Ib - Questions On Membranes - Answs
Ib - Questions On Membranes - Answs
Ib - Questions On Membranes - Answs
1. A study was carried out to determine the relationship between the diameter of a
molecule and its movement through a membrane. The graph below shows the results of
the study.
H ig h
R elativ e ab ility to m o v e
th ro u g h a m em b ran e
0 0 .4 0 .8 1 .2 1 .6
M o lecu lar d iam eter / n m
[Source: Knox, et al., Biology, Mcgraw Hill, Sydney, 1994, page 65]
(a) From the information in the graph alone, describe the relationship between the
diameter of a molecule and its movement through a membrane.
A second study was carried out to investigate the effect of passive protein channels on
the movement of glucose into cells. The graph below shows the rate of uptake of glucose
into erythrocytes by simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion.
400 facilitated d iffu sio n
R ate o f g lu co se u p tak e / 300
m m o l cm – 3 cells h r – 1 250
50 sim p le d iffu sio n
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7
E x tern al co n cen tratio n o f g lu co se / m m o l d m
(b) Identify the rate of glucose uptake at an external glucose concentration of 4 mmol
(c) (i) Compare the effect of increasing the external glucose concentration on
glucose uptake by facilitated diffusion and by simple diffusion.
(ii) Predict, with a reason, the effect on glucose uptake by facilitated diffusion of
increasing the external concentration of glucose to 30 mmol dm-3.
(Total 9 marks)
2. The diagram below shows a channel protein in a membrane. Which parts of the surface
of the protein would be composed of polar amino acids.
A. I and II only
A. A concentration gradient
C. A source of energy
D. A protein
6. Draw a labelled diagram of the fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane.
(Total 5 marks)
7. Describe passive transport (ie: simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion & osmosis)
across a biological membrane.
(Total 5 marks)
1. (a) as the diameter of the molecule increases the permeability / relative ability
to move decreases (accept converse);
the relationship is logarithmic / non-linear / negative;
for molecules above 0.6 ( 0.1) nm relative ability to move changes little /
for molecules below 0.6 ( 0.1) nm relative ability to move changes rapidly;2 max
(c) (i) glucose uptake in facilitated diffusion levels out whereas uptake in simple
diffusion does not level out / continues to rise;
glucose uptake increases in both;
glucose uptake is higher in facilitated diffusion (than in simple diffusion);
glucose uptake in simple diffusion is constant / linear whereas in
facilitated diffusion uptake increases rapidly at the beginning / increase
is not constant; 3 max
2. A
3. A
5. A
6. Award [1] for each of the following structures clearly drawn and labelled
correctly in a diagram of a plasma membrane.
phospholipid bilayer;
protein channels / integral (intrinsic) membrane proteins;
peripheral (extrinsic) proteins associated with the membrane;
cholesterol embedded in the membrane;
glycoproteins / receptor proteins on the outside;
hydrophobic and hydrophilic portions of membrane indicated; (both needed for [1])
7. passive transport requires no energy;
molecules move down a concentration gradient;
water moves by osmosis;
from lower solute concentration to higher solute concentration / high water
concentration to low water;
small uncharged molecules move by diffusion;
between phospholipid molecules;
charged molecules move by facilitated diffusion;
requires a protein channel;