deviation from one batch of the resin to
apply if the moisture content of the concrete substrates another, only use resins with the same batch number in
exceeds 4%. The substrates can be considered
the same area.
sufficiently dry when the relative humidity at the surface
falls to 75% or less when measured with a hygrometer Apply two coats of MasterTop 1207 by short/medium-
to BS 8201: 1981.
haired roller and allow at least 18 hours but not more
The surface over which the MasterTop 1207 is to be
than 36 hours between coats.
laid must be flat and roughened.
The second coat should be applied at a right angle to
Surface irregularities must be ground down or filled out the first coat.
with MasterBrace ADH 2200. All blow holes and
surface imperfection must be made good using If the application of MasterTop 1207 is delayed more
CONCRESIVE 2150 prior to the application of than 16 hours at 40ºC and 36 hours at 20ºC after the
MasterTop 1207. application of the primer, then the primer must be
thoroughly abraded to give an adequate mechanical key
and solvent wiped.
MasterTop 1207 should be allowed to dry 24 hours
All concrete surfaces to be overlaid with MasterTop
prior to receiving light traffic. Full cure is achieved after
1207 should be primed with MasterTop 1200 diluted
7 days.
with 5% solvent. Add the solvent to the base and
reactor components, after they have been decanted
into the mixing container; then mix the base and
MasterTop 1207 provides a smooth, glossy finish.
reactor components together until all striations have
A slip-resistant finish can also be achieved by evenly
disappeared. Apply the mixed material to the dry sprinkling MasterTop SR 3 on the wet applied first coat
substrate at the rate of 5-7m²/kg using a medium or of MasterTop 1207.
short-haired roller. Allow the primer to become Leave it till it reaches initial cure and remove the
completely tack-free before over-coating with excess aggregate by vacuum cleaner.
MasterTop 1207. Alternatively,

MasterTop 1207 can be diluted with 10%

solvent and used as the primer coat.

Pour the base and the reactor into a suitable
mixing vessel and mix using a slow speed drill
with spiral mixing paddle attached, until all
striations have disappeared and a uniform
colour is obtained.

Ensure that the substrate is free from dust and
building debris and that the area has been
secured to prevent intrusion of dust, airborne
particles, insects, small animals, etc. Make sure
that windows and doors are closed.

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MasterTop® 1207
Apply a topcoat of MasterTop 1207 within 18-36 hours For specific storage and isposal advice, consult Master
ensuring that a continuous film is achieved. Please Builders Solutions's Technical Services Department.
note that some reduction in gloss will result.
CHEMICAL RESISTANCE: Up to 12 months if stored in unopened containers
MasterTop 1207 has been tested for resistance to the
according to manufacturer’s instructions.
following chemicals through spillage, dripping and
splashes, provided that regular cleaning/housekeeping
must be applied whenever possible:
As with all chemical products, care should be taken,
Lactic Acid 10% Colour Change during use and storage, to avoid contact with eyes,
HCL 18 % Colour Change mouth, skin and foodstuffs (which can also be tainted
Sodium Hydroxide 50% No effect with vapour until product has fully cured or dried).
Ammonia 10% No effect Treat splashes to eyes and skin immediately. If
Skydrol No effect accidentally ingested, seek medical attention. Re-seal
Sugar Solution No effect containers after use.
Butanol No effect
Citric acid 10% No effect NOTE
Acetic acid 10% No effect Field service, where provided, does not constitute
supervisory responsibility. For additional information,
contact your local Master Builders Solutions
COVERAGE representative.
Approximately 0.29-0.36kg/m²/coat at
Master Builders Solutions reserves the right to have
200-250 microns DFT.
the true cause of any difficulty determined by accepted
EQUIPMENT CARE test methods.
Remove uncured MasterTop 1207 immediately from
tools and equipment, using solvent. All products manufactured by Master Builders
Solutions Egypt, or imported from Master Builders
STORAGE Solutions affiliate companies world-wide, are
Store out of direct sunlight, clear of the ground, on manufactured to procedures certified to conform to the
pallets protected from rainfall. Avoid excessive quality, environment, health
compaction and protect from extremes of safety management systems described in the ISO
temperatures. In tropical climates, the product 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & OHSAS
must be stored in an air-conditioned environment. 18001:2007 standards.

* Properties listed are based on laboratory

Failure to comply with the recommended storage controlled tests.
conditions may result in premature deterioration of the ® Registered trademark of a MBCC Group member in
product or packaging. many countries of the world


MBS Construction Chemicals Egypt (S.A.E), Business Park A, Building A1, Cairo Festival City, Ring Road, New Cairo, Egypt
Hotline: 15560, Phone: +202 2128 7800, Fax: +202 2128 7801
Website: https://www.master-builders-solutions.com/en-eg

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