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Programme 2024

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International Conference on Harmonic Analysis on

Homogeneous Spaces and Applications ICHAHSA24

Hassan II University, FSAC
March 05-07, 2024

Conference Program

Tuesday march 5, 2024

• Pr. Houssine AZEDDOUG, President of Hassan II University
• Pr. Abdelaziz SOUKRI, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock

• Pr. Atika RADID, Director of Laboratory LMFA

• Pr. Abdelhamid BOUSSEJRA, General Chair of ICHAHSA’24
• Pr. Azz-eddine DAOUI, Local Co-Chair of ICHAHSA’24
• Pr. Fouzia EL WASSOULI, Local General Chair of ICHAHSA’24



10:30 - 11:10 P. GRACZYK Estimates of integral kernels in Dunkl analysis


11:15 - 11:55 A. GHANMI On the range of the Cauchy transform on some functional spaces

12:00 - 12:15 Coffee Break

12:15 - 12:55 A. MAKHLOUF Lie triple systems: Basics and recent developments on cohomology, deformations
(Mulhouse) and related structures

13:00 - 15:00 Lunch

15:00 - 15:40 J. CLERC Four variations on the Rankin-Cohen brackets


15:45- 16:25 O. EL FALLAH On singular values of Hankel operators on Bergman spaces


16:30 - 16:45 Coffee Break

16:45 - 17:25 H. HAMRAOUI Atiyah theorem in K theories and Applications


17:30 - 18:10 Y. ELMADANI Ahlfors-David regular sets, point spectrum and Dirichlet spaces
Parallel Sessions

Session I

18:15 - 18:35 A. OULD CHAIB An image characterization of the L2 -range of the Poisson transform on a class of
(Kenitra) vector bundles over the quaternionic hyparbolic ball

18:40 - 19:00 A. EL The weighted Cauchy singular integral transform on S-poly- Bargmann spaces

Session II

18:15 - 18:35 K. EL KHALF Best polynomial approximation on a bounded interval


18:40 - 19:00 A. Deblij The inverse limit functor


Session III

18:15 - 18:35 C. KHALIL On some theorem for the Fourier transform


18:40 - 19:00 H. LAARABI A note on (n,n)-absorbing primary ideals of commutative rings


Wednesday march 6, 2024


09:00 - 09:40 A. BAKLOUTI Estimate on the L p - Fourier transform norm for some Lie groups

09:45 - 10:25 M. AIT BEN Biderivations of Cayley Algebras


10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 - 11:25 A. BOUSSEJRA Poisson transform and Spectral projection on vector bundles

11:30 - 12:10 H. MAHZOULI C◦ semigroup and closed ideal of L1 (R)


13:00 - 15:00 Lunch

15:00 - 15:40 S. FAHLAOUI Spherical Fourier transform on the quaternionic Heisenberg group

15:45- 16:25 K. KOUFANY The source operator method


16:30 - 16:45 Coffee Break

16:45 - 17:25 H. EL AZHAR The Square Root Problem and Subnormal Aluthge Transforms
(El Jadida)
Parallel Sessions

Session I

12:15- 12:35 Y. AYAD Ricci transformation and the isometry group of the upper half-spaces

12:40 - 13:10 K. IDRISSI Finite-dimensional completion for the matrix-valued truncated complex moment
(Rabat) problem

17:30 - 17:50 O. EL MOIZE Winger transform of Rogers-Szezgö functions and the associated coherent states
(Rabat )

17:55 - 18:15 D. OUKACHA The characterization of the image of the Poisson transform for the exceptional
(Casablanca) domain of type V

18:20 - 18:40 H. DKHISSI On Fractional Zernike functions


18:45 - 19:05 Z. SADIK Boundedness and compactness localization operator for the canonical Fourier
(Casablanca) Bessel transform

Session II

12:15- 12:35 N. HADDAR K-Théorie orthogonale de certains classifiants


12:40 - 13:10 H. BAHAJJI-EL Equivalent norms in certain analytic spaces and applications

17:30 - 17:50 A. CHANA Uncertainty principles and Calderon’s reproducing formulas for Fourier multi-
(Casablanca) plies on the Laguerre hypergroup

17:55 - 18:15 R. SERSIF Infinitely many solutions for a double critical Sobolev problen with concave
(Kenitra) nonlinearities

18:20 - 18:40 A. JAAFARI On estimates for quaternion linear canonical transform in the space L2 (R2 , H)

18:45 - 19:05 M. MASMODI Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for a critical fractional Laplacian
(Kenitra) equation with singular

Session III

12:15- 12:35 A. ZAIM Relative Gottlieb groups


12:40 - 13:10 Y. OMARI Integration operators on Hardy and Bergman spaces


17:30 - 17:50 A.TANZITE Groupoids, semi-direct product of groups and theirs associated C ∗ algebras.

