X Social EM (State Level)
X Social EM (State Level)
X Social EM (State Level)
:: 1 ::
12. The southernmost tip of India is found in
(A) Kanya Kumari (B) Andaman islands
(C) Nicobar islands (D) Lakshadweep islands
13. Match the following.
1) Eastern Ghats a) Vindyan Mountains
2) Malwa Plateau b) Purnanchal
3) Deccan Plateau c) Palakondas
4) Himachal d) Kaimur Range
e) Chakrata
(A) 1 - d ; 2 - c ; 3 - a ; 4 - e (B) 1 - c ; 2 - a ; 3 - d ; 4 - e
(C) 1 - b ; 2 - d ; 3 - e ; 4 - a (D) 1 - c ; 2 - a ; 3 - e ; 4 - d
14. Soon after independence, to encourage Indian industries, the government
(A) allowed free trade (B) imposed trade barriers
(C) banned imports (D) banned exports
15. Identify the false statement
(A) The rate or pace of population increase is important
(B) Migration is one of the components of population change
(C) Population is dynamic
(D) Kerala has a negative sex ratio
16. A city in India has population of 6.2 million. This is a
(A) Meag city (B) Metropolitan city (C) Hamlet (D) Class I city
17. The period 1901-21 witnessed high death rate due to
(A) relief measures (B) spread of epidemics
(C) advances in medicines (D) low literacy rate
18. WTO was started at the initiative of
(A) Third world countries (B) Developing countries
(C) Developed countries (D) Non-Aligned countries
19. Match the following.
1) IMF a) Trade barrier
2) MNC b) SEZ
3) Liberalisation c) Brands
4) Government d) WTO
e) Developed Countries
(A) 1 - c ; 2 - e ; 3 - d ; 4 - b (B) 1 - d ; 2 - c ; 3 - a ; 4 - b
(C) 1 - e ; 2 - c ; 3 - a ; 4 - b (D) 1 - b ; 2 - d ; 3 - e ; 4 - a
20. Women’s education has been a powerful force in
(A) reducing caste discrimination (B) increasing fertility rate
(C) reducing discrimination against women (D) reducing discrimination against men
21. The per person availability of vegetables and fruits in a day in India is
(A) 300 gms and 100 gms respectively (B) 180 gms and 58 gms respectively
(C) 200 gms and 250 gms respectively (D) 250 gms and 100 gms respectively
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22. Initially, intensive and unscientific application of chemicals have led to
(A) periodic and sustainable increase in the yield levels
(B) same levels of yield
(C) continuous but unsustainable increase in the yield levels
(D) decrease in the yield levels
23. The present Managing Director of IMF is
(A) Kristallna Georgina (B) Abdullah Binzarah
(C) Daniel Palotai (D) Elizebath Shortino
24. The following factor of production can be reduced by the use of technology.
(A) Land (B) Labour
(C) Capital (D) Entrepreneur
25. Identify the wrong pair
(A) Site - Topography
(B) Urbanisation - Pollution
(C) Suvarnabhoomi International airoport - India
(D) Colonial powers - Coastal areas
26. Million March and Sansad Yatra were launched during
(A) Telangana Agitation after 2009 (B) Telangana Agitation 1969
(C) Jai Andhra Movement (D) Nizam Rule
27. During the 1969 Telangana agitation key role was played by
(A) government employees (B) Students of Osmania University
(C) Joint Action Committees (D) Students of Central University
28. During the British period coastal Andhra was more developed in terms of its
i) agriculture
ii) trade
iii) industry
(A) only i (B) ii and iii (C) only iii (D) i, ii, iii
29. Ensuring the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity is the aim of
(A) Narmada Bachao Aandolan (B) Greenpeace Movement
(C) Silent Valley Movement (D) Chipko Movement
30. The Vietnamese used guerilla warfare techniques to fight against
(A) USA (B) USSR (C) Germany (D) Britain
31. India sent its armies to keep peace in
(A) China (B) Pakistan (C) Srilanka (D) Bangladesh
