3.5 - Plumbing DC - 01
3.5 - Plumbing DC - 01
3.5 - Plumbing DC - 01
l) Painting,
It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to design and provide a completely safe and
workable system in accordance with the requirements of the Technical
Specifications/Agreement stipulations and to the Engineer’s Notice of No Objection.
Utilities buried in the ground shall be detected and diverted so as to avoid the
infringement with the proposed development /. The Developer/Contractor has to
integrate the existing water supply, sewerage and drainage facilities with the proposed
development, to develop the techno-economical system. - Nameplates and Identifications
All parts of the installation, which relate to operation and maintenance procedures, shall
be provided with nameplates, tags or arrows, especially in enclosed areas, such as
ceiling, shafts, and other places accessible for maintenance service.
All ferrous components and fittings exposed to the atmosphere shall be hot-dip
galvanized unless specified otherwise.
Noise emanating from the equipment / service installations shall not exceed 55dB for
the static machines and 65dB for rotating machinery at a distance of one metre to match
or exceed the relevant international standards for each of the equipment / service.
All equipment shall be tested upon completion of installation to ensure that the
equipment operates satisfactorily and to conform to the Agreement Documents.
Field testing shall be required for all Plumbing System equipment furnished, installed
or connected by the Developer/Contractor to ensure proper installation, setting,
connection, and functioning in accordance with the plans, specifications and
manufacturer's recommendations.
Testing shall be conducted in the presence of the Authority / Engineer and, when
necessary, under the supervision of equipment manufacturer’s field Engineer.
Testing shall include any additional tests asked by the Authority / Engineer to
determine the conditions of that equipment, material and system to meet requirements
of the specifications.
The Developer/Contractor shall notify the Authority / Engineer two weeks prior to
commencement of any testing, except for metering.
The Developer/Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to equipment or material
due to improper test procedures or handling test apparatus, and shall replace or restore
any damaged equipment or material to original condition.
Safety devices such as rubber gloves and blankets, protective screens and barriers,
danger signs, etc. shall be provided by the Developer/Contractor and shall be used to
protect and warn adequately all personnel in the vicinity of the test location.
The Developer/Contractor shall furnish all testing equipment and provide proper
temporary power source for testing purposes when normal supply is not available at the
time of testing.
IS 3764 (1992) Earthwork excavation
IS 1791 (1985) Concrete
IS 456 (2000) RCC works
IS 3370 (Part I to Water retaining structures
IV, 1965-1967)
IS 8112 (1989), Cement
12330 (1988)
IS 383 (1970) Aggregates
IS 1785 (Part I, Specification for plain hard drawn steel wire for pre-
1983) stressed concrete Part 1 Cold drawn stress – relieved wire
IS 1785 (Part II, Specification for plain hard drawn steel wire for pre-
1983) stressed concrete Part 2 As drawn wire
IS 432 (Part I), Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars
1982 and hard drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement Part I
steel & medium tensile steel bars
IS 432 – Part II, Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars
1982 and hard drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement Part II
Hard drawn steel wire
IS 1566 (1982) Specification for hard – drawn steel wire fabric for concrete
IS 2502 (1963) Code of practice for bending and fixing bars for concrete
IS 5382 (1985) Specification for rubber sealing rings for gas mains, water
mains & sewers
The design of Station Services for this Project shall be governed by all latest applicable
local codes, regulations, standards and requirements issued by all the applicable local
authorities and statutory bodies.
a. Protection of Property
Buildings, trees and shrubbery that are not designated for removal, pole lines,
fences, guard rail, culverts conduits, pipelines, electric and telephone cables, etc,
and other improvements within or adjacent to the street or right-of-way shall be
protected from damage. The Developer/Contractor shall provide and install
suitable safeguards to protect such utilities from injury or damage which, if
injured or damaged by reason of the Contractor's operations, shall be replaced in
such good condition as when entered upon the work, or as required by the
Specifications or shall be liable to pay compensation.
The Developer/Contractor shall reinstate all damages to street, roads, highways,
ditches, embankments, bridges, culverts or other public or private property, which
may be caused during transporting equipment's materials or construction
activities. The Developer/Contractor shall make satisfactory and acceptable
reinstatement to the damaged utilities as specified in the contract and to the
satisfaction of Engineer.
The cost of deviating or realigning any services shall be borne by the Contractor,
and shall provide and maintain at his own expense any temporary works
necessary to support or protect the services affected by his excavations to the
satisfaction of the Authorities or owners concerned. All costs involved in
complying with this Clause shall be deemed to be covered by the
Developer/Contractor Rates or Sum quoted.
The Developer/Contractor shall not draw any water from any water supply line
for use on the work unless he has sought written permission to do so from the
The excavation for pipe works shall be open cutting unless the permission of the
Engineer for the ground to be tunnelled is obtained in writing. Where sewers have to be
constructed along narrow passages, the Engineer may order the excavation to be made
partly in tunnel and in such cases the excavated soil shall be brought back later on for
refilling the trenches or tunnel.
In excavation the trenches, etc. the solid road metalling, pavement, curbing etc. and turf
is to be placed on one side and preserved for reinstatement when the trenches or other
excavation shall be filled up. Before any road metal is replaced, it shall be carefully
shifted. The surface of all trenches and holes shall be restored and maintained to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and of the owners of the roads or other property traversed
and the Developer/Contractor shall not cut out or break down any live fence of trees in
the line of the proposed works but shall tunnel under them, unless the Engineer shall
order to the contrary.
The Developer/Contractor shall grub up and clear the surface over the trenches and
other excavations of all trees, stumps roots and all other encumbrances affecting
execution of the work and shall remove them from the site to the approval of the
The Developer/Contractor shall not occupy or obstruct by his operation more than one
half of the width of any road or street and sufficient space shall then be left for public
and private transit, he shall remove the materials excavated and bring them back again
when the trench is required to be refilled. The Developer/Contractor shall obtain the
consent of the Engineer in writing before closing any road to vehicular traffic and the
foot walks must be clear at all times.
All night soil, filth or any other offensive matter met with during the execution of the
works, immediately after it is taken out of any trench, sewer or cess pool, shall not be
deposited on to the surface of any street or where it is likely to be a nuisance or passed
into any sewer or drain but shall be at once put into the carts and removed to a suitable
place to be provided by the contractor.
The trenches shall be excavated to such a depth that the pipes shall rest on concrete or
on firm bedding as described in the several clauses relating these to so that the inverts
may be at the levels given in the sections. In bad ground, the Engineer may
order the
Developer/Contractor to excavate to a greater depth than that shown on the drawings
and to fill up the excavation to the level of the sewers with concrete, broken stone,
gravel or other materials.
For such extra excavation and concrete, broken stone, gravel or other materials, the
Developer/Contractor shall be paid extra at rates laid down for such works in the
schedule, if the rates laid down for such works in the schedule, if the extra work was
ordered by the Engineer in writing, but if the Developer/Contractor should excavate the
trench to a greater depth than is required without a specific order to that effect in
writing, the extra depth shall have to the filled up with concrete 1:5:10 mix at the
contractors own cost and charges to the requirements and satisfactions of the Engineer. Refilling
After the pipes or other work has been laid and proved to be water tight, the trench or
other excavations shall be refilled. Utmost care shall be taken in doing this, so that no
damage shall be caused to the sewer and other permanent work. The filling in the
haunches and upto 75 cm above the crown of the sewer shall consist of the finest
selected materials placed carefully in 15 cm layers and flooded and consolidated. After
this has been laid, the trench and other excavation shall be refilled carefully in 15 cm
layers with materials taken from the excavation, each layer being watered to assist in
the consolidation unless the Engineer shall otherwise direct.
The Developer/Contractor shall, at his own costs and charges, make good promptly
during the whole period the works are in hand, any settlement that may occur in the
surfaces of roads, berms, footpaths, gardens, open spaces etc. Whether public or private
caused by his trenches or by his other excavations and he shall be liable for any
accidents caused thereby. He shall also, at his own expenses and charges, repair and
make good and damage done to buildings and other property. If in the opinion of the
Engineer he fails to make good such works with all practicable despatch, the Engineer
shall be at liberty to get the work done by the Developer/Contractor or deducted from
any money that may be or become due to him or recovered from him in any other
manner according to the law of the land.
The Developer/Contractor shall at his own cost and charges provide places for disposal
of all surplus materials not required to be used on the works. As each trench is refilled
the surplus soil shall be immediately removed, the surface properly restored and
roadways and sides left clear.
a) The Developer/Contractor shall at all times support efficiently and effectively the
sides of the sewer trenches and other excavations by suitable timbering, piling and
sheeting and they shall be close, timbered in loose or sandy strata and below the
surface of the sub soil water level.
b) All timbering, sheeting and piling with their wailings and supports shall be of
adequate dimensions and strength and fully braced and strutted so that no risk of
collapse or subsidence of the walls of the trench shall take place.
c) The Developer/Contractor shall be held responsible and will be accountable for the
sufficiency of all timbering, branches, sheeting and piling used as also for all
damage to persons and property resulting from improper quality, strength, placing,
maintaining or removing of the same.
The Developer/Contractor shall shore up all buildings, walls and other structures, the
stability of which is liable to be endangered by the execution of the work and shall be
fully responsible for all damages to persons or property resulting from any accident.
The Developer/Contractor shall at all times during the progress of the work keep the
trenches and excavations free from water which shall be disposed of by him in manner
as will neither cause injury to the public health nor to the public or private property nor
to the work completed or in progress nor to the surface of any roads or streets, nor
cause any interference with the use of the same by the public. General
The Developer/Contractor shall furnish and install all piping work including all
necessary parts. The cold water piping shall be of the types and models, which are
suitable for the working fluid in the system.
The rated working pressure of the cold water piping system for the working fluid shall
be at least 1.5 times of the actual working pressure, but not less than 1,034 kPa (150
PSIG.). Piping
(1) Cold water pipe underground shall be of Ductile Iron with cement lining to IS 8329
or as per the Notice of No Objection by the Authority / Engineer ,
(2) Cold Water pipe inside building shall be polyvinyl chloride pipes ( CPVC ) or as
per the Notice of No Objection by the Authority / Engineer,
(3) G.I. pipes and fittings with anti-corrosive paint and sand filling around.
Fitting for Ductile Iron pipes shall be Ductile Iron as required or recommended by the
(1) All piping shall be installed parallel to, or at right angles with, the building walls
and partitions. A pitch in the direction of flow and drain shall be not less than 1:
500. Branches from water mains shall be taken in a manner to facilitate venting and
draining. Reductions in bore shall be formed eccentrically to facilitate venting,
except on vertical pipes where concentric reduction may be used.
(2) All water piping shall be installed in such a way that all circuits can be completely
drained off and all air pockets in the water circuits shall be suitably vented.
(3) Clearance between pipe works and equipment or machinery shall be adequately
provided to facilitate maintenance. Overhead clearance shall be at least 600 mm.
over access ways, and where possible the projection of valve stems into access
ways shall be avoided. Pipe works and pumps shall be so arranged that the removal
for maintenance of the equipment can be carried out with minimum dismantling.
Provision of all pipe fittings and accessories necessary for the efficient functioning
of the various systems shall be included.
(4) Pipes shall be installed in continuous lengths as long as possible. Except where
required to be connected to fitting outlets or headers, they shall be joined by
welding, solvent welding, screwing or soldering as per these Specifications and as
per the Notice of No Objection by the Authority / Engineer.
(5) The equipment or piping shall be installed such that it will not provide a cross
connection or interconnection between a distributing supply for drinking or
purposes and a polluted supply such as a drainage system or a soil or waste pipe
that will permit or make possible the backflow of sewage, polluted water or waste
into the water supply system. Where crossing a sewer or waste line is inevitable, the
water line shall not be less than 0.30 metre above the sewer line, which shall be cast-
iron soil pipe for not less than 30 metre on each side of the crossing.
(6) All pipes shall be installed in an appropriate manner to present a neat and orderly
appearance, using fittings for all changes of direction, and arranging pipe run
parallel to or at right angles with structural members of the building, to provide
utmost head- room and to clear lights and other obstructions. In general, suspended
pipes shall be installed as closely as possible to the overhead structure. Workmanship
All pipes shall be cut accurately to measurements established at the site, and shall be
worked into place without springing or forcing.
Piping shall be installed so that it may expand and contract freely without injury to
itself or other work. Steel and wrought-iron pipe shall be cut with pipe cutters and
threaded with sharp, clean dies. All cut sections shall be reamed to remove all burrs and
to restore the pipe to full diameter. All changes in size shall be made with reducing
All valves, cleanouts, equipment, accessories, and devices shall be so located that they
are accessible for repair and replacement.
Pipes shall be delivered and stored with plugged ends. Ends shall be kept closed with
temporary covers during erection. Before any pipe is installed, it shall be opened and
pounded to remove any foreign substances, or swabbed, if necessary, for thorough
During the course of installation, the Developer/Contractor shall take every precaution
to prevent any debris from being left in the pipes. The Developer/Contractor shall be
responsible for any damage that may occur.
Immediately after erection, exposed threads at all fittings shall be painted with zinc-
chromate paint, and after welding each joint shall be wire-brushed and then painted
with zinc-chromate paint.
Before start-up, all piping systems shall be thoroughly flushed with water until it runs
Fixtures and equipment shall be lightly covered and protected against damage. At the
completion of the work, fixtures, materials and equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned
and delivered in a satisfactory condition.
Connections to coils, pumps and other equipment shall be made in such a manner that
undue strains between pipes and equipment are eliminated. Unions and / or flanges
shall be used to facilitate the removal of the equipment.
The piping systems shall be installed so that there will be no damage due to expansion
and contraction during operation.
Packless type expansion connectors shall be used where the expansion and contraction
of the pipe is excessive or cannot be compensated by expansion loops or offsets.
The piping systems shall be installed so that there will be no damage due to differential
settlement of the pipe supports after installation. The problems could be avoided by
providing flexible connections. Sleeves
Vertical pipes passing through floors shall be provided with sleeves of black steel
pipes. Sleeves shall be of a proper length to pass through the entire floor construction
and shall terminate 50 mm. above the finished floor level.
Horizontal pipes passing through walls and partitions shall be provided with full
thickness sleeves made of standard weight black steel pipes.
Sleeves shall be large enough to leave not less than 12.5 mm. clearances around the
pipe and covering insulation, if there is any. Sleeves shall be set in place when the walls
and partitions are built.
Sleeves in concrete work shall be flanged at the bottom or provided with temporary
centering caps and securely nailed or screwed to formwork before the concrete is
When sleeves are installed through a fire wall, the clearance between sleeves and pipes
shall be filled with fire-resistant material. The fire rating of the fire-resistant material
shall be at least equivalent to that of the fire wall.
When pipes pass through waterproof walls, water retaining rings with approved type of
sealant shall be applied.
Joints for threaded pipes shall be made with an approved Teflon tape or graphite
compound applied to the male threads only. Threads, exposed after joints are made up,
shall be mopped with compound.
Threads shall be of the cleanout, tapered threads with the ends being reamed before
Flanged joints shall be installed at all valves larger than 50 mm. and at other places
where necessary.
