Heat and Mass Transfer
- [Cy—4— Gps} and A
Hence, Nu=
194) is that asa first approximation, the temperature profi.
by Eqs. (4.186) and (4.187) for T, and T,, are used
substitute (T,— T)/(T,- T,,) in Eq. (4.194), then integration is carried to find a new profile for 7 ang
then T,, The new equations are then again substituted in Eq, (4.194) to find another profile for
and then obtain T,, as done in case of the constant heat flux. The repeated integration will give the
values of Nu, which will converge to a limit. This will be Nu = 3.657.
Let us now do this exercise to get the value of Nusselt number for the case of constant surface
) for T, and T,, we get
‘The alternative method of solving Eq. (4
for the constant heat flux condition given
temperature. Thus, from Eqs. (4.186) and (4.1
ee Le
4 16r,
13( ot).
rar” ar)
3(-2)- 48u,,
or art ar) Nar?
Integration will lead to (2
Again integration will give
The boundary conditions (9T/ar) = 0 at r= 0 will give C, =O and T-
eeConvective Heat Transfer wl
212ml (its6t5 3-4-2)
lo Smeea4 9° 64 16) dy * 2
251 fe Um AT,
“48 Ha dx
fare rn
ieee 4a" ct at
24x6r 16 6x6r? 32x68,
paneer! age
E hap (4.199)
4 64r5 16 12 48) dx
Fi ,
Jutrar and wath fev get
7 251m Sr®
‘16 12 48 36r,
12 48——
ar ate Be 4 BE 19r_saae ee ee
yy) a 59 \ 48r2 24078 * 4 ae made 5\% +
32r) d r
agin integration will give
uy 20 (_ 83r_ | 897"? 4 19r° 683"? 251rer!
50 | 3847? 24007) 24. S384’ S96 +Clnr+C,
eee oT
Theboundary conditions =-=0 at r=0 will give C, =0, and T= 7, at r=r, will give
4627u,,1) AT, 2
BC, or C= 7, tn’ Oly
"94400, dx 94400 dx
ires will become
_83r_897"° lor, 251rn) r?_ 683r'r; _ 462718 dT,
96r; 600r' 6 24 96r° 96 800
=— 2, furrar and wmf!
_ 831"
96r? — 600r;
2sir'rs or 683r'n
83r ce
~ 96r 24 (Gr 96
4u, 5 || 4627r Bar _ bor! _lor _ 251 a aT a,
roa 59 J}- Boo 96k, 600K. 6 | 2A BE | Ox
6837’, 4627r' mn)
sa * 300