32. One of the reasons for disbanding of the USSR in 1991 was
(A) serious economic crises in Eastern Europe (B) implementation of Glasnot
(C) implementation of Perestroika (D) Military coup in USSR
33. In 1947, USA authorised support for the anti communist forces in
(A) Congo and Angola (B) Cuba and Chile
(C) Vietnam and China (D) Turkey and Greece
:: 3 ::
34. Arrange the following in the chronological order
1) Sha Bano’s case
2) Formation of first coalition govt
3) Economic liberalisation in India
4) Operation Barga
35. The Janata Party had come to power promising
(A) Restoration of democracy (B) Price control
(C) greater autonomy to central government (D) greater financial autonomy to states
:: 4 ::
42. Identify the false statement
(A) Indian constitution is a dual polity with single citizenship
(B) There is only one citizenship for the whole of India
(C) There is state citizenship in India
(D) Every Indian has the same rights of citizenship
43. Poona pact highlighted the issue of
(A) depressed classes (B) farmers (C) princely states (D) minorities
44. Arrange the following in the chronological order
1) Cabinet Mission
2) strike by Royal Indian Navy
3) Direct Action day
4) Cripps Mission
(A) 3, 1, 4, 2 (B) 4, 2, 1, 3 (C) 2, 3, 4, 1 (D) 3, 1, 4, 2
45. The congress party passed a resolution on “the rights of minorities” at the initiative of
(A) Mahatma Gandhi (B) Mohal Ali Jinnah
(C) Mohammad Iqbal (D) Choudry Rehmat Ali
46. Identify correct statements related to Nigeria
i) Nigeria became independent in 1962
ii) Soon after the independence, just and democratic balance could not happen in Nigeria
iii) The military regime and multinational companies discouraged corruption
iv) In Nigeria, military rule started soon after independence
(A) only i (B) only ii and iv (C) only iii (D) only i and iii
47. Lenin established comintern to bring together
(A) rural and urban china against western powers
(B) World government to end exploitation
(C) Kuo-Min-Tang and Chinese communist party
(D) Rural women to abolish arranged marriage system
48. In China, the Guomindang failed because of
(A) military campaign against land lords (B) unlimited political vision
(C) narrow social base (D) elimination of communists
49. One of the four principles of UNO is
(A) Promoting social security (B) Upholding colonalism
(C) Respecting dictatorship (D) Promoting social progress
50. The novel “Animal Farm” highlights
(A) Impact of Russian revolution on the world (B) Set back of the ideals of Russian revolution
(C) The use of animals on farms in Russia (D) Animal wealth in Russia
51. Identify false statement related to the developments of 20th century
(A) USSR experimented socialism
(B) The industrialised countries were colonized
(C) Eric Hobsawn called 20th century “The age of extremes”
(D) New discoveries were made about life and atoms
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52. Marxist economists thought that the crises like great economic depression can be prevented by
the establishment of
(A) Socialism (B) Imperialism (C) Capitalism (D) Nationalism
53. The major cause of the great Bengal famine of 1943 was
(A) Diversion of funds and food supplies to armies (B) Climate change
(C) Low rainfall (D) Severe floods
54. Guomindang and CCP worked together to fight against
(A) Britain (B) Japan (C) USSR (D) USA
55. In Nigeria, Herbert Macauly and Nnamdi Azikiwe formed
(A) Nigerian National Democratic Party
(B) Northern People’s Congress
(C) Action Group
(D) National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons
56. In 1948, All India Hindu Mahasabha decided to
(A) continue its political work (B) suspend its political work