Jointing flanges shall be truly parallel to each other so that bolts are used only to tighten
joints, rather than to correct alignment. Flanges shall be chosen to suit the maximum
working pressure of the system. Bolts, nuts and washers shall be cadmium-plated steel.
The edges of the pipe to be welded shall be machine-beveled wherever possible. Gas
cuts shall be true and free of all burnt metal. Before welding, the surfaces shall be
thoroughly cleaned and degreased. The welding technique shall be such as to ensure
penetration to the full thickness of the pipe wall and through fusion of the deposited
metal with the parent metal. During welding the ends of the pipes shall be held firmly
together by suitable lugs, welded-on-bridge pieces or adequate tack welding. Special
care shall be taken to prevent formation of welded obstructions and lodgment of
welding residue inside the pipes. Cracks, pinholes, excessive under-cutting, etc. shall be
removed and the joints re-welded. Welding materials and workmanship shall be in
accordance with the requirements of American Welding Society (AWS).
Welders must be entirely competent and may be required to perform site tests. If the
Authority / Engineer not be satisfied, the welder must be replaced. The Authority /
Engineer reserves the right to order the cutout for inspection of up to 1 percent of the
total number of welds. In the event of any inspected welds being, in the Authority /
Engineer opinion, unsatisfactory he reserves the right to order the removal of further
welds which in his opinion indicate faulty workmanship. Welds removed for inspection
shall be reinstalled at no additional cost to the Authority.
Either the electric arc or the oxy-acetylene welding method may be used. Welding rods
or electrodes shall have such composition that the welds produced by them shall have
the same analysis as the parent metal and shall be of an approved type and brand. Jointing of Ductile Iron Pipe
In the case of push-on-joints for sizes `DN 600’ and above the sockets may be with or
without centering rings.
If agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser, the fittings can be made with
plain end also, for jointing with the help of a collar/coupling provided that the overall
length of the fitting remains the same. The length of the spigot necessary for jointing
shall not be less than the length of the socket of the jointing pipe.
In case of push-on-joints the spigot end of fitting, if any, shall be suitably chamfered to
facilitate smooth entry of spigot in the socket of the pipes or fittings fitted with rubber
In case of flange and mechanical joint casting the flange shall be at right angle to the
axis of the joint. The bolt holes shall be either cored or drilled.
The centre of bolt holes circle shall be concentric with the bore circle and shall be
located off the entre line, unless otherwise specified by the purchaser. Where there are
two or more flanges, the bolt holes shall be correctly aligned between them.
The flanges shall be plain faced or with raised boss over the contact surface with a tool
mark finishing having a pitch of 1 + 0.3 mm, serrations may be spiral or concentric.
For high pressure mains, requiring working pressure greater than 2.4 MPa, suitable
flexible joint may be preferred where the joint is restrained against axial movement.
Push-on-joint fittings are normally not used for sizes above DN 1600.
The material of rubber gaskets for use with mechanical joints and push-on-joints shall
conform to IS 5382. Unless otherwise agreed between the manufacturer and the
purchaser, dimensions of the rubber gasket shall be as per manufacturer’s own design.
In case of bigger pipes (80 mm dia and above), thrust blocks of cement concrete 1:2:4
(1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) shall be
constructed on all bends as directed by the Client site/ representative.
All buried pipes shall be cleaned and then painted with zinc chromate primer and
bitumen paint, wrapped with three layers of fiber glass tissue, each layer laid in
bitumen and placed on concrete blocks with PUF saddles dipped in bitumen at every 2
meters. The pipes where laid under floor shall be encased with 100 mm thick sand all
around in addition to protective coating as described above. Alternatively multi-layer
protection of pipes complying with IS: 12202 would also be acceptable as per final
approval of project engineer / consultant.
Unless otherwise specified all Gunmetal fittings such as gate, globe, check & safety
valves shall be fitted in pipe line in workman like manner. Necessary unions shall be
provided on both ends of the valves for easy replacement. The joints between fittings
and pipes shall be leak-proof when tested to desired pressure rating. The defective
fittings and joints shall be replaced or redone.
All socket Tees shall be conforming to IS-9523/2000 having dimension as per table 21
of IS-9523/2000 in the nominal diameter/sizes with external bitumen coating and
internal cement mortar lining with finishing as per clause 13 of IS- 9523/2000. (laying
conforming to IS 12288 : 1987) (All sizes in mm).
The Developer/Contractor shall provide all inlets, outlets, washouts, vents, ball cocks,
overflows control valves and all such other piping connections including level indicator
to water storage tanks as called for. All pipes crossing through RCC work shall have
puddle flanges fabricated from MS/GI pipes of required size and length and welded to
6/8 mm thick MS plate. All puddle flanges must be fixed in true alignment and level to
ensure further connection in proper order.
Full way gate valves of approved make shall be provided as near the tank as practicable
on every outlet pipe from the storage tank except the overflow pipe. Overflow and vent
pipes shall terminate with mosquito proof grating.
The overflow pipe shall be so placed to allow the discharge of water being readily seen.
The overflow pipe shall be of size as indicated. A stop valve shall also be provided in
the inlet water connection to the tank. The outlet pipes shall be fixed approximately
75mm above the bottom of the tank towards which the floor of the tank is sloping to
enable the tank to be emptied for cleaning.
Before commissioning the water supply system, the Developer/Contractor shall arrange
to disinfect the entire system as described in the succeeding paragraph.
The water storage tanks and pipes shall first be filled with water and thoroughly flushed
out. The storage tanks shall then be filled with water again and disinfecting chemical
containing chlorine added gradually while tanks are being filled to ensure thorough
mixing. Sufficient chemical shall be used to give water a dose of 50 parts of chlorine to
one million parts of water.
If ordinary bleaching powder is used, the proportions will be 150 gm of power to 1000
liters of water. The power shall be mixed with water in the storage tank. If a proprietary
brand of chemical is used, the proportions shall be specified by the manufacturer. When
the storage tanks are full, the supply shall be stopped and all the taps on the distributing
pipes are opened successively working progressively away from the storage tank. Each
tap shall be closed when the water discharged begins to smell of chlorine. The storage
tank shall then be filled up with water from supply pipe and added with more
disinfecting chemical in the recommended proportions. The storage tank and pipe shall
then remain charged at least for three hours. Finally the tank and pipes shall be
thoroughly flushed out before any water is used for domestic purpose.
After the pipe work has been tested and approved, but before it is coupled, it shall be
sterilized with a solution of chloride of lime.
Plates on all entry and exit openings shall be furnished and installed for all exposed
pipes passing through finished walls, finished partitions, finished ceilings, and floors
above grade.
Plates shall be large enough to completely close the hole around the pipe. Wall and
ceiling plates shall have set screws; spring clips shall not be acceptable.
Where necessary to cover beads of fittings, special deep escutcheons shall be provided.
The work shall be carefully laid out in advance. Cutting of structural works shall be
done only with the Notice of No Objection by the Authority / Engineer. Damage from
the cutting shall be carefully repaired by skilled workmen of the trade involved.
Water and drainage pipes extended to points 1.50 metres beyond the building structure
shall be capped or plugged for future connection, or connection under other sections of
these Specifications.
If trenches are closed, or the pipes are otherwise covered before being connected to the
utility systems, the locations of the end of each pipe shall be marked with a stake
properly tagged or otherwise identified. Underground Pipes
All steel pipes to be buried underground shall be externally coated in the mill of the
fabricator. Material shall conform to AWWA C 203. Sequence of application shall be
as follows:
(a) Sandblast,
(c) Apply flood coat of hot plasticized coal tar enamel, 2.4 mm. minimum thicknesses,
(e) Apply flood coat of hot plasticized coat for enamel, 2.4 mm. minimum thicknesses,
(g) After the top coat has been cured at approximately 20 C for not less than 16
hours, the external protective coating shall be tested electrically using an approved
holiday detector and shall be free of missed spots,
(h) Pipe shall be painted with two coats of anti-corrosive paint and sand around.
Underground pipe supports attached to the building structure shall be made of stainless
steel. Flashing
Vent pipes shall be flashed and made watertight at the roof with 4-pound sheet lead.
Flashings shall extend not less than 200 mm from the vent pipes in all directions and
shall extend up the vent pipe not less than 150 mm at which point threaded standard
cast- iron or malleable-iron recess roof couplings shall be installed to form counter-
flashing or rain guards. Valve
The location of the principal valves shall be as required, but, whether or not so
indicated, shutoff gate valves shall be furnished and installed in each supply main
where it enters the building. All valves used for pipe or equipment drains shall, if
possible, be changed to gate valve type. All valves shall be installed in accessible
locations or otherwise access panels shall be provided. No valve shall be installed with
its stem below the horizontal. These valves shall be rated for 10 kg/cm2 working
pressure or more.
The Developer/Contractor shall furnish and install a trap on each fixture and each piece
of equipment requiring connection to the sewer system, except fixtures or equipment
having an integral trap or seal. Each trap shall be placed as close to the fixture as
and no fixture shall be double-trapped. All traps installed in accessible locations shall
have cleanout plugs or as per the Notice of No Objection by the Authority / Engineer
means for cleaning. Slip joints in traps will be permitted only on the inlet side or in the
trap seal.
All masonry chambers for stop cocks, sluice valves and meter etc. shall be built as per
design and drawings.
The excavation for chambers shall be done true to dimension and level indicated on
plans or as directed by the Client site/ representative.
Concrete shall be cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size.
Brick shall be of class designation 75 in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement: 5 fine sand)
Inside Plastering not less than 12 mm thick shall be done in cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement: 3 fine sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement.
All pipes shall be installed with a pitch to drain. Where branches are connected to
vertical risers, each branch shall drain back to its respective riser. Drain valves shall be
provided at all low points of the system to permit complete draining.
Branches from service lines may be taken from the top, bottom or side of the main,
using such cross over fittings as may be required as per site conditions.
Unions shall not be concealed in walls or partitions nor covered with insulations.
Cold water piping shall be tested with water pressure of not less than specified or 1 ½
times the maximum working pressure, whichever is greater, at the lowest point in the
system. Care shall be taken to avoid putting excessive pressure on safety devices, etc.
These delicate control mechanisms shall be removed during the tests to prevent shock
damage. The system shall be tested when water temperatures and average ambient
temperatures are approximately equal and constant. Test pressure shall be maintained
for not less than 30 minutes without an appreciable drop after the force pump has been
Piping may be tested for a section at a time in order to facilitate the construction.
Leaks in screwed fittings shall be corrected by remaking the joints. Leaks in welded
joints shall be cut out and re-welded. Caulking of leaks will not be permitted.
After pressure tests have been made, the entire water-distribution system to be
sterilized, shall be thoroughly flushed with water until all entrained dirt and mud have
been removed before introducing chlorinating material. The chlorinating material shall
be either liquid chlorine or hypochlorite. The chlorinating material shall provide a
dosage of not less than 50 PPM and shall be introduced into the system in an approved
manner. The treated water shall be retained in the pipe long enough to destroy all non-
spore forming bacteria. Except where a shorter period is approved, the retention time
shall be at least 24 hours and shall produce not less than 10 PPM of chlorine at the
extreme end of the system of the retention period. All valves in the system being
sterilized shall be opened and closed several times during the period.
The system shall then be flushed with clean water until the residual chlorine is reduced
to less than 0.2 PPM. During the flushing period all valves and faucets shall be turned
on and off several times. General
The unit shall be especially selected to meet the project requirements, from reputed
manufacturers. The pumps shall be used for water supply for firefighting as well as for
HVAC evaporative cooling.
The cold water supply pump in this section shall include packaged hydro pneumatic
system and water transfer pump set (if applicable).
The water supply pumps shall be of constant pressure with continuous running
operation sequence and of low energy consumption. The booster pump set shall be
pressure switch controlled or variable speed drive controlled,
The entire booster system shall be factory prefabricated on a common structural steel
stand with all interconnection piping, anti-vibration mounting and wiring completed
and operationally tested prior to shipment. The complete package shall also include
isolation valves on the suction and discharge at each pump. Galvanized steel suction
and discharge pipe manifolds as well as copper tubing with shut-off cocks for gauges
and pressure switch shall be furnished and assembled,
The booster pump set shall be complete with pump starter and control panel with all
automatic control functions which can interface to the M&E SCADA and the SCR.
Pumps shall be selected for a total efficiency of not less than 75 percent and comply
with TAC standard. Centrifugal Pumps
Pumps shall be of the non-overloading, centrifugal, volute type. They shall be of the
horizontally split or vertically spilt, double suction type with suction and discharge
connections in the lower half of the casing,
The pump shall allow removal of the rotating element without disturbing pipe
connections and operating at not over the speed of 2900 rpm.
Pumps shall be of single-stage horizontal end suction centrifugal type, operating at not
over the speed of 2900rpm,
The pumps shall be designed so that removal of the pump impeller shall not interfere
with the piping system (back pull out pump).
Pumps shall be of the single-stage vertical mounted, split coupled (for all capacity) or
close coupled (capacity not more than 500gpm) design, in-line centrifugal type, single
suction with volute type casing operating at a speed of not over 1500 rpm,
The pumps shall be so designed that removal of the pump impeller shall not interfere
with the piping system (back pull-out pump). Casings
(a) Casings of all pumps shall be designed for a working pressure of 16 kg/cm2 or
(d) Casing material shall be cast-iron, precision manufactured for best performance and
long-term duty,
(e) Water discharge diffusers shall be included to reduce radial torque to the impeller.
(a) All pumps having discharge connections larger than 50 mm and operating at more
than 2 kg/cm2 total dynamic head shall be provided with casing wearing rings,
(b) These rings shall be suitable for an individual application. Rings shall be replaceable,
and positively keyed to prevent rotation. Impellers
(a) Impellers shall be one-piece, zinc free bronze and dynamically balanced.
(b) Impellers of pumps having 40 mm and larger discharge connection shall be fully
enclosed and hydraulically balanced,
(c) Impellers shall be accurately keyed to the shaft and fixed in an axial position by
shaft sleeves and separate snap rings. Impellers shall be fully protected against
damage due to reverse rotation. Shafts
(a) Shafts for pumps with stuffing boxes shall be of stainless steel, (chrome-iron or
nickel- iron) extending through the stuffing boxes. Where stuffing boxes are used,
shafts shall be provided with water slingers. Shafts shall be designed with high safety
precautions to withstand easily the torsional loads with other stresses to which they
may be subjected. They shall be so designed that there shall be no detrimental
vibrational stresses. All shaft threading shall be external to the water passage and
stuffing boxes,
(b) Shafts sleeves shall be keyed to the shaft and extended through the stuffing box.
“O” rings or gaskets shall be provided at sleeve ends to protect the shaft from water
corrosion. They shall be so designed that no dismantling of the pump casing is
required to replace the sleeves. Bearings
(a) Bearings shall be heavy-duty ball bearing with a minimum average life of 100,000 hours,
(b) The bearings shall be self-sealed, and housed in malleable-iron housing aligned to a
bearing bracket by means of large precision registers,
(c) Bearing shall be removable without dismantling any rotating element inside the pump.
