Electrometallurgy and Corrosion Seminar On Fuel Cells: Name: Anirudh Gupta ROLL NO.: 902 YEAR: 2011
Electrometallurgy and Corrosion Seminar On Fuel Cells: Name: Anirudh Gupta ROLL NO.: 902 YEAR: 2011
Electrometallurgy and Corrosion Seminar On Fuel Cells: Name: Anirudh Gupta ROLL NO.: 902 YEAR: 2011
FUEL CELL DEFINITION A fuel cell is a device that converts the chemical energy from a fuel into electricity through a chemical reaction with oxygen or another oxidizing agent in the presence of an electrolyte. The reactants flow into the cell, and the reaction products flow out of it, while the electrolyte remains within it. Fuel cells can operate continuously as long as the necessary reaction and oxidant flows are maintained.
WORKING Fuel cells come in many varieties; however, they all work in the same general manner. They are made up of three segments which are sandwiched together: the anode, the electrolyte, and the cathode. Two chemical reactions occur at the interfaces of the three different segments. The net result of the two reactions is that fuel is consumed, water or carbon dioxide is created, and an electric current is created, which can be used to power electrical devices, normally referred to as the load. At the anode a catalyst oxidizes the fuel, usually hydrogen, turning the fuel into a positively charged ion and a negatively charged electron. The electrolyte is a substance specifically designed so ions can pass through it, but the electrons cannot. The freed electrons travel through a wire creating the electric current. The ions travel through the electrolyte to the cathode. Once reaching the cathode, the ions are reunited with the electrons and the two react with a third chemical, usually oxygen, to create water or carbon dioxide. The voltage from one single cell is about 0.7 volts just about enough for a light bulb much less a car. When the cells are stacked in series, the operating voltage increases to 0.7 volts multiplied by the number of cells stacked
REACTIONS Oxidation half reaction: 2H2 4H+ + 4eReduction half reaction: O2 + 4H+ + 4e- 2H2O Cell reaction: 2H2 + O2 2H2O + electricity + heat
TYPES OF FUEL CELLS Fuel cells are classified primarily by the kind of electrolyte they employ. This classification determines: The kind of chemical reactions that take place in the cell, The kind of catalysts required, The temperature range in which the cell operates, The fuel required, and other factors.
Alkali fuel cells operate on compressed hydrogen and oxygen. They generally use a solution of potassium hydroxide (chemically, KOH) in water as their electrolyte. Efficiency is about 70 percent, and operating temperature is 150 to 200 degrees C, (about 300 to 400 degrees F). Cell output ranges from 300 watts (W) to 5 kilowatts (kW). Alkali cells were used in Apollo spacecraft to provide both electricity and drinking water. They require pure hydrogen fuel, however, and their platinum electrode catalysts are expensive. And like any container filled with liquid, they can leak
Molten Carbonate fuel cells (MCFC) use high-temperature compounds of salt (like sodium or magnesium) carbonates (chemically, CO3) as the electrolyte. Efficiency ranges from 60 to 80 percent, and operating temperature is about 650 degrees C (1,200 degrees F). Units with output up to 2 megawatts (MW) have been constructed, and designs exist for units up to 100 MW. The high temperature limits damage from carbon monoxide "poisoning" of the cell and waste heat can be recycled to make additional electricity. Their nickel electrode-catalysts are inexpensive compared to the platinum used in other cells. But the high temperature also limits the materials and safe uses of MCFCsthey would probably be too hot for home use. Also, carbonate ions from the electrolyte are used up in the reactions, making it necessary to inject carbon dioxide to compensate.
Phosphoric Acid fuel cells (PAFC) use phosphoric acid as the electrolyte. Efficiency ranges from 40 to 80 percent, and operating temperature is between 150 to 200 degrees C (about 300 to 400 degrees F). Existing phosphoric acid cells have outputs up to 200 kW, and 11 MW units have been tested. PAFCs tolerate a carbon monoxide concentration of about 1.5 percent, which broadens the choice of fuels they can use. If gasoline is used, the sulfur must be removed. Platinum electrode-catalysts are needed, and internal parts must be able to withstand the corrosive acid.
Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells work with a polymer electrolyte in the form of a thin, permeable sheet. Efficiency is about 40 to 50 percent, and operating temperature is about 80 degrees C (about 175 degrees F). Cell outputs generally range from 50 to 250 kW. The solid, flexible electrolyte will not leak or crack, and these cells operate at a low enough temperature to make them suitable for homes and cars. But their fuels must be purified, and a platinum catalyst is used on both sides of the membrane, raising costs.
Solid Oxide fuel cells (SOFC) use a hard, ceramic compound of metal (like calcium or zirconium) oxides (chemically, O2) as electrolyte. Efficiency is about 60 percent, and operating temperatures are about 1,000 degrees C (about 1,800 degrees F). Cells output is up to 100 kW. At such high temperatures a reformer is not required to extract hydrogen from the fuel, and waste heat can be recycled to make additional electricity. However, the high temperature limits applications of SOFC units and they tend to be rather large. While solid electrolytes cannot leak, they can crack.
Fuel cells eliminate pollution caused by burning fossil fuels; the only by-product is water. If the hydrogen used comes from the electrolysis of water, then using fuel cells eliminates green house gases.
Fuel cells do not need conventional fuels such as oil or gas and can therefore eliminate economic dependence on politically unstable countries. Since hydrogen can be produced anywhere where there is water and electricity, production of potential fuel can be distributed Installation of smaller stationary fuel cells leads to a more stabilised and decentralised power grid. Fuel cells have a higher efficiency than diesel or gas engines. Most fuel cells operate silently, compared to internal combustion engines. Installation of smaller stationary fuel cells leads to a more stabilised and decentralised power grid. Fuel cells have a higher efficiency than diesel or gas engines. Most fuel cells operate silently, compared to internal combustion engines.
DEMERITS OF FUEL CELLS Fuelling fuel cells is still a problem since the production , transportation, distribution and storage of hydrogen is difficult. Reforming hydrocarbons via reformer to produce hydrogen is technically challenging and not clearly environmentally friendly Fuels cells are in general slightly bigger than comparable batteries or engines. The refuelling and the starting time of fuel cell vehicles are longer and the driving range is shorter than in normal car. Fuel cells are currently expensive to produce, since most units are hand-made. Some fuel cells use expensive materials. The technology is not yet developed and few products are available.
APPLICATIONS OF FUEL CELLS Stationary fuel cells are used for commercial, industrial and residential primary and backup power generation. Fuel cells are very useful as power sources in remote locations, such as spacecraft, remote weather stations, large parks, communications centers, rural locations including research stations, and in certain military applications. Significant role in automobile sector. Providing power for base stations or cell sites Off-grid power supply Distributed generation Fork Lifts Emergency power systems are a type of fuel cell system, which may include lighting, generators and other apparatus, to provide backup resources in a crisis or when regular systems fail. They find uses in a wide variety of settings from residential homes to hospitals, scientific laboratories, data centers, telecommunication equipment and modern naval ships. An uninterrupted power supply (UPS) provides emergency power and, depending on the topology, provide line regulation as well to connected equipment by supplying power from a separate source when utility power is not available. Unlike a standby generator, it can provide instant protection from a momentary power interruption. Base load power plants Fuel cell APU for Refuse Collection Vehicle Electric and hybrid vehicles. Notebook computers for applications where AC charging may not be available for weeks at a time. Portable charging docks for small electronics (e.g. a belt clip that charges your cell phone or PDA). Smart-phones with high power consumption due to large displays and additional features like GPS might be equipped with micro fuel cells. Small heating appliances
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