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DLL English-3 Q2 W3

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Teaching Dates & Time: November 20-24, 2023 (Week 3) Quarter: SECOND


A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
processes in sight word processes in sight word processes in sight word processes in sight word
recognition or phonic analysis to recognition or phonic analysis to recognition or phonic analysis to recognition or phonic analysis to
read and understand words read and understand words read and understand words read and understand words
B. Performance Standards Uses word recognition Uses word recognition Uses word recognition Uses word recognition
techniques to read and techniques to read and techniques to read and techniques to read and
understand words that contain understand words that contain understand words that contain understand words that contain
complex letter combinations, complex letter combinations, complex letter combinations, complex letter combinations,
affixes and contractions through affixes and contractions through affixes and contractions through affixes and contractions through
theme-based activities theme-based activities theme-based activities theme-based activities
C. Learning Competencies/ Read words with initial and final Read words with initial and final Read words with initial and final Read words with initial and final Measure one’s ability to retain and
Objectives consonant blends consonant blends consonant blends consonant blends apply concepts learned in the
( Write the Code for EN3PWR-IId-e-1.1 EN3PWR-IId-e-1.1 EN3PWR-IId-e-1.1 EN3PWR-IId-e-1.1 Summative Test.

II. CONTENT Words with Initial and Final Words with Initial and Final Words with Initial and Final Words with Initial and Final Weekly Test
(Subject Matter) Consonant Blends Consonant Blends Consonant Blends Consonant Blends



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages MELCS p182 MELCS p182 MELCS p182 MELCS p182 MELCS p182
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Modules Modules Modules Modules Modules
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Test Paper and answer sheet
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Drill Complete each sentence by Complete each sentence by Complete each sentence by Complete each sentence by A. Preparatory Activities
underlining the correct form of underlining the correct form of underlining the correct form of underlining the correct form of Set Standards for Testing
the verb in the parentheses. the verb in the parentheses. the verb in the parentheses. the verb in the parentheses.
1. Sitting arrangement
Anthony (plants, planted) fruit- Mia (will bring, brings) her pet My friends (watch, will watch) a I (visited, visit) my grandparents 2. Prepare the needed materials
bearing trees in his farm dog to the veterinarian next movie this weekend. every weekend. 3. Recall the standards to follow
while having the test.
yesterday. week.
4. Read and follow the given
directions and others.

B. Reviewing previous Lesson Name the picture. Which Form the word by joining the Fill in the blanks at the beginning Read the following words. Put a B. Test Proper
or presenting new lesson beginning blend does the word onset to the rime. of each word with the correct check mark (√) in the box after
have? blends. each word with final consonant 1. The learners will answer the test.
blends. 2. The teacher will supervise the

1. ___ips
a. cl b. tr c. sp

2. ____oves

a. dr b. pl c. sl

3. ____ock

a. water b. plate c. fork 4.

4. ____ower

5. _____ock
a. pr b. cr c. dr

a. flag b. floor c. float

C. Presenting examples/ Read the rhyme. Each line has a Here is a poem for you to read Let us name the pictures below. In English, there are 21 C. Checking
instances of the new word with initial consonant and memorize. consonants. Some consonants
lesson. blends like l, r, or s. A House We Built Together are clustered to form 1. Collect the exam papers from the
If you’re happy and you know it, distinguished sounds. These students
clap your hands! Our house is a house. We built it distinguished sounds of 2. Check each paper for
If you’re happy and you know it, together. clustered consonants formed in completeness and accuracy
3. Grade the exam papers
stomp your feet! We have laid every brick one by words are known as sound
If you’re happy and you know it, one. blends. 4. Record the scores on a master list
you’re a friend! We have nailed every board,
If you’re happy and you know it, one blow at a time.
let us play! Our house is a house. We built it
If you’re happy and you know it, together.
stand and sit! Not every board is perfect,
some are not even straight.
Some walls are built in the
wrong place. We must carefully
remove those boards. We must
carefully remove those walls.
We must rebuild them in the
right place. We must replace
each board one by one.
Until the holes are all filled.
Until the walls are in the right
When we have finished.We can
stand back and say
“This is our house,
A house we built together!”

D. Discussing new concepts You have just read words with What are the words written in Read the story. D. Evaluation of Test Results
and practicing new skills. beginning consonant blends in a bold letters? Uptown and Downtown School
#1 rhyme. Blended letters of two Kids 1. Analyze the results of the exam
are said together to produce By: Jena Mae B. Gayta 2. Identify areas of strength and
sound. You don’t separate these weakness for each student and for
letters when you divide words What initial consonant blended the class as a whole
3. Determine if the class met the set
into syllables. words are used in the story?
4. Plan interventions for students
who did not meet the set standards