(a) Stuffing boxes shall be deep enough for not less than 4 rings of packing and shall
have bronze glands,
(b) Packing shall be suitable in all cases for the service required with proper
consideration of water pressure, temperature, temperature changes and sediment
carried in the water,
(c) Mechanical seals shall be provided in lieu of stuffing boxes. Balance type
mechanical seals shall be used when the casing working pressure exceeds 10
kg/cm2. Couplings
(a) All pumps, other than close coupled pumps, shall be provided with urethane
flexible couplings or steel pins and bushing with a service factor of at least 1.5 for an
individual application,
(b) Spacer couplings shall be required for back pull out end suction pumps,
(a) Each flexible coupled pump shall be provided with a cast-iron or fabricated mild
steel base plate to hold both the pump and the motor in correct alignment,
(a) High points of pump casings shall be provided with air vent cocks. These cocks shall
be extended outside of any insulation. Low points of casings shall be provided with
valve drains and both inlet and outlet connections with properly located gauge
(b) Casing brackets of pumps equipped with stuffing boxes shall be arranged to form
drip pockets. A drip pipe shall be run from each drip pocket to the nearest drip funnel
or floor drain. Motors
(a) Each pump shall be driven at the required speed by 415V / 3 phase / 50 Hz. totally
enclosed fan-cooled, insulation class F, protection class IP54 for indoor and IP 55
for outdoor electric motor,
(b) The rated kW shall be at least 1.15 times the maximum power required,
(c) The motors shall be of high efficiency design and shall be supplied as an integral part
of the pump. The Developer/Contractor shall submit technical data for the Notice of
No Objection by the Authority / Engineer,
(d) Bearing of each motor shall be of anti-friction type ball bearing or roller bearing,
The transfer pump shall include the following instrument and control features
(1) Main selector switch “Auto-Off-Manual”,
(17) Strainer, Instrumentation and Control Panel for Constant Pressure Booster Pump Set The
booster pump set shall include the following instrument and control features:
(14) Variable speed drive (for Variable Speed Booster Pump Set only),
(15) Pressure transmitter (for Variable Speed Booster Pump Set only),
(19) Strainer,
(1) The transfer pump shall be controlled by storage tank and roof tank level switch,
(2) The transfer pump control shall be parallel and alternate, when the lead pump
cannot handle the volume flow rate of the system then the lag pump shall
automatically start to run in parallel. Constant Pressure Booster Pump Set
(2) The booster pump set shall be controlled by storage tank level switch and
differential pressure switch.
(1) System pressure shall be maintained within + 5% by variable speed drive (Inverter)
and pressure transmitter (At the longest point of riser) and non-slam check valve on
each pump discharge line,
(2) Pump shall be stabilized and controlled by a pressure reducing valve station using a
small pressure regulating valve for low flow requirements and a large valve for
medium to large capacities,
(3) The booster pump set shall be controlled by the pressure switch in the distribution
line. Installation
Each pump shall be mounted on approved vibration isolators which are, in turn, placed
on a concrete base. The isolators shall be selected and installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations such that no disturbing vibration and noise is being
transmitted to the nearby structure.
The Developer/Contractor shall ensure that no cavitations occur at the eye of the impeller.
Any suction and discharge pipes, which are bigger than the pump connections shall be
equipped with eccentric reducers.
Flexible connections shall be installed on both the suction and on the discharge pipe.
Shut-off valve and strainers shall have the same size as the suction pipe. Check valve
and shut-off valve shall have the same size as the discharge pipe.
Drainage from each pump shall be discharged to the nearest drain. Each drain pipe shall
be of galvanized steel pipe as detailed within this specification.
Where suction lift or negative suction occurs in the installation, self-priming pump
of adequate NPSH shall be installed. The maximum speed of self-priming pump shall
not exceed 3,000 rpm. Testing and Commissioning
Before start-up, grease or lubricating oil shall be applied to the pump and motor.
After installations are completed, all pumps shall undergo test run. Any adjustments
that are needed shall be made to ensure that all pumps shall operate with the required
performance. Report forms shall contain following minimum data listings including
design and actual conditions for each item mentioned below:
(7) Rated motor amperage, starter relay number and amperage rating, General
Pumps used for the same function shall be of the same manufacturer.
The unit shall be especially selected to meet the project requirements, from reputed
The sewage pump in this section shall include drainage pump, sewage pump, and aerator.
(2) The guide rail with fitting with the pumps in the sump shall be used to make the
removal and installation easier by suspending with the chain,
(3) The submersible drainage pump shall be completed with pump starter and control
panel with all automatic control functions that can interface with the M&E
(4) The submersible sewage stationary pump shall meet the following requirements,
submersible sewage pump with cutter device, with torque-flow impeller and
submersible chemical pump.
(5) The submersible pump shall be constructed such that motor is the integral part of
the unit and shall be capable of operating in submerged condition without any
(6) The submersible sewage pump shall be completed with pump starter and control
panel with all automatic control function that can interface with the M&E SCADA. Components
(2) Motor
(3) Control
The motor shall be operated by a float switch adjusted to start and stop the
motor at predetermined water levels. The switch shall be completely
enclosed in a rain tight cast-aluminum case. Duplex pumps shall be
equipped with automatic alternator to allow for the change in operation
from one pump to the other and for starting the second pump if the flow to
the sump exceeds the capacity of the first pump.
The discharge line from each pump shall be provided with a check valve and
union in an accessible location near the pump. Submersible Sewage Pump
(1) The submersible sewage stationary pump shall meet the following requirements,
submersible sewage pump with cutter device, with torque-flow impeller and
submersible chemical pump,
(2) The submersible pump shall be constructed such that motor is the integral part of
the unit and shall be capable of operating in submerged condition without any
(3) The shaft shall be of mechanical type, lubricated with oil. The sealing effect shall
be kept for a long usage,
(4) The pump impeller shall have adequate passage to handle solids, it shall be
hydraulically balanced,
(5) The pump with cutter device shall have a rotating cutting edge and a stationary
cutting edge. The rotating cutting edge shall be made of tungsten carbide. The
stationary cutting edge shall be surface-hardened,
(6) The motor shall be submersible type and capable of running in submerged
condition without any damage,
(8) The bearing shall be capable to sustain pump thrust and shall maintain its function
for long usage,
(9) The pumps of more than 22 kW output shall have a leak sensing probe inside the
oil chamber,
(10) The pumps of more than 22 kW output shall have a water jacket by which the motor
is cooled by itself,
(11) The cable entry shall be constructed such that water does not leak into the terminal
box even along the cable conductors if the sheath is damaged,
a) D.O.L. start motor shall have a motor protector which is connected in the
main circuit of single phase motor winding or neutral point of three phase
motor winding. The protector shall be such that, if it senses overheating and/or
over current, it automatically cuts the circuitry to stop the motor. The protector
shall automatically reset to re-start the pump when cooling has occurred,
b) Star-Delta start motor shall have three miniature protectors (thermostat) which
are connected in series and embedded on the motor windings. The protectors
shall sense motor overheating and give a signal through the cabtyre cable, to
actuate the magnetic contactor in control panel or starter to cut the power
supply circuit.
The type of contactor of the miniature protectors shall be of Form-B contact.
(13) Material
(14) Accessories
(15) Painting
The submersible aerator & ejector aerator shall meet the following requirements:
1) The aerator shall consist of an integral submersible electric motor and an aerator,
and shall be capable of operating in the submerged condition without any damage,
2) The aerator shall have an impeller and a casing. The operation shall be such that the
rotation of impeller shall create a centrifugal force in the casing and through this
centrifugal force negative pressure areas shall be created at the periphery of the
impeller, which draws air from the atmosphere. The air sucked down into the water
shall be subject to an air/water collision within the guide vane, and then this mixed
air-water current is forcibly discharged through the discharge outlets. The numbers
of discharge outlets shall not be less than six (6),
3) The shaft seal shall be mechanical seal running in an oil bath. A dust seal shall be
furnished between the mechanical seal and the impeller, by which dust in the
sucked air shall not come in contact with the mechanical seal,
4) The sucked air shall pass through an air passage made between the mechanical seal
and the back of impeller,
7) The bearing shall be capable to sustain the pump thrust and shall maintain its
function for a long usage,
8) The cable entry shall be constructed such that water does not leak into the terminal
box even along the cable conductors if the sheath is damaged,
(a) D.O.L. standard or shall have a motor protector which is connected in the
main circuit of single phase motor or neutral point of three phase motor
winding. The protector shall such, that if it senses overheating and / or
overcurrent, it automatically cuts the circuitry to stop the motor. The protector
shall automatically reset to re-start the pump when cooling has occurred.
(b) Star-delta start motor shall have three miniature protectors (thermostat) which
are connected in services and embedded on the motor windings. The protectors
shall sense motor overheating and give a signal through the cabtyre cable, to
actuate the magnetic contactor in a control panel or starter to cut the power
circuit. The type of contactor of the miniature protectors shall be ‘B-contact’,
10) Material
Pump casing -iron casting, Stainless steel or casting, Suction cover- Stainless
casting (#304, #316), Impeller -Stainless casting (#304, #316), Mechanical
Seal- SiC (Silicon Carbide), or WC (Tungsten Carbide), Shaft -Stainless steel,
Cabtyre cable- P.V.C. sheathed or Chloroprene sheathed, Motor frame- Iron
casting, Stainless steel or casting,
11) Accessories
Completed with silencer, air control valve, air inlet pipe, long flexible vinyl
suction delivery, stainless steel lifting chain, cabtyre cable.
12) Painting Installation
Before start-up, grease or lubricating oil shall be applied to the pump and motor.
After installations are completed, all pumps shall undergo test run. Any adjustments
that are needed shall be made to ensure that all pumps shall operate -with the required
performance. Report forms to contain following minimum data listings shall include
design and actual conditions for each item mentioned below:
(7) Rated motor amperage, starter relay number and amperage rating, General
The Developer/Contractor shall furnish and install all piping work including all
necessary parts. The sanitary piping shall be of the types or models, which are suitable
for the working fluid in the system. The proposed sewerage system shall be integrated
with the existing sewerage network conforming their strength and capacity to carry the
sewage. The drawing is indicative only, that shall be verified at site and design
accordingly. Piping
Soil and waste pipe inside building shall be PP mineral filled pipe as per DIN 4109
with joints, Soil and waste pipe outside building shall be PP mineral filled pipe and
Concrete pipes shall be reinforced and comply with IS: 458 (2003). RCC pipes for
sewerage system shall be of NP3 class, S&S type of joints, manufactured using
sulphate resisting cement. All mix design and test data and results shall be maintained
as part of the record for the Contract and shall be signed by the Engineer and the
This specification covers the manufacture, supply, testing and delivery of RCC pipes.
The design and manufacture of RCC pipes shall comply with the provision of IS: 458
(2003) or as amended. The design of RCC pipes, specials, etc, shall be got approved by
the Developer/Contractor before manufacturing them. If any modification is made in
the design calculation warranting change as per BIS, the same shall be carried out by
the Developer/Contractor at his own cost.
The materials (i.e. cement, sand, aggregate, water, admixtures, steel reinforcement, etc.)
used in the manufacture of the pipes shall comply with the requirements as mentioned
in IS: 458 (2003).
Pipes and fittings unless otherwise ordered by Engineer, shall have flexible spigot and
socket joints. Joints shall be so designed that pipes and fittings can be laid and jointed
to form a continuous water tight conduit with a smooth and uniform bore. Pipes with
spigot and socket joints shall remain water tight when the deflection angle is equal to
the maximum guaranteed joint deflection angle at each joint, and it shall not be more
than (½) half degree. Unless otherwise specified, the gap between the ends of the pipes
and fittings with spigot and socket joints when laid and jointed shall not be more than
Pipes and fittings with spigot and socket joints shall be jointed and sealed using rubber
jointing rings of circular section. Rubber jointing rings shall be moulded into
continuous rings having sufficient cross sectional area and circumferential length to
provide a water
tight seal under the specified conditions of usage and shall conform to Type 2 of IS:
5382 (1985). The drawings are only indicative. The site conditions will only be the
governing factor for manufacture, laying and payment.
b) Pipes and fittings shall be circular in cross section unless otherwise ordered or
approved, and the inner and outer surfaces of the barrel shall be concentric. Spigot
and socket ring seats shall be concentric with the pipe bore.
c) Moulds shall have sufficient strength to withstand safely all of the forces to which
they will be subjected to during placing, compaction and setting of the concrete,
during subsequent handling before stripping and during stripping. When assembled,
the moulds shall be sufficiently rigid to ensure that the pipes will be cast to the
specified dimension, and the joints shall be sufficiently tight to prevent the leakage
of mortar, if necessary the joints shall be sealed with suitable gaskets. The moulds
shall be constructed in a manner which will permit stripping without damage to the
d) All surfaces against which concrete is to be placed shall be smooth and true. Before
each use, the moulds shall be cleaned properly and all steel surfaces which will
come in contract with the concrete shall be oiled.
e) Tolerances shall be permissible as per IS: 458. Negative tolerances shall not be
permitted. If pipe fittings or special fittings are manufactured of concrete, the
permissible variation from the required angle shall be as specified for steel fittings.
Notwithstanding these tolerances, any dimensional variation or surface irregularity
which prevents proper entry of the spigot into the socket, or which permits leakage
past the rubber jointing ring shall be a cause for rejection.
f) Tests, sampling and Inspection shall be as per IS: 458. The pipes shall be subjected
to hydrostatic tests, three-edge bearing tests and permeability test as per the
directions of Engineer. Tests shall be got done in an approved laboratory at the cost
of the Contactor. All expenses on the tests shall be borne by the Contractor.
Nothing extra shall be paid to the contactor for carrying out the tests. All samples
or tests shall be taken in the presence of the Engineer or his representative.
Double Wall Corrugated (DWC) HDPE pipes are similar to normal HDPE pipes except
that they have different external & internal surfaces which gives them additional
strength and stiffness. These are made with High Density Polyethylene which has very
high life expectancy. These are externally corrugated and have smooth surface inside
and are available from 75 mm to 1.0 m dia. These pipes are light weight and can be
used for non- pressure underground sewerage, drainage & cross drainage (pipe culvert)
including rain
water harvesting purposes. They are maintenance free and therefore, once installed, will
lie underground for years.
The DWC HDPE pipes conforms the IS 16098 (Part 2): 3013 Structured-Wall plastics
piping systems for NON- Pressure drainage and sewerage –Specification
Available Sizes: Manufacturing
The DWC PE Piping System of stiffness class designation shall confirm to the
standards as mentioned above. Each pipe shall be coupler (on-line or off-line) and
spigot type along with rubber sealing ring. Transportation
The arrangement of loading the pipes in a telescopic manner is advised, i.e. smaller
diameters inserted into the next higher sizes of pipes. While loading the pipes onto the
truck, care should be taken that the coupler- end should be arranged alternatively in the
corresponding layers so as to avoid the damage to the coupling/ socket ends. Handling
Pipes should not be dragged against the ground to avoid the damages to the
800 mm and larger diameter pipes are carried with Slings at two points spaced
approximately at 3 Meters apart
For smaller diameters (400 mm 800 mm) one lift point shall be sufficient & can be
handled either manually or mechanically
While stacking, alternate the socket/coupler ends at each row of stacked pipes.
