SAP MM - Goods Receipt
SAP MM - Goods Receipt
SAP MM - Goods Receipt
Use TCode MIGO to process a goods receipt to confirm the receipt of materials
and/or services.
A goods receipt is populated with information from a purchase order or stock
transport order (STO) in SAP, and the physical materials and/or services are
matched to the vendor invoice purchase order.
When a goods receipt is processed, SAP will generate a printed document:
• A delivery slip for received materials that are not part of a storage location
(SLoc) inventory.
• A put away list for received materials that are maintained as inventory for
a SLoc.
6. Press Enter
• SAP populates the screen with the line items included in the purchase
10.Ensure that 101 displays in the Movement Type field within the Where
tab of the Detail data area.
11.Click to collapse the detail data area.
Note: When the detail data area is visible, it is not possible to receive line
items for the PO because the fields are greyed out.
Collapse the detail data area.
Once the Detail data area is collapsed, the fields for the line items
become active and goods receipt can be processed.
12. Click the OK checkbox beside each line item being received.
Note: The line-item quantity in the Qty in UnE field defaults to the ordered
quantity and only needs to be entered if the received quantity is different
than the ordered quantity.
• SAP checks for missing information and errors and displays the
results at the bottom of the screen.
Once you have entered any missing information and/or corrected any errors.
The message appears at the bottom of the screen,
and the line items for the goods receipt will show a green signal.