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Q4W4 English DLL

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Petsa / Oras MAY 22-26, 2023 Quarter: Quarter 4, Week 4


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
the concepts of pronouns and preposition understanding of the concepts of understanding of the concepts of understanding of the concepts of understanding of the concepts of
for appropriate communication pronouns and preposition for pronouns and preposition for pronouns and preposition for pronouns and preposition for
appropriate communication appropriate communication appropriate communication appropriate communication
B. Performance Standards The learner shows proficiency in The learner shows proficiency in The learner shows proficiency in The learner shows proficiency in The learner shows proficiency in
constructing grammatically correct constructing grammatically correct constructing grammatically correct constructing grammatically constructing grammatically correct
sentences in different theme-based activities sentences in different theme-based sentences in different theme-based correct sentences in different sentences in different theme-based
activities activities theme-based activities activities
C. Learning Competencies/ Use personal pronouns(e.g. I, you, he, she, Use personal pronouns(e.g. I, you, he, Use personal pronouns(e.g. I, you, Use personal pronouns(e.g. I, you, Use personal pronouns(e.g. I, you,
Objectives it, we, they) in dialogues she, it, we, they) in dialogues he, she, it, we, they) in dialogues he, she, it, we, they) in dialogues he, she, it, we, they) in dialogues
EN2G-IVa-b-4.2.1 EN2G-IVa-b-4.2.1 EN2G-IVa-b-4.2.1 EN2G-IVa-b-4.2.1 EN2G-IVa-b-4.2.1

I. CONTENT Personal Pronouns Personal Pronouns Personal Pronouns Personal Pronouns Personal Pronouns
A. References K-to-12 MELC Guide page 131 K-to-12 MELC Guide page 131 K-to-12 MELC Guide page 131 K-to-12 MELC Guide page 131 K-to-12 MELC Guide page 131
1. Teacher’s Guides/Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Activity Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation,
Sheets Activity Sheets Activity Sheets Activity Sheets Activity Sheets
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Identify the two-syllable words represented Before we start our new lesson, let us Fill in the speech bubble with the Fill in the blanks with the correct Encircle the correct pronoun to
presenting the new lesson by each have a review of correct personal personal complete the sentence.
picture. Write the words in your notebook. the previous one. pronouns. pronoun. Choose your answer
Directions: Spell the words by from the given choices
connecting the dots. inside the box.

Vlog in School
Job: These are my classmates.
(They, We, You) are having
their lunch.
Henry: What are (they, we, you)
doing Job?
Job: I’m doing a vlog about our
school. (They, We, You)
can say hi to my subscribers.
Henry: Hi! Everyone. (They, We,
You) are going back to our
classroom after washing our hands.
Job: Right! Proper handwashing is
practiced in our school.
(They, We, You) hope that you do
that too. Right Henry?
Henry: Yes! Wash your hands
always guys.
Job: Goodbye guys, see you in my
next vlog.