Vent Pipe inside building shall be PP mineral filled pipe conforming to Standard,
Underground vent pipe shall be Ductile Iron pipe with cement lining conforming to IS
Pipe from drainage pump shall be Ductile Iron pipe with cement lining conforming to
IS 8329.
Fittings for galvanized steel pipes shall be galvanized malleable cast-iron, conforming
to ASTM A120-73 and IS 1879.
Fitting for cast-iron pipes shall be cast-iron waste and drain pipe fittings, conforming to
ASTM A74-42.
Fittings for polyvinyl chloride pipes shall be rigid, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) as designated in ASTM D2241, ASTM D1785, Schedule 40.
Fitting for Ductile Iron pipes shall be Ductile Iron as required or recommended by the
manufacturer. Installation
All piping shall be installed parallel to, or at right angles with, the building walls and
partitions. A pitch in the direction of flow and drain shall be not less than 1:500.
Branches from water mains shall be taken in a manner to facilitate venting and draining.
Reductions in bore shall be formed eccentrically to facilitate venting, except on vertical
pipes where concentric reduction may be used.
All water piping shall be installed in such a way that all circuits can be completely
drained off and all air pockets in the water circuits shall be suitably vented.
Pipes shall be installed in continuous lengths as long as possible. Except where required
to be connected to fitting outlets or headers, they shall be joined by welding, solvent
welding, screwing or soldering as per the Notice of No Objection by the Authority /
Engineer or indicated in these Specifications.
The equipment or piping shall be installed so that it will not provide a cross connection
or interconnection between a distributing supply for drinking or domestic purposes and
a polluted supply such as a drainage system or a soil or waste pipe that will permit or
make possible the backflow of sewage, polluted water or waste into the water supply
system. Where crossing a sewer or waste line is inevitable, the water line shall not be
less than 0.30 metres above the sewer line, which shall be cast-iron soil pipe for not less
than 30 metres on each side of the crossing.
All pipes shall be installed in an appropriate manner to present a neat and orderly
appearance, using fittings for all changes of direction, and arranging pipe run parallel to
or at right angles with structural members of the building, to provide utmost head-room
and to clear lights and other obstructions. In general, suspended pipes shall be installed
as closely as possible to the overhead structure.
b. Broken or defective pipes or connections shall not be used. After laying of any pipe
or fitting is found faulty, the Developer/Contractor shall have to replace the same to
the satisfaction of Engineer.
c. If the sides of the trench are not vertical, the toes of the side slopes shall end at the
level of top of the pipe, and practically vertical trench shall be dug from there down
to the sub-grade / level.
d. Pipes shall be laid true to line and grade, as specified and the lowering shall be done
by a tripod and chain pulley block.
e. Laying of pipes shall always proceed upgrade of a slope. If the pipes have spigot
and socket joints, the socket ends shall face upstream.
f. In places where the natural foundation is inadequate, the pipes shall be laid either in
a concrete cradle supported on proper foundations or on any other suitably designed
structure as per details given by the Engineer. If concrete cradle bedding is used,
depth of concrete below the bottom of the pipe shall be at least one fourth of the
internal dia, of the pipe subject to a minimum of 15 cm and a maximum of 30 cm.
The concrete shall extend upto the sides of the pipe at least to a distance of one-
fourth of the outside diameter for pipes 300 mm and over in diameter. The pipe shall
be laid in this concrete bedding before the concrete has set. The exact details of
cradle shall be as directed by the Engineer.
g. When the pipe is laid in a trench in rock, shale or other hard material, the space
below the pipes shall be excavated and replaced with an equalizing bed of concrete,
sand or compacted murrum. In no place shall the pipe be laid directly on such hard
h. The bedding of murrum, sand or concrete shall be done to the required grade and
the alignment is to be checked by sight rails and boning rods as directed by the
i. For bedding of pipes the method employed shall conform to IS: 783 (1985) and as
directed by the Engineer.
j. Trenches shall be kept free from water until the material in the joints has set.
k. Walking or working on the completed pipe shall not be permitted until the trench
has been backfilled to a height of at least 30 cm over the pipe.
The width of a Sewer Trench depends on the soil condition, type of side protection
needed and the working space required at the bottom of Trench for smooth
installations. Increase in width over required minimum would unduly increase the load
on pipe and cost of road restoration. Considering all above factors, the Minimum
Trench Width is specified as per Table below:-Indicative Minimum Trench Widths**
**In actual practice the trench width can be as narrow as possible but adequate to allow
the workmen to execute the job satisfactorily.
The pipe segment between two manholes shall be laid approximately in straight line
without any vertical undulations. However, on the strength of its flexibility, the DWC
PE Piping system can be laid in very smooth curve if found necessary. The piping
system shall rest on the carefully prepared bedding portion of the Backfill Envelope and
at appropriate jointing locations the trenches shall be excavated deeper to accommodate
bulges of coupler-spigot joints. However, special care shall be ensured as mentioned
Excavation of trenches shall be carried out in accordance with the drawing &
specifications and as directed by the field engineer as well.
The piping system shall be laid and jointed in true to gradient with the help of sight
rails and boning rods as detailed in CPHEEO, MoUD, GoI Manual on Sewerage and
sewerage treatment. The levels need be checked with calibrated modern Levelling
Instrument. Specific care shall be taken to prevent entry of sand / mud /slush/ any
other foreign material etc. into the system during the installation operation.
The structural property of the system suggests that a minimum cover of 300 mm
adequate even for maximum quantum of superimposed (live) load.
In case of wider trenches than required (above table), the permission of the competent
authority shall be necessary.
The bedding area is an essential portion of Back fill Envelope and shall be constructed
with proper bedding material as computed in accordance with appropriate IS code of
practice for structural bedding design. The bedding shall be laid to specified thickness
and gradient with proper manual compaction of the aggregate.
The moulded on-line coupler (or separate coupler integrated to the pipe in case of lower
sizes) will have a suitable internal surface for push-fitting the said end over the spigot
end of the next pipe. On first valley of the corrugation of said spigot end (destined to
receive the pushed coupler) the sealing rubber ring of standard quality shall be placed
so that the coupler end of the pipe smoothly but tightly slides over the sealing ring for
making an absolute watertight joint. Similar system is also used for fabricated
accessories or moulded fittings required such as Tee, Bends, Elbows, Reducer end caps
for the purpose of installation of the system related to drainage/sewerage.
DWC PE Piping System with well compacted Backfill Envelope along with the bottom
and sides of trench (native soil) work together to support soil overburden and
superimposed (traffic) loads. The carefully constructed Backfill Envelop has three
distinct but non-isolated stages (Ref. enclosed C/S Drawing III, Annexure I).The
construction need to be done stage by stage as per the sequence stated below:
Bedding portion
Up to Haunch level
Remaining portion
The material for backfill envelop shall be in accordance with the structural design of
flexible buried conduit as per relevant national codes. It can be the same material that
were removed in the course of excavation or it can be fine sand/course sand/gravel /
murram /other form of course / fine aggregates depending on the effected Design Load
[Overburden + Superimposed (Live) load]. However, in no circumstances, the flexible
pipe should not be embedded in cement concrete (un- reinforced or reinforced) which
invariably induces undesired rigidity in the system.
After completion of lying of pipes, etc. first the Backfill Envelope shall be
constructed as per design around the pipe. Voids must be eliminated by knifing
under and around pipe or by some other indigenous tools.
Backfilling shall start only after ensuring the water tightness test of joints for the
concerned sewer segments. However, partial filling may be done keeping the joints
Precautions shall be taken against floatation (if at all necessary) as per the specified
methodology and the minimum required cover.
Most of the manholes in the sewerage system are of Prefabricated RCC material.
Manholes shall be manufactured in accordance with the Drawings in the positions
indicated thereon or wherever else instructed by the Engineer and such manholes and
chambers shall be watertight.
The prefab RCC manhole shall have four components, (i) precast monolithic base section,
(ii) modular riser section, (iii) top cone section and (iv) adjusting rings.
(ii) Manhole diameters shall range from 0.91 m to 1.52 m at the base.
(iii) Concrete used in the construction of the manholes shall be of grade M-40 using
sulphate resistant cement.
Pre-cast manhole sections shall be placed and aligned to provide vertical sides. The
completed manhole shall be rigid, true to dimensions, and watertight. The joints
between manhole sections shall be properly sealed utilizing an approved rubber gasket
and butyl rubber rope.
Where one solid riser or barrel section cannot be used, final adjustments in elevation of
the casting frame and cover shall be accomplished by the use of pre-cast concrete
adjusting rings of a minimum thickness of 100 mm. The total number of adjusting rings
shall be varying in depth from 100 mm to 300 mm. The use of brick or block in lieu of
adjustment rings is not allowed. Maximum number of rings used in adjustment of any
single manhole shall not be more than 3.
Sanitary sewer connections to existing manholes shall be core-drilled and made using a
flexible rubber connector. Saw cutting and hammer taps are prohibited. All connections
shall provide for a watertight seal between the pipe and the manhole. The connector
shall be the sole element relied upon to assure a flexible water tight seal of the pipe to
the manhole.
The “O” ring joint shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C443, Standard
Specification for Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber
Gaskets or latest revision. The gasket joint shall conform to ASTM C990, Standard
Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections Using
Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants (or AASHTO M-199) or latest revision. Rubber boot
and stainless steel clamps, meeting the requirements of ASTM C923, (Standard
Specification for Resilient Connectors between Reinforced Concrete Manhole
Structures, Pipes and Laterals) shall be supplied with the manhole bases to tie the pipe
to the base section of the manhole.
Details of pipelines entering and leaving manholes and chambers shall be for pipes
through structure as per Specifications. The Developer/Contractor is reminded that all
construction joints must be perfectly watertight.
SFRC manhole covers and frames shall conform to IS: 12592 (2002) with edge
protection in terms of the material manufacture, tests and marking as per the latest
amendment of the standard.
Only sound manhole covers and frames are to be stacked at section stores as directed.
Broken/Cracked/deformed, rejected pieces shall not be stored in work yard. The SFRC
manhole covers and frames should bear ISI mark. Tolerance limit for dimensions and
weights shall be as per IS: 12592 (2002).
Cast iron steps encapsulated with PVC shall conform to the IS: 5455 (1969, reaffirmed
2003) in terms of the material manufacture, tests and marking and as per the latest
amendment of the standard.
Rungs shall be encapsulated with protective PVC coating (orange colour). The rungs
shall be embedded in the wall while casting the elements of manhole.
These shall be semi-circular in bottom half and of diameter equal to sewer. Above the
horizontal diameter, sides shall be extended vertically 50 mm above the crown of
sewer pipe and the top edge shall suitably rounded off. The branch channels shall also
be similarly constructed with respect to the benching but at their junction with main
channel, an appropriate, fall, if required suitably rounded off in direction of flow in
the main channel shall be given. The channels and benching shall be done in concrete
M15 and rendered surface shall have a hard impervious finish obtained by using a
steel trowel.
Chambers shall be built in brickwork as per the type design. Chambers shall be
rectangular in size with 50 X 45 X 60 cm. Chambers shall be excavated true to
dimension and levels. Chambers shall be built on a bed concrete of 1:4:8 of thickness
required to carry safely the weight of the wall, cover, wheel loads and impact of traffic.
Bricks for chambers shall conform to the requirements of IS: 4885 (1988).
Brick work shall be laid with specified mortar to be prepared in accordance with IS:
2250 (1981). It shall be of cement and sharp coarse sand and shall be made in small
quantities so as to be used up within 30 minutes. The cement and sand in the required
proportion and specification as laid down for concrete work shall be first mixed dry
thoroughly on an impervious platform and then water added and mixed to a sufficiently
thick consistency as required by the Engineer. No left over mortar shall be used as
mentioned in scope of work and drawings.
Bricks shall be thoroughly soaked in clean water before use for atleast six hours and
until air bubbles cease to come out. The soaked bricks shall be kept on wooden plank
on brick platform to avoid earth being smeared on them.
Brickwork shall be uniformly bedded, bricks being laid from upwards in English bond.
Each brick shall be floated and rubbed in upon such sufficient quantity of mortar that
the mortar squeezes up into the joints, but if such joints are not filled with mortar by
this process they shall be flushed up with the mortar from providing mortar before the
next layer is put up. The courses shall be laid truly and strictly to line and horizontal
level. The joints shall be close and regular and shall not exceed 12 mm thickness.
Brick work shall be done in English bond. Damaged bricks shall not be used. The
greatest care shall be taken to prevent mortar dropping on to or in any other way
disfiguring or discoloring the bricks, and all edges and sides shall be kept strictly plumb
and square, in- line and flush with the required finished face. As the work proceeds it
shall be continuously checked with a 2 m long straight edge and spirit level.
All workmanship shall be strictly in accordance with the foregoing. The Engineer or his
representative reserves the right to reject any of the work on grounds of shabby
workmanship. Such rejected work shall be removed and rebuilt to the Engineer's
The concrete frame on top of chamber shall be firmly embedded on brick work and true
to level in RCC of 1:4:8 mix. After completion of works chamber covers shall be sealed
by means of thick grease.
SFRC covers and frames shall conform to IS: 12592 (2002) with edge protection in
terms of the material manufacture, tests and marking as per the latest amendment of the
Only sound covers and frames are to be stacked at section stores as directed.
Broken/Cracked/deformed, rejected pieces shall not be stored in work yard. The SFRC
chamber covers and frames should bear ISI mark. Tolerance limit for dimensions and
weights shall be as per IS: 12592 (2002).
For the purpose of clearness and legibility, the drawings are essentially diagrammatic,
and although size and location of equipment are drawn to scale wherever possible, the
Developer/Contractor shall make use of all the Contract Documents and shall verify
this information prior to and during construction.
a) Scale and figured dimensions are for estimating purposes only. Before proceeding
with the work, the Developer/Contractor shall assume all responsibility for the
fitting of his materials and equipment to other parts of the equipment and structure.
b) Where apparatus and equipment have been indicated on drawings, dimensions have
been taken from typical equipment of the class indicated. The
Developer/Contractor shall check the drawings to see that the equipment he
contemplates installing will fit the spaces provided and allow ample room for
maintenance and / or repair.
c) All work shall be installed in conformity with accepted standard practice and
manufacturer's recommendations.
e) All apparatus and equipment shall be installed in a manner and in locations avoiding
all obstructions, preserving headroom and keeping openings and passage-ways
clear. Changes shall be made in locations of equipment and materials which may be
necessary in order to accomplish this. The drawings are essentially diagrammatic to
the extent that many offsets, bends, traps, special fittings and exact locations are not
indicated. Developer/Contractor shall carefully study the drawings and premises in
order to determine the best methods, exact locations, route, obstructions, etc, and
shall install all apparatus and equipment in the available locations.
f) The Developer/Contractor shall repair or replace without charge, all materials and
equipment which fails to perform in a normal, proper or specified manner for a
period of one year after final acceptance of the work and shall repair or replace all
such material and equipment to the satisfaction of Engineer.
g) The Engineer reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the
equipment in operating condition at the expense of the Developer/Contractor
without voiding the Contractor's guarantee, nor relieving the Developer/Contractor
of his responsibilities during the guarantee period.
h) Substitution
The Engineer may dictate installation criteria while the job is in progress.
