MAED-306-MIDTERM Mary Eunice Viesca
MAED-306-MIDTERM Mary Eunice Viesca
MAED-306-MIDTERM Mary Eunice Viesca
MAED 306
The role of a school head as both an instructional leader and administrative manager is
multifaceted and requires a balance of educational vision, leadership skills, and managerial
insight. By effectively fulfilling these roles, school heads can create a thriving learning
environment that supports the academic success and personal growth of all students as they
are the center of the learning process.
3. What is School-Based Management and its importance? How the different principles
guides us? As a teacher or school head?
School-Based Management is an approach to school governance and administration that
decentralizes decision-making to individual schools. It aims to empower school
communities, including teachers, parents, and administrators, to collaborate in making
decisions that affect the school's operation and educational programs. As the saying goes, it
takes a village to teach a child. Collaboration with the school and stakeholders is vital to
make sure that the quality of education is in its excellent form. Without SBM, a school can
not function well and everything will not fall into line.
School-Based Management is a powerful approach to school governance that can lead to
improved educational outcomes and a more responsive and effective school system. By
embracing the guiding principles of SBM, teachers and school heads can work together to
create a positive and enriching learning environment for all students.
4. Duties, Function and Responsibilities of Public-School Supervisor.
Public-school supervisors play a crucial role in ensuring the quality of education in schools.
By fulfilling their duties, functions, and responsibilities effectively, they can contribute to
the improvement of instructional practices, student outcomes, and overall school
II. If you are given a chance to create a seminar for newly hired teachers what are the
different topics that you need to consider? Why?
1. School policies and procedures
2. Curriculum overview
3. Classroom management
4. Technology integration
5. Parent and community engagement
6. Professionalism and ethics
7. Self-care and well being
8. Collaboration and Teamwork