B. Establishing a purpose for the In this lesson, you are expected to use This lesson is focused on the use of This lesson is focused on the use This lesson is focused on the use This lesson is focused on the use of
lesson personal pronouns in a personal pronouns of personal pronouns of personal pronouns personal pronouns
dialogue. like I, You, We, She, He, They, and like I, You, We, She, He, They, like I, You, We, She, He, They, like I, You, We, She, He, They, and
It. You will learn how to and It. You will learn how to and It. You will learn how to It. You will learn how to
identify and use these pronouns in a identify and use these pronouns in identify and use these pronouns in identify and use these pronouns in a
sentence through a sentence through a sentence through sentence through
pictures and reading dialogues. pictures and reading dialogues. pictures and reading dialogues. pictures and reading dialogues.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Read and examine the story below. Read the dialogue below. Read the following sentences. We use the personal pronoun I Do you play basketball? Look at the
the new lesson My Family The New Neighbors when we refer to picture below. It
Mr. Robles: ourselves. is a hand signal used in playing
Hi, there! Are you our new Example: basketball. Do you
neighbors? I am know what it says?
Dexter Robles.
Mr. Reyes:
Hi, Dexter. Yes, we are. We just
moved in
yesterday. Do you live nearby? My
name is We use the word You when we
Rudy Reyes. are talking directly to
Mr. Robles: Yes, we live next door. one or more people.
This is my son, Lloyd.
He goes to school nearby.
Hi, Mr. Reyes. You have a beautiful
We is used to refer to a group of
Mr. Robles:
people that includes
Thank you Lloyd. By the way, this is It means substitution. Just like our
the speaker
my topic today.
daughter, Kelly. She also goes to the Pronouns are used to substitute
same nouns. Today we will
school you go to. learn how to use the personal
Kelly: They is used to refer to groups of pronouns he, she and it
Hi Mr. Robles and Lloyd, would you people, animals and in a dialogue.
like to things. We use the personal pronoun he
come in? when we substitute
Mr. Robles: the name of a male person.
No, thank you. But we would like to We use the personal pronoun she
invite when we substitute
you for dinner. You can bring your the name of a female.
mother We use the personal pronoun it as a
along, so she can also meet my wife. I substitute for the
am name of an animal, an event, an
sure, they will like each other. object, or a place.
Mr. Reyes: LESSON9
That is a good idea. We will be there! It is better to use personal pronouns
to keep our
sentences short and not saying the
name of a person
animal, or things many times in a
D. Discussing new concepts and Answer the following questions: Directions: Write your answer on the The underlined words are Circle the correct personal
practicing new skills #1 1. Who are the members of Leah’s family? spaces provided for. examples of a noun and a pronoun inside the
2. What are the pronouns used in the Comprehension Questions: personal pronoun. The name “Dr. parentheses.
dialogue? 1. What is the title of the dialogue? Elizabeth Santos” is an
3. What nouns are substituted by the ______________________________ example of a noun. A noun is a Mimi: Hi! Mom. I want you to meet
pronouns I, he, she, it, we, you ___________ word that names a person my friend Gio.
and they? 2. Who are the characters in the place or thing. The word “I” is an Gio, _______is my mom.
dialogue? example of a personal Mom, _____is Gio, my friend.
______________________________ pronoun. The words: I, You, We Suddenly a dog barks and comes
___________ and They are personal toward and Gio
3. Who are the new neighbors of Mr. pronouns. Personal pronouns are Mom: Don’t be nervous Gio. ____ is
Robles? words that take the place our dog Shawy.
______________________________ of nouns in a sentence. Gio: Nice to meet you Shawy. Mimi
___________ thank you for inviting
4. What can you say about Mr. me here.
Robles? Why? The answer is I. The word I is a
______________________________ personal pronoun Let’s study the dialogue.
___________ referring to the one who is Let’s start with this line: Hi! Mom. I
5. How does it feel to have a new speaking. The character used want you to meet my
neighbor? the personal pronoun I in talking friend Gio.
______________________________ about herself. It is always Gio, _______is my mom.
___________ written in a big letter. What do you think is the correct
personal pronoun to be
used here?

The answer is We. The personal

pronoun we is used
because the speaker is referring to
himself and another
Mimi introduces her friend Gio to
her mom and her
friend is a boy so we use the personal
pronoun he.
The answer is They. The personal Mom: Don’t be nervous Gio. ____ is
pronoun they is used our dog Shaw.
because the speaker is talking
about a group of people.
The word they replaced the names
Dan and Ana.
E. Discussing new concepts We use I, you, he, she, it, we and they We use I, You, He, She, It, We, and Fill in the blanks with Read the short dialogue below Fill in the blank with the correct
and practicing new skills #2 when we talk about They when we talk the correct pronoun. Choose from with your personal pronoun to
people, animals and things. about people, animals, and things. the list in the box. Learning Buddy. Complete the complete the dialogue. Choose your
Personal pronouns are dialogue using the correct answer from the
use in place of nouns referring to personal pronouns. box below.
people and things. 1. This is Janice. ______ is my MY NEW FRIENDS
2. My name is Peter. _____ am 7
years old.
3. This is my doll. ______ is new.
4. These are Sally, Cindy, Mj,
Kim, Jacky, and Nicky. ______
go to the same school together.
5. This is Gab. ______ is my
I refers to the person speaking.
You refers to the one spoken to, it may be
one (singular)
or many (plural).
She refers to a girl spoken about.
He refers to a boy spoken about.
It refers to animals or things spoken about.
We refers to many persons speaking.
They refers to more than one person spoken

Scene (inside a grocery store)

