Price B1 S2 2024 - DF
Price B1 S2 2024 - DF
Price B1 S2 2024 - DF
Willingness to
pay = the roof
Competitors =
Competitors =
the walls
the walls
Production costs = the floor
• Transportation
• Marketing / Retailing
Psychological price
o expensive
Insufficient quality
Poor Too
Poor Too
Price quality expensive Number of buyers
quality expensive
cumulated cumulated
70 150 0
90 220 90
120 80 190
140 50 90
160 0 130
total 500 500
• Giffen goods
• Veblen effect
(final volume – initial volume) / initial volume (final vol / initial vol) -1
Elasticity = =
(final price–initial price) / initial price (final price / initial price) -1
• Example:
– T1: INITIAL at 2€/tube 50 tubes of toothpaste were sold per day
– T2: CURRENT at 4€/tube only 25 tubes sold
Negative elasticity is the most
(25 – 50)/50
Elasticity = = - 0,5 common case: consumers stop
(4 – 2)/2 buying a product when its
price increases and vice versa.
T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2
Number of 45 18 35 28 20 30
units sold
The price must be consistent with the other elements of the mix
The price must be consistent with the other elements of the mix
Company Distributor
Gross margin
Mark up
It expresses the profitability of each unit sold of a product
Distributors' margins
The purchasing price BT for the distributor = Selling price BT
for the manufacturer if there are no other intermediaries
It is the sum of all costs related to the manufacturing until the sale of a
-We try to determine the final consumer's sales price before tax: The
quantities to be produced are fixed by the production (for example,
maximum capacity) and/or by the marketing objectives (Volume
Market share).
The Students’ association expects 700 people at the next gala. Knowing
that the operating costs will be as follows + no VAT in this case.
2/ Knowing that the other Associations sell their tickets for 35 euros, how
many more people will it take to cover the costs?