Working On Extreme Hot Weather Condition
Working On Extreme Hot Weather Condition
Working On Extreme Hot Weather Condition
Heat Stroke
Heat stroke occurs when the body's system of temperature regulation fails
and body temperature rises to critical levels.
The primary signs and symptoms of heat stroke are confusion; irrational
behavior; loss of consciousness; convulsions; a lack of sweating (usually); hot,
dry skin; and an abnormally high core body temperature.
Heat Exhaustion
The signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion are headache, nausea, vertigo,
weakness, thirst, and giddiness.
Heat Cramps
Heat cramps are usually caused by performing hard physical labor in a hot
environment and a lack of water replenishment.
Work Sites with potential extremely high temperatures shall evaluate the
conditions using the Heat Stress Index to determine the acceptable
workloads for the effected workforce.
Engineering Controls:
• General Ventilation
• Local Ventilation
• Air Treatment / Air Cooling
• Radiant Heat Reduction
• Shade
Administrative and Work Practice Controls
• Fluid Replacement
• Scheduling
• Acclimation
• Work/Rest Cycles
• Recovery Times
• Buddy System
Heat stress awareness training shall be provided at least once a year to all Project personnel. This training
shall include:
• The hazards of heat stress and sunburn injuries including predisposing factors,
warning signs, and symptoms.
• Potential health effects of heat and sun injures as well as first-aid procedures
in case of heat or sun injury.