17:55 - 18:15 F. AFKIR Some results on the class of almost (L) limited operators

18:20 - 18:50 A. OUDADES m-convexité et séries intières dans les algèbres localement convexes
Thursday march 7, 2024


09:00 - 09:40 N. ASKOUR On a new formula for third q-Bessel function

(Ben Mellal)

09:45 - 10:25 S. KABBAJ Sur le thèoréme du points fixes et certains applications


10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break

10:45 - 11:25 R. EL HARTI On crossed product Banach algebras associated with dynamical systems

11:30 - 12:10 M. BERGHOUT Nonlocal variable exponent trace spaces and capacities

13:10 - 15:00 Lunch

15:00 - 15:40 M. BOUJEDDAINE Helgason-Gabor-Fourier transform and uncertainty principles


15:45- 16:25 A. AKHLIDJ On estimates for the multidimensional Fourier Bessel transform

16:30 - 16:45 Coffee Break

16:45 - 17:25 A. SALHI Note on partial isometries


17:30 - 18:10 A. SEDDIK The strongly co-hopfian abelian in the category of abelian groups
Parallel Sessions

Session I

12:15- 12:35 S. BOUDRAI The slice hyperholomorphie Bergman space on the quaternionic σ-ball

12:40 - 13:00 M. FARESS Harmonic analysis on the quaternionic unit ball


18:15 - 18:35 A. HAMMAM On the inverse of the dual fractional Hankel transform

18:40- 19:00 A. DAHANI Generalized translation and convolution associated to the linear canonical Fourier-
(Casablanca) Jacobi transform

Session II

12:15- 12:35 K. AHBLI Mehler-Heine type formulas for Associated Charlier and Meixner polynomials

12:40 - 13:00 K. HATIM The non-parabolicity at infinity on a weighted simplicial complex


18:15 - 18:35 H. LAHMADI Some inequalities involving Fourier transforms


18:40 - 19:00 K. AZI Topologie de Grothendieck et fonction zêta de Riemann


Session III

12:15- 12:35 S. HADJI (Fes) Application of the n-convergence in spectral theory

12:40 - 13:00 Y. ZHOUAN On the spectral theory of C-quasi-semigroups


18:15 - 18:35 I. ELMOUKI Théorème revisites sur les isogénies dans le contexte des courbes elliptiques

18:40 - 19:00 S.BENTAHAR Conformable fractional differentiable function and applications


1 Abdenacer MAKHLOUF
Lie triple systems: basics and recent developments on cohomology, deformations and related structures

Lie triple systems are very important in the study of symmetric spaces. The aim of this talk is to provide some basics, their
relationships and some recent and relevant results about representations, cohomology and deformations. Moreover,
we discuss O-operators and generalized Reynolds operators on Lie triple systems and related structures.

Spherical Fourier transform on the quaternionic Heisenberg group

In this presentation, we introduce the Gelfand pair (Hq o K, K ), where Hq is the quaternionic Heisenberg group, and
K is the subgroup of the quaternions of module 1. Then, we provide two methods to construct the bounded spherical
functions associated with this Gelfand pair. The first method is based on determining the unitary irreducible representations
of the semi-direct product Hq o K, while the second relies on finding the eigenfunctions of the sub-Laplacian and other
operators on Hq . After that, we establish the Plancherel and inversion formulas for the spherical Fourier transform on
(Hq o K, K ). Finally, we determine the heat kernel associated with the sub-Laplacian on Hq by using the inversion formula.

Estimate of the L p -Fourier transform norm for some Lie groups

Let G be a separable locally compact unimodular group of type I, and G b the unitary dual of G endowed with the Mackey
Borel structure. We regard the Fourier transform F as a mapping of L1 ( G ) to a space of µ-measurable field of bounded
operators G b defined π ∈ G b by L1 ( G ) 3 f 7−→ F f : F f : F f (π ) = π ( f ) where µ denotes the Plancherel measure of G. The
mapping f 7−→ F f extends to a continuous operator F p : L p ( G ) 7−→ Lq ( G b), where p ≥ 1 is real number and q its conjugate.
We are concerned in this talk with the norm of the linear map F p . We first record some results on the estimate of this norm
for some classes of solvable Lie groups and their compact extensions and discuss the sharpness problem. We look then at the
case where G is a separable unimodular locally compact group of type I. Let N be a unimodular closed normal subgroup of G
of type I, such that G/N is compact. We show that ||F p ( G )|| ≤ ||F p ( N )||. In the particular case where G = K n N is defined
by a semi-direct product of a separable unimodular locally compact group N of type I and a compact subgroup K of the
automorphism group of N, we show that equality holds if N has a K-invariant sequence ( ϕ j ) j of functions in L1 ( N ) ∩ L p ( N )
such that ||Fϕ j ||q /|| ϕ j || p tends to ||Fq ( N )|| when j goes to infinity.

4 Khalid KOUFANY
The source operator method

We present the source operator method which leads to the construction of symmetry breaking differential operators
(SBDO) in the context of tensor product of two principals series representations for the conformal group of a simple real
Jordan algebra. This method can be applied to other geometric contexts: in the construction of SBDO for differential forms
and for spinors.

5 Abdelhamid BOUSSEJRA
Poisson transform and Spectral projection on vector bundles

Let G/K be a Riemannian symmetric space of the noncompact type with Furstenberg boundary K/M. Let G ×K Vτ
and K × M Vσ be the homogeneous vector bundles associated to the irreducible representations (τ, Vτ ) and (σ, Vσ ) of K and
M. Then there is a Poisson transform Pσ,λ mapping L2 -sections of K × M Vσ into generalized common eigenspace associated
to a finite dimensional representation of D( G, τ ) the algebra of G-invariant differential operators acting on smooth sections
of G ×K Vτ . In this talk, we assume that G is of real rank one and that τ| M is multiplicity free. Then, we shall give an image
characterization of the Poisson transform Pσ,λ of L2 -sections of K × M Vσ for real spectral parameter λ. As a consequence we
obtain an image characterization of the spectral decomposition (Qσ,λ )σ,λ with respect to D( G, τ ) for the non-discrete
part of the Plancherel decomposition of L2 ( G, τ ).
This generalizes the Strichartz conjecture which corresponds to τ the trivial representation.