All work must be equal to the standard set forth in the specifications. Workmanship
All pipes shall be cut accurately to measurements established at the site, and shall be
worked into place without springing or forcing.
Piping shall be installed so that it may expand and contract freely without injury to
itself or other work. Steel and wrought-iron pipe shall be cut with pipe cutters and
threaded with sharp, clean dies. All cut sections shall be reamed to remove all burrs and
to restore the pipe to full diameter. All changes in size shall be made with reducing
All valves, cleanouts, equipment, accessories, and devices shall be so located that they
are accessible for repair and replacement.
Pipes shall be delivered and stored with plugged ends. Ends shall be kept closed with
temporary covers during erection. Before any pipe is installed, it shall be opened and
pounded to remove any foreign substances, or swabbed, if necessary, for thorough
During the course of installation, the Developer/Contractor shall take every precaution
to prevent any debris from being left in the pipes. The Developer/Contractor shall be
responsible for any damage that may occur.
Immediately after erection, exposed threads at all fittings shall be painted with zinc-
chromate paint, and after welding each joint shall be wire-brushed and then painted
with zinc-chromate paint.
Before start-up, all piping systems shall be thoroughly flushed with water until it runs
Fixtures and equipment shall be lightly covered and protected against damage. At the
completion of the work, fixtures, materials and equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned
and delivered in a satisfactory condition.
Connections to coils, pumps and other equipment shall be made in such a manner that
undue strains between pipes and equipment are eliminated. Unions and / or flanges
shall be used to facilitate the removal of the equipment.
The piping systems shall be installed so that there will be no damage due to expansion
and contraction during operation.
Packless type expansion connectors shall be used where the expansion and contraction
of the pipe is excessive or cannot be compensated by expansion loops or offsets.
The piping systems shall be installed so that there will be no damage due to differential
settlement of the pipe supports after installation. The problems could be avoided by
providing flexible connections. Sleeves
Vertical pipes passing through floors shall be provided with sleeves of black steel
pipes. Sleeves shall be of a proper length to pass through the entire floor construction
and shall terminate 50 mm. above the finished floor level.
Horizontal pipes passing through walls and partitions shall be provided with full
thickness sleeves made of standard weight black steel pipes.
Sleeves shall be large enough to leave not less than 12.5 mm. clearances around the
pipe and covering insulation, if there is any. Sleeves shall be set in place where the
walls and partitions are built.
Sleeves in concrete work shall be flanged at the bottom or provided with temporary
centring caps and securely nailed or screwed to formwork before the concrete is
When pipes pass through waterproof walls, water retaining rings with approved type of
sealant shall be applied.
Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer joints on spigot and socket ductile iron and
concrete pipes shall be flexible and sealed with a rubber ring or flexible gasket which
shall be approved by the Engineer and shall withstand the various tests specified for
pressure and non-pressure pipelines.
The physical characteristics of the rubber ring shall be appropriate to the type of pipe
and joint supplied and in accordance with IS: 5382 (1985) and IS: 12820 (2004).
Rubber joint rings shall be stored until needed in a cool place free from direct sunlight.
Spigot and socket, flexible joints shall have the annular space between the pipe and
socket sealed with an approved joint sealant to prevent the ingress of loose material or
For quality connections following steps are to be ensured, failing which the
performance aspects are to be severely compromised:-
The non-coupler (socket) end needs to be thoroughly cleared and shall be free from
any foreign material
Keep the non-coupler end free from dirt, backfill material, and foreign matter so that
the joint integrity is not compromised.
Push the coupler into non-coupler and align properly. Always push coupler end into
non-coupler end.
For smaller diameter pipes simple manual insertion shall be sufficient. It should be
ensured that the coup -coupler end to ensure installation and tight joining seal.
Therefore prior to insertion always place a ‘Homing Mark’ on appropriate corrugation
of the ‘Non- Coupler End’. Joint for Cast - Iron Pipe
Joints for cast-iron pipes, hubs or bell-and spigots shall be made by tightly packing and
caulking oakum gaskets or braided or twisted jute into the annular space between a
spigot and hub or a bell to within 1 1/2 inches (3.75 cm) of the face of the hub or the
bell, and filling the remaining space with molten lead at one pouring. The lead shall
then be caulked to produce a watertight joint without overstraining the hub or the bell.
When finished, the lead shall be flush with face of the hub or the bell.
Joints for No-Hub cast-iron pipes shall be made by Neoprene rubber sleeve conforming
to ASTM D-15 and couplings with 304 stainless steel shaft and nut screw. Pipes and
joints shall be plain ends.
When cast-iron pipe is used for pump suction or discharge pipe, the joint shall be
flanged joint.
Joints for threaded pipes shall be made with an approved Teflon tape or graphite
compound applied to the male threads only. Threads, exposed after joints are made up
shall be mopped with compound.
Threads shall be of the cleanout, tapered threads with the ends being reamed before
Flanged joints shall be installed at all valves larger than 50 mm. and at other places
where necessary.
Jointing flanges shall be truly parallel to each other so that bolts are used only to tighten
joints, rather than to correct alignment. Flanges shall be chosen to suit the maximum
working pressure of the system. Bolts, nuts and washers shall be cadmium-plated steel.
All PVC pipe works shall be strictly installed in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions. It shall be joined with a push fit, sealed rubber rings (or equal and
approved jointing method), to allow for expansion. They shall be fixed with PVC or
PVC-coated wrought iron brackets at distances specified/required below.
The edges of the pipe to be welded shall be machine-beveled wherever possible. Gas
cuts shall be true and free of all burnt metal. Before welding, the surfaces shall be
thoroughly cleaned and degreased. The welding technique shall be such as to ensure
penetration to the full thickness of the pipe wall and through fusion of the deposited
metal with the parent metal. During welding the ends of the pipes shall be held
firmly together by
suitable lugs, welded-on-bridge pieces or adequate tack welding. Special care shall be
taken to prevent formation of welded obstructions and lodgment of welding residue
inside the pipes. Cracks, pinholes, excessive under-cutting, etc. shall be removed and
the joints re-welded. Welding materials and workmanship shall be in accordance with
Welders must be entirely competent and may be required to perform site tests. Should
the Authority / Engineer not be satisfied, the welder must be replaced. The Authority /
Engineer reserves the right to order the cutout for inspection of up to 1 percent of the
total number of welds. In the event of any inspected welds being, in the Authority /
Engineer’s opinion, unsatisfactory he reserves the right to order the removal of further
welds which in his opinion indicate faulty workmanship. Welds removed for inspection
shall be reinstalled at no additional cost to the Authority.
Either the electric arc or the oxy-acetylene welding method may be used. Welding rods
or electrodes shall have such composition that the welds produced by them shall have
the same analysis as the parent metal and shall be of an approved type and brand.
Cast-Iron Pipe: Horizontal maximum distance between supports shall be 3.00 m, with
at least one hanger for each pipe section. Hangers shall be located adjacent to joints,
changes in direction and branch connection.
The Developer/Contractor shall furnish and install plates on all entry and exit openings
for all exposed pipes passing through finished walls, finished partitions, finished
ceilings, and floors above grade.
Plates shall be large enough to completely close the hole around the pipe. Wall and
ceiling plates shall have set screws; spring clips will not be acceptable.
Where necessary to cover beads of fittings, special deep escutcheons shall be provided.
The work shall be carefully laid out in advance. Cutting of structural works shall be
done only with the Notice of No Objection by the Authority / Engineer. Damage from
the cutting shall be carefully repaired by skilled workmen of the trade involved.
Water and drainage pipes extended to points 1.50 metres beyond the building structure
shall be capped or plugged for future connection, or connection under other sections of
these Specifications.
If trenches are closed, or the pipes are otherwise covered before being connected to the
utility systems, the locations of the end of each pipe shall be marked with a stake
properly tagged or otherwise identified. Underground Pipes
All steel pipes to be buried underground shall be externally coated in the mill of the
fabricator. Material shall conform to AWWA C 203. Sequence of application shall be
as follows:-
(a) Sandblast,
(c) Apply flood coat of hot plasticized coal tar enamel, 2.4 mm. minimum thicknesses,
(e) Apply flood coat of hot plasticized coat for enamel, 2.4 mm. minimum thicknesses,
(g) After the top coat has been cured at approximately 20ºC for not less than 16 hours,
the external protective coating shall be tested electrically using an approved holiday
detector and shall be free of missed spots.
(h) Underground pipe supports attached to the building structure shall be made of
stainless steel. Flashing
Vent pipes shall be flashed and made watertight at the roof with 4-pound sheet lead.
Flashings shall extend not less than 200 mm from the vent pipes in all directions and
shall extend up the vent pipe not less than 150 mm at which point threaded standard
cast- iron or malleable-iron recess roof couplings shall be installed to form counter-
flashing or rain guards. Valve
The location of the principal valves shall be as specified/required, but in any case,
shutoff gate valves shall be furnished and installed in each supply main where it enters
the building. All valves used for pipe or equipment drains shall be gate valve type. All
valves shall be installed in accessible locations or otherwise access panels shall be
provided. No valve shall be installed with its stem below the horizontal. These valves
shall be rated for 10 kg/cm2 working pressure or more.
The Developer/Contractor shall furnish and install a trap on each fixture and each piece
of equipment requiring connection to the sewer system, except fixtures or equipment
having an integral trap or seal. Each trap shall be placed as close to the fixture as
possible and no fixture shall be double-trapped. All traps installed in accessible
locations shall
have cleanout plugs or other approved means for cleaning. Slip joints in traps will be
permitted only on the inlet side or in the trap seal. Drain
Floor drains shall be of the PP Mineral Filed and provided with trap, chromium-plated
brass inlet grating and round removable cast-brass strainer.
The size of the drains shall be determined by the branch size indicated/required. Drains
and backwater valves installed in connection with waterproofed floors shall be equipped
with bolted-type clamping devices. Floor drain for mechanical room shall be of subway
floor drain type.
Grease trap shall be installed be of the sizes and dimensions as per the Contractor’s
design. They shall be constructed of complete sets from the manufacturer.
Horizontal lines shall be installed with a minimum slope in the direction of flow of 2 cm
per metre (1:50) for pipes of 80 mm and smaller sizes and with 1 cm. per metre (1:100)
for larger pipe sizes.
All changes in pipe sizes shall be made with reducing fittings or recessed reducers
while changes in direction shall be made with "Y" fittings, combination Y and 1/8 bends,
long sweep 1/4 bends, 1/6, 1/8, and 1/16 bends. Sanitary "Tee" branches shall be used
when the direction of flow is from a horizontal line to a vertical line, and short sweep 1/4
bends shall be used on the discharge from a water closet. Union connections shall be made
with tucker or hub drainage fittings.
Slope Horizontal lines shall be pitched to drain back to the drainage system without
forming traps, using fittings as required.
Except where otherwise indicated, main vertical soil and waste stacks shall be extended
full size to and above the roof line as vents. Where practicable, two or more vent pipes
shall be connected together and extended as one pipe through the roof. Vertical vent
pipes shall be connected together and extended as one pipe through the roof. Vertical
vent pipes may be connected into main vent riser above vented fixtures. Unless
otherwise indicated, sanitary piping shall form circuit or loop vents with no dead ends
or inverted siphons. Circuit or loop vent lines shall be connected at a height of not less
than 300 mm. above the highest fixture served. Horizontal waste lines receiving the
discharge from two or more fixtures shall be provided with end vents unless separate
venting of fixtures is shown. Where a vent is taken from a horizontal drain line, the
vent connection shall be made above the centerline of the drain, either on the top or at
an angle of not more than 45 degrees from the vertical. The bottoms of vent stacks shall
be so connected that any dirt or scale from the inside of the stacks will be flushed out
through the soil or waste piping. All vent stacks shall be extended to a minimum of 300
mm above the roof and equipped with a flashing fitting and special waterproof hood.
b. Hydraulics Test
All pipelines between consecutive manholes and the manholes shall be subjected to a
leakage test under 1.5 times the working pressure rating of the pipe in the case of a
force main and 2.5m hydrostatic head for gravity lines. Developer/Contractor shall
provide all calibrated equipment for measurement of leakage, all bulkheads, pumps
and other equipment and all power and labour necessary for the performance of the
tests to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Allowable leakage in the case of gravity lines tested at 2.5 m hydrostatic pressure for
10 minutes shall not exceed 0.2 lit per mm diameter of pipe per kilometer length per
Piping shall be tested with water pressure of not less than specified or 1 ½ times the
maximum working pressure, whichever is greater, at the lowest point in the system.
Care shall be taken to avoid putting excessive pressure on safety devices, etc. These
delicate control mechanisms shall be removed during the tests to prevent shock
damage. The system shall be tested when water temperatures and average ambient
temperatures are
approximately equal and constant. Test pressure shall be maintained for not less than
30 minutes without an appreciable drop after the force pump has been disconnected.
Piping may be tested for a section at a time in order to facilitate the construction.
Leaks in screwed fittings shall be corrected by remaking the joints. Leaks in welded
joints shall be cut out and re-welded. Caulking of leaks will not be permitted.
The sewage treatment plant shall treat sewage to the reusable standards(i.e. effluent
BOD shall be in the range of 5-10 mg/l) such that the effluent can be used for toilet
flushing, ground water recharge, landscape irrigation and discharging to water bodies,.
The moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) is based on the biofilm carrier elements.
Several types of synthetic biofilm carrier elements have been developed for use in
activated sludge processes. These biofilm carrier elements may be suspended in the
activated sludge mixed liquor in the reaction tank by air from the diffusers in aerobic
reactors and by means of propeller mixers in anaerobic and anoxic reactors. The carrier
elements are retained by suitably sized sieves or plates.
These processes are intended to enhance the activated sludge process by providing a
greater biomass concentration in the aeration tank and thus offer the potential to reduce
the basin size requirements. They have also been used to improve the volumetric
nitrification rates and to accomplish the denitrification in aeration tanks by having
anoxic zones within the biofilm depth. Because of the complexity of the process and
issues related to understanding the biofilm area and activity, the processes design are
empirical and based on prior pilot-plant or limited full-scale results.
There are now more than 10 different variations of the processes in which a biofilm
carrier material of various types is suspended in the aeration tank of the activated
sludge process.
Bar Screen:
Raw sewage from the source is usually received into the bar screen chamber by gravity.
Screen provided will remove all floating and big size matter such as plastic bottles,
polythene bags, glasses, stones, etc., which may otherwise choke the pipeline and
Oil and Grease Trap (Civil Construction)
If the sewage generated includes maximum quantity from kitchen and canteen, there is
a possibility of higher concentrations of oil and grease in the raw sewage. It needs to be
removed before biological treatment as it otherwise may cause problems for biological
treatment. Usually, a small civil construction tank with a baffle wall and slotted oil pipe
skimmer is provided. The oil and grease removed by gravity floats to the surface, which
is removed by the oil skimmer (by client).
Usually, sewage generation is more during morning hours and evening hours. Visually
no sewage is generated during night hours. Any biological system needs constant feed
for bacteria to work efficiently. Hence, it is important to put an equalization tank to
collect the excess flow during peak hours and feed sewage in lean hours. A typical
equalization tank has a capacity of 8 – 12 hours of average flow rate. The tank is
generally of civil construction by client. Provision of air grid is to be made for
thoroughly mixing the sewage to make it of homogenous quality and to keep the
suspended matter in suspension and to avoid septic conditions.
