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FLCT Unit 1 Group Activity 1

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College of Science and Technology Education

Group No._____ Names:_______________________________ ____________________________________

_______________________________ ____________________________________
Course & Year: _____________________________ Date Completed: ______________Date Uploaded: _______________

Follow this filename pattern for your submissions:
Section_Group No_Unit1_GA1
Deadline: Submit on or before February 27, 2022, @ 6:00 PM

Group Activity 1
Unit 1: Learner- Centered Teaching: Foundations and Characteristics
At the end of the lesson, Pre-service teacher (PST) can:
1. differentiate learner-centered teaching from other teaching approaches (e.g. teacher centered approach) as applied in various teaching areas;
2. discuss the need to shift from teacher-centered teaching to learner-centered teaching based on philosophical foundations, teaching principles and current
research; and
3. discuss the varied roles of the teacher in learner-centered teaching and learning.

Research Activity (20pts) :

Using google scholar, search the web for related articles that would help you answer the questions: 1. Differentiate teacher-center ed from a learner
centered teaching 2. Why is there a need to shift from teacher-centered to learner-centered teaching? And 3. discuss the varied role of teachers in a
learner-centered teaching. Make sure to include at least 1 research for each question from any reputable research journals to support your claim. Be ready
to present your work in class. Follow the Suggested format below:
Questions Research Title: Problem/Research Theories: Methodologies: Findings, Major Learnings:(briefly
Question: Discussion describe major ideas (own
1. Differentiate
teacher-center ed
from a learner
centered teaching.

2. Why is there a
need to shift from
to learner-
3. discuss the
varied role of
teachers in a

Note: You are allowed to copy the contents in the Articles to fill the columns, to fill the Second to fifth columns, but not in the seventh. Do not forget to copy the
source. You can use google scholar for your searches https://scholar.google.com/ Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From
one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies,
online repositories, universities and other web sites. Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research.

References: (Here you copy the References in APA format of the Articles mentioned above).

Rubric to be used by the Group Leaders in Rating the Members

CATEGORY 5 4 3 1

Contributions Routinely provides useful ideas Usually provides useful ideas when Sometimes provides useful ideas Rarely provides useful ideas
when participating in the group participating in the group and in when participating in the group and in when participating in the
and in classroom discussion. A classroom discussion. A strong group classroom discussion. A satisfactory group and in classroom
definite leader/member who leader/member who tries hard! group leader/member who does what discussion. May refuse to
contributes a lot of effort. is required. participate.

Quality of Work Provides work of the highest Provides high quality work. Provides work that occasionally needs Provides work that usually
quality. to be checked/redone by other group needs to be checked/redone
members to ensure quality. by others to ensure quality.

Time-management Routinely uses time well Usually uses time well throughout Tends to procrastinate, but always Rarely gets things done by the
throughout the project to ensure the project, but may have gets things done by the deadlines. deadlines AND group has to
things get done on time. Group procrastinated on one thing. Group Group does not have to adjust adjust deadlines or work
does not have to adjust deadlines does not have to adjust deadlines or deadlines or work responsibilities responsibilities because of this
or work responsibilities because work responsibilities because of this because of this person\'s person\'s inadequate time
of this person\'s procrastination. person\'s procrastination. procrastination. management.
Attitude Never is publicly critical of the Rarely is publicly critical of the Occasionally is publicly critical of the Often is publicly critical of the
project or the work of others. project or the work of others. Often project or the work of other members project or the work of other
Always has a positive attitude has a positive attitude about the of the group. Usually has a positive members of the group. Often
about the task(s). task(s). attitude about the task(s). has a negative attitude about
the task(s).
Research Activity : Group Activity 1 Unit 1: Learner- Centered Teaching: Foundations and Characteristics
Working with Almost always listens to, shares Usually listens to, shares, with, and Often listens to, shares with, and Rarely listens to, shares with,
Others with, and supports the efforts of supports the efforts of others. Does supports the efforts of others, but and supports the efforts of
CATEGORY 6 4 2 0
others. Tries to keep people not cause \"waves\" in the group. sometimes is not a good team others. Often is not a good
Organization Information is very
working well together. Information is organized with Information
member. is organized, but The information
team player. appears
organized with well- well-constructed paragraphs. paragraphs are not well- to be disorganized
Focus on the task constructed paragraphs
Consistently stays focused on the Focuses on the task and what needs constructed.
Focuses on the task and what needs Rarely focuses on the task and
and subheadings.
task and what needs to be done. to be done most of the time. Other to be done some of the time. Other what needs to be done. Lets
Quality of Information clearly relates
Very self-directed. Information
group membersclearly relates
can count on thisto Information
group membersclearly relates tonag,
must sometimes the Information
others has little or
do the work.
Information to the main topic. It person.
the main topic. It provides 1- prod, and remind to keep this
main topic. No details and/or person nothing to do with the
includes several supporting 2 supporting details and/or on-task. are given.
examples main topic.
details and/or examples. examples.

Sources All sources (information All sources (information and All sources (information and Some sources are not
and graphics) are graphics) are accurately graphics) are accurately accurately documented.
accurately documented in documented, but a few are documented, but many are not
the desired format. not in the desired format. in the desired format.

Mechanics No grammatical, spelling or Almost no grammatical, A few grammatical spelling, or Many grammatical,
punctuation errors. spelling or punctuation punctuation errors. spelling, or punctuation
errors errors.
Amount of All topics are addressed All topics are addressed and All topics are addressed, and One or more topics
Information and all questions answered most questions answered most questions answered with 1 were not addressed.
with at least 2 sentences with at least 2 sentences sentence about each.
about each. about each.

Date Created: Feb 04, 2021 09:13 pm (CST) using Rubistar: http://rubistar.4teachers.org/
Group Activity 1
Unit 1: Learner- Centered Teaching: Foundations and Characteristics
Support Group Members Leader’s Rating (max of 30 pts) Instructor’s Rating Average

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