6 Nour eddine ASKOUR

On a new formula for third q-Bessel function

Based on the L2 -spectral theory of q-Dunkl Laplacian, we provide a new special formula for the third q-Bessel func-
tion. This formula can be considered as a q-analogue of the well known formula ( 6.631-411) given in the page 706 of the
famous book of Gradshnteyn and Ryzhik.

7 Jean Louis CLERC

Four variations on the Rankin-Cohen brackets

I will present four different constructions, based on quite different techniques, of the classical Rankin-Cohen brackets
on the complex upper half-plane.The possibility of extending these results to bounded symmetric domains will be discussed.

8 Abdellatif AKHLIDJ

On estimates for the multidimensional Fourier-Bessel transform

In this work, we prove the estimates for the multidimensional Fourier-Bessel transform in a class of functions of the
space L p (Rd+ , x2α+1 dx ) (1 < p ≤ 2) characterized by the modulus of continuity.

9 Samir KABBAJ

Sur le Théorèmes du points fixe et certaines applications

On va introduire des espaces quasi métriques valeurs des des C*-Algèbres. Puis, on montre l’existence du point fixe
unique ou unique par orbite. Enfin, on donne des applications en Stochastique, aux équations intégrales et aux espaces

10 Houssame MAHZOULI
C0 semigroups and closed ideals of L1 (R+ )

In this talk we study closed ideals of the convolution algebra L1 (R+ ). Our aproch is based on properties of semi-groups and
on the behavior of holomorphic functions. We establish a link between closed ideals and the associated multiplier semigroup.

Théorèmes d’Atiyah en K théeorie et Applications

Dans cet exposé nous parlons du Théorèmes d’Atiyah original en K théorie topologique et ses analogues a d’autres
théories cohomologiques et nous en donnons des applications.

12 Zakaria SADIK
Boundedness and compactness of localization operator for the canonical Fourier Bessel transform

We introduce the notion of localization operator Lu,v (σ ) associated with the canonical Fourier Bessel transform, and
we prove that Lu,v (σ ) is a bounded linear operator on L2 (dµα ) and it is compact. Next, we define the Schatten-Von-Neumann
class S p , p ∈ [1, +∞], and we show that the localization operator associated with the canonical Fourier Bessel transform
belongs to the class S p .
We give also a formula of trace where σ ∈ L1 (dµα ). Also, we define the Landau-Pollak-Slepian operator and we give its
connection with Lu,v (σ ). Last we give results on the boundedness and compactness of the localization operator associated
with the canonical Fourier Bessel transform on L p (dµα ), 1 6 p 6 ∞.

13 Mohamed MASMODI
Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for a critical fractional Laplacian equation with singular nonlinearity

In this paper, we consider the following problem

(−∆)s u = g( x )u2s −1 + λu−γ , in Ω,
u > 0, in Ω, u = 0, on ∂Ω,

where Ω ⊂ R N ( N > 2s) is a smooth bounded domain, s ∈ (0, 1), λ is a positive constant, 0 < γ < 1, 2∗s = N2N
−2s and (− ∆ )

is the spectral fractional Laplacian. Based upon the Nehari manifold and using variational method we relate the number of
positive solutions to the global maximum of the coefficient of the critical nonlinearity g.

14 Afaf DAHANI
Generalized Translation and Convolution associated to the Linear Canonical Fourier-Jacobi Transform

The Linear canonical transforms (LCT) provide effective ways to solve many problems in pure, applied mathematics
and physics. The Linear Canonical Fourier-Jacobi transform is an integral transform with four parameters: a, b, c, d and it’s a
generalization of the Fractional Fourier-Jacobi transform and Fourier-Jacobi transform .This transform is of importance in
several fields: optics, radar system analysis, filter design . According to literature M. Moshinsky and C. Quesne considered
that LCT is the group of unitary integral transforms that preserves the basic Heisenberg uncertainty relation of quantum
mechanics in one or higher dimensions. Furthermore, LCTs can be seen as the group of actions generated by the Lie algebra
of quadratic Hamiltonian operators. As it is well known, a wide number of papers have been successfully devoted to
the extension of the theory of Linear Canonical Transform (LCT) to some other integral transforms such that: the Dunkl
transform, the Hankel transform and the Fourier-Bessel transform. In this paper, we introduce the Canonical Fourier-Jacobi
transform, define a translation operator and we also derive a convolution product related to this transform. Some important
properties are established.

15 Moussa FARESS

In this presentation, we will recall the main results of the quaternionic hyperbolic group and the Helgason Fourier transform
on the quaternionic unit ball. We prove then the associated Entropy uncertainty principle. Subsequently, we introduce
the notion of the Gabor transform associated to this transform. Finally, we demonstrate certain properties on the Gabor
transform and the associated Lieb’s uncertainty principle.

HelgasonGaborFourier transform and uncertainty principles

Windowing a Fourier transform is a useful tool, which gives us the similarity between the signal and time frequency
signal, and it allows to get sense when/where certain frequencies occur in the input signal, this method was introduced
by Dennis Gabor. In this paper, we generalize the classical GaborFourier transform (GFT) to the Riemannian symmetric
space calling it the HelgasonGaborFourier transform (HGFT). We prove several important properties of HGFT like the
reconstruction formula, the Plancherel formula and Parseval formula. Finally, we establish some local uncertainty principle
such as Benedicks-type uncertainty principle.