Transfer of Sewage
IEI’s scope starts from transfer of sewage from Equalisation Tank to MBBR tank. The
distance of transfer should not exceed beyond 5 meter. The transfer pump can be either
submersible or non-submersible type for this application. However IEI has considered
centrifugal non-submersible type. The layout shall be as per IEI standard.
The pump should not run dry and Client to ensure sufficient sewage is available in
the Equalisation Tank.
The treated water collection tank can be of civil construction by client in case required.
The treated water can be collected either from the chlorination chamber in Scheme I or
from Activated Carbon Filter in Scheme II.
The sludge from the Clarifier to be removed from the bottom of the Clarifier once in a
day by client and transferred to sludge drying bed either by gravity or through pump
depending on site condition. Before starting the Desludging, shut off the aeration for 30
minutes and allow the sludge to concentrate at the bottom.
After concentration, the bottom sludge valve can be open to drain the required quantity
of sludge. An air scour pipe is provided to dislodge any media choking the drain outlet.
Open the air scour valve for short time to remove the clog.
Process Flow Diagram General
The Developer/Contractor shall furnish and install all piping works including all
necessary parts. The storm drain piping shall be of the types or models, which are
suitable for the working fluid in the system.
Rain water pipes inside building shall be PP mineral filled pipe, conforming to Standard.
Underground rain water pipe shall be DWC pipe with cement lining conforming to IS
Storm drain pipe shall be DWC pipe, The DWC HDPE pipes conforms the IS 16098
(Part 2): 3013 Structured-Wall plastics piping systems for NON- Pressure drainage and
Fittings for galvanized steel pipes shall be galvanized malleable cast-iron, conforming
to ASTM A120-73 and IS 1879.
Fitting for Ductile Iron pipes shall be high density polyethylene as required or
recommended by the manufacturer. Rainwater Harvesting Pits
Construction of Rain water harvesting pits shall be as per the design and calculation of
Rainfall and shall be installed as per RDSO Guidelines / Indian Railway Works
All piping shall be installed parallel to, or at right angles with, the building walls and
partitions. A pitch in the direction of flow and drain shall be not less than 1: 500.
Branches from water mains shall be taken in a manner to facilitate venting and
draining. Reductions in bore shall be formed eccentrically to facilitate venting, except
on vertical pipes where concentric reduction may be used.
All water piping shall be installed in such a way that all circuits can be completely
drained off and all air pockets in the water circuits shall be suitably vented.
Pipes shall be installed in continuous lengths as long as possible. Except where required
to be connected to fitting outlets or headers, they shall be joined by welding, solvent
welding, screwing or soldering as approved or indicated in these Specifications.
The equipment or piping shall be installed so that it will not provide a cross connection
or interconnection between a distributing supply for drinking or domestic purposes and
a polluted supply such as a drainage system or a soil or waste pipe that will permit or
make possible the backflow of sewage, polluted water or waste into the water supply
system. Where crossing a sewer or waste line is inevitable, the water line shall not be
less than 0.30 metres above the sewer line, which shall be cast-iron soil pipe for not less
than 30 metres on each side of the crossing.
All pipes shall be installed in an appropriate manner to present a neat and orderly
appearance, using fittings for all changes of direction, and arranging pipe run parallel to
or at right angles with structural members of the building, to provide utmost head-room
and to clear lights and other obstructions. In general, suspended pipes shall be installed
as closely as possible to the overhead structure.
The concrete pipes shall be installed as per clause of this document. WORKMANSHIP
All pipes shall be cut accurately to measurements established at the site, and shall be
worked into place without springing or forcing.
Piping shall be installed so that it may expand and contract freely without injury to
itself or other work. Steel and wrought-iron pipe shall be cut with pipe cutters and
threaded with sharp, clean dies. All cut sections shall be reamed to remove all burrs and
to restore the pipe to full diameter. All changes in size shall be made with reducing
All valves, cleanouts, equipment, accessories, and devices shall be so located that they
are accessible for repair and replacement.
Pipes shall be delivered and stored with plugged ends. Ends shall be kept closed with
temporary covers during erection. Before any pipe is installed, it shall be opened and
pounded to remove any foreign substances, or swabbed, if necessary, for thorough
During the course of installation, the Developer/Contractor shall take every precaution
to prevent any debris from being left in the pipes. He shall be responsible for any
damage that may occur.
Immediately after erection, exposed threads at all fittings shall be painted with zinc-
chromate paint, and after welding each joint shall be wire-brushed and then painted
with zinc-chromate paint.
Before start-up, all piping systems shall be thoroughly flushed with water until it runs
Fixtures and equipment shall be lightly covered and protected against damage. At the
completion of the work, fixtures, materials and equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned
and delivered in a satisfactory condition.
Connections to coils, pumps and other equipment shall be made in such a manner that
undue strains between pipes and equipment are eliminated. Unions and / or flanges
shall be used to facilitate the removal of the equipment. Expansion and Contraction
The piping systems shall be installed so that there will be no damage due to expansion
and contraction during operation.
Pack less type expansion connectors shall be used where the expansion and contraction
of the pipe is excessive or cannot be compensated by expansion loops or offsets.
The piping systems shall be installed so that there will be no damage due to differential
settlement of the pipe supports after installation. The problems could be avoided by
providing flexible connections. Sleeves
Vertical pipes passing through floors shall be provided with sleeves of black steel
pipes. Sleeves shall be of a proper length to pass through the entire floor construction
and shall terminate 50 mm. above the finished floor level.
Horizontal pipes passing through walls and partitions shall be provided with full
thickness sleeves made of standard weight black steel pipes.
Sleeves shall be large enough to leave not less than 12.5 mm. clearances around the
pipe and covering insulation, if there is any. Sleeves shall be set in place where the
walls and partitions are built.
Sleeves in concrete work shall be flanged at the bottom or provided with temporary
centering caps and securely nailed or screwed to formwork before the concrete is
When sleeves are installed through a fire wall, the clearance between sleeves and pipes
shall be filled with fire-resistant material. The fire rating of the fire-resistant material
shall be at least equivalent to that of the fire wall.
When pipes pass through waterproof walls, water retaining rings with approved type of
sealant shall be applied.
Joints for threaded pipes shall be made with an approved Teflon tape or graphite
compound applied to the male threads only. Threads, exposed after joints are made up
shall be mopped with compound.
Threads shall be of the cleanout, tapered threads with the ends being reamed before
installation. Flanged Pipe Joint
Flanged joints shall be installed at all valves larger than 50 mm. and at other places
where necessary.
Jointing flanges shall be truly parallel to each other so that bolts are used only to tighten
joints, rather than to correct alignment. Flanges shall be chosen to suit the maximum
working pressure of the system. Bolts, nuts and washers shall be cadmium-plated steel.
All PVC pipe works shall be strictly installed in accordance with manufacturer's
instructions. It shall be joined with a push fit, sealed rubber rings (or equal and
approved jointing method), to allow for expansion. They shall be fixed with PVC or
PVC-coated wrought iron brackets at distances specified/ required.
The edges of the pipe to be welded shall be machine-beveled wherever possible. Gas
cuts shall be true and free of all burnt metal. Before welding, the surfaces shall be
thoroughly cleaned and degreased. The welding technique shall be such as to ensure
penetration to the full thickness of the pipe wall and through fusion of the deposited
metal with the parent metal. During welding the ends of the pipes shall be held firmly
together by suitable lugs, welded-on-bridge pieces or adequate tack welding. Special
care shall be taken to prevent formation of welded obstructions and lodgment of
welding residue inside the pipes. Cracks, pinholes, excessive under-cutting, etc. shall be
removed and the joints re-welded. Welding materials and workmanship shall be in
accordance with AWS.
Welders must be entirely competent and may be required to perform site tests. Should
the Authority / Engineer not be satisfied, the welder must be replaced. The Authority /
Engineer reserves the right to order the cutout for inspection of up to 1 percent of the
total number of welds. In the event of any inspected welds being, in the Authority /
Engineer opinion, unsatisfactory he reserves the right to order the removal of further
welds which in his opinion indicate faulty workmanship. Welds removed for inspection
shall be reinstalled at no additional cost to the Authority.
Either the electric arc or the oxy-acetylene welding method may be used. Welding rods
or electrodes shall have such composition that the welds produced by them shall have
the same analysis as the parent metal and shall be of an approved type and brand.
The Developer/Contractor shall furnish and install plates on all entry and exit openings
for all exposed pipes passing through finished walls, finished partitions, finished
ceilings, and floors above grade.
Plates shall be large enough to completely close the hole around the pipe. Wall and
ceiling plates shall have set screws; spring clips will not be acceptable.
Where necessary to cover beads of fittings, special deep escutcheons shall be provided.
The work shall be carefully laid out in advance. Cutting of structural works shall be
done only with the Notice of No Objection by the Authority / Engineer. Damage from
the cutting shall be carefully repaired by skilled workmen of the trade involved
The Developer/Contractor shall verify the proposed invert elevations prior to laying
Water and drainage pipes extended to points 1.50 metres beyond the building structure
shall be capped or plugged for future connection, or connection under other sections of
these Specifications.
If trenches are closed, or the pipes are otherwise covered before being connected to the
utility systems, the locations of the end of each pipe shall be marked with a stake
properly tagged or otherwise identified.
All steel pipes to be buried underground shall be externally coated in the mill of the
fabricator. Material shall conform to AWWA C 203. Sequence of application shall be
as follows:
(a) Sandblast,
(c) Apply flood coat of hot plasticized coal tar enamel, 2.4 mm. minimum thicknesses,
(e) Apply flood coat of hot plasticized coat for enamel, 2.4 mm. minimum thicknesses,
(g) After the top coat has been cured at appropriate temperature for not less than 16
hours, the external protective coating shall be tested electrically using an approved
holiday detector and shall be free of missed spots.
(h) Underground pipe supports attached to the building structure shall be made of
stainless steel.
(i) Back fill and under-fill shall be made with sand. Flashing
Vent pipes shall be flashed and made watertight at the roof with 4-pound sheet lead.
Flashings shall extend not less than 200 mm from the vent pipes in all directions and
shall extend up the vent pipe not less than 150 mm at which point threaded standard
cast- iron or malleable-iron recess roof couplings shall be installed to form counter-
flashing or rain guards. Valve
The location of the principal valves shall be as specified/required, but in any case,
shutoff gate valves shall be furnished and installed in each supply main where it enters
the building. All valves used for pipe or equipment drains shall be of gate valve type.
All valves shall be installed in accessible locations or otherwise access panels shall be
provided. No valve shall be installed with its stem below the horizontal. These valves
shall be rated for 10 kg/cm2 working pressure or more.
The Developer/Contractor shall furnish and install a trap on each fixture and each piece
of equipment requiring connection to the sewer system, except fixtures or equipment
having an integral trap or seal. Each trap shall be placed as close to the fixture as
possible and no fixture shall be double-trapped. All traps installed in accessible
locations shall have cleanout plugs or other approved means for cleaning. Slip joints in
traps will be permitted only on the inlet side or in the trap seal. Drain
Floor drains shall be of the PP Mineral Filed and provided with trap, chromium-plated
brass inlet grating and round removable cast-brass strainer.
The size of the drains shall be determined by the branch size indicated/required. Drains
and backwater valves installed in connection with waterproof floors shall be equipped
with bolted-type clamping devices. Floor drain for mechanical room shall be of subway
floor drain type. General
The valves shall be of the types or models which are suitable for the working fluid in
the system. The rated working pressure of the valve as specified for the working fluid
shall be at least 1.5 times of the actual working pressure, but not less than 1,034 kPa
(150 psig).
The diameter of hand wheels for valves shall be of a suitable size so as to allow tight
closure by hand with the application of reasonable force so that neither additional
leverage nor damage shall be imposed upon the stem, seat and disc. Where indicated or
required, for inaccessible overhead valves, chain-operated hand wheels including
rustproof chain and chain guide shall be provide.
A valve in which the flow of water is cut off by means of a circular disc, fitting against
machine-smoothed faces, at right angles to the direction of flow. The disc is raised or
lowered by means of a threaded stem connected to the handle of the valve; the opening
in the valve is usually as large as the full bore of the pipe.
Valves of size up to 50 mm. (2”) shall be bronze where appropriate, with threaded ends,
solid wedges and nonrising stems.
Valves of sizes 65 mm. (2 ½”) and larger shall be cast-iron or ductile iron where
appropriate, with flanged ends, solid wedges and rising stems.
Valves of sizes up to 50 mm. (2”) shall be bronze where appropriate with threaded ends
and union bonnets.
Valves of 65 mm. (2 ½”) and larger shall be cast-iron or ductile iron, bronze-trimmed
where appropriate, with flanged ends.
Valves shall be of the swing type suitable for the horizontal or vertical operation with a
two-piece hinge and accessible disc cover. Valves of sizes up to 50 mm. (2”) shall be
bronze where appropriate, with threaded ends and full area Y pattern bodies.
Valves of sizes 65 mm. (2 ½”) and larger shall be cast-iron, swing pattern and bronze-
trimmed where appropriate, with flanged ends. Lift - Check Valves
Seats, discs, and springs shall be bronze or stainless steel, whichever is appropriate.
Valves of sizes up to 50 mm. (2”) shall be bronze where appropriate, with threaded
Valves of sizes 65 mm. (2 ½”) and larger shall be cast-iron where appropriate, with
flanged ends.
A butterfly valve can be used instead of a gate valve if its size is over 100 mm. (4”); it
shall have flange bolt centering holes for easy installation and drilled to suit precisely
the piping flange (Full Lug type).
The body shall be cast-iron or ductile iron with aluminum-bronze disc where
appropriate of sufficient rigidity and strength to resist distortion. The stem shall be
through-shaft design to provide high strength and positive disc control.
Compound rubber seat rings shall have excellent elasticity as well as wear resistance to
ensure positive water shut-off under the designed working pressure. Moulded-in "O"
rings shall provide positive flange sealing to eliminate need for gaskets. All rubber
parts shall be of the type suitable for the specified working fluid.
Lever-operated valves shall be used for sizes up to 150 mm. (6”). Gear-operated valves
shall be used for sizes larger than 150 mm. (6”). Position indicators shall be provided to
indicate valve disc position.
Valves shall be ball pattern of the square head type with stainless steel ball conforming
to AISI 304.
Valves of sizes up to 50 mm. (2”) shall be bronze with threaded ends conforming to
ASTM B62 and for valves of sizes larger than 50 mm (2”) Valve body shall be carbon
steel conforming to ASTM A216.
The body shall be cast-iron with flanged ends and shall have a pressure rating of 1,206
kPa. (175 psi [class 125]). A stilling well must be provided around the float for
protection against water surface turbulence. Pressure Regulating Valve
The valve shall automatically reduce a higher inlet pressure to a steady lower
downstream pressure regardless of changing flow rate and/or varying inlet pressure.
This valve is an accurate pilot-operated regulator, capable of holding downstream
pressure to a pre- determined delivery pressure.
