Ejercicios de Ingles Basico 1
Ejercicios de Ingles Basico 1
Ejercicios de Ingles Basico 1
Primary 1 - Questions for Reading Story 3
Primary 1 - Questions for Reading Story 4
Big Family vs. Small Family
Jeff, Canada
A big family or a small family? Which is better? I grew up in a big family and it was really good: four
brothers and one sister and my parents and a dog, so there were lots of people around and I think a big
family is good. You're never lonely and there's always someone to hang around with or play with or do
something with and lots of things to share and you learn some good values about sharing and beint patient
and, yeah, I think big families are better than small families.
Jeyong, Korea
I think it's better to have a big family because for instance, I have a family of six members: my dad, my
mom, older sister, younger sister and a younger brother and me, so when we are all together, the six of us,
it's very fun talking and eating food. It's interesting how everybody is very different from each other.
Ruth, England
Big or small? Well, I'm from a small family, which I think is really good because we're really close knit and
we get to spend more time together because we are small, but having said that, probably because I am from
a small family, I would like to be from a big family, because in a big family, you always have company. You
have a wider variety of people to spend time with, and I associate big families with fun and laughter, so I
think I would prefer a big family even though I like my small family.
Simon, Canada
Yeah, I think to be part of a small family is better. I'm an only child, so I've only known life in a small
family. Definitely if you're part of a small family, or you're a child in a small family, you're the number one
banana. You're parents do everything for you. They take care of only you, or if you have one other sibling,
you know, if you live in a family of eight, you know, love and things like that have to shared more so, that's
To 'hang around with someone' means to do things together with him. Notice the following:
• You learn some good values about sharing and being patient.
Our 'values' are what we believe is right and wrong, and what is important in life. Notice the following:
We use the phrase 'close knit' to talk about families or groups that are held together by love,
support, good communication and often, cultural ties. Notice the following:
'The number one banana' is a funny, informal idiom that means a special person. Notice the
To 'look back' means to think about the past. Notice the following:
1. After graduation, we'll be able to look back and remember the good times.
2. Now that I have kids, I'm able to look back and appreciate the hard work of my parents.