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Lecture 16

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16.1 Introduction

Preservative for food may be defined as any chemical compound and/or process, when applied to food,
retard alterations caused by the growth of microorganisms or enable the physical properties, chemical
composition and nutritive value to remain unaffected by microbial growth. Some chemicals have been
used traditionally since several decades as direct or indirect inhibitors of microbial growth and are still
widely used despite their limitations

The majority of food preservation operations used today also employ some kind of chemical additive to
reduce spoilage. Of the many dozens of chemical additives available, all are designed either to kill or
retard the growth of pathogens or to prevent or retard chemical reactions that result in the oxidation of

Some familiar examples of the former class of food additives are sodium benzoate and benzoic
acid; calcium, sodium propionate, and propionic acid; calcium, potassium, sodium sorbate, and sorbic
acid; and sodium and potassium sulfite. Examples of the latter class of additives include calcium, sodium
ascorbate, and ascorbic acid (vitamin C); butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated
hydroxytoluene (BHT); lecithin; and sodium and potassium sulfite and sulphur dioxide.

16.2 Classification of Preservatives

According to FSSA rules → class I and class II preservatives

Class I preservatives

a. Common salt
b. Sugar
c. Dextrose
d. Glucose
e. Spices
f. Vinegar or acetic acid
g. Honey
h. Edible vegetable oil

Addition of class I preservatives in any food is not restricted, unless otherwise provide in the rule.

Class II preservatives

a. Benzoic acid including salts their of

b. Sulphurous acid including salts theirof
c. [Nitrates of] nitrites of sodium or potassium
d. Sorbic acid including its sodium, potassium and calcium salts
e. Nicin
f. Propionic acid including salts theirof
g. Methyl or propyl para-hydroxy benzoate
h. Sodium diacetate
i. Sodium, potassium and calcium salts of lactic acid

Use of class II preservatives is restricted. They shall be added to only specified product and at a
concentration not exceeding the proportion specified for the product

Use of more than one class II preservative is prohibited. No person shall use in or upon a food more tha n
one class II preservative

16.2.1 Benzoic acid and its salt

Widely use as an antimicrobial agent. Benzoate is more effective against yeasts and bacteria than molds.
Antimicrobial activity is achieved by inhibition in enzymatic system of microbial cells, affecting acetic
acid metabolism, citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.

Antimicrobial activity is affected by pH of medium The maximum inhibition occurs at pH value of 2.5 to
4.0 and it decreases when pH rises above 4.5.

The food products preserved with the benzoate include fruit juices and drinks, salads, jams and jellies,
pickles, dried fruits and preserves, ketch up and sauce, syrup, carbonated beverages, bakery items, salad
dressings, margarine and other fat spreads, spices.

16.2.2 Sulphur dioxide and sulfites

Sulphur dioxide (SO2) gas is one of the oldest antimicrobial agents. It is a colourless, nonflammable
gaseous compound or liquid under pressure with a suffocating pungent odour. When dissolved in water
of foods, it yields sulphurous acid and its ions, owing to its solubility in water.

Sulphite salts such as sodium sulphite, sodium bisulphite, potassium sulphite, potassium bisulphite,
sodium metabisulphite, potassium metabisulphite used as preservatives. When dissolved in water, form
sulphurous acid, bisulphite and ions. Sulphurous acid formed from these compounds is an active
antimicrobial substance. The effectiveness of sulphurous acid is enhanced at low pH values.
Antimicrobial activity of sulfites against yeasts, molds and bacteri a is selective, with certain species
being more sensitive to inhibition them others. Bacteria are generally more sensitive to inhibition than
yeasts and molds. In addition to antimicrobial action, they are also used, to prevent enzymatic and non
enzymatic changes as well as discoloration in some foods. Sulphur dioxide and sulphites are used in fruit
products such as fruit juice concentrate, squashes, pickles and chutneys.

16.2.3 Sorbic acid and its salts

Sorbic acid and its salts (calcium, potassium or sodium salts) are effective antimicrobial agents against
yeast and molds, as well as bacteria. They are less effective against bacteria. Sorbate has an upper pH
limit for activity around 6.0-6.5. The food products preserved with sorbates are carbonated beve rages,
salad dressings, tomato products, jams, jellies, syrup, candy and chocolate syrup, cheese, sausages,
smoked fish, fruit juices, grains, breads and cakes.

16.2.4 Propionic acid and its salts

Propionic acid & its salts (Ca & Na) are used most extensively in the prevention of mold growth and rope
development in baked goods and for mold inhibition in many cheese foods and spreads. They are more
effective against molds as compared to yeasts and bacteria. Propionates has an upper pH limit for
activity around 5 to 6.

16.2.5 Lactic acid and its salts

Lactic acid is formed during fermentation of lactose by lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid & its salts are not
very common & not easily available. It can be used in pickles ( with acetic acid), fermented dough crispy
biscuits, some beverages, dairy products & meat & meat products. Calcium lactate is used as a firming
agent in pickles, fruits & vegetables. Na & K lactate are also recommended with sodium diacetate for
control of food poisoning & other bacteria in meat product.

16.2.6 Acetic acid

Acetic acid has antimicrobial properties. The action tends to be static rather than cidal. It is more
effective against bacteria & yeast then molds. A 5 to 10 % solution of acetic acid is known as Vinegar.
Acetic acid in the form of vinegar is used in mayonnaise, pickles, sauce, pickled sausage etc.

16.2.7 Sodium chloride (common salt)

Antimicrobial action of NaCl arises from its lowering water activity (aw) of the food product. This
reduces available water in food to the extent which renders condition unfavorable for microbial growth.
At higher concentration it has a pronounced bacteriostatic action. The 10% NaCl inhibits the growth of
most bacteria. Delaying action upon microorganisms- Creates dehydration of microbial cell—by
osmosis—altering results into plasmosis of the cell. Reduction in solubility of oxygen in water decreases
oxygen level in food—reduce growth of aerobic microorganisms. It is more effective against bacteria &
mold compare to yeast.

One of the traditional method of food preservation. Mainly used to preserve pickles, meat & fish. Fish is
usually salted by immersing in brine or by mixing with dry salt. High important as a preservative for
cheese & table butter. Depending upon type of cheese salt conte nt varied from 1 to 5 %. In table butter
salt is added at a max concentration as 3%.

16.2.8 Sucrose (sugar)

More effective against bacteria & mold compared to yeast. Antimicrobial action of sucrose arises from,
lowering water activity (aw) of the food product—reduce the available water in food to the extent which
renders condition unfavourable for microbial growth. This creates dehydration of microbial cell —by
osmosis results into plasmosis of the cells. The food products preserved with sugar are fruit products
(jam, jellies, squash etc.), dairy products (sweetened condensed milk, sweets).

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