17 Rachid SERSIF
Infinitely many solutions for a double critical Sobolev problem with concave nonlinearities

In this paper, we consider the following elliptic systems with critical Sobolev growth and concave nonlinearities.
2∗ −2 u + ηα | u |α−2 u | v | β + σp | u | p−2 u | v |q ,
−∆u = |u|

 α+ β p+q x ∈ B,

−∆v = |v|2 −2 v + αηβ +β | u | α | v | β−2 v + σq | u | p | v |q−2 v,
p+q x ∈ B,

x ∈ ∂B,

u = v = 0,

where B ⊂ R N is an open ball centered at the origin, η, σ, p, q > 0, 11 and α + β = 2∗ := 2N

N −2 .
2( p + q +1)
We establish that if N > p+q−1 , the above problem has two distinct and infinite sets of radial solutions. The first set
exhibits positive energy, while the second set exhibits negative energy.

18 Mohamed BERGHOUT
Nonlocal variable exponent trace spaces and capacities

We give a finer analysis of fractional variable exponents Sobolev spaces. We use the relative capacity to characterize
completely the zero trace fractional variable exponents Sobolev spaces. We also give a relative capacity criterion for remov-
able sets.

19 Abderrazzak JAAFARI

This paper is an exposition of some estimates which have number of applications of interpolation theory. In particu-
lar some recent problems in image processing and singular integral operators require the computation of suitable estimates.
In [?], Abilov et al. proved two useful estimates for the Fourier transform in the space of square integral multivariable
functions on certain classes of functions characterized by the generalized continuity modulus, and these estimates are
proved by Abilov for only two variables, using a translation operator. The purpose of this paper is to study these estimates
for measurable sets from complex domain to hyper complex domain by using quaternion algebras, associated with the
Quaternion Linear Canonical transform, constructed by the generalized Steklov function. We will prove also Titchmarsh’s
theorem for the Quaternion Linear Canonical transform for functions satisfying the Lipschitz conditions of certain orders in
the space L2 ( R2 ; H ).

20 Chaimaa KHALIL
On some theorems for the Fourier transform

Using a spherical mean operator, we obtain a generalisation of Titchmarsh’s theorem (theorem 84) for the Fourier transform
for multivariable function on Rn .

On singular values of Hankel operators on Bergman spaces

Hankel operators on analytic function spaces have many connections with approximation theory, moment problems,
spectral theory, orthogonal polynomials, pseudo-differential operators . . . etc. In this talk, we are interested in the behavior of
the singular values of Hankel operators associated with anti-analytic symbols acting on weighted Bergman spaces. We will
pay particular attention to the critical case.

22 Adam HAMMAM
On the inverse of the dual fractional Hankel transform

We address the inverse of the dual fractional Hankel transform. We also obtain its integral representation and its ex-
pansion series. Additionally, the topic of its compactness has been explored, and the associated singular values are provided
clearly. Its kernel function’s characteristics have been studied, including its closed expression in certain unique situations.
23 Hasnaa LAHMADI
Some inequalities involving Fourier transforms

We obtain new inequalities for the Fourier transform in the space L p ( Rn ), 1 < p ≤ 2, using a generalized spherical
mean operator for proving the estimates in certain classes of functions characterized by a generalized continuity modulus.

24 Ahmed DEBLIJ
The inverse limit functor

In this talk, we survey the main properties of the limit inverse functor and its first derived functor limit and we de-
velop some of their applications in algebra and topology.

25 Khalid HATIM
The non-parabolicity at infinity on a weighted simplicial complex

In this communication, we create a weighted 3-simplicial complex and we construct on it a weighted Gauss-Bonnet
operator G. We introduce the non-parabolicity at infinity of G and we study it. We use the non-parabolicity at infinity of G to
ensure its semi-Fredholmness.

26 Sofia BOUDRAI
The slice hyperholomorphic Bergman space on the quaternionic σ-ball
We investigate the slice hyperholomorphic Bergman space in a general case by considering a pure quaternionic center for

the unit σ-ball.

the strongly co-hopfian Abelian in the category of abelian groups

An abelian group A is called strongly co-hopfian if every endomorphism α of A the chain Im(α) ⊇ Im(α2 ) ⊇ Im(α3 ) ⊇
Im(α4 ) ⊇ · · · is stationary. In this work we characterize the strongly co-hopfian in the some categories abelian group. Then
we show that the p-component of strongly co-hopfian abelian group is also strongly co-hopfian but for the torsion part we
construct strongly co-hopfian abelian group whose the torsion part is not strongly co-hopfian.

28 Ahmed CHANA
Uncertainty principles and Calderon’ reproducing formulas for Fourier multipliers on the Laguerre hypergroup

The main purpose of this communication is to introduce the Fourier multipliers on the Laguerre hypergroup and to
give some results related to these operators as Plancherel’s; Calderon’s reproducing formulas and Heisen- berg’s, Donoho-
Stark’s uncertainty principles. Next, using the theory of re- producing kernels we give best estimates and an integral
representation of the extremal functions related to these operators.

29 Othmane EL MOIZE
Winger transform of Rogers-Szegö functions and the associated coherent states

We have found explicit expression for the Wigner transform of Rogers-Szegö functions. We combine these functions
with a slight modification of the resulting function of the Wigner transform to construct a new set of coherent states de-
pending on a nonnegative integer parameter m. Our construction leads to a new q-deformation of the m-true-polyanalytic
Bargmann transform.
30 Daoud OUKACHA
The characterization of the image of the Poisson transformation for the exceptional domain of type V.

