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Iii Bca Questions

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Class –III BCA
SECTION – A (10 × 2 = 20)

1. What metrics are used to access the performance of a network?

2. What is the need for layering?
3. Define Protocol.
4. What are the responsibilities of data link layer?
5. What is framing?
6. What do you meant by redundancy?
7. Explain bandwidth and latency.
8. What is meant by HDLC?
9. Define Socket. How it is created?
10. What do you meant by sub networking?

SECTION– B (5 × 5 = 25)

11. (a) Write a short notes on multiplexing with example. (Or)

(b) Explain about Circuit Switched network.

12. (a) Compare Datagram approach and Virtual circuit approach. (Or)

(b) Write short notes on 802.11.

13. (a) How can the routing be classified? Explain in detail. (Or)

(b) Compare IPV4 and IPV6 addressing.

14. (a) Write short notes on TCP services and features. (Or)

(b) Explain about TCP Error control.

15. (a) Enumerate the Client Server Programming. (Or)

(b) Narrate on FTP.

SECTION – C (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any THREE Questions

16. Discuss in detail about the Transmission Media.

17. Illustrate about types of Error deduction and correction. Explain with example.

18. Explain in brief about Routing Algorithm with neat block diagram.

19. Discuss about TCP.

20. Explain in brief about email with suitable example.

Class –III BCA

SECTION – A (10 × 2 = 20)

1. What are three criteria necessary for an efficient and effective network?
2. What is multiplexing?
3. State the purpose of layering in network.
4. What is ARP?
5. What do you meant by Port?
6. What are the techniques to improve QOS?
7. Define throughput.
8. What is meant by Jitter?
9. Define pop.
10. What do you meant by Generic Domain?

SECTION – B (5 × 5 = 25)

11. (a) Write a short notes on topology of network with neat block diagram. (Or)

(b) Explain about categories of network.

12. (a) Explain the types of errors. (Or)

(b) Write a short notes on Bluetooth Architecture.

13. (a) Write a short notes on network layer performance. (Or)

(b) Explain in detail about IP.

14. (a) Write short notes on Transport layer protocol. (Or)

(b) Explain about TCP Congestion control.

15. (a) Enumerate the function of Application layer. (Or)

(b) Narrate on WWW in detail.

SECTION – C (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any THREE Questions

16. Discuss in detail about the ISO/OSI reference model.

17. Illustrate in brief about the Satellite networking.

18. Explain in brief about packet switching with neat block diagram.

19. Discuss about UDP.

20. Explain in brief about DNS with suitable example.

Class –III BCA

SECTION – A (10*2=20)

Answer ALL questions.

1. Define computer networks.
2. Explain LAN.
3. What is router?
4. Write about error detection.
5. What is E-Mail?
6. Explain coaxial cable.
7. What are the advantages of DNS?
8. List out various protocol which is used in OSI reference model.
9. List out various topologies and explain any one topology.
10. Define WWW.
SECTION – B (5*5=25)
Answer ALL questions.
11. (a) Discuss in detail about Topology.(OR)
(b) Explain about WAN.
12. (a) Discuss briefly about the error correction codes. (OR)
(b) Write short note on telephone system.
13. (a) State few of routing algorithm. (OR)
(b) Write in detail about Packet Switching.
14. (a) Discuss in detail about Ethernet.(OR)
(b) Explain IP protocol.
15. (a) Explain URL with example. (OR)
(b)Explain DNS.
SECTION – C (3*10=30)
Answer ANY 3 questions.
16. Explain the layers and functions of OSI Reference Model.
17. Explain the wireless transmission media.
18. Discuss on error detection and correction method.
19. Explain the design issues of data link layer.
20. Write about FTP and Client server programming concept.
Class – III BCA


SECTION - A (102 = 20 Marks)

1. What is PHP?
2. How PHP function created?
3. Define PHP Class.
4. List out the Logical operators in PHP.
5. Difference between get and post method.
6. What is AJAX?
7. How will you check end of file?
8. Purpose of final keyword.
9. Define Session and Cookies.
10. Name of any 4 graphic function with a syntax.

SECTION - B (55 = 25 Marks)

11. (a) How do create & accessing elements in PHP array.
(b) What are the comparison operators available in PHP? Give examples.
12. (a) How to write a PHP function? Explain.
(b) How to create checkbox in PHP? Describe.
13. (a) How is an object created from a class? Explain.
(b) Write notes on PHP class Constructor and Destructor.
14. (a) List out the various file open attributes in PHP and explain it.
(b) What is a PHP Session? How to create a PHP Session?
15. (a) Write a short notes on drawing lines and its styles using functions.
(b)Write the procedure for downloading images using Ajax.

SECTION - C (310 = 30 Marks)

Answer any THREE Questions.

16. Explain any Mathematical functions of PHP.

17. Write a PHP program to determining the average value of the array elements and
display it.
18. Discuss about the inheritance and overloading methods in PHP.
19. Explain the structure of cookies.
20. Describe any five graphics functions for drawing images on the server.
Class – III BCA


SECTION - A (102 = 20 Marks)

1. Write a comment statement in PHP?
2. What is PHP file?
3. Define PHP arrays and its types.
4. State the arithmetic operators in PHP.
5. How to create list in PHP?
6. What is EOF?
7. List the various modes in file.
8. Define abstract class.
9. How AJAX works?
10. Write a syntax of OPEN a connection to MYSQL.