E. Discussing new concepts Let’s read them: /l/ Blend What are consonant blends? Consonant blends are consonant Initial consonant blends are E. Reflection
and practicing new skills bl as in blue Consonant blends are letter clusters. A consonant blend found at the beginning of
#2. cl as in clap consonants with sounds that is made up of two or three words. Some of the consonant 1. Discuss the results of the exam
fl as in flag blend together”. These are a consonants blended in sound blends found at the beginning of with the students
gl as in glad group of two consonant sounds. while retaining the sound of the words are: cr-, st-, sm-, 2. Provide feedback to the students
pl as in plan For example, when you say the individual letters. ch-,fl-,pl-, and br-. on their performance
3. Encourage the students to reflect
sl as in slow word drink you can clearly hear Final consonant blends are
on their performance
the sounds of both d and r Examples: cl in class, bl in black, found at the end of words. 4. Discuss strategies for
/r/ Blend letters. spr in spray, st in fast, nd in band Some of the consonant blends improvement
Br as in brown found at the end of words are: -
cr as in crab Initial and Final Consonant rd, -ld, - nt, -nd, -st, -rt, and -lt.
dr as in drum Blends
fr as in frame Initial consonant blend is a
gr as in grass cluster of consonant sounds at
pr as in pretty the beginning of a word.
tr as in tray
Examples: play draw plan pray
/s/ Blend clay
sc as in scarf clam swim glad trap trip
sk as in skip Final consonant blend is a cluster
sl as in slim of consonant sounds at the end
sm as in smile of a word.
sn as in snap
sp as in spot Examples: pink park sand bird
st as in stop raft
sw as in swim sink bend tank mark past
F. Developing Mastery Read each set of sentences. Choose the best blend to Encircle the word in each Read the words below. Then,
(Lead to Formative Identify the sentence that has a complete the word for each sentence that has initial and final identify the initial consonant
Assessment 3) word or words with initial sentence. consonant blends. blend used in each word. Write
consonant blend. 1. Next summer we will surely 1. /-lb/ - An onion grows from your answers in your notebook.
1. a. Vina looks smart in her ive to Baguio City in our own bulb. 1. blue 6. glow 11. claw
dress. van. 2. /-nd/ - A sound is produced by 2. glue 7. trap 12. trip
b. Vina is attending a party. cr pr dr vibrating objects. 3. green 8. trail 13. clear
2. I love to eat ead every time I 3. /-st/ - Rest makes the muscles 4. grow 9. prize 14. spot
drink hot chocolate. relaxed. 5. flat 10. snow 15. Trash
gl br fr 4. /bl-/ - She blows the candle of
3. Please always ose the fridge her birthday cake.
door when you are done. 5. /cr-/ - My little sister loves to
2. a. Lino likes to eat mangoes. br cl sk eat ice cream.
b. Lino climbs a mango tree. 4. My basketball team has actice
every day after school. pr tr
5. I can wa 50 kilometers every
rd st lk

3. a. I am happy to be with my
b. I pray with my family every
4. a. I play with my small toys.
b. I have a lot of toys.

5. a. I’m glad, my playmates like

my toys, too.
b. We had fun together.

G. Finding practical Read the poem and identify the Read the sentences below. Identify the initial or final Read the words below. Then,
application of concepts words with initial consonant Encircle the word with consonant blend that matches identify the final consonant
and skills in daily living blends. consonant blend in each the name of each picture below. blend used in each word. Write
This is Me! sentence, then write Initial if the your answers in your notebook.
Jena Mae B. Gayta consonant blend is found at the 1. bark 6. hint 11. part
beginning of the word or Final if 2. bulk 7. pink 12. child
I live once in a place, clean and the consonant blend is found at 3. plant 8. list 13. corn
free. the end of each word. 4. cart 9. toast 14. bulb
In our home, everything’s with 1. He has a strong faith in God. 5. sulk 10. camp 15. milk
glee, 2. The dog will chase the cat.
Father dares, mother cares, 3. There’s something for each
Brother, sister, everyone shares. and every one of us.
Oh, happiness in the past 4. An artist is skilled in a branch
Now, Mother Earth’s in of art.
downcast. 5. Their worry was an
Teachers in school, I miss. expression of concern.
Classmates and friends as my

H. Making Generalizations What are blended words? Give What are consonant blends? 1. What are blends? 1. What are blends?
and Abstraction about the examples. 2. What are consonant blends? 2. What are consonant blends?
lesson. 3. In what part of a word can you 3. In what part of a word can
find the consonant blends? you find the consonant blends?
I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Read and answer the Choose and write the correct Read each word and identify the Choose the consonant blend
following questions carefully. blended word for each underlined consonant blend. from the box to complete each
1. Which is a set of words with sentence. Then write two more words that word. Write the whole word on
initial consonant blends? 1. I wash my face and have the same blend in the same your paper.
a. bread, class, snail __________ my teeth to keep place. Underline the blend in lt dr br st fr sl
b. draw, watch, play myself clean. each word you write.
c. flower, cake, birthday a. bath b. wipe c. brush 1. green 1. Jeda Gwynette invited her
2. Which phrase tells about the 2. Every after meal, I 2. best best friend to be her gue on her
picture on the right? ___________ a glass of water. 3. land birthday party.
a. a pair of clean slippers a. drink b. eat c. wipe 4. sing 2. Aaron ought everything he
b. water in the glass 3. In our backyard, I can see 5. twinkle needed for his two- week
c. a dry leaf green ________ and colorful training.
3. Which sentence has a word __________ . 3. Adriell had his eeping bag
with initial consonant blend? a. spoon, fork b. roof, floor c. rolled up tight.
a. I can’t sing. grass, flowers 4. The two girls slept out under
b. Tell me how it works. 4. My mother always reminds the ars.
c. I would like to draw. me to wear my ___________ 5. When she woke up, she fe
4-5. Read this rhyme. when I go outside our house. much better.
How many words with initial a. slippers b. mask c. umbrella
consonant blends are in the 5. My sister told me that she
rhyme? would buy ___________ for our
Sweep the floor, dust no more. snacks later.
Close the door, and stay indoor. a. juice b. bread c. biscuits
J. Additional Activities for List 10 blended words.
Application or

Prepared by:

SHIERA N. GANNABAN Checked by: Noted:

MT- Incharge Principal II

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