The body of main valve shall be cast-iron with screwed or flanged ends and have a
pressure rating of 1,206 kPa. (175 psi [class 125]).
The Pressure Reducing Valve is a hydraulically operated, single seated globe valve
controlled by a direct acting spring and diaphragm pilot valve. It is available in globe or
angle body.
The main valve shall be operated by the downstream pressure passing through the pilot
system. It will reduce a high pressure of upstream to a predetermined lower pressure of
(c) Materials:
Pressure relief valve shall be installed at the pump discharge line to provide protection
against high surge when pump is shut down. It shall be of globe pattern diaphragm
valve, hydraulically-operated, pilot-controlled and modulating type.
The body of main valve shall be cast-iron with screw or flanged ends of pressure rating
class 125.
This water hammer arrestor shall be installed at discharge pipe of water pump. It shall
contain only one moving part; a spherical piston which floats inside the surge copper
chamber, built in valve and gauge assembly simplifying charging and recharging
The flexible connectors shall be designed for excellent vibration and noise protection.
Isolated tension members shall be provided to prevent excessive elongation.
Flexible connections shall be suitable for the specified working fluid, and specified
working pressure and temperature.
Packless type expansion connectors shall be used where the expansion and contraction
of the pipe is excessive or cannot be compensated by expansion loops or offsets.
Anchors and pipe guides shall be provided and installed at the recommended locations.
All expansion connectors shall have flanged ends with working pressure corresponding
with the piping system. Strainers
Water strainers shall be of the Y type. Strainers of 50 mm. (2”) and smaller shall have
bronze or iron bodies with screwed connections while 65 mm. (2 ½”) strainers and
larger shall have iron bodies and flanged connections. They shall have the same rating
as the piping system.
Water strainers shall comply with the requirements of the ASTM Standards.
The free area of each screen shall not be less than three times the area of the strainer
inlet pipe. Strainers of 65 mm. and larger shall be provided with 15 mm. valve drains.
Manual air vents shall be furnished as required for purging air or other gases from the
water circuit during filling-up. The outlet piping shall be done up to the nearest drain.
Automatic air vents, conforming to ASA standards, shall be furnished at the top of
main water risers, supply and return pipes.
A shut-off valve shall be provided at the inlet of each automatic air vent. The outlet
piping shall be done up to the nearest drain.
A plug-type drain cock shall be provided at all low points of pipe work systems. Drains
shall be installed to ensure easy access and convenience for maintenance and removal
of all piping, valves, fittings and equipment without undue spillage.
Drainage facilities shall be provided and suitably sized to drain expeditiously the entire
system and equipment involved. Thermometers
Thermometers shall be of the adjustable-angle glass tube-type in a 230 mm. (9”) case,
accurate to +1/2 ºC. The range shall be suitable for the specific working fluid
temperature and shall be of 230 mm. (9") scale case, dual scale with F and C.
Thermometers and socket wells shall be selected, subject to the Notice of No Objection
by the Authority / Engineer, with their stem length suitable for the size of pipes where
they are to be installed.
Pressure gauges shall be of the bourbon type, stainless steel casing, round type of 100
mm. dial and scale range of approximately 150 per cent of the normal operation.
Pressure readings shall be in dual scale with psi and kg/cm2.
A needle valve and snubber with working pressure corresponding with the piping
system shall be provided for each pressure gauge.
Pressure gauges, exposed to corrosive liquid, shall be of the chemical type with
diaphragm liquid separator.
Flow measuring devices shall be annular flow measuring stations with a portable meter
set, provided complete with master chart for direct conversion of meter readings to
m3/h, carrying case, two 4 m. hoses, equalizer manifold, check seal, installation and
operating instructions.
Meters shall be factory assembled eagle eye flow meters or equivalent duly approved.
Each station shall be complete with safety shut-off valves and quick connect coupling
Annular elements shall be made of stainless steel where appropriate and rated to 20
kg/cm2 at 66°C.
Each station shall be tagged by means of brass tag, attached with a chain that indicates
the station number, meter setting and m3/h.
Water meters shall be of the displacement and accumulative reading type, conforming
to the Local Standard with working pressure corresponding to the piping system. General
For all pipes where the hanger clips bear directly on pipes and for hangers of dissimilar
metals, suitable apparition with a layer of felt shall be provided to prevent corrosion.
Hangers on structural steel shall be absolutely prohibited.
Anchors for steel pipes shall be welded directly to the pipe wall and securely bolted to
the building structure. Anchors for copper and PVC pipes shall be of the split ring type.
Hangers in the plant room shall be supported on springs.
Cast-Iron Pipe: Horizontal maximum shall be 3.00 m, with at least one hanger for each
pipe section. Hangers shall be located adjacent to joints, changes in direction and
branch connection. General
The Developer/Contractor shall get the installation along with associated water supply
distribution system and drainage system approved by the Local Water Supply and
Sewerage authority or other licensing authorities / owner.
All sanitary wares and CP fittings shall be new, best of quality and of make , type and
colour for which the Authority / Engineer has given the Notice Of No Objection . All
samples of materials with specifications/ catalogues, performance data, shall be
submitted for obtaining the Notice of No Objection by the Authority / Engineer before
use on the Works. Samples with Notice of No Objection by the Authority / Engineer
along with other approved equipment / materials shall be neatly displayed on a board
and such a display board of samples shall always be in exhibition in the construction
office of Engineer-. Such display shall be used for the day-to-day checking of the
materials on site.
All the sanitary fixtures shall be of water conserving type and the flush tank for the
water tanks shall be of dual flush type.
Wherever multiple choices of fixtures are offered, the Engineer shall have the final
All fixtures shall be complete with all accessories as required for the working of the
said fixture.
European WC shall be wash down, floor mounted in white glazed vitreous chinaware
with integral P or S trap as required. Wash down WC shall be supported on floor. The
WC shall be with 32mm diameter C.P. brass flush valve or with Flush Tank (concealed
or exposed). Each WC shall be provided with a solid plastic seat. The seat shall be
fixed to the WC with CP brass pillar bar hinges. Rubber buffers shall be provided for
the cover. The flush tanks shall have dual flush and shall be of water conserving type.
Asian Water Closet shall be provided if applicable. They shall be of approved type and
shall be in vitreous chinaware with P or S trap as required. AWC shall be installed on
floor. The WC shall be with 32 mm diameter C.P. brass flush valve or with Flush Tank
(concealed or exposed). The flush tanks shall have dual flush and shall be of water
conserving type. The flush valves shall be of water conserving type with limited
volume per flush. Urinals
Urinals shall be flat back wall hung urinal in white glazed vitreous chinaware. Urinals
shall be provided with:
a) 15 mm diameter spreader,
e) CP Pipe manifolds.
All exposed pipes and fittings shall be of CP. The urinals shall be fixed with CP brass
screws. Urinal flushing shall be through an auto flush valve with electrically operated
solenoid valve activated by infra-red sensor. Auto flush shall be concealed in wall and
flush pipe shall be of copper or GI except the specified exposed part. Urinal partitions
shall be white Marble 25mm thick, 1050 x 600mm size fixed in wall by cutting chase
and making good in cement mortar (1:2) finished to match the surroundings.
Wash basins shall be white glazed vitreous chinaware, wall mounted type / pedestal type
/ counter top type of size, shape, Colour and type for which the Authority / Engineer
has given the Notice of No Objection. Each basin shall be complete with:
e) One / Two nos. 15 mm CP brass angle cock 15 mm size with CP brass rigid
connection from angle cock to taps / Mixers.
Kitchen / Pantry sinks shall be of stainless steel construction. Each sink shall be
complete with:
b) 40 mm diameter CP waste,
e) One / Two nos. 15 mm CP brass angle cock 15 mm size with CP brass rigid
connection from angle cock to taps / Mixers.
Janitor’s sinks shall be of vitreous china or as other materials as per the Notice of No
Objection by the Authority / Engineer. Each Janitor’s sink shall be complete with:
e) One / Two nos. 15 mm CP brass angle cock 15 mm size with CP brass rigid
connection from angle cock to taps / Mixers.
Drinking water fountain shall be wall mounting type / surface mounting type made of
stainless steel or any other material and the details shall be submitted to the Authority /
Engineer for Notice of No Objection. The drinking water fountain shall be with anti-
squirt bubble less, self closing valve type with automatic volume regulator. The
drinking water fountain shall be provided with an anti-splash back and integral strainer
with 32 mm or 40 mm cast brass trap.
Toilet paper holder shall be white glazed vitreous china or chrome plated of size, shape
and type for which the Authority / Engineer has given the Notice of No Objection.
Vitreous China toilet paper holders shall be fixed in walls and set in cement mortar 1:2
(1 cement: 2 coarse sand) and fixed in relation to the tiling work. The latter (chrome)
shall be fixed by means of screws / capping having finish similar to the toilet paper
holder in wall/temper partitions with rawaI plugs or nylon sleeves.
Liquid Soap Dispenser shall be wall/counter mounted suitable for dispensing liquid
soaps, lotions, detergents. The cover shall lock to the body with concealed locking
arrangement, opened only by the key provided. Liquid soap dispenser body and shank
shall be of high impact resistance material. The piston and spout shall be stainless steel
with 1 litre capacity polyethylene container and/or as per the Notice of No Objection by
the Authority / Engineer. Coat Hook
Coat hook shall be glazed vitreous china or chrome plated of size, shape, colour and
type for which the Authority / Engineer has given the Notice of No Objection.
Towel Rail or ring shall be glazed vitreous china or chrome plated of size, shape, colour
and type for which the Authority / Engineer has given the Notice of No Objection.
Hand Drier shall be of colour and type for which the Authority / Engineer has given the
Notice of No Objection. Mirror
Mirrors shall be of type for which the Authority / Engineer has given the Notice of No
Waste bins shall be of type for which the Authority / Engineer has given the Notice of
No Objection.
Tissue dispenser type shall be submitted to the Authority / Engineer for Notice of No
Objection. Installation
All sanitary ware and CP fittings shall be installed in accordance with the interior
requirements. Neat workmanship and maintaining exact position and level of each
fixture shall be ensured during installation. Care shall be taken to fix inlet and outlet
pipes at correct positions. Faulty positioning shall be made well without any damage to
the finished floor or wall tiling and any damage to the finished surfaces shall be made
good by the Developer/Contractor at no additional cost to the Authority.
All fixing accessories like bolts, nuts, brackets etc. as required shall form part of the
installation. All such accessories shall be CP brass or galvanized or stainless steel as per
the Notice of No Objection by the Authority / Engineer. All exposed pipes and bends
shall be of CP brass.
Wall-hung European WC shall be mounted on CI chairs, which are fixed to the wall
and floor using Anchor fasteners. The bolts and nuts used for fixing the chairs shall be
stainless steel and the fixing bolts for the WC and chairs could be CP brass or stainless
steel. Floor-mounted WC shall be fixed with Anchor fasteners using stainless steel bolts
and nuts. The gap between the WC and floor or wall shall be neatly sealed with
waterproof non-hardening sealant of approved colour. The sealant should not extrude
beyond the footprint or WC outline.
All WC's shall be aligned and leveled with the floor and wall tiles so as to present an
integrated look. Utmost care and skill shall be exercised to achieve a good installation
in keeping with the interior designs.
Urinals shall be fixed to the wall using anchor fasteners and stainless steel bolts and
nuts. The urinals shall be held in line and level according to the interior designs and tile
modules. Partitions, wherever required to be provided, shall also maintain line and level
as required. Supply spreader and drain piping and P-trap shall be of CP brass and
installed in a neat and workman like manner. No unseemly bends or wooden support
pieces shall be permitted.
Wall-mounted wash basins shall maintain line and level as per the requirements of the
interior drawings and also with the tile modules. The supply connections shall be of CP
brass from the angle stop valves to the pillar taps and shall display good workmanship.
Drain connections shall have a CP trap with unions and exposed CP drainpipe and a
wall flange. In the case of counter mounted basins extreme care shall be taken to
independently and adequately supporting the basin and aligning with the opening in the
counter slab. Supply and drain connections shall be same as for wall mounted basins.
The gaps between basin and wall or counter shall be neatly sealed with a non-hardening
sealant of approved colour.
All accessories like the mirror, soap dish etc. shall be neatly fixed as per interior
designs. Good workmanship shall be the essence of all sanitary installation for
achieving the interior design objectives.
During the construction period, the Developer/Contractor shall protect all the sanitary
fixtures from damage due to accidental or even intentional mechanical impact with hard
objects and also misuse and vandalism. Any damaged items shall be replaced by the
Developer/Contractor at no additional cost to the Authority.
The sanitary fixtures form the final terminal units of the water supply and drainage
system and should meet the performance needs as a terminal unit. Each fixture shall be
inspected for scratches or chippings and alignment before acceptance. The following
design flows shall be verified and validated for Notice of No Objection by the
/ Engineer:
Provide 32 diameter test valve
connection at the lowest floor and
WC Flush Valve 9 liters to 12 liters per flush highest floor
Pillar taps / Mixers 15 lpm max. 6 lpm min
Wash Basin Full basin drain time 3 min To be measured and validated
Urinal Flush Valve 2 Liters per flush. 1 Liter per flush
All tests shall be conducted at each and every fixture except for flush valves which
shall be at the lowest and highest test connections to be made on each riser / down take.
The Developer/Contractor shall make the temporary valve connections which shall be
plugged with a brass. Mock Up
The Developer/Contractor shall install all pipes, fixtures, clamps and accessories and
fixing devices in mock-up shaft and room so constructed as directed by Engineer. The
materials used in the mock-up may be reused in the works if found undamaged. General
This section describes all electrical equipment and installations including connections
for the aforementioned systems.
Unless items are factory-finished, one prime coat shall be provided on all raceways,
hanger assemblies, equipment and accessories furnished under this section. Prime
coating on steel and iron shall be synthetic red lead, or other materials, the details of
which shall be submitted to the Authority / Engineer for the Notice of No Objection.
All electrical conductors such as bus-bars, cables, wires, terminals, etc. shall be colour-
coded as follows:
1) Phase R : Red
2) Phase Y : Yellow
3) Phase B : Blue
4) Neutral : Black
5) Ground : Green or Yellow Strip Green
6) Large wires and cables shall be colour coded with tapes of specific colour. Component
This provision covers the design and construction of motor control centre of floor or
wall mounting type.
If ratings of the equipment in the motor control centre are not indicated on the drawings
and in these Specifications, they shall be calculated in compliance with IEC Standard.
(a) Enclosure of the motor control center shall be made of electro-galvanized steel
sheet (minimum thickness of 2 mm.) and finished with epoxy-powder coating
(minimum 60 micron) and coloured, the details shall be submitted to the Authority /
Engineer for the Notice of No Objection. The enclosure shall consist of four
compartments via bus-bar, cable, terminal and control unit compartment, which
shall be separated by steel sheet barrier.
(b) Each control unit compartment shall be the combination of starter, circuit breaker
and other accessories for each motor. The unit shall be completely enclosed and
isolated from all other units. Unit side plates shall be permanently attached so much
that they cannot be accidentally discarded. Each unit shall have a single door
mounted on
removable pin hinges. Each door shall be provided with a removable panel suitable
for mounting push button, select or switches and pilot lamp. The door of each
control unit shall be interlocked so that it cannot be opened while the circuit
breaker is in "ON" position.