Susan: Hi Linda! This can of milk is
on sale.
___ is 50% off.
Linda: Yes, let’s ask the saleslady.
Susan: Is ____ the one talking to the
man in suit?
Linda: Yes, _____ is.
Susan: That man looks familiar.
Linda: Your right. _____ is our
former college professor.
I think ____ is also -the store owner.
Susan and Linda: Sir JV?
JV: Hi! Ladies welcome to our store.
F. Developing mastery Write a dialogue for the characters below. Directions: Read again the dialogue Complete the dialogue with the Write a dialogue for the characters Write the correct personal pronoun
(Leads to formative Use personal about “The New correct personal below. Use personal for the
assessment) pronouns. Do this in your notebook. Neighbors”. Identify and write the pronouns. Do this in your pronouns. Do this in your underlined words in the dialogue.
pronouns in the boxes. notebook. notebook. Use the space provided.
At the Zoo with Loly
Loly and I went to visit the Zoo last
Me: Loly, Thanks for bringing me
here. The zoo is big and the zoo
has a lot of animals.
Loly: You’re welcome. I learned
that your mom is just busy but I
Ana: Bryan, what do you want to know your mom will
eat? make it up to you.
Bryan: _____________________ Me: Yes Loly. Dad will come with
_____________________ us too. Dad is just
Ana: _____________________ Ruel: Sarah, Mother asked us to busy like mom.
clean the house. Loly: Okay, so what animal do you
Raquel: want to see first?
___________________________ Me: I want to see an elephant.
___________________________. Elephant is my
What do you want me to do? favorite animal.
Ruel: Loly: That’s great. Let’s see other
___________________________ animals too.
___________________________ (Hold Loly’s hand and talk to the
____ ticketing officer)
Raquel: Me: My Loly is kind and beautiful.
___________________________ Isn’t Loly?
___________________________ Write your answer here:
_ 1. the zoo - _______
2. mom - _______
3. dad - _______
4. Elephant - _______
5. Loly -_______

Write the
correct pronoun in the blank to
complete the sentences.
G. Finding practical/applications of Match the nouns in Column A with the Directions: Choose and write the Directions: Use the pronouns It, Using the personal pronouns, he, she,
concepts and skills in daily living correct pronouns in correct personal We, You, or I to complete Underline the correct personal and it to
Column B. Write the letter of your answer pronouns (she, he, we, they, it) that the sentences. pronoun inside the complete the prayer below.
in your notebook. correspond to the parentheses to be used in the A Family Prayer
pictures. dialogue. Dear God,
Please Guide us always,
Please help my dad when ______
goes to work.
May You give my mom strength as
_____ takes care of
May You give wisdom to my brother
as ____ joins his
online classes and to my sister too as
_____ answers the
modules given to her.
Directions: Match the word or We thank You for the food that we
group of words on the left share every day.
with the correct pronoun on the Please bless our food so ____ will
right. Write the letter of help us become
your answer on the space provided strong and healthy.
for. We put our faith in you, Lord.
In Jesus’s name, we pray, Amen.

Directions: Fill in the correct

pronouns to replace the
underlined words in each sentence.
_______1. Ken loves to sing.
_______2. Daniela and Gab enjoy
listening to Ken`s
_______3. Trisha and I will sing
_______4. Thea has a beautiful
voice too.
_______5. The concert will be
tomorrow evening.
H. Making generalizations and In using personal pronouns like I, She, He, In using personal pronouns like I, In using personal pronouns like I, In using personal pronouns like I, In using personal pronouns like I,
abstractions about the lesson You, It, She, He, You, It, She, He, You, It, She, He, You, It, She, He, You, It,
They They They They They
, and We, the gender and the number of , and We, the gender and the number , and We, the gender and the , and We, the gender and the , and We, the gender and the number
nouns of nouns number of nouns number of nouns of nouns
should be considered. should be considered. should be considered. should be considered. should be considered.
I. Evaluating Learning Change the word or words in the Choose from the box the correct Choose the correct personal Fill in the blanks with the correct Write the letter of the correct answer.
parentheses with the pronoun for the pronoun inside personal 1. We use the personal pronoun
correct pronouns He, She, It, or They. underlined nouns. Write your answers the parentheses. pronoun. Choose your answer _____ as a substitute
Remember to begin your in your notebook. from the given choices for the name of a female person.
sentence with a capital letter. Do this in Example: inside the box. A.he
your notebook. Maria forgot to bring her bag. B. it
1. (The family members) __________ are at C. she
the beach. D. we
2. (Clarissa) ________ really likes 2. We use the personal pronoun
swimming. _____ to replace the
3. (Mother) _________ puts on sun cream. name of an object.
4. (Winston) ___________brings a ball. A.He
5. They have fun and play with (a ball) B. it
_______________. ’ C. she
D. we
3. He is used as a personal to
substitute the name of
a _____ person.
A.female B. male
C. no
D. none
4. ‘It’ is used as a personal pronoun
to substitute the
name of an______.
B. girl
C. object
D. woman
5. We use the personal pronoun
_____ to substitute
the name of a male person.
B. it
C. she
D. we
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 85%
of the formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities to remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter? Which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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