(C) contest in first general elections (D) oppose reservations
57. The movement led by the provincial kisan sabha demanded
(A) that debts of farmers be cancelled
(B) that bonded labour should be stopped
(C) the distribution of land to the landless
(D) to increase their share of harvest
58. In october 1939
(A) All the congress ministries were formed in the provinces
(B) Separate electorates were created
(C) All the congress ministries resigned
(D) Gandhiji launched quit India campaign
59. Dr. Ambedkar was considered the most suitable person to head the drafting committee because
(A) only had the highest qualification in the country
(B) studied in Britain
(C) brought in social justice turn into nationalism
(D) was appointed by the viceroy of India
60. In Keshavananda Bharati case, Supreme Court held that
(A) Parliament can alter basic structure of constitution with 2/3rds majority
(B) Parliament and State legislative assemblies can alter basic structure of the constitution
(C) Only Parliament with half of the majority can alter basic structure of the constitution
(D) Parliament can not alter the basic structure of the constitution
61. This is not the administrative function of the Election Commission of India
(A) Receives nomination
(B) Settles disputes between parties
(C) Allots symbols to parties
(D) Announces schedules of elections
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62. In 2013, in the case of peoples union of civil liberties, the Supreme Court stated that the contesting
(A) shall end campaigning before 48 hours of the polling day
(B) should be the citizens of India
(C) shall declare their and family members, assets, liabilites and educational qualification
(D) shall abide by rules and regulations of Election Commission
63. Postal ballot can be exercised by
(A) contesting candidates (B) returning officer
(C) chief minister (D) prime minister
64. Andhra Mahasabha worked for
(A) unity amongst telugu people
(B) convincing congress party against linguistic movement
(C) bringing film stars into politics in Andhra State
(D) formation of telugu peoples government in Madras
65. Excluding the courts from election disputes was one of the aim of the
(A) 74th amendment (B) 44th amendment (C) 42nd amendment (D) 73rd amendment
66. In India, feminist movement and civil liberties movement emerged during
(A) 1947-1956 (B) 1960-66 (C) 1960-75 (D) 1977-2000
67. Identify wrong pair
(A) Assom movement - outsiders (B) Kashmir - Khalistan
(C) Tebagha movement - West Bengal (D) TDP - sale of rice at Rs.2 per kg
68. Identify the incorrect pair
(A) Jan Sangh - Northern States (B) DMK - Tamilnadu
(C) LTTE - Srilanka (D) Congress - National Democratic Alliance
69. Arrange the following in the chronological order
1) Formation of NATO
2) Formation of Bangladesh
3) Belgrade summit of NAM
4) Creation of Israel
(A) 3, 2, 4, 1 (B) 4, 1, 3, 2 (C) 2, 3, 1, 4 (D) 1, 4, 2, 3
70. Identify the wrong pair
(A) Kashmir - Hari Singh (B) East Pakistan - Shaik Mujib - ur - Rahman
(C) West Pakistan - Awami League (D) Shimla Agreement - Zulfikar Ali - Bhutto
71. During Civil Rights Movement in USA it was observed that there was inequality between
(A) black men and women
(B) religion and politics
(C) rights of migrants
(D) English spoken citizens and non English spoken citizens
72. This helped to merge antiwar concerns with the concerns of environmental protection
(A) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (B) Warsaw Pact
(C) Effects of Chernobyl accident (D) Central Treaty organization
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73. The movement that forced the collector of a district to cancel auction of arrack is