(c) Efficient vent opening shall be provided on the panel. The opening shall be
screened so as to be insect-proof.
(d) Each panel shall undergo a treatment of degreasing and de-rusting by electro-
galvanized or other equivalent method for anti-rust and shall be coated by an oven-
baked enamel paint finished.
(e) All doors shall be provided with dust-protection gaskets of neoprene or any other
materials as per the Notice of No Objection by the Authority / Engineer, positively
retained in a rebate. All doors shall be equipped with locks operated by keys.
(f) Plastic nameplate with engraved letters of at least 3 mm thick shall be placed at
every circuit breaker and starter indicating their uses.
(a) Moulded case circuit breakers shall be applied in the system which shall comply
with IEC 60947-1, IEC 60947-2 standard with appropriate rated short-circuit
breaking capacity at 415V. The short circuit performance categories shall depend
on the application of the breaker. All MCCB shall be of triple-pole or double-pole
as required, thermal magnetic type, with magnetic adjustable for MCCB’s rated at
400A and above, independent manual operated to provide quick-make, quick-
break, trip free mechanism so that the unit cannot be held closed against overload
and short- circuit,
(a) Motor starters shall comply with IEC 60947-4-1 standard equipped with AC3
duty magnetic contactors,
(b) Thermal overload relays with auxiliary contacts for shut down and monitoring shall
be provided. The relays shall be manually preset / reset,
(c) Phase failure relays with auxiliary contact for shut down and monitoring shall
be equipped with the starter,
(d) At least 2 normally open and 2 normally closed free contacts for both starting and
tripping signals shall be provided. These free contacts shall be wired to the terminal
blocks for remote indicator,
(e) Direct-on-line starters are allowable for various motor sizes up to 7.5 kW and Y-
D starter shall be used for motor bigger than 7.5 kW,
(f) Motor bigger than 22 kW shall be equipped with closed circuit transition Y-D starter.
(a) All metering shall be the flush-mounted type with a dimension approximately 96 x
96 mm. accuracy classes 1.5 or better. The overload capacity is 1.20 times of the
normal continuous load, except for motor circuit where the overload capacity of
ammeter shall be 2 times the normal continuous load. The voltmeters shall be
provided with selector switch,
(b) Current transformers shall be the single phase insulated type and can withstand a
continuous overload of 20%. The accuracy class of the transformer shall be class 1
for metering winding and class 3 for instrument winding. The insulation of the
current transformer shall be of class 600 volts.
(a) Bus-bar shall be of bare copper conductor (purity 98%) the size and ampere rating
of the bus-bar shall comply with DIN standard and also shall comply with the
relevant Authority regulation,
(b) Bus-bar spacing shall comply with the relevant Authority regulation,
(c) Bus-bar holders shall be of Fiberglass reinforced polyester or epoxy resin (flame-
proof material) and shall withstand the short-circuit stresses,
(d) Each bus-bar shall have color identification, conforming to the color coding of
the cable.
(a) Control wire in the motor control center shall be flexible annealed copper wire
600V FRLS, PVC insulated cables,
(i) 2.5 mm for voltage/current circuit
(ii) 1.5 mm for control circuit
(c) All control wiring shall be run in cable trunking or flexible conduit without any
(d) Wire markers shall be applied at both ends of the control wiring. Motors
All motors shall comply with IEC 60034-1, IEC 60034-12 standards and/or as per the
Notice of No Objection by the Authority / Engineer. They shall have ample margin
on their rating for the required duty with due allowance for ambient temperature. All
motors shall be induction type suitable for 50 Hz. Motors shall be of totally enclosed
fan cooled squirrel cage screen-protect drip-proof type. High starting torque motors and
low speed machines shall be started by reduced voltage starters.
The rated kW shall be at least 1.15 times the maximum power required.
Control devices shall be provided for all motors. Single-or double-pole snap switches,
specifically designed for alternating current operation only, may be used as manual
controllers for single-phase motors having a current rating not in excess of 80 percent
of the switch rating. Automatic control devices such as thermostats may control the
starting and stopping of motors directly, provided the devices used are designed for that
purpose and have such a rating. Otherwise, magnetic starters shall be used, with the
automatic control device actuating the control circuit.
The safety switches shall be either Fused Safety Switches or Non-Fused Safety
Switches as required.
The switches shall be heavy duty type equipped with switch blades, a quick-make and
quick-break operating handle and mechanism which shall be an integral part of the box.
Service door of each safety switch shall be interlocked so that it cannot be opened while
the switch is in "ON" position.
All fuses for "fused safety switch" shall be of the high rupturing capacity (HRC) type of
voltage rating up to 600 volts. Current rating shall be specified.
The switches shall be IP31 general purpose enclosure with knockouts unless otherwise
noted or required. Switches located outdoor or in wet areas shall have IP55 enclosures. Installation
The Works shall be executed to completion and in conformity with the drawings and
these Specifications.
All control centres shall be mounted 1.80 m. above the finished floor level and in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.
The Developer/Contractor shall supply, adapt and install a steel work at the top and / or
the bottom of the equipment to permit where necessary the incoming or outgoing of the
cables, conduits, and wires. Conduits
All motor control centres shall be not only tested at the manufactory but also checked at
the site for the follow performances:
c) Grounding.
All cables fed to the equipment shall be meggered phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground
before the equipment is connected and phase-to-ground after the equipment is
connected and all connections are tapped.
Cable insulation resistance tests shall be performed by using a 500 V D.C megger on
the 400 volts system. Insulation resistance shall not be less than 50 mega-ohms per
1000 volts rating.
volts rating.
3.5.14 FIRE BARRIER WORK General
After erection of materials and equipment through wall and opening have been
completed, it is the responsibility of the Developer/Contractor to fill up voids and
openings with fire resistant material which conform to NFPA AND NEC article 300-21
or equivalent Indian Standard to protect fire or smoke from spreading out from one
room to another room through these voids and openings.
The wall shall be considered to be a fire or acoustic protection wall, unless otherwise
specified. Cover or escutcheon plates shall be provided, wherever exposed, and shall be
neatly placed to the satisfaction of the Authority / Engineer.
Also, after the erection of all pipes, ducts conduits, wirings, and raceways in the shaft,
block-out or any floor openings, the voids must be sealed with 2 hour fire rating
material, the proposal for which shall be submitted to the Authority / Engineer for the
Notice of No Objection.
The fire barrier materials shall be based on the standards of Underwriter's Laboratory
The fire resistant rating of the material shall be in accordance with the fire rating of
construction walls or slabs and shall not be less than 2 hours rating. Component
a) The fire barrier materials shall be of a minimum 2-hour fire resistant rating or
higher in accordance with type of construction walls or slabs,
b) The fire barrier materials must not be toxic during installation or in case of fire,
f) Before and after fire spreads, the fire barrier materials must be strong enough,
g) The proposal for the fire barrier materials shall be submitted to the Authority /
Engineer for the Notice of No Objection, before installation. Installation
At every voids and openings, fire barrier materials shall be installed where:
a) Every voids, sleeves, and openings on wall, floor, beam and shaft, provided for
piping and raceway installation, must be sealed after the erection works have been
b) Voids, sleeves, and openings which are provided for future installation,
d) Voids between electrical cabling and raceway on fire wall and floor,
3.5.15 PAINTING General
The following clauses specify the material or paint system ( where permitted by the
Engineer), preparation and application requirements for painting of all equipment,
housing, vessels, containers, pipelines, pipe supports, and other structural steelworks
which are not protected by galvanizing or a protective coating ( as agreed by the
Engineer) as per the Notice Of No Objection by the Authority / Engineer.
The Developer/Contractor shall also be responsible for cleaning, brushing and painting
work. When surface cleaning, blasting and painting is done in the factory, the proposal
for such preparation and painting shall be submitted to the Authority / Engineer for the
All painting shall be completed before applying of pipe insulation and commissioning.
Prior to equipment installation all metal surfaces shall be treated with anti-corrosive
materials and / or painted according to these Specifications.
The preparation and application of the painting materials shall adhere strictly to the
manufacturer's recommendations.
The equipment or materials that have previously been treated with anticorrosive
materials and painted from the factory must be inspected for their workmanship. Any
defects, such as scratches, peels and rust shall be repaired and repainted, the proposal
for which shall be submitted to the Authority / Engineer for the Notice of No Objection.
During the progress of the painting work, the Developer/Contractor shall avoid spotting
of the floors, walls, and other adjacent equipment. All spotting, if any, shall be cleaned
immediately. Any damages, which may result from painting, shall be Contractor's
Old paint coats shall be removed by scraping before application of new paint.
Each paint coat shall be left until completely dry before subsequent applications.
Painting can be classified into 2 coats:
a) Prime coat for rust prevention and/or adhesion of the finishing coats,
b) Finishing coat for final appearance or for symbolizing the system codes. Types
of paint used shall depend on the material as well as on the environmental
For Equipment
All of the manufacturer's applied coating or painting surfaces of all equipment such as
pump, valve, and other accessories or fittings, etc., which have been damaged, or have
been applied with inappropriate paint system for the services and environment of the
equipment, shall be corrected or removed and repainted at the Contractor's expenses
without any additional cost to the Authority.
The above requirements shall also be applied to all damaged galvanized surfaces of the
equipment and materials.
Paint system for equipment, valves, etc. shall be of the same grade as specified for pipe
work connected, except that the surface cleaning may be mechanical wire brushing.
Note: In cases where there is a necessity/ requirement of paint repairs resulting from
welding, cutting, drilling, polishing, or threading, zinc rich primer shall be used prior
to the application of finishing paint.
All pipes shall be colour coded except insulated pipes where only priming coats shall
be applied to the pipe surface.
In the electrical system, colour coding shall be only at the conduit clamps and the cover
of junction boxes.
Strip sizes of colour codes (for insulated pipes) and the letter size shall be as follows:
Pipe Size (mm.) Width of Colour Strip (mm.) Letter Size (mm.)
20 (3/4”) – 32 (1¼”) 200 (8”) 12 (1/2”)
40 (1½”) – 50 (2”) 200 (8”) 20 (3/4”)
65 (2½”) – 150 (6”) 300 (12”) 30 (1¼”)
200 (8”) – 250 (10”) 300 (12”) 65 (1½”)
300 (12”) and larger 500 (20”) 100 (4”)
The identifications previously mentioned shall have colour as required by NBC and IS
standard. General
All piping shall be tested by the Contractor, the proposal for which shall be submitted
to the Authority / Engineer for the Notice of No Objection.
All equipment, materials, labour, etc. required for testing of the plumbing Works shall
be furnished/arranged by the Developer/Contractor at no additional cost to the
All new, altered, extended or replaced plumbing work shall be left uncovered and
unconcealed until it has been tested and the Notice of No Objection from the Authority
Where such work has been covered or concealed, before it is tested or before obtaining
the Notice of No Objection from the Authority / Engineer, it shall be exposed for
Underground plumbing shall be tested and the Notice of No Objection from the Authority
/ Engineer obtained before back filling.
All electrical equipment shall be tested upon completion of installation to ensure that
the equipment operates satisfactorily and conform to the Agreement documents.
Field testing shall be required for all cables and electrical equipment furnished,
installed or connected by the Developer/Contractor to ensure proper installation,
setting, connection, and functioning in accordance with the plans, specifications and
manufacturer's recommendations.
Testing shall be conducted in the presence of the Authority / Engineer and, when
necessary, under the supervision of equipment manufacturer's field engineer.
Testing shall include any additional tests deemed necessary by the Authority / Engineer
because of field conditions, to determine that equipment, material and system meet the
requirements of these specifications.
The Developer/Contractor shall notify the Engineer two weeks prior to commencement
of any testing, except meggering.
Safety devices such as rubber gloves and blankets, protective screens and barriers,
danger signs, etc. shall be provided by the Developer/Contractor to adequately protect
and warn all personnel in the vicinity of the tests.
The Developer/Contractor shall furnish all testing equipment, and provide proper
temporary power source for testing purposes when normal supply is not available at the
time of testing.
The conduit and wiring system shall be checked to ensure that the system has been
installed in such a way as to provide a safe and reliable system.
The lighting system shall be checked at night to ensure that illumination levels as
specified have been met.
Operation of interlocks, control and alarm circuits shall be tested. The grounding
system test shall not be more than 5 ohms.
All miscellaneous equipment circuit breaker, low voltage switchboard, motor, etc. shall
be tested as recommended by equipment manufacturers.
All additional tests that the Authority / Engineer deems necessary because of field
conditions, shall be conducted to determine that equipment and material and systems
meet requirements of these Specifications.
The Cost incurred for testing i.e., electricity, city water, labour, etc., shall be borne by
the Contractor.
The flushing operation shall be continued for a sufficient time to ensure thorough
The minimum rate of flow shall not be less than one of the following:
(a) Hydraulically calculated water demand flow rate of the system, including any hose
(c) Maximum flow rate available to the system under fire conditions.
Piping between the Breeching Inlet and the check valve in the inlet pipe shall be
flushed with sufficient volume of water in order to remove any construction debris and
trash accumulated in the piping prior to the completion of the system and prior to the
installation of the Breeching inlet connection.
All piping and fittings subjected to system working pressure shall be hydrostatically
tested at 13.8 kg/cm2 (200 psi) or 3.5 kg/cm2 (50 psi) in excess of the system working
pressure, whichever is greater, and shall maintain that pressure without loss for 2 hours.
The hydrostatic test pressure shall be measured at the low elevation point of the
individual system or zone being tested.
Piping between the Breeching Inlet connection and the check valve in the inlet pipe
shall be tested hydrostatically in the same manner as the balance of the system.
During the hydrostatic test, the pressure gauge at the top of each standpipe shall be
observed and the pressure recorded. Flow Tests
Water flow tests shall be carried out in accordance with NFPA 13 and NFPA 14 to
verify the following:
3) Flow rate at the hydraulically most remote sprinkler. Flow rate at the hydraulically
most remote hose reel.
The arrangement of piping work and fittings to facilitate these tests shall be as
illustrated in NFPA 13 and NFPA 14, with safety shut-off valves and quick-action
couplings for connection of the portable meter set.
In addition to the tests required by NFPA 20, the Developer/Contractor shall carry out
functional tests on all flow switches, monitoring points and interface connections with
the fire alarm and Building Management systems.
Packaged pump units shall be tested at the manufacturer’s works, and a detailed test
certificate shall be provided.
Water flow detecting devices including the associated alarm circuits shall be flow
tested through the inspector’s test connection to result in an alarm on the premises
within 5 minutes after such flow begins.
The main drain valve shall be opened and remain open until the system pressure
stabilizes. The static and residual pressures shall be recorded on the Contractor’s test
Operating tests shall be conducted after ensuring exposure protection systems are
provided upon completion of the installation, where such tests do not risk water damage
to the building on which they are installed or to adjacent buildings.
If the inspection or test shows defects, such defective work or material shall be replaced
or repaired as necessary. Then inspection and tests shall be repeated.
Repairs of piping shall be made with new materials. No caulking of screwed joints or
holes shall be acceptable. Cleaning and Adjustment Reports