Civic refers to the responsibilities, rights, and participation of citizens in society, while
ethics refers to the principles of right and wrong behaviour.
Discuss the similarity and difference between civic and ethics.
Similarity: Both involve understanding and adhering to principles of conduct.
Difference: Civic relates specifically to the duties and rights of citizens within a
community or society, whereas ethics is a broader concept that encompasses principles of
morality and behavior in various contexts.
Define and identify the difference between moral values, moral dilemma, and ethical
1. Moral values are principles or standards of behaviour that guide individual conduct.
2. Moral dilemmas are situations where individuals must choose between conflicting moral
3. Ethical theories are systematic approaches to understanding and justifying ethical
judgments and behaviour.
List and discuss types of ethics.
1. Respect for the Rule of Law: Responsible citizens adhere to laws and regulations,
understanding that they provide a framework for a functioning society.
2. Civic Engagement: Actively participating in civic affairs, such as voting, community
service, and advocating for social change, demonstrates responsible citizenship.
3. Respect for Diversity and Inclusion: Valuing and respecting people from different
backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives fosters social cohesion and harmony within a
diverse society.
List and examine the main sources of civic and ethical education.
Civic and ethical education draws from various sources to impart values, principles, and
responsibilities to individuals within a society. Some of the main sources include:
1. Formal Education: This includes school curricula, textbooks, and structured
classroom lessons dedicated to teaching civic and ethical principles.
2. Informal Education: Informal settings such as family, peer groups, religious
institutions, and community organizations play a significant role in shaping
individuals’ civic and ethical values through everyday interactions and observations.
3. Media and Technology: Mass media platforms, including television, radio, the
internet, and social media, influence public opinion and contribute to civic and ethical
education by disseminating information, promoting critical thinking, and sparking
discussions on societal issues.
4. Government and Legal Systems: Government institutions, laws, and policies provide
frameworks for civic engagement, ethical conduct, and justice within society, shaping
citizens’ understanding of their rights, responsibilities, and the rule of law.
5. Cultural and Historical Contexts: Cultural traditions, heritage, and historical events
influence societal norms, values, and moral codes, contributing to the collective
understanding of civic duties and ethical behaviour.
The main learning objectives and goals of civic and ethics:
1. Promotion of Civic Virtues: One of the primary goals is to cultivate virtues such as
honesty, responsibility, respect for others, and a commitment to the common good
among individuals in society. This includes fostering a sense of civic duty and
promoting active citizenship.
2. Understanding Democratic Principles: Civic education aims to familiarize individuals
with the principles of democracy, including the rule of law, equality, justice, and
participation in decision-making processes. It emphasizes the importance of
respecting the rights and freedoms of all members of society.
3. Development of Ethical Reasoning: Ethics education seeks to enhance individuals’
ability to critically evaluate ethical dilemmas and make morally informed decisions.
This involves exploring different ethical theories, principles, and values, as well as
applying them to real-world situations.
4. Fostering Social Responsibility: Civic and ethics education endeavours to instil a
sense of social responsibility and empathy towards others, including marginalized and
vulnerable populations. It encourages individuals to actively contribute to the
betterment of their communities and society as a whole.
5. Promoting Intercultural Understanding: In an increasingly diverse and interconnected
world, civic and ethics education aims to promote intercultural understanding,
tolerance, and appreciation of cultural diversity. This involves fostering dialogue,
empathy, and cooperation across different cultural, religious, and ideological
National character
It refers to the collective personality traits, values, norms, and behaviours that are
characteristic of a particular nation or culture. It encompasses the attitudes, beliefs, and
customs shared by the members of a society that contribute to their identity as a nation.
The main factors contributing to national integration include:
1. Shared Identity and History: A common sense of identity, history, and heritage fosters
unity among the citizens of a nation.
2. Political Stability: Stable governance and effective institutions help maintain social order
and promote national cohesion.
