ENG3LG - Lesson 9 - Personal and Demonstrative Pronouns - 000
ENG3LG - Lesson 9 - Personal and Demonstrative Pronouns - 000
ENG3LG - Lesson 9 - Personal and Demonstrative Pronouns - 000
PAASCU Accredited Level II
SY 2022– 2023
- Read objectives of the day - What word/s replaced the underlined word? – We, It, She, He, LET’S WRAP UP OFFLINE ACTIVITIES
They Guide questions: a. Make your own
ACTIVATING PRIOR - What are these words? – Pronoun - What is the difference between the sentences using the ff.
KNOWLEDGE subject pronouns and the object subject pronouns:
Personal Pronouns
pronouns? 1. me
- What do you remember about A personal pronoun is a short word we use as a simple substitute for
2. it
pronouns? the proper name of a person. Each of the English personal pronouns
Subject pronouns are usually found at 3. them
shows us the grammatical person, gender, number, and case of the
the beginning of the sentence since 4. her
Read the sentences and guess what word noun it replaces. I, you, he, she, it, we they, me, him, her, us, and
they replace the subject while object 5. him
would best complete the sentence. them are all personal pronouns
pronouns come after the verb. 6. you
7. us
1. Catholics go to Church to thank ACTIVATING PRIOR KNOWLEDGE
- What are demonstrative pronouns?
God for what He gives and does for A. Assess pupils’ prior knowledge on subject pronouns through an b. Make your own
us. exercise. sentences using the ff.
Demonstrative Pronouns
_____ go to Church to thank God
for what He gives and does for us. Exercises: Fill in the blanks the subject pronoun that will best complete Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns object pronouns:
2. Catholics have a holy book. the sentence. that point to specific objects. They take 1. I
____ is called a bible. 1. Helen and I will attend the party. _____ will wear superhero the place of a noun, noun phrase, 2. It
3. Sheena wears Hijab clothing. costume. activity, or situation. 3. They
____ is a muslim. 2. Miss Mora lends us books. _____ is the school librarian. 4. She
5. He
3. How old are _____ ?
6. You
4. My aunt is Dr. Mendez. ______ is also our family doctor. 7. We
5. Don and Dan are my best friends. _______ are twins.
6. The poor little puppies were rescued. BOOK ACTIVITIES
4. Fr. Timothy is our parish priest. _____ were brought to an animal shelter. -Answer pages 192 – 193
7. The flowers in our garden bloomed. _____ were very lovely. (Accelerate A and B) in
8. The janitress cleans our room every day. your book.
____ celebrates mass in our church. -Answer pages 182 – 183 in
______ also makes our room smell good.
5. Muslims call their place of worship your book.
9. Mr. Salonga is our principal. ______ supervises our school.
mosque. _____ call their place of 10. Martha and I will go to Ben’s house. ______ will bring food to
worship mosque. share.
ANSWER KEY: We, It, She, He, They
Why are they called subject pronouns?
Watch: A subject pronoun is used as the subject of a sentence.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? - She is my best friend.
v=ZADSyQZlvCc - It is my dog.
- Does he know the answer?
- You and I will meet later.
I 1st person We
(refers to the one speaking)
Answer: Jane
gave him a
me 1st person us
(refers to the one speaking)
WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4khSnzr24uw
Read the dialogue. Fill in with the missing words to complète the
A demonstrative pronoun is used to identify a noun or pronoun in a
1. (This, These) poems were written by Robert Louis Stevenson.
2. I memorized (this, these) poem “My Shadow” when I was a
little girl.
3. Have you read all (that, those) books in the shelf?
4. (That, Those) big thick book belongs to my big brother.
5. Jane, (these, this) is Ana my new classmate.
IV. ASSESSMENT / EVALUATION Quiz on PRONOUNS (after all pronouns have been discussed)
Lacia, Ferdilyn C. (2020) Essential English for Active Learners Grade 3. Worktext for Reading and Language. 2020 Ed. Rex Bookstore
Inc.:Mla, Ph.
RESOURCES: Lacia, Ferdilyn C. (2020) Essential English for Active Learners Grade 3. Teacher’s Resource material 2020 Ed. Rex Bookstore Inc.:Mla, Ph.
Prepared by: Ms. Alyessa Dawn C. Fallado Checked by: Mrs. Beverly F. Durante Approved by: Ms. Laria P. Doronila
Subject Teacher Vice – Principal, Lower School Integrated School Principal