(A) Meira Paibi Movement (B) Adavalu Ekamaite
(C) Tebagha Movement (D) Silent Valley Movement
74. In the Gentlemen’s agreement Mulki rules were based on
(A) birth (B) education (C) place of residence (D) religion
75. Telangana lost its distinct identity through
(A) Gentlemens’ Agreement (B) Eight Point Plan
(C) Sixteen Point Formula (D) Six Point Formula
76. Identify the false statement.
(A) Globalisation is the process of rapid integration of countries
(B) Benefits of globalisation have been unevenly distributed
(C) The single most important impact of globalisation is the gradual growth of nationalism
(D) Globalisation has been of advantage to the well off urban consumers
77. Substances like heavy metals contained in pesticides
1) get decomposed
2) get accumulated in non living organisms
3) get accumulated in living organisms
4) do not decompose from the environment
(A) only 1 (B) only 2 (C) only 3 and 4 (4) only 1 and 2
78. The northern state that has more density of the population is
(A) Uttar Pradesh (B) Uttarakhand (C) Arunachal Pradesh (D) Assom
79. Identify true statement regarding land distribution in India
(A) Medium and large farmers are those who own more than 10 hectares
(B) Medium and large farmers constitute 25% of farming community
(C) Small farmers constitute 13% of farming community
(D) Small farmers cultivate 48% of cultivated area
80. The question of the environment and sustainability is intimately connected to the issue of
(A) Liberty (B) Equality (C) Equity (D) Fraternity
81. Persian wheels were used by farmers for
(A) threshing (B) irrigation (C) harvesting (D) winnowing
82. Mostly irrigation in India is based on
(A) canals (B) rivers (C) ground water (D) tanks
83. To enact and implement National Food Security, important role is played by
(A) Indian Legislature, Executive and Judiciary
(B) Only Indian Legislature
(C) Only Indian Judiciary
(D) Only Indian Executive and Judiciary
84. Identify true statement
(A) Nearly one third of population in India lives in rural areas
(B) Places do not exist in isolation
(C) Settlements change only for one reason
(D) People with technical skills migrate to West Asian Countries
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85. Identify the wrong pair
(A) WTO - imposition of quotas (B) WTO - 150 countries
(C) WTO - Free trade (D) WTO - Global governance
86. The decline in the level of per capita availability of food grains affects
(A) Agricultural Production (B) Agricultural Diversification
(C) Minimum support price (D) Food security
87. Identify the wrong pair as per the census of India
(A) cultivators - farmers (B) cultivators - not tenant farmers
(C) cultivators - wages (D) workers - industries
88. Decline in fertility rate indicates
(A) decreasing population (B) increasing population
(C) negative sex ratio (D) positive sex ratio
89. Outer Himalayas has a hogback like appearance due to
(A) Collision with Eurasian plate (B) breaking off from peninsular plateau
(C) Volcanic erruption (D) its steep northern slope
90. Identify true statement related to Thar desert
(A) It has a semi arid climate with low vegetation
(B) The internal drainage rivers reach the sea
(C) Water from Indira Gandhi canal is used for irrigation in parts of the desert
(D) It occupies much of eastern Rajasthan
91. Arrange the following rivers location from north to south
1) Yamuna
2) Son
3) Ghaghara
4) Gomti
(A) 3, 2, 4, 1 (B) 4, 3, 2, 1 (C) 2, 1, 4, 3 (D) 3, 1, 4, 2
92. Identify the false statement.
(A) over extraction from one tube well often dries up other tube wells around
(B) Tube wells are inter connected by the underground structures in the region
(C) There are boundaries in the flowing water underground
(D) Today, groundwater is the major source of water for people
93. Identify the wrong pair
(A) River Brahmaputra - V shaped valley (B) River Indus - Tibet
(C) River Bhagirathi - Satopanth Glacier (D) River Dibang - Assam
94. How many countries were considered in the 2021-2022 Human Development Reprt released by
the United Nations Development Programme.
(A) 189 (B) 191 (C) 190 (D) 188
95. Identify incorrect pair
(A) World Bank - Ajay Banga (B) UNO - Antonio Guterres
(C) WTO - Gilbert Houngbo (D) WHO - Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
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96. The last districts formed in Telangana State are
(A) Gadwal, Mulugu (B) Janagama, Mulugu
(C) Narayanpet, Mulugu (D) Janagoan, Gadwal
97. Dr. MS Swaminathan, renowned scientist of India, contributed to the field of
(A) Tele Communications (B) Industry
(C) Agriculture (D) Banking
98. Identify the true statement
(A) In Bihar in 2013-14 the net attendence ratio for secondary state is 38.
(B) In 2016, in Himachal Pradesh out of 1000 live children born alive 33 died within one year
(C) In 2011 in Haryana 77% literacy rate was recorded as per 2011 census
(D) In Himachal Pradesh in 2013-14 net attendance ratio secondary stage is 61
99. Identify false statement related to sex ratio in Himachal Pradesh
(A) Himachali women ae employed outside the home
(B) Himachali women are given less importance in household decision making
(C) Himachali mothers expect their daughters to work outside home after marriage
(D) Himachali mothers given special attention towards their children’s education and health
100. The Inter governmental Panel on climate change 2015 Paris summit came to an agreement
(A) to reduce 4°C of global average temperature
(B) to increase 4°C of global average temperature
(C) to reduce 2°C of global average temperature
(D) to increase 2°C of global average temperature
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