Feb 2 Reflection
Feb 2 Reflection
Feb 2 Reflection
III. Rationale:
Chemical bonding is a central topic in chemistry that students will need to understand to be able
to succeed in future lessons (for example: stoichiometry, chemical reactions, etc.). Information
gained through this unit will also help students to connect chemistry with many real-life
scenarios, making chemistry more relevant and exciting. The review and constant use of terms
in this lesson, such as bonding and nonbonding pairs, Lewis Dot diagram, valence electrons,
and more (which have been introduced via powerpoint, notes, and class discussion) will ensure
that students have a solid foundation on chemical bonding before moving on to concepts that
build upon this (stoichiometry, chemical reactions, and more). The hands-on activity that
students are participating in today will provide visual and collaborative learners with much
needed, hands-on practice and will ensure a complete understanding of the topics we have
covered this week before moving on.
IV. Assessment:
The students and I will know that the students have reached the learning goals when they are
able to complete their activity packets, identifying the molecular formula, the molecule’s
name, and the Lewis dot structure of each covalent compound. Students will use
manipulatives to help make their thinking visual and to help them become accustomed to
creating structures without having to erase and rewrite their electrons constantly, which will
help me to see any disconnects in their thinking. The final assessment for this unit will be in
the form of an exam covering all topics in the chemical bonding unit.
Clark University 02/02/2017
Learning Activity Plan
Chemistry, Mrs. Phillips
0:55 Teacher will ask students to fill out the last page Students will complete This will help me
– of their packet before handing it in, completing their self-evaluations to see where
0:60 a “self-evaluation” of their understanding of and turn in their students feel
these topics using the “red light, yellow light, worksheets before most confident
green light” icons to indicate their leaving for the day. and see where we
understanding of each topic. Teacher will need to focus our
remind students about their blue books and ask attention moving
students to turn in their packets before heading forward.
Homework: Blue Books – Due Tomorrow
b. Challenges:
I anticipate that there may be problems with students forgetting the procedure for
predicting chemical formula, nomenclature, or creating Lewis Dot Structures, and so will
model each of these using the same compound at the start of class to avoid any confusion
once the activity begins. I believe that some students may have trouble focusing for the
duration of the practice activity and so will walk around the room and assist as needed
and ensure that students remain on task. Finally, I anticipate some students may not
understand exactly what to do with their manipulatives, and so will model this at the start
of the lesson as well.
VII. Frameworks:
4.1 Explain how atoms combine to form compounds through both ionic and covalent
bonding. Predict chemical formulas based on the number of valence electrons.
4.2 Draw Lewis dot structures for simple molecules and ionic compounds.
4.6 Name and write the chemical formulas for simple ionic and molecular compounds,
including those that contain the polyatomic ions: ammonium, carbonate, hydroxide, nitrate,
phosphate, and sulfate.
VIII. Reflection:
This activity was designed to help me assess my students’ current level of
understanding with regards to the many different topics surrounding covalent compounds that
we had been covering, such as naming covalent molecules, predicting the chemical formulas
of covalent molecules, and drawing lewis dot structures of covalent molecules. To address the
different needs of students in my classroom, I provided each group with a set of tools to
choose from to help them model their thinking – including white boards and markers, bingo
chips to model electron dots, and detailed worksheets with step-by-step instructions. These
Clark University 02/02/2017
Learning Activity Plan
Chemistry, Mrs. Phillips
different options were met with enthusiasm by students, some of whom opted to use the
chips, while others preferred to simply model on the white board. I am glad that I decided to
give the students these options to use rather than requiring that students use one medium or
the other, as students seemed to really do well with their chosen method and I think requiring
them to use one or another would likely have hampered their progress.
Another way I tried to meet the needs of my students was that I made sure to
involve the whole class in a mini-review of the concepts I was assessing in this activity to
make sure expectations were clear before students began, which I believe played a large part
in how smooth this activity went. Students were able to reference the examples on the board
when they got stuck throughout the activity, and the groupings I created gave students an
intentional support system that was beneficial to all students – my high flyers readily took on
the role of “teacher” in groups where students were struggling and worked collaboratively
with their peers to ensure all group members understood the material.
This activity gave me a great deal of feedback about student progress and the
worksheets showed me that students needed to spend some more time focusing on the
symmetry of Lewis structures, on simplifying when predicting chemical formulas, and would
benefit from just a little more practice to make sure students were completely confident in
their knowledge of covalent compounds. I will definitely use this activity again – the nature
of the activity allowed student thinking to become easily visible for assessment and helped