Let OC be the complexification of octonion Cayley’s algebra O. We consider the complex vector space M1,2 (O ) consisting of
1 × 2−matrices with entries in O. Let

1 − ( x | x ) + ( x ] | x ] ) > 0,
D16 = x ∈ M1,2 (O ) : (1)
2 − (x|x) > 0

be the bounded realization of the exceptional symmetric space E6(−14) /U (1)Spin(10). Here x ] is the adjoint of x.

In this talk, we will show the characterization of the image of the generalized Poisson transform of hyperfunctions on the
Shilov boundary of D16 . Also, we will give the explicit formulas of the Hua operator.


An image characterization of the L2 -range of the Poisson transform on a class of vector bundles over the quaternionic
hyparbolic ball.

We develop some some aspects of L2 -harmonic analysis on homogeneous vector bundles over the quaternionic hyper-
bolic spaces Sp(n, 1)/Sp(n) × Sp(1) associated with irreducible representations τ of Sp(n) × Sp(1) which are trivial on
Sp(n). We give an image characterization of the Poisson Pλ,ν of L2 -sections of the homogeneous vector bundles over
Sp(n) × Sp(1)/Sp(n − 1) × Sp(1), associated with τν |Sp(n − 1) × Sp(1). As application, we obtain a characterization of
the L2 -range of the generalized spectral projections associated with the generalized eigensections of the Casimir operator,
occurring in the continuous spectrum.

32 Hamza EL AZHAR
The Square Root Problem and Subnormal Aluthge Transforms.

For recursively generated shifts, we provide definitive answers to two outstanding problems in the theory of unilat-
eral weighted shifts: the Subnormality Problem (SP) (related to the Aluthge transform) and the Square Root Problem (SRP)
(which deals with Berger measures of subnormal shifts). We use the Mellin Transform and the theory of exponential polyno-
mials to establish that (SP) and (SRP) are equivalent if and only if a natural functional equation holds for the canonically
associated Mellin transform. For p–atomic measures with p ≤ 6, our main result provides a new and simple proof of the
above-mentioned equivalence. Subsequently, we obtain an example of a 7–atomic measure for which the equivalence fails.
This provides a negative answer to a problem posed by G.R. Exner in 2009, and to a recent conjecture formulated by R.E.
Curto et al in 2019.

33 Youssef ELMADANI

Let E be a closed subset of the unit circle T, and let α ∈ (0, 1). Nikolski’s result states that if the Hausdorff dimen-
sion of E is strictly greater than α, then for any operator T on a separable Hilbert space such that the point spectrum σp ( T )
of T contains E, the series ∑n nα−1 k T n k−2 converges. A partial converse of this result has been obtained by El-Fallah and
Ransford. Namely they constructed, for any α strictly greater than the upper box dimension of E, an operator T on a separable
Hilbert space such that σp ( T ) contains E and n1 ∑nk= 0 T
k . nα . In this paper, we improve on this latter result for regular
sets. Indeed, for any Ahlfors-David regular set E and for any α strictly greater than the Hausdorff dimension of E there exists
an operator T on a separable Hilbert space such that σp ( T ) contains E and k T n k2  nα .

34 Khadija AZI
Topologie de Grothendieck et fonction zêta de Riemann

Dans cet exposé nous définissons la topologie de Grothendieck et nous l’appliquons pour approcher de fonction zêta
de Riemann.

35 Najwa HADDAR
K théorie orthogonale de certains classifiants
Dans cet exposé nous calculons les anneaux de représentations certains groupes orthogonaux et nous en déduisons les
groupes de K théorie de leur espaces classifiants

36 Hicham LAARABI
A note on (m,n)-absorbing primary ideals of commutative rings

Let R be a commutative ring with nonzero identity. In this talk, we introduce and investigate a generalization of 1-
absorbing primary ideals. Let m, n be nonzero positive integers such that m > n. A proper ideal l of R is said to be an
(m,n)-absorbing primary ideal if we take m-nonunit elements of R, then either the first n-elements in l or the last (m,n)
elements in the radical of l. Some properties of (m,n)-absorbing primary ideals are investigated. We have studied this concept
in the chained, divided and dedekind ring. We give some basic properties of this class of ideals and we study (m,n)-absorbing
primary ideal of localization of rings, direct product of rings, trivial ring extension and amalgamation of rings

37 Youssef AYAD
Ricci transformation and the isometry group of the upper half-spaces

In this talk, we investigate the Lobatchevsky geometry of the upper half-space in any dimension. The Ricci transfor-
mation and the isometry group of the Lobatchevsky metric are given.

38 Abdelghani SALHI
Note on Partial Isometries

We focus in this oral communication on the study of the partial isometries, in particular, their decomposition in the
case of finite ascent when the partial isometry satisfies suitable conditions on the kernel sequence. We show that a propaga-
tion phenomenon occurs for such partial isometries, furthermore, we give a structure theorem for partial isometries with
finite ascent. We also exhibit several examples illustrating different situations.

39 Khalid AHBLI
Mehler-Heine type formulas for Associated Charlier and Meixner polynomials

We derive Mehler-Heine type asymptotic formulas for associated Meixner and Charlier polynomials. These formulas
provide good approximations for the polynomials in the neighborhood of x = 0 and determine the asymptotic limit of their
zeros as the degree n goes to infinity. This work generalize the results obtained by Dominici [Ramanujan J. 39(2):271-289,
2016] for the Meixner and Charlier polynomials. Some applications and consequences of our results are also mentioned.