3. Economic Interdependence: Economic integration and mutual dependence encourage
cooperation and solidarity among different regions or groups within a nation.
4. Social Cohesion: Respect for diversity, inclusivity, and social justice fosters solidarity and
reduces tensions among various social groups.
5. Cultural Unity: Common cultural practices, traditions, and symbols reinforce a sense of
belonging and promote national unity.
On the other hand, factors contributing to national disintegration include:
1. Ethnic, Religious, or Linguistic Divisions: Deep-seated divisions based on ethnicity,
religion, language, or regional identity can undermine national unity.
2. Socioeconomic Disparities: Economic inequality and disparities in wealth distribution
can lead to social unrest and undermine cohesion.
3. Political Instability: Weak governance, corruption, and political instability can exacerbate
divisions and lead to fragmentation.
4. External Influences: Foreign interventions, conflicts, or influences can exacerbate
internal divisions and weaken national cohesion.
5. Cultural Fragmentation: Rapid cultural changes, globalization, and the erosion of
traditional values can weaken the shared identity and sense of belonging among citizens.
Regarding the relationship between citizens’ active participation and society’s moral
standards, active participation by citizens in civic life, such as
community service,
engagement in public discourse,
plays a crucial role in shaping and
upholding societal moral standards.
When citizens actively participate in democratic processes and social institutions, they
contribute to the formulation and enforcement of ethical norms and values that govern
behaviour within society. Their engagement helps:
reinforce a sense of accountability and responsibility
mutual respect among members of the community
strengthening societal moral standards.
a lack of active participation can lead to
decline moral standards
Structure of State:
1. Unitary system: Centralized power, local governments have limited authority.
2. Federal system: Power divided between central and regional governments.
3. Confederal system: States or regions retain ultimate authority.
Power Sharing Mechanisms in Federal State:
Division of powers between central and regional governments.
Bicameral legislature with representation from states.
Judicial review to ensure constitutionality.
Basic Elements of Government:
Executive, legislative, judicial branches.
Major Functions of Government:
Maintain order, provide public goods and services, enforce laws, protect citizens' rights,
regulate the economy.
Unique Features that Separate Government from Other Institutions:
Sovereignty, monopoly on the legitimate use of force, authority to make and enforce
laws, provision of public goods.
Major Structure and Organs of Government:
1. Executive: President, prime minister, cabinet.
2. Legislative: Parliament, congress.
3. Judicial: Courts, judges.
Difference Between Systems of Government:
Parliamentary vs. presidential, unitary vs. federal, democratic vs. authoritarian.
Bicameral vs. Unicameral Legislative Body:
Bicameral: Two chambers (e.g., Senate and House of Representatives), often used in
federal systems for representation and checks and balances.
Unicameral: One chamber (e.g., a single legislative assembly), simpler and more
efficient, often used in unitary systems.
Similarity and Difference Between Society and State, Society and Government, State and
Similarities: Both society and state consist of people living within a defined territory.
Society and government involve social interaction and organization.
Differences: State implies a political entity with sovereignty and government, while
society is broader and encompasses cultural and social aspects. Government refers to the
governing system, while society is the broader social context.
Pre-requisites for the Application of Citizenship:
Compliance with legal requirements, residency, language proficiency, knowledge of the
country's history and values, oath of allegiance.
Theories of Citizenship:
Civic republicanism, liberal individualism, communitarianism.
Historical Landmarks in the Development of Citizenship:
Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, French Revolution, Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.
Modes of Acquiring and Losing Citizenship:
1. Acquiring: Birth right, naturalization, marriage.
2. Losing: Renunciation, deprivation, denaturalization.
Conditions for Acquiring Ethiopian Nationality:
Compliance with legal requirements, residency, language proficiency, good character,
renunciation of previous nationality if applicable.
Statelessness and How It Emerges:
Statelessness is the lack of citizenship or nationality.
It can emerge due to conflict, discriminatory nationality laws, migration, or
administrative issues.
Citizenship: Right, Privilege, or Both: