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THE3235 Course Outline

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THE3235 Ethics, the Church, and Sexuality

2008-2009 First Term (September to December)

Lecturer: Dr. Rose Wu
Time: Monday: 9:30a.m.-12:30p.m.
Venue:CKB UG03

Course Description

According to Michel Foucault, sexuality has both a history and a sociology. It is as

much a product of culture as it is of nature. In the past, such debates nlight have been
regarded as marginal to the nlainstreaIn of political life, whatever their impoliance for
those closely involved. Increasingly over the past few decades, however, sexual issues
have moved to the center of political concerns in the West as well as in many parts of
the world. Critical feminisin and radical sexualinovements, like the gay and lesbian
Inovement, offer new possibilities and enonnous confusion toward the received norms
of sexual behavior, identities, and relationships. Part of the confusion that Christians
and others feel today arises froin the fact that we define sexuality more broadly today
than we once did. For Christians, this broader perspective reflects a deeper issue at
stake: What theology informs sexual ethics, and on what basis can we call sOlnething
"natural" or "uilllatural"? Moreover, who has the right to lay down the laws of sex?

This course aiins to expose students to a broad perspective on ethical issues and
debates in relation to the Church and sexuality. In addition to introducing the socio-
cultural and theological construction of sexuality, the students will be divided in
groups to eXaInine the subjects in terms of contemporary social, moral, and
theological issues in the Church, such as abortion, sexual minorities, sex work, and
reproductive teclmology, etc.



(1/9) General Introduction

*Stevi Jackson and Sue Scott, "Sexual Skinnishes and Feininist Factions: Twenty-
Five Years of Debate on Wonlen and Sexuality," in Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader
(New York: Coluinbia University Press, 1996), 1-31.
*Judith Butler, "Besides Oneself: On the Lilnits of Sexual Autonolny," in Undoing
Gender (New York: Routledge, 2004), 17-39.

(8/9) The History of Sexuality

Michel Foucault, The History o/Sexuality: An Introduction, vol.l. Translated by
Robert Hurley (New York: Vintage Books, 1978),51-73.
*Jeffrey Weeks, Sexuality, second edition (London: Routledge, 2003), 11-40.
(15/9) Mid-Autumn Festival Holiday

(22/9) Sex in the Bible

*Stephen C. Barton, "Is the Bible Good News for Human Sexuality? Reflections on
Method in Biblical Interpretation," in Christian Perspectives on Sexuality and
Gender, eds. Adrian Thatcher and Elizabeth Stuart (Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans
Publishing Co., 1996), 4-13.
*Carol Smith, '''It's in the Book': Using the Bible in Discussions of human
Sexuality" in Religion and Sexuality, eds. Michael a. Hayes, Wendy porter and David
Tombs (Sheffield, U.K. Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), 125-134.
Johanna W. H. van Wijk-Bos, "How to Read What We Read: Discerning Good
News about Sexuality in Scripture," in Body and Soul: Rethinking Sexuality as
Justice-Love, eds. Marvin M. Ellison and Sylvia Thorson-Smith (Cleveland: The
Pilgriin Press, 2003), 61-77.

(29/9) Christian Teachings of Sex

*Richard M. Price, "The Distinctiveness of Early Christian Sexual Ethics," in
Christian Perspectives on Sexuality and Gender, eds. Adrian Thatcher and Elizabeth
Stuart (Michigan: WIn. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1996), 14 -32.
*Lisa Isherwood and Elizabeth Stuart, "A Difficult Relationship: Christianity and
the Body," in Introducing Body Theology (Sheffield: Sheffield Acadeinic Press, 1998),
Daniel Doriani, "The Puritans, Sex, and Pleasure," in Christian Perspectives on
Sexuality and Gender, eds. Adrain Thatcher and Elizabeth Stuart (Michigan: Wm. B.
Eerdinans Publishing Co., 1996), 33-52.

Part II: Sex As an Ethical Issue

(6/10) What is Feminist Ethics?

*Eleanor HUlnes Haney, "What is Feininist Ethics? A proposal for Continuing
Discussion," in Feminist Theological Ethics: A Reader, ed. Lois K. Daly (Louisville,
I(entucky: Westlninster John Knox Press, 1994),3-12.

(13/10) New Directions in Sexual Ethics

*Margaret A. Farley, "Sexual Ethics," in Sexuality and the Sacred: Sources for
Theological Reflection, eds. James B. Nelson and Sandra P. Longfellow (Louisville:
John Knox Press, 1994), 54-67.
*Beverly W. Harrison, "Sexuality and Social Policy," in Making the Connections:
Essays in Feminist Social Ethics, ed. Carol S. Robb (Boston: Beacon Press, 1985),
Kevin T. Kelly, "Why Do We Need 'New Directions' in Sexual Ethics? A Process
in which Change is Transforming rather than Defonning, " in New Directions in

Sexual Ethics: Moral Theology and the Challenge ofAIDS, (London: Geoffrey
Chaplnan, 1998), 22-26.
Mary D. Pellauer, "The Moral Significance of Female Orgasm: Toward Sexual
Ethics that Celebrates Women's Sexuality," in Sexuality and the Sacred: Sources for
Theological Reflection, eds. James B. Nelson and Sandra P. Longfellow (Louisville:
John Knox Press, 1994), 149-168.
Gayle Rubin, "Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of
Sexuality," in The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, eds. Hem'y Abelove, Michele
Aina Barale, and David M. Halperin (London: Routledge, 1993.).

(20/10) Reproductive Technology and Feminist Ethics

*Barbara Katz Rotlm1an, "The Meanings of Choice in Reproductive Technology,"
in Living with Contradictions: Controversies in Feminist Social Ethics, ed. Alison M.
Jaggar (San Francisco: Westview Press, 1994), 325-329.
*Jana Sawicki, "Disciplining Mothers: Feminisln and the New Reproductive
Technologies," in Feminist Theory and the Body: A Reader, eds. Janet Price and
Margrit Shildrick (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University, 1999), 190-202.

(27/10) Film Discussion


(3/11) Group Presentation (I)

Religious Fundamentalism and the Right of Sexual Minorities

*The assigned group has to do an interview with The Society for Truth and Light

Rose Wu, "A Story oflts Own Nan1e: Hong Kong's Tongzhi Culture and
Movelnent", in Other Voices, Other Worlds: The Global Church Speaks Out on
Homosexuality, ed. Terry Brown (London: Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd., 2006),
Rosemary Radford Ruether, "Homophobia, Heterosexisn1, and Pastoral Practice,"
in Sexuality and the Sacred: Sources for Theological Reflection, eds. James B. Nelson
and Sandra P. Longfellow (Louisville: John Knox Press, 1994),387-396.
Hawley, Jolm Stratton. Fundamentalism and Gender. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1994, pp. 3-44.
Balmer, Randall. "Alnerican Fundmnentalisn1: The Ideal of Felnininity." In
Fundamentalism and Gender, edited by Jolm Stratton Hawley. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1994, pp. 47-62.
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Web Sites:

(10/11) Group Presentation (II)
Sex Work Is Work?

*The assigned group has to do an interview with Zi-Teng

Priscilla Alexander, "Prostitution: A Difficult Issue for Felninists," in Feminism and
Sexuality: A Reader, eds. Stevi Jackson and Sue Scott (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1996), 342-357.
Rose Wu, "Prostitutes: Sinners or Simled Against?" in A Dissenting Church (Hong
Kong: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 2003),110-124.
Judith Walkowitz, "The Politics of Prostitution," in Feminism and Sexuality: A
Reader, eds. Stevi Jackson and Sue Scott (New York: Colulnbia University Press,
1996), 288-296.


(17/11) Group Presentation (III)
Anti-pornography and Freedom of Expression

*The assigned group has to do an interview with Sexpress

Andrea Dworkin, "Pornography," in Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader, eds. Stevi
Jackson and Sue Scott (New York: Columbia University Press, 1996),297-299.
Lisa Duggan and others, "False Prolnises: Felninist Anti-pornography Legislation,"
in Living with Contradictions: Controversies in Feminist Social Ethics, ed. Alison M.
Jaggar (San Francisco: Westview Press, 1994), 165-170.
Kathleen Barry, "Pornography and the Global Sexual Exploitation of Women," in
Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed, eds. Diane Bell and Renate Klein (London:
Zed Books, 1996).

http://www. sexpresshk.org

(24/11) Group Presentation (IV)

Moral Theology and The Challenge of AIDS

*The assigned group has to do an interview with AIDS Concern

Kevin T. Kelly, "Hearing the Challenge of the AIDS Pandelnic: A Moral
Theologian Tells His Story, " in New Directions in Sexual Ethics: Moral Theology and
Challenge ofAIDS (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1998), 1-21.

(1/12) Celebrating Our Sexualities: Sex as Liberation and Healing

Daniel T. Spencer, "Keeping Body, Soul, and Earth Together: Revising Justice-
Love as an Ecological Ethic of Right Relation," in Body and Soul: Rethinking
Sexuality as Justice-Love, eds. Marvin M. Ellison and Sylvia Thorson-Smith
(Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 2003), 319-333.
Frederik B. O. Nel, "An Ecological Approach to the Quest for New Horizons in the
Christian View of Sexuality," in Religion and Sexuality, eds. Michael A. Hayes,
Wendy Porter, and David Tombs (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), 380-
Jeffrey Weeks, Sexuality, second edition (London: Routledge, 2003), 69-90.

(8/12) Summary and Course Evaluation

Course Requirements

1) To participate actively in class discussions;

2) Take turns to give a presentation on the assigned readings and to lead a tutorial
discussion. DO NOT summarize the readings one by one. Instead, try to align the
readings into a Inap of Ineaningful issues and critical questions for discussion.

3) To take part in one group presentation. Each group is assigned to do an interview
with one related organization. The presentation should be research based,
delnonstrating your understanding of the issue and its relation to peace, violence
and the everyday life of Hong Kong.
4) To write a ternl paper of no more than 6000 Chinese or English words. Choose
one of the topic from the syllabus of this course. Critically discuss and analyze the
issue in relation to peace, violence and women's everyday lives.
5) Please submit your paper to the general office of the Divinity School not later than Dec.
13, 2007 before 5 p.m.

Tutorial Discussion: 20 percent

Group Project: 30 percent
Term Paper: 50 percent

Abbott, Panlela, and Claire Wallace, eds. Gender, Power, and Sexuality. Basingstoke:
Maclnillan, 1991.
Abelove, Henry, Michele Aina Barale, and David M. Halperin, eds. The Lesbian and
Gay Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 1993.
Althaus-Reid, Marcella. From Feminist Theology to Indecent Theology: Reading on
Poverty, Sexual Identity and God. London: SCM Press, 2004.
Bell, Diane, and Renate Klein, eds. Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed.
London: Zed Books, 1996.
Brock, Rita Nakashima, and Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite. Casting Stones:
Prostitution and Liberation in Asia and the Unites States. Minneapolis: Fortress
Press, 1996.
Butler, Judith. Undoing Gender. New York: Routledge, 2004.
Cahill, Lisa Sowle. Family: A Christian Social Perspective. Miluleapolis: Fortress
Press, 2000.
Carroll, Janell L. Sexuality and Gender in Society. New York: Harper Collins College
Publishers, 1996.
Ellison, Marvin M., and Sylvia Thorson-Slnith, eds. Body and Soul: Rethinking
Sexuality as Justice-Love. Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 2003.
Foucault, Michel. The History ofSexuality: An Introduction, vol. 1. Translated by
Robert Hurley. New York: Vintage Books, 1978.
Griffin, Graelne M., and others. Sexuality: Exploring the Issues. Melbourne: Uniting
Church Press, 1996.
Hayes, Michael A., Wendy Porter, and David Tonlbs, eds. Religion and Sexuality.
Sheffield: Sheffield Acadenlic Press, 1998.
Huntly, Alyson C. OfLove and Justice: Toward the Civil Recognition ofSame-Sex
Marriage: A Congregational Guide for Study and Action (Version 2). Toronto:
The United Church of Canada, 2003.
Isherwood, Lisa. "Body Politics: A Theological Issue?" In Religion and Sexuality.
Sheffield: Sheffield Acadelnic Press, 1998, 157-166.
Isherwood, Lisa, and Elizabeth Stuart. Introducing Body Theology. Sheffield:
Sheffield Acadelnic Press, 1998.
Jackson, Stevi, and Sue Scott. Feminism and Sexuality: A Reader. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1996.
Jaggar, Alison M., ed. Living with Contradictions: Controversies in Feminist Social
Ethics. San Francisco: Westview Press, 1994.

Kempadoo, Kamala, and Jo Doezelna, eds. Global Sex Workers: Rights, Resistance,
and Redefinition. New York: Routledge, 1998.
Lancaster, Roger N., and Micaela di Leonardo, eds. The Gender/Sexuality Reader:
Culture, History, Political Economy. New York: Routledge, 1997.
Lebacqz, Karen, and David Sinacore-Guilul, eds. Sexuality: A Reader. Cleveland:
Pilgrim Press, 1999.
Nagle, Jill, ed. Whores and Other Feminists. New York: Routledge, 1997.
Nelson, James B., and Sandra P. Longfellow. Sexuality and the Sacred: Sources for
Theological Reflection. Louisville: John Knox Press, 1994.
Parker, Richard, Regina Maria Barbosa, and Peter Aggleton, eds. Framing the Sexual
Subject: The Politics ofGender, Sexuality, and Power. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 2000.
Price, Janet, and Margrit Shildrick, eds. Feminist Theory and the Body: A Reader.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University, 1999.
Robb, Carol S., ed. Making the Connections: Essays in Feminist Social Ethics.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1985.
Ruether, Rosemary Radford. Christianity and the Making ofThe Modern Family:
Ruling Ideologies, Diverse Realities. Boston: Beacon Press, 2000.
Thatcher, Adrian, and Elizabeth Stuati, eds. Christian Perspectives on Sexuality and
Gender. Michigan: WIn. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1996.
Weeks, Jeffrey. Sexuality, second edition. London: Routledge, 2003.
Wu, Rose. Liberating the Church from Fear: The Story ofHong Kong s Sexual
Minorities. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Wonlen Christian Council, 2000.
Wu, Rose. A Dissenting Church. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 2003.

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