40 Kaoutar EL-KHALF

Best polynomial approximation on a bounded interval

Let Enα ( f ) denote the error of best approximation by polynomials of degree at most n in the space L2 (µα , I ) where µα
is the probability measure on I = [−1; 1] defined by µα : Cα (1 − x2 ) 2 −1 for α > 0.

In this work, our target is to give an estimation of Enα ( f ) in terms of the error of best approximation for higher derivatives of
f in Sobolev spaces.
Ultraspherical polynomials ,also known as Gegenbaur polynomials Gnα are orthogonal polynomials on the interval [−1; 1]
with respect to the weight function (1 − x2 ) 2 −1 with α > 0.They generalize Legendre polynomials and Chebyshev poly-

nomials,and are special case of Jacobi polynomials. In this work, we are intrested in finding the best approximation of a
function f ∈ L2 ( I, µα ) by polynomials in Pn .

41 Hajar DKHISSI
On Fractional Zernike functions

In this talk, we will consider the fractional Zernike functions on the punctured unit disc, generalizing the classical Zernike
polynomials. We show that they are orthogonal L2 -eigenfunctions for certain perturbed magnetic Laplacian. Some recurrence
relations, as well as the connection to special functions, are also given. In addition, new generating functions for these disk
fractional functions including a bilinear one of HardyHille type are derived.

42 Rachid EL-HARTI

On crossed product Banach algebras associated with dynamical systems

In this work, we investigate the structures of crossed product Banach algebras associated with certain dynamic systems. We
study when the crossed product Banach algebra is hermitian and when it is amenable.

43 Abdelatif EL KACHKOURI
The weighted Cauchy singular integral transform on S-poly-Bargmann spaces

We investigate some spectral properties of the weighted quaternionic Cauchy transform when acting on the right quaternionic
Hilbert space of Gaussian integrable functions. We study its boundedness, compactness, and memberships to the k-Schatten
class, and we identify its range. This is done by means of its restriction to the n-th S-polyregular Bargmann space of the
second kind, for which we provide an explicit closed expression for its action on the quaternionic ItHermite polynomials
constituting an orthogonal basis. We also exhibit an orthogonal basis of eigenfunctions of its n-Bergman projection leading to
the explicit determination of its singular values. The provided results extend to the quaternionic setting those obtained by A.
Intissar and A. Intissar in (2006) [32] for the weighted Cauchy transform on the complex plane.

44 Kaissar IDRISSI
Finite-dimensional completion for the matrix-valued truncated complex moment problem

In this oral communication, we consider the matrix-valued truncated complex moment problem. We notice first that
if a truncated complex matrix-valued sequence admits a representing measure, then it is the initial data of an infinite complex
matrix-valued sequence verifying some suitable finite-dimensional property. We show that finite-dimensional completion
of a truncated data provides a necessary and sufficient condition, and hence a solution, for the matrix-valued truncated
complex moment problem. As a consequence, we obtain a matrix generalization of Curto-Fialkows result on flat positive
extensions of moment matrices.

45 Hamza EL AZHAR
The Square Root Problem and Subnormal Aluthge Transforms

For recursively generated shifts, we provide definitive answers to two outstanding problems in the theory of unilat-
eral weighted shifts: the Subnormality Problem (SP) (related to the Aluthge transform) and the Square Root Problem (SRP)
(which deals with Berger measures of subnormal shifts). We use the Mellin Transform and the theory of exponential polyno-
mials to establish that (SP) and (SRP) are equivalent if and only if a natural functional equation holds for the canonically
associated Mellin transform. For patomic measures with p ≤ 6, our main result provides a new and simple proof of the
above-mentioned equivalence. Subsequently, we obtain an example of a 7atomic measure for which the equivalence fails.
This provides a negative answer to a problem posed by G.R. Exner in 2009, and to a recent conjecture formulated by R.E.
Curto et al in 2019.

46 Soufiane HADJI
Applications of the n-Convergence in Spectral Theory

In this paper we show that if T, U, Tn , n ∈ N are bounded linear operators on a complex Banach space X such that
{ Tn } converges to T and U in n-convergence, then T and U have the same parts of the spectrum. In particular, we generalize
the results of Sanchez-Perales and Djordjevic [ J. Math. Anal Appl. 433 (2016), 405-415] and of Ammar [Indagationes
Mathematicae 28 (2017), 424-435].
47 Afrae TANZITE
Groupoids, semi-direct product of groups and theirs associated C ∗ algebras

we inestigate the conenection between groupoids and semidirect product groups, Moreover we study the C ∗ algerba
associated to some of them.

48 Youness ZAHOUAN
On the Spectral theory of C-quasi-semigroups

We have shown a spectral inclusion between a different spectrum of a C◦ -quasi-semigroups. Precisely for Saphar, essentially
Saphar, quasi-Fredholm, Kato and essentially Kato spectra. In this paper, we extend these results for a C-quasi-semi-groups
(Regularized quasi-semigroups) where C is a bounded injective operator.

49 Ilias ElMOUKI
Théorèmes revisités sur les isogénies dans le contexte des courbes elliptiques

Dans cette communication, nous discutons quelques propriétés des isogenies dans le contexte des courbes elliptiques,
à travers quelques théorèmes souvent ignorés car difficiles à démontrer. Ainsi, nous avons décidé de revisiter à notre façon,
ces résultats importants pour des applications récentes et dont nous donnons quelques exemples.