SECTION - B (55 = 25 Marks)

11. (a) Write any Five String functions.
(b) List the relational operators available in PHP? Give examples.
12. (a) How to send an arguments to function? Explain with example.
(b) Write a short note on PHP browser.
13. (a) Define polymorphism. Write a suitable PHP program.
(b) Write notes on PHP class Constructor and Destructor.
14. (a) Illustrate cookies.
(b) How to create a PHP Session?
15. (a) How to draw a line using AJAX.
(b) Write a steps to draw images on server.

SECTION - C (310 = 30 Marks)

Answer any THREE Questions.

16. Illustrate the looping statements in PHP with example.

17. Write a PHP program to create a bio-data form.
18. Discuss about the inheritance concept in PHP.
19. Explain the file handling methods in PHP.
20. Describe the graphics function for drawing different shapes.
Class – III BCA




1. Define PHP.
2. Write down the Commands in PHP.
3. How to create in PHP functions.
4. Define PHP browsers with examples.
5. How to Declaring a Class
6. Difference between constructor and destructor.
7. What is Global variables?
8. How to close a file?
9. What is Ajax?
10. Define some drawing primitives.



11. (a) Write a Short note on PHP data types with examples. (OR)
(b) Define Loop statement examples.

12. (a) Explain about the php function with return value (OR)
(b) How to the age calculate program with Html and Php

13. (a) Explain in detail about the Exception Handling Functions. (OR)
(b) Write a Final method with example

14.(a) Explain the types of variables with examples.(Or)

(b) Working with database.

15. (a) How to Ajax Works? (OR)

(b) Explain the structure of the Graphics Programs

SECTION –C 3*10=30


16. Discuss in detail about PHP Operators with example.

17. Write a brief note on Reading webpage in php with example.

18. Explain in detail about Functions with example.

19. Briefly explain about the file handling function

20. Explain in detail about the testing for supported Image formats.
Sub Code: 16SMBECA2:1 Max Marks: 75
Answer the following
(10 x 2=20)
1. Define cloud computing.
2. Types ofcloud.
3. What is Grid?
4. Define virtualization.
5. What is cloud design?
6. Define IAAS, SAAS, and PAAS.
7. Whatis a cloud security?
8. Define cloud security controls.
9. What are cloud tools?
10. DefineContent Delivery Network

SECTION B (5 x 5 = 25)
11. (a) Explain move to cloud computing. (Or)
(b) Explain in detail about history of cloud computing.
12. (a)Explain cloudcomputing technology. (Or)
(bTypes of virtualization in cloud computing
13.(a) Elaborate note on IBM cloud storage. (Or)
(b) Elaborate note on cloud computing at work.
14.(a)explain in detail about file systems(Or)
(b) Explain in detail about cloud security threats.
15. (a) Discuss in detail about Amazon Web services.(Or)
(b) Elaborate note on Google cloud platforms.

SECTION C (3 x 10 = 30)
(Answer Any Three)
16. Discuss in detail about working of cloud computing.
17. Explain in detail about virtualization in grid.
18. Write a brief note on cloud computing services.
19. Discuss in detail about cloud security services in cloud.
20. Explain in detail about Microsoft azureCloud services.
Sub Code: 16SMBECA2:1 Max Marks: 75

Answer the following (10 x 2 = 20)

1. Define cloud.
2. Difference between pros and cons of cloud computing?
3. What is cloud computing technology?
4. Define virtualization.
5. What is Data storage?
6. Define Cloud storagefrom LAN TO WANS.
7. Whatis a cloud computing tool?
8. Define apache hadoop.
9. What is cloud application?
10. Definewindows azure.
SECTION B (5 x 5 = 25)
11. (a) Explain seven step model of migrating in to a cloud. (Or)
(b) Discuss in detail about types of cloud computing.
12. (a) Explain cloudarchitecture. (Or)
(b)Write a brief note on cloud model and design.
13. (a) Elaborate note on cloud storage. (Or)
(b) Elaborate note on cloud services.
14. (a) Explain in detail about Risks in cloud computing. (Or)
(b) Explain in detail about cloud mashups.
15. (a) Discuss in detail about Amazon cloud.(Or)
(b) Elaborate note on Google cloud applications.

SECTION C (3 x 10 = 30)
(Answer Any Three)
16. Discuss in detail about working of cloud computing.
17. Explain in detail about virtualization.
18. Write a brief note on Data storage.
19. Discuss in detail about data security in cloud.
20. Explain in detail about Microsoft cloud services.
Sub Code: 16SMBECA2:1 Max Marks: 75

Answer the following (10 x 2 = 20)

1. What is Client?
2. Define Cloud Computing?
3. What is SPI?
4. State any two service provider of SaaS.
5. What is virtualization?
6. What is storage networking?
7. What is CSA
8. What is thin Client?
9. Difference between pros and cons of cloud computing?
10. List out the tools of cloud.

SECTION B (5 x 5 = 25)
11. (a)State the characteristics of cloud computing. (Or)
(b)State the benefits of cloud computing.
12. (a)Explain in detail about cloud delivery model.(Or)
(b)Discuss the operational and economic benefits of SaaS.
13. (a)Explain in detail the various aspects for the need of virtualization in cloud computing. (Or)
(b) Write short notes on (i)Software virtualization (ii)Network virtualization.
14. (a) Briefly explain service development tools.(Or)
(b) Explain in detail about Risks in cloud computing.
15. (a) Explain in detail about cloud security threats.(Or)
(b) Discuss in detail about Amazon cloud

SECTION C (3 x 10 = 30)
(Answer Any Three)
16. Explain the architecture of cloud computing in details.
17. Explain the activities on cloud computing for the corporation.
18. Write a brief note on Data storage.
19. Explain about web mailing services.
20. Explain in detail about Microsoft azureCloud services.

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