Activity 1 Kierbe
Activity 1 Kierbe
Activity 1 Kierbe
The Classification of Soup
The word soup comes from the French word “Soupe” which was derived from the Latin word “Suppa”
(bread soaked in broth). The origin of soup dates to 6000 BC.
A soup is a flavourful and nutritious liquid food that plays an important role in the menu. It can be
served as an appetizer to stimulate one’s appetite for heavier foods or served as a second course after
hors d’oeuvres. The base of soups is derived from meat, poultry, fish or vegetables, but no matter what
their final ingredients are, the soup is based on the stock used.
Soups can be divided into two types – thick and thin soups. This is further classified into various
categories – Passed, Unpassed, Cold and International Soup based on the texture of the soups or a
national soup from a particular country.
Thin soups
It is a clear liquid food that is prepared without a thickening agent
and can be served plain or garnished with a variety of vegetables
and meats. Thin soups can be full of bold and distinct flavours and
doesn’t taste watery. It can be further classified into passed and
unpassed soup such as consommé, bouillon or broth.
Thick soups
Thick soups are thickened using corn starch, cream,
vegetables, gelatins or other ingredients. The texture of
the soup depends on how you thicken the soup. Here are
the types of thick soups.
A creamy thick soup that consists of shellfish puree and then thickened
with rice or cream. Expensive to prepare and rich in taste, the flavour is
usually enhanced with wine or brandy. Bisque is considered a luxury
soup and best served for dinner.
They are prepared with a puree of vegetables, poultry, fish
or meat and thickened with bechamel sauce or a cream
A French word which means velvety, it describes the texture and
appearance of the soup.
Puree soups are made by simmering high-starched
vegetables like potatoes or pumpkin in stock and then
pureeing the soup.
Cold soups
Popular in countries where the weather can get scorching at
times, they are refreshing yet filling. Cold soups are served cold
but not chilled as chilling can dull the flavours and aroma of the
soup. It can be a thick or thin soup. Some examples of cold soups
are gazpacho, vichyssoise or naengmyeon.
International soups
As soup has been part of many cultures for centuries, different countries have their own version of
soups. International soups are soups that originate from different places or locality like French onion
soup from France, minestrone from Italy or Mulligatawny from India.