50 Farid AFKIR
Some results on the class of almost (L) limited operators

Oughajji et al. introduced and studied the class of almost (L) limited operators. An operator T : X −→ F from a Ba-
nach space X to a Banach lattice F, is called almost (L) limited operator if its adjoint maps disjoint weak*null L-sequences
to norm null ones. The aim of this communication is to present some improvements of results obtained by Oughajji et al.
Precisely, we obtained that an operator T : X −→ E from a Banach space X to a Banach lattice E, is almost (L) limited if and
only if its adjoint carries disjoint almost L-sequences to norm null ones. Additionally, the class of almost limited operators
satisfied the domination problem without any condition on Banach lattices. Finally, we also obtained that if T : E −→ F is an
operator between two Banach lattices such that the order intervals of F are weakly precompact then the following statements
are equivalents:
1. T is almost (L)-limited
2. T 0 is order weakly compact.

51 Youssef OMARI
Integration operators on Hardy and Bergman spaces

In 1976, Caristi gave an elegant generalization of Banach contraction principle where the assumption T : X −→ X is
a contraction is replaced by a weak assumption..... In the present work, we are interested in compact integration operators
Z z
Ig f ( z ) = f (ζ ) g0 (ζ )dζ

acting on the Hardy space H 2 and on the weighted Bergman spaces A2α . We give upper and lower estimates for the singular
values of Ig .

52 Abdelmajid OUDADES
m-convexité et séries entires dans les algèbres localement convexes

Turpin a montré que, léquicontuit en zéro de la suite des applications puissances ( xn)n , dans toute algèbre localement con-
vexe commutative, entraine la m-convexité de cette dernière. Ce dernier résultat ne reste pas vrai dans le cas non commutatif.
Pourtant, on montre que lapplication inverse est continue dans toute algèbre localement convexe unitaire non necessairement
commutative dans laquelle la suite des applications puissances ( xn)n est équicontinue en zéro. Comme conséquences, on
obtient que linverse est continu dans toute B0 -algèbre unitaire non nécessairement commutative dans laquelle les séries
entièere opèrent. On donne deux exemples montrons la nécessitedelamétrisabilitéetlacompl étudedanscedernierr ésultat.
Equivalent norms in certain analytic spaces and applications

In this talk, we focus on certain weighted Besov spaces. We obtain equivalent norms in these spaces. In particular,
we obtain the Douglas formula. Our approach provides an elementary proof of some classical results. As an application, we
prove that the maximal non-tangential operator on these spaces is bounded. Finally, we give a characterisation of Carleson
List of participants

Participants E-mail Country

1 Aabirouche Bouchra aabirouche.bouchra@gmail.com Morocco

2 Abdelalim Seddik seddikabd@hotmail.com Morocco

3 Aboulwafa Nohamed mabdelalim@rocketmail.com Morocco

4 Ahbli Khalid ahbli.khalid@gmail.com Morocco

5 Ait Ben Haddou Malika m.aitbenhaddou@fs.umi.ac.ma Morocco

6 Akhlidj Abdellatif akhlidj@hotmail.fr Morocco

7 Amri Mohammed Amin amri.amine.mohammed@gmail.com Morocco

8 Arhilas Souhir arhilassouhir@gmail.com Morocco

9 Askour Nour Eddine askour2a@gmail.com Morocco

10 Azi Khadija azimacquart@hotmail.com Morocco

11 Benamor Hajer ben.amor.hajer12@gmail.com Morocco

12 Benlaajine Hassan hassan.benlaajine@gmail.com Morocco

13 Bentahar Sophia sophiabentahar88@gmail.com Morocco

14 Berghout Mohamed mohamed.berghout@uit.ac.ma Morocco

15 Bouali Lamya Lamyabouali92@gmail.com Morocco

16 Boudrai Sofia sofia04jad@gmail.com Morocco

17 Boujeddaine Mustapha mu.boujeddaine@umi.ac.ma Morocco

18 Baklouti Ali Ali.Baklouti@fss.usf.tn Tunis

19 Boumazourh Athmane athmane.boumazourh@gmail.com Morocco

20 Boussejra Abdelhamid a.boussejra@gmail.com Morocco

21 Chana Ahmed maths.chana@gmail.com Morocco

22 Chergui Brahim cherguibrahim@gmail.com Morocco

23 Dahani Afaf dahaniafaf@gmail.com Morocco

24 Daoui Azz Eddine azzeddinedaoui1@gmail.com Morocco

25 Deblij Ahmed sirahmeddeblij@hotmail.com Morocco

Participants E-mail Country

26 Dkhissi Hajar dkhissihajar@gmail.com Morocco

27 Jean Louis Clerc jean-louis.clerc@univ-lorraine.fr France

28 El Bouazizi Mohammed elbouazizimohammed1991@gmail.com Morocco

29 El Fallah Omar omar.elfallah@gmail.com Morocco

30 El Khalfi Abdelhaq abdelhaqelkhalfi@gmail.com Morocco

31 El Moize Othmane elmoize.othmane@gmail.com Morocco

32 El Wassouli Fouzia fouzia.elwassouli@univh2c.ma Morocco

33 El Wazna Achraf elwaznaachraf@gmail.com Morocco

34 El-Khalf Kaoutar kaoutar.elkhalf@usmba.ac.ma Morocco

35 El Gadiri Fatima elgadiri.fatima@gmail.com Morocco

36 Elgourari Aiad aiad.elgourari@uit.ac.ma Morocco

37 Elhamma Mohamed melhamma@yahoo.fr Morocco

38 Elharrak Hala Elharrak.hala21@gmail.com Morocco

39 Elkachkouri Abdelatif elkachkouri.abdelatif@gmail.com Morocco

40 Elmaroufi Yassine elmaroufi.yassine@gmail.com Morocco

41 Elmouki Ilias i.elmouki@gmail.com Morocco

42 Fahlaoui Said s.fahlaoui@umi.ac.ma Morocco

43 Ghanimi Imane ghanimiimane@gmail.com Morocco

44 Ghanmi Allal allal.ghanmi@fsr.um5.ac.ma Morocco

45 Haddar Najwa najwa.haddar@gmail.com Morocco

46 Hadji Soufiane soufiane.hadji@usmba.ac.ma Morocco

47 Hammam Adam hamamadam680@gmail.com Morocco

48 Hamraoui Hinda hindahamraoui@yahoo.fr Morocco

49 Hariri Imane Imane.hariri2000@gmail.com Morocco

50 Hasnaa Lahmadi Hasnaa.lahmadi@gmail.com Morocco

51 Hatim Khalid hatimfriends@gmail.com Morocco

52 Houssa Nouhaila houssanouhaila9@gmail.com Morocco

53 Imesmad Noureddine imesmad75@gmail.com Morocco

54 Jaafari Abderrazzak jaafari.abderrazzak@gmail.com Morocco

Participants E-mail Country

55 Khalil Chaimaa khalil.chaimaa.92@gmail.com Morocco

56 Koufany Khalid Khalid.Koufany@univ-lorraine.fr France

57 Laamimi Afaf Afaf.la.2018@gmail.com Morocco

58 Laffi Raoudha rawdhalaffi@gmail.com Tunis

59 Lhous Mustapha mlhous17@gmail.com Morocco

60 Magri El Mostafa magrielmostafa1@gmail.com Morocco

61 Marrhich Ibrahim brahim.marrhich@gmail.com Morocco

62 Masmodi Mohamed mohamed.masmodi@uit.ac.ma Morocco

63 Makhlouf Abdenacer Abdenacer.Makhlouf@uha.fr France

64 Monaim Hakim monaim.hakim@edu.umi.ac.ma Morocco

65 Mouhcine Zakariyae zakariyaemouhcine@gmail.com Morocco

66 Nadir El Mustapha Elmustapha.nadir@hotmail.fr Morocco

67 Ouald Chaib Achraf achraf.oualdchaib@uit.ac.ma Morocco

68 Ouali El-Houcine oualihoucine4@gmail.com Morocco

69 Abghour Noreddine nabghour@gmail.com Morocco

70 Ouannasser Anass anass.ouannasser@um5r.ac.ma Morocco

71 Ouarit Mostafa ouaritm@gmail.com Morocco

72 Oufkou Ahmed ahmed.oufkou@gmail.com Morocco

73 Oukacha Daoud daoudoukacha@gmail.com Morocco

74 Ourchane Nadia n.ourchane@um5r.ac.ma Morocco

75 Piotr Graczyk Piotr.Graczyk@univ-angers.fr France

76 Radid Atika atikaradid@gmail.com Morocco

77 Miyara Mounia miyara12@gmai.com Morocco

78 Rahnaoui Hamid ock.rahnaoui@gmail.com Morocco

79 Rossafi Mohamed rossafimohamed@gmail.com Morocco

80 Rouchdi Asmaa asmaarouchdi72@gmail.com Morocco

81 Sadik Zakaria sadzak.095@gmail.com Morocco

82 Salbi Nada nada.salbi@usmba.ac.ma Morocco

83 Boussairi Abderrahim aboussairi@hotmail.com Morocco

Participants E-mail Country

84 Salhi Abdelghani Radi237@gmail.com Morocco

85 Sami Hassan samydavis743@gmail.com Morocco

86 Essadiq Abderrahman abderrahman.essadiq@uit.ac.ma Morocco

87 Sersif Rachid rachid.sersif@uit.ac.ma Morocco

88 Skidi Abdessalam skidi345@gmail.com Morocco

89 Tanzite Afrae tanzite.afrae@gmail.com Morocco

90 Yousfi Nesrin yousfinesrin2023@gmail.com Tunis

91 Youssef Omari youssef.omari@uit.ac.ma Morocco

92 Yousuf Saleem saleemyousuf@nitsri.ac.in India

93 Zahouan Youness zahouanyouness1@gmail.com Morocco

94 Zaim Abdelhadi Abdelhadi.zaim@gmail.com Morocco

95 Zaoui Mohamed Amine mohamedamine973@gm Morocco

96 Kabbaj Samir samkabbaj@yahoo.fr Morocco

97 El Harti Rachid relharti@gmail.com Morocco

98 Bahajji-El Idrissi Hafid bahajjielidrissihafid@gmail.com Morocco

99 Idrissi Kaissar i.kaissar@um5r.ac.ma Morocco

100 El Azhar Hamza elazharhamza@gmail.com Morocco

101 Mahzouli Houssame houssame.mahzouli@gmail.com Morocco

102 Elmadani Youssef elmadanima@gmail.com Morocco

103 Oudades Abdelmajid oudadess.majid@gmail.com Morocco

104 Afkir Farid farid.afkir94@gmail.com Morocco

105 Hanine Abdelouahab abhanine@gmail.com Morocco

106 Labghail Imane labghail.imane@gmail.com Morocco

107 Mkadmi Fouzia fouzia.mkadmii@gmail.com Morocco

108 Ayad Youssef youssef.ayad.edu.umi.ac.ma Morocco

109 Laarabi Hicham hichamlaarabi036@gmail.com Morocco

110 Aharmin Bouchra bouchra.aharmin@